Steve Jobs - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death of the entrepreneur. Lisa Brennan-Jobs - the illegitimate daughter of a computer genius

Lisa Brennan-Jobs is the daughter of a famous Apple employee and a journalist from America. She is probably very proud of her legendary father, with whose name the history of one of the most successful companies modernity. But Steve Jobs led a hidden life and not everyone, even those close to him, initially knew about Lisa’s existence. Moreover, Jobs did not immediately recognize his daughter...

Lisa Brennan-Jobs is the daughter of the legendary founder of Apple

Lisa's parents' relationship

Lisa was born in 1978 in Oregon, USA. Then Steve Jobs stood at the origins of his brainchild - Apple Computer, which he founded at the age of 21 and began to develop at a rapid pace. His girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan, worked as an artist, and they had been dating since they were students.

Chrisann described their difficult relationship in a book that was released to the world after Jobs’ death in 2013 and was called “The Bitten Apple: A Memoir of My Life with Steve Jobs.” It mentioned the piquant features of their life together, as well as how the relationship between the young people gradually began to collapse. According to Chrisann, Steve was then completely involved in work, and also tried to dominate both outside the home and in the everyday home environment.

When Chrisann became pregnant, Steve did not acknowledge paternity. As Brennan herself states in the book she wrote, Jobs was not interested in getting married. Also, as a compelling argument, he pointed out that he could not have children due to physiological inability due to sterilization. He made such statements in court, trying to confirm his words with some documents. At that time, Chrisanne worked at Apple, but due to these events she was forced to leave her.

It is noteworthy that in the same year that Lisa was born, Jobs’ company released a computer called the Apple Lisa, and therefore, it can be assumed that it was named after the newborn girl. But Steve himself denied this connection and argued that LISA is simply an acronym for Local Integrated Software Architecture.

Jobs admitting paternity

But 2 years later, thanks to medical and legal evidence, he finally admitted that Lisa was his daughter. Interestingly, this story was even filmed in the film “Pirates of Silicon Valley.” But, despite acknowledging the fact of paternity, Jobs for some time evaded paying child support to Lisa's mother. Then they had to survive on unemployment benefits. Meanwhile, Steve Jobs started a family and three more children were born:

  • two daughters, Eva and Erin;
  • son Reed.

But when Lisa turned 7 years old, Jobs began to pay attention to his first daughter. She lived at his home for a time as a teenager, and when she went to Harvard, her father paid for her tuition. It was there that she felt the “writer’s spirit” in herself, and this allowed her to win several competitions at the university level.

After completing studies at prestigious university Brennan-Jobs moved from America to Europe, where she began to build her journalistic career. Her work can be found in many renowned publications such as Vogue and O: The Oprah Magazine. Lisa also runs her own blog, which is very popular among Internet users.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs: photo

If you are interested in Lisa Brennan-Jobs, Instagram will not help you find out anything about the girl’s life, since she is not registered on this social network. However, the profile of Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs can be found on Twitter and Facebook, although there is very little information about her there.

First, he was abandoned by his mother as a baby, then by a foster family, and by hungry student years. You will never believe who we are talking about. Steve Jobs is a billionaire, a famous entrepreneur from the States, founder of Apple and Pixar. He did not strive for wealth, he only wanted prosperity and well-being. Thinking outside the box and mathematical mindset helped him reach such heights that have not yet been for a long time will be spoken all over the world.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Steve Jobs

If you look at photos of Jobs online, he looks the same almost everywhere. His form style clothes - a black turtleneck, jeans and sneakers - everyone knows. But not everyone knows his height, weight, age. Years of life of Steve Jobs 1955-2011.

He never suffered from excess weight, despite an inactive lifestyle (this is largely related to work). His height is 188 cm and weight is 72 kg. Unfortunately, the talented and outstanding Steve Jobs died at 56 years old. The cause was pancreatic cancer. Neither his intellect nor his condition could overcome cancer.

Biography of Steve Jobs

The biography of Steve Jobs is very interesting and intriguing. Steve was born in the United States, in San Francisco. The parents did not want the child, and therefore gave it to another family. Jobs's adoptive parents were typical representatives of the middle class. My mother worked in accounting, my father was a mechanic. They loved Steve, they tried to give him everything, but it wasn't easy.

Jobs' abilities were noticed when he was still a teenager. Also in early years, Steve meets Stephen Wozniak, who will help radically change the life of not only Jobs, but all of humanity.

Steve Jobs first attended college in 1972, which he also did not graduate from because tuition was too expensive and his parents spent every penny to support his studies. During this period, Stephen had to sleep on the floor of friends, because there was no money to rent his own place. Then, in order to eat, he was forced to collect and return Coca-Cola bottles. All this lasted 1.5 years.

Stephen tried to get an education at the University of California, but again without success.

Electronics was Jobs's favorite hobby, to which he devoted a lot of time. Then Steve Jobs wanted to create phones that would help make calls over long distances absolutely free. Steve finally managed to fulfill his dream and visit India, which left an indelible impression on him.

In 1975, Steve Jobs saw a computer made by Wozniak for his own needs. Wozniak proposes to jointly create a personal computer for implementation. Initially, they planned to develop only schematics, but eventually began assembling parts. A year later, partner John Wayne appeared, and the three of them created Apple Computer Co.

To raise start-up capital, the founders had to sacrifice a lot. For example, Jobs had to sell his car. One of the companies selling electronics placed its first order for the purchase of a PC. Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne borrowed parts. Assembled computers began selling for $666.66.

The same year marked the first release of the Apple II computer for mass sale. Jobs designed the company logo and insisted on good computer advertising. More than 5 million copies were sold. At the age of 25, Steve Jobs became a millionaire.

Steve Jobs' children

In 1978, Steve Jobs had his first child, daughter Lisa Brennan-Jobs. Her mother, Krizann Brennan, never became Jobs' wife. At that time, Steve was completely absorbed in work, and therefore personal life faded into the background. This was the reason that his relationship with his first daughter began only five years after her birth.

In 1991, Jobs married Laurene Powell. In the same year, there was an addition to the family - a son, Reed Paul, was born. Four years later, daughter Erin Siena appears, and in 1998, the youngest daughter Eva appears. These are all the children of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs' speech to Stanford graduates

Steve Jobs' speech to Stanford graduates is very popular. It contains interesting data from Steve's biography, his failures, losses, disappointments, victories. With all this, he tried to convey to the listener the importance of perseverance, the importance of perseverance. It doesn’t matter where you grew up and who your parents are, but a big role in life is played by what the person himself wants and how much he is ready to fight for his place.

Also, in his speech, Jobs emphasized that it is important to do what you love, what brings you pleasure. Then it is much easier to achieve success. And also, you need to believe in yourself, your capabilities, and not stop there. You shouldn’t live someone else’s dream, make your own and go towards it.

Addressing the students, Steve Jobs talked about his cancer, that everyone will die sooner or later, but you need to live your life with dignity and try to have time to realize your plans. Jobs also talked about how it’s okay to make mistakes, everyone makes them. There is no need to be afraid to try, improve, reach new heights, because this is what life is for, and not to live ideally and carefree.

Steve Jobs is an American businessman who became world famous for his innovative abilities in the field of IT technologies. He is one of the founders of Appel. As you know, Steve Jobs grew up in a foster family. His biological parents were German Joan Schieble and Syrian Abdulfattah Jandali. The girl's relatives were categorically against this marriage, and her father said that he would deprive her of her inheritance. Being pregnant, Joan went to give birth in San Francisco, in a private clinic. Immediately after the birth, the boy was given up for adoption.

The adoptive parents were Paul and Clara Jobs. They raised Steve and gave him a decent education. It was these people that Steve Jobs considered his real parents. It is likely that for this reason, throughout his life he treated his wife and children in a special way. Yes, there were affairs outside the family in his life, but over the years he realized how valuable and dear his loved ones were to him. Steve spent the end of his life surrounded by his family.

In total, Steve Jobs has four children: three daughters and one son. The first-born, a daughter named Lisa Brennan-Jobs, was born in 1978. The girl's mother was the artist Krizann Brennan, with whom Jobs had a romantic relationship. Note that for 2 years the young dad did not confirm his paternity (he insisted that he was infertile), but over time he still accepted his daughter as his own.

In 1991, the entrepreneur legalized his relationship with her. She became “the woman of his life,” as he himself said. In the same year, the couple first had a son named Reed, and then two daughters: Erin (in 1995) and Eva (1998). They say that each of them has their father's traits. Photos of Steve Jobs' children are posted in this article.

The Jobs couple lived in a private house located in Palo Alto. Interestingly, the son was named after educational institution, where Steve himself briefly studied - Reed College.

Dad of many children

Steve Jobs' children got as much time from their father as the passionate businessman could give him. They say that the son got a lot more attention than daughters. However, Steve still devoted his time to the upbringing and education of children. He came to school parent-teacher meetings, did not allow his offspring to sit in front of the TV screen for a long time, and personally monitored what and how his children ate.

Steve tried to balance between the crazy rhythm work activity and the functions of an exemplary dad. It is known that the businessman diligently protected his personal life and family from the intrusive attention of the press. As soon as Jobs learned about his terrible diagnosis and realized that life was too fleeting, he tried to spend as much time as possible with his family and friends - his wife and children. Even in this time, he left the walls of his company and rushed home to carry out this a short time with them.

What are Steve Jobs' children doing now, and how has their life turned out? This question interests many.

Eldest daughter Lisa

The entrepreneur’s eldest daughter is now 39 years old. In 2000, she graduated from Harvard and moved to live in Europe. Lisa has connected her life with journalism - she is the author of columns for a variety of publications. The girl runs her own blog, which has gained considerable popularity and big number readers. Perhaps her most striking journalistic creation is the article “Tuscan Holidays,” published in Vogue magazine in February 2008. In her work, Lisa talks about her childhood years, about life with her mother.

Reed is the only son of Steve Jobs

The only boy among all the children of Steve Jobs has his own successes. As a high school student, Reed looked very much like his 18-year-old father. From his mother he inherited a kind heart and empathy for others, which Jobs Sr. did not have. During summer holidays Reed worked part-time at a cancer center. There he explored the possibilities of DNA sequencing in curing colon cancer. In the process of research, he was able to determine the hereditary relationship. Based on the data obtained from the experiments, Reed wrote a report that was presented at his school. Steve Jobs, who died of cancer, managed to capture this moment and was very proud of his son.

Youngest daughters Erin and Eva

Erin Sienna had a calm disposition since childhood. She, more than Steve Jobs' other children, suffered from a lack of paternal attention and care. The girl learned to distance herself from people and from her father in particular, in order to reduce suffering due to his alienation. She inherited an interest in design and architecture from her famous father. It is probably in this area that the girl will continue to develop.

The youngest daughter, 18-year-old Eva, is a wealthy heiress who is passionate about equestrian sports. Moreover, the girl was very successful in this matter and was already able to participate in many competitions. Representatives of noble families competed with her: Jennifer Gates, Destry Allen Spielberg and others. Sports training for Steve Jobs's youngest daughter takes place in Wellington (Florida) - this is where her mother bought a ranch for $15 million.

Steve Jobs is a strict father

It is known that Steve Jobs forbade his children many things. For example, long-term use of iPhones. This is quite strange, because it seemed to many that the offspring of a famous entrepreneur were literally swimming in an abundance of expensive gadgets. However, Jobs believed that this was harmful to the child's body. Besides, there are so many other interesting things to do, like sitting down with the whole family. dining table and discuss the book you read. Therefore, we can say with confidence that when Steve Jobs banned iPhones for his children, he was guided by good intentions.

Funeral former head of the American corporation Apple Steve Jobs took place on Friday American time with the participation of his relatives, the website of the American newspaper reports Wall Street Journal citing an unnamed source.

The exact location of the ceremony and the time of its holding remained secret. Grief-stricken relatives do not want to show their despair to the world, writes the Northern Voices Online portal.

"Funeral will not be public, it will be a private ceremony attended by those closest to them," said Lt. Sandra Brown, a spokeswoman for the Palo Alto Police Department. She also stated that funeral will take place outside the city of Palo Alto, where Steve Jobs lived with his family.

Apple stated that public events dedicated to for Jobs' funeral, not planned.

Earlier, the contemporary art portal ArtLyst, citing an unnamed source, reported that Jobs will be buried in accordance with Buddhist traditions.Jobs converted to Buddhism in 1973 during a trip to India, for which he abandoned his studies at liberal arts college in USA. Home co-founder Apple arrived with a shaved head and in traditional Indian clothes.

Steve Jobs, a world-renowned technology innovator, died on the evening of Wednesday, October 5, after a long illness at the age of 56 years.

First about Jobs' serious illness became known in 2003 - he was diagnosed with " pancreas cancer"Although this is usually the disease is fatal, y Jobs turned out to be operable form of cancer, and in 2004 he underwent surgery. Cspeculations regarding health status Jobs reached their climax after the Bloomberg news agency technical error published in August 2008 obituary of the head of Apple. In January 2009 Jobs went on six months sick leave again. Then doctors found he had liver cancer. After organ transplant surgery and rehabilitation period Jobs returned to work. Both times, Jobs continued to run the company from home throughout his treatment. In August Jobs resigned as head of Apple and was replaced by Tim Cook.

Relatives did not want anyone to know about the death of Steve Jobs

According to a source close to the family Steve Jobs, his family and company Apple did everything possible so that not a single living soul knew that he dies. So, a week before his death in the house Jobs security appeared from the corporation's main office, who did not leave a single step from him until the very last minutes of his life.Both relatives and representatives Apple didn't want anyone to take a picture of the former head of the company dying before the new iPhone 4S is presented.On the day of the presentation, an increased police patrol was also deployed at the house of the former head of the company.

At your own request Jobs, no resuscitation or painkillers were used during his death, since this would be contrary to his faith - Buddhism. He died peacefully, without any medical intervention, in the circle of your closest people.In addition, for safety reasons Jobs body first they took me away to the morgue, located five minutes from his house, and only then reported his death to the police.

Right after Jobs' passing, the road leading to his house was blocked, and two policemen were posted at the gate. The territory of the mansion is guarded all these days by ten bodyguards - four stand at the entrance and six are located inside the courtyard. And this despite the fact that the area in which they live Jobs, is one of the safest in Pal Alto.

I wonder what to save the time and place of the funeral is secret, some friends and relatives of the former head of the corporation took sick leave and did not show up for work.This was done specifically so that no one would understand exactly what day they had to leave the service. funeral. Even in the company itself Apple funeral ceremony information was kept strictly secret.

ABOUT last days Steve Life News said his neighbors, who were also forbidden to come close to the house Jobs.

- Jobs there was one peculiarity - picking and smelling apples in your garden. Now, with the arrival of autumn, all the apples in his garden have fallen, and there is no one left to pick them,” neighbor Amy says with sadness in her voice.

About enhanced security around the Jobs house the woman believes that the former Apple CEO I wouldn't like it. Steve has always been an open person.

The pilgrimage to the house of the great computer genius continues - people from all over the world bring flowers, apples, some of their own drawings, candles.

9 unknown facts about Steve Jobs

Despite the interest of millions of people in Steve Jobs, many details of his private life remained hidden from the general public until his death. Website Tecca published an article in which he indicated eight unknown facts about life Jobs, the Yahoo News portal added a ninth point.

1. Childhood

Steve Jobs was born February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. His biological parents were a Syrian graduate student who later became a professor of political science, Abdulfattah Jandali, and an American graduate student trained as a speech therapist, Joan Simpson. Since parents Jobs were not married, they abandoned the child immediately after his birth. The boy was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs from Mountain View, California. They named the baby Stephen Paul. It was Paul and Clara who founded Apple All my life I considered my real parents.

Biological parents Jobs later got married and had a sister Jobs- novelist Mona Simpson. According to media reports, Steve and Mona's father is a Syrian Muslim who moved to the United States at the age of 18. Apparently, Steve he never forgave his father for his betrayal; he did not maintain any contact with him. The day before, when asked to comment death of son, an 80-year-old Syrian native said he had “nothing to say.” Shortly before death Steve Jobs Jandali expressed regret that he gave him up for adoption, and in August he admitted to reporters that he wanted to meet his son, but could not take the first step towards rapprochement.

2. Expulsion from college

Despite his quick, savvy mind and tremendous success in the IT field, he Jobs there was no higher education. After graduating from high school in Cupertino, California, in 1972, he enrolled in a liberal arts college in Portland, Oregon, but was expelled after the first semester. According to media reports, Steve dropped out of college due to financial problems of his parents, who could not pay for his education.

Speaking at Stanford University in 2005, Jobs recalled how he had a hard time during college. According to him, due to the lack of a dorm room, he slept on the floor in his friends’ rooms, went hungry, traded Coke bottles for five cents apiece to live on these pennies, and on Sundays he walked across the entire city ​​to have a normal lunch at the Hare Krishna temple, where food was provided to those in need free of charge.

3. How Jobs cheated his friend out of money

Steve Jobs, who worked as a technician at Atari, which produced computer games, in 1975, was assigned to work on one of the most famous video games - the Pong-like arcade game Breakout, launched in 1976.

As a school friend told me Jobs and co-founder Apple Stephen Wozniak, Jobs ordered to create printed circuit board for Breakout. Atari offered $100 for each chip that could be removed. Jobs recruited Wozniak to work, agreeing to split the promised reward equally.

4. Your family Jobs life carefully guarded

Steve Jobs was married to Laurene Powell, his family life he carefully protected the curious from intrusion. The couple's wedding took place on March 18, 1991, the marriage was sealed by the Zen monk Kobun Tino Otogawa. The couple had three children - a son and two daughters.

5. Jobs' sister is a famous writer

With his sister Mona Simpson Steve first met only at the age of 27 years. Meeting my sister had a huge impact on Jobs, became very attached to her brother and Mona. Simpson's novel "Anywhere But Here", on the basis of which a film of the same name starring Natalie Portman and Susan Sarandon was made in the USA in 1999, has the dedication: " To my brother Steve".

“My brother and I are very close, I never cease to admire him,” Simpson said in an interview. Myself Steve said that Mona is his family and one of the best friends in the world. “We talk on the phone almost every day,” admitted the Apple founder. Steve often visited Mona in New York and learned from her about the life of his parents.

6. Jobs novels

In an unauthorized biography" The Second Coming of Steve Jobs" its author Alan Deutschman claims that Jobs once dated Joan Baez. Deutschman cites the opinion of a friend Jobs in college, who believed that Steve became Joan Baez's lover largely because Baez had an affair with Bob Dylan, her favorite musician Jobs.

In another unauthorized biography" iKona. Steve Jobs" authors Geoffrey Young and William Simon suggest that Jobs wanted to marry Baez, but was afraid that her age might prevent her from bearing his children. By that time Joan was 41 years old.

Joan Baez later confirmed that they were close with Jobs for a short time. According to some reports, Jobs There was also a short affair with the famous actress Diane Keaton.

7. His first daughter

U Jobs In addition to three children from Lauryn, there is an eldest daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs. She was born in 1978 as a result of an affair Jobs with artist Chrisann Brennan. Initially Steve denied his paternity, including through the court, even referring to his infertility, but later still recognized the girl as his daughter.

After recognition of paternity Jobs paid for my daughter's education at Harvard University. In 2000 she received higher education and now works in one of the magazines as an author.

8. Alternative lifestyle

Jobs did not hide his early experience with LSD use. Steve called it "one of the two or three most important things" he did in his life.

Besides, Steve Jobs adhered to pescatarianism - led a lifestyle that consisted of refusing to eat meat. Followers of this movement are allowed to eat fish and shellfish; plant foods, eggs and milk can be consumed both without restrictions and with the exception of certain products.

A follower of oriental medicine, Jobs tried to treat my cancer with alternative means and specialized diets, but was forced to resort to the help of surgeons in 2004.

9. His condition

Although Steve Jobs, while holding the position of head of Apple received only one dollar a year as a salary, he was richest man. He owned 5.426 million shares of the company, as well as 138 million shares of Disney. According to Forbes magazine, Jobs was worth $5.1 billion in 2009. Then he ranked 43rd on the list of richest Americans.

IN last weeks life Steve Jobs thought about the future of Apple

Last days, the founder of the worldwide famous company Apple Steve Jobs spent surrounded by his loved ones - his wife Lorin and children. He did not solve any work issues and did not meet with friends, but, as it turned out, knowing that soon will go to another world, the IT genius has developed a plan to release new products from Apple over the next few years. Given the gift of foresight Jobs in the field of technology development, it can be assumed that many of his ideas will come true.

According to informed sources, despite the rapidly deteriorating state of health, Jobs developed a work plan Apple for the coming years. What exactly the famous IT innovator proposed is unknown, but undoubtedly his ideas must have been productive, since throughout his life this man created technical innovations that immediately fascinated people around the world.

As the newspaper learned The New York Times , founder Apple, anticipating his death, decided to spend the rest of his life in solitude in his home in Palo Alto - surrounded by his wife and children, away from camera flashes, friends and colleagues.

According to the publication, in February doctors made it clear Jobs that he had very little time left to live, he told several friends about this, and they told their acquaintances. After that for the family Jobs numerous collapsed phone calls- friends of the founder Apple tried to get a meeting with him to say goodbye. Jobs' wife Laurene rejected most calls and, in the run-up to her husband's death, told only one person that the former Apple executive was so weak that he was unable to climb the stairs of his own home.

Steve Jobs he himself strictly defined the people with whom he would like to say goodbye. So, he invited his close friend, a doctor Dina Ornisha eat sushi with him at one of his favorite Chinese restaurants in Palo Alto. He said goodbye to his colleagues, including the businessman John Dirr, member of the board Apple by Bill Campbell and head of Disney Robert Iger. Moreover, as it became known, Steve Jobs gave advice to Apple executives regarding Tuesday's iPhone 4S presentation. Jobs also spoke with his biographer Walter Isaacson.

The New York Times writes that Steve Jobs took steps towards recovery until the last moment - shortly before his death, he started taking a new medication and told some friends that there was hope.

He hoped, but still prepared for death. As the doctor noted Ornish, as always, Steve he himself decided how to spend his last weeks. According to a friend, for Jobs It was important that his wife and children were next to him. As told Ornish, he once asked Jobs, whether he is glad that he has children, and he noted that this is 10 thousand times better than anything he has ever done. As is known, Steve Jobs four children - a son and two daughters from his wife Lauryn, as well as a daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs, born in 1978 out of wedlock as a result of an affair with artist Chrisann Brennan.

As the publication writes, recent months life Jobs its big but relatively modest brick house was surrounded by security guards and two black SUVs were on duty nearby. After his death, the jeeps were removed from the house, and fans were able to place bouquets, bitten apples as a symbol of Apple, and light funeral candles at the house.

Biography Steve Jobs, written by former Time magazine editor-in-chief Walter Isaacson, will be published October 24. Previously, the journalist published biographies of Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin.

By open materials Internet networks.

Vanity Fair magazine published an excerpt from the memoirs of Lisa Brennan-Jobs, daughter of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. In it, a woman describes her relationship with her father. According to the writer, the entrepreneur did not want to acknowledge his child for a long time, and judging by her memoirs, he was often too harsh with her.

Entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Steve Jobs, who was known for his not the easiest character, did not make concessions for his child. This is evidenced by an excerpt from the memoirs of Jobs’ daughter, writer Lisa Brennan-Jobs. Her book, called Small Fry, will be released in September. Part of the work, already published by Vanity Fair, is dedicated to Lisa’s relationship with her father, which was not the smoothest.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs

According to the American, Jobs for a long time did not want to admit that she was his daughter. Before Lisa was two years old, her mother Chris-Ann Brennan raised the girl herself.

My father didn't help. My mother found a place for me in the nursery in the church, which was led by the minister's wife. For several months we lived in a room in a house that my mother found through an advertisement, it was intended for women who wanted to adopt a child. In 1980, the San Mateo district attorney in California charged the father with failure to pay child support. But dad denied that I was his daughter, he swore that he was barren and that my father was supposedly another man.

After a genetic test proved that Steve Jobs was Lisa's father, the Apple co-founder began seeing the child. This happened about once a month, says Lisa Brennan-Jobs.

Steve Jobs with Lisa

Steve Jobs' relationship with his daughter did not go very smoothly. According to the writer, she once heard from her mother that her father always buys new car Porsche after scratching the old one. One day, Lisa, apparently as a teenager, asked her father if she could take one of his scratched cars. And his answer discouraged the girl.

“Of course not,” he said in an irritated, angry tone. - You won't get anything. You understood? Nothing. Nothing at all". Did he mean just the car or something more? I don't know. His tone hurt me; it cut me to the heart.

Steve Jobs also did not admit for a long time that he named the Lisa personal computer, released in the early 1980s, in honor of his daughter. Every time Lisa asked if the car was named after her, he answered: “No. Sorry, baby." The entrepreneur admitted this only years later, when they were visiting musician Bono.

When Steve Jobs finally fell ill due to pancreatic cancer, Lisa visited him regularly. On one such occasion, she sprayed herself with a rose-scented spray. And this is what happened next:

When we hugged, I felt his vertebrae and ribs. He smelled of mold and sweat and medicine. “I'll be back soon,” I said. And then she started to leave.

You smell like a toilet.

The woman writes that she and her father simply viewed their relationship differently. For Steve Jobs, Lisa was a blemish on his remarkable rise, as if having a daughter didn't fit his success story.

My existence destroyed his runway. For me, it was the other way around: the closer I was to him, the less shame I felt, he was part of my world, thanks to him I moved towards the light.

Unfortunately, Lisa Brennan-Jobs' story is not unique. One Twitter user even described what phrases she really wanted to hear from her family and friends, but never heard. And from them for real