Dwarf cherry varieties. Winter pomegranate: planting and growing dwarf cherries

“Winter Pomegranate” is a relatively young dwarf variety that has already proven itself with the best side. It will help save space on the site, will not leave you without a harvest and will delight you with snow-white blooms in spring. Description of the variety, features of planting and care, as well as much more useful information- Further.

variety "Winter pomegranate"

“Winter pomegranate” stands out among dwarf trees with a good harvest

The berries of the “Winter Pomegranate” variety finally ripen by mid-August

Description of the “Winter Pomegranate” cherry

The variety is the result of selection of sandy and steppe “Canadian” cherries. These two species are distinguished by their undemandingness to soil and resistance to temperature changes. “Winter Pomegranate” inherited all these qualities.

Those who are taking their first steps in gardening should pay attention to this variety. He will forgive you small agricultural mistakes and will not leave you without a harvest.


Cherry is a low bush with erect shoots. It reaches a height of no more than 2 m on highly fertile soils; on less nutritious soils its height varies from 150 cm to 180 cm. Such small growth greatly facilitates tree care and makes harvesting convenient.

The optimal climate for its cultivation is sharply continental, that is, these are regions with harsh winters and hot summers. Without shelter, cherries can withstand frosts down to -45 °C, but such extreme temperatures still have a negative impact on yields. In the snowy cold winter It is advisable to insulate the trunk.

The variety belongs to decorative types. Cherry blossom contemplatives will not regret planting it on their site. In May, numerous delicate white and pink flowers bloom on it.

To form the ovary, “Grenade” does not require pollinating assistants, since the plant copes well with this task on its own, being self-fertile. Interestingly, 25-40% of fruits are set even without the help of bees, but this figure is also affected by weather and tree care.

The first small fruits appear in the 3rd year after planting the seedling. However, you will have to be patient - full harvests begin to be harvested from 5-7 years. The yield per tree is 10 kg.


The fruits ripen in the second half of summer - towards the end of July and beginning of August. Ripe fruits do not fall off for a long time, adhere well to the branches, and can hang until October. They have small size, the weight of one berry does not exceed 4 g. The color of the fruit changes as it ripens - from ruby ​​to deep, rich burgundy. Ripe fruits are almost black. The bone is very small. The pulp is sweet with slight sourness, without astringency. It’s better not to rush into collecting. Unripe fruits are very sour, so they should be picked when the color becomes darker.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  • small tree size;
  • self-fertility;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • frost and drought resistance;
  • good yield;
  • high resistance to diseases and pests;
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • no shedding of berries.

Among the disadvantages, many gardeners note the small size of the fruits and their insufficient “meatiness”.

Landing Features

Experts recommend planting all dwarf varieties in the spring. It is better to plant a tree on sunny side. It should not be exposed to shadows from buildings or tall trees. It is not advisable to grow them near coniferous plants, there may be a risk of infection.

Although “Winter Pomegranate” is undemanding to soil, it will grow better on loose, water- and breathable soil. These are types of soils such as loamy, sandy loam, which must be fertilized, or clayey with the addition of sand, chernozem.


The best planting material is a one-year or two-year-old seedling. While the plant is young, it easily adapts to climatic features region and takes root faster.

The root system is carefully inspected before planting. Broken branches and dry, rotten roots are trimmed with pruning shears. The plant is checked for pests. If they have settled, then it is treated with suitable insecticides. Before planting in the ground, the root system is soaked in water or a growth stimulant solution for 10 hours.

The planting pit is prepared in advance in the fall. The selected area is dug up, cleared of weeds and roots, and manure is added. Then they dig a hole. The depth of the hole should be equal to half the size of the seedling. Upper layer The soil is mixed with 300 g of superphosphate, 1 cup of wood ash and 1/2 of the hole is filled with this mixture. Leave everything until spring.

Planting stages

Follow the following instructions when planting a seedling:

  1. The earth is dug up and a mound is formed.
  2. A peg is driven into the center of the hole and a seedling is tied to it.
  3. The roots are leveled along the mound.
  4. Cover with soil and compact well.
  5. At a distance of 60 cm from the trunk, they loosen the ground in a circle, making a small mound.
  6. Pour 1-2 buckets warm water, focusing on soil moisture.

Caring for "Winter Pomegranate"

To get a harvest from a tree, they organize proper care, which consists in proper watering, timely application of fertilizing and pruning of trees.


The frequency of watering depends on the weather. In rainy times, it is enough just to loosen the soil so that the roots do not suffer from a lack of oxygen.

During the dry period, during flowering and ripening of fruits, water regularly, pouring 2-3 buckets of water under each tree.


In the first year, no fertilizing is applied, provided that the soil has been previously enriched before planting.

Next, the first fertilizing is carried out before flowering, adding nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In summer, they bring into the tree trunk circle organic fertilizers(2 times) with an interval of 3 weeks. After harvesting, restore the mineral balance of the soil using fertilizers rich in potassium, phosphorus and calcium.


The tree needs sanitary and formative pruning. They begin to form the crown immediately after planting. All branches that are located 50 cm from the ground are removed from the trunk.

To enhance growth, prune annually in early spring before the sap begins to flow, at the same time all broken and dried branches are removed. The sections are treated with garden varnish or dusted with ash.

No more than 10 branches are left on the tree, which should be located symmetrically on both sides of the trunk. All shoots growing inside the crown are cut out.

Diseases and pests

“Winter pomegranate” is distinguished by its stable immunity to various diseases, and practically does not suffer from insect attacks, especially if it grows away from other crops.

In most cases, insects move to cherries from neighboring trees. To reduce infection to a minimum, a number of preventive measures are carried out:

  1. In spring the trunks are whitened.
  2. Aphids will not disturb the plant if it is treated with Oleocuprite before flowering and with Karbofos solution before flowering.
  3. “Aktara” protects well from weevil larvae.
  4. In the fall, they dig up the tree trunk circle and clear it of plant debris.

Among the diseases, cherries are susceptible to moniliosis or moniliosis burn. But this fungal disease affects the variety very rarely and only if neighboring trees are already sick. Therefore, if the fungus has settled on other crops in the garden, be sure to treat the cherry with Fitosporin-M after it has faded and begins to actively form ovaries. This will help not only save part of the harvest, but prevent the death of the tree itself.

The disease can be recognized by the following signs:

  • dry, darkened branches appeared on the tree;
  • half-dried foliage;
  • soft areas on 3-year-old shoots;
  • mummified fruits on the branches.

If the tree is sick, the main thing is not to waste time. Part of the harvest can be saved provided that treatment is started in a timely manner, that is, during the period of active flowering. Treatment is carried out in dry, windless weather. If it rains after spraying, there will be no positive effect.

Berries from an infected tree are unsuitable for storage; the most that can be done from them is to cook a compote or use them to make jam.

Treatment is carried out as follows:

  • Treat the crowns of a diseased tree with a 3% solution Bordeaux mixture until the kidneys wake up.
  • At the same time, the trunks are whitened with a solution of lime, adding a small amount of copper sulfate and an antifungal agent.
  • Before flowering, spray the crown with a 0.4% solution of “Zineba”; if you missed the time and did not carry out the treatment, then be sure to treat it Blooming tree 1% solution of “Topsin-M”.
  • Until the plant completely blooms, repeat the treatment with Topsin-M no more than 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks. After flowering, no chemical treatment is used.

To reduce the risk of moniliosis in the garden, adhere to the following rules:

  • the tree trunk circle is regularly cleared of weeds, plant debris, and fallen fruits;
  • carry out regular pruning - thin out the crown;
  • in the spring, each tree is carefully inspected - diseased and dry branches are cut out, if there are mummified fruits left on the branches, then they are also removed;
  • do not allow mechanical damage to the bark; if there are wounds or cracks, the area is cleaned and lubricated with garden varnish so that the fungus does not settle and grow;
  • the plant is planted so that their branches do not touch each other and have free space between them;
  • When a disease is detected, diseased branches are cut off, capturing 15 cm of a healthy area, and burned.

“Winter pomegranate” is a disease-resistant variety. We should not forget about the versatility of its fruits. Would you like to taste fresh sweet cherries, stock up on juice, jam or preserves, or make homemade liqueurs or liqueurs? "Winter Pomegranate" is your variety.

Many residents of big cities know how pleasant it is to take a break from the hustle and bustle at their summer cottage. And we are not talking about a picnic or barbecue at all... In nature, a person feels reunited with nature. Therefore, many hobbyists become avid gardeners and gardeners.

Which one then country cottage area without fruit trees? You can’t do without them, because having a good well-kept garden is the key to a great quality harvest. Certainly, big garden also needs a vast land area, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to acquire such a suburban area.

If the garden area is small, it is irrational to place large trees on it. But there is a way out - dwarf trees and shrubs. Every year the popularity of dwarf fruit representatives increases. Among them, dwarf cherry is also relevant.

How to choose the right seedling and plant it? What kind of care is needed? We will try to answer all these questions.

Features of dwarf cherry

Dwarf cherry is a low-growing tree or shrub 1.5-2 m high. At the same time, the plant produces good harvest berries Low-growing cherries are used not only by gardeners and summer residents. The varieties are actively used in commercial cultivation.

Varieties of dwarf cherries have a lush, fast-growing, spreading crown. The maximum height that can be reached does not exceed 2.5 m.

The productivity of the plant is high, from one tree at good care and in a good season you can collect up to 20 kg of berries per season. The weight of the berries is 5 grams. They are located densely on the branches. The color of the berry depends on the variety of dwarf cherry. Gardeners can find crops that are both light red and very dark, chocolate.

The berries have a sweet and sour taste. The shape is different, can vary greatly, depending on the plant variety.

The harvest of low-growing cherries can be used both in fresh, and for preservation (compotes). Berries are often frozen. They are widely used in confectionery products.

Advantages and disadvantages of the plant

Dwarf cherry is a plant that is present on personal plot every amateur gardener. And there is an explanation for this. After all, it has many advantages. Even from a photo of a dwarf cherry, you can be sure that this variety will be indispensable in your summer cottage.

  • High yield. Compared with ordinary cherries the number of fruits in plants is approximately the same.
  • Actively used in areas with windy climates. Branches low growing plant practically do not break, and in case of strong wind the crown will not be damaged.
  • An extensive root system that does not reach groundwater.
  • The plant grows faster than an ordinary fruit tree.
  • An easy, simple way to harvest.
  • Easy care.
  • Fruiting occurs much earlier than with ordinary cherries.
  • Takes up little space on the site.
  • The plant is unpretentious to moisture and undemanding to soil.
  • Frost-resistant.
  • The harvest is easy to transport.

The disadvantages of this plant include:

  • Smaller berry size than regular cherries.
  • The taste of the berries is less sweet. There is more sourness.
  • Some varieties are characterized by a tart taste.


The tree loves light very much, so it must be planted in an area well lit by the sun. The soil for planting can be any. It takes root well in areas with densely planted trees.

Dwarf cherry seedlings take root quickly. They also produce rapid growth within a minimum time. Before planting, you should inspect the roots of 1-2 year old seedlings. They must be intact, not affected by diseases and pests. If there are such areas, they should be trimmed. The roots should be placed in water for several hours.

In autumn, the soil is fertilized with manure, potassium and phosphorus. In spring, urea (nitrogen) should be added.

The hole for the bush should be deep enough so that the wind does not damage the plant. Optimal size- half the length of the seedling. A peg is driven into the center of the planting hole, to which the seedling is subsequently tied. The hole is filled with earth and compacted. It is necessary to make a small depression around the trunk for watering. After planting, you immediately need to water the seedling with 2 buckets of water.


Dwarf cherries have many varieties. Therefore, when choosing a specific variety for your garden, you should take into account the characteristics of the selected plant. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with the climatic conditions in the region and the location of the site.

Winter pomegranate

The dwarf cherry variety Winter Pomegranate is a young one, but already well recommended by gardeners. The variety is self-pollinating.

The height of the dwarf tree reaches 1.8 m. During the fruiting period, the compact small bush is literally strewn with berries. Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate is recommended to be grown in the northern regions, because the plant is highly frost-resistant. In regions where the summer is hot and harsh, the fruit-bearing tree will delight you with a good harvest. Some gardeners claim that even in harsh conditions you can get a good harvest from this plant.

Cherry fruiting dwarf Garnet occurs in the 3rd year, and by the fifth year of life you can already get a full harvest. The fruits are sweet and sour, tasty. The same taste qualities are characteristic of almost all varieties of dwarf cherries. In 1 season, you can collect up to 10 kg of crop from one tree. The excellent taste of the berries allows you to make delicious jams, juices, compotes and any other dishes. Culinary dishes made from these berries are tasty and juicy.

The plant is unpretentious and resistant to many pests and diseases. Harvesting is convenient due to its low height and compact arrangement of branches.

The dwarf tree of this variety is highly decorative. It is especially beautiful in spring period, when pinkish and white flowers.

Anthracite Dwarf Cherry

This variety of dwarf cherry has the shape of a bush, reaches a height of 2 m. The crown is wide, there are many berries on the branches. The harvest is almost black, the flesh is dark red. The shape of the berries is beautiful, weight - 5 g. The taste of the berries is delicate, with a pleasant sourness. The harvest is harvested in mid-summer.

This variety is also characterized by frost resistance, high yield and resistance to many pests and diseases.

Saratov baby

This variety of dwarf cherry was obtained by crossing Duke and Early cherry. Gardeners often simply call it Baby. This is a small shrub that does well in a variety of climatic zones. Characterized by high yield and winter hardiness.

The colors are beautiful and smooth. The taste of the fruit is slightly sour, pleasant. The harvest can be harvested at the end of the first month of summer. You can collect up to 15 kg of berries from one bush.

Malyshka is a self-sterile variety, so pollinators must also be planted with it. It is better to use the Lyubskaya, Nord Star or Turgenevka varieties.

The variety is resistant to diseases.


Dwarf cherries should be fed 3-4 times per season. In the spring, the trunk must be treated with whitewash. This will protect the plant from pests. Dry shoots and diseased branches are also pruned. This way the plant will receive more nutrients, pest infestation will stop.

If the bush is healthy, then in the fall you can collect fallen leaves and use them later as humus. The plant is propagated by rootstock.

Preparing a plant for wintering involves performing the following procedures:

  • Pruning.
  • Clearing old, dried bark.
  • Cleaning the crown of leaves.
  • Wetting and disinfection of wounds with special solutions.
  • Burning old branches and leaves.


Dwarf cherries - perfect tree to get a good harvest. The plant is undemanding, unpretentious, frost-resistant. With good care and favorable weather conditions it produces an excellent harvest.


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Cherry is one of the most common fruit crops in Russia. Its popularity is explained by its frost resistance, good fruiting and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

The Cherry genus includes more than 150 species. Some types of cherries are considered as separate crops.

Ferruginous cherry

This type of cherry is a dwarf bush up to 1.5 m high. It grows singly or in small groups. Widely distributed in Korea, Japan, Northern China. In Russia it is grown in Perm region. It has flexible, thin, graceful, dark red branches that arch towards the ground, giving the bush a spherical shape.

The leaves are oval, oblong, with an elongated apex, dark green in color. In autumn they acquire yellow-red tones.

The flowers are white or light pink, up to 2 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in inflorescences of 2-3. They bloom in April-May. Flowering lasts up to 8 days.

The fruits are round, dark red, almost black when ripe. The taste is bittersweet. Life expectancy of a tree good conditions reaches 100 years.

Ferruginous cherry is winter-hardy. Photophilous. Prefers loam and sandy loam soils. It is a valuable honey plant. Propagated by seeds.

Cherry warty

A small shrub reaching 0.5-1 m in height with numerous miniature stems and straight branches. The leaves are wide, oval, 2 cm long, 1 cm wide, jagged along the edge. Flowering begins in the second decade of May. During flowering, the branches are densely covered with dense inflorescences consisting of 8 flowers. The fruits are round, small, burgundy berries with juicy, sweet and sour pulp.

Warty cherry is found wild on dry calcareous rocks. Distributed in Tajikistan, Pamir-Alai. Cultivated in Europe and Central Asia. Protected in nature reserves. It is not a garden crop.

Japanese cherry: photo and color

A miniature, densely branched tree up to 1.5 m high. The branches are thin and flexible. The leaves are oval, with a pointed tip, 7 cm long, 3 cm wide.

The flowers are white, with a pink tint, up to 2 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts 2-3 weeks.

The fruits are small, shiny, round berries. The color of Japanese cherry is dark red. The berries taste sweet and sour, reminiscent of grapes. They are supported by long stalks, giving the bush a decorative appearance. The tree's productivity is quite high. One bush produces up to 30 kg of fruit.

Japanese cherry is common in Japan and China, where it grows everywhere. Settles singly and in groups along roads, on forest edges and hills. Heat-loving.

Has decorative value. Used to decorate the garden. In the southern regions of Russia it is planted along roads. Cultivated in the Voronezh, Lipetsk, and Penza regions. IN middle lane In Russia, only dwarf forms are planted, which are covered for the winter to avoid damage by severe frosts.

The most popular decorative forms of Japanese cherry: white and pink with double flowers.

The inflorescence of the Japanese cherry tree is called sakura.

Sakura is considered a symbol of Japan. In this country, it is depicted on dishes, national clothing, and household items. Ornamental shrub can be seen quite often in paintings, films and works of art.

Sakura cherry symbolizes the transience of life. Philosophers compare the flight of a petal with human life: She is also beautiful and fleeting.

A photo of a Japanese cherry tree shows how attractive this plant is.

Black cherry

A weak-growing tree reaching up to 4 m in height. The crown is oval, broadly pyramidal, with medium foliage. The bark is dark gray, rough, with longitudinal cracks. There are convex long lenticels oval shape. Vegetative buds are large, 4-6 mm, oval, with a pointed apex, slightly extending from the shoot. Generative buds are small, ovoid, with a rounded tip. Leaf plate oval, elongated, dark green above, wrinkled, lateral veins depressed, central vein slightly concave. The bottom is gray-green, naked, dense, leathery. The leaves are held on a thick, bare, slightly pubescent petiole 2-2.5 cm long, with 1-3 large glands. The flowers are white, large, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences of 2-4 flowers, rarely 1. The petals are bent back.

This crop is distinguished by large, almost black fruits weighing up to 6 g with a sweet and sour, pleasant taste. The pulp is tender, juicy, with light veins.

Flowering later. The fruits ripen at the end of July. Fruiting 3-4 years after planting. At 7-8 years the tree begins to produce a good harvest. Up to 15-25 kg of berries are harvested from one bush.

Winter hardiness is high. Withstands temperatures down to - 34°C.

Black cherry is common in the south of the Central Black Earth Region. It is in demand among gardeners in the Voronezh, Volgograd, and Rostov regions.

Gray cherry

A low-growing shrub, reaching no more than 1.5 m in height. The branches are brown, twig-like. The shoots are gray, briefly pubescent. The leaves are obovate, serrate along the edges, almost glabrous above, with short white hairs, and tomentose below. The leaves are 3.5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. They are supported by short, slightly pubescent petioles. The flowers are collected in inflorescences of 4-8 pieces, pink, up to 1 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in May and lasts 5-14 days. Sometimes it blooms again in August.

The fruits are dark red, round berries, which appear slightly pubescent during ripening. It is absent in fully ripened fruits. Ripening occurs in the first half of August. Fruiting occurs 3-5 years after planting.

Gray cherry is unpretentious. Can grow on any soil. Tolerates dry periods well. Heat-loving. Recommended for planting in the southern regions. In severe frosts it freezes.

Distributed in Turkey and Transcaucasia, where it forms dense thickets.

The crop is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Stratified seeds are planted in the spring and freshly harvested in the fall.

The plant is used to decorate garden plots and strengthen slopes. A cherry bush with pink flowers looks impressive against the background of plants with bright green foliage and coniferous crops.

Cherry Maksimovich

Slender, tall tree up to 20 m high. The bark is dark gray, rough. The leaves are oval, narrowly pointed, purple when blooming, light green in summer, smooth above, slightly pubescent below.

The flowers are white, collected in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces. Possess pleasant aroma. They bloom in mid-May. Flowering lasts 1.5 weeks.

The fruits are round, small, dry, inedible berries. At first they are bright red, when ripe they are dark burgundy, almost black, taste bitter, and look like bird cherry. Ripen in August.

Maksimovich cherry is undemanding to growing conditions. It grows quite quickly. Shade-tolerant. For good growth and development of the tree, planting on fertile, well-drained soils is recommended. Does not tolerate excessive moisture. Winter hardiness is high.

Grows in the Amur and Primorye regions, Sakhalin, Korea and Japan.

Propagated by pre-stratified seeds, cuttings, and stump shoots. Garden forms vaccinated.

As a culture, it has no value. Decorative. It is a good honey plant. Planted singly and in group plantings on lawns and garden plots. Used to create a hedge.

Sakhalin cherry

It is a slender bushy tree reaching 10-14 m in height. At home it can grow up to 25 m. It is found on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. It is a close relative of the Japanese cherry.

The bark is smooth, brown in color. The shoots are yellowish-gray, not pubescent. The leaves are ovate, large, with a pointed apex, up to 12 cm long and 6 cm wide. When blooming, bronze and shiny. In autumn yellow or red. The flowers are pale pink and consist of 5 petals. They bloom at the same time as the leaves. The fruits are small, black, tasteless, inedible berries.

Sakhalin cherry prefers slightly podzolic and turf soils. Unpretentious. Shade-tolerant. Photophilous. Grows well in sunny, sheltered from the wind, moderately moist areas. Does not require regular crown formation. Requires periodic pruning of densely growing branches.

Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Planted singly and in groups. It is of decorative value for its beautiful foliage color and early, abundant flowering.

Kuril cherry

Low, vertically growing, dense shrub up to 1.5 m in height. It grows very slowly. The leaves are wide, elliptical, dark green, with a pointed tip. They are held on petioles with two large glands. The flowers are large and white. Appear before the leaves bloom. Flowering lasts from late May to early June.

The fruits are edible, small, black, bitter berries. Fruits from the age of 9 years.

Kuril cherry grows in mountain, mixed forests, and bamboo groves. Often forms thickets. Distributed in Japan, Sakhalin.

Prefers clay, sandy, drained soils. Photophilous. Winter hardiness is average. Heat-loving. Doesn't like drafts.

Propagated by seeds. Cuttings root poorly.

Used for planting along the banks of reservoirs, creating alleys and hedges.

bird cherry

Tree up to 35 m tall. The crown is oval, erect, sometimes cone-shaped. The branches are directed upwards. The bark is light gray, flaking. The shoots are bare. Root system horizontal, but the formation of vertical branches is not excluded. The leaves are elongated, ovate, pointed, wedge-shaped, doubly serrate along the edge, smooth, dark green, up to 16 cm long. They are supported on petioles, up to 3 cm long. The flowers are white, large, up to 3 cm in diameter. Collected in inflorescences. They have a pleasant aroma. Flowering lasts 14 days.

The fruits are dark red or burgundy berries with juicy pulp. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 8.

Bird cherry grows wildly in the Caucasus, in Western Ukraine, Europe and Asia Minor. Settles alone and in groups in mixed, broad-leaved, mountain forests.

Photophilous. Shade-tolerant. Grows quickly. Frost-resistant. Demanding on growing conditions. Prefers moderately moist, fertile soils. Do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Grows well on the south side. Propagated by cuttings and grafting. For abundant fruiting, periodic feeding is required. This cherry is susceptible to coccomycosis, hole spot. Requires annual pruning and removal of annual branches.

Used as a fruit and ornamental crop.

Dwarf cherry: photos, varieties and description

Dwarf cherry or sand cherry grows wild in North America, where it often settles on sandy soil, for which it received its second name “sandy”. It is a low shrub, the maximum height of which is up to 1.5 m. When young, it has an upright growing crown with upward-pointing branches; in older individuals, the crown is spreading, with widely spread branches. The shoots are bare, thin, reddish in color. The leaves are narrow, back lanceolate, leathery, harsh to the touch, dark green above, grayish below, 5 cm long. Reminiscent of willow leaves. In autumn they turn orange and are painted in bright colors. The flowers are white, medium-sized, up to 2 cm in diameter, in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces, fragrant. Flowering lasts 16-25 days.

The fruits are spherical, small purple-black berries, weighing up to 5 g, edible. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness. In the southern regions they ripen in the second half of July, in the northern regions - in August. They are practically not used fresh; they are not processed for making preserves, jellies, jams.

The fruits of dwarf cherries do not fall off the tree even when fully ripe. Over time they dry out, but the taste does not deteriorate, but becomes better. Fruiting occurs in the 3rd year of the plant’s life. From one adult bush you can get up to 10 kg of berries, which is quite good for such a miniature crop. However, high productivity and early fruiting lead to rapid aging of the tree, so the life expectancy of sand cherry is up to 10 years. For bountiful harvest it is recommended to plant sand cherry next to felt cherry. Varieties of dwarf cherries are self-fertile; a proximity of pollinating varieties is necessary. Fruiting is annual.

Dwarf cherry grows well in open, sunlit areas. Drought resistant. Not demanding on soil. It has high frost resistance of flower buds and root systems. Tolerates temperatures down to -35 °C. Due to its high frost resistance, it is widely used in Western Siberia, where the varieties “Kroshka” and “Novinka” are grown. The fruits of the bred varieties have high taste qualities.

Diseases of dwarf cherries: moniliosis, monilial burn. To prevent diseases, fertilize in the form of organic and mineral fertilizers. Dead bushes are dug up and burned so that the disease does not spread to other garden crops.

Propagated by cuttings, seeds, shoots, layering. Seeds are stratified before sowing.

Decorative. Remains attractive throughout the season. Looks impressive alone and in groups. Suitable for landscaping slopes, creating hedges, and planted in parks and gardens.

The photo of a dwarf cherry clearly shows its features and decorative qualities.

Steppe bush cherry: photos of varieties and description

Steppe cherry, popularly called bush cherry, is a low bush with a height of 20 cm to 1.5 m. It has a spreading, spherical crown. Forms a thick, root shoots. The bark of adult shoots is light brown, covered with yellow lenticels; the bark of young shoots is gray, reddish at the top.

The leaves are elongated, oval, glabrous above, dark green, pale below, matte, up to 6 cm long, serrated along the edge. The flowers are white, collected in inflorescences of 2-4 pieces, large, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. They are supported by short stalks. Flowering lasts 1-2 weeks.

The fruits are spherical berries of yellow or burgundy color, edible, sweet and sour. Ripen in June. The lifespan of a tree under good conditions is about 20 years.

This type of cherry is recognized as the most winter-hardy among its other varieties; it can withstand temperatures down to -50°C. Drought resistance is high. Not demanding on soil. Grows on rocky and poor soils. Gives a rich harvest. Rarely damaged by diseases and pests. Prefers illuminated areas. Fruiting continues for 15 years.

Distributed in Europe, Northern Asia and Siberia. Settles on slopes, in pine, oak and other forests. Forms undergrowth. It is often found in domestic gardens along with the common cherry, but the description of the steppe cherry is fundamentally different from it, since the common cherry can reach up to 6 m and is a tall tree. In addition, bush cherries have more sour fruits, while ordinary berries have a sweet taste.

Bush steppe cherry reproduces vegetatively and by root suckers.

In order for this crop to produce a rich harvest, it is necessary to carry out proper care. Be sure to regularly loosen the soil, this will ensure the supply of oxygen to the roots of the plant. Timely removal of weeds growing near the tree that take away nutrients. Fertilizers are applied in autumn and spring. Mineral, superphosphate additives and wood ash are suitable for bush cherries. Feeding promotes good growth and development of the tree. For proper crown formation, pruning is necessary, which is done in early spring. An excessively dense crown leads to a lack of nutrients, which will negatively affect the further formation of the crown and lead to a decrease in the number of fruits. If the plant is damaged by diseases and pests, the bush must be sprayed with special solutions.

An important role is played by varieties of steppe cherries, which should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the region. The winter-hardy variety “Morel” is suitable for planting in the northern regions of Russia. In the middle zone, the Malinovka variety is very popular.

Varieties common in the Urals:

In the south of Western Siberia new, winter-hardy varieties bush cherry:



Most resistant to coccomycosis and other diseases. The varieties “Kurchatovskaya” and “Bolotovskaya” produce a rich harvest.

Other photos of steppe cherries can be seen below in the gallery.

Photo gallery: types of cherries (click on the image to enlarge):