Complex puzzles for first graders with answers. How to make a puzzle and how to solve them

Hello everyone!

How about a mental workout? Do you like to solve crossword puzzles and think about logic problems in your free time? People began to turn complex things into fascinating things a long time ago by drawing abracadabra and intricate diagrams. Puzzles to decipher hidden words, or in common parlance - rebuses, are a whole art that lives by its own rules of composition and solving.

Do you know how to solve puzzles or encrypted riddles for you - a dense forest? It turns out that there are techniques and techniques here that allow you to “turn on your brain.” So, let's get acquainted - a mysterious puzzle.

Lesson plan:

Where did the rebus come from?

A little history. Logical training of the mind came to us from France. There they were happy to solve them back in the 15th century; the Prussian King Frederick himself was not averse to flexing his brain.

WITH Latin word translated as “with the help of things.” And indeed, it is with the use of pictures of all sorts of objects, letters and numbers that puzzle lovers make riddles.

In 1582, the French even published the first collection, which introduced the whole of Europe to entertaining logic in pictures. In our native Russia, puzzles appeared only towards the end of the 19th century - we had no time to solve problems! Thanks to the Rebus magazine, they became one of the entertainments for the inhabitants of that era.

It turns out that the modern Russian rebus is already more than a hundred years old, and it is still just as popular, and improving the techniques used in “hide and seek” is an endless and limitless matter. New riddles today - a wide variety of “taste and color”, for those who are too smart and simpler.

What types of puzzles are there?

Words in logic riddles are encrypted in different ways.

The simplest drawn puzzles usually hide one or at most two words, they can be solved in “one-two-three”, but problems with three or more elements are much more difficult to solve, but even more interesting.

You can even write down sayings and proverbs, phrases and quatrains with rebuses! Imagine Pushkin's letter from Tatyana to Onegin in the form of pictures! That would be interesting! And how incredibly beautiful it would look!

And puzzles will be an excellent, beautiful and interesting addition to your school research projects. For example, like or .

Solving the unsolvable, or general rules for puzzles

If you combine all the rules for solving logical puzzles together, you get a special set that helps you choose the right path to the solution.

  • Each hidden word is divided into parts, depicted by a picture or using signs. These parts are usually read from left to right, but it happens the other way around and even from top to bottom.
  • The hidden lonely word is usually a noun in the singular nominative case. There are exceptions to the rules, but hints are given for this.
  • When a rebus is a whole sentence, then, of course, not only nouns live there, but also verbs, and adjectives, in general, other parts of speech. For such puzzles, the compilers specifically make instructions like “guess the proverb.”
  • The rebus must have one solution. If there are several of them, a reference is also made about this.

So, armed with a piece of paper and a pencil, we write out each guessed image, follow all the instructions for them, and add up the resulting parts. Voila! You have found the correct answer!

Now let’s go over the main types of puzzles and how to solve them.

Pictures with letters and numbers

There are several techniques that allow you to easily solve such problems:

Drawings with commas and signs.

Riddles with commas and pictures, as well as using other signs, they are also solved according to their own rules:

Letter puzzles

Often here the letters are drawn from different angles - inside each other, near, one under the other - all these are techniques that allow you to hide the hidden word:

Try your strength!

Have you studied the instructions for solving the puzzles? Now put the theory into practice! Here's a proverb:

How's it going? I'm waiting for answers in the comments!

Well, since we have worked hard, we need to have a good rest! Jumble! For all! We look and smile)

With this I say goodbye to you, I’ll also go and tell the puzzles and do exercises for the mind!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Ready? Go!






And here you have to puff a little longer: you need to unravel whole proverbs:




Well, the last task for real pros! Guess what phrase is encrypted here:


How to solve puzzles? Let's remember a few rules:

1. The names of all objects depicted in the pictures should be read in the nominative case.

2. Commas before a picture or word mean how many letters need to be removed from the beginning of the word.

3. Commas (usually upside down) after a picture or word indicate how many letters need to be removed from the end of the word.

4. Crossed out letters mean that such letters need to be removed from the word. If there are several such letters in a word, then all of them are crossed out.

5. Crossed out letter numbers mean that it is necessary to cross out only letters with the corresponding serial number from the beginning of the word.

6. An equality of type I=E means that in a word all letters I should be replaced with E. If an equality of type 1=C is indicated, then only the first letter should be replaced with C. (P=S SAW - POWER)

7. The use of an arrow going from one letter to another also serves to indicate the corresponding replacement of letters. A-P

8. The numbers 3,1,4,5 above the picture mean that from the word you must use only letters numbered 3,1,4,5 and in the order of the numbers.

9. A picture turned upside down means that the word needs to be read backwards.

10. If a fraction is used in the rebus, then it is deciphered as “NA” (divide BY). If a fraction with a denominator of 2 is used, then this is deciphered as “FLOOR” (half).

11. In puzzles, when encrypting, notes are often used. Indicate their name.

12. If the pictures are placed one below the other, then this is deciphered as “ON”, “ABOVE”, “UNDER”.

13. A letter made up of other letters is deciphered as “IZ”. If we depict a large “A” with small letters “B”, we get “FROM B A”

14. A letter written on top of another stands for “PO.”

15. If one letter is depicted behind another letter, then this is deciphered as “FOR” or “BEFORE”.

16. If an arrow pointing to the left is drawn above the picture, then you first need to decipher the word, and then read it backwards.

17. The crossed out "=" sign between pictures should be read as "NOT" (Example: "C" is NOT equal to "G").

Well, now the answers:
1. St. Petersburg
2. Supermarket
3. Beginning
4. Tournament
5. Classic
6. Compote
7. God protects those who are careful
8. Out of sight, out of mind
9. Language will bring you to Kyiv
10. If you are suddenly bitten by a crocodile, all you have to do is press hard on its eyes and it will let you go.

A rebus is a special type of riddle in which the hidden words are encrypted using a sequence of pictures, letters, numbers and other symbols.

In order to solve and compose puzzles, you need to know the rules and techniques that are used in composing them. Read and remember these rules. For greater clarity, some of them are illustrated with examples.

1. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case and singular. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

2. Very often, an object depicted in a rebus may have not one, but two or more titles, for example “eye” and “eye”, “leg” and “paw”, etc. Or it may have one general and one specific name, for example “tree” and “oak”, “note” and “re” etc. You need to select the one that suits the meaning.

The ability to identify and correctly name the object shown in the picture is one of the main difficulties when deciphering puzzles. In addition to knowing the rules, you will need ingenuity and logic.

3. Sometimes the name of an object cannot be used in its entirety - it is necessary to discard one or two letters at the beginning or end of the word. In these cases it is used symbol - comma. If the comma is left from the picture, this means that you need to discard the first letter from its name if on right from the drawing - then the last one. If there are two commas, then two letters are discarded accordingly, etc.

For example, a “yoke” is drawn, you only need to read “whirlpool”, a “sail” is drawn, you only need to read “steam”.

4. If two objects or two letters are drawn one inside the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "V". For example: “v-oh-yes”, or “not-in-a”, or “in-oh-seven”:

In this and the next five examples, different readings are possible, for example, instead of “eight” you can read “SEVEN”, and instead of “water” - “DAVO”. But such words do not exist! This is where ingenuity and logic should come to your aid.

5. If any letter consists of another letter, then read with the addition "from". For example: “iz-b-a” or “vn-iz-u” or “f-iz-ik”:

6. If behind any letter or object there is another letter or object, then you need to read with the addition "behind".
For example: “Ka-za-n”, “za-ya-ts”.

7. If one figure or letter is drawn under another, then you need to read it with the addition "on the", "above" or "under"- choose a preposition that makes sense.
For example: “fo-na-ri” or “pod-u-shka”:

The phrase: “Tit found a horseshoe and gave it to Nastya” can be depicted like this:

8. If another letter is written after a letter, then read it with the addition of “by”. For example: “po-r-t”, “po-l-e”, “po-ya-s”:

9. If one letter lies next to another, leaning against it, then read with the addition of “u”. For example: “L-u-k”, “d-u-b”:

10. If in a rebus there is an image of an object drawn upside down, then its name must be read from the end. For example, “cat” is drawn, you need to read “current”, “nose” is drawn, you need to read “dream”.

11. If an object is drawn, and a letter is written next to it and then crossed out, this means that this letter must be eliminated from the resulting word. If there is another letter above the crossed out letter, this means that you need to replace the crossed out letter with it. Sometimes in this case an equal sign is placed between the letters

For example: “eye” we read “gas”, “bone” we read “guest”.

An important stage in the development of a preschooler is the improvement of logical thinking.

For a schoolchild, it will be an additional bonus in the learning process, so it is worth starting to develop it long before school. Rebuses - riddles in the form of drawings - can give impetus to the formation of elementary logic. This is a variety intellectual game, during which occurs.

Performing simple tasks using logic will allow you not to be afraid of complications with. A rebus is a word encrypted in a picture. Various signs, letters, and additional drawings are offered as a hint in the cipher. Solving them requires erudition, ingenuity, and interest from children.

Solving puzzles is a very exciting activity. But you can quickly lose interest in it if the task is not selected according to age.

Puzzles for children 5 years old

represent the most simple options for solving - a set of letters and a picture. Combining them should ultimately form a new word. The birth of a new word excites children. When the technology for solving them is mastered, you can move on to more complex options. For those who do not know the alphabet, the puzzles are made up of funny color pictures. They depict familiar household items, fairy tale characters, animals, birds.

Puzzles for children 6 years old

more complex, using signs, knowledge of which means: commas, equal signs, periods. Pictures and individual letters, which an adult can help read, make it possible to compose a word yourself, removing extra letters or replacing one with another.

Puzzles for children 7 years old

are complicated by the fact that numbers appear in them along with signs and pictures. They become longer and may already consist of several words. Some need to be read upside down or from right to left.

The puzzles, which can be downloaded from the Preparing for School website, are colorfully designed and very skillfully selected. Besides this, there is detailed guide to an action that describes the technology for solving different types puzzles, and all answers to the puzzles are on the last page of the collection.

They can be downloaded and then easily printed on a printer.

Rebus – logic game, in which you have to guess the answer from the picture. The latter depicts objects, animals and plants, letters and numbers. What matters is them mutual arrangement. Even for fidgets, puzzles can become a fun activity if presented in a game form. For example, you can offer to teach your child how to solve spy codes.

And from the simplest picture puzzles for preschool age get to relatively complex ones. We assure you: if your child gets carried away and learns to turn on logical thinking, over time you will learn from him how to solve riddles in pictures.

Puzzles have been invented on a huge variety of topics. The main thing is that every word, letter and object that serves as an answer to the picture is already familiar to the baby.

How to solve puzzles for children with letters in pictures?

If you are interested in puzzles, then most likely you know the benefits of these logic puzzles. They develop memory, intelligence, speed of thinking, the ability to navigate a situation and apply the knowledge already acquired.

To teach a 6-7 year old child how to solve problems correctly, first explain to him the rules. There is no need to insist that he remember everything at once. Most likely, you don’t know them all yourself. It’s better to explain one or two things a day and support them with thematic tasks. The latter can be printed (more convenient for outdoor activities) or shown from the monitor. In subsequent classes, it is also better not to offer too much material. It is important to explain to the child that first he needs to correctly identify and name the object shown in the picture. And only then apply the rules in relation to this word.

So, let's read the basic rules! In particular, we will determine what a comma, a strikethrough, an inverted object and other subtleties mean in pictures.

  • What does a comma mean at the beginning or end of a rebus?
    A comma at the bottom or at the top before the picture means that one letter at the beginning must be dropped from the name of the depicted object. Accordingly, we see two commas - we discard the first two letters. These icons are very common.
  • What does an inverted comma at the beginning or end mean?
    The rules for inverted commas are similar to the rules for regular commas (see previous paragraph).
  • What do the crossed out and added letters mean?
    A crossed out letter in the picture means that it needs to be excluded from the name of the drawn object (and another one must be added, if indicated). Added to the left or right of the picture - you need to add it to the word at the beginning and at the end.
  • What do the numbers in the puzzles mean?
    Numbers can have two meanings. Do they stand above the word? To guess the answer, you need to rearrange the letters from place to place in the indicated order. The name of a number can be part of a word (often “one hundred”, “five” are used). A crossed out number means that the letter with that serial number must be excluded from the word. It should be remembered that some numbers, as well as objects, can have several names (unit - “count”, “one”, “one”).
  • What does the plus sign and the equal sign mean?
    If there is a plus sign between words (symbols), then they need to be added to each other. Sometimes “+” means the preposition “to”; the necessary one is chosen according to the meaning. The equal sign (for example, A=K) indicates that all the letters “A” in the word should be replaced with the letters “K”.
  • Vertical or horizontal line in tasks?
    A horizontal line means “under”, “over”, “above” and “on” at the same time, depending on the context. Used with letters or pictures, when one part is drawn below the line, the other above. Sometimes denotes a fraction (half of something, that is, “half-”).
  • Arrangement of letters in the picture and prepositions
    It is important to look at the relative position of the letters. If they are placed one inside the other, it means that the preposition “in” is added to their names. One letter is drawn after another - meaning the preposition “behind” or “before”.
  • The object in the picture is drawn upside down? To get the answer, you need to read the word backwards. Short words children 6-7 years old can quite turn it over in their minds. True, the number of such tasks is quite limited.

Most often, puzzles use several rules simultaneously. It is believed that at the age of 6-7 years, children are already familiar with letters and clearly know their names. If junior schoolboy has not yet encountered commas, teaching him a new symbol will not be particularly difficult.

Examples of puzzles in pictures for children 6-7 years old with answers

Children 6-7 years old and younger perceive material much better in connection with some memorable event. Puzzles about animals will be solved with delight if you offer them to your child the next day after visiting the zoo. A first-grader girl who is eager to enroll in a music school will be interested in musical puzzles. And a child, a boy impressed by the planetarium, will like pictures about space.

About animals and birds

When giving children a task about birds or animals, make sure that they have already encountered such animal names and also understand everything that is shown in the picture.

Puzzles about family, about mother

Who is the sweetest for a child, if not mommy! And who does he happily meet every time, except mom and dad? Children will really enjoy recognizing and guessing their grandparents, sisters and other relatives in the encrypted pictures. Print or draw brighter pictures and start having fun while teaching your child at the same time!

About sports, about health

Puzzles about work, health, sports, professions and many others can be used as thematic game aids. Is there a lesson or conversation planned on one of the topics in the graduating group of kindergarten, first grade of school or at home? A riddle in the form of a picture will allow you to learn the material better than an ordinary faceless story. Kids will be interested in the non-standard presentation of the material.

Puzzles based on fairy tales

Fairy tales with familiar characters, modern or classic cartoons are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. If the child is not very interested logical riddles, you can try to get him interested in guessing his favorite characters. There are many more mysteries on this topic than are given as an example. Knowing your child’s interests and favorite fairy tales, you can create puzzles in the form of applications yourself.