Battery connection diagrams and heating pipe diameters. A choice for every taste and budget: diagrams for the most efficient connection of heating radiators

Reason for high heat loss wooden houses usually lies directly in constructive solution of such a house, as well as in the thickness of its ceilings. The size of the timber used for the construction wooden house, usually 150×150 mm. We began to build such houses using imported technologies, and where they came from usually has a milder climate and warm winters.

As a result of this design, we can observe the following:

  • on the one hand, the construction of such a building is extremely cheap;
  • on the other hand, there are huge heat losses, and, as a consequence, huge consumption of electricity and gas.

However, these shortcomings can be removed very easily, the main thing is to have the desire, skillful hands and knowledge. The most optimal solution is to insulate a house from 150x150 timber from the outside. We will describe in detail how to insulate a house made of timber in this article.

External insulation of a house made of such timber must be carried out in several stages:

  • decide on insulation;
  • calculate the exact amount of materials;
  • install a thermal insulation layer;
  • conduct finishing facade.

Choosing insulation

For external insulation For a wooden house made of 150x150 timber, two materials are perfect:

  • expanded polystyrene (foam plastic) in the form of sheets;
  • mineral wool.

Insulating a log house with polystyrene foam is perhaps the most popular method of external heating. However, its use is not entirely rational, and we will explain why.

Polystyrene foam has a thermal conductivity coefficient of about 0.082 W/m2. At the same time, for mineral wool it is 0.036 W/m2. He spends a lot more heat, therefore significantly inferior to mineral wool. This drawback can be eliminated by using more thick layer polystyrene foam, but that's not all. This material is excellent for thermal insulation of brick or stone houses, but not wooden. main reason lies in ventilation rates. Mineral wool It has excellent air permeability and at the same time perfectly insulates the room.

Polystyrene foam cannot boast of such properties. It perfectly protects from the cold, but does not allow air to circulate freely, and main feature wooden houses made of timber is precisely the need to “breathe”. After insulation with foam plastic, wooden walls After some time, they will begin to become covered with fungus and mold, rot and collapse. After all, the formation of condensation cold winter It's just inevitable.

That's why, best choice For a wooden house, mineral wool remains.

We calculate materials

  • slabs;
  • special rolls.

The most suitable form for insulating a house made of timber is the form of a slab. This is explained by:

  • slabs are more convenient for walls;
  • they are more economical;
  • sticks better on vertical surfaces.

Rolled mineral wool is usually used on uneven surfaces. The thickness of one slab is usually 5cm. To correctly calculate the insulation layer, there are many special formulas, but here is the simplest method:

  • if the walls are thicker than 20 cm and the temperature in winter does not fall below -20°C, then one layer of mineral wool can be used;
  • if it falls below -22-25°C, then you need to use two, in rare cases - three layers.

In addition to mineral wool, additional wooden slats based on:

  • for single-layer insulation - 5×5 cm;
  • for multilayer - 5×10 cm.

You also need to buy waterproofing polyethylene film, anchors, screws and an antifungal agent. You will also need a special stapler with staples to attach the film.

Advice: It is better to choose a complex anti-fungal agent that is fire-bioprotective and also provides protection from fire. For example, SENEZH Firebio, Guardian or others.

We install thermal insulation

Installation of the thermal insulation layer is carried out in the following order:

  • prepare the surface;
  • install the first layer of waterproofing;
  • install the sheathing;
  • install insulation;
  • We install the second layer of waterproofing.

On preparatory stage the wood should be treated with the specified means.

Important! Here you need to approach this issue especially seriously, because then there will be no access to the surface.

After this, you need to wait for it to dry completely, so it is better to carry out this work only in the warm season.

The waterproofing layer is a special polyethylene film or diffuse membrane. When using membranes you need right side install it, because it has the property of allowing air to pass in only one direction. It is attached with construction stapler and must be placed with an overlap of about 10-12 cm. The joints are insulated using special tape.

Advice: it is better to subtract 2 cm from the length of the slab, and then install the sheathing. This will ensure that the slabs are slightly spring-loaded and held more securely.

After this, mineral wool slabs are installed. They are very easy to process - they are cut and can be given any shape. To secure them more securely, special anchors made of metal or plastic are used. It is best to use an anchor with a wide head.

And the last stage - thermal insulation - the surface layer of waterproofing film.


After the work has been completed, a wooden sheathing is attached to the wall, which will serve as the basis for the future facade. You can use a variety of materials to decorate your home:

  • lining;
  • boards;
  • siding;
  • planken and much more.

After external insulation, it is also necessary to take care of internal heating, then your home will become as warm in winter and cool in the hot summer! Now you know how to insulate a house made of timber.

Andrey B.

The year before last I decided to insulate myself. The house was built like summer option. But over the years, we fell in love with our country house and live in it almost all year round. In our village we installed gas supply and installed heating system, overwintered for two winters. The first one was more temporary, and the second one we lived permanently. But I can’t say anything, the bills for the gas consumed were impressive. Therefore, having studied the issue, I began insulation. By advice knowledgeable people, purchased mineral wool Thermo plate from the manufacturer Knauf with a thickness of 100 mm.

Using self-tapping screws, I screwed a 100x50 strip vertically onto the wall of the house, then I made a template to fit the width of the mineral wool slab and screwed the rest of the strips according to this dimension. This is not at all difficult to do. Using a screwdriver, pre-drill holes for the thickness of the self-tapping screw in the 100x50 timber, and then easily fix it on the wall of the house. Next I laid the mineral wool. The thickness of 100 mm made it possible to lay the insulation in one layer, which significantly reduced the work time. Then I attached the diffuse membrane with a construction stapler. From 50x50 timber I made a sheathing for attaching the siding. Attached the siding.

Last year the winter was not the warmest, but the number of cubic meters of gas consumed decreased noticeably. This winter we live in country house. The house fully satisfies our need for warmth.

Vladimir U.

I was planning to insulate the house. I found specialists who advised making insulation from polystyrene foam. I don’t know what motivated them or what I thought, but I agreed. I purchased the material, did not skimp, took a very durable and expensive one. The team got to work, and within a week my house stood like a thermos. This is exactly what happened; at that time I did not understand that in two years the facade would have to be changed. So, after the specified time, out of necessity, I looked under the insulation and saw that the wood of the house was covered with black mold. I invited professionals who told me that due to the fact that polystyrene foam does not absorb moisture that came out of the house, condensation formed, which caused mold. I had to dismantle the polystyrene facade and use mineral wool as insulation. Which definitely cost me a pretty penny.

The godfather was going to insulate the house. We have the same ones, made of 150x150 timber. We bought plots together and built together. So he comes and says that he has found people who will spray us with polyurethane. He says that if there are two houses, they give a good discount.

I myself have been thinking for a long time that it would be nice to insulate it, then I can live in winter too. Without hesitation he agreed. And I don't regret it. Environmentally friendly, does not rot, spider bugs do not grow in it, durable. I covered it with siding and everything is beautiful.

Video on insulating a house made of timber:

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Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Wood is a warmer material compared to brick or concrete. But in most regions, the thickness of structures made from it, which satisfies thermal engineering, is still significant. To decrease required thickness effective methods of insulation are used. Insulation can be carried out both from the inside and from the outside. This article discusses how to insulate correctly individual house made of timber from the outside with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of carrying out thermal protection measures outside

Insulation of a house made of timber is designed to provide a comfortable microclimate in the room and prevent destruction load-bearing structures under the influence of cold. Protecting walls and other outdoor surfaces has the following benefits:

  • the dew point (the place where condensation occurs) is located on the surface, which does not allow moisture to enter the thickness of the structure;
  • protection from the cold not only interior spaces, but also the load-bearing structures of the building;
  • no decrease occurs usable area premises.

But this scheme also has its drawbacks.:

  • the difficulty of doing the work yourself from the street side in bad weather conditions and with a significant building height;
  • the need for additional finishing of the facade (siding).

Many people choose timber as a wall material precisely because of its appearance. When insulating from the outside, the siding will cover the logs and the original surface of the walls will be visible only from the inside. External insulation is correct to use from a scientific point of view, but the home owner is not always satisfied with it. If it is necessary to preserve the original facade of the building, it is better to use a scheme for installing thermal protection from the inside.

Materials for work

Insulation timber house can be done using the following types heat insulator:

  • mineral wool (basalt or glass);
  • foam insulation;
  • insulation with extruded polystyrene foam.

The easiest way to carry out wall insulation work with your own hands is to useexpanded polystyrene(foam or extruded). To work with this material no special skills are required and special means protection.

Foam insulation

Do-it-yourself foam insulation has the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • Possibility of use under siding without creating an air gap;
  • high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • durability of the heat insulator;
  • foam resistance to biological influences.

The disadvantages include:

  • flammability;
  • low strength;
  • instability to wetness when low temperatures(possible destruction);
  • when insulating walls with foam plastic from the outside, it is necessary to use siding or other durable material as finishing;
  • low vapor permeability requires careful attention to room ventilation.

Some of the disadvantages of foam insulation can be avoided by using its closest relative. Do-it-yourself insulation with extruded polystyrene foam has more high strength and moisture resistance. Thanks to the addition of special antipyrine substances to the composition of the material, manufacturers have achieved a flammability class for some products of G1 (low-flammability). The last two disadvantages of thermal insulation with foam plastic also apply to extruded polystyrene foam.

Insulation with mineral wool

The main advantages of thermal insulation of mineral wool walls include:

  • high degree of thermal insulation (low thermal conductivity);
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to biological effects;
  • durability.

For a wooden house, it is best to use mineral wool insulation. Unlike the previous two types of insulation, it does not prevent air movement through the wall structure and allows the house to “breathe”.

The disadvantages include the following properties:

  • the possibility of the material scattering into individual fibers and getting these particles onto the skin and into the lungs. The problem is relevant only for the installation period and can be solved by using personal protective equipment by workers;
  • compared to polystyrene foam, insulation has a higher cost;
  • thermal insulation of mineral wool walls can absorb moisture and sag under its own weight.

It is important to remember that installing this insulation outside under the siding requires the installation of an air-ventilated layer at least 5 cm thick.

Insulation technology

Work on thermal insulation of walls under siding is carried out in the following order:

  • before insulating a house made of timber, it is necessary to clean the surface from dirt and dust;
  • vapor barrier device (can be skipped when using extruded polystyrene foam);
  • installation of insulation;
  • securing the waterproofing layer (also not necessary for extruded material);
  • external finishing of the facade.

Polyethylene can be used as a vapor barrier, but it is better to purchase a special vapor-proof membrane.

The fastening of the material depends on its type. Mineral wool insulation is attached to the wall with dowels between the bars. Fastening polystyrene foam is best done adhesives. This will ensure the maximum degree of thermal insulation due to the integrity of the surface.

Proper insulation of the house will allow you to avoid many problems during operation and significantly save on heating the building.

The need for warmth and heating is one of the main ones; it is especially relevant for residents of countries with cold and long winters, such as Russia and Ukraine. The insulation of the house from the outside still needs to be designed at the stage of building the house. This will help maintain a favorable temperature in the building, even in cold weather. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to use timber whose thickness will not exceed 40 cm.

Thermal insulation does not just involve sealing cracks. This measure will be ineffective. The timber itself can freeze in severe frosts. How to properly insulate a house made of timber - optimal solution This problem is thermal insulation from the outside.

Advantages of insulating a house made of timber from the outside.

  • A noticeable reduction in heat consumption in the house due to reduced heat losses.
  • Additional protection of the home from harmful influences from the outside.
  • Preservation of the living space in the house without changes.
  • It is possible to change appearance at home as you wish.

Important details when insulating a house

  • It is important to choose the right insulation.
  • It is necessary to lay the material according to the instructions.
  • Calculate the thickness of the insulating material.
  • Take waterproofing measures.
  • Protect the log house from harmful radiation and others.

External thermal insulation can be produced by several methods:

  1. Through a ventilated external façade.
  2. By means of polyurethane spraying.
  3. By means of foam insulation.

This method has a whole list of advantages and is therefore considered one of the best.

  1. Relatively fast installation;
  2. Wide selection of facing materials;
  3. Excellent heat and sound insulation;
  4. Service life is about 50 years;
  5. Wide range of colors of finishing materials;
  6. Significant reduction of heat losses and heating costs;
  7. High resistance to bad weather and atmospheric phenomena;
  8. The “dew point” shifts to the outer wall;

How to insulate a wooden house

A layer of insulation is attached to the outer walls, then it is covered with decorative trim.

  1. To ensure that the timber does not deteriorate, free space is left between the insulation layer and the finishing.
  2. First, marks are made for the beams that will make up the horizontal sheathing; their pitch should be equal to the width of the insulation mats. The cross-section of the timber must correspond to the thickness of the mat.
  3. Using self-tapping screws, the bars are connected to the facade. A plumb level is used to regulate its position. It is necessary to ensure a flat plane where the sheathing is mounted, so that last stage The siding installation turned out to be of the highest quality.
  4. Insulation mats are laid in the sheathing. To do this, you need to press them tightly with bars against the wall. Then the insulation is secured using special dowels.
  5. An air gap, the width of which should be more than 5 cm, will create conditions in which the wood will be preserved from decomposition. It is formed by mounting the bars on the sheathing.
  6. The last step will be installing the siding.

Polyurethane foam spraying.

Pros this method are:

  1. The insulation does not support the combustion process;
  2. The insulation does not rot and is not subject to harmful effects bacteria;
  3. Long service life while maintaining its qualities;
  4. Provides fairly good sound insulation;
  5. Does not require additional fasteners;
  6. It is an environmentally friendly way of insulation;
  7. Easy and, relative to other methods, quick installation.

It is used mainly for insulating walls, foundations and basements of houses. Widely used in insulating timber houses.

Insulating the house with polystyrene foam.

Tips for installing insulation:

  1. Insulation boards should not be stored outdoors. When wet, they significantly lose their thermal insulation properties.
  2. You don’t have to use fastening materials if the pitch of the sheathing beams is 15 mm smaller size insulation. In this case, it fits into the spacer.
  3. It is necessary to follow safety precautions when working with insulation. It is recommended to use protective equipment such as goggles, a respirator, gloves and other means that can provide safe work with materials.

Attention! To protect mineral wool it is recommended to use diffusion membrane. It is a perforated film that allows evaporation to pass out, but prevents moisture from penetrating inside. Fiberglass and polystyrene do not need moisture protection.

Top 10 mistakes when heating a house from timber from the outside video.


For this purpose you should use wooden boards from such wood species as; pine, larch, oak. Their thickness must be more than 25 mm. This material will allow the cladding and walls to breathe. This way the timber will be protected from rotting and decomposition.

Important! When installing the sheathing, it is necessary to leave ventilation gaps on the upper and lower edges of the façade. To protect them from weather conditions, you can install visors.

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How warm can a log house be? The tree is quite rightly considered warm material giving good protection by cold. In fact, wood is about five times warmer than brick, and foam concrete is 2-3 times warmer. But what happens in practice and how to make a house really warm?

Heat engineering issues

In order for the house to be warm, its walls and other enclosing structures must have a certain resistance to heat transfer. In accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003 heat transfer resistance external walls residential premises is determined depending on the area.

For example, in the Moscow region, according to new standards, this indicator should not be less than 3.13 K m 2 /W. A wall 150 mm thick, made of pine timber, has a thermal resistance of about 1.25. With a thickness of 200 mm - approximately 1.6 K m 2 / W. In any case, before modern requirements The thermal insulation properties of timber walls are not up to the mark, although they are quite within the standards in force for buildings built before 2000.

From this we can conclude that in order for a house cut from timber to comply modern ideas about minimal energy efficiency, it is necessary to insulate it, and for this there are various materials.

How to insulate a timber house?

Before you begin work on insulating walls made of timber, you need to understand what is happening in the thickness of the wall, how it works to save heat.

In addition to the temperature difference on the inner and outer surfaces of the wall, we must not forget about the difference in humidity. The air humidity inside is always higher than outside. Steam penetrates the pores of the wood and moves towards lower partial pressure - towards the outer surface.

Most effective method insulation – external thermal insulation. With this method, the wall always remains warm and is not affected by frost damage. But it is very important that the insulation is sufficiently permeable to steam. High humidity walls can quickly lead wooden house into disrepair, and inside to create a very unpleasant, pathogenic microclimate.

Among modern heat-insulating materials Mineral wool allows steam to pass through best. For comparison, we can cite the vapor permeability of wood and various insulation materials.

  • Pine across the grain – 0.06 mg/(m h Pa).
  • Polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) – 0.05 mg/(m h Pa).
  • EPPS – 0.013 mg/(m h Pa).
  • Mineral wool – 0.5 mg/(m h Pa).

From the given data it is clear that the best material To insulate a house made of timber from the outside, mineral wool is used. The advantage of vapor permeability is so great that it outweighs the not-so-low cost of mineral wool.

The best conditions for moisture removal are created by a ventilated façade, in which there remains between the insulation and the external cladding. air gap thickness 20 – 50 mm. There should be air access from below and exit from the top. In this case, a constant air flow is created in the gap, which prevents moisture from accumulating.

To prevent transverse diffusion of air into the insulation, it is covered with a windproof membrane, which does not prevent steam from escaping, but increases the efficiency of thermal insulation. For outer skin can be used vinyl siding, blockhouse or other suitable material.

Warming step by step

How to insulate a house made of timber: covering a new one timber house thermal insulation is possible only after its complete shrinkage. In any case, insulation of timber walls must begin with surface preparation. It is necessary to remove moss, clean areas damaged by rot or mold, treat the walls with an antiseptic and caulk the cracks.

The next stage is installation of the sheathing. It can be made from wooden blocks of a suitable cross-section, or from metal wall profiles for drywall. The profiles are installed vertically, every 40 - 50 cm.

First, you should fix the base profile that limits curtain façade below. Then brackets are attached to the wall with a pitch along the sheathing profiles of no more than 80 cm.

After this, thermal insulation slabs are laid on the wall, starting from the base. The bracket plates pass through the slabs through the slots made in them. Then, in the same way, it is laid on the slabs windproof membrane. On top of the membrane you need to install umbrella fasteners that will secure the insulation. It is important that the length of the brackets allows you to install the sheathing with the necessary gap between the insulation and the cladding.

The sheathing is mounted on the insulated wall. The profiles are placed on the base profile, aligned vertically and attached to the brackets with self-tapping screws or tear-off rivets. At the same time, not only the vertical of each profile is controlled, but also their alignment in common plane. Only galvanized fasteners should be used everywhere.

After installing the sheathing, the cladding is installed. It is important that the ventilation gap remains open at the bottom and top, and also that it does not create stagnant zones under the window sills. In addition, it is very important that any folds or irregularities in the insulation do not block the vertical air flow.

Calculation of insulation thickness

When calculating the thickness of the insulation, it is necessary to take into account the thermal resistance of the wall made of timber, in order to bring the total resistance of the wall to the required value. It is better to take the thickness with a margin in order to compensate for the influence of cold bridges and the possible deterioration of thermal insulation qualities at high humidity.

Hotrock mineral wool

So how to insulate timber house outside. Hotrock mineral wool is European class basalt thermal insulation. The assortment includes slabs of different densities designed to insulate the most different designs, including ventilated facades. Depending on the characteristics of a particular object, you can choose slabs with a density from 35 to 90 kg/m 3. The thermal conductivity of all slabs in a dry state ranges from 0.035 to 0.038 W/m K. A 50 mm thick slab has thermal resistance equivalent to a 150 mm thick pine beam.

Basalt wool is completely non-flammable, does not retain moisture, is not damaged by rodents and insects, and fungi and mold do not develop in it. Based on the sum of its qualities, it is recognized as the best material for wall insulation.