Walnut variety. Walnut: varieties, photos, growing features

There is a lot of variety walnut varieties, which differ from each other in their resistance to frost, pests, diseases, as well as wonderful taste and yield. It is worth noting that this crop can not only saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients, but is also capable of generating a stable income.

Any soil is suitable for growing a walnut tree - the main thing is to dig a hole about 1 meter deep, with a diameter of up to 50 cm. Before transferring the seedlings into the ground, they need to be placed in water for two days. If planted correctly, within 2-3 years after planting you can harvest the first harvest of healthy nuts. The average lifespan of a walnut tree is 60 years. During all this time, it will be possible to collect more than 70 tons of pure fruits (without shells).

Among gardeners, there are several varieties of nuts that are in special demand and are considered the best. They are screened out according to several criteria; nuts that have a thin shell and a large round shape are especially valuable.



The variety is early ripening. It is a moderately growing tree (about 3 meters tall), with lush, spreading foliage. The variety is resistant to drought and bears fruit with sweetish kernels, which are enclosed in a powerful shell.

This variety of nuts is intended for cultivation in the southern regions, since during severe frosts the flower buds and wood of the tree are damaged. Already 4 years after planting, the plant begins to bear its first fruits. It is distinguished by abundant and stable harvests. Fruit ripening occurs in mid-September.

From one tree it is possible to collect, on average, up to 25 kg of nuts, with a kernel weight of up to 15 grams.


The variety is considered mid-early, as fruiting begins at the end of September. The plant grows up to 5 meters in height, has a powerful structure and a densely leafy crown. The main features of this type of nut are drought resistance, as well as natural immunity to various diseases and pests of this crop.

Moderate frost tolerance: flower buds and wood are affected only during severe frosts. The first harvest appears only after 5 years from planting. One tree can produce more than 20 kg of ripe fruit, with a good sweetish taste and a kernel weight of 11 grams. Due to its frost resistance, it can be planted everywhere.



The tree is of medium height (from 3 to 5 meters), begins fruiting processes in the 4th year of life. The variety does not tolerate frost, so it is best to plant it in the southern regions of the country. However, it is resistant to such a common disease as brown spot.

The formation of fruits occurs in clusters - 3 pieces each. Sometimes it happens that one bunch can consist of 8 or more fruits. One tree is capable of producing good yield results - from 28 to 30 kg of nuts with an average kernel weight of 12 grams. This variety is popular due to its wonderful taste.



The tree is tall - up to 6 meters in height, has a wide oval crown. Fruiting begins 4 years after planting in the ground. The variety is mid-season, as the fruits ripen by the end of September.

The walnut is winter-hardy and moderately sensitive to brown spot and other diseases. It regularly produces good harvests, which is why it is considered quite prolific. From one tree it is possible to collect more than 28 kg of nuts. The kernel in them has a mass of 9-11 g, and has a wonderful sweet taste. This variety takes root in any area.


A fast-ripening, powerful, tall plant that can reach more than 6 meters in height. Already 4 years after planting, the first fruiting occurs. With increasing age, the plant increases its productivity several times. For example, a 10-year-old tree can produce 25 kg of nuts with excellent taste.

The average weight of one kernel is 12 grams. “Aurora” tolerates winter frosts well and is resistant to various diseases.

Dawn of the East

Dawn of the East

A small plant reaching 3 meters in height. Resistant to frost and brown spot. It begins to produce its first fruits from the age of 4, and after that shows good yield results. This variety is considered early because the end of ripening occurs in early September.

Flowering occurs in early May. An adult individual can easily collect more than 24 kg of nuts, with an inner kernel weighing 9 grams.

Separately, I would like to talk about the two most popular varieties of walnuts - “Giant” and “Ideal”:

Variety "Ideal"

It has won its recognition among domestic gardeners for its high frost resistance. It can withstand frosts down to -35 degrees Celsius.

Seeds are planted in the fall, 10 cm deep in the ground. By the end of June next year, the first shoots begin to appear, and closer to autumn the plant grows up to 50 cm. It is noteworthy that young trees do not need to be covered for the winter. 2 years after planting in the ground, the nut begins to bear fruit. As the plant grows, its yield also increases.

This variety urgently needs sunny color, otherwise it will simply wither in the shade. Flowering occurs in May, and fruiting occurs at the end of September - beginning of October. The flowers form inflorescences, from which clusters of walnuts are then formed - 15 pieces on each. On average, the tree grows up to 5 meters and gives a good harvest: 120 kg (from a 12-year-old plant). The average mass of kernels is 10 grams.

Variety "Giant"

A highly productive variety, which is somewhat similar to “Ideal”, only fruiting occurs in the 5-6th year of the plant’s life.

The tree grows rapidly and reaches 5 meters in height. Lush crown, large rounded fruits, with kernels of 10 grams. Productivity is regular, mainly apical. From the tree you can collect about 100 kg of thin-shelled fruits. The plant is resistant to a variety of diseases inherent in walnuts (for example, brown spot).

Walnut is widespread in the gardens of many countries and regions. The description of this tree suggests that its features are unpretentiousness to climatic conditions, high adaptability to the environment, a high level of frost resistance and other qualities.

Walnut Giant surprises with large nuts

Over the years, breeders and scientists have developed a large number of varieties of walnuts, each of which has its own characteristics.

Common varieties

Work on breeding the ideal variety of plant or tree gives many results, which in their own way may be of interest to a gardener who wants to grow walnuts on his plot.

Today, there are the following varieties of walnuts, which are widespread in the middle zone, including near the Bityug River:

  1. Dawn of the East.
  2. Fruitful.
  3. Aurora.
  4. Ideal.
  5. Breeder.
  6. Giant.
  7. Elegant.

Some varieties differ from others in their higher yields; in others, the attention of gardeners is attracted by the following characteristics: disease resistance, frost resistance, and rapid fruit ripening.

There are types of walnuts that are bred specifically for grafting, landscaping and pollination. These include Marion, Spectrum and Orion.

Scientists and breeders in many regions are engaged in breeding new attractive and interesting varieties of walnut due to the wide distribution of this tree.

Walnut variety Graceful

Characteristics of the Giant variety

The Giant walnut ranks second in the ranking of popular varieties. And this position is well deserved.

The name of the walnut tree variety is based on the size of its nuts. Each fruit of this tree is a real giant, weighing up to 35 g.

In terms of productivity, this variety is close to the variety called Ideal. The difference lies in the beginning of the fruiting process. The tree of the Giant variety begins to bear fruit after living for about 6 years.

Trees of this variety are quite compact, which attracts gardeners even more. The crown height usually does not exceed 5–7 meters.

The description of this variety suggests that its representatives are resistant to pathogenic processes that can affect walnuts and have high frost resistance, which allows it to calmly survive a sharp drop in air temperature in winter.

Selecting a seedling for planting

Walnut seedlings of the Giant variety are selected according to the same principle as seedlings of other varieties of this fruitful crop. Refrain from buying a seedling on the market; there is a high probability that you will come across another variety that may take root less well in the soil or may not take root at all and die. Contact specialists who can provide the planting material you need.

In order for the seedling to take root and grow without diseases, when choosing it, pay attention to the rules for selecting planting material when propagating walnut seedlings:

  1. A good seedling has a better developed root system than the trunk and branches. The opposite indicates disturbances in vegetation processes, which reduces the likelihood of successful cultivation of such a seedling.
  2. Avoid purchasing seedlings with mature leaves.
  3. There should be no damage or suspicious marks on the tree bark. Their presence may indicate damage by diseases, harmful organisms and other problems that reduce the survival rate of the seedling.

Showing a little care and caution allows gardeners to avoid mistakes and grow fruit-bearing trees without unnecessary worries and wasting time and money.

Walnut seedlings should be purchased from specialized nurseries

Planting and care

Seedlings are placed in soil that drains well, is away from groundwater flow and has neutral or low acidity. The young nut is planted in the soil without haste, since it is necessary to gradually distribute each level of rhizomes over a pre-prepared recess, and sprinkle them with soil on top.

To provide additional stimulation to horizontal root growth, which is correct for this type of tree, the bottom of the hole is lined with a film that prevents downward root growth.

The Giant nut growing on the plot does not require much care and careful care, but it is necessary to maintain a young planting in order to guarantee stable fruiting and stimulate the tree to begin producing crops earlier and more. Basic measures for caring for nuts:

  1. Regular watering is carried out over the entire area occupied by the crown. For 1 square meter of area, 2 buckets of water are spent.
  2. Regular feeding in autumn and spring. In the fall, phosphorus and potassium are used, in the spring, ammonium nitrate is used.

Ammonium nitrate is suitable for spring feeding of nuts

Having learned the description of the variety and understanding the main key points in planting and caring for young seedlings, you can grow a wonderful nut in your garden plot, which will not only delight you with a powerful crown, but also with a stable, rich harvest that fully meets all the gardener’s expectations.

A moderate level of soil moisture and acceptable nutritional value of the land resource in which the nut is planted will allow the gardener to consistently receive a plentiful harvest from his nut.

Gardeners are well aware of the Ideal walnut, the description of which is not particularly different from other varieties, but still has some differences. The walnut tree itself is a large, fast-growing plant of the Walnut family. An adult, it reaches 30 m in height, and the trunk is 7 m in diameter. The walnut has a powerful massive crown, which creates a thick shadow under it.

It blooms in May, a week after the leaves bloom. It is wind pollinated, so it is planted next to other fruit crops. Insects do not like nuts, only bees collect beebread on the catkins - male flowers, bypassing the female inflorescences, which after some time turn into fruits. In autumn, the green shell turns brown, dries and cracks, and a light brown nut falls to the ground, under the thick shell of which there is a tasty and nutritious kernel.

Nuts have healing qualities and are actively used in medicine and pharmacology. In the old days they were used to treat many diseases and make various decoctions and tinctures. You can read the article about the benefits of walnuts for men.


Many varieties of walnut have been developed in Russia, the cultivation of which brings good income for many years. Most varieties are perennial and unpretentious to frost. Every year, breeders try to find new properties inherent in fruits and trees. Almost any soil is suitable. If the tree is planted correctly and the variety is selected according to climatic conditions, then the first harvest can already be seen in 2-3 years.

The average lifespan of a plant reaches 70 years. They are mainly divided depending on the size of the fruit, yield and frost resistance. There are early-fruiting varieties, varieties with large fruits and ordinary ones. They are screened out, paying attention to criteria such as the shape of the fruit and the thickness of the shell. The most popular varieties are Ideal, Giant, Dessert, Graceful, Abundant, Harvest, Aurora, Breeder.


The walnut tree does not like severe frosts, and attempts to acclimatize it for germination in northern zones have not been particularly successful. The only more profitable and successful walnut option for residents of cold cities is the Ideal variety.

It is an early maturing species that grows as a bush and sometimes as a tree. Its height does not exceed 5 meters, and the tree itself is famous for its high yield, winter hardiness and can withstand temperatures of -30 degrees. Ideal seedlings bloom in the first year, and by 5 years they produce a noticeable harvest. It blooms in May, and the fruits ripen in a cluster consisting of several nuts. Its fruits are oval in shape with an easily removable shell and weigh 11 g, of which the kernel weighs 6 g.


It is planted for the winter in a hole 10 cm deep, and by the beginning of summer shoots appear. During the first summer they sprout 15 cm; in winter they are not covered, hardening them in this way. With warming, the second stage of plant development begins, during which it reaches half a meter in height.

There is an important feature that must be taken into account when planting Ideal: four seeds are placed in the prepared hole. When they begin to grow, they will gradually grow together, as a result of which the tree will become strong and strong, which is very important for durability and productivity.

Walnut Ideal is also propagated by grafting; the survival rate with this method is 90%. He cannot tolerate transplantation, so his permanent place of residence must be decided immediately. Before sowing, planting material is kept in damp sand until the first shoots appear.


Care does not require special labor costs. Watering should not be frequent, only during periods of drought, so as not to reduce frost resistance, it should be watered once a week. When the tree reaches 5 years of age, it must be fed during the growing season. Chicken droppings are diluted in water and watered at the root soil in the evening, then mulched and watered with clean water.

Walnut Ideal prefers moderately moist carbonate soil, but is able to adapt to more severe conditions, even in acidic and saline soils. During active growth, the tree branches strongly and, if desired, the crown is formed into a bush or tree. The plant loves light and has a developed root system that penetrates deeply into the ground.


This variety is loved by many gardeners because of its frost resistance, compactness, low maintenance requirements, tasty fruits, and most importantly, the fact that it bears fruit twice a year. The yield of the Ideal is extremely high and a mature tree can give the owner more than 100 kg. nuts annually.


His seedlings deserve no less attention. They have high fertility and occupy their rightful place after the Ideal. Its growth is quite fast, its height reaches 5 meters, and its forked crown, thick and spreading, allows you to relax in its shade on hot summer days.

The fruits are large, thin-barked, round, weighing 10-12 g. Each tree provides a good harvest - more than 100 kg per year. The giant is grown in any region, since this walnut is especially unpretentious.

During the first time after planting, the seedlings need to be watered abundantly, and in hot weather, doused with a hose; it is advisable to do this in the early morning or late evening so that the foliage does not get sunburned. Open, warm slopes are preferred for the Giant. It grows well in loams and carbonate soils of moderate moisture. The plant is famous for its high productivity and abundance, has excellent disease resistance and is not liked by pests.


Among gardeners it is considered a mid-early plant, the fruits of which are ready at the end of September. The plant grows up to 5 m high, very powerful and leafy. The main advantage of the variety is resistance to drought and natural protection from plant diseases and insects.

It tolerates frosts mediocrely, the buds and phloem are susceptible to freezing in very severe cold. The first harvest is pleasing after 5 years. The nut can bear about 20 kg. fruits with a wonderful sweetish taste, weighing 11g. It is planted everywhere.


An early ripening, moderately growing tree, reaching 3 m in height. It has lush spreading foliage. It tolerates drought well and bears tasty, nutritious fruits enclosed in a strong shell. Does not tolerate frost and is planted in the southern zones.

In the 4th year the plant bears its first harvest. Its productivity is stable and has fairly high fruiting. The fruits ripen in autumn.


The tree grows up to 5 m and produces nuts for 4 years. The variety is not resistant to cold, but does not suffer from brown spot. Fruits are formed in 3 pieces. in clusters, and sometimes more. The tree produces up to 30 kg. harvest per year. The average weight of nuts is 12 g. It has won love and popularity among gardeners with its delicious nuts.


A tall mid-season plant growing up to 6 m in length. It has a wide oval crown and bears fruit in the 4th year. It is winter-hardy and not susceptible to diseases, in particular brown spot. It produces good harvests every year and is considered prolific. The kernels weigh up to 10 g and have a wonderful sweetish taste.

Able to take root and grow in any area.


The tree ripens quickly, is extremely tall, strong and powerful. The first harvest is harvested after 4 years. The older the nut grows, the more fruit it bears. One core weighs 12 g. Resistant to cold and disease.

Dawn of the East

Reaches 3 m in height. Resistant to cold and disease. This is an excellent productive and early variety. An adult tree produces up to 25 kg of nuts annually. The weight of one fruit is 9 g.


It differs from all varieties in having nuts that have a thin shell. Not susceptible to pests and diseases. Not frost-resistant; during frosts, the buds and phloem freeze out. Nuts grow on the tops of branches. The first harvest is produced in the 4th year. The tree bears 20 kg. harvest annually. It has stable fruiting and seeds weighing 9 g. It is grown exclusively in the southern regions.

Walnuts vs almonds: which is healthier?

Among the variety of walnut varieties, preference should be given to those that will perform well in the conditions of the middle zone. A few nuts picked up from the ground in a neighbor’s garden are much more reliable for sowing than beauties bought at the market, which probably took a long time to be transported from the hot south, and which are unlikely to survive the first winter.

From Russian varieties In the middle zone, Ideal is most common.

Walnut variety Ideal

Unlike other varieties, the tree of which reaches more than 25 m in height, this variety is low-growing - the plant height is 4-5 (up to 8) meters. The variety is distinguished by good winter hardiness (down to minus 35°C) and fantastic early fruiting: even one-year-old seedlings sometimes produce 2-3 full-sized fruits. More than 120 kg of fruits per year are harvested from one 10-15 year old plant. The average fruit weight is 10 grams. The nut has a thin shell and a sweet-tasting kernel.

Variety Giant

The Giant variety is the second most popular and productive walnut variety. Unlike Ideal, it begins to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting. The tree quickly reaches a height of 5m. The crown is medium dense, widely spreading. The fruits are round, large, weighing 10 grams. Fruiting is regular, abundant, up to 100 kg of fruit per plant. "Giant" is suitable for planting throughout Russia and Belarus.

Krasnodar precocious

The variety is productive, early-fruiting, and relatively resistant to diseases and pests. The tree is winter-hardy and vigorous. The nuts are medium-sized (8-10 grams), with a thin shell, and ripen in the third decade of September.

Uchkhoz Kuban

The variety is productive, relatively resistant to pests and diseases, and begins to bear fruit in the 5th year. The tree is winter-hardy. The nuts are medium (8-10 grams), with a thin shell, and ripen in the third decade of September.

Belarusian varieties were created specifically for cultivation in the middle zone. They are winter-hardy, resistant to brown spot, and are distinguished by their yield, good removal of kernels from the shell and quality of the fruit.

Variety Pinsky

The tree is vigorous and produces good, fairly regular fruit. The average yield is about 50 kg. The nuts are 8.6 g, oval, ripen in the first half of September. Shell thickness is 1-2 mm. Dessert variety.


The tree is vigorous, bears fruit well and quite regularly. Average yield is about 38 kg. The nuts are 8.3 grams, round-oval, ripen in the first half of September. Shell thickness is 0.8-1mm. Dessert variety.

Memory Minov

The tree is powerful, fruiting is good and fairly regular, occurring in the 6th year after planting. Average yield 27 kg. The nuts are large (15.2 grams), flattened, without ribs, and ripen in the first half of September. The shell is thin (1 mm). Table variety.

An attractive deciduous walnut tree grows in many countries of Europe and Asia Minor, in Southern Kyrgyzstan and Northern China. In order to obtain ripe fruits, until recently in Russia this heat-loving plant was bred only to the latitudes of Voronezh. But thanks to the work of breeders, it became possible to grow some tree varieties in the Southern Urals and the Central region. They are distinguished by high productivity, winter hardiness, excellent fruit quality, and resistance to diseases and pests.

Walnut: description, varieties with photos

Tall tree with spreading crown grows up to 30 meters. The straight trunk of the tree with light gray bark reaches two meters in diameter. The leaves are complex, serrated at the top, 4-7 cm long, and consist of 5-9 elongated leaves.

The walnut blooms with small green flowers. On the annual tree tops, inflorescences of 2-3 female flowers are formed. Male multi-flowered thick catkins are located in the axils of the leaves. Flowers bloom in late April - early May. The very spectacular flowering of the walnut lasts for 15 days.

For 8-12 years after planting the plant begins to bear fruit. Its hard, thick-skinned fruits contain a single four-lobed seed. They ripen in late August - early September. The size and weight of the fruit depend on the location and type of tree. The shape of the nuts can be ovoid, oval, or round. The smallest fruit weighs only 8 grams, the largest can weigh more than 12 grams.

The walnut tree produces its richest harvests at the age of about fifty years. This long-liver in garden plots can grow and bear fruit for up to two hundred years or more.

Popular varieties - photos

Today in our country it is grown more than 20 varieties of walnut. All of them are resistant to light frosts, produce an excellent harvest and have a pleasant taste. The most popular varieties among gardeners:

Walnut: planting in open ground

The plant is light-loving, so it loves well illuminated areas. The distance between seedlings should be at least five meters, since mature trees have a powerful root system.

Walnut does not like compacted and heavily waterlogged soils. It grows well in moderately moist loams. When planting plants, it is necessary to add manure mixed with ash into the soil.

The planting hole should have a size of 40x40 cm. Seedlings should be planted very carefully. When planting, their roots are laid out in a horizontal position and sprinkled with earth. It is not recommended to deeply bury a young plant. The top roots should be at a depth of only 6-7 cm.

Features of caring for walnuts

In the first years, young plants require careful care.


In spring and summer, young trees need regular, abundant watering. About three buckets of water are needed per square meter of soil. The seedlings are watered twice a month. Trees that have grown up to four meters can not be watered so often. However, in dry summers, soil moisture needs to be monitored.

Top dressing

During the period of active growth, walnut trees should be fertilized. In the spring they are fed with nitrogen fertilizers, and in the fall - with phosphorus fertilizers. At the same time, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out only two years after planting. They are applied carefully, since nitrogen favors the development of bacteria harmful to the plant.

A tree that has reached the age of 20 years fed with fertilizers, which includes:

  • about 10 kg of superphosphate;
  • 2 kg of potassium salt;
  • 7 kg of ammonium nitrate.


Walnuts do not need to form a crown. However, dried and unnecessary branches should be cut out annually. It is not recommended to do this in spring, since the plant will lose a lot of juice and will not develop well.

Unnecessary branches cut in two stages and only in summer:

  1. In the first year, the branch is cut so that a twig about 7 cm long remains.
  2. In the second year in the summer, the branch is completely removed from the tree.

The cutting areas must be treated with garden varnish.

Fruit collection

They begin to collect nuts only after the pericarps turn green and begin to crack. The collected fruits can be kept in the basement for about a week. In this case, they will be easy to clean from the blackened and softened pericarp. Next, the nuts will need to be washed and dried in the sun.

The plant can be propagated in two ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Vaccination.

Seed propagation

Local varieties of nuts are selected for planting. They should be large, with a slightly cracked outer shell and without any damage. The collected seeds must be dried at room temperature.

Soil for planting dug up in the fall. Nuts are planted in the southern regions in early April, and in the Urals and in the central zone of the country - in mid-April.

The distance between the rows in which sowing will be done must be at least 50 cm. The distance between the fruits themselves must be 15 cm.

Before sowing, it is recommended to stratify the seeds. In this case, they will germinate better. To do this, fruits with thin and medium shells are kept at a temperature of +18C for one and a half months, and nuts with thick shells are stratified at a temperature of no more than +7C for about a hundred days.

Walnuts germinate slowly. Seedlings will be suitable for planting only 5-7 years after sowing the seeds.

Reproduction by grafting

To preserve the positive qualities of the mother tree, walnut propagated by grafting. For this, two-year-old seedlings are selected and planted in pots with a diameter of about 12 cm. In December, rootstock seedlings are brought indoors, where by the time of grafting they grow and produce good shoots.

After grafting, which is carried out in February, the plants are kept at a temperature of 24-26C. In mid-May, grafted young trees can be planted in open ground.

By planting a walnut tree on your property, you can enjoy its blossoms in the spring and its fruits in the fall. It not only brings abundant harvests, but also symbolizes prosperity and wealth. In Moldova and the Caucasus, since ancient times, the tradition of planting walnuts on one’s property after the birth of a child has been preserved as a dowry.