Modern teaching methods. Lectures can also be unconventional

Lesson. Stages of the lesson.

What plays a leading role in the professional life of a teacher? Of course, a lesson. This is hard work, when within 45 minutes you need to focus your will and attention. But it is at these moments that the teacher realizes himself to the fullest. The lesson gives a sense of usefulness professional activity, and the teacher shows his desire for creativity and independence. Academician M.N. Skatkin noted that a lesson is a “pedagogical work” created by a teacher.

Only a creative approach to the lesson, taking into account new achievements in the field of pedagogy, psychology and advanced experience, provides high level teaching. It is also necessary to take into account the personal experience, the individual qualities of the teacher, the composition of the class and the characteristics of the current teaching material. After all, preparing for a lesson is not only a science, but also an art that requires inspiration, impulse, creativity from the teacher.

Do you remember the basic requirements for organizing a modern lesson? Suppose the head teacher comes to your lesson. He may pay attention to:

lesson objectives;

structure and organization of the lesson;

lesson methodology;

work and behavior of students in the classroom;

homework received by students.

How do you prepare for a modern lesson?

Remember, no lesson can solve all learning problems. It is part of a topic, course, subject. It is important to always be aware of what place it occupies in the system of the academic subject, what are its didactic goals. The lesson should be a logical unit of the topic, section, course, and since it is also a pedagogical work, its content should be complete, with the internal interconnectedness of parts, a single logic of the development of the teacher's and students' activities.

Possible approaches to the lesson:

personality oriented;



innovative and creative.

When evaluating a lesson, the following are taken into account:

requirements for a compulsory minimum of educational content;

self-assessment of the teacher's capabilities;

diagnostics of the individual capabilities and needs of the student.

The structure of the lesson can be as follows:

Lesson topic.

Lesson objectives: educational, developmental, educational.

Lesson objectives: organization of interaction; assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills; development of abilities, experience of creative activity, communication, etc.


explanation of new material;



laboratory and practical lesson, etc.








research, etc.


equipment for the experiment;

didactic material;

maps, diagrams, tables, laboratory equipment;

computer, etc.

5. Quality control of knowledge and their correction.

Verbal control: conversation, explanation; reading text, maps, schemes.

A pass and an oral examination is the most active and thorough test of knowledge.

Written control: control work, presentation, dictation, essay, practical work, didactic tests.

6. Introspection of the lesson and setting new goals.

General lesson structure.

Implementation of the main didactic goal of the lesson.

Development of students in the learning process.

Education during the lesson.

Compliance with the basic principles of didactics.

Choice of teaching methods.

The work of the teacher in the classroom.

The work of students in the classroom.

Observing the basic requirements for the lesson, the teacher conducts it using his creative abilities, his methodological handwriting, which depends both on the nature of the class and on the individual traits of the students. For efficient organization and conducting a lesson, certain rules must be observed:

Determination of the objectives of the lesson.

Clarification of the type of lesson.

Clarification of the type of lesson.

The choice of methods and techniques of teaching in accordance with the goals.

Determination of the structure of the lesson, corresponding to the goals, objectives, content and teaching methods.

Let's consider in more detail the observance of the first rule - the definition of the goals of the lesson. Do you know how to formulate them correctly? Quite often in lesson notes young teacher you can read: "Tell students about the genres of epics, etc.", "Introduce the properties of plastics, etc." Can this be considered the objectives of the lesson? Not!

The purpose of the teacher's activity is his cognitive desire, a conscious decision to change the degree of training, education and development of the student. Therefore, the objectives of the lesson should be as specific as possible.

The goal of teaching involves the formation of students' new concepts and methods of action, a system of scientific knowledge, etc. It must be concretized, for example:

to ensure the assimilation by students of the law, signs, properties, characteristics ...;

to generalize and systematize knowledge about ...;

to work out skills (what?);

close knowledge gaps;

to achieve assimilation by students of concepts (what?).

The goal of upbringing involves the formation of certain personality traits and character traits in students.

What kind of personality traits need to be brought up? First of all, the moral qualities of a person, willingness to work, to defend the Fatherland, etc.

For example, you can present the following list of educational goals in the lesson:

education of patriotism;


aesthetic taste;

conscientious attitude to work;


The goal of development presupposes mainly the development of the mental qualities of students in the classroom: intelligence, thinking, memory and attention, cognitive skills.

Every creatively working teacher, wherever and with what category of students he may work, will certainly face many problems, which he sometimes works to resolve throughout his teaching life. These problems include, in our opinion, key ones, namely:

how to ensure the success of each student in learning;

But there is a question of questions: how to work in the lesson with the whole class and at the same time with each student? We believe that this requires a student-centered learning approach.

A modern lesson.

Requirements for a modern lesson (Methodological recommendations for the teacher)

Lesson - cell pedagogical process... In it, like the sun in a drop of water, all its sides are reflected. If not all, then a significant part of pedagogy is concentrated in the lesson. (Skatkin M.)

I. Lesson as an integral system.

A lesson is a form of organizing the activities of a permanent staff of teachers and students in a certain period of time, systematically used to solve the problems of teaching, developing and educating students.

A lesson is a form of organizing training with a group of students of the same age, constant composition, lesson according to a fixed schedule and with a single curriculum for all. In this form, all components of the educational process are presented: the goal, content, means, methods, organization and management activities and all of its didactic elements.

The birth of any lesson begins with the awareness and correct, clear definition of it ultimate goal- what the teacher wants to achieve; then establishing a means - that will help the teacher achieve the goal, and then determining a way - how the teacher will act to achieve the goal.

II. Typology of lessons.

Lessons are classified based on the didactic goal, the goal of organizing classes, the content and methods of conducting the lesson, the main stages of the educational process, didactic tasks that are solved in the lesson, teaching methods, ways of organizing learning activities students.

In accordance with this approach, the following five types of lessons are distinguished: lessons in the study of new educational material (1st type); lessons on improving knowledge, skills and abilities (this includes lessons on the formation of skills and abilities, targeted application of the learned, etc.) (2nd type of lesson); lessons of generalization and systematization (3rd type), combined lessons (4th type); lessons of control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities (5th type).

Unconventional forms lesson: role-playing games; performance lesson; execution of a fairy tale plot; review of knowledge; fantasy lesson; game lesson; business game; test lesson; peer learning lesson; travel lesson; round table or conference; competition lesson; press conference; peer learning lesson; a lesson in open thoughts; climbing lesson; competition lesson; dialogue lesson; lesson-KVN; brain attack; quiz lesson; briefing lesson; the game "Experts lead the investigation"; actual interview; knowledge auction; simulation and role modeling; dispute lesson; modeling students' thinking; lesson-tournament; role-playing business game; eureka lesson; lesson-lecture; the game "Magic Envelope"; interdisciplinary integrated lesson; lesson-competition; a lecture for two; creativity lesson; press conference; mathematical hockey; lecture-conference; provocative lecture; lecture-dialogue.

III. Lesson structure.

The structure of a lesson is a set of various options for interactions between elements of a lesson that arises in the learning process and ensures its purposeful effectiveness.

Lesson in learning new material:

the initial introduction of the material, taking into account the laws of the cognitive process with high mental activity of students;

an indication of what students should remember;

motivation for memorization and long-term retention in memory;

message or actualization of memorization techniques (work with materials supporting memory, semantic grouping, etc.);

primary consolidation under the guidance of a teacher through direct repetition, partial conclusions;

control of the results of primary memorization;

regular systematizing repetition at short and then longer intervals in combination with various requirements for reproduction, including with differentiated tasks;

internal repetition and constant application of the acquired knowledge and skills to acquire new ones;

frequent inclusion of reference material for memorization in the control of knowledge, regular assessment of the results of memorization and application.

The structure of lessons for improving knowledge, skills and abilities:

Lesson in consolidating and developing knowledge, abilities, skills:

communicating to students the purpose of the upcoming work;

reproduction by students of knowledge, skills and abilities that will be required to complete the proposed tasks;

performance by students of various tasks, tasks, exercises;

verification of completed work;

discussion of the mistakes made and their correction;

home assignment (if necessary).

Skills and skills formation lesson:

lesson goal setting;

repetition of formed skills and abilities that are a support;

testing exercises;

acquaintance with new skills, showing a sample of formation;

exercises to master them;

exercises to consolidate them;

training exercises according to the model, algorithm, instructions;

exercises for transferring to a similar situation;

creative exercises;

the result of the lesson;

home assignment.

Lesson in applying knowledge, skills and abilities:

organization of the beginning of the lesson (psychological attitude of students);

message of the topic of the lesson and its tasks;

learning new knowledge necessary for the formation of skills;

formation, consolidation of primary skills and their application in standard situations - by analogy;

exercises in applying knowledge and skills to changed conditions;

creative application of knowledge and skills;

skill development exercise;


the result of the lesson with the assessment of the work done by the students.

The structure of the lessons of generalization and systematization of knowledge:

Review lesson:

organization of the beginning of the lesson;

setting educational, upbringing, developmental tasks;

checking homework aimed at repeating basic concepts, conclusions, fundamental knowledge, skills, methods of activity (practical and mental). In the previous lesson, knowing about the upcoming repetition, you need to choose the appropriate homework;

summing up the results of the repetition, checking the results of educational work in the lesson;

home assignment.

Repetitive and generalizing lesson:

Organizing time;

the teacher's introductory remarks, in which he emphasizes the meaning of the material of the studied topic or topics, communicates the purpose and plan of the lesson;

performance by students individually and collectively of various kinds of oral and written tasks of a generalizing and systematizing nature, developing generalized skills, forming generalized conceptual knowledge, based on generalizing facts, phenomena;

verification of work performance, adjustment (if necessary);

formulation of conclusions based on the studied material;

evaluation of the results of the lesson;


home assignment (not always).

Control and correction lesson:

organization of the beginning of the lesson. Here it is necessary to create a calm, business-like environment. Children should not be afraid of testing and control works or be overly worried, as the teacher checks the children's readiness for further study of the material;

statement of the tasks of the lesson. The teacher tells the students what material he will check or control. Asks the children to remember the appropriate rules and use them in their work. Reminds students to check the work themselves;

presentation of the content of the test or test work (tasks, examples, dictation, essay or answers to questions, etc.). Tasks in terms of volume or degree of difficulty should correspond to the program and be feasible for each student;

summing up the lesson. The teacher selects good works of students, analyzes mistakes made in other works and organizes work on mistakes (sometimes it takes the next lesson);

definition typical mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, as well as ways to address them and improve knowledge and skills.

Combined lesson (it usually has two or more didactic goals):

organization of the beginning of the lesson;

checking homework, setting the goal of the lesson;

preparing students for the perception of new educational material, i.e. updating knowledge and practical and mental skills;

study of new material, including an explanation;

consolidation of the material studied in this lesson and previously covered, related to the new;

generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills, connection of new ones with previously obtained and formed ones;

summing up the results and results of the lesson;

home assignment;

preparation (preliminary work) necessary for students to study a new topic (not always).

IV. Structural elements of the lesson.

1. Organizational stage.

Didactic task of the stage. Prepare students for work in the lesson, determine the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Conditions for achieving positive results. The exactingness, restraint, composure of the teacher; systematic organizational impact; consistency in the presentation of claims.

Indicators of the implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. The short duration of the organizational moment; complete readiness of the class for work; quick inclusion of students in a business rhythm; organizing the attention of all students.

Requirements for the implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. Short-term organization of the process; exactingness, restraint of the teacher; pronounced volitional orientation of activity; stimulation of students' activity, its purposefulness.

Methods of activation in the lesson. Writing lesson objectives on the chalkboard. The message of assistants, consultants about the readiness of the class for work.

Errors made during implementation. There is no uniformity of requirements for students; their cognitive activity is not stimulated.

2. Stage of comprehensive homework check.

Didactic task of the stage. Establish the correctness and awareness of the completion of homework by all students; eliminate the knowledge gaps discovered during the audit: while improving the ZUN.

Conditions for achieving positive results. The efficiency of the teacher, the target orientation of his activities; the teacher uses a system of techniques to check homework for the majority of students in the class.

Indicators of the implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. The teacher's ability to establish the level of knowledge of the majority of students and typical shortcomings in a short period of time (5-7 minutes); the ability to update and correct basic concepts during homework checking; eliminate the causes of the discovered deficiencies; high degree identifying the quality of knowledge of the material received by students at home.

Requirements. Optimality of the survey sheet among other stages of the lesson, the purpose and form of the survey organization (individual, frontal), taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children; the dominant character of search and problem tasks.

Methods of activation in the lesson. Use of various forms and methods of control. Search, creative, individual tasks for students.

Errors made during implementation. Uniformity of lessons and survey methods; lack of consideration of the individual characteristics of students and the specifics of the material being studied. The reproductive nature of the questions and tasks.

3. The stage of a comprehensive check of the ZUN.

Didactic task of the stage. Deeply and comprehensively test the knowledge of students; identifying the reasons for the identified knowledge and skills gaps; to stimulate the respondents and the whole class to master the rational methods of teaching and self-education.

Conditions for achieving positive results. Using the most different methods knowledge testing, ranging from a frontal conversation, an individual survey and ending with a test test, which makes it possible to get answers from the whole class for 10-20 questions in 10-15 minutes. Statement of additional questions to test the strength, depth of awareness of knowledge; creation of non-standard situations when polling; involving, with the help of special tasks, all students to actively participate in the search for more complete and correct answers to the questions posed; creating an atmosphere of importance of the work carried out by students at this stage.

Indicators of the implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. The teacher checks not only the volume and correctness of knowledge, but also their depth, awareness, flexibility and efficiency, the ability to use them in practice; peer review of students' answers, aimed at clarifying the positive and negative aspects of their ZUN and indicating what needs to be done to improve the methods of independent work; active activity of the whole class in the course of testing the knowledge of individual students.

Requirements for ZUN. The educational nature of the survey. Awareness, completeness of students' activities. Engaging students in correcting mistakes. Objectivity of a reasoned answer.

Errors made when checking the ZUN. Weak activation of students in the verification process. Lack of flagging arguments.

4. The stage of preparing students for the active and conscious assimilation of new material.

Didactic task of the stage. Organize and direct the cognitive activity of students to the goal.

Conditions for achieving positive results. A preliminary formulation of the goal by the teacher, an assessment of the significance for students of the new teaching material, learning problem, fixing this in the lesson plan; the ability of the teacher to clearly and unambiguously define the educational goal of the lesson, to show the students what they should learn during the lesson, what ZUN should master. The variability of the methods of communicating the goal to students in different lessons.

Indicators of the implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. The activity of students' cognitive activity at subsequent stages; efficiency of perception and comprehension of new material; students' understanding of the practical significance of the material being studied (it is clarified at the subsequent stages of the lesson).

5. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge.

Didactic task of the stage. To give students a concrete idea of ​​the facts, phenomena being studied, the main idea of ​​the studied issue, as well as the rules, principles, laws. To achieve from students the perception, awareness, primary generalization and systematization of new knowledge, the assimilation by students of the methods, ways, means that led to this generalization; on the basis of the acquired knowledge to develop the appropriate ZUN.

Conditions for achieving positive results. The use of techniques that enhance the perception of the essential aspects of the material being studied. Complete and precise definition distinctive features studied objects and phenomena; isolating the most essential features in the studied objects and phenomena and fixing the attention of students on them. Writing in notebooks formulations, plan support points, abstract theses; the use of thinking techniques (analysis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, concretization). Presenting a problem situation to students, posing heuristic questions; compilation of tables of primary summarization of material, when possible. Updating personal experience and basic knowledge of students; vocabulary work.

Indicators of the implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. When using the method of heuristic conversation, independent work of students in combination with a conversation, when using computer technology, an indicator of the effectiveness of the assimilation of new knowledge and skills by students is the correctness of their answers and actions during the conversation and the active participation of the class in summing up the results of independent work, as well as in assessing the quality knowledge by students in the subsequent stages of learning.

Requirements. A clear statement of the tasks of studying a new topic for students, stimulation of interest in the issue under consideration. Ensuring proper scientific character, accessibility and systematic presentation of the material. Concentration of attention on the main thing in the learned. Optimality of the pace and system of methods for studying new material.

Methods of activation in the lesson. The use of non-standard forms and methods of teaching. A high degree of independence in learning new material. Use of TCO and means of visualization.

Errors made during implementation. There is no clarity in the statement of tasks, the main thing is not highlighted, the material is not systematized and fixed, and is not related to what was previously studied. A presentation level not available to students is being used.

6. The stage of checking students' understanding of the new material. The stage of assimilating new knowledge.

Didactic task of the stage. Establish whether or not the students have mastered the connection between facts, the content of new concepts, patterns, and eliminate the gaps found.

Conditions for achieving positive results. Asking questions that require active mental activity of students; creation of non-standard situations when using knowledge; the teacher's appeal to the class with the requirement to supplement, clarify or correct the student's answer, find another, more rational solution, etc.; taking into account additional answers in terms of quantity and nature when clarifying gaps in students' understanding of new material.

Indicators of the implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. The teacher asks average and weak students, the class is involved in assessing their answers, during the test, the teacher seeks to eliminate the gaps in the students' understanding of the new material; the main criterion for performing a didactic task is the level of awareness of the new material by the majority of weak and average students.

7. The stage of consolidating new material.

Didactic task of the stage. To consolidate in students the knowledge and skills that are necessary for independent work on this material

Conditions for achieving positive results. Developing skills to operate with previously acquired knowledge, solve practical and theoretical problems, use various forms of consolidating knowledge

Indicators of the implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. The ability of students to relate facts, concepts, rules and ideas; the ability to reproduce the main ideas of the new material, the ability to highlight the essential features of the leading concepts, to concretize them. Student activity

Requirements for its implementation. Availability, sequence of tasks performed, students' independence at the same time. Providing students with differentiated assistance, error analysis, ensuring control and self-control when completing assignments

Methods of activation in the lesson. A variety of tasks, their practical focus

Errors made during implementation. Questions and tasks are offered in the same logic as the study of new material. The monotony of ways of securing. Little time is allotted for consolidation. the emphasis is not on the main thing.

8. The stage of informing students about homework, instructions on how to complete it.

Didactic task of the stage. Inform students about homework, explain the methodology for completing it and take stock of the work

Conditions for achieving positive results. Calm, patient explanation of the content of the work, techniques and sequence of its implementation. Obligatory and systematic implementation of the stage within the lesson; the ability to give in short instructions the order of execution.

Indicators of the implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. Correct completion of homework by all students.

Requirements for its implementation of the didactic task of the lesson. Optimality of the volume and complexity of homework. Warning about possible difficulties and ways to eliminate them. Increased interest in homework.

Methods of activation in the lesson. Differentiation of tasks, the creative nature of their implementation (interviews, defense of projects).

Errors made during implementation. Homework information after the call. Large volume and high complexity. Lack of instruction, clarity of purpose and methods of implementation.

Summing up the lesson.

Didactic task of the stage. Analyze, assess the success of achieving the goal and outline the future.

Conditions for achieving positive results. Clarity, brevity, maximum participation of schoolchildren in the assessment of their work.

Requirements. Adequacy of student self-esteem and teacher assessment. Students' awareness of the significance of the results obtained and the willingness to use them to achieve educational goals.

Additional activation. Using an algorithm for evaluating the work of the class, teacher and individual students. Stimulation of personal opinions about the lesson and how to work on it.

Errors. The crumpledness of the stage, summing up after the call, the absence of this stage. Vague, biased assessment, lack of encouragement.

V. Requirements for the lesson.

1. Didactic requirements for a modern lesson:

clear formulation of the triune didactic goal;

determination of the optimal content of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the objectives of the lesson, taking into account the level of preparation and preparedness of students;

forecasting the level of students' assimilation of scientific knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities both in the lesson and at its individual stages;

selection of the most rational methods, techniques and means of teaching, stimulation and control of their optimal impact at each stage of the lesson;

a choice that ensures cognitive activity, a combination of various forms of collective and individual work in the lesson and maximum independence of students in the learning process;

implementation of all didactic principles in the classroom;

creation of conditions for successful learning of students.

2. Psychological requirements to the lesson:

The psychological goal of the lesson:

designing the development of students within the study of a specific academic subject and a specific lesson;

taking into account in the target setting of the lesson the psychological task of studying the topic and the results achieved in the previous work;

the use of individual means of psychological and pedagogical influence, methodological techniques that ensure the development of students.

Lesson style.

Determination of the content and structure of the lesson in accordance with the principles of developmental learning:

the ratio of the load on the memory of students and their thinking;

determination of the volume of reproducing and creative activity of students;

planning the assimilation of knowledge in a finished form (from the words of the teacher, from a textbook, manual, etc.) and in the process of independent search;

implementation by the teacher and students of problem-heuristic teaching (who poses a problem, formulates it, who solves it);

accounting for the control, analysis and assessment of the activities of schoolchildren, carried out by the teacher, and mutual critical assessment, self-control and self-analysis of students;

the ratio of students' motivation to activity (comments that evoke positive feelings in connection with the work done, attitudes that stimulate interest, volitional efforts to overcome difficulties, etc.) and coercion (reminder of a grade, sharp remarks, notations, etc.) ;

features of teacher self-organization:

readiness for the lesson, and most importantly - awareness of the psychological goal and internal readiness for its implementation;

working well-being at the beginning of the lesson and during its course (composure, attunement with the theme and psychological goal of the lesson, energy, perseverance in the implementation of the set goal, an optimistic approach to everything that happens in the lesson, pedagogical resourcefulness, etc.);

pedagogical tact (cases of manifestation);

psychological climate in the lesson (maintaining an atmosphere of joyful, sincere communication, business contact, etc.).

Organization of students' cognitive activities.

one). Determination of measures to ensure the conditions for productive work of thinking and imagination of students:

planning the ways of students' perception of the studied objects and phenomena, their comprehension;

use of attitudes in the form of persuasion, suggestion;

planning conditions for stable attention and concentration of students;

the use of various forms of work to actualize in the memory of students the previously acquired knowledge and skills necessary for the perception of new ones (conversation, individual survey, repetition exercises).

2). Organization of the activity of thinking and imagination of students in the process of forming new knowledge and skills:

determination of the level of formation of knowledge and skills among students (at the level of specific sensory ideas, concepts, generalizing images, "discoveries", formulation of conclusions);

reliance on the psychological patterns of the formation of ideas, concepts, levels of understanding, the creation of new images in the organization of mental activity and the imagination of students;

planning techniques and forms of work that ensure the activity and independence of students' thinking (a system of questions, the creation of problem situations, different levels of problem-heuristic problem solving, the use of problems with missing and redundant data, the organization of search and research work of students in the classroom, the creation of surmountable intellectual difficulties in in the course of independent work, the complication of tasks in order to develop the cognitive independence of students);

leadership in increasing the level of understanding (from descriptive, comparative, explanatory to generalizing, evaluative, problematic) and the formation of the ability to reason and reason;

the use of various types of creative work of students (explanation of the purpose of the work, the conditions for its implementation, training in the selection and systematization of material, as well as the processing of results and the design of the work).

3). Consolidation of work results:

building skills through exercise;

learning to transfer previously acquired skills and abilities to new working conditions, prevention of mechanical transfer.

Organization of students:

the attitude of students to learning, their self-organization and the level of mental development;

possible groups of students according to the level of learning, taking these circumstances into account when determining the combination of individual, group and frontal forms of students' work in the lesson.

Taking into account the age characteristics of students:

lesson planning in accordance with the individual and age characteristics of students;

conducting a lesson taking into account the strong and weak students;

a differentiated approach to strong and weak students.

III. Hygiene requirements for the lesson:

temperature regime: + 15- +18 0С, humidity: 30 - 60%;

physicochemical properties of air (the need for ventilation);


prevention of fatigue and overwork;

alternation of activities (change of hearing by performing computational, graphic and practical work);

timely and high-quality physical education;

adherence to the correct working posture of the student;

correspondence of classroom furniture to the student's height.

V. Requirements for the technique of the lesson:

the lesson should be emotional, arouse interest in learning and raise the need for knowledge;

the pace and rhythm of the lesson should be optimal, the actions of the teacher and students should be completed;

full contact is necessary in the interaction of the teacher and students in the lesson, pedagogical tact and pedagogical optimism must be observed;

the atmosphere of benevolence and active creative work should dominate;

whenever possible, the types of activities of students should be changed, the various methods and techniques of teaching should be optimally combined;

ensure compliance with the uniform spelling regime of the school;

the teacher must ensure the active learning of each student.

Vi. Lesson objectives.

GOALS ORIENTED ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD'S PERSONALITY, in turn, are divided into several groups:

goals focused on the development of the personal-semantic attitude of students to the subject under study;

goals focused on the development of value attitudes of students to the surrounding reality;

goals related to ensuring the development of intellectual culture in schoolchildren;

goals focused on the development of a research culture in schoolchildren;

goals related to the development in students of a culture of self-management of educational activities;

goals focused on the development of the information culture of schoolchildren;

goals focused on the development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren;

goals related to the development of a reflective culture in schoolchildren.

Goals focused on the development of a personal and semantic relationship to the subject:

to actualize the personal meaning of students to the study of the topic;

help students to understand the social, practical and personal significance of the educational material.

Goals focused on the development of value attitudes of students to the surrounding reality:

to promote students' awareness of the value of the subject being studied;

help students realize the value of working together.

Goals related to ensuring the development of intellectual culture in schoolchildren:

to create meaningful and organizational conditions for the development of students' skills to analyze a cognitive object (text, definition of a concept, task, etc.);

to ensure the development of students' skills to compare cognitive objects;

to promote the development of students' abilities to highlight the main thing in a cognitive object (definition of a concept, rule, task, law, etc.);

ensure the development of students' skills to classify cognitive objects, etc.

Goals focused on the development of a research culture in schoolchildren:

promote the development of students' ability to use scientific methods cognition (observation, hypothesis, experiment);

to create conditions for the development of students' skills in formulating problems, suggesting ways to solve them.

Objectives related to the development of organizational and activity culture (culture of self-management of learning) among schoolchildren:

ensure the development of students' ability to set goals and plan their activities;

create conditions for the development of students' ability to work in time;

to promote the development in children of the ability to exercise self-control, self-assessment and self-correction of educational activities.

Goals aimed at developing the information culture of students:

create conditions for the development of students' ability to structure information;

to provide students with the development of skills to draw up simple and complex plans.

Objectives related to the development of the communicative culture of students:

to promote the development of children's communication skills;

to ensure the development of monologue and dialogical speech in schoolchildren.

Goals focused on the development of the reflective culture of schoolchildren:

create conditions for the development of students' skills to "suspend" their activities;

to ensure the development of schoolchildren's ability to highlight the key moments of their own or someone else's activity as a whole;

to promote the development in children of the ability to distance themselves, to take any of the possible positions in relation to their activities, situations of interaction;

to ensure the development of students' ability to objectify activities, i.e. translate from the language of immediate impressions and ideas into the language of general provisions, principles, schemes, etc.

OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVES are presented in the following form:

help students to present a new topic study project in a holistic manner;

organize student planning activities with the teacher to study a new topic;

organize the activities of students for the study and primary consolidation of facts, concepts, rules, laws, regulations ... etc., methods of action (specific special (subject) skills are listed);

to ensure the consolidation of concepts (specific concepts are indicated), rules, principles, laws, etc .; skills (subject skills are listed);

ensure that students apply knowledge and methods of action (specific knowledge and skills are indicated) in a variety of situations;

organize the activities of schoolchildren on the independent application of knowledge in various situations;

organize the activities of students to generalize and systematize students' knowledge within the framework of the topic ...;

to ensure that the knowledge and methods of action of students on the topic are tested and evaluated ...;

organize the activities of students to correct knowledge and methods of action.

Only unity in the implementation of the marked objective goals will ensure the assimilation of the studied educational material.

Vii. Stages of lesson planning and teacher preparation for it.

Development of a system of lessons on a topic or section.

Determination of the triune didactic goal of the lesson based on the program, teaching aids, school textbook and additional literature.

Selection of the optimal content of the lesson material, dividing it into a number of semantic complete blocks, parts, highlighting basic knowledge, didactic processing.

Highlighting the main material that the student must understand and remember in the lesson.

Development of the structure of the lesson, determination of its type and the most appropriate methods and techniques of teaching on it.

Finding connections of this material with other subjects and the use of these connections in the study of new material and in the formation of new knowledge and skills of students.

Planning all the actions of the teacher and students at all stages of the lesson and, above all, when mastering new knowledge and skills, as well as when applying them in non-standard situations.

Selection of didactic means of the lesson (films and filmstrips, paintings, posters, cards, diagrams, auxiliary literature, etc.).

Equipment check and technical means learning.

Planning of notes and sketches on the blackboard by the teacher and the implementation of similar work by students on the blackboard and in notebooks.

Planning the volume and forms of students' independent work in the classroom and its focus on the development of their independence.

Determination of the forms and methods of consolidating the acquired knowledge and acquired skills in the classroom and at home, methods of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Drawing up a list of students, whose knowledge will be tested by appropriate forms and methods, taking into account the levels of their formation; scheduling tests of students' skills.

Determination of the content, volume and forms of homework, thinking over the method of assigning homework lessons.

Thinking over forms of summing up the lesson.

Planning extracurricular activities on this topic.

Recording the plan and course of the lesson as required.

VIII. Scheme of the lesson plan (M.I.Makhmutov).

І. Lesson topic (in accordance with the calendar-thematic planning).

The purpose of the lesson:

educational (what are the expected increments in knowledge, skills and abilities of students, formation ...).

developing (what logical operations and methods of mental activity the students will learn and what developmental result it can give).

educational (what personality traits are formed).

Lesson type (the type of lesson is indicated in accordance with the calendar-thematic plan, its type).

Teaching methods, methodological techniques, pedagogical techniques, pedagogical technologies.

Equipment: TCO, visual aids, information sources, didactic teaching aids.

II. Actualization (the time allotted for actualization is indicated, basic knowledge that must be activated in the minds of students, which helps in the perception of new material; independent work of students is planned, ways of developing motivation in learning, interest in the subject are noted - reporting an interesting fact from the history of science, showing practical significance, an unusual formulation of the question, a new formulation of the problem, the creation of a problem situation; a form of control over the progress of work is outlined, methods of self-control, mutual control, students are outlined for a survey, a form for obtaining feedback).

III. Formation of new concepts, methods of action (new concepts to be studied and methods of their assimilation are indicated, for lessons in improving knowledge, skills and abilities, deepening and expanding knowledge is indicated; the cognitive task of the stage of knowledge assimilation is formulated, prospective increments, methods of forming methods of activity are indicated; it is determined type of independent work, possible methods of establishing interdisciplinary connections, students are outlined for completing individual tasks and methods of individualization - cards with multi-level didactic material, problem and informational questions are formulated).

IV. Application (formation of skills and abilities) (specifies specific skills and abilities to practice, for example, the ability to formulate a question, establish cause-and-effect relationships, classify, compare; ways of obtaining feedback are outlined. Names of students are indicated for the survey, etc.).

V. Homework (the main task, questions for repetition, differentiated creative tasks are indicated, the volume of homework is thought out - does not exceed 2/3 of what was done in the class).

IX. Lesson outline diagram



Lesson # __________________



training ___________________________________________________________________

developing _________________________________________________________________

upbringing ______________________________________________________________

Lesson type: ___________________________________________________________________

Methods: ____________________________________________________________________


The sequence of the steps of the lesson:

organizational assimilation of new knowledge,

homework check,

consolidation of new knowledge,

comprehensive knowledge test,

information about the house. assignment,

instruction preparation for the assimilation of new material.

Lesson stage.


Techniques, methods.

What the students are doing, what the teacher is doing.

Texts of all assignments, new educational material, problem solving, recommendations for the implementation of the house. tasks.

Analytical part of the lesson: introspection of the lesson.

X. Self-examination of the lesson


Lesson topic _______________________________________________________

Lesson type and structure __________________________________________

Where does this lesson fit into the topic? How does this lesson relate to the previous one, how does this lesson work for subsequent lessons?

Brief psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class (the number of poorly performing, strong students). What characteristics of the students were taken into account when planning the lesson?

What is the triune didactic goal of the lesson, its teaching, developmental, educational aspects, to assess the success in achieving the TDC of the lesson, to substantiate the indicators of the reality of the lesson.

Selection of content, forms and methods of teaching in accordance with the purpose of the lesson. Highlight the main stage and give its full analysis, based on the learning outcomes in the lesson.

Was the time allocated for all stages of the lesson rationally allocated? Are the "connections" between these stages logical? Show how the other stages worked on the main stage.

Selection of didactic materials, TCO, visual aids in accordance with the purpose of the lesson.

How is the control of the assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills of students organized? At what stages of the lesson? In what form and by what methods was it carried out? How is the regulation and correction of knowledge organized?

Psychological atmosphere in the classroom and communication between students and teachers.

How do you rate the results of the lesson? Did you manage to achieve all the objectives of the lesson? If not, why not?

Outline the prospects for your activities.

Types and types of lessons. Modern lesson requirements. Homework.


1. Lesson as the main form of teaching.

2. Types and structure of lessons.

3. Modern requirements for the lesson.

4. Planning the educational process and preparing the teacher for the lesson.

5. Non-standard lessons and their characteristics.


· Concept,

· Kinds,

· Meaning,

· Requirements for its implementation,

· Homework checking techniques.

Lesson as the main form of teaching.

Lesson - the main unit of the educational process, clearly limited by the time frame (45 minutes), the work plan and the composition of the participants.

The main form of education in the world is the classroom-lesson form of education.

Lessons even in one subject bear little resemblance to each other. The lesson is characterized by specific signs:

1. Constant group of students.

2. Guidance by the teacher, the activities of schoolchildren, taking into account the individual characteristics of each of them.

3. Mastering the basic studied material in the lesson.

The structure of the lesson and the methodology for its conduct depend on the didactic goals and tasks that are solved in the learning process. Depending on the prevailing teaching methods and means, the same type of lesson can have several varieties (types).


Attempts to classify lessons, to break them down into several types have been undertaken for a very long time. KD Ushinsky was the first to deal with this problem.

Types and structure of lessons.

Lesson structure - a set of elements of the lesson, ensuring its integrity and safety of the main characteristics of the lesson with different options.

Structural elements of the lesson.


The most common and used in practice classification was introduced by B.P. Esipov and identified the following types of lessons:

1. Learning new material.

2. Lesson of consolidation of knowledge and the formation of skills.

3. Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

4. Lesson control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

5. Combined or mixed lesson.

Type 1: Learning new material.

Lesson type: - lecture,

Lesson with elements of conversation,

Lecture with presentation elements,

Lesson conference,



The purpose of the lesson: the study of new knowledge and their primary consolidation.

Lesson structure:

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson (2 minutes). Engage children, draw their attention to the lesson, communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. Homework check (3 minutes). A certain level of learned material from the previous topic and preparing schoolchildren for perception new information.

IV. Primary consolidation of knowledge (5 minutes). You can use special tasks after explaining the new material. Conduct a conversation with the aim of developing skills and applying knowledge.

V. Summing up the lesson (2 minutes). Find out what the children learned in the lesson, what they learned new and give reasons for the assessment of students' knowledge.

VI. Homework information (3 minutes). Homework message and explanation of how to do it.

Type 2: The lesson of consolidating knowledge and the formation of skills.

Lesson type:- workshop,


Laboratory work,

Business game,

Lesson discussion.

The purpose of the lesson: Secondary consolidation of the acquired knowledge, the development of skills and abilities for their application.

Lesson structure:

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson (2 minutes). Engage children, draw their attention to the lesson, communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. Homework check (3 minutes). A certain level of assimilation of the material of the previous topic and the preparation of schoolchildren for the perception of new information.

III. This part is changing.

IV. Control and self-examination of students' knowledge.

V. Summing up the lesson (2 minutes). Find out what the children learned in the lesson, what they learned new and give reasons for the assessment of students' knowledge.

VI. Homework information (3 minutes). Homework message and explanation of how to do it.

Type 3: Lesson in generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Lesson type:- seminars,

The conference,

Generalized lesson

Job interview lesson,

Lesson discussion, debate.

The purpose of the lesson: Generalization of students' knowledge into a system. Testing and assessing students' knowledge.

This type of lesson is used when reviewing large sections of the material learned.

Lesson structure:

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson (2 minutes). Engage children, draw their attention to the lesson, communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. The main part. Learning new material (20 minutes). Scientific, fun, accessible presentation of new material with the involvement of students.

III.Control and self-examination of students' knowledge.

IV. Lesson summary (2 minutes). Find out what the children learned in the lesson, what they learned new and give reasons for the assessment of students' knowledge.

V. Homework information (3 minutes). Homework message and explanation of how to do it. (Optionally)

4 type: Lesson control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

Lesson type: - test,



The purpose of the lesson: Determine the level of knowledge, abilities and skills of students and identify the quality of students' knowledge, reflection on their own activities.

Lesson structure:

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson (2 minutes). Engage children, draw their attention to the lesson, communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. The main part. Learning new material (20 minutes). Scientific, fun, accessible presentation of new material with the involvement of students.

III. Summing up the results of the lesson (2 minutes). Find out what the children learned in the lesson, what they learned new and give reasons for the assessment of students' knowledge.


5 type: Combined or mixed lesson.

Lesson type:- workshop,

The conference,



The purpose of the lesson: Development of skills for independent application of knowledge in a complex and their transfer to new conditions.

Lesson structure.

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson (2 minutes). Engage children, draw their attention to the lesson, communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. Homework check (3 minutes). A certain level of assimilation of the material of the previous topic and the preparation of schoolchildren for the perception of new information (depending on the form of education, it may not be present).

III. Main part. Learning new material (20 minutes). Scientific, fun, accessible presentation of new material with the involvement of students.

IV. Primary consolidation of knowledge (5 minutes). You can use special tasks after explaining the new material. Conduct a conversation with the aim of developing skills and applying knowledge.

V. Summing up the lesson (2 minutes). Find out what the children learned in the lesson, what they learned new and give reasons for the assessment of students' knowledge.

VI. Homework information (3 minutes). Homework message and explanation of how to do it.

Traditional lessons have "+" and "-":

3. Modern requirements for the lesson.

Modern lesson requirements are of three types:

1. Didactic

A clear definition of the place of the lesson among other lessons,

Compliance of the content of the lesson with the curriculum, taking into account the preparation of the students,

Taking into account the principles of a holistic pedagogical process,

Choice of methods and more effective means and training techniques,

The presence of intersubject connections.

2. Educational and developmental methods.

Formation of memory, attention and thinking of schoolchildren,

Education of moral qualities of a person,

Development of cognitive interest and motives,

Observance by the teacher of pedagogical tact, endurance and patience,

Development of creativity,

Creation of a problematic situation.

3. Organizational requirements for the lesson.

Having a well-thought-out lesson plan,

The clarity of the lesson (in accordance with the structure of the lesson),

Creation of a working discipline,

Using teaching aids and information technology,

Completeness of the lesson, its flexibility and mobility.

Planning the educational process and preparing the teacher for the lesson.

In the practice of the school, there are two main types of planning:

1. calendar - thematic,

2. lesson.

The calendar and thematic planning indicates:

1.themes and sections of the course,

2.the number of study hours for each topic and the calendar dates,

3.forms of organization of educational work (lecture),

4. equipment,

5.assignments to be completed on the topic at home /

The calendar-thematic plan begins with the study of the program. This work is done before the start of the school year and every quarter.

Study of methodological literature takes the main place in the preparation of the teacher for the lesson, as he looks through the sections of the textbook, methodological guidance, articles in pedagogical journals, novelties of methodological literature and other sources.


1. Study the textbook, prepare the materials that need to be studied in the lesson and choose material for self-study.

2. Select teaching aids on the topic of the lesson (manuals, educational film strips, computer materials, etc.).

3. Special attention must be devoted to laboratory work. The teacher carefully works out the technique and method of conducting.

Developing a lesson plan.

Lesson plan - final result preparatory work teachers.

It is compiled on the basis of thematic planning, taking into account the effectiveness of the topic under study.

The plan indicates:

2. Celuroka (educational, upbringing, developing).

3. Equipment.

4. Literature.

5. The structure of the lesson (the time for each stage of the lesson is indicated).

The teacher, in the process of preparing for the lesson, determines which concepts are subject to special assimilation. The writing on the board must be carefully thought out and written down.

Teachers of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and other disciplines write down in the lesson outline the solution of problems that will be offered to schoolchildren in the lesson.

The teacher thinks over the questions for the survey in advance and writes them down in the notes, as well as plans the homework.

Non-standard lessons are their characteristics.

Since the mid-1970s, a dangerous tendency toward a decline in schoolchildren's interest in classes has been revealed in Russian schools. The mass school responded to this with practically non-standard lessons, with the main goal of stimulating and maintaining students' interest in educational work.

NON-STANDARD LESSON- it is an impromptu learning activity with an unconventional structure.

The opinions of teachers on non-standard lessons differ:

Some see them as progress in pedagogical thought, a correct step towards democratization of the school.

Others consider such lessons to be a dangerous violation of pedagogical principles.


1. lessons - "immersion"

2. lessons - business games

3. lessons - press conferences

4.Lessons - Competitions

5.Lessons like KVN

6.theatrical lessons

7. lessons - consultations

8. computer lessons

9.Lessons - Creativity

10.Lessons - Auctions

11. lessons - tests

12.Lessons - Formulas

13. lessons - contests

14. lessons - games

15.Lessons - Courts

16.Lessons - Fantasies

17. lessons - concerts.

In the category of non-standard lessons were some types of activities that figured as auxiliary, extracurricular, extracurricular.

Students like non-standard lessons, so you should practice such lessons.

But turning non-standard lessons into the main form of work is impractical because of the big loss of time and low efficiency.


1. Lesson - lecture "Visualization" - that is, the information of such a lecture is performed in tables and reference diagrams.

2. Lesson - lecture "Paradox" - ie. the teacher deliberately makes inaccuracies, having warned the students about it in advance.

Target - to develop the attention and critical thinking of students based on their existing experience and knowledge.

3. "Binary" lectures - ie. lectures are led by two teachers.

There are several options for its implementation:

1. The lecture is given by two teachers in pedagogy, but one gives new material, and the second conducts a discussion or conversation.

2. Teacher of pedagogy and deputy director for educational work.

3. Teacher of pedagogy and psychology.

CONCLUSION: non-standard lessons are not ordinary ones in design, organization and methods of teaching them. Students like them more than traditional lessons. Therefore, all teachers need to practice such lessons, but not turn them into the main form of teaching.

The delivery of new and non-traditional forms of lesson depends on the capabilities of the class. Such lessons are especially needed in specialized classes. They should ensure the active participation of each student in the lesson, increased authority of knowledge and individual responsibility, they should become a way to create an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork in the class.

New forms of lessons include lessons-lectures, lessons-seminars, workshops, tests, Dalton lessons.

Lessons-seminars contribute to the education of students' independence in mastering knowledge, the formation of the ability to work with a book, the development of logical speech. They are usually held in grade 8-9 (earlier possible). To conduct such a lesson, 2 - 4 reports are prepared in advance, listened to and discussed in the lesson (See. RYaL No. 1, 2000, p. 72). After the discussion, the teacher summarizes the discussion. This type of lesson is best used when studying topics that students already know something about. You can also outline specific questions on which 3-4 people will make five-minute messages using additional literature. The rest should repeat what they have learned on the topics covered in order to take part in the discussion in the lesson.

Test lesson- one of the types of lesson - generalization and systematization of what was learned (see ... RYaL, No. 5, 2000, p. 68). The importance of such lessons is, first of all, that they reveal not only the degree of mastering by students of theoretical material on a topic or section, but also the formation of certain skills and abilities by the program. At the same time, the emphasis is on the practical application of skills and abilities. Offset lessons also solve an educational problem: they increase the personal responsibility of each student for the results of their studies. The system of credit lessons is determined by the teacher when drawing up a calendar-thematic plan for the year. They are advisable at the end of the study of the topic, section of the course.

Even before studying the topic on which the test is planned, the teacher determines its goals, the range of those issues that are subject to control, the forms and types of testing of practical skills. Assistant consultants are trained from the pupils of the class, who will arrange stands with questions, assignments, make a “knowledge sheet” and memos, cards for individual work. Consultants are not interviewed during the lesson.

The rest of the students are told about the test lessons in advance, the time of the test, the list of literature on which you need to prepare, questions for the test are announced. For this, a board "Preparing for the test" can be drawn up in the classroom. Some students may be exempted from any assignments.

Lesson-workshop forms and improves the skills and abilities of students. There can be both collective and individual work. In such lessons, you can use signal cards, the work of assistants (see. RYaL No. 5, 2001, p. 99 - 100).

Lesson-lecture- the central place is occupied by the teacher's monologue. But, of course, a lecture is not equal to a university one, it lasts 15 - 20 minutes.

Dalton lesson- one of the forms of organizing the independent work of students, where they themselves plan their educational activities and, accordingly, bear personal responsibility for it (see. RYa i L, No. 6, 2001; No. 6, 2002, p.73).

When drawing up a calendar-thematic plan for studying the course, it is necessary to choose the topic of the Dalton lesson and determine its place in the system of other lessons. The Dalton assignment is compiled in advance (1 - 2 weeks in advance). The topic should be indicated, the goal for the students (you need to know, you need to be able to).

The Dalton assignment may involve the study of new material, the development of concepts, the consolidation and generalization of the topic, as well as materials of an advanced nature. Tasks are selected at different levels (basic, increased difficulty, creative and research).

The Dalton task is drawn up and multiplied. For the Dalton lesson and the Dalton assignment, teaching aids are selected: textbooks, dictionaries, reference books, additional literature, tables, etc. Dalton assignments are handed out to students, instructions are given on their implementation. The child has the right to choose the task, place, time and method of its implementation. The deadline for the assignment, the reporting form and the assessment system are negotiated.

On assignments, students keep a notebook for recording the implementation and assessment of assignments, do work on mistakes. At the end, a Dalton lesson is held, where the results of student activities are analyzed. Students can work in pairs, in a group, independently.

It is possible not to give Dalton assignments in advance. Right in the classroom to study the topic, students receive educational and creative assignments for independent work. Before getting started, they receive a short briefing. While working on assignments, the teacher has the opportunity to help those in need of additional support, or the students help each other. They independently allocate the time required to complete each task, and then report on the results of their implementation.

TO unconventional forms lessons include: a lesson-dispute, "lessons of honesty", lessons-excursions, lessons-fairy tales, etc.

The concept of a non-standard lesson was born in school practice to characterize classes that differ from ordinary lessons by the non-traditional structure, the use of unusual ways of the teacher and students. Most of them are forms of study activities that differ from the lesson. However, the concept of a non-standard lesson is rather conditional and includes various forms of classes.

Dispute lesson... To conduct it, you need to choose a question, the answer to which may have an alternative solution (for example, topics on word formation). When discussing this issue, students should be able to find the right arguments.

In grades 4 - 6 in the form of a test can be carried out "Lessons in honesty." For each topic, 5 - 6 questions are given, the epigraph is written on the board: "The best control of your work is your honesty" and questions. Students must have cards that have definite meaning: red (help), green (I know everything). 15 - 20 minutes are allotted for preparation. Everyone is handed out signed sheets of paper, where the students give their own grade. But there is a condition: someone will selectively defend their work in front of the class. First, you can call a student who really knows at "10". On the chalkboard, you can write what the students from the program for this section should know and be able to do (see. RYaL, No. 5, 2000, p. 71).

Excursion lesson... A form of work that is suitable for small schools. For example, a lesson on the topic "Letter and Address" can be held at the post office. Children prepare in advance Greeting Cards or letters. Directly in the mail, they read the textbook and do the exercises for a few minutes. Then they get acquainted visually with the design of the envelope (index, design of the address). Next, they write a letter or sign a postcard and write the address on the envelope ( see RYa and L (Ukrainian), No. 1, 1990, p. 17, portrait of the oncoming). Quite a different kind, No. 1, 2003, p. 52, RYaL.

Lessons-fairy tales are designed to increase the interest of students in the lessons of the Russian language. Instead of traditional tables, to explain the topic of the lesson, to consolidate and generalize what has been learned, tales that are small in content are used. Their reading ends with a conversation or the performance of special exercises that help students to assimilate and consolidate the material studied, to develop skills and abilities defined by the program. Such lessons, in addition, make the child think, form communication skills and skills, make them empathize (see. RYaL, No. 1, 2003, p. 56). (The stories themselves on various topics RYaL (Ukrainian), No. 1, 1990, p.27).

Lesson in explaining new material.

Traditionally, it is difficult to determine the optimal time to assimilate new material. Psychologists and methodologists have identified the dynamics of the main functions of the central nervous system that ensure the student's performance. This dynamics consists of several phases: 1) the transition from rest to the working level, 2) optimal performance, 3) the phase of efforts, 4) pronounced fatigue. Each phase has its own duration (it also depends on the student himself, on the nature of the activity, etc.). In general terms, the duration of the phase of optimal performance looks like this: in grades 1 - 4, the phase of optimal performance is 15-20 minutes, in grades 5 - 8 - 20 - 25 minutes, 9 - 11 - 30 minutes. Usually rest, relaxation comes (or the teacher gives rest deliberately) after last phase, scientists have proved that the greatest effect in the lesson is observed when children are given a little rest earlier, in the phase of efforts. Rest is the performance of any creative task that does not require strong stress, light tasks of an entertaining nature, etc. The lesson, on the recommendation of psychologists, should end with material, the perception of which does not require much stress. It is advisable to plan the study of new material for the first half of the lesson (the beginning and middle of the phase of optimal performance). A lesson in explaining new material can have the following building blocks:

1. Communication of the topic of the lesson, setting goals and objectives. Motivation of students' learning activities.

2. Actualization of basic knowledge (purposeful repetition of previously passed material in order to prepare students for the perception of new knowledge).

3.Psychological preparation of students for the perception of new material (creating problem situations, setting research tasks, attracting students to study new material by finding interesting things in the language itself, using elements of entertaining grammar, etc.).

4. Learning new material using various methods (conversation, teacher's story, students' independent work, etc.):

a) observation of the language in order to identify the essential features of the new material;

b) work on defining concepts and formulating rules.

4. Consolidation of new knowledge, formation of skills and abilities.

5. Assignment at home, summing up.

There are several requirements for the lessons of explaining the new material. The main one is to rely on previously studied material, i.e. should be led to a stranger from a friend. The teacher must first think about what concepts, skills and abilities learned in previous lessons, in previous years of study, the new material is based on, make a list of these concepts in order to repeat them thoroughly. Repetition can be carried out in different ways: by checking the completed homework, in the process of grammatical analysis, by frontally checking the completed class work, talking with the class, frontal, condensed, individual questioning of students, etc.

Explaining new material should not be a teacher's monologue. It is necessary that the main method, for example, the teacher's story, be combined with elements of methods that involve participation in the explanation of the students: conversations, self observation students over the word of the teacher, a specially organized short discussion, etc.

To consolidate the new linguistic material and the formation of skills and abilities, the following can be used: an oral conversation between a teacher and students on the content of the considered rules, a short referendum on, for example, the wording of a numeral name as a part of speech, a commented letter, a dictation (warning visual and auditory type, explanatory , combined, "Checking myself"), doing exercises according to the textbook (complicated cheating), drawing up examples by students, etc. The degree of independence in consolidating the topic under study should grow, therefore at the final stage of the lesson it is necessary to perform exercises of a creative nature that require complete independence. The work performed is checked in different ways: collective or random check, mutual check, student self-control, check by dictionary, textbook, etc. The essence of homework should be explained by the teacher in class.

Lesson in consolidating knowledge of skills and abilities. Typological features of the structure of this lesson are:

1. Announcement of the topic of the lesson, setting goals and objectives. Motivation of students' learning activities.

2. Checking students' homework.

3. Reproduction of the theoretical information and practical skills learned the day before.

4. Concurrent repetition of the material.

5. Consolidation of knowledge, abilities and skills (differentiation of tasks for semi-independent and independent work of students).

6. Assignment to the house.

This list of structural elements is indicative. Sami structural elements are rarely realized in their pure form, there is no clear boundaries, they interpenetrate with the dominant role of one of the elements.

Since this is a lesson in consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities, there is no element of learning new knowledge in the structure of such a lesson.

Such a lesson is carried out after learning new material. Its purpose is to test the acquired theoretical information and improve the skills and abilities on the basis of the knowledge acquired the day before. At the beginning of the lesson, it is necessary to check the completed homework to determine the extent to which the material studied the day before has been mastered. If it turns out that some questions of a theoretical nature are not deeply understood, you need to return to them and explain them again. Methods and techniques for testing knowledge, skills and abilities are varied. This is also a survey (frontal, organized with the help of questions addressed to the class; individual, in which the knowledge, skills and abilities of one student are revealed; a survey by cards, in which several students are simultaneously called, each of whom is given a special task - a question to be completed in writing on the board or at the desk; compacted, which combines all types of polling: individual, frontal, by cards), and various dictations, and specially selected exercises.

In order to organize the consolidation of the material, it is necessary to offer works that require a creative approach to implementation. These can be tasks for composing phrases and sentences, creative and free dictations, "writing from memory", communication exercises for creating texts different styles and types of speech.

In reinforcement lessons, the teacher must take a differentiated approach to the organization of students' independent work. It is recommended to carry out independent work on pre-prepared cards (3-4 options) or options-assignments written on the invisible parts of the drop-down chalkboard, according to cards from the "Didactic material". When performing exercises of an independent nature, students can use a textbook, reference literature, dictionaries.

Thus, in the lessons of consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities, three types of work with educational material are distinguished: 1) collective (semi-independent) work based on the performance of exercises such as commented writing, grammatical analysis, dictations (warning, learned, vocabulary, spelling, auditory , visual-auditory, "Checking myself", etc.); 2) independent work, involving the implementation of exercises with tasks "write off", "find", "write out", "think up", "compose and write down", etc .; writing selective, explanatory, combined dictations; 3) creative work carried out with the help of creative and free dictations, fragments of presentation and composition.

Those. a distinctive feature of the lessons of consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities is “the students' performance of collective tasks of a creative nature with a constant increase in difficulties, with an orientation towards the subsequent transition to independent work. This allows the teacher to be guided by the extent to which the learning material is assimilated by all students, and in the course of collective work, gradually align the knowledge of students who have different training» ( Panov B.T. Lessons to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities. RYASH, 1981, No. 6, p. 32).

Lesson in checking knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge, abilities and skills are tested at different stages of the educational process. At each stage, verification has different functions. At the beginning of the study of new material, basic knowledge is tested to prepare students for the assimilation of new knowledge. The main function of such a test is to update knowledge and ways to perform actions necessary for in-depth assimilation of new knowledge.

In the process of studying the material, knowledge is checked to determine its level, to find gaps in perception and awareness, comprehension and memorization, generalization and systematization of knowledge, and their application in practice. The main function of such a check is educational and corrective, i.e. the teacher receives feedback on the process of assimilation of knowledge and its results and accordingly participates in this process: gives individual tasks to individual students, additionally explains, gives auxiliary examples, in case of clarification of erroneous judgments, reports facts that contradict the judgment, and directs students to The right way reasoning.

After studying the relevant material, the level of assimilation of knowledge by students is checked in order to monitor their work. Here, the main function of the check is preventive and control. It makes it possible, on the one hand, to prevent the lag of individual students, to identify gaps in knowledge in a timely manner and to decide on the means of eliminating them. On the other hand, the teacher can identify a general tendency in the assimilation of the educational material of a particular class, establish the effectiveness of the use of the methodology and ways to improve it. Thus, the check is carried out systematically at all stages of a lesson of one type or another.

After studying individual sections of the program, the teacher comprehensively checks the knowledge, abilities and skills of the students learned over a certain period of time. This control is carried out in the lessons of testing knowledge, skills and abilities.

In the practice of the work of a general education school, control lessons are quite common, but traditionally their structure and methodology are very monotonous and are reduced to an oral questioning, which is carried out throughout the lesson, or to written independent work. Sometimes lessons of a condensed test are also held, when several students work at once: one prepares for an oral answer, two or three carry out a written practical task, others answer the teacher's questions. V Lately the compacted check was abandoned, since with such a check some of the students do not work at all.

To test knowledge, abilities and skills in the Russian language, as a rule, the same types of work are used that are used in teaching. This is a control dictation (selective, free, self-dictation, creative, auditory, etc.), a presentation of theoretical material (definitions, rules, a list of signs of a particular phenomenon, classification, answers to questions, drawing up tables requiring comparison, justification, generalization etc.), analysis of the given linguistic material (from the point of view of phonetics, vocabulary, word composition and word formation, grammar, stylistics, spelling, punctuation); tasks for applying rules in the proposed text (choosing the desired form of a word, inserting a given morpheme, writing the letter required by the rule, etc.); independent selection of examples to illustrate theoretical material; correction of errors, improvement of the proposed text in a certain aspect; transformation, construction according to a given model of certain linguistic units, their use in the practice of their own utterances. Such work can be oral, written, performed graphically, using cards, punched cards, in the form of tests.

The lesson in which the control dictation is conducted usually contains the following structural elements:

1. Definition of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

2. A short introduction by the teacher (about the nature of the test, about the author of the text for the dictation, about its content, etc.).

3. Primary reading of the text.

4. Checking how the students understood the text of the dictation, writing on the board of difficult words for the uncommitted rules.

5. Secondary reading of the text for writing it by students.

6. Reading the text in order to check the written.

7. Collection of notebooks. Answers to questions about the written text.


If a student at school has not learned to create anything himself,

then in life he will always only imitate,

copy, since there are few of them,

who, having learned to copy,

knew how to make an independent

application of this information.
L. Tolstoy

The importance of the problem - the development of the creative abilities of students - is due, in my opinion, to two main reasons. The first is the decline in interest in learning. Six-year-olds who come to school for the first time have bright eyes. Most of them expect something new, unusual and interesting from their studies. Children trustingly look at the teacher, they are full of desire to make more and more discoveries with him. Unfortunately, by the end of primary school, some of the children have lost interest in learning; nevertheless, the bulk of fifth-graders is still open to a teacher, they still have a strong motivation to learn. But by the end of a ten-year education, as various psychological surveys show, interest in learning remains from 20 to 40 percent of students. How can you explain such a drop in interest in learning? Here there is a contradiction between the ever-increasing complexity and saturation of the school curriculum, the constantly increasing level of requirements and the ability of students to master the entire volume of information offered to him. Unable to cope with such loads, children simply stop practicing, get used to the role of incapable, hopeless, lagging behind. The second reason is that even those students who seemingly successfully cope with the program are lost as soon as they find themselves in a non-standard learning situation, demonstrating their complete inability to solve productive problems.

Unconventional, original, unconventional lesson - what does this mean? The definition is not easy, but everyone can tell the difference between an unconventional lesson and a traditional one. On the usual lesson learners know what to expect from each stage. In the lesson, they are very surprised when the teacher draws on information from other subjects. During the explanation, the students are in a mood to listen to the teacher (or pretend to listen), therefore, with surprise and interest they perceive the information presented in a non-standard form (game, lottery, KVN, “Field of Miracles”, fairy tales, etc.)

Non-standard lessons cannot be repeated every day, since the teaching function of the lesson is lost, which consists precisely in developing a habit for a particular type of activity. Thus, one cannot say that standard lessons are bad and non-standard lessons are good. The teacher must master the arsenal of building both those and other lessons.

Each teacher is faced with the main task - to give solid and deep knowledge of the subject to each student, to show children their inner resources, to instill in them the desire to learn, the desire to learn new things, to teach children to think critically, to test their knowledge, to prove. In addition to traditional types of lessons, we also have non-traditional or non-standard lessons, that is, lessons with a non-standard structure. A non-standard lesson is an improvisation of educational material.

The organization of non-traditional developmental education presupposes the creation of conditions for mastering the methods of mental activity by schoolchildren.

Today, the main goal of the secondary school is to promote the mental, moral, emotional and physical development personality.

All the most important in the educational process for the student is done in the lesson. A modern lesson is, first of all, a lesson in which the teacher uses all the capabilities of the student, his active mental growth, deep and meaningful assimilation of knowledge, to form his moral foundations.

One of the ways to generate interest in the subject is the rational organization of the learning process, that is, the use of forms and techniques that stimulate the independence and activity of students at all stages of learning, the use of intellectual games (puzzles, crosswords, riddles, etc.). Amusement in the lesson is not an end in itself, but serves the tasks of developmental learning. Stimulates cognitive passion. In these lessons, students most fully realize their abilities and creative independence. Non-standard lessons develop memory, thinking, imagination, independence, initiative and will of children, bring animation and elements of entertainment into the lesson, and increase interest in knowledge. The teacher is obliged to make serious work entertaining and productive. Game tasks should completely coincide with educational ones. Non-standard lessons should be adapted according to the age of the children.

1. An unconventional lesson - the path to learning success.

Relevance and significance of the topic. New standards require a non-standard approach to teaching schoolchildren. The search for new forms and methods of organizing education and upbringing of schoolchildren in our time is not only a natural phenomenon, but also a necessary one. At school, a special place is occupied by such forms of classes that ensure active participation in the lesson of each student, increase the authority of knowledge and the individual responsibility of schoolchildren for the results of educational work. This can be successfully solved through the technology of non-standard forms of education and upbringing. A non-standard approach to education is the key to providing each student with an equal chance to reach certain heights in the light of the transition to new federal state educational standards of primary general education. The purpose of a non-standard approach to teaching is to provide each student with conditions for development in the process of mastering the content of education; introduction of developmental, personality-oriented learning technologies, game, communication technologies, the use of group forms of work in the classroom, work in pairs of permanent and replacement staff.

An unconventional lesson is an unconventional approach to teaching academic disciplines. Non-standard lessons are always holidays, when everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in an atmosphere of success and the class becomes a creative team. In my work, I use non-standard forms of education and upbringing that contribute to the development of students' interest in the subject being studied, as well as their creative independence, a favorable climate, and orient students towards communication. The organization of such lessons leads students to the need for a creative assessment of the phenomena being studied, i.e. contributes to the development of a certain positive attitude towards the educational process. The use of non-traditional forms of lessons in teaching simultaneously provides not only effective achievement practical, educational and developmental goals, but also contains significant opportunities to challenge and further maintain the motivation of students. These lessons include all variety of forms and methods, especially such as problem learning, search activities, interdisciplinary and intrasubject communications, reference signals, synopses; relieves tension, revives thinking, excites and increases interest in the subject as a whole.

Targetthese lessons are extremely simple: to revive the boring, to captivate creativity, to interest the ordinary, tk. interest is the catalyst for all learning activities.

1.2. Creative principles of non-standard lessons.

1. Refusal from the template in the organization of the lesson, from routine and formalism in conducting.

2. Maximum involvement of students in the class in active activities in the lesson.

3. Not entertainment, but amusement and enthusiasm as the basis of the emotional tone of the lesson.

4. Support for alternative, plurality of opinions.

5. Development of the communication function in the classroom as a condition for ensuring mutual understanding, motivation for action, a sense of emotional satisfaction.

6. "Latent" (pedagogically expedient) differentiation of students according to educational opportunities, interests, abilities and inclinations.

7. Using the assessment as a formative (and not just a resultant tool).

Groups of principles set a general direction for pedagogical creativity, focusing on very specific learning activities. In addition to the principles, it is necessary to highlight as very significant: the periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons.

1.3. Preparation periods and conducting non-standard lessons.


Both the teacher and the students take an active part in it. If, in preparation for a traditional lesson, only the teacher shows such activity (writing a synopsis plan, making visual aids, handouts, support, etc.), then in the second case, students are also largely involved. They are divided into groups (teams, crews), receive or recruit certain tasks that must be completed before the lesson: preparing messages on the topic of the upcoming lesson, composing questions, crosswords, quizzes, making necessary didactic material, etc.

2. LESSON PROPERLY (there are 3 main stages):

First stage.

It is a prerequisite for the formation and development of the motivational sphere of students: problems are posed, the degree of readiness to solve them is clarified, to finding ways to achieve the goals of the lesson. Situations are outlined, participation in which will allow solving cognitive, developmental and educational tasks. The development of the motivational sphere is carried out the more effectively, the more effectively the preparatory period is carried out: the quality of the students' performance of the preliminary tasks affects their interest in the upcoming work. When conducting a lesson, the teacher takes into account the attitude of students to the original form of the lesson; the level of their preparedness; age and psychological characteristics.

Second phase.

Communication of new material, the formation of students' knowledge in various "non-standard" forms of organizing their mental activity.

Stage three.

It is dedicated to the formation of skills and abilities. Control usually does not stand out in time, but "dissolves" in each of the preceding stages. During the analysis of these lessons, it is advisable to evaluate both the results of training, education, development of students, and the picture of communication - the emotional tone of the lesson: not only in the communication of the teacher with the students, but also in the communication of students with each other, as well as individual working groups. Obviously, the particulars considered are only guidelines, guidelines for pedagogical creativity. But they do get you started by establishing some "fulcrum" points. A more detailed acquaintance with not quite ordinary teaching methods and lessons, which we have distributed in accordance with the well-known classification, will allow you to choose more and more new grounds for learning activities.

1.4. Development of a non-standard lesson.

A non-standard lesson is a “magic crystal”, the edges of which reflect all the components of the applied teaching system. This lesson embodies structural elements. educational program: meaning, goals, objectives, fundamental educational objects and problems, student activities, expected results, forms of reflection and evaluation of results.

Creating an unusual lesson is “creativity squared”, since the teacher develops a system of conditions for the upcoming creativity of students. The main questions at the lesson development stage are the following: What exactly will be created by the students in the lesson in the direction of the studied topic? How can this process be ensured?

During the design of the lesson, the following are taken into account: the educational program, the level of training of students, the availability of methodological tools, the specifics of the existing conditions, the type of lesson, as well as the forms and methods that will help students create the necessary educational product and achieve the main goals. The key role at this stage is played by compiled or selected assignments for students.

After the design of the lesson, its implementation takes place, which is also a creative process, since the lesson is not a simple reproduction of the intended plan. The level of creativity of children also depends on the creativity of the teacher. This means that during the lesson the teacher is also a creator, and not a simple executor of his plan.

Consider the stages and features of drawing up a lesson plan focused on the creative activity of students.

1.5. Outline of a non-standard lesson.

A lesson plan is a tool for a teacher to implement his or her educational program. Therefore, lesson planning begins with planning a series of lessons on one topic (section). The teacher thinks through several related lessons, provides an approximate breakdown by goals, topics, dominant activities, expected results. The main educational results of students are formulated, which are highlighted in the general curriculum of classes in the subject and are real to be achieved within the framework of the studied section.

1.6. Requirements for a non-standard lesson.

When designing a lesson, it is necessary to comply with the conditions and rules of its organization, as well as the requirements for it.

Conditions are understood as the presence of factors, without which the normal organization of the lesson is impossible. The analysis of the educational process allows us to distinguish two groups of conditions: socio-pedagogical and psychological and didactic. In the group of socio-pedagogical, the presence of four most important conditions can be noted:

1) a qualified, creatively working teacher;

2) a team of students with a well-formed value orientation;

3) the necessary teaching aids;

4) a trusting relationship between students and a teacher based on mutual respect.

In the psycho-didactic group, the following conditions can be specified:

1) the level of education of students that meets the program requirements;

2) the presence of a compulsory level, formed by the motive of learning and work;

3) compliance with the didactic principles and rules for organizing the educational process;

4) the use of active forms and methods of teaching.

The whole set of requirements for the educational process, ultimately, boils down to adherence to the didactic principles of teaching:

* educational and developmental training;

* scientific character;

* connection of theory with practice, learning with life;

* clarity;

* availability;

* systematic and consistent;

* independence and activity of students in learning;

* conscientiousness and strength of assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills;

* purposefulness and motivation of learning;

* an individual and differentiated approach to students.

In addition to the basic rules arising from didactic principles, when preparing a non-standard lesson, the teacher is guided by special rules for organizing the lesson, based on the logic of the learning process, the principles of teaching and the laws of teaching. This should:

Determine the general didactic goal of a creative lesson, including educational, upbringing and developmental components;

Clarify the type of lesson and prepare the content of the educational material, determining its volume and complexity in accordance with the goal and the capabilities of the students;

Define and detail the didactic tasks of the lesson, the consistent solution of which will lead to the achievement of all goals;

Choose the most effective combination of teaching methods and techniques in accordance with the goals set, the content of the educational material, the level of learning ™ of students and didactic tasks;

Determine the structure of the lesson, corresponding to the goals and objectives, content and teaching methods;

Strive to solve the set didactic tasks at the lesson itself and not transfer them to homework.

When they talk about the requirements for the lesson, as usual, they reduce them to the obligation to comply with the totality of the rules noted above. Nevertheless, we note that the most significant requirements for a non-standard lesson is its purposefulness; rational construction of the content of the lesson; reasonable choice of means, methods and techniques of teaching; a variety of forms of organization of educational activities of students.

1. 7. Comparative analysis of traditional and non-standard lesson planning.

traditional lesson

non-standard lesson

The purpose of the lesson:

a) for the teacher: give new material

b) for the student: learn new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson:

a) for the teacher: organize the productive activities of students

b) for the student: create creative products

Lesson activities:

a) for the teacher: explanation of a new topic, consolidation of the passed material

b) for the student: listening to new material, memorizing, comprehending, consolidating new material

Lesson activities:

a) for the teacher: the organization of creative activity

b) for the student: researching a new object, analyzing phenomena, etc.

The structure of the lesson is strictly according to the developed plan, without deviations.

The structure of the lesson is situational, deviating from the planned.

The approach to the topic of the lesson is one point of view on the problem under study stated in the textbook.

The approach to the topic of the lesson is the diversity of specialists' points of view on the problem under study.

Control - reproduction of the studied topic by students.

Control - presentation and protection by students of a creative product on a given topic.

The final stage of the lesson is summing up, consolidating the studied topic.

The final stage of the lesson is reflection, awareness of one's own activity.

2. The need for non-standard lessons in primary school

Non-standard lessons in primary school are important tool learning, as they form a steady interest in learning in schoolchildren, relieve fatigue, help to form the skills of the educational process, have an emotional impact on schoolchildren, thanks to which they form deeper and stronger knowledge. Non-standard lessons in elementary school are always interesting when all schoolchildren are active, when everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in a successful atmosphere and the class becomes a creative team. They include all kinds of various forms and methods: search activity, problem learning, inter-subject and intra-subject connections, notes, reference signals, etc. Extraordinary games allow you to relieve tension, with their help, thinking is revived, and interest in classes in general increases.

The lesson, which by its structure is repeated many times and performs mental operations, dulls attention, bothers, causes a negative impact on emotions, reduces the efficiency of the work process. It follows from this that it is necessary to break the monotony, dilute boredom with bright, unusual events that would be imprinted in the memory for a long time and could positively influence the learning process.

Non-standard lessons in elementary school are necessary for the education of a moral personality. The student is obliged to always see examples of a creative attitude to work in front of him, then he himself will perceive creativity all the time and he will no longer have the idea of ​​presenting a different style of activity. The variety of atypical lessons allows you to apply them in different classes and all stages of education. And the use of new technologies in the learning process - the computerization of schools, equipping schools with projectors - will allow you to come up with new interesting lessons.

They are better assimilated, they are especially good for using in generalizing and introductory lessons. You should not always use them, because although they are interesting, in some sense they may be less useful and informative.

Non-standard lessons differ from traditional ones with an additional fantasy element that contributes to arousing interest and a desire for mental activity, for an independent search for solutions to examples and problems. This is especially important for primary school students.

More often, such lessons are generalizing, reinforcing, they summarize the results of the material covered. A large volume is presented in a playful - entertaining form, which does not cause special stress and fatigue for students in the lesson. The teacher has the right to make adjustments in the lesson: make changes, additions, abbreviations. When a large amount of material is offered, the teacher has a lot to choose from and what to put together for his classroom, taking into account the level of preparation of the students. Sometimes, at the end of the lesson or in the appendix, additional material is given that the teacher can introduce into this lesson or use it in other lessons.

Non-standard lessons are, as a rule, lessons - holidays, although they are lessons in generalizing and systematizing a huge amount of material. Therefore, you can sometimes prepare for them in advance by giving the children certain homework assignments. When conducting non-standard lessons, be guided by the principle "with children and for children", setting one of the main goals to educate students in an atmosphere of kindness, creativity, and joy. Too frequent recourse to such forms of organization of the educational process is inappropriate, as this can lead to a loss of sustained interest in the subject and the learning process. An unconventional lesson should be preceded by thorough preparation and, first of all, the development of a system of specific goals of teaching and upbringing.

When choosing the forms of non-traditional lessons, the teacher must take into account the characteristics of his character and temperament, the level of preparedness and the specific characteristics of the class as a whole and of individual students. Each teacher in his work should use what he considers possible and necessary for him: you can use the whole lesson, or you can take individual fragments from them, you can supplement them with computer presentations, because every teacher is a creative person who cares about the solid knowledge skills of his students ...

Non-standard lessons perform several functions:

They develop and support the interest of schoolchildren in learning, help to realize their inclinations and capabilities;

Allow to combine various types of group and collective educational work of students;

Develop the creativity of students;

Promote better understanding and comprehension of the studied material;

They are a good remedy for information overload;

They develop the child in the best way as a person;

There is a warmer understanding between the students and the teacher.

3. Classification of non-standard lessons in primary school.

It is better to conduct non-traditional lessons as the final ones when generalizing and consolidating the skills of knowledge and skills of students. Some of them (travel, integrated, group lesson, lecture) can be used when learning new material. However, too frequent recourse to such forms of organization of the educational process is inappropriate because non-traditional can quickly become traditional, which ultimately leads to a drop in students' interest in the subject and learning. Therefore, lessons are held no more than 2-3 times a quarter and it is advisable to put these lessons on schedule last, because children are distracted by play, which may interfere with the following lessons.

For this type of lesson, not only the teacher prepares in advance, but the whole class, and sometimes the parents. Children can make visual aids, prepare reports and messages on additional literature, arrange an office, invite and meet guests, etc.

The most common types of non-traditional lessons are:

1. Lessons like KVN.

2. The lesson is a fairy tale.

3. Lessons - competition.

4. Lessons with group forms of work.

5. Lesson - a game.

6. Lessons-tests.

7. Lessons-contests.

8. Integrated lessons.

9. Lessons-excursions.

10. Lesson-seminar, etc.

Collective types of work in the classroom. Collective types of work make the lesson more interesting, lively, educate students to a conscious attitude to academic work, make it possible to repeat material many times, help the teacher explain, consolidate and constantly monitor the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in minimum costs time.

One of the collective types of work is a quiz. It is carried out in any team and requires a lot of preparation. Such lessons are held like holidays, because every student wants to pick up a question so that it is not immediately possible to answer it. But if no one can answer the question, then the child must answer himself. The number of questions must be determined in advance. Questions should not be repeated. If they are weak, then the mark is not given, but you need to thank the child for participation. This does not deter children, especially the weak ones, so all students are actively involved. Depending on the level of preparedness of the class, the questions can be either easy or difficult. Difficult questions keep the mind going. Each class receives at least ten questions that would carry information, arouse students' desire to think, compare facts. But the interest of the students, their enthusiasm in the work on the quizzes pays for all the time and effort spent.

Quizzes can also be conducted when questioning homework, when fixing the topic for 3-5 minutes, forms such as "What? Where? When?" ...


It is carried out in the form of competitions between teams. The stages of the lesson are tasks for the teams: warm-up, practical tasks, a duel of captains.

Each team at the beginning of the lesson chooses a name (preferably on the topic of the lesson) and the team captain. The jury is invited (parents, administration). Questions and tasks in terms of content are of a cognitive, educational, problematic nature, and in form they can be entertaining, comic, playful.

Quiz lesson

Students do not work in teams, but individually.

A quiz lesson and a lesson - KVN are conducted with the aim of repeating the educational material.

Fairy tale lesson

This kind of unconventional lesson is taught when generalizing any topic. The lesson is conducted according to the fairy tales of any writers, in Russian folk tales or the teacher composes new tale... As in any fairy tale, in such a lesson there should be positive and negative characters. There should be a denouement in a fairy tale: a problematic issue, an unusual situation, a riddle, the appearance of a hero of a fairy tale in an unusual costume. This is followed by the culmination, the development of the plot, where the struggle between good and evil is required, unusual new information about the heroes of the fairy tale, arguments, overcoming difficulties, etc. During this stage of the lesson, children quietly answer the teacher's questions about the past material, learn new additional material on the topic of the lesson. The lesson-tale ends with the denouement of the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance. The lesson ends with general joy, satisfaction; the lesson is summed up, the marks are put.

Lesson-test in elementary school.

It performs not only a control function, but is also the main purpose of generalizing material on a topic or section, clarifies knowledge on basic issues.

For credit, you can apply final lessons, generalized repetition lessons, or control lessons for checking skills. In the calendar-thematic plan, the topics for which the test will be taken are provided in advance.

The preparatory part is provided for the first introductory lesson on the topic. The teacher analyzes the requirements of the program on the topic, the final result, the goals of the lesson-test, determines the questions and tasks. The teacher introduces the topic and date of the test lesson, its place and significance in the study of a new topic; informs about the requirements that will be presented at the test, about questions and tasks of various difficulties.

Lesson-seminar in elementary school.

It is characterized, first of all, by two interrelated features: independent study of the program process by schoolchildren and discussion of the results of their cognitive activity in class. On them, schoolchildren learn to hold a speech with spontaneous messages, to debate, to defend their judgments. Seminars improve the development of cognitive and research skills of schoolchildren, enhance the culture of communication.

A lesson-seminar in elementary school can be distinguished by educational tasks, sources of understanding information, forms of their implementation, etc. As practice shows, non-standard lessons in elementary school are acquired by widespread seminars - detailed conversations, seminars, reports, abstracts, creative assignments, commented reading, seminar-problem solving, seminar-debate, seminar-conference.

Integrated lesson.

The idea of ​​integration has recently become the subject of intense theoretical and practical research in connection with the beginning processes of differentiation in training. Its current stage is characterized both by an empirical focus - the development and delivery of integrated lessons by teachers, and a theoretical one - by the creation and improvement of integrated courses, in some cases combining many subjects, the study of which is provided for by the curriculum. educational institutions... Integration makes it possible, on the one hand, to show students the "world as a whole", overcoming disunity scientific knowledge by disciplines, and on the other hand, use the study time freed up at this expense for the full implementation of profile differentiation in training.

In other words, from a practical point of view, integration involves strengthening interdisciplinary connections, reducing student overloads, expanding the scope of information received by students, and reinforcing the motivation for learning. The methodological basis of an integrated approach to learning is the formation of knowledge about the world around and its laws as a whole, as well as the establishment within subject and inter-subject connections in the assimilation of the foundations of the sciences. In this regard, an integrated lesson is called any lesson with its own structure, if knowledge, skills and results of the analysis of the studied material by methods of other sciences and other academic subjects are involved in its implementation. It is no coincidence, therefore, integrated lessons are also called inter-subject, and the forms of their implementation are very different: seminars, conferences, travel, etc.

A lesson in open thoughts

Task: teach to argue, prove your point of view, with the help of evidence, come to the truth.

The main skills that develop in this case: the ability to listen and hear, the ability to clearly and distinctly express their thoughts: the ability to combine the individual and the collective.

For example, in a literary reading lesson, after reading a work, children sit in a circle to discuss the main character of the work. Each student, before expressing their point of view, should repeat the point of view of the previous student, using the checklist.

1. I think ...

2. I agree (agree) with ... because

3. I disagree (disagree) with ...

4. I think ...

Travel lesson

The lesson takes the form of an imaginary journey. The stages of the lesson are stops along the way. The guide (instructor) can be a teacher or a pre-trained student. Students are offered a route sheet, then the children choose transport, equipment, clothes - everything that is needed for the trip.

The lesson is a game.

The named type of lesson can be conducted in the form of games “WHAT? Where? When? ”,“ Clever and clever men ”,“ The smartest ”,“ Crosses and faces ”, etc. The educational task of these lessons is to generalize and systematize the knowledge of students. The first three games are held by analogy with the TV shows of the same name. The game "Tic-tac-toe" is carried out as follows: the class is divided into teams: "Cross" and "Toe" are chosen by the jury or invited. The first to go according to the lot, for example, are "Crosses" and choose any competition. The teacher names the task or question for this competition. Both teams complete the task, the jury evaluates, the cell of the playing field is closed with "X" or "O", depending on who won. The winning team makes the next move. After completing all the tasks of the lesson-game, the jury counts the number of "X" and "O"; names the winning team. The winning team receives A's or prizes.

From pedagogical practice, it has been noticed that in a non-traditional form of teaching, the position of the teacher in the educational process and the nature of his activities, principles, and methods of teaching change. The main task of the teacher is to organize a joint search for a solution to the problem that has arisen before the students. The teacher begins to act as a director of a mini-performance, which is born directly in the classroom. New learning conditions require the teacher to be able to listen to everyone on every question, without rejecting a single answer, to take the position of each respondent, to understand the logic of his reasoning and find a way out.

Lesson - conference.

Lesson - conference is also unusual for children. For its success, a genuine interest in presentations is necessary, the topics of which the students choose themselves. Students' information and messages should be made in such a form that would ensure the availability of the presented material for everyone present. This requires individual preparatory work with the presenters. The duration of each report should not exceed 10-12 minutes. This time is quite enough to state the formulation of the problem, and the main results of the experiments, and conclusions. The teacher's job is to help the student prepare a message in accordance with the topic, to make sure that he presents good language, within the time limit. Listeners cannot perceive more than 4-5 messages in a row. You can have a lively discussion on the reports. If there are a lot of prepared reports, they are divided into two categories: oral and poster presentations. The class can be decorated with appropriate posters. The result of the conference is summed up by the teacher. Scientific and practical conference is one of the most difficult and laborious forms of work. Its preparation requires considerable effort and time from the teacher. But all this pays off with the deep impression that a successful conference leaves with schoolchildren.

Lesson - excursion.

Children also love travel lessons, lessons - excursions. They develop collectivism, friendship, mutual assistance, thinking, memory and outlook of children. But you need to prepare for such lessons in advance: choose a place of travel, a goal, a guide, pick up poems, songs, questions in advance. Children help the guide compose a story, provide it with additional material, and prepare equipment. The excursion lessons can be based on simulation activities, for example, distance excursion, excursion to the past.

4. Non-standard lessons using ICT.

A modern lesson cannot be taught without the involvement of information and communication technologies. One of the advantages of non-traditional lessons using ICT tools is its emotional impact on students, which is aimed at forming students 'personal attitude to what they have learned, at developing various aspects of students' mental activity. At such lessons, children of primary school age develop the skills and desire to learn, develop an algorithmic style of thinking, lay the knowledge and skills not only of a specific academic subject, but also of ICT skills, without which further successful learning is impossible.

Presentation is a powerful means of visualization, the development of cognitive interest. The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lessons more interesting, includes not only vision, but also hearing, emotions, imagination in the perception process, helps children to immerse themselves deeper into the material being studied, and make the learning process less tiring.

So, for example, while studying the topic of the surrounding world “The diversity of plants on Earth”, it is useful to ask children with the question “Do you want to learn more about the plants of our country? Let's find information on the Internet and put together a presentation. " And during the lesson - games on this topic, the children demonstrated their presentations. Thanks to the presentations, those students who were usually not very active in the classroom began to actively express their opinion and reason.

In mathematics lessons, when conducting lessons - competitions I use interactive whiteboard... To attract the attention and activity of students at the beginning of the lesson, I conduct an oral count with elements of the game "Write down only the answer." I write down examples in two columns according to the options. After the children have written down the answers, a self-test or cross-check is carried out using animation on an interactive whiteboard. Students like this kind of work because they act as a teacher. When performing oral calculations, I demonstrate diagrams, puzzles.

To develop interest in Russian lessons, I use an interactive whiteboard. I offer students creative tasks that can be expressed: in writing words, underlining spelling, highlighting parts of a word, finding grammatical basis and minor members of the proposal.

Literary reading lessons will be uninteresting and boring if you do not include audio tools in their content. For example, in the lesson "Generalization by section" I invite the children to listen to the recordings of exemplary reading of small-volume works. This teaches expressive reading, the ability to feel the mood, to determine the character of the characters. Reading poetry to a well-chosen phonogram evokes a storm of emotions in the souls of young listeners, a desire to try to evoke the same feelings in others. Lessons - quizzes based on fairy tales increase the creative and intellectual potential of students, expand and consolidate the knowledge gained.

The use of design and research activities in the lesson of the surrounding world allows the child to develop active independent thinking and teach him not only to memorize and reproduce the knowledge that school gives him, but to be able to apply it in practice. When choosing a project topic, I focus on the interests and needs of students, their capabilities and personal significance of the upcoming work, the practical significance of the result of work on the project.

One of the forms of cognitive activity is a game that contributes to the development and strengthening of interest in mathematics. In order to arouse interest in counting, I use the following role-playing games in various versions: "Fishing", circular examples, "Who is faster", "Find the mistake", "Coded answer", "Mathematical domino", "Collect the card", "Relay ".

The game form of lessons can be used at various stages of the lesson. Determination of the place of didactic play in the structure of the lesson and the combination of elements of play and teaching largely depend on the teacher's correct understanding of the functions didactic games and their classification. First of all, collective games in the classroom should be divided according to the didactic tasks of the lesson. First of all, these are educational, controlling, generalizing games.

5. Conclusion.

All non-standard lessons are interesting, carry a large, emotional charge, although these lessons are preceded by a very large, painstaking work.

An unconventional lesson can rightfully be considered a real lesson. Children are actively involved in the lesson, think creatively, do not wait for the end of the lesson, do not keep track of the time. The lesson brings them great joy of learning. The big advantage of non-traditional lessons is that they encourage weak students to take part, think about assignments, instill in them confidence and the desire to actively participate and learn. Thanks to non-traditional types of teaching, students learn the program material faster and better.

The use of non-traditional forms of lessons is a powerful stimulus in learning, it is a varied and strong motivation. Through such lessons, the excitement of cognitive interest is much more active and faster, because a person, by nature, likes to play, another reason is that there are much more motives in the game than in ordinary learning activities.

It is clear from all that non-standard teaching has many advantages and is increasingly being introduced into schools.

Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the teacher's ability to properly organize the lesson and correctly choose one or another form of conducting the lesson.

Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons make it possible not only to raise students' interest in the subject under study, but also to develop their creative independence, to teach how to work with various sources of knowledge. All the proposed methods and forms of work were born gradually over many years of work, some of them were borrowed from the experience of other teachers, some from books, teaching aids. Development of new, productive educational technologies deserves the closest attention, since without updating teaching methods, as well as without updating its content, it is impossible to solve the problems facing the modern school today. The lesson can be overwhelmingly non-standard and quite traditional, recklessly fascinating and measuredly calm. This is not important. It is important that the form highlights and does not overshadow the content.


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Non-traditional forms and methods of conducting lessons as one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of students

The teacher lives as long as he learns; as soon as he stops learning, the teacher dies in him.

K. D. Ushinsky

Lessons are different: good and bad, interesting and boring, educational and useless. One lesson is replaced by another, incompleteness is repeated, and dissatisfaction with the results of the work of the teacher and students accumulates. All this causes a negative attitude of students towards the lesson in particular and towards the school as a whole, and among the teacher towards teaching activities.

But it also happens in another way. How to make the lesson so that the student is waiting for a new meeting with the teacher? And is it possible?

Lesson is a flexible form of teaching organization. It includes a variety of content, in accordance with which the necessary teaching methods and techniques are used.

Traditional lessons: lessons in studying new material, consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities, checking and taking into account the acquired knowledge and skills, analyzing test papers, summarizing and systematizing what has been learned, repeating a topic or section.

An unconventional lesson is an "impromptu lesson with an unconventional structure."

Non-traditional forms of education involve:

Use of collective forms of work;

Instilling interest in the subject;

Development of skills and abilities of independent work;

Enhanced student activity;

When preparing for a lesson, students themselves look for interesting material;

Formation of a new relationship between teacher and students.

Target non-traditional lessons: the development of new methods, forms, techniques and means of teaching, which leads to the implementation of the basic law of pedagogy - the law on the activity of teaching.

The main tasks each lesson, including non-standard: general cultural development; personal development; development of cognitive motives, initiative and interests of students; the formation of the ability to learn; development of communicative competence

Signs of an unconventional lesson

Carries elements of a new, venue.

Extra-program material is used.

Collective activities are organized in combination with individual work.

People of different professions are involved in organizing the lesson.

Emotional lift of students is achieved through the design of the classroom, the use of ICT.

Creative tasks are being performed.

Introspection is carried out during preparation for the lesson, in the lesson and after it.

A temporary initiative group of students is created to prepare the lesson.

The lesson is planned in advance.

Most common types of custom lessons

Immersion lessons

Lessons: Business Games

Lessons - press conferences

Lessons - competitions

KVN lessons

Theatrical lessons

Computer lessons

Lessons with group forms of work

Peer Learning Lessons

Creativity lessons

Lessons - auctions

Lessons taught by students


Lessons - doubts

Lessons - Creative Countdowns

Formula lessons

Lessons - contests

Binary lessons

Lessons - generalizations

Lessons - fantasies

Lessons - games

Lessons - "courts"

Finding Truth Lessons

Lessons "Paradoxes"

Lessons - concerts

Lessons - dialogues

Lessons "Experts lead the investigation"

Lessons - role-playing games

Lessons - conferences

Integrated lessons


Lessons - "circuit training"

Interdisciplinary lessons

Lessons - excursions

Lessons - Games "Field of Miracles"

Classification of lessons of non-traditional form

Lesson types and forms

Lessons in the formation of new knowledge

Skills and Skills Lessons

Lessons in repetition and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills

Lessons to check and take into account knowledge and skills

Combined lessons

Lectures, lessons-expeditions, lessons-travels, lessons-research, lessons-dramatizations, training conferences, integrated lessons-workshops, essays, lessons-dialogues, lessons with role-playing, business game extracurricular reading seminars, repetitive and generalizing disputes, games: KVN, “What? Where? When? "," Field of Miracles "," Happy Chance ", theatrical (lesson-trial), lessons-consultations, lessons-contests, lessons-competitions, credit quizzes, contests, lessons-auctions, lesson-public review of knowledge, defense of creative works , projects, creative reports

Tips for a teacher preparing a lesson in an unconventional form

Use as many motivational factors as possible both in the preparatory phase and during the lesson.

Do not allow any excesses.

The lesson should be complete.

Encourage students accordingly to their contribution to the lesson.

Try to maintain rapport with the class throughout the lesson.

The key to the success of your non-traditional lesson is advance, well-planned preparation, thinking through the forms and methods of its implementation.

Evaluate not only the results of training, education and development, but also the picture of communication - the emotional tone of the lesson: the communication of the teacher and students, students with each other.


Promotes the development of initiative and communication skills

It involves an independent search for means and methods of solving problems related to real situations

It eradicates the negative phenomena of traditional education and, most importantly, brings joy.

Non-traditional forms of the lesson are used, first of all, to increase the efficiency of the educational process by enhancing the activities of students in the classroom.


For students - transition to another psychological condition, this is a different style of communication, positive emotions, feeling of oneself in a new quality means new duties and responsibilities.

For a teacher, this is independence and a completely different attitude to their work. Non-traditional lesson forms are an opportunity to develop your creativity and personal qualities, evaluate the role of knowledge and see their application in practice, feel the interconnection of different sciences.

Parental involvement

The participation of parents in the educational process is of no small importance when using non-traditional forms of education. Experience convinces us that the cognitive activity and interest of children increase significantly if parents are involved in organizing the educational activities of students. It is important for the teacher to organize joint activities parents and children. Children may be offered homework assignments related to obtaining information from their parents and grandparents.

Unconventional lessons are best done as a final lesson. For the successful preparation of the lesson, the teacher must know the subject and methodology well, and have a creative approach to work. Interest in the work is generated and unusual shape conducting a lesson, which removes the tradition of the lesson, revives the thought. Non-traditional forms of lesson are an opportunity to develop your creative abilities and personal qualities, evaluate the role of knowledge and see their application in practice, feel the interconnection of different sciences. ...

But in the choice of non-standard lessons, measure is needed. Students get used to unusual ways work lose interest. The place of non-traditional lessons in the general system should be determined by the teacher himself, depending on the specific situation, the conditions of the content of the material and the individual characteristics of the teacher himself.

The success of non-traditional lessons depends on individual pedagogical conditions:

The relationship of the content of non-traditional lessons with the teaching material of the lesson;

The focus of the game on the development of students' interest in the material being studied;

Formation of moral qualities in students

Non-standard forms of lessons increase the effectiveness of the lesson and contribute to maintaining a stable interest in educational work and better assimilation of the program material.

The most important features of a modern lesson:

A friendly atmosphere is created;

A high level of motivation is formed;

Great importance is attached to the methods of educational work;

Special attention is paid to the development of students' skills of independent cognitive activity.


Taking into account the characteristics of students in the class: class level; the attitude of students to the subject; the pace of the class; attitude to different types educational activities; attitude to various forms of educational work, including non-traditional; general discipline of students.

General rules for a successful lesson:

1. Determine the place of the lesson in the topic, and the topics - in the annual course, highlight the general task of the lesson.

2. View the curriculum, read the requirements of the standard on this topic, find out what is required of the teacher for this lesson.

3. To restore the material of the textbook in memory, select the reference ZUN.

4. Concretize the tasks of the lesson, highlight the leading task.

5. Formulate and write it down in the plan in such a way that it is accessible, understandable to students, and comprehended by them.

6. Determine what the student should understand, remember in the lesson, what he should know and be able to do after the lesson.

7. Determine what educational material to communicate to students, in what volume, what Interesting Facts, inform students.

8. Select the content of the lesson in accordance with its task, the most effective ways formation of new ZUN.

9. Think over what and how should be written on the board and in the students' notebooks.

10. Record the planned course of the lesson in the lesson plan, imagining the lesson as a holistic phenomenon.

Questionnaire "Style of teacher activity"

1. If the class is not in order

1) my reaction depends on the situation

2) I don't pay attention to it

3) I can't start the lesson

2. I consider it my duty to make a remark if a child breaks order in a public place.

1) depending on the situation

2) no

3) yes

3. I prefer to work under the guidance of someone who

1) offers room for creativity

2) Doesn't interfere with my work

3) Gives clear directions

4. During the lesson, I stick to the plan.

1) depending on the situation

2) I prefer improvisation

3) always

5. When I see a student behaving defiantly towards me

1) I prefer to sort things out

2) I ignore this fact

3) pay him with the same coin

6. If a student expresses a point of view that I cannot accept I

1) trying to accept his point of view

2) translate the conversation to another topic

3) I try to correct him, explain his mistake to him

7.In my opinion, the most important thing in the school community is

1) work creatively

2) no conflicts

3) labor discipline

8. I believe that a teacher can raise his voice to a student.

1) no, this is unacceptable

2) I find it difficult to answer

3) if the student deserves it

9. Unforeseen situations in the classroom

1) can be effectively used

2) better to ignore

3) only interfere with the educational process

10 my students like me

1) no

2) when how

3) I don't know

If you have more than 1, then it speaks about the democratic style of the teacher's activity. The teacher provides the opportunity for students to make decisions on their own, listens to their opinions, encourages independence of judgment, takes into account not only academic performance, but also the personal qualities of students. The main methods of influence: motivation, advice, request. The teacher is satisfied with his profession, flexibility, a high degree of acceptance of himself and others, openness and naturalness in communication, a benevolent attitude that contributes to the effectiveness of learning

The predominance of answer option 2 indicates the features of the teacher's permissive style of activity. Such a teacher avoids decision-making, transferring the initiative to students, colleagues, and parents. The organization and control of the activities of students is carried out without a system, in difficult pedagogical situations it shows indecision and hesitation, experiencing a feeling of a certain dependence on students. Many of these teachers are characterized by low self-esteem, anxiety and lack of confidence in their professionalism, dissatisfaction with their work.

The prevalence of 3 options speaks of authoritarian tendencies in the activities of the teacher. The teacher uses his rights, as a rule, regardless of the opinion of the children and the specific situation. The main methods of influence are orders, instructions. Such a teacher is characterized by dissatisfaction with the work of many students, although he may have a reputation as a strong teacher. But in his lessons, the children feel uncomfortable. A significant part of them do not show activity and independence.

Analyze your achievements and mistakes. Discover your potential opportunities. Give up the hope for recipe methods, for other people's notes, for reproducing ready-made lessons. Treat the process of preparing for lessons not as a punishment, but as a source of your professional growth, intellectual, spiritual and creative strength. I wish you creative success!