Topic: the Oryol Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church was formed. Christmas message from Metropolitan Anthony of Oryol and Bolkhov Metropolitan of Oryol and Livensky

At the invitation of Metropolitan Anthony of Oryol and Bolkhov, I was lucky enough to visit Oryol at the celebrations dedicated to his 75th anniversary.

On November 16, His Eminence Anthony, Metropolitan of Oryol and Bolkhov, led the Divine Liturgy at the Akhtyrsky Cathedral, co-served by His Eminence Bishop Agafangel of Norilsk and Turukhansk and His Eminence Bishop Nektary of Liven and Maloarkhangelsk, as well as the Secretary of the Oryol-Bolkhov Diocese, Archpriest Vladimir Sergeev, Dean of the Oryol district of Archpriest Alexander Prishchepa and clergy of the metropolis.

Not only clergy, but also many laity took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the birth of the head of the Oryol Metropolis. The service was attended by Deputy Governor and Chairman of the Regional Government Vadim Sokolov and representatives of the public.

At the end of the liturgy, the clergy performed a conciliar prayer of thanks for the health of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

We met Bishop Anthony almost twenty years ago under the following circumstances. In those first years of publication of Rus Derzhavnaya, our editorial office was located at the Moscow Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. And then one day the rector of the church, Archpriest Vladimir Eremin, came to us, as it seemed to me, with a confused look. “Some ruler is standing in the temple and asking you,” he said. This is how we met Archbishop Anthony of Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei...

Subsequently, I was able to visit Krasnoyarsk twice - at the tenth anniversary of the diocese and on a pilgrimage trip in 2000 along the Yenisei. This trip will forever remain in my memory. Vladyka Anthony then gathered interesting people from all over the country and even from far abroad on the ship. I still maintain friendly relations with some of them.

This was an unusual trip, first of all, because at each stop, Bishop Anthony, together with local priests, served liturgies, prayer services, and blessed bells and newly built churches. The majestic, full-flowing Yenisei, with its constant presence, seemed to confirm the extreme importance of the events taking place. And while the ship was moving there were many meetings, conversations, and concerts. And they talked, first of all, about the awakening of the Orthodox faith in our country. My notes and photo reports remain in Rus Derzhavnaya. Memories of the trip remain forever in my heart...
This was the first pilgrimage trip along the Yenisei. Five years later it was followed by a second, and then a third.

For three years now, Bishop Anthony has been carrying out his archpastoral obedience on the Oryol land. And he continues to build and consecrate new churches, monastic monasteries, and Orthodox gymnasiums.

On this difficult path to the gospel truth, Bishop Anthony demonstrates his unshakable faith in the triumph of Orthodoxy in Rus'. In September 2012, consecrating the cross in the village.
The gate of the Oryol region, desecrated by the enemies of our faith, the bishop uttered memorable words: “I believe that admonition will come, and Russia will return to the foundation of the foundations of its state - Orthodoxy and will flourish with its irresistible power of the Spirit, which has always crushed all enemies, because its motto for centuries - one: “Holy Rus', keep the Orthodox faith, in it you will be strengthened!”

After the anniversary celebrations, despite Bishop Anthony’s busy schedule, I managed to talk with him.

- 75 years is a long journey in life, when a person really comprehends what he has lived. When I read your biography, many events, milestones of your ministry passed before my eyes. We met about 20 years ago, and I ask you to at least briefly remember what were the most memorable events in your life that prompted you to take the priestly, episcopal path?

My mother raised me in a churchly, correct attitude and concept of the meaning of life. I learned this well from childhood, because I went to church with her. This is the most important thing in my further understanding of the meaning of the Church both for our family and more broadly. When I was involved in being a pioneer at school, my wise mother advised: “Tell them that I agree to be a pioneer, but I will go to church.” And they didn’t accept me as a pioneer. It was easier with the Komsomol later, because I sang in the bishop’s choir. I fell in love with this group, I fell in love with church singing.

It was in Vilnius. My parents and I moved there from the Voronezh region after my dad returned from the war. He moved his whole family there. The Soviet government, categorically opposed to religion, did not forget us either. There were troubles, to the point that they wanted to free my parents from me, because, they say, they were raising me incorrectly. But since I did well at school, they never found anything that could have affected this complete separation of me from my family.

I loved my mother very much, and my father too - they were believers, and, in general, we lived a normal life. I grew up as a completely normal person, a Soviet citizen of that time, and therefore there were no problems, except for the fact that I did not join the Komsomol. Then I entered a music school, and in the evenings I studied at a school for working youth. All this was combined - not far from home there was the Holy Spirit Monastery, where I went and where I sang in the choir. The music school had magnificent, wonderful choirs.

One former priest, who served 10 years for his convictions, once sang in our choir. After returning from prison, he did not become a priest. One day he says to me: “You know, Vanya, just give it up - it’s all dying.” You know, I was horrified by what he said: “It’s all religious things that are dying, look for some other path for yourself.” Apparently, at that time, even subconsciously, I understood that I had some other desire. And then the time came when I decided on this issue, and, probably, I did not go to services for two weeks. And I realized that I had lost a lot, including wonderful, wonderful people - these were singers from the Philharmonic Society, there were even from the Opera House. I realized that I was becoming something unknown.
You know, it was thanks to my mother that I became a bishop, and now a metropolitan. All this is very memorable for me. This is what remains from my childhood, from the past, which I simply admire. And I rejoice that my mother laid the roots of spiritual, moral, correct education, which the Church gave me. At the same time, I could no longer part with the Church, even when I was in the army.

I served for three years, and then they decided to build the Berlin Wall, and we were detained in the army for another six months. There were also troubles then, because I was not a Komsomol member. After demobilization, I debated for a long time whether to enter a music school or not, because I believed that the Church played a fundamental role in my life.

My mother put all this into me, and therefore I am very grateful to my mother for her upbringing. When I went to bed, she read John Chrysostom to me. Can you imagine what this is? John Chrysostom is such a nut to crack, not an easy one. And somewhere around the age of 9, 10, 11, while falling asleep, I listened to John Chrysostom. The narrative itself attracted me, I liked it, and I fell asleep with pleasure - it felt so good to listen to John Chrysostom. This is what I remember very well. And, by the way, I also read John Chrysostom now, I think that there are very deep thoughts there. And my mother herself was very keen on it, so, probably, instead of ordinary children’s fairy tales, she read it to me. Indeed, she was a truly Christian, our real Russian woman, who understood the main thing that we should not just go to church - and that’s enough. No, that's not enough. We need to understand the essence of what is happening in the temple. My mother explained this to me and supplemented it with John Chrysostom. Such a great thinker. Wonderful! I still like him.

One day a young priest asked me what I was reading. I say: “John Chrysostom.” And he tells me: “Well, I don’t know, it’s somehow not quoted right now.” I didn't understand him. I didn't understand this at all. How is this not quoted, what are you talking about?! Yes, these are ancient times, but there is such depth there! And we must read and delve into what is written there, in those wonderful excerpts from the Holy Scriptures, from the Prophets. This is most convincing! When I read it, I was delighted. I bow to John Chrysostom. He is a magnificent, great, wonderful speaker and thinker. Very deep. This is stronger than any philosopher. And he is not only an interpreter of Holy Scripture. He also revealed the era in which he lived.

Today the era is, of course, completely new. But you draw a certain conclusion: new eras change, but what John Chrysostom gave in his works never changes. And we see the continuation of this today, after 70-80 years of atheism and other things that were implanted in us. We see this - what a beauty it is, what an abundance of the life process today, the life of a person and the life of society as a whole is completely improving.

If people followed God's commandments, then the world would change completely. Not in the sense that we would return to the eras of our grandfathers, to the life of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, but in the sense that the cultural and intellectual level of society would far exceed that which we see today. If people listened to this, then, of course, they would receive great satisfaction. And what the American security forces and their henchmen are proposing is essentially the death of the world. Regarding the events in Ukraine, everything is completely clear to me.

Today, in your sermon after the liturgy, you recalled the wonderful speech of His Holiness the Patriarch at the World Russian People's Council. When he said that we need a great synthesis of high spiritual ideals from different eras of our history. And it seems to me that something has shifted in our lives, that many people have thought about this, and, probably, it is no coincidence that a variety of people spoke at the Council, with different political platforms, but everyone was for unity. Unity is, of course, what we all lack.

There is a need for unity in a spiritual and moral process on a global scale, in which today the leading position remains with Russia. She's leading the way on this. And this is our hope for pacifying those critical moments in life that are taking place now. Thanks to Russia, it is possible to find that healthy order of things that all of humanity, all civilized peoples, think about. There must be some definite good stage in our lives for the fratricidal war to stop, for there to be no such conflicts and no terrorist threats.

His Holiness the Patriarch developed a unique ideal model, which included the following concepts: faith, justice, dignity, solidarity and sovereignty. In our editorial office we venerate the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God; it streamed myrrh several times. And now the power flows myrrh on it. I think this is also no coincidence. Some fateful times are coming, what do you think?

Of course, this is of great importance - as a blessing to us. Take the right course, including the Church, to return the spiritual and moral foundations of our Orthodoxy to our lives.

The Church, if it is holy, requires dedication from a person, in the sense that you look at the commandments and fulfill them. And if we bypass these commandments, then we can reach the point of absurdity.

Same-sex marriage is generally a terrible, terrible thing. This is completely unacceptable for a Russian person, and therefore we should never agree with this. I regret it when politicians say: well, let each person choose what he wants. This is an absolutely absurd thing. Only an atheist can say this, who does not understand that, in addition to what was established by political figures here, there is also a higher law.

And the highest law is the Divine Law. Therefore, all those covenants that were given to us initially to keep are so that there is peace, so that there is love, so that what is naturally determined by God for human life reigns. It is the denial of all this that gives rise to the ugly things we hear about today. This simply does not fit into the normal human consciousness. These are unacceptable things.

For the anniversary of Bishop Anthony, a documentary film about him was released in Orel. And in conclusion, I would like to quote some statements of this modest, but very sincere, convinced man, for whom the Orthodox faith is the meaning of life.
“The soul of a Russian person is more open, he understands to a greater extent the ups and downs of life that he encounters, and he, of course, is closer to God, and he understands what true faith is.”

“The hearts of many people turned to God, turned to faith, turned to our culture. I admire these people!”

“What I value most in people is the presence of faith. This is a very important quality, very necessary.”

“Russia has an amazingly insightful feel for life, and it is revealed better in the works of our classical literature. Everyone needs to know this, remember and cherish Russian literature. Treasure the memory of our ancestors, who have always been Orthodox, and not just superficially, but lived by Orthodoxy. This is wonderful. We need to bring that back into our lives."


Photo of the Oryol Metropolis

Date of Birth: November 6, 1939 A country: Russia Biography:

In 1957 he entered the Minsk Theological Seminary.

In 1965-1968. studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary, then at, from which he graduated in 1972 with a candidate's degree in theology.

In 1972 he entered graduate school at the Moscow Academy of Sciences, worked at, in 1972-1975. Trained at the Ecumenical Institute of Bosse (Switzerland), from which he graduated with a bachelor's degree. During his studies, he was responsible for being a personal secretary.

Since 1975 - dean of the Vilna Holy Spirit Monastery, since 1979 - rector of the Kaunas Annunciation Cathedral and dean of churches in the Kaunas district.

In 1982-1985. - Deputy rector of the Patriarchal Metochion in Tokyo.

From November 1986 to April 1989 - Dean of Moscow.

On April 22, 1989, in the Trinity Cathedral of the Danilov Monastery, he was consecrated Bishop of Vilna and Lithuania.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of May 30, 2011 () in connection with the formation of the title “Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk”.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 25, 2014 (magazine No. 67), the head of the newly formed with the title “Orlovsky and Bolkhovsky”.

August 28, 2014 at the Liturgy in the Moscow Kremlin by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill to the rank of metropolitan.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of February 26, 2019 () he was retired with an expression of gratitude “for many years of archpastoral service in the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, which was marked by a multiple increase in parishes and clergy, the construction of churches, care for parishes and monasteries, fruitful interaction with regional authorities and public associations, as well as for his work as the head of the Oryol Metropolis.” The city of Orel has been determined as his place of retirement.


1968 - Moscow Theological Seminary.

1972 - Moscow Theological Academy. Candidate of Theology.

1975 - Ecumenical Institute of Bosse (Switzerland).

Scientific works, publications:

Archbishop Anthony. The choice of fate: anniversary edition. [Sat. articles and materials]. Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2004.

Revived diocese: Historical-publ. and literary-art. almanac. Vol. 1 / Ch. ed. Archbishop of Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei Anthony. Krasnoyarsk: Media Center “Orthodox Word of Siberia”, 2005.

The height of the spirit should serve the people // Days of culture and spirituality of Serbia and Montenegro in Krasnoyarsk: Program. — Krasnoyarsk: Cultural. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2005. P.4.

The main thing in life is serving the Church of Christ: Interview / Orthodox Word of Siberia. Krasnoyarsk: 2004. No. 10-11. P.14-15.

Globalization. Theses of George Soros and the inadequacy of their perception for world communities: Speech at the International Scientific and Economic Symp. on the topic “Economic union (union) of the countries of Eastern and South-Western Europe in the context of globalization,” held on May 26-27, 2005 in Belgrade // Orthodox Word of Siberia. Krasnoyarsk, 2005. No. 11. P.10-11. No. 12. P.10-11.

For living water. Celebration of the Feast of the Epiphany: The Word of the Archpastor, delivered on January 14/27 of this year. in the Holy Intercession Cathedral in Krasnoyarsk // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2002. No. 2-3. pp. 24-25.

“...and we will see His righteousness” (Mic. 7:9): Word at the consecration of the temple of St. Matrona of Moscow in the Kansk children's educational colony 5/23 September. 2005 // Orthodox word of Siberia. 2005. No. 9. P.6

The history of St. Paul the Apostle: Lectures given to VBPK students in 1996-1997. // Theological schools of the Krasnoyarsk-Yenisei diocese. 1996. Vol. 4. pp. 20-22; 1999. Vol. 5. pp. 23-25; 2000. Vol. 6. pp. 15-16.

To the 15th anniversary of the children's and youth spiritual choir "Sofia" // Krasnoyarsk municipal children's and youth spiritual choir "Sofia" is 15 years old. - Krasnoyarsk: 2006. - P. 2.

To the organizers and participants of the International Photo Exhibition “Serbia, 25th frame...”. // “Serbia, 25th frame...”. Krasnoyarsk: Press service of the Krasnoyarsk diocese: Culture. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2003. [P.2].

Heritage of Orthodoxy: Word at the service on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, March 7/20, 2005 // Orthodox Word of Siberia. Krasnoyarsk 2005. No. 3. P. 4-5.

The pressing problem (Et Cathedra). // Theological schools of the Krasnoyarsk-Yenisei diocese. 1996. Vol. 2. P. 4-5.

Moral education of youth: Report read at the meeting of the IV Congress of the Siberian People's Council, held on February 19-20, 2004 in Krasnoyarsk // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2004. No. 2. P. 4-5.

On the canonization of the confessor and ascetic of the Yenisei land, Elder Daniil Achinsky (Daniil Korneevich Delienko, 1784-1843) among the locally revered Siberian saints. About the canonization of Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky, 1877-1961) as a locally revered Siberian saint, who shone in the Krasnoyarsk land. Krasnoyarsk: Bukva, 1999.

Address to the participants of the V Krasnoyarsk Regional Educational Christmas Readings on their opening day, January 12, 2004. // Fifth Christmas educational readings in Krasnoyarsk: Sat. materials. — Krasnoyarsk: Diocesan department. on religious education and catechesis, 2004. pp. 3-6.

Easter message to honest shepherds, brothers and sisters of holy monasteries. Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2003.

Easter message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Resurrection, 2004.

Easter message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Resurrection: Center for Publishing. activities and special projects of the Krasnoyarsk diocese, 2005.

Easter message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia // Revived Diocese: Historical-publ. and literary-art. almanac. Vol. 1. - Krasnoyarsk: Media Center “Orthodox Word of Siberia”, 2005.

Under the Blessed Veil // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2002. No. 9-10. S. 3.

Prof. N.N. Glubokovsky and his work “The Good News of St. ap. Paul according to his origin and essence": Dis. Ph.D. theology. / Moscow spiritual acad. Zagorsk, 1972. [manuscript].

Christmas message to honest shepherds, brothers and sisters of holy monasteries. - Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2002/2003.

Christmas message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. — Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Resurrection: Press service of Krasnoyarsk. dioceses, 2003/2004.

Christmas message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. — Krasnoyarsk: Center for Publishing. activities and special projects of the Krasnoyarsk diocese, 2004/2005.

Christmas message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. — Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk. Resurrection: Center for Publishing Activities and Special Projects of the Krasnoyarsk-Yenisei Diocese, 2005/2006.

The Holy Vilna Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius - Confessors of Orthodoxy in Lithuania // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. 1977. No. 3. P. 63-68.

The word spoken on the day of the celebration of Radonitsa on April 7/20, 2004 in the church-chapel of St. Daniil Achinsky, Krasnoyarsk. // Orthodox word of Siberia. 2004. No. 4. P. 3.

A word spoken on the day of the Afterfeast of Epiphany and the Council of John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord in St. John the Baptist Church in Krasnoyarsk on January 20, 2003 // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2003. No. 2. P. 3.

The word of the archpastor, delivered on January 15 of this year. in the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Zelenogorsk // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2002. No. 2-3. pp. 6-7.

The word of the archpastor, delivered on January 8 of this year. in the Holy Annunciation Monastery in Krasnoyarsk // Ibid. 2002. No. 2-3. S. 5.

Word at the opening of the Krasnoyarsk regional Christmas readings. // Rozhdestvensik educational readings in Krasnoyarsk: Exhibition. and report Krasnoyarsk: B.I., 2003, pp. 5-11.

Word spoken on the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist on August 29 / September 11, 2003 in the Holy Protection Cathedral in Krasnoyarsk // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2003. No. 8. P. 4-5.

Word delivered in the Holy Intercession Cathedral of Krasnoyarsk on Forgiveness Sunday, March 24/9, 2003 // Ibid. 2003. No. 4. P. 2-3.

Word spoken in the Holy Trinity Church in Krasnoyarsk on February 30/12, 2003 // Ibid. 2003. No. 3. P. 2-3.

Word spoken on the day of the Holy Trinity, May 17/30, 2004 A.D. in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Krasnoyarsk // Ibid. 2004. No. 5. P. 4-5.

Soteriological essence of the Divine Liturgy: Theological lecture. // Journal. Krasnoyarsk-Yenisei diocese. Krasnoyarsk, 2001. [Vol. 2]. pp. 4-15.

Soteriological essence of the Divine Liturgy: Theological lecture. Part 2: Synopsis of the Divine Liturgy. // Ibid. 2002. [Vol. 3]. pp. 4-13.

Three human births: Civil sermon of 1993 // Choice of fate: Modern Russia through the eyes of Russian bishops. St. Petersburg: Tsarskoe Delo, 1996. pp. 195-198; Same. // Soviet Russia. 1993. September 9 (Orthodox Rus'; No. 6.).

[Christ is Risen!] // VII Easter Festival of Arts and Charity in Krasnoyarsk, 2004. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Public Orthodox Foundation, 2004. P. 2.



  • 1989 - Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II century;
  • 1999 - Order of St. blgv. book Daniel of Moscow II century;
  • State Order of Friendship;
  • State Order of Honor;
  • The highest Russian public award, the Badge of the Order of St. blgv. book Alexander Nevsky “For Labor and the Fatherland” II Art.;
  • Order "For Faith, Will and Fatherland";
  • Order "For Service to the Cossacks";
  • medal “10 years of the revival of the Yenisei Cossack army 1991-2001”;
  • Order "For Merit to the Cossacks";
  • medal "Ataman Platov";
  • Order "For Sacrificial Service";
  • Ukrainian highest Cossack order “I will praise and honor my people”;
  • Order "Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945";
  • medal "Georgy Zhukov 1896-1996";
  • medal "N.G. Kuznetsov. Admiral of the Fleet, 1939-1955. An example for posterity";
  • medal “300 years of the Russian Navy 1696-1996”;
  • medal "Honor, Navy, Fatherland";
  • medal “Tsesarevich George. RDS. Moscow 850 years";
  • Medal of the Penitentiary System of Russia "Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation".

Beloved in the Lord, my dear co-servants at the Holy Throne of God in the monasteries and churches of our God-saved city of Oryol and all other temples and monasteries of our land of Oryol, the glorious Cossacks and the entire army of defenders of our Holy Fatherland, the respected governor of the region and his comrades-in-arms at the places of execution of national and local legislative acts of the life of our people, monks and nuns of monasteries, figures of societies providing assistance in the areas of charity, education, construction and other activities in our Holy Church, our tireless workers and workers of churches, chapels and other concerns of our church life, teaching and students of all Sunday schools, gymnasiums and other educational church institutions, dear pilgrims who came to us on these days of the great holiday to pray before the holy image with the relics of our great ascetic and enlightener of Russia, following the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev - the holy Venerable Hieromartyr Kuksha - John, who since 1113 has continued this feat of the great Vladimir here, on his land of Oryol and now especially in His holy monastery near Mtsensk, enlightening with Himself those who, during the period of persecution of the Holy Church, retreated from the Truth of God and expect the healing of their souls to inherit Life Eternally with His holy prayers, and where, if not with the Monk Kuksha, will we find that life-giving power for ourselves and our lost children, sometimes even those who have lost their saving faith; I now greet all other pilgrims who visited other holy places during the Christmas holidays, and the Springs of our holy land of Oryol and all of you who filled our holy churches on these solemn days of festive services with these words of the deepest meaning, revealing to us Eternal Salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven:


These sacred words are the essence of our celebration and joy today!

With this joy inexpressible in human language, we, deeply believers, together with the Heavenly Powers, celebrate this greatest holiday of the appearance of the Creator and God into our sinful world for our eternal salvation.

In the indisputable Holy Gospel, the Lord Himself says: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life... Whoever believes in Me will not perish, but has eternal life... and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 14:6; 11:25; 6.54). According to the Holy Scriptures, at the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, it will be clear to everyone where and how we appear in eternal life: whether in the sinless Kingdom of Light and stay in the primordial Paradise or in the darkness of evil and violence of devilish charm, which has entangled the human world to the extent of never before. complete alienation from God and immersion in the realm of darkness, chaos and even social insanity.

According to the Holy Bible, when God created the first man - Adam - from particles of earth, He breathed Himself into Adam’s still lifeless face, giving him eternal life: “And man became a living soul” (Gen. 2:7). In the person of Adam, all humanity was created for eternal life. And this is very important, and speaks of the special purpose of a person. After the creation of the Earth, other planets, galaxies and a countless number of other worlds, the Lord, with His Word, created Man (earth) and with His breath (spirit) singled him out especially from all other creations in the Universe.

It is very simple to say how the Lord will raise those who have died on earth for another life. Only an ignoramus or a skeptic will not understand in his atheistic zeal a simple answer that is consistent with the Holy Scriptures. Everyone makes his own choice for himself during his earthly life, where and with whom he will be in the future eternal life. God created man as an ideal and free being, independently choosing his life path according to certain positive or sinful negative situations. But in order to become a Personality with a capital letter, a person’s life path must be determined by the highest Divine laws, which are contained in the Holy Scriptures. Without this, you can very easily, thanks to the demonic forces of evil that are always present in this world, slip onto the path that leads to destruction. A true Personality is one that follows the endless process of becoming like its Creator and God. On this same topic I would like to quote the words of one remarkable modern theologian. I do not mention his name, because through his lips the Lord Himself speaks to us, warning us about the vanity of this world and calling to the true sources of spirituality, which is contained in the originally Holy Orthodox Church: “Faith in God reveals to a person the true meaning and purpose of his short life and calls him to everything sublime, pure, holy: obliges us to sacredly cherish fidelity to family life - the source of all human relationships, to be diligent in working for the good of our neighbors and our native Fatherland, to respect and honor each other with brotherly love, to serve people not out of fear, but out of conscience, with all our truth to stand guard over God’s willed peace for the good and happiness of all people, so that God’s will is done on earth as well as in heaven.”

2016 years have already passed since the Nativity of Christ, and it is impossible to count how many souls of people who believed in Christ thereby gained the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, in difficult times of political events taking place in the arena, we must strive for recovery, and the only way for a true revival of moral and spiritual life is a return to our spiritual values, on the unshakable principles of God’s Truth, which has always preserved our Russia even in the most difficult times. From the text just cited, this direction of the spiritual revival of ours and our culture through the Holy Church of Christ has been historically clearly confirmed throughout all centuries. Therefore, on the day of the Nativity of Christ, I want to quote these majestic and loving words: “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life...” (John 3:16). So let us, my dear brothers and sisters, be worthy sons and daughters of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so that we do not perish in the world of evil and wickedness, sacredly keeping ourselves from temptations and the most dangerous paths that remove us from our holy and pure Orthodox faith: Without it, it is not only unthinkable for us to live, but also impossible. She is the core of our comprehensive prosperity!

I also heartily congratulate you on the new year 2016, and may God bless all our efforts at all levels of life towards the future honor, glory and prosperity of our Great Russia!

With God's blessing to the Oryol flock, with love in the Lord

Metropolitan of Oryol and Bolkhov ANTONY

Christmas 2015/2016, Orel

Metropolitan Anthony(in the world Ivan Ivanovich Cheremisov; November 17, 1939, Ternovka, Ternovsky district, Voronezh region) - bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Oryol and Bolkhov, head of the Oryol Metropolis.


In 1946, he moved to Vilnius with his parents, graduated from high school and a music college. He served as an altar boy and sang in the choir at the Vilnius Holy Spirit Monastery.

In 1957 he entered the Minsk Theological Seminary. He graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary in 1968, the Moscow Theological Academy (MDA) in 1972, and the MDA graduate school in 1975 with a candidate of theology degree.

On April 7, 1971, he was tonsured a monk and on April 14 ordained a hierodeacon. On November 4, 1972, he was ordained hieromonk.

In 1975-1979 - dean of the Holy Spiritual Monastery in Vilnius.

In 1979-1982 - rector of the Annunciation Cathedral in Kaunas. In 1979 he was elevated to the rank of abbot.

In 1982-1985 - deputy rector of the Patriarchal Metochion in Tokyo (Japan).

In 1986-1989 - dean of the St. Daniel's Monastery in Moscow.


On April 10, 1989, by a decree of Patriarch Pimen and the Holy Synod, he was determined to be Bishop of Vilna and Lithuania.

On April 22, 1989, he was consecrated Bishop of Vilna and Lithuania. The ordination in the Trinity Cathedral of the St. Daniel Monastery was performed by: Metropolitans of Krutitsky and Kolomna Yuvenaly (Poyarkov), Volokolamsk and Yuryevsky Pitirim (Nechaev); Archbishops of Tula and Belevsky Maxim (Krokha), Vladimir and Suzdal Valentin (Mishchuk), Zaraisky Alexy (Kutepov) and Bishop of Mozhaisk Gregory (Chirkov).

On January 25, 1990, he was transferred by the Bishop of Tobolsk and Tyumen (the department was recreated). On July 20 of the same year he was appointed Bishop of Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei. On February 19, 1999, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of May 30, 2011 (magazine No. 44), in connection with the formation of the Yenisei diocese, the title of Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk was awarded.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 25, 2014, in connection with the formation of the Oryol Metropolis, the title of archbishop was changed to Oryol and Bolkhov.



  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2010)
  • Order of Honor
  • Order of Friendship
  • medal of the Federal State Statistics Service (2008)


  • Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, 1st degree (2014)
  • Order of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', II degree (2009)
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, II degree (1989)
  • Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree (1999)
  • Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, II degree (2007)
  • Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna II degree (2004)
  • Cross and medal of St. ap. John the Evangelist of the Greek Orthodox Church


  • Holy Vilna Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius - Confessors of Orthodoxy in Lithuania // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. M., 1977. No. 3. pp. 63-68.
  • The pressing problem (Et Cathedra). // Theological schools of the Krasnoyarsk-Yenisei diocese. 1996. Vol. 2. P. 4-5.
  • Divine truth is indivisible // “Sunday School”, No. 28/2001
  • Soteriological essence of the Divine Liturgy: Theological lecture. // Journal. Krasnoyarsk-Yenisei diocese. Krasnoyarsk, 2001. [Vol. 2]. pp. 4-15.
  • Soteriological essence of the Divine Liturgy: Theological lecture. Part 2: Synopsis of the Divine Liturgy. // Ibid. 2002. [Vol. 3]. pp. 4-13.
  • Under the Blessed Veil // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2002. No. 9-10. S. 3.
  • The height of the spirit should serve the people // Days of culture and spirituality of Serbia and Montenegro in Krasnoyarsk: Program. - Krasnoyarsk: Cultural. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2005. P.4.
  • Globalization. Theses of George Soros and the inadequacy of their perception for world communities: Speech at the International Scientific and Economic Symp. on the topic “Economic union (union) of the countries of Eastern and South-Western Europe in the context of globalization,” held on May 26-27, 2005 in Belgrade // Orthodox Word of Siberia. Krasnoyarsk, 2005. No. 11. P.10-11. No. 12. P.10-11.
  • For living water. Celebration of the Feast of the Epiphany: The Word of the Archpastor, delivered on January 14/27 of this year. in the Holy Intercession Cathedral in Krasnoyarsk // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2002. No. 2-3. pp. 24-25.
  • “...and we will see His righteousness” (Mic. 7:9): Word at the consecration of the temple of St. Matrona of Moscow in the Kansk children's educational colony 5/23 September. 2005 // Orthodox word of Siberia. 2005. No. 9. P.6
  • The history of St. Paul the Apostle: Lectures given to VBPK students in 1996-1997. // Theological schools of the Krasnoyarsk-Yenisei diocese. 1996. Vol. 4. pp. 20-22; 1999. Vol. 5. pp. 23-25; 2000. Vol. 6. pp. 15-16.
  • To the 15th anniversary of the children's and youth spiritual choir "Sofia" // Krasnoyarsk municipal children's and youth spiritual choir "Sofia" is 15 years old. - Krasnoyarsk: 2006. - P. 2.
  • To the organizers and participants of the International Photo Exhibition “Serbia, 25th frame...”. // “Serbia, 25th frame...”. Krasnoyarsk: Press service of the Krasnoyarsk diocese: Culture. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2003. [P.2].
  • Heritage of Orthodoxy: Word at the service on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, March 7/20, 2005 // Orthodox Word of Siberia. Krasnoyarsk 2005. No. 3. P. 4-5.
  • Moral education of youth: Report read at the meeting of the IV Congress of the Siberian People's Council, held on February 19-20, 2004 in Krasnoyarsk // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2004. No. 2. P. 4-5.
  • Address to the participants of the V Krasnoyarsk Regional Educational Christmas Readings on their opening day, January 12, 2004. // Fifth Christmas educational readings in Krasnoyarsk: Sat. materials. - Krasnoyarsk: Diocesan department. on religious education and catechesis, 2004. pp. 3-6.
  • The word spoken on the day of the celebration of Radonitsa on April 7/20, 2004 in the church-chapel of St. Daniil Achinsky, Krasnoyarsk. // Orthodox word of Siberia. 2004. No. 4. P. 3.
  • A word spoken on the day of the Afterfeast of Epiphany and the Council of John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord in St. John the Baptist Church in Krasnoyarsk on January 20, 2003 // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2003. No. 2. P. 3.
  • The word of the archpastor // Orthodox word. Krasnoyarsk: 2001. Aug.-Sept. S. 3.
  • The word of the archpastor, delivered on January 15 of this year. in the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Zelenogorsk // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2002. No. 2-3. pp. 6-7.
  • The word of the archpastor, delivered on January 8 of this year. in the Holy Annunciation Monastery in Krasnoyarsk // Ibid. 2002. No. 2-3. S. 5.
  • Word at the opening of the Krasnoyarsk regional Christmas readings. // Rozhdestvensik educational readings in Krasnoyarsk: Exhibition. and report Krasnoyarsk: B.I., 2003, pp. 5-11.
  • Word spoken on the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist on August 29 / September 11, 2003 in the Holy Protection Cathedral in Krasnoyarsk // Orthodox Word of Siberia. 2003. No. 8. P. 4-5.
  • Word delivered in the Holy Intercession Cathedral of Krasnoyarsk on Forgiveness Sunday, March 24/9, 2003 // Ibid. 2003. No. 4. P. 2-3.
  • Word spoken in the Holy Trinity Church in Krasnoyarsk on February 30/12, 2003 // Ibid. 2003. No. 3. P. 2-3.
  • Word spoken on the day of the Holy Trinity, May 17/30, 2004 A.D. in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Krasnoyarsk // Ibid. 2004. No. 5. P. 4-5.
  • Three human births: Civil sermon of 1993 // Choice of fate: Modern Russia through the eyes of Russian bishops. St. Petersburg: Tsarskoe Delo, 1996. pp. 195-198; Same. // Soviet Russia. 1993. September 9 (Orthodox Rus'; No. 6.).
  • [Christ is Risen!] // VII Easter Festival of Arts and Charity in Krasnoyarsk, 2004. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Public Orthodox Foundation, 2004. P. 2.
  • Archbishop Anthony. The choice of fate: anniversary edition. [Sat. articles and materials]. Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2004.
  • Revived diocese: Historical-publ. and literary-art. almanac. Vol. 1 / Ch. ed. Archbishop of Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei Anthony. Krasnoyarsk: Media Center “Orthodox Word of Siberia”, 2005.
  • The main thing in life is serving the Church of Christ: Interview / Orthodox Word of Siberia. Krasnoyarsk: 2004. No. 10-11. P.14-15.
  • On the canonization of the confessor and ascetic of the Yenisei land, Elder Daniil Achinsky (Daniil Korneevich Delienko, 1784-1843) among the locally revered Siberian saints. About the canonization of Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky, 1877-1961) as a locally revered Siberian saint, who shone in the Krasnoyarsk land. Krasnoyarsk: Bukva, 1999.
  • Easter message to honest shepherds, brothers and sisters of holy monasteries. Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2003.
  • Easter message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Resurrection, 2004.
  • Easter message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Resurrection: Center for Publishing. activities and special projects of the Krasnoyarsk diocese, 2005.
    • Easter message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia // Revived Diocese: Historical-publ. and literary-art. almanac. Vol. 1. - Krasnoyarsk: Media Center “Orthodox Word of Siberia”, 2005.
  • Prof. N. N. Glubokovsky and his work “The Good News of St. ap. Paul according to his origin and essence": Dis. Ph.D. theology. / Moscow spiritual acad. Zagorsk, 1972. [manuscript].
  • Christmas message to honest shepherds, brothers and sisters of holy monasteries. - Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house. center "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection", 2002/2003.
  • Christmas message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Resurrection: Press service of Krasnoyarsk. dioceses, 2003/2004.
  • Christmas message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. - Krasnoyarsk: Center for Publishing. activities and special projects of the Krasnoyarsk diocese, 2004/2005.
  • Christmas message to the All-Honorable flock of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk. Resurrection: Center for Publishing Activities and Special Projects of the Krasnoyarsk-Yenisei Diocese, 2005/2006.