Strong man examples from life 15.3. Essay on the topic “Strong Man”: how to write, tips and tricks

School is a difficult test for every child. The student acquires basic knowledge at school, learns to correctly express his thoughts verbally and on paper. Such a wonderful subject as the Russian language helps in all this.

But before mastering the knowledge of the Russian language, the student needs to learn how to write essays. Children perform such tasks from the early grades, because to cope with the problems that may arise, it is necessary to understand how to write such works correctly. For example, consider an essay on the topic “Strong Man.”

How to prepare for work?

Since we have taken on a rather difficult topic, it is necessary to carefully prepare for writing the essay. The child must understand that work of this kind does not require any special knowledge - it is enough just to be able to reason correctly.

Together with your child, determine the style of writing the work. Will the essay on the topic “Strong Man” address any specific idea, or will the student write the work based only on personal reasoning and general examples.

It would not be amiss to recall works of Russian and foreign literature that are suitable for an essay on the topic “Strong Man”. The OGE often includes similar topics, so a 9th grade student who has the necessary knowledge of the school curriculum may already be faced with such a task.

Such works could be “War and Peace” by Tolstoy, “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev, etc.

Key Aspects

Before your child starts working, you need to know what parts the essay consists of:

  • Introduction. This part allows the reader to understand what will be discussed next. The introduction should not be long, about 2-3 sentences are enough.
  • The main part is the main part of the work. This is where the student will describe his thoughts and reasoning, give examples and arguments. The main part makes up more than half the volume of the entire work and should fully reveal the idea and purpose set in the introduction.
  • The conclusion, like the introduction, should not be long - a couple of sentences will be enough. But the significance of the final part is great - the student must draw a personal conclusion and summarize his work.

Well, and most importantly, an argumentative essay on the topic “Strong Man” must be coherent, well-structured and literate.


What can you write in the introduction? This question has several answers.

Firstly, the student can take a specific person and write a paper using his example. For example: “In my essay I want to talk about the feat of Yuri Lelyukov, a senior lieutenant in the reserves. This great man covered a grenade with his body in order to save 26 schoolchildren at the cost of his life.” Next, the child will have to cover a narrower topic.

Secondly, a student can take a quote from a playwright, philosopher or historian. Such a statement will already serve as an introduction.

Third, the student can begin by reasoning: “A strong person is a very broad concept, which can be discussed for quite a long time, but I think...”

Main part

What the main part will include directly depends on your introduction. Therefore, everyone will reveal the given thought differently.

But since it is quite difficult to cover all the options for discussing the topic, let’s consider how to write the main part if you are writing an essay on the topic “Strong Man” in the style of reasoning.

“Each person has his own concept of who a “strong person” is. I believe that a person who is capable of self-control and evaluation of his actions can be called strong. A person who is able to sacrifice his needs or life for the sake of someone can also be called strong. or. An example of this can be Bazarov in the work “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev. This man was completely passionate about science, and, unfortunately, died due to blood poisoning while trying to examine a patient."


Finishing an essay on the topic “Strong Man” is quite simple - the student needs to express his own opinion.

“I believe that anyone can become a strong person, the main thing is to want it. If there are many such people in the world, then everyone’s life will become much better.”

This way, everyone can write an essay on the topic “Strong Man” without any problems. The main thing is to learn how to express your thoughts correctly, and everything will definitely work out.

1.What is force?

2. Who is the strong man?

3. How to be a strong person?

4. Strong people are among us.

Strength... This word carries great meaning. Perhaps upon hearing this word, many people have thoughts about physical strength and imagine people with muscles and muscles. But what other kind of power is there? Strength can be spiritual, volitional, that is, the inner strength in a person, which is his core in life.

A person who has inner strength is called strong. What is he? How is it different from weak? A strong person always has his own opinion on any issue, but recognizes the opinions of others and does not impose his own; he has certain goals in life, which he achieves, even if circumstances do not allow, even if everyone has lost hope and faith in him, but he continues to believe in himself.

A strong person always remains a person, he always chooses justice, goodness, and the right ways to solve problems. He never gives in to difficult life circumstances, he is always on the path to eliminating them. Doesn’t get discouraged, even if there are gray clouds in the sky and life is full of troubles.

What makes a person strong? The answer is very simple - life. It is life that molds, creates, undermines us. Life is not that simple. It is important not to lose yourself. There are difficult moments, we are faced with betrayal, we lose our jobs, loved ones, friends, we face injustice and evil face to face. In times like these, it is very important to gather all your will into a fist and tell yourself “I will not give up, I will go through this difficult path,” and be sure to believe in yourself.

There are such strong people who inspire admiration. Seeing them turns your thoughts upside down. I would like to give an example from life. Twice a week my friends and I go to the sports ground and there we always run into a young man who does pull-ups on the horizontal bar many times. It would seem that there is nothing special about it, but he is missing both legs. This is the strength in a person. He did not succumb to circumstances, he simply defeated himself, he simply continued to live and enjoy life.

I would also like to tell you about my aunt, who since childhood dreamed of becoming a doctor. But for three years in a row she could not enter the medical university. But despite this, she did not come to terms with it, she stubbornly continued to study relevant subjects, read and looked for new information in the field of medicine. All this time, working several jobs. Already in the fourth year, no one believed in her strength, but she was very stubborn and did it. Now she is a doctor of medical sciences and we are all proud of her. Her inner strength helped her in this. You need to be strong! Life does not like the weak, but all paths are open to the strong. You must always believe in your own strength.

What is self-education? This is a purposeful process to develop the best, valuable personality traits. In B. Polevoy’s text we have a hero who already has both willpower and endurance. But it turns out that there are no limits for a courageous person in self-education. I will give examples from the text.

Alexey Meresyev, dreaming of becoming a full-fledged pilot again, did gymnastics, which caused him acute pain. And how he learned to walk on prosthetics! Tears flowed from his eyes, but he did not stop, the hero walked towards his goal! And Alexey fulfilled his dream: he rose into the sky again...

Irek Zaripov, a young 17-year-old guy, lost his legs, but did not give up. Despite the pain, he conquered himself mentally, and, persistently practicing biathlon, achieved his goal, becoming an Olympic champion.

So, self-education helps a person make his dream come true. (120 words)

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 17 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko.)

What is compassion?

Compassion, according to the article “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegova, is “pity, sympathy caused by misfortune, grief for orphans.”

The text by A. Likhanov describes the story of Nikolai, who, leaving the “City Children's Home”, saw wooden cribs in which babies were lying in the room. Kolya “had a terrible thought hitting his temple”: “They were abandoned?” At that moment, he experienced compassion for the kids who were left alone... He experienced it because he himself went through the “orphanage universities.”

Yu. Korotkov’s story “Grey-haired” tells about the fate of the boy Oleg Petukhov, whom his mother sends from the family nest to an orphanage. Every word of the author, describing Oleg’s first days in this institution, is imbued with compassion. And how not to feel sorry for the unfortunate boy if he turned gray in just a few days in the orphanage...

I can conclude that children who end up in an orphanage are worthy of pity and sympathy, mercy and compassion.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 20 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko.)


How do I understand the word “compassion”?

How do I understand the word “compassion”? I think this is a human quality when you are ready to feel someone else’s pain and rush to help at the first call.

A. Likhanov, a writer who writes a lot about abandoned children and orphanages, talks about a girl who, having gone to work at a boarding school, felt pain, loneliness, and resentment of the little inhabitants of this house of sadness. The teacher took with her heart the call of these little people who needed the love and care of adults. The girl showed humanity towards the orphans, because her soul is endowed with compassion.

Every word of Peter Gladush’s poem “Abandoned Children” is imbued with the same feeling:

Abandoned children

Women are reproached

What have you done?

In a short time

You are your blood

Abandoned forever

That's how it turned out

Unhappy man.

I think that everyone who reads these lines of the poet will also experience suffering for the fate of the unfortunate children.

I can conclude that compassion is not only a feeling of empathy for one’s neighbor, but also a willingness to help him.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (Based on test 21 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko.) How do you understand the meaning of the word strong (man)?

A strong person, in my opinion, is someone who has great physical strength, powerful. Another meaning of the word is a person of strong will, persistent and, I think, smart.

The text by V. Oseeva describes the story of Pavlik and how he made friends with his relatives, with whom he could not find a common language. The boy at first wanted to use force for this: to fight with his sister, to steal the oars from the boat from his brother... But this was the wrong path: force would not have helped Pavlik improve relations with his elders. An old man whom the boy meets in the park comes to the rescue. He says the magic word to Pavlik, after which he approaches his sister, looks into her eyes and, pronouncing his request, adds the word “please” (sentence 40). And this word makes the boy stronger!

Once I watched how the boys started a fight on the street: everyone tried to prove their strength with their fists. But suddenly one of them exclaimed: “Why are we fighting? Let's go to the horizontal bar! The one who pulls himself up the most is the stronger!”

I can conclude that a strong person is not always pumped up muscles, but more often a strong will and mind. (167 words)

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 22 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko. Option 3.)

A strong person is not only one who has great physical strength and good health, but also one who is distinguished by a strong, strong-willed character and perseverance.

Terry Dobson's text describes a case in which a "strongly built" man was in a rage, shouting obscenities because he was clearly in trouble. To stop and calm him down, the narrator decided to use physical force (“he wanted to achieve this with his fists”), but the instructive story of the “elderly Japanese man” helped calm the “huge fellow.” She gave him the opportunity to cool down, think, find the strength to overcome grief, and control his emotions.

A striking example of a strong man of our time is Valentin Dikul. Having received severe spinal injuries, he not only did not break down spiritually, he survived, regained his health and helps others achieve this. This is a person who always moves forward, never giving up, despite the obstacles that come his way in life.

So, a strong person is, first of all, an independent person, capable of controlling himself and achieving goals, despite all life’s difficulties.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 23 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko. Option 2.)

Strong people are those who take responsibility in life not only for themselves, but also for those around them. A strong person will never hurt other people or animals. He is above this because he is fully aware of the nature of his power. The truly strong are those who are spiritually developed. I will give examples from L. Andreev’s text and life experience.

The summer residents who arrived were a very kind family. They managed to pet a dog that didn’t trust people. They gave her the name Kusaka, caressed her, played with her. These people are strong people, because they not only did not drive the dog away, they made it clear to the dog that not all people are evil, they took responsibility. They loved her, and she was able to love, Dogs considered herself needed by someone, and this is happiness. It turns out that a strong person is able to awaken love and make a living being happy. Being kind and making others kinder is not an easy responsibility. And only strong people take it upon themselves.

What makes a person strong? Probably, life circumstances strengthen the spirit and make a person stronger. Let me give you a very simple but vital example. Many women have experienced the departure of their husbands from the family, when they were abandoned along with their children. But they did not give up. It seemed that the family would always be together, but something happened. Moral fortitude did not allow women to break in such a difficult situation. They decided to take care of themselves and their children and soon forgot about the difficult separation.

In some ways people are strong, in some ways they are weak, but life forces us to become strong, responsible, ready to come to the aid of those who are still weak.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 24 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko) What kind of person can be considered strong?

A strong person is one who can forgive a lot, can make a decision in any situation and knows how to deal with his shortcomings and weaknesses.

The text by V. Astafiev gives an example of the fact that not only a person can be strong, but perhaps the author allegorically speaks of the need for this quality in all living things. One day, a lungwort grew in the hero of the text’s garden. While weeding, he scolded the plants “once or twice”, to which they were “offended” and by the next year they stopped growing. Our hero found a lungwort “humiliatingly hiding.” He apologized to her. She has forgiven and is “now growing all over the garden.” I gave an example that strength is not only physical and that the ability to forgive speaks of a strong character.

Every person has flaws. Some people fight them, while others don’t have the strength to do so. For example, a person is afraid to speak in front of a large crowd of people. The one who is weak in spirit will simply become a coward, but the strong one will conquer himself, and in the end his defect will disappear and he will cease to be afraid.

A strong person is one who is willing to turn his shortcomings into advantages. After all, sometimes it happens that a physically strong person can be defeated by a morally strong person.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 25 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko. Option 2.) What is beauty?

Beauty is a subjective concept, something that gives aesthetic and moral pleasure. This is not necessarily an external sign, because anything that pleases not only the eye, but also, for example, the ear, can be considered beautiful.

In the text by A. Barkov we are presented with an example of the very beauty of sound, which is perceived by the heroes as a symbol of happiness, “the end of the winter kingdom.” The grouse song with its magnificence gives a “holiday to the soul”, sincere joy.

In life, beauty surrounds us everywhere. We all know how beautiful the northern lights are. This natural phenomenon, with its unusualness, brightness, abundance and play of shades of different colors, makes people turn their attention to it and admire it.

Thus, beauty is a subjective concept, something that gives pleasure. But do not forget that taste has a certain influence on this concept. And what someone considers beautiful may seem completely unremarkable to another, and sometimes even ugly.

creature. That’s why the dog Borozhai deserves to have a book written about him.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 25 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko. Option 3.) What is beauty?

Beautiful can be called something that is distinguished not only by external beauty, but also by the depth of its internal content. I consider this definition to be the only correct one.

Thus, in A. Barkov’s text, the beauty of the moment of grouse singing forever sank into the author’s soul. After all, this moment was distinguished from many others not only by the external splendor of nature, but also by the depth of its content. Firstly, this hike can be called wonderful, since the author went into the forest with his father, a person dear to him. Secondly, these songs meant the beginning of spring, and spring is always personified with something good and kind, with the beginning of life.

There are thousands of moments in human life that, like film frames, remain in our memory, but we attach special importance to only some of them. Such moments are always deep and personal. Even an ordinary hike or trip can turn out to be a similar shot if there is a very dear and close person next to you. My favorite moment in my life was our first family trip to Petrozavodsk. Many will consider this insignificant, but I was very happy then, because we were traveling “in full force,” and now some people dear to me are no longer there, and such a trip will never happen again...

Thus, I think that beauty is a very deep concept that cannot be limited only to external charm. True beauty is the beauty of human communication.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 26 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko.) What is beauty?

Wanting to define what beauty is, we imagine either a beautiful person, or a beautiful picture, or a beautiful corner of nature. The very concept of beauty, I think, is subjective: some people like one thing, others another. But if we are talking about the beauty of nature, then, it seems to me, people are unanimous in their assessments. Everyone loves a sunrise or sunset; no one will be indifferent to a waterfall or a gentle sea wave...

The text by V. Kataev describes the beauty of a climbing bush of red flowers that stretched across the fence. The author personifies this bush, he says that he wanted to “look into the room, look through the glass door” what people were doing there.

In summer, beautiful bushes also bloom in our garden. These are clematis. Dark lilac, shimmering with velvet, they cover the entire veranda. It is so beautiful! And when the sun breaks through the vines and inflorescences, it seems that these rays are golden, and they are frolicking on a velvet blanket.

Thus, beauty for me lies in the beautiful summer flowers of my native Stavropol region.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (According to test 28 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko.) What is beauty?

Beauty is what we humans admire. It brings us positive emotions, filling our souls with joy, delight, sometimes sadness, making us think about the eternal... When we talk about human beauty, we mean not only external beauty, but also spiritual beauty. External beauty is fickle: it is subject to the influence of time. Internal - forever. It is the beauty of the human soul that illuminates the world of people living nearby. I will prove this thesis using arguments from Yu. Sergeev’s text and analyzing my life experience.

Firstly, the proposed fragment of text tells about Grandfather Grinichka. He sang Cossack songs well: “he sang well, in a young, not at all creaky... voice” (sentences 5-6). The kids always gathered around him, and people “went to him as if to confession” (sentences 7). All this speaks of the kind and beautiful soul of man. Despite his age, he is young at heart, and in his songs he returns to the time when he was a “dashing Cossack slayer.”

Secondly, a person’s spiritual beauty is assessed, first of all, by his actions. There have always been, are and will exist people whose actions deserve respect. I would like to name just two names – Serik Sultangabiev and Sergei Solnechnikov. Both during the exercises, saving people, sacrificing themselves, covered a grenade that had fallen from the soldier’s hands... I don’t know if they were beautiful in appearance, but the fact that their souls were beautiful is indisputable.

To summarize what has been said, we can conclude: the main thing in a person is what is hidden from view, what makes him human is his soul.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 for the OGE 2015 (Based on test 29 of the collection of tests by I.P. Tsybulko.) How do you understand the meaning of the word TEACHER?

A teacher, according to the article “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov, is “a person who teaches something, a teacher.” A person who has chosen this profession never stops penetrating into the complex spiritual world of a child. The teacher prepares the children for independent life.

L. Ulitskaya’s text describes how literature teacher Viktor Yulievich, who was the new class teacher of the sixth grade, made the children fall in love with their subject. Within three months, all the students sat in his lessons as if “stupefied” and did not want to leave the office when the bell rang: they were waiting for new words and poems from their mentor. Here it is, penetration into the soul of every child!

There are also good teachers at my school, but I would like to highlight my favorite geography teacher. I always go to this lesson with pleasure and listen to every word of the teacher. How interesting she talks about the climate in semi-deserts and subtropics, what kind of correspondence trips we make with her, either to India or to Africa...

So, a teacher is a person who shapes the spiritual life of his student: mind, feelings, will, conviction. And this is a very responsible matter!

A strong person is not only one who has great physical strength and good health, but also one who is distinguished by a strong, strong-willed character and perseverance.

Terry Dobson's text describes a case in which a "strongly built" man was in a rage, shouting obscenities because he was clearly in trouble. To stop and calm him down, the narrator decided to use physical force “I wanted to achieve this with my fists.” , but the instructive story of the “elderly Japanese man” helped calm down the “huge fellow.”

She gave him the opportunity to cool down, think, find the strength to overcome grief, and control his emotions.

A striking example of a strong man of our time is Valentin Dikul. Having received severe spinal injuries, he not only did not break down spiritually, he survived, regained his health and helps others achieve this. This is a person who always moves forward, never giving up, despite the obstacles that come his way in life.

So, a strong person is, first of all, an independent person, capable of controlling himself and achieving goals, despite all life’s difficulties.

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How do you understand the meaning of the word STRONG person? ?

What kind of person can be considered strong? In my understanding, a strong person is one who will not offend the weak, who does not give up, even if the situation seems hopeless. A strong person is a person who tries to achieve everything on his own and can go against his principles or habits.

In the text In Oseyeva we see a boy who, after listening to the old man, was able to find a way to make peace with everyone he offended, sentences 30-33. . A person, even if he is still very young, who was able to overcome

himself, is a strong person.

In life we ​​also meet strong people. For example, these are people with disabilities. I know the story of a wonderful man - Nick Vujicic. This strong man was born without arms and legs. As a child, Nick was worried about this, but he was able to overcome his fears and was able to accept himself for who he is. He achieved a lot in his life. Nick is the most famous motivational speaker. He is invited to universities and various other institutions so that he can guide people on the path of finding the meaning of life. His illness did not prevent him from getting married.

With Nick’s example, I wanted to say that a person, no matter what kind of person he is, disabled or not, must be strong: after all, everyone should have meaning in life. Even if you think that everything is over, there is no way out, you cannot give up. You need to believe in yourself. You need to stay strong.

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