Dark doors in the interior of an apartment: real photos and options for placing accents (56 photos). Dark interior doors in a bright apartment interior Interior design with dark doors

Dark doors are common - they are universal. They can fit into classic, modern styles, combined with any materials and most other colors. You can make a bright accent out of them, or you can use them in such a way that they will not be conspicuous.

But no matter what idea seems attractive, you need to carefully choose the color of the wood and approach combinations with caution. Otherwise, the entire design will be ruined.

First of all, you need to think about in what color scheme the interior will be designed and how the colors of the floor and doors will be combined. In fact, there are only two options:

  • classic interior - light floor, dark doors. The combination is contrasting and bright - the brighter and more contrasting, the more tones that separate the color of the door from the color of the floor. So, a black door in combination with a white floor will give maximum contrast;
  • A little less common is dark floors with dark doors. Not a contrasting, but a related combination, appropriate in a room that already has enough accents and contrasts. This is only permissible if the room is large and well lit. If you try, you can successfully combine even a dark floor, a dark ceiling and dark walls.

Typically, if the door is not a similar color to the floor, it needs to be visually “connected” with something else. Most often, furniture is used for this: white floor, light walls, light ceiling, black door and black bed will provide an adequate combination. Like the golden floor, warm white walls and ceiling, dark brown door and dark brown living room set.

The floor can be covered with tiles, laminate, designer parquet - this is not so important. Combining by color is more important than by texture.

And you also need to remember about the role of the baseboard:

  • a light baseboard visually hides unevenness. At bright field it visually merges with the surface and does not attract attention to itself. At dark field, on the contrary, acts as a contrasting element that visually separates the floor from the walls and from the door;
  • a dark baseboard with a light background emphasizes the door and visually separates the floor from the walls. But in the dark it blends in and looks invisible.

When choosing the shade of the baseboard, you need to consider whether you need to visually separate the door from the floor and whether another accent is needed in the interior. And based on this information, make conclusions and choices.

Dark shades of doors in the interior

Dark doors in the interior of an apartment can be made of different wood and, accordingly, have a different shade. Technologies can also be different:

  • the door can be wooden, made of solid wood. Very durable, very prestigious, but at the same time expensive and heavy. You will need to calculate whether the hinges will withstand such a load, and also figure out how to deliver the door from the store to the house so that it is not too tedious;
  • the door can be made of a frame covered with veneer. Classic version, which is noticeably cheaper than an array. It has less strength and will be damaged if a blow is struck between the slats of the solid wood, where there is only filler under the veneer. But light door and maybe with relief;
  • the door can simply be made of two layers of veneer with a layer of filler and a frame. Even cheaper, but at the same time more vulnerable - if hit, it will be damaged wherever it lands.

The door can be made of plywood (sawdust with resin), veneer (thin sheets natural wood on a plywood backing), or from natural wood. But in any case, the pattern will imitate the texture of real wood, unless you specifically look for a plain door.

The most famous of the wood species used in interior decoration. Very common in Russia, cheaper than exotic species, like wenge, but more expensive than trivial ones, like cherry. The color varies from light golden to dark brown with gold, the pattern is pronounced and noticeable. Over time, the oak darkens a little, but otherwise changes little - it does not rot, does not suffer from mechanical stress, and can serve for decades.

Its shade can be either cold or warm.

The color of walnut wood reaches very dark, almost black tones. The wood itself is heavy, durable, well processed and polished. Carvings are often made on it - it is easy for craftsmen to work with such wood. The annual layers and the overall texture are clearly visible.

This is a very expensive and very valuable wood. It is used for parquet and interior decoration. It is very dense, saturated with oily and minerals, which make processing difficult. Its color varies: from golden, which is not suitable for a dark door, to pure black, with noticeable black veins.

The tree itself grows in the jungles of Africa, and this only increases its price - it includes not only processing and storage, but also delivery.

It was used in shipbuilding: the wood is rich essential oils and has a high density. A ship made from it could sail for many years, and a door made from it could last for several decades if nothing happened to the house first.

Teak has a dark brown color mixed with yellow and a distinct coarse texture. It looks interesting and is very resistant to external influences: If someone runs into a door, they are more likely to be harmed than the door itself.

This is an exotic type of wood, characterized by great strength and hardness. It has a somewhat rough texture, which gives the door a special charm if it is made to order and not sanded. It is distinguished by a beautiful, unusual color, similar to the coloring of a zebra - the pattern is clearly visible on the treated zebrawood wood: black stripes on a dark background.

Compared to other breeds, it looks relatively inexpensive.

How to beat dark doors in the interior

Simply placing a dark door in the interior - entrance or interior - and admiring it will not work. We need a complete idea, a certain thought that the designer is trying to convey.

You need to consider the color of the walls:

  • on light wallpaper a dark door will stand out and inevitably become an accent;
  • on dark ones, on the contrary, it will be completely lost and invisible.

When combined with bright colors it will give noticeable contrast, regardless of whether they are light or dark. And in combination with pastel, delicate colors, the contrast will be even stronger - this can be used if you want to place a strong emphasis on the door.

You need to consider the color of the furniture:

  • the dark fabric will contrast with light furniture - it will be effective if you make the entire interior around it uniformly light or dark;
  • dark furniture will go well with the door.

You can combine the shade of furniture with the shade of the door not by color, but by its thermal characteristics. That is, if the door is a warm shade, then the door should be a warm shade. Otherwise, neither adequate contrast nor a related combination will work.

You need to consider the color of the door itself:

  • black door in the interior. An excellent basis for contrasts. If you combine it with an all-white design, it will become the brightest accent, although the interior will look strict and even cold. To liven it up, you can add bright colors in small accents - in paintings, in textiles, in photographs. If you combine it with a black floor and white decoration, the effect will be less pronounced, but close. If combined with a dark design, it will look gloomy. And if with bright colors, it’s very impressive. This combination is well suited for modern styles, for a corridor or hallway, but bad for a bedroom or nursery;
  • dark grey. An absolutely neutral color that depends entirely on the surroundings. You can fit it anywhere, even make an accent on the door - it will look equally advantageous;
  • dark brown. Can be cold or warm. It also looks neutral and can be combined with anything, but is especially suitable for classic styles.

You can add decorations to the door - carvings, moldings, colored trims, glass inserts- or leave it in its pristine simplicity.

Common combinations with a dark door look like this:

  • black door plus white floor, white walls, ceiling, large window, black furniture. In such a monochrome interior, any room except the children's room looks very good. The main charm of the interior is given by bright accents, which you cannot do without: a painting on the wall, a bright blanket on the sofa, a flower pot with a noticeable ornament, bookshelf with carefully selected books. Instead of a black door, you can take any other one dark color, but it won’t look so impressive;
  • dark brown door, floor of a similar shade, light (blue, for example) walls, light ceiling, brightly colored (or with bright accents) furniture. Allows you to create an interior in classic style- for example, Scandinavian can be decorated in exactly these colors if you add textiles self made and seascapes;
  • a black door plus a black floor, walls of a bright color (blue, for example) interspersed with other bright colors (designed, for example, in the form of graffiti or paintings in the genre of modern art), a ceiling that is a continuation of the walls in color, and black furniture. It is important that the room is very spacious and very bright, otherwise the impression will be oppressive. It is also important that among the accents on the walls there are light shades. You can decorate a loft in these colors - just add leather sofa, a bar counter and spotlights to stylistic decision was completed. The door color can be changed to gray, but not dark brown;
  • dark brown door and golden floor in a shade matching the door, pastel colored walls, light ceiling. A large window is a must. These colors are good for decorating a kitchen to make it seem spacious. You can add paintings or graffiti to the walls, depending on the style (necessarily bright colors). You can hang bright curtains or place a flower on the windowsill.

Before you start designing, you should draw a sketch on paper (or on a monitor screen) and evaluate how the colors combine with each other. Perhaps what seemed like a great solution in your head will actually be far from ideal.

However, dark doors are appropriate in any apartment - even in a Khrushchev-era apartment after renovation they usually look good.

Designed in an original way interior doors are important element apartment design. One of the most controversial color options is black.

Despite the fact that this option is considered elegant and solemn, it is not suitable for all apartments.

Arrangement of rooms and door color

Black color for doors can be used in light or dark rooms. But it should Special attention pay attention to the choice of furniture, which should be combined with the overall style.

Often it is necessary to complement the decor with accessories, the shade of which is close to the design of the door.

Colonial apartment design

This interior option best matches the dark color scheme. The colonial type of arrangement involves saturation with details and accessories, complicating the composition and introducing slightly gloomy notes.

For such a situation, you can install a double-leaf modification, which is not only heavy in weight, but also looks similar.

In apartments decorated in colonial style, dark furniture is installed, which also has a shine effect.

A successful solution in this case is guaranteed by dark chocolate-colored doors. Saturating your apartment with warm red-brown tones will require you to purchase dark accessories.

Thus, design methods of shifting accents are often used, for example, it is necessary to install several lampshades with glitter on both sides of them.

Art Nouveau style in apartment design

A modern design solution with hints of minimalism does not present special requirements to the color background door design. It is advisable to ensure consistency with the overall color palette.

Can be used in combination with light walls and walnut floors. To create velvety and warmer tones, it is necessary to cover the structure with a matte varnish that eliminates excessive cold shine. And the composition will be completed by neat handles made of brushed brass.

Classic design option

Interior black doors will suit light-colored classic rooms. But this effect will be more likely for larger rooms.

When painting the floor, it is better to choose shades that are not too light, for example, brown in more saturated tones. The perception will be interesting against the background of beige walls and silver furniture, which are complemented with golden textiles.

To create the best effect, you can install a fireplace, and also choose a carpet with black edging.

How to choose combinations in design

To make the room look truly original and elegant, you should pay attention to the selection of combinations of its individual elements.

Monochrome in the design of walls and door structures can look quite interesting. However, it is still necessary to decorate the walls not in strict black, but to provide designs in the form of, for example, stripes, softer tones.

A vintage lacquered door goes well with dark brown floors and lighter furniture.

It is also acceptable to use in black and white interior. If dark colors prevail in the lower part of the room, then closer to the ceiling they are saturated with lighter colors with a transition to a completely white ceiling.

It can be combined with a checkerboard type of floor, and rough plaster of the walls or imitation of brickwork will help complete the composition.

It is possible to focus on brighter colors, even acidic or neon tones. In this case, dark doors will soften this aggressive background.

Additionally, you need to add a few more dark objects and accessories to the interior.

Original design solutions

It is not necessary to use plain black doors. They can be decorated with images and ornaments. Such a pattern should not be overly eccentric; it should be combined with the design of the wallpaper and the general style of the room.

You can soften the effect of black by painting the frame in a darker color. bright hues. It is also permissible to use structures with glass or frosted plastic.

Using black doors will make the room more stylish and original. The combination of this color with lighter shades will enliven the interior, and applying a pattern or ornament to the surface will go perfectly with the strict wallpaper in the room.

Photos of black interior doors in the interior

Dark doors in the interior modern apartment occur quite often. When developing a room design, it is important to consider color combinations each of the elements, which is why difficulties often arise associated with combining door leaves in dark shades with the objects surrounding them.

Dark doors are very popular in modern interiors

More traditional and universal option are white doors, they look unobtrusive and light in any case; it is not necessary that they be complemented by the same white surrounding objects. With dark shades, things are different; here you cannot do without accompaniment. Let's take a closer look at which option to choose in this or that case.

Combination methods

Depending on the correct choice, interior doors in dark colors can effectively complement the interior of the apartment. If you make a mistake with the shade or create the wrong contrast, all the efforts associated with the repair may go down the drain.

There are several ways to combine:

  • Complete merger. In this case, all the main objects in the room duplicate the shade of the door leaf, there are no sharp contrasts, and when creating the interior they are limited to only a few colors.
  • Soft transition. This approach allows you to diversify the palette, while there are no sharp differences between shades. Interior doors are combined with trim, furniture, decoration and various small details, but their tonality can vary within slight limits.
  • Achromatic contrast. The emphasis is on sharp differences. Using this technique, you can focus attention on the entrance to the room, while linking it with another element of the environment. All shades must be harmoniously combined in the overall plan, so neutral colors are used: white, gray, black.

Exceptions to the rules are allowed. At the same time, the situation must be considered individually, since such decisions are not always justified in one case or another.

Basic ways to combine dark doors in the interior

You should also distinguish between ways to combine doors with specific elements in the interior of the apartment. The main cases can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Platbands. Usually they are matched to the color of the canvas or baseboard, but they can also be contrasting, for example, dark doors and white trim.
  • Walls. Since we are talking specifically about a dark palette, this method is more relevant in the case of using dark decorative inserts on the walls.
  • Floor. The basis is the shade of parquet, laminate or carpet.
  • Furniture. Enough good decision, especially if the furniture has a finish similar to the texture of the doors.
  • Window. Interior doors and windows have something in common, which is especially advantageous when they are located on opposite walls.
  • Decor. You can link a dark door leaf with the interior, for example, by using paintings in the same frame and other little things.

Black doors

The simplest option for the interior of an apartment with dark doors is black canvas. This color can be achieved in almost any way, from pasting with expensive coatings to banal painting. You can combine them with almost any color, just like white ones. However, at the same time they will look heavier and more massive.

An excellent solution for black doors is white and unobtrusive light colors with dark accents in the design. Beige and milky shades for decoration are perfect here, as well as gray tones. You can play with any other color. For brightness, use yellow, with red or orange. A blue palette, lavender and green shades will add calm to the interior.

You can tie all the elements together using platbands, baseboards, picture frames and furniture parts. You can also use a combination of black and color in textiles and the design of walls and floors.

Black doors in a room are the simplest and harmonious option registration

A more common option for finishing the canvas is to use a material that imitates wood. It could be like natural veneer, and artificial materials. The following colors fall into this category:

  • nut,
  • wenge,
  • smoky oak,
  • rosewood,
  • merbau,
  • ormosia,
  • paduk,
  • Red tree,
  • ebony,

The use of materials that imitate wood for finishing will help convey any shade

Brown walnut doors are the most popular in interiors. They are usually associated with floor finishing or some furniture parts. This shade is light enough not to weigh down the space with its appearance.

Brown wenge doors in the interior are also among the leaders in popularity. Such models may contain different patterns of wood structure, which should also be taken into account when selecting fabric for furniture. Pay attention to the direction of the fibers, it is better if they look the same.

Gray shades

Gray interior doors are used much less often in apartment interiors. Such solutions are more relevant for non-traditional styles, such as loft, country, high-tech, shabby chic and the like.

It is important to maintain the ratio of tones here. The gray palette is extremely huge, which makes it possible to unobtrusively combine together several different environmental items. If we talk specifically about dark shades, for them a successful combination There may be lighter variations of gray, as well as white trim or flooring.

If you combine gray with black, this may seem like a too rough solution in visual terms; it is better to choose a muted shade of purple or blue. You can decorate the room in a very original way if you add a little bright colors: crimson, yellow, green, turquoise.

In shabby style you need to go towards a lighter palette. But for high-tech, rich gray will be ideal solution, since such interior doors can be easily combined with the shine of aluminum and of stainless steel. For rustic romance, a touch of wear and tear would be appropriate. Aged canvas can be advantageously combined with the same chest of drawers or a small cabinet. Just one detail can organically fit the product into the overall picture.

Gray interior doors will fit well into a country-style interior

Color variations

It is not necessary to focus exclusively on dark interior doors. If you don’t like gloom and tranquility in the interior, then optimal solution there will be an addition for you bright accents. Today the door market is represented by a huge assortment and you can easily choose colored panels; the only nuance is that their shades will tend to dark tones selected gamma. These can be either muted colors or deeper, more saturated ones.

Be sure to pay attention to these colors:

  • emerald,
  • dark olive,
  • blue,
  • violet,
  • plum,
  • burgundy,
  • etc.

They are great for apartments in fusion or modern style. At the same time, this solution is ideal for spacious studios, as it allows you to saturate the environment with colors. It is best to combine colored interior doors with surrounding furniture and textiles. To further highlight them against the general background and slightly dilute the palette, white inserts are used, for example, these can be floors, trim, wallpaper or upholstery of upholstered furniture.

Colored doors in the interior will fill the house with warmth and color

An excellent solution for such canvases is the use of different cladding for each side. This does not oblige you to maintain the general style for the apartment as a whole and allows you to choose your own style and design for each room.

Dark colors can be diluted with lighter shades by adding a pattern to the canvas. Modern solution for such models, application of 3D ornament. The pattern can be combined with textiles using the same shades and decorative elements.

If you decide to purchase dark interior doors, try to think through combinations in advance specific model. They can add coziness to the room, but at the same time they can visually hide the area and unnecessarily focus attention on themselves.

And also others different styles. Important has the material from which they are made. It would be optimal to install door structures made of natural wood, especially expensive species of wenge, merbau, oak, tropical ash, teak, walnut, etc.

According to the designers, the dark shade of the interior door leaf fits perfectly into Baroque interiors. As a rule, the color of the door structure matches the shade of the floor covering. However, from a design point of view, there is no strict rule on this matter. There are only recommendations to choose a door leaf in a harmonious shade of the floor.

Rules for combining door colors

A stylish interior should look harmonious and seamless. For this reason, the shade of flooring and interior doors.

The following options will allow you to successfully select the desired color combinations:

  • dark shades of canvas and floor;
  • dark canvas and light coating gender;
  • light shades of floors and doors;
  • dark flooring and bright doors.

To ensure harmony platbands are chosen to match the door leaf, the plinth is also selected in the same way. This creates the most advantageous option, avoiding color disharmony. If we talk about the reverse combination, then a white floor and black doors are quite rare. This method quite original and recommended for use exclusively in spacious rooms.

Doors are chosen for the corridor in accordance with the shades of the flooring and walls. The option of contrasting dark shades of door leaf and light floor is allowed.

If a game of contrast is used, then the derivatives should be especially bright to avoid blurriness and inexpressiveness of the design. Skirting boards selected in the right shade, will smooth out the lack of expressiveness of the combination.

Combination options

If interior doors are installed in the hallway and are chosen in a dark color, a correctly selected shade will help highlight and emphasize the interior. Be sure to look at the compatibility of the shade with existing design and the notes that predominate in it.

  1. With a smooth color transition. A variety of the palette of colors used is achieved, without sharp differences in color. A door leaf in oak or walnut color should have a similar appearance as the rest of the interior, trim, furniture, and other details.
  2. With complete color blending. This method is represented by a situation where the door leaf and other objects in the room have a common shade. The design of the room excludes contrast and inconsistency of color. Everything is reduced to just a few harmonious shades.
  3. On achromatic contrast. The basic principle of the method is the predominance of sharp differences. The technique is used by creating accents on any of the interior items, for example, at the entrance to a room. The canvas is also combined with some other interior detail, and everything else is done in neutral colors, coordinated with each other.

Depending on the situation, exceptions are possible, but they are classified as individual original solutions.

There are also differences in the combination of the door structure with individual items. Such situations include:

  1. When choosing the color of the walls in the hallways, you can use dark decorative elements.
  2. When selecting platbands, they are based on the shade of the door or baseboard, but contrast is also acceptable (for dark doors, the platband is white).
  3. When choosing a flooring shade, it is recommended to pay attention to shades of brown or white. Oak-look parquet, carpet and laminate flooring look good.
  4. Furniture with a finish that resembles the texture of a door leaf has a particular advantage.
  5. Decorative elements will also help in creating harmonious interior with dark doors. This could be a picture frame in a dark shade.

Dark door leaves with light-colored flooring

When selecting door designs, you can start from the shades of furniture, walls, and floors. However, you can not choose a similar shade, but rather play on the contrast. For example, light floors and dark doors. It would seem that such designs do not combine with anything, which means their harmony is in question. However, this opinion is wrong. In this case we are talking about the use of contrast. The door set can be supplemented with skirting boards and trim made in the color of the canvas. This option does not cause discomfort or rejection. The combination of opposite shades only advantageously emphasizes the effectiveness of the doors.

The combination of light floors and dark doors creates a strict and elegant atmosphere. This technique is especially successful when decorating large spaces. In addition, the contrast should be visually obvious, which will add expressiveness to the look. Excessive prominence of doors in the interior can be reduced by selecting a plinth of the same shade as the door frame, leaf, and trim.

Dark wood species

Among finishing materials, used in the design of the door structure, preference is given to finishing with imitation wood. It doesn’t matter whether artificial wood material or natural wood is used.

If the choice fell on the door interior fabric dark shade, the most preferred options are: smoky oak, walnut, wenge, rosewood, etc.

The most popular shades on the door market are walnut or oak. Doors for interior spaces These shades are combined with the color of the flooring and elements of the furniture ensemble. Light shades help to visually lighten the room, eliminating bulkiness. Wenge color is also in high demand. The door leaf often imitates the pattern of natural wood. It is important that the pattern of a particular texture looks the same everywhere and in the same direction, contributing to the integrity of the design.

Combination dark floor - dark door

The option of color matching between the door leaf and the floor is a more common occurrence. The option of full matching of shades, as well as with a slight difference in shades, looks advantageous. If the door is a little lighter than the color of the floor, the interior will not suffer at all.

It's all about the work of the subconscious. A person views the environment from the bottom up. Thus, the door becomes a link between the shades of a light ceiling and a dark floor.

You should avoid combining dark shades of doors and floors if the room is very small. An excess of dark color will lead to a visual narrowing of an already modest space, and as a result the room will turn into a small closet. When there is a lack of lighting in the room, the problem becomes even more acute. A combination of dark shades of doors and floors is allowed in cases where the room has high ceilings, and large windows.

So, the basic rules:

  1. If you decide to use dark shades for the door leaf and floor in the hallway, you need the floor covering to be slightly darker than the door. Such combinations are among the most common.
  2. Options made from dark floor coverings and door panels are strictly unacceptable if the room is cramped. This combination will help create a special gloom.
  3. The optimal combination when choosing dark doors and floors is the presence of a large height and a large window.
  4. A prerequisite is that the lighting level matches the selected shade. If there is not enough light in the room, it is better not to use a dark shade.

Black doors - bright interior

A black door leaf can help create special style. This decision contributes to the sophistication of the interior. allow you to harmoniously combine with various items interior, made in a wide variety of shades, just like.

The key to a successful combination is taking into account some rules for organizing the interior:

  1. If there are black doors, the shade of the walls should be light, and the flooring (laminate) should be lighter than the door. Laminate combination light shades and doors in black visually increase the area of ​​the room and represent a harmonious combination.
  2. If the door is selected in black, you can add additional inclusions of light, white tones and dark accents. A combination with milky and beige shades is recommended. The use of orange, yellow, and red will enliven the design. Using shades of blue, green, and lavender will provide a calm atmosphere in the room.

The following will help to harmoniously include a black door leaf into the design. additional elements– furniture parts, trim, plinth.


A more common option for modern housing is to choose a dark floor shade. Despite its prevalence, this choice significantly complicates the task of creating a harmonious and stylish room design. It is not always possible to achieve a favorable contrast between the floor, furniture and doors. This feature is observed in premises of any functionality. When choosing a dark shade, difficulties with the combination of the above elements are inevitable.

The floor and shade of interior doors must be chosen correctly. It depends on how beautiful and stylish design will be created. Most of all, preference is given to the following combinations:

  1. The door is white - the floor is light.
  2. The floor covering and door leaf are in a single dark shade.
  3. Light floor combined with a brown door to the hallway.
  4. White color for the door leaf and dark tone floor.

If you choose dark interior doors for an apartment, then you should take into account a specific feature - such products are mostly used in creating modern style premises, for example, modern.

The main thing is that the door, no matter what color it is, looks harmonious in overall design rooms - this needs to be remembered and taken into account when planning the organization doorways throughout the apartment.

They are used more and more every year, and all thanks to their exquisite appearance and correct placement accents. Designers all over the world talk about the advantages of such an interior solution. By skillfully combining a dark door with the overall decor of the room, you are guaranteed to create not only an attractive, but also cozy atmosphere. In order to start decorating correctly, you should familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the location of a dark door in the interior.

Types of dark wood doors

It is very important to make the right accent in the interior. And most in a simple way is to install a dark door. And yet, despite the simplicity of this solution, it is important to take care of harmony and. That is why it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the options for materials and colors.

For creating modern doors The following types of wood are used:

  • Ormosia is an endangered species of tree that grows in the New Guinea region, as well as in the Philippine Islands. Very valuable breed, because products made from it are expensive. The design often uses painted wood to imitate ormosia, in order to protect the endangered species.
  • Paduk – this type trees grow in West Africa. The sapwood of such wood has an interesting or... On a log house, the tree very quickly changes color, acquiring. It has a very strong structure and can withstand various weather conditions.
  • - This is a rather rare type of wood that is widespread in East Africa. Possesses dark brown. Resistant to any pressure and damage.
  • Nut– this wood is resistant to cracking, therefore it is widely used in the production of furniture and doors. It has a brown-gray tint.
  • Mahogany - the name of this wood speaks for itself: it main feature is a rich red hue.
  • Ebony – most often found in tropical forests. Has many varieties. But each of them has general characteristic, namely a deep dark shade.
  • Rosewood is also a representative tropical trees. It is a fairly durable breed, which explains its widespread use in the production of doors.

And these are not all types of wood used in design. Depending on the wood you choose, the color of the product will vary. But many varieties are very rare, and some are even on the verge of extinction. That is why the technique is widespread in design staining doors in one shade or another, which significantly reduces the cost of the product.

Dark doors in the interior

Dark doors in the interior are not only a trend of the latest season, they are a classic that no one can topple from its pedestal. And yet, as in the use of any design tricks, when installing dark doors it is worth considering the basic principles of color. Of course, if you do not want to harm the harmonious environment and atmosphere of your home.

Application in the interior

IN Lately at the peak of popularity - spectacular. One of the main advantages of this trend in design art is the use of wood. different varieties. This style welcomes the plasticity of lines, as well as their diversity, but in no case accepts a combination of many shades. That is why a combination of dark wood doors in a light interior can be an excellent solution for many.

Advice! If you decide to create your interior in the Art Nouveau style, you need to know that this style accepts the use of only natural shades of wood. Even if you can't use expensive wood in your design, paint it a natural dark wood shade.

Often there is a design and bedrooms in dark color. But psychologists, along with designers, insist that this combination greatly affects the psyche of the person in the room: the heavy dark color “presses” and creates discomfort. That is why, if you are convinced that your room needs a dark door, think about creating a favorable light color scheme in the house. Dark doors in a light interior are an excellent solution for those who want to place the right accents in the design of their apartment.

The combination of dark doors with the floor

By using light floors and dark doors in the interior, you will get a much-needed contrast effect. But it is important to pay close attention to the details. Avoid variegation in general combination colors. An excellent solution would be to match the tone door leaf, because it is necessary to make a connection between the main accent and the overall color of the room. This exquisite combination will serve a great assistant when there is a problem of expanding the internal space of a room.

Dark doors in the living room and bedroom

The best option when choosing the main color in a room is to select the shades of wood furniture and doors. This leaves behind the risk of failure in the design field. After all, playing with contrasts requires professional approach. That is why it is important to evaluate the volume of the room as a whole. Large premises allow you to accelerate in the play of tones. But if your room small sizes, you should give preference to a contrasting combination or harmony of floor and door. Light floors are guaranteed to transform your room into a light space, and a dark door will clearly outline the exit from it.