Passive past participle. What is a participle in Russian?

Schoolchildren and students of linguistic specialties should be able to determine the type of each part of speech. Communion is no exception. To avoid mistakes, use our tips. A simple algorithm will help you quickly determine correct view.

It is important to know that a participle consists of elements of several parts of speech - a verb and an adjective. It comes from a verb, but answers the questions of an adjective. For example, take the verb “read”. The participle in this case will answer the questions: “which one?”, “what is he doing?”, “what did he do?” etc. - “reading”. There are several ways to determine the main types of participles: standard, by word form and by suffix. To avoid confusion, let's look at each of them separately. At the end, we will take a closer look at other types of this part of speech (perfect and imperfect). Standard method. The main types of participles are passive (SP) and active (DP). An object can do something, but an action can also happen to itself. DP will answer the question - “what did he do?”, “What is he doing?”, passive - “what is he doing?”. Examples:
  • DP: solver - a person who solves a problem;
  • SP: solvable - the problem is solved by a person.
According to the form. The SP can get two forms of the word - full and abbreviated, for example, “readable - readable”. DP can only have a full form, such as "running". This word cannot be abbreviated due to violation of language rules. It simply does not exist in the Russian language.

By suffix. DP and SP are endowed with specific suffixes. These examples will help you understand which suffixes correspond to which species:
  • DP of the present tense - ush, yush, ash, yash (walking, influencing, building, trembling);
  • DP past tense – vsh, sh (wrote, came, came);
  • SP of the present tense - eat, om, im (studied, moved, carried);
  • Past tense SP – n, t (busy, educated).
Other types of communion. In addition to the main types, this part of speech can be perfect and imperfect. The perfect participle denotes a complete and complete act, regardless of the time in which it occurs. Answers the question “having done what?” An imperfect participle denotes repeated, subsequent, or preceding unfinished actions. Answers the questions “what are you doing?”, “what are you doing?”. You can determine these types of participles by verbs. Separate the verb from the participle. If he answers the question “what should I do?” – this is an imperfect form, and if you answer “what to do?” – perfect. Please note that in the first case there is no letter “c” at the beginning of the question, in the second case it is present.
  • Perfect form: read – a person who has read a book;
  • Imperfect view: reader - a person who read a book.

Addition. To test yourself, use the simplest way. First, identify the verb from which the participle comes and write it down. Then come up with any suitable phrase with this verb. Now think about it, is the object performing an action or is someone performing an action on it? When you find the correct answer, write down the correct participle. You can use the entire algorithm if you prefer.

To quickly remember the rules, create a table with ways to determine the participle. Find own examples and enter them in the table. Then it will be much easier for you to navigate. In addition, while writing down the rules, good memorization occurs. Later, you will learn to identify the correct participle form automatically.

What is the past participle and how to understand it?

The Russian language is a bunch of rules that you need not just to know, but to understand in order to write correctly and speak beautifully. The topic of communion is one of important topics, having mastered which you can learn laconic but expressive speech.

Compare the sentences with a sluggish and participial phrase: The first option is more laconic, beautiful and poetic than the second sentence.

From the school course we know that communion is not at all simple form verb because it has the properties of both a verb and an adjective. From verb this part of speech has a form and tense, and from adjective- gender, number, case and full/short form. The participle is also divided into active and passive.

For example:

Going the boy is active participle, because it is he himself who does this action - he goes!

Chirping grasshopper - the insect itself performs the action - chirping.

Dress, wearable girl - this is a passive participle, because it is not the dress that produces the effect, but the girl: it is she who wears the dress.

Washed Tanya's dishes sparkled with brilliance and cleanliness. It is not the dishes that produce the action, but Tanya.

What are the main conditions for spelling suffixes for participles in the present tense does not seem to be difficult: you just need to remember which suffix refers to a specific conjugation.

How is it formed past participle?

It is formed using the stem of a verb of any tense and suffixes that help it:

Going - going ushch y, sings - singing, plays - playing - this is the present tense; loved - love Vsh y, wanted - wanted, dreamed - dreamed, feed - fed - this is the past. The active and passive tenses have their own specific suffixes:

Active past participle.

Formed from verb stems using suffixes: -vsh-, -sh-. The type and transition do not matter.

The suffix depends on the ending of the verb stem:

  • If it ends in a vowel, then - vsh-. RisovA t - rice Vsh y, build - built, watch - watched.
  • And if it is a consonant, then -sh-. Vez ti - ve h shy.
  • If past participle is formed from a verb ending in -t, then the suffix -vsh- will be written after the vowel that precedes -t.

For example: m st- m s howling, laughing At- laughter A hung, hung et- hang eVsh yy.

Using the table as an example, you can look at education in detail active past participle depending on verb features.

Valid participle

Thus, active past participles not at all difficult to understand.

To easily check the transitivity of a participle, you can ask a question from a word; if you can ask a question from it in the indirect case, then it is an intransitive verb. For example:

Watch (what?) a film, print (what?) an abstract;

Run (where?) along the road. The question here is “what?” will not work, which means it is an intransitive verb and a participle, respectively.

There shouldn’t be any problems with the view: if the action is in progress, it’s nonsense. view, if it has already happened - owls. view.

Passive participle in the past time.

They are formed from a transitive verb of the corresponding tense. The type doesn't really matter, but it depends on the verbs. There are not many types of participles at all.

What stem does the verb end with?

From the verb with owls/nes. view

At, -at, -at.

Ot, -nut + monosyllabic verbs.

According to the table, now only one important question arises: when suffixes of passive past participles written with one n, but when with two?

It’s important to remember a few simple rules:

One -H verbs will have imperfect form if they:

  • Dont Have dependent word, prefix, -ova-/ -eva-; For example: fried, boiled, smoked.
  • short participles; For example: the children are fed, the partnership is formed, the matter is decided.

Two - NN have full passive past participles formed by verbs perfect form with availability:

  • dependent words. For example: sturgeon fried in oil. Peas boiled in broth.
  • -ova-/-eva-. For example: a child spoiled by his mother. The prince, enchanted by her enchanting gaze.

They have the same syntactic function, as adjectives, i.e. in a sentence are most often definition.

Past participle may also have a reflexive suffix -sya. For example: a hidden cockroach, a chopped nut, fallen sand, a laughing beauty, a frightened fly.

But the Russian language always has its exceptions, which may not all be so. Words such as “seek”, “love” and “take” are not capable of forming passive participles: they are absolutely unable to do so. There is also such a feature of verbs ending in -sti: they can turn into the passive past participle.

For example:

  • Weave. The mittens woven by grandma look just like store-bought ones.
  • Steal. For a long time we could not find the slippers stolen by the cat.
  • Find: Sharik’s newly acquired bone made him happy for a long time, which is why he wagged his tail for a long time.
  • Find: When the teacher discovered the cheat sheets he found, Vasya realized that he had to come up with a better way to cheat, but the more he cheated, the more he had to know.

To summarize, it is important to remember the main thing: past participle suffixes- this is vsh, sh for active participles, and nn, t, enn for passive participles. Having memorized them and the rules for using one and double n, there will be no questions with past participles.

Russian is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. And this fact is very easy to explain only by the number of parts of speech in it, not to mention their special forms. IN school course In the Russian language, children are introduced to the participle as a special verbal form, but many linguists argue that it is independent part speech that has its own grammatical features.

Communion in Russian

The definition in the textbook for grade 7 sounds something like this: a participle is a special form of words denoting an action with clearly expressed signs of an adjective that answer questions Which? what is he doing? and what did he do? Essentially, these are verbs that describe the action of an object and at the same time define its characteristics in a certain period of time. It is precisely this feature of this part of speech that is not only a stumbling block in determining its independence, but also common mistake in indicating the function of words in a sentence that relate to it. Quite often, schoolchildren confuse participles with verbs or adjectives. Such errors lead to incorrect spelling of words and incorrect punctuation in sentences. How to distinguish a participle from a verb or an adjective, how to understand whether it is a full or short participle? Examples that will clearly show how participles are formed from verbs in different conjugations can be found in this article. Also here you can find a description of active, passive participles and verbal adjectives.

Similarities of participles with verb and adjective

The participle includes grammatical features of two parts of speech: a verb and an adjective. Like a verb, it can be perfect or imperfect, or, in other words, it can mean a completed or unfinished action. May have a reflexive form and may be active or passive. Like adjectives, there are full and short participles. In addition, this form of the verb changes in gender, case and number, which may well mean its independence. It should also be noted that participles can only have present and past tenses. It does not have a future tense form. For example: jumping is an imperfect form in the present tense and jumped off is a perfect form in the past tense.

Features of participles

All participles, depending on what attribute they indicate, are divided into two types: passive (indicating the attribute of the object to which the action is directed) and active (indicating the attribute of the object that performed the action). For example: guided - guide, openable - opening. Depending on which verb is taken to form the participle, a different tense form comes out. For example: look - looking, looking, looking; view - viewed, viewed. The example shows that from a verb of the imperfect form, where there is no indication that the action will be completed, the past and present participles are formed, and from the perfect form only the past. From here we can also conclude that the formation of a participle is directly related to the type and transitivity of the verb, the form of which it represents. In turn, passive participles are also divided into two types: short participle and full participle. Another feature of the participle is that it, together with the words dependent on it, quite often forms a phrase, which is highlighted in writing with commas.

Active participles

To form active participles in the present tense, the initial form of the verb is taken as a basis and a suffix is ​​added to the first conjugation -ush-, -yush-, and to the second -ash-, -box-. For example: galloping - galloping, treating - healing. To form the active participle in the past tense, suffixes -t- and -t- replaced by -sh- and -vsh-. For example: to go - traveling, to carry - carrying.

Passive participles

Passive participles are also formed by replacing suffixes. To form the present tense, suffixes are used for the first conjugation of verbs -eat-, and for the second -them-. For example: love - beloved, keep - stored. In order to obtain the passive past participle, the infinitive with the ending is taken as the basis -at or -et and adds a suffix to the verb -nn-. For example: draw - drawn, stick - pasted. For verbs ending in -it, when forming participles use a suffix -enn-. For example: paint - painted, whiten - bleached. If the ending of the verb -ot, -ut or -yt, then to obtain a participle the suffix is ​​used -T-. For example: inflate - inflated, flog - flogged.

Short and full communion

Passive participles have two forms: short and full. The short participle has the same grammatical features as short name adjective. They are formed from the full form of the participle and can vary in number and gender, but are not declined in case. In a sentence, a short participle often acts as a nominal part of a compound predicate. For example: I'm not loved by anyone. However, there are exceptions in which the short participle is used as a separate definition associated with the subject. For example: pale as a toadstool. Full participles contain the grammatical features of both the adjective and the verb, and in a sentence they are always a modifier.

Participles and verbal adjectives

Participles are characterized not only by the presence of morphological features of the verb, but their meaning in the sentence is especially important. They have the ability to subjugate words, forming phrases that have already been mentioned. However, if the temporary signs that bind the action to themselves are lost, then the sign of the object becomes permanent. And this can only mean that the participle has lost all its verbal characteristics and has become an adjective that depends on the noun. For example: restrained character, taut strings, high spirits. Considering this possibility of a participle turning into an adjective, one should analyze the word very carefully so as not to confuse these two similar, but at the same time different parts of speech.

Scheme of morphological analysis of the participle

Although the participle is not isolated as a separate independent part of speech, they only say that it is a special verb form with elements of an adjective, but still morphological analysis is carried out according to the same scheme as the analysis of independent parts of speech. First of all, the name is determined, in this case it is the participle. It is described below morphological characteristics: determine initial form. That is, they put the word in the nominative case in the masculine gender and singular; describe constant features, which include the following indicators: active participle or passive, indicate the time in which the word is used in a sentence and the type of participle; the next paragraph is a description of non-constant features: number, gender and case (for full participles). At the end of the analysis, the syntactic function of the participle in a sentence is described (whether it is a definition or acts as a nominal part of the predicate).

In the system of modern Russian language, the section of morphology consists of quite large groups words united by common grammatical features. Among them, the most difficult one can be identified - the sacrament. What is the difficulty? The answer is quite simple.

It can be illustrated by the words of one famous linguist Dahl: “The part of speech involved in the verb in the form of an adjective.” Based on this phrase, the name can be explained, that is, it relates to both the verb and the adjective.

This is very convenient, because the participle allows you to clearly express a thought, while being expressed quite clearly and briefly. What is a passive participle, what questions does it answer, what verbs is it formed from?

The passive form is called a participial form, which has the meaning of a characteristic by action, and this action must necessarily be performed on the object. You can ask them the same questions as you would ask an adjective.

Passive participles are used in speech in both full and short form. In this respect they are similar to adjectives.

Passive past participles (PPPV - an abbreviation generally accepted among linguists) express the meaning of a property by action. Moreover, the defined object appears under the influence of the named action.

In the grammar of the Russian language, there are two groups of participles: passive and active. Passive participles (SP) usually name the attribute of an object by action. Moreover, this item or object experiences the effect on itself.

SPPV in Russian can be formed in a suffixal way.

You can ask the same questions for SP as for adjectives. TO full form You can ask questions Which one? Which? Which? Which? To the short – What is it? What? What are they? What's it like?

  • The book (what?) has been read.
  • Pie (what?) baked.

There are “special” verbs in the Russian language, the stem of which will never become a derivative for the SP:

  1. Intransitive verbs. From the named group of verbs, or rather, from their stem, it is possible to form only real participles.
  2. Verb reflexivity. If the verb is reflexive, then it is impossible to form passive past participles from it.
  3. It is not possible to form SPPV from the verbs beat, write, sew, revenge.

How to find short passive participle

To find the SPPV in a short form in the text, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Remember or write down the features that distinguish participles from other parts of speech. In this situation, this is the meaning of the part of speech and affixes.
  2. The participle always combines verb features and adjective markers.
  3. SP suffixes. They need to be memorized.
  4. Perform analysis of the proposal for TsIOVO. Find all the definitions and choose among them the one that combines the characteristics of a verb and an adjective.
  5. Remember adjectives that were formed by moving from participles. For example, soaked (apples); hackneyed (true).

If you follow all the steps in the specified algorithm, then it is quite simple to detect the SP in a sentence.

The linguistic term “passive” is interesting. From what or because of whom is he suffering? This is, of course, a joke. But seriously, the answer is quite simple.

Passive means when an action is directed towards an object, but someone else performs it.

In the Russian language textbook for grade 7 there is the following example of a passive participle: Doll, dressable a girl.

Participle SPPV, since the doll “suffers” from what the girl does to it.

Important! Wikipedia contains a detailed article on the topic in question. It gives a definition of this part of speech and describes the indicators of SPPV. There is quite a lot of information about SPs; the mechanism of their occurrence with the help of affixes is described in detail. Here is the link:

Passive participle suffixes

SP of the present time
are formed from the stem of verbs combined with nouns. in V. p. without the pretext ness. V. and from the stem of the verb. present vr.
risu(em) → drawable,
carry → carry → carried
-them- Verb d/b. 2 references:

hate → hate(s) → hated,
drive → gon(im) → persecuted



SP past tense
are formed from the transition. verb nesov. V. and owls V. passed from the base. vr. using affixes:
-n(n)- Verb. na -at, -yat, -et:

detain → detained,
check → checked,
swear → scorned

sweep away → swept away

command → commanded

before -nn-:
hear → heard,

In short form, SPPV has one letter -n-:

Leaves are blown from the asphalt by the wind.

The essay is written legibly.

The exercise was performed carefully.

In SPPV in full form (from the verb sov. v.):

cook (v. sov. v.) → cooked

bring → brought

zoom in → approximate

SPPV in full image form. using the affixes -(ir)ova-, -eva:

mechanize → mechanized,
quarter → quartered

-en(n)- from verb., ending. on -ch, -sti and -it:

oven → baked,
take away → taken away,
sin → sinned

dump → dumped

under stress write e:




handed over

In the short form of SPPV there is one letter N:

The work was completed efficiently and on time.

Good treatment is guaranteed at this clinic.

The applicant is guaranteed admission to the institute for budgetary basis, if he gets a high score on the Unified State Exam.

At a certain period of time, some types of agricultural work were mechanized.

Errors in interpreting exam results are excluded.

Verb. owls V. From their stem in SPPV there are two letters -nn-:

cover → covered,
curtain → curtained

treat → treated

enlighten → translucent

SPPV has a prefix (except for non-) - -nn-:

hang → hanged,
dump → dumped

Next to SPPV there is a dependent word - -nn-:

Deep fried potatoes.
But: fried potatoes.

-T- from verbs ending in -nut, -ot, -eret, and verbs consisting of one syllable:

screw → screwed,
prick → pricked,
close → closed,
beat → beaten


Important! Participles began to be actively used in the Russian language at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century. M.V. wrote about them. Lomonosov, noting their amazing properties.

Full passive participle

SPPV in full form according to external signs similar to adjectives. They should be distinguished by meaning. SPPV in full form always have the value of the attribute by action. Also, SPPVs in full form have such grammatical features as tense and aspect indicator. They are “inherited” from verbs.

First, let's give examples of single joint ventures: braided, broken, embroidered, unwound, loose, decorated, solved.

Participles, both passive and active, are truly universal parts of speech. They decorate the language of works of art, making it bright and imaginative.

Useful video

During the lesson, you will become more familiar with the concept of “participle voice”, consider the differences between the active and passive voice (semantic and grammatical). Special attention During the lesson, pay attention to the suffixes that form participles.

Topic: Communion

Lesson: Active and Passive Participles

Rice. 2. Verb conjugation


Exercises No. 83 - 84. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

Exercise: write down phrases with participles, indicate suffixes of participles, determine the voice of participles.

1. A wonderful monument. 2. Visible from afar 3. Towering structure 4. Protected cathedral 5. Protected by law 6. Memorable 7. Intimidating 8. Awe-inspiring 9. Respectful 10. Passionate tourists 11. Architectural style 12. Frozen music

Russian language in diagrams and tables. Declension of participles.

Didactic materials. Section "Communion"

3. Online store of the publishing house "Lyceum" ().

Spelling participles.

4. Online store of the publishing house "Lyceum" ().


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova. 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 parts, 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.