Saint Veronica of Edessa in Orthodoxy. Life of St.

Martyr Veronica (bleeding)
(1st century. The church celebrates her memory on July 25/12th century.)
During the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. There lived a woman in Judea, her name was Veronica. For 12 years she suffered from a serious illness, female bleeding, which exhausted her entire condition, and none of the doctors she contacted could cure her. She exhausted all her property during the long years of her illness, but she came to an even worse state. Her illness was also serious because, according to Deuteronomy, a Jew cannot touch a woman while unclean. That is, on top of everything else, she was also an outcast among her people. Veronica was already desperate and had lost all hope of being cured of her illness. You can imagine how she lived for those 12 years.
One day, while walking through the city, she saw the Lord passing by. Her heart flared up. She had heard a lot about Jesus and knew about the controversy about him. But she firmly believed that he was the Messiah, Christ. Many thoughts rushed through her heart like a whirlwind, and after weighing all the pros and cons, she firmly decided to take a desperate and daring step. So that for her intention, she could be stoned. And her intention was to approach quietly from behind and touch at least the hem of His garment, and come what may. She firmly believed that if she touched even the hem of His garment, she would be healed. And without hesitating for a moment, she moved forward. Squeezing through the crowd that pressed the Lord, Veronica came up from behind and touched the hem of His robe “29 And immediately her source of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her illness. 30 At the same time Jesus, perceiving within Himself that power had gone out from Him, turned among the people and said, Who touched My garment? 31 The disciples said to Him: You see that the people are crowding You, and you say: Who touched Me? 32 But He looked around to see the one who did this. 33 The woman, in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth. 34 He said to her: daughter! your faith has saved you; Go in peace and be well from your illness. (Ev. from mark chapter 5).” From that hour, Veronica became healthy, and moreover, she became a Christian. And she always tried to be where the Lord passed.
And in honor of her miraculous healing, Veronica ordered a statue from the sculptor, but unfortunately it has not survived to this day, although perhaps it has yet to be found. Unfortunately, we don’t even know what kind of statue it was; most likely we should assume that it was a statue of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Some time later, Veronica was in Jerusalem on the occasion of Easter. All Jews always tried to get to Jerusalem on Easter, and accordingly, on these days the city turned into a boiling anthill. It was Friday, Veronica already knew that the high priests had condemned the Lord and demanded His crucifixion from the procurator Pontius Pilate.
A large crowd was moving along the street, everything was buzzing. Veronica was in the thick of it, she again squeezed forward, again to the Lord. And then a terrifying picture appeared before her eyes. She saw the Lord covered with many wounds, almost His entire pure body was covered with bleeding wounds. He carried a cross on himself, a cross on which he would soon be crucified. Under its weight He almost bowed to the ground. The entire road traveled was covered with large and frequent drops of blood, His most pure blood. Exhausted along this path, the Lord fell under the weight of the cross. Veronica, seeing the fallen Lord, immediately rushed to Him, her heart sank into a ball of pain. Running up, she fell to the ground to the Lord, gave Him clean water to drink, and wiped His most pure face with a cloth. The guards, not immediately realizing what had happened, and hesitating a little, nevertheless rushed to pull Veronica away. Pulling her aside, they swore angrily and threatened her, but Veronica did not hear them. Her gaze was fixed on the Lord, she wanted to scream that this was madness, that this should not be done. But she couldn’t scream, it was as if she was paralyzed. And what could this weak woman do?
Later, after all the well-known events, coming home, Veronica fell to the floor from powerlessness and sobbed bitterly for a long time. When she calmed down a little and came to her senses, she took out a cloth with which she wiped her pure face. Unfolding it, she involuntarily became frightened. The board displayed the most pure face of our Lord Jesus Christ. This board is known to us as one of two miraculous images. Now it is located in Rome, in the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.
Veronica became a zealous Christian; the details of her future life are unknown. What is known is that Saint Veronica suffered a martyr’s death. The church celebrates her memory on July 25/12.

Women with serious female illnesses pray to Saint Veronica. Also, people who are terminally ill, who are already doomed by doctors, either to death or to life with an incurable illness, pray to her. Prisoners tormented and tormented by their overseers pray to her. People resort to it in prayers to strengthen faith.
Holy Martyr of Christ Veronica, pray to God for us.
Troparion (voice
Showing fiery faith. You received healing. Wipe your clean face with a cloth. You have found an image not made by hands. At the throne of God is coming. Pray for healing. Our souls and bodies. Hail Lamb of Christ Veraniko.

Not afraid of earthly suffering. You endured to the end. Walking after Christ. You have soared into the kingdom of heaven. Rejoice, dove of Christ Veraniko.
We magnify you. Martyr of Christ Veraniko. You showed fiery faith. And we honor your honest suffering. You have suffered even for Christ.

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Veraniko. Showing fiery faith. She had boldness before God. Having touched the Savior's clothes. Hearing the voice of the Sweetest Jesus: “Be of good cheer, daughter, your faith will save you.” Make it easy for you to receive healing. Pray to the Most Merciful Savior. About the gift of healing, our souls and bodies. Now I stand before the throne of God. Pray to the Lord, the Giver of good things. About increasing faith in us. You yourself are filled with it. So that we too may be inflamed with faith. Both wise and active. Followed Christ to the end. Yes, and we will be honored with the sweetest voice: “Your faith will save you.” Amen.
Prayer 2 (for women)
Oh, holy, all-praised martyr of Christ Veraniko. Called the woman of bleeding. I have been ill with female bleeding for twelve years. You weigh this measure of suffering. Having acquired fiery faith, you received healing from this illness. For this reason, I ran boldly to the Lord and begged him for the sick. Like Imashi herself is feminine nature. Do not despise me, a sinner who prays to you. For through my sin I accept this illness. Beg for the forgiveness of my sins, the Humane God. And about the granting of healing to my flesh. Ineffable for the mercy of the All-Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
(compiled 2012-2014)

Those with the name Veronica are distinguished by their cheerfulness and bright soul; they carry celebration and confidence. A girl with this name is often called Vera, Nika, Verona, Nikusha. What is the meaning of the name Veronica, and what character will the girl have?

The meaning of the name Veronica in Orthodoxy

The history of the name Veronica is connected with the times when Jesus walked the earth. A girl with this name once helped him wipe the sweat and blood from his forehead when Jesus Christ was being led to Calvary. Over time, the face of the Lord our Savior appeared on the scarf.

It is noteworthy that in most cases the names in the calendar are male, so so-called paired names have become popular among the people, thanks to which it was possible to partially compensate for this injustice. In most cases, in paired names, the female name is derived from the male one, for example, Evgeniy and Evgeniy, Valentin and Valentina, but in the case of the name Veronica the opposite is true. According to the Orthodox canon, from the name Veronica came the male name Veronik, which meant victorious, but the male version of the name did not become as popular as the female name and now it can only be found when the name was chosen for a child at baptism.

When is Veronica's name day?

Saint Veronica is held in high esteem by both Orthodox and Catholics. In memory of the event when a girl named Veronica gave Jesus her headscarf, pilgrims, when ascending Calvary, always make a stop at the place where this supposedly happened. The interpretation of the events is the same, however, according to the Catholic and Orthodox church calendars, the dates of Veronica’s name day do not coincide. The memory of the holy martyr Veronica is honored according to the Catholic church calendar July, 12, she is given patronage over photographers for the appearance of the holy face on a scarf. According to Orthodox canons, Veronica's name day can be celebrated twice a year. According to the church calendar, Veronica’s name day is usually celebrated on the following days:

  • July 25- in the name of the righteous Veronica;
  • 17 October- in the name of the martyr Virinea Veronica of Edessa.

Since church customs do not allow celebrating the day of the angel Veronica several times a year, a person should only have one day of the angel and one patron, you can choose Veronica’s Orthodox name day for yourself according to the date that is closer to your birthday.


Veronica's illness manifests itself from early childhood. Respiratory pathologies affect her already in infancy. Croup is quite likely, with possible complications in other organs.

  1. March Veronica, born in the evening, gets sick very often and it is better not to send such a child to kindergarten.
  2. May Veronica has a weak nervous system due to frequent attacks of follicular tonsillitis. A child is susceptible to injury at the age of two years. Girls who were born early in the morning have a strong immune system.
  3. Veronica of July has weak bronchi, and with respiratory diseases the temperature lasts for a very long time. The tonsils are also a problematic organ. An increased content of vitamins in the diet will help cope with diseases.
  4. Veronica September must be carefully protected from drafts, since the child is susceptible to rhinitis. The degree of probability of neuroses is similar. You cannot force such children to eat if they don’t want to. Chocolate can provoke an allergic reaction, and there is a possibility of cholecystitis. A girl needs to be toughened up from early childhood.

Love and marriage

Veronica tends to attract the attention of men and be popular with them; she is amorous, but her feelings do not last long. The girl breaks off her relationship with her loved one without looking back or regretting. Veronica is attracted by the prospect of being the head of the family and having the upper hand over her husband.

A successful marriage will be in which a man can be philosophical about this distribution of roles. Providing for everyday life should be the responsibility of the husband. In other cases, the marriage is highly likely to break up sooner or later.

The mystery of the name

Veronica is often called Nika, consonant with the second part of the name Veronica. Its special meaning lies in the fact that this was the name of the warrior goddess of victory, whom all warriors worshiped, because their success in battle depended on her. In her soul, the owner of this name is indestructible, has the will to win and does not face any obstacles in life. Along with such qualities, Veronica is characterized by femininity and tenderness, which makes her especially beautiful in the eyes of the stronger sex. Veronica is also no stranger to wisdom, in which a girl is able to think through her actions several steps ahead.

Character of the birthday girl

Veronica's character in childhood is indecisive and timid, excessive sensitivity. Due to poor health, the girl spends too much time with her mother, which is why she inherits her character traits. His appearance is more reminiscent of his father. As you grow older, your character becomes stubborn and irritable. Feels free in unfamiliar environments and communicates more with men. Veronica's clothing preferences can hardly be called mediocre, because she chooses catchy and bright outfits.

Veronica's energy is windy and restless, it is difficult for her to concentrate. In her youth, a girl can be fascinated by herself, which creates the risk of excessive pride, so parents should ensure that the girl does not become self-centered. There is nothing wrong with self-confidence and pickiness, but there must be a balance in the character, only then it will be accepted in society. Often women with this name are not able to experience deep feelings and this confuses them, but for those around her, she compensates for this deficiency with a seething joyful mood.

According to the life of the holy martyr Veronica as presented by Dmitry of Rostov, she, along with her sister and mother, suffered during the end of the reign of Emperor Diocletian, around 304. Just a year later, the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine signed an edict, which granted the right of free conversion to Christianity to anyone who wished, which, in fairness, it should be noted, did not particularly reduce the number of tortures and executions of Christians by local administrators - adherents of paganism.

But in 304, the persecution of Christians was officially resolved, and Saint Veronica (Virinea), together with her sister and mother, trying to escape from their persecutors, went from Syrian Antioch to the city of Edes. Therefore, the full magnification of the saint is listed as: holy martyr Veronica (Virinea) of Edessa. But their hopes were not justified; in Edessa the holy martyrs were captured by soldiers and sent back to Antioch.

The soldiers failed to deliver the holy martyrs to their homeland; in the middle of the journey, they accepted death by water in the name of the Lord, depriving the pagan judges of the pleasure of watching the torture of their bodies. Having waited for the soldiers escorting them to sit down to dinner, Saint Veronica, her mother Domnina and sister Proskudi, dressed in their best clothes, prayerfully turned to the Lord and threw themselves into the river, thereby winning themselves the crown of martyrdom.

The legend about the holy righteous Veronica is also widely known, whose life story is closely connected with the discovery of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Despite frequent references to the fact that the day of remembrance of Righteous Veronica is celebrated in the Orthodox Church on July 12/25, the official publications of the Moscow Patriarchate say nothing about her; for some reason the saint is not included in the official calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church.

According to legend, righteous Veronica, touching the hem of the Savior’s robe, received healing. This event is described in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 9 (20-22). It is also believed that the biography of this saint is closely connected with the story of the acquisition of the Miraculous Image. When Christ was led to Calvary, Veronica wiped the sweat and blood stained face of Jesus with a cloth, and it was reflected on the material. There is another version of this legend, according to which Veronica was a student of the Savior, but she could not accompany him all the time, then she decided to order a portrait of the Savior from the painter. But on the way to the artist, she met the Savior, who miraculously imprinted his face on her plate. Veronica's cloth was endowed with the power of healing. With its help, the Roman Emperor Tiberius was cured.
Day of celebration: October 4/17

St. Veronica. Louvre. Artist Lorenzo Costa (1460 - 1535).

The image and deeds of Saint Veronica led to her being revered as the patroness of photographers and photography. Many amateurs and photography professionals celebrate July 12 as Photographer's Day and remember the patron saint Veronica. In recent years, this holiday has become popular in Russia.

The name Veronica can be translated from Greek as “bringer of victory.” In the Bible there is a consonant name Berenice (Berenice) daughter of the king of Judea Herod Agrippa the First.
The Gospel mentions the righteous Veronica, and her life and deeds closely connected with the acquisition of the Miraculous Image of the Savior.

According to legend, Jesus Christ, betrayed and condemned to death as a martyr, walked to Mount Golgotha, carrying His cross for crucifixion. The procession was surrounded by a crowd accompanying the Savior to His suffering on the cross. Veronica merged with the stream of people and followed Christ. Exhausted, Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, and Veronica, taking pity on Him, ran up to Him, gave Him water to drink and wiped His face with a handkerchief. Returning home, Veronica discovered that the holy face of the Savior was imprinted on the fabric.

Saint Veronica, with whose memory is associated, became one of the most popular national saints.

It is believed that the name Veronica is a corruption of the Latin vera icon (“true image”) - this is how the “Veronica’s cloth” was called, distinguishing it from other images of Christ.

The story of Saint Veronica first appears in the apocryphal Acts of Pilate, dating back to the 4th - 5th centuries AD.
The Plath of Saint Veronica came to Rome and became known as the Miraculous Image of Jesus Christ. It is believed that the Savior Not Made by Hands works miracles, that he is given the power of healing. According to legend, with the help of the Plath of Saint Veronica, the Roman Emperor Tiberius was cured. Now the Savior Not Made by Hands is kept in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

In St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, a bas-relief of St. Veronica, created in 1646 by Francesco Mochi, was found on a column. Veronica holds a scarf with the image of Jesus Christ not made by hands

In the Middle Ages, almost every church had an image of Veronica with her sir - sweat payment.
In the Mysteries of the Middle Ages, Saint Veronica took the place of the main figure during the sixth station of Jesus Christ on his Way of the Cross.
The Catholic Church commemorates Saint Veronica on February 4, the Orthodox Church on July 12.

Every year on August 19, many countries celebrate World Photography Day. The French government bought August 19, 1839 patent on a method for producing a print (daguerreotype) from the French chemist and inventor Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre who made the discovery daguerreotype the property of the world community. In 1839 the whole world learned about the invention of the prototype of photography and has continued to take photographs for 177 years.

In 1854 a method for mounting “immortal prints” was patented - ambrotype. The layer with the image was poured with varnish and covered with a second glass. A photograph, “sealed” between two glasses without access to air, could be preserved for as long as desired.

Celebrating Photography Day, photography enthusiasts are preparing many interesting events - family holidays, educational master classes from leading photographers, various competitions, exhibitions and much more.

In Georgia, in the monastery of the Holy Cross of Jvari there is a rather rare The miraculous image of the suffering Savior, or "Plate of Saint Veronica", which is called "Jesus Blinking"

The peculiarity of the image of the Savior not made by hands is that “the face of the Lord opens and closes the eyes”: Jesus looks at some people entering the temple and approaching the face, but not at others.

According to legend, this depends on the purity of a person’s soul: if he is sinful or is preparing to commit a sin, Christ does not raise his eyes to him.

A similar image can also be found in Bethlehem - this is a fresco painted on a column in the Church of the Nativity.
Is He looking at you?

The legend about the image of the Savior not made by hands, which appeared on the scarf of St. Veronica, formed the basis of the Orthodox icon “Savior Not Made by Hands,” which can almost always be recognized by the image of the scarf on which the face of Jesus is written.

Professional and amateur photographers revere their patron Saint Veronica. Her actions are associated with the appearance of the miraculous face of Jesus on the canvas.

Therefore, on the basis of a papal decree, Saint Veronica, after the invention of photographic art, was ranked as the patroness of photographers and photography.

Saint Veronica's Day: legends and tales

When Jesus Christ, betrayed by one of his disciples and condemned to torture and death, was heading to Calvary with his Cross prepared for crucifixion, a crowd of curious and sympathizers surrounded the procession.

Among the stream of people accompanying the Savior was Veronica. Under the weight of the burden, Christ fell to his knee. At the same time, a good woman ran up to Jesus to give Him water to drink. So that the exhausted Christ could wipe off his sweat, she handed Him her cloth.

Already at home, Veronica discovered an inexplicable miracle. The cloth with which Jesus wiped the sweat from His face was imprinted with His image.

Later, the plate belonging to Saint Veronica ends up in Rome, where it began to be called the Image Not Made by Hands.

Despite the critical and controversial statements of the church and researchers regarding the authenticity of the legend, Saint Veronica became quite popular among the common people.

The first mentions of Veronica appear in the 4th-5th century and are associated with the apocryphal acts of Pilate. There are many legends about the appearance of the Icon Not Made by Hands, and in all the stories there is a woman named Veronica.

The name Veronica is also associated with the image of Jesus. The name Vera ikon is translated as “authentic image” and means an icon on wood in a fabric frame with the face of the Savior.

The consonance of the name with the name of the saint gave rise to long-term disagreements about the origin. It was associated either with the name of a woman or with the name of an icon until the 14th century.

But in the Middle Ages, an icon depicting Saint Veronica holding her unique cloth in her hands was in almost every church.

Already today, more thorough research has begun. A doctor from Prague managed, by superimposing photographs, to prove the connection between the imprint on Veronica’s board and the image on the Shroud of Turin.

In addition, when superimposed, both photographs had the same proportions and outlines. They complemented each other, creating an unusual porter filled with life.

Veronica is considered the patroness of photographs, as she was the first owner of a miraculous print. Therefore, all photographers celebrate their professional holiday on the day of veneration of Saint Veronica.

Photographer's Day July 12: history of art development

The appearance of the first photograph dates back to June 19, 1822, when the French scientist Joseph Niepce managed to capture an image using light. To create the photo, many different materials were tried, but the image was created using varnish that was dissolved in lavender oil.

The first photograph was called “View from the Window”, and the shooting duration was 8 hours.

The patent for the prints was acquired by the French government in 1839. And on August 19, the prototype of the photograph becomes available to the masses. This day is considered worldwide as World Photographer's Day.

Three cameras were used to take color photographs in the 19th century.

Each had its own filter, giving a red, green and blue image.

When the prints were combined, a color photo was obtained.

Modern photography is done using completely different technologies. The activity has become a favorite hobby for many, and for some, a profession.

The photographers themselves honor the memory of their patroness and do not forget to celebrate Photographer’s Day and July 12th. Photographers celebrate the day on July 12, which corresponds to the old style calendar.

The choice of date is also associated with the birthday of George Eastman (July 12, 1854), the founder of the Kodak company, who made photography accessible to many.

Profession photographer - on weekdays as on a holiday

The profession of a photographer is one of the most interesting. A person who is interested in photography finds inspiration in the air and underground, in water and on land. These are not just enthusiastic people. These are real workers who dream in their hearts of growing into real artists.

Skillful photographs reflect not just an imprint of reality, but mood, character, and emotional experiences.

It is photographers who allow us to admire the beauty of nature, make us experience captured tragedies and be touched by photographs of children and animals.

They tell us about world events, fashion trends, new discoveries.

Photographers are the first to be sent to the scene of various incidents.

Risking their lives, they film moments of disasters, wars, and tragedies.

Thanks to photography, a person has the opportunity to preserve memories dear to his heart and, after many years, look back on the brightest moments of his life.

A real photographer, for the sake of a unique photograph, does not stop at either physical or material difficulties. And their unique works amaze with their soulfulness, sharpness of perception and realism.