Fairy tale Finist - a clear falcon. A brief retelling of the fairy tale Finist the Clear Falcon

“The Feather of Finist the Clear Falcon”- Russian folk tale about a young man who can turn into a feather or a falcon, and about a girl who loves him.

Finist's Feather - clear falcon summary

The old man had three daughters. The father is going to the city, the eldest and middle daughter ask to buy them fabrics for a dress, and the youngest - a feather from Finist - the clear falcon. Having returned, the father gives his eldest daughters some new clothes, but he could not find the feather. The next time, the older sisters each receive a scarf, but the promised feather for the younger sister is again missing. For the third time, the old man finally buys a feather for a thousand rubles.

In the youngest daughter’s room, the feather turns into the prince Finista The prince and the girl are having a conversation. The sisters hear voices. Then the prince turns into a falcon, and the girl lets him fly. The older sisters stick knives and needles into the window frame. Returning, Finist wounds his wings on the knives and flies away, telling the girl to look for him in the distant kingdom. She hears it through her sleep.

The girl stocks up with three pairs of iron shoes, three cast-iron staves, three stone potions and goes to look for Finist. On the way, she spends the night with three old women. One gives her a golden spindle, another a silver dish with a golden egg, the third a golden hoop with a needle.

The bread has already been devoured, the staffs have been broken, the shoes have been trampled. The girl learns that Finist in such and such a city married his mallow daughter. Having found out about this, the girl got a job as a housekeeper at a bakery, and began to barter with her and her husband for one wonderful item each in one night. But the malt milk gave Finist sleeping pills, so that he slept soundly for three nights. But on the last, third night, a girl’s tear accidentally fell on the sleeping Finist’s cheek, causing him to wake up and recognize his ex-lover, and ran away with her to her native land.

Finist turns into a feather again, and the girl comes home with him. She says she was on a pilgrimage. The father and eldest daughters leave for matins. The youngest stays at home and, after waiting a little, goes to church with Tsarevich Finist, in a golden carriage and precious attire. In church, the relatives do not recognize the girl, and she does not open up to them. The next day the same thing happens. On the third day, the father guesses everything, forces his daughter to confess, and the red maiden marries Prince Finist.

"Finist - clear falcon": summary of the tale One of the most interesting Russian folk tales is “Finist - Clear Falcon”. Summary will tell the reader about the plot, introduce the main actors, some clarifications will help to better understand the work. “Finist - Yasny Sokol” summary Father and daughters The story begins with the readers meeting a widowed peasant who has three daughters. So one day he told them that it would be nice to hire an assistant. To this, the youngest daughter Maryushka replied that there was no need, she would do all the housework herself. Maria was a hardworking girl, and all her affairs went well. She was not only a needlewoman, but also a beauty, unlike her sisters. They were ugly, and also greedy. From morning to evening they sat in front of the mirror, whitened their faces, and applied blush. Having become familiar with this part of the work, the young reader may think about why to whiten the face, as the folk authors of the work “Finist - Clear Falcon” describe it. A brief summary will shed light on this issue. The fact is that in those days, tanning was considered the lot of poor peasant women who worked from morning to night under the scorching sun, and therefore their face and hands were tanned. The young ladies wore wide-brimmed hats and lacy umbrellas so that their faces had a White color. A waxy complexion was fashionable, and a light tan was removed with whitewash. The cheeks were generously smeared with blush; this was also a trend in the old days. A peasant's trips to the market Once a priest went to the market and asked his daughters what they could bring from there. The elders, who loved to dress up, replied that they wanted scarves with large flowers. Maryushka's father asked the same question, and she asked, as the fairy tale says, for Finist's feather - Yasna Falcon. The father was able to fulfill the request of only his eldest daughters - he brought them beautiful shawls. He did not find such a feather as Marya asked for. “Finist - Clear Falcon” fairy tale So the priest goes to the market for the second time. The older daughters asked for beautiful boots, so he bought them new clothes. The youngest again wanted her father to bring her a feather, but he walked around all day looking for it, but never found it. The father went to the market for the third time, the fairy tale “Finist - Clear Falcon” also tells about this. The summary will also tell you about this incident. The older daughters, as usual, will ask to buy them new clothes, this time a coat. Marya is true to herself, she only wants a feather. Again the priest managed to quickly fulfill the requests of his older daughters, but not the younger ones. Meeting with an old man A peasant was returning from the market. He met a very old grandfather. They talked, and the grandfather asked the father of his daughters where he was going. He replied that he was sad because he could not fulfill the request of his beloved daughter. The old man listened to the story of his fellow traveler and made him happy, saying that he had such a thing. And he took out nothing more than that very feather. The peasant looked - the feather was like a feather, there was nothing unusual in it. He also thought: what did Mary find in this little thing that she wanted to have it so much? The father arrived home with gifts. The older children put on new clothes and couldn’t stop looking at themselves, but they started laughing at the younger one, telling her that she was a fool and still is. They suggested she put a feather in her hair and show off. Attentive reader will understand what the story called “Finist - Clear Falcon” resembles: this fairy tale is very similar to “The Scarlet Flower”. It is not for nothing that the famous collector of Russian folk tales Afanasyev wrote down two interpretations of this story. The first is called “Finist’s Feather - Yasna Sokola”, and its plot is similar to this one. The second one features The Scarlet Flower. When he is placed in the water, Finist, the Clear Falcon, flies in. This fairy tale is listed in Afanasyev’s collection as number 235. Appearance of Finist Maryushka said nothing to the grins of her older sisters, and when everyone went to bed, she threw her pen on the ground and said magic words . In them, she called on the kind Finist, her fiancé, to appear to her. And he didn’t have to wait long. A very handsome young man came to the girl. In the morning he hit the floor and turned into a falcon. Then he flew out the window, which the girl opened slightly for him. This went on for three days. During the day the young man was a falcon. In the evening he flew to Marya, hit the floor and turned into a handsome man. Finist, the Clear Falcon, was already standing in front of her. The summary will very soon tell you about the next interesting point. In the morning he flew away again, and returned in the evening. What did the sisters' anger lead to? But the idyll of the young man and the girl did not last long; the sisters found out about the night guest and told their father about it. But he didn’t believe them and told them to take better care of themselves. However, the envious people did not stop there. They attached sharp knives to the frame and began to see what would happen next. As usual, the falcon tried to fly into Masha’s room, but could not, only hurt himself on the knives. Then Finist said that if anyone needs him, he will find him. He warned that it would be difficult. You can find it only when three pairs of iron shoes are worn out, the same number of staves are broken and 3 iron caps become unusable. Before this, Maryushka was sleeping, but when she heard these words, she woke up. However, it was already late, and when the girl approached the window, there was already no trace of the bird. Finist - the Clear Falcon - flew away, the pictures in the book will help you clearly see this dramatic moment. Marya sets off on her journey. The girl began to cry, but there was nothing to do - she needed to look for her loved one. She told the priest everything, announced that she was leaving, and if fate wanted it, she would come back unharmed. The girl ordered herself 3 iron staffs, 3 caps and three pairs of shoes, and set off on a difficult journey. She walked through fields, forests, mountains, but no one touched her. On the contrary, the birds made me happy with their songs, and the streams washed my face. When the staff broke, the shoes were worn out, the cap was torn, and I saw a hut on chicken legs in the clearing. She asked her to turn around. A girl entered the house and saw Baba Yaga. The old lady asked the girl what brought her here. The huts on chicken legs and their inhabitants Marya told why she came to such a distance. Baba Yaga told where Finist, the Clear Falcon, is now, the pictures will again help to vividly imagine this moment. It turns out that the girl’s fiancé was drugged by a magical queen and married to herself. The grandmother gave the beauty a magic saucer and a golden egg and told her what to do with them. She advised me to hire myself as a worker for that queen. Marya set off again, and after some time she saw the hut again, in it there was already another Baba Yaga - her sister. The old woman gave the girl a silver hoop and a golden needle, which she embroiders herself, and told her not to sell it to anyone, but to give it in exchange for being allowed to see her loved one. By this time, Marya had worn out the next pair of shoes, the second cap and staff had become unusable. She went further, and when the third iron set broke, she again saw the hut. To the question of the third Baba Yaga, she answered that she needed Finist - the Clear Falcon. The heroes of this scene behaved diplomatically. Marya spoke to the old woman with respect, for which she gave her a golden spindle and a silver bottom and taught her what to do with them. Suitable for the final points of the summary. Finist - Yasny Falcon and Maryushka met. Marya went further, she met a wolf, who gave the girl a lift right to the place. Marya saw the palace, and the queen in it. Marya hired herself as a servant. The queen took it, Maryushka worked during the day, and at night she put the egg in a saucer and looked, and the saucer showed it to her. The queen heard this and asked to sell the magical things, but Marya said that she would give it away for free if she showed her Finist. But he slept soundly; the girl could not wake him up, just like the next night, when she gave the queen a magic hoop and a needle for a date. On the third night, having given the spindle and the silver bottom to the queen, the girl again tried in vain to wake up her beloved, he only woke up from her hot tears. He woke up, was glad that his beloved had found him, and they returned home and had a great feast. This is how the fairy tale “Finist – Yasnyi Sokol” ended. The heroes - Maryushka and Finist - found each other, and good won.

Once upon a time there lived a merchant who had three daughters. One day, the father was going to the city and asked what gifts to bring for his daughters. The eldest asked to buy fabric for a dress. And the middle one asked for fabric for her dress. The youngest asked to bring a feather from Finist the clear falcon. Father left for the city. I quickly found gifts for my older daughters, but could not find a feather for my youngest daughter. He returned home and pleased his elders. He promised to bring a gift to the youngest next time.

The father got ready to go to the city again. The older daughters asked to bring scarves. The youngest asked for a feather again. In the city, the father found gifts for his older daughters. He couldn't find the feather. For the third time, my father went to the city. The older daughters asked to bring earrings. The youngest asked to bring a feather. In the city, the father bought earrings for his daughters and began looking for a feather. But no one knew where it might be. The father became sad and left the city. Suddenly I saw an old man carrying a small box. The merchant asked the old man what was in the box. The old man replied that there was a feather from Finist the clear falcon. The old man asked for a thousand rubles for it. The merchant gave the money. I came home and made my daughters happy. The youngest daughter was the most happy about the gift.

In the evening, the girl opened the box, a feather flew out and hit the floor. And a beautiful prince appeared. They began to talk. The sisters heard and began asking who was in the younger one’s room. The girl opened the doors. There was no one there. At this time, the prince again turned into a feather. The sisters left. The feather turned into a falcon and flew into the field. The next day Finist the clear falcon flew to the girl again. And they began to talk. The sisters reported to their father that there was someone in the youngest’s room. The father didn't believe them. But the next day the sisters came up with a trick. In the evening they stuck scissors and needles on the younger sister’s window. Finist arrived at night, but could not get into the room. He injured his wings. And he said to the girl: “Farewell, beautiful maiden! If you want to find me, look far away, in the thirtieth kingdom. You’ll have to take down three pairs of iron shoes, break three cast-iron staffs, and devour three stone wafers before you find me!” The girl was fast asleep, but heard these words. But she couldn't wake up. In the morning she saw scissors and needles covered in blood on the window, and realized that the sisters had killed Finist the clear falcon.

The girl got ready and left the house. She forged herself three pairs of iron shoes, three cast iron staffs, stocked up on three stone breads and set off on the road. She trampled one pair of shoes, broke one staff, and gnawed one meal. I saw a hut and asked to spend the night. An old woman lived in a hut. The girl told her everything. Her grandmother sent her to her middle sister and gave her a golden spindle with a golden thread for the journey. The old woman also gave the girl a magic ball that showed the way.

The girl moved on. She wore out the second pair of shoes, broke her staff, and gnawed away the stone bread. I came to another old woman and spent the night with her. The old woman gave the girl a silver dish and a golden egg. The old woman advised her to contact her older sister. By the time the girl reached her, she had worn out the last pair of iron shoes, broken the third cast-iron staff, and gnawed the third stone bread. She came to the old woman and told her that Finista was looking for the clear falcon. The old woman said that he lives in such and such a city, and recently married the daughter of a mallow baker. The old lady gave me a golden hoop and a needle. The girl only needed to hold the embroidery hoop, and the needle would do the embroidery itself. The old woman told the girl to go to that city and hire herself as a worker at the malt mill.

The girl did just that. She worked very well, and the malt was very happy about it.

One day the girl finished her work, took the golden spindle and sat down to spin. The thread was made of pure gold. The breadmaker's daughter saw this and wanted to buy a wonderful thing. The girl did not want to take any money, she only asked permission to drive away flies from her daughter’s husband at night. She agreed. Finist the clear falcon flew across the sky during the day and returned home in the evening. He saw the girl, but did not recognize her. His wife added a sleeping potion to Finist's food and put him to bed. At night, the girl began to drive away the flies and cried bitterly: “Wake up, Finist the clear falcon! I, the red maiden, found you, broke three cast-iron staffs, wore out three pairs of iron shoes, and gnawed three stone wafers when I was looking for you!” But Finist was sleeping and didn’t hear anything. The night has passed. The next morning the girl took a silver saucer and began to roll the golden egg on it. Many golden eggs appeared. The breadmaker's daughter saw this and wanted to buy a wonderful thing. The girl asked for another night to drive away flies from Finist the clear falcon. His wife agreed and poured him another sleeping potion. At night he slept and did not hear anything. The next morning the girl took the golden hoop and the needle began to embroider wonderful patterns herself. The breadmaker's daughter saw this and wanted to buy this thing. The girl asked for the third night to drive her husband away from Finist the clear falcon. The wife agreed and again gave him a sleeping potion. At night, the girl drove her husband away and cried bitterly. Finist the clear falcon was fast asleep. But suddenly a girl’s tear fell on his cheek. And he woke up. The girl told him everything, then he recognized her and was very happy.

Finist the clear falcon left with the girl from the maltmeal. His wife complained to her mother, who ordered the horses to be harnessed and set off in pursuit. But she couldn’t catch up with him. Finist the Clear Falcon and his betrothed were already near her house. He turned back into a feather. The girl took the feather and returned home. The father was very happy.

The next day, the girl's father and sister went to church. The girl didn’t go and said she had nothing to wear. The sisters offered their dresses, but she refused. The father left with his older daughters. The feather turned into a prince. He whistled, and expensive dresses and a golden carriage immediately appeared. The prince and the girl arrived at the church. Everyone looked at them and admired them. At home, the older sisters told the girl that they had seen the handsome prince and the princess.

Russian folk tale "Finist - the clear falcon" adapted by A. Platonov

Genre: magical folk tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon" and their characteristics

  1. Maryushka, a beautiful girl, the youngest daughter of a peasant. Fearless, loyal, loving. Kind and hardworking.
  2. Finist is a clear falcon. He turned into a good young man. Most fairy tales slept, besotted by the queen.
  3. The queen, evil and treacherous, wanted to keep Finist by force, but sold him to Maryushka for gold and silver things.
  4. Peasant, Maryushka's father
  5. Older daughters, envious and ugly
  6. Baba Yaga - three sisters, kind, but very scary
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon"
  1. Maryushka runs the house
  2. Gifts for daughters
  3. Feather of Finist - a clear falcon
  4. Envy of sisters
  5. Maryushka goes in search
  6. Baba Yaga, saucer and egg
  7. Baba Yaga, fingers and needle
  8. Baba Yaga, spindle and bottom
  9. Help the gray wolf
  10. First night with Finist
  11. Second night with Finist
  12. Finist's Awakening
  13. Wedding
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The peasant had three daughters, the eldest were greedy and envious, the youngest, Maryushka, was kind and hard-working.
  2. The peasant gave Maryushka Finist’s feather, and the sisters stuck knives into the window and Finist flew away to distant lands.
  3. Maryushka went to look for Finista, wore three pairs of iron boots, visited three Bab-Yagas, and received three gifts.
  4. Maryushka hired herself to work for the queen, and she asked to sell magical gifts.
  5. Maryushka gave gifts for the right to look at Finist, but he was sleeping and did not wake up until Maryushka began to cry.
  6. The queen did not want to let Finist go, but the princes and merchants decided that Finist’s wife was Maryushka.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon"
Love cannot be bought or sold.

What does the fairy tale "Finist - the Clear Falcon" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us to be kind, hardworking, and persistent. Teaches you to be faithful in love and not to stop at obstacles on the way to your goal. Teaches that one should not trade a loved one, teaches that kindness and love will always be rewarded as they deserve.

Review of the fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon"
Very beautiful and interesting story about love, full of magic. I really like the main character of this fairy tale - Maryushka. A cheerful and kind girl, she fell in love with the kind young man Finist and was able to go through a very difficult path, but regain Finist. There are many magical transformations in the fairy tale, there are good and evil heroes in it, but it ends very well. And that's why I like this fairy tale so much.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Finist is a clear falcon"
The one who walks will master the road.
Love neither burns in fire nor drowns in water.
There is no use or joy in daring and envy.

Summary, retelling of the fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon"
The peasant's wife died and he was left alone with three daughters. I wanted to hire a worker, but my youngest daughter Maryushka said that she could handle the housework herself.
Maryushka was kind and hard-working, a real beauty, but her sisters were angry and envious.
So the peasant went to the city, the sisters asked for half shawls, Maryushka asked for Finist’s feather. The father brought gifts for his older daughters, but didn’t get a feather for the youngest.
I went to the city for the second time. The older ones are asking for boots, the younger ones are asking for Finist’s feather again. And again the father could not find the gift.
The third time he goes, he meets an old man, and he gives him the feather of Finist, the clear falcon.
The sisters laughed on Maryushka, and at night she took the pen and ordered Finist, the clear falcon, to appear before her. And then Finist appeared and became a good fellow. For three nights Maryushka called Finist to her place. And then the sisters suspected something was wrong and stuck sharp knives on the window.
Finist fought against the knives and wounded his entire chest. He flew away, but said that it would be difficult to find him.
Maryushka woke up, heard those words, cried, and went to her father. She said that she was leaving, ordered three pairs of iron shoes, three caps and three staves and went on a long journey.
Whether it was a long walk or a short walk, she wore out only her shoes and wore out her staff. He sees a hut on chicken legs. Maryushka went into it, and Baba Yaga was sitting there, complaining about the Russian spirit.
The kopeck piece said that Finista was looking for a clear falcon.
Baba Yaga said that the queen gave Finist a drink and made her a groom. She gave Maryushka a silver saucer and a golden egg and sent her to the distant kingdom.

Maryushka is walking through the forest, and then the cat jumps out and warns that what will happen next will be even worse.
Maryushka came to another hut on chicken legs, with skulls on the mesh. And there is another Baba Yaga, the sister of the previous one. She gave Maryushka a silver hoop and a gold needle and also told her not to sell them.
Marbyushka went further. The dog runs and warns that it will be scary. Maryushka was already wearing off her third shoes and had reached the third hut. And there is an even older and scarier woman. She gave Maryushka a silver bottom and a golden spindle and again ordered her not to sell.
Now the wolf is approaching. He planted Maryushka and took him to the right kingdom.
Maryushka hired herself as a worker for the queen. She works during the day, and at night they show her Finist’s saucer and testicle. The queen found out about this and asked to sell the saucer with the egg. And Maryushka asks Finist to show him. The queen agreed and brought Maryushka to Finist.
Finist the clear falcon is sleeping soundly, Maryushka did not call him.
Maryushka is working again, using a silver hoop and a golden needle to embroider.
The queen again asks to sell the hoop and needle, and Maryushka Finista demands to see it.
The queen again brought Maryushka to Finist. But Finist sleeps and does not wake up.
Maryushka took out a silver bottom and a golden spindle and again history repeats itself. Only this time Maryushka cried, her tear fell on Finist’s shoulder and he woke up.
I saw Maryuschka, was happy, and wanted to go home. And the queen persuaded the princes and merchants to seize Finist and execute him. Yes, only Finist asks them who is a man’s real wife, the one who deceives, or the one who loves deeply.
Everyone agreed that Maryushka was Finist’s real wife, and she and Finist left and began to live and make good money.

Signs of a fairy tale

  1. Triple repetitions: the peasant went to the city three times, Maryushka met three Baba Yagas, received three gifts, woke up Finist for three nights.
  2. Magic transformation - Finist turned into a bird and a man
  3. Magical creatures - Baba Yaga, Gray wolf
  4. Magic objects - hoop, needle, spindle, egg, bottom
Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon"

There lived a peasant, and soon he became a widower. He left behind three daughters. The man had a huge farm, and he decided to take on a worker as an assistant. However, Maryushka dissuaded him, saying that she would help him in everything. So she works from dawn to dusk, and her sisters just dress up and have fun.

So the father went to the city and asked his daughters what to bring them. The eldest and middle asked for different outfits and trinkets, only Maryushka needed a feather from Finist, the clear falcon.

On the way home, he met a strange old man who gave him the treasured feather.

The peasant brought gifts home, the girls rejoiced and made fun of their sister.

So everyone went to bed, and she took the feather and said the magic words. Since then, the groom appeared to her at night, and in the morning he turned into a bird again. The envious sisters tracked her down and set a trap for the falcon. He injured himself on sharp knives and could not break through to the girl. Then he said that she would look for him for a long time, having worn out more than one pair of shoes.

Maryushka set off on her journey. She walked and walked and came across a hut in which Baba Yaga lived. She then told her that her fiancé had been bewitched by an evil sorceress, turned him into a bird and made him her husband by force. The old woman gave the girl a saucer and a golden egg and sent her to a distant kingdom. She also advised her that Maryushka should get hired to work for the queen, and when she finished all her work, she would begin to roll the egg on a saucer. And if she is asked to sell this miracle, she will not agree.

When the girl walked through the dense forest, all the forest animals helped her get there. And the gray wolf even carried her to the magnificent mansion. Here she went to work for the ruler.

For her things, which the old women gave her, she looked at her betrothed. But she had to do this at night, when he was fast asleep and it was impossible to wake him. And now she only had the bottom and the spindle, and she gave them for a meeting with the groom. Only Finist, the clear falcon, does not wake up. The girl began to sob, and one tear fell on him. Her lover woke up. But the sorceress does not want to give up Finist, the clear falcon. Then he asked in front of all his subjects whether a real wife could lie? Then everyone realized that Maryushka was suitable for his wife.

They got married and began to live happily.

The work teaches us that each of us can make ourselves happy by working through perseverance and love for people.

Picture or drawing Finist - clear falcon

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