Design trends: what's in and what's out of interior fashion. Design trends: what's in and what's out of interior fashion Muted beige-brown tones in the interior of a modern bedroom

© Design studio "25th floor"RIA Real Estate

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Fashion is an extremely relative concept, refracted in the focus of each person’s personal perception. What is fashionable for one is bad taste for another. But there are things that are definitely outdated and need to be replaced. The RIA Real Estate website found out which “fashionable” trends in apartment design it’s time to forget about and what to choose as an alternative.

Plasterboard and glossy stretch ceilings

"Complicated curly multi-level ceilings made of plasterboard in combination with glossy stretch ceilings - no, no, no! This is a really sore subject, often when discussing wishes, customers tell me for some reason exactly about them - we saw them among acquaintances, friends, or in pictures and we want it exactly that way, thereby immediately limiting possible options design,” complains Olga Chainikova, head of the “25th Floor” design studio. These are like rhinestones on a beautiful, laconic coat - a detail that can ruin the entire design. On top of everything else, in our standard panel houses the already low ceiling height, which needs to be visually increased, but not lowered, emphasizes the agency’s interlocutor. “Fortunately, in most cases I manage to discourage bad taste from customers and not ruin the apartment,” she rejoices.

Ceilings must be level, unless otherwise required by the tactical and technical characteristics of the object. They can be decorated with beautiful ceiling cornices, moldings and rosettes, which will always look relevant, simple and stylish, the designer points out.

© Design studio "25th floor"

© Designer Natalya Naumova

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All furniture from one collection

Against glossy stretch ceiling Designer and head of the design bureau Natalya Naumova also comes out with a scattering of spotlights. She points out that Spotlights need to be done concisely, only where they are really needed.

The designer also recommends not to be afraid of “mismatched furniture.” “All the furniture in an apartment is from the same collection – it’s bad taste. It’s like wearing shoes and a handbag from the same collection and from the same designer,” says Naumova. Although, of course, you don’t just need to buy everything. Items should be united either by a style, say, Scandinavian, or color scheme as in the photo.

© Designer Natalya Naumova

© Designer Natalya Naumova

3 out of 12

Copies of paintings by famous artists

Naumova also protests against copies or reproductions of paintings by famous artists in the interior. “It’s better to buy a painting by a little-known master, but a real original one, or use a photograph,” she believes. By the way, abstract paintings will be an excellent decorative accent in the interior.

© Designer Natalya Naumova

© Designer Natalya NaumovaEverything is so "beige"

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Everything is so "beige"

Stop making the whole apartment “beige”, and also scrupulously select all the metal in the house (handles, faucets, chandeliers) in the same color, Naumova insists. Nowadays it is fashionable to combine different metals, she points out. Well, the designer advises lovers of calm shades to take a closer look at other calm color variations, and also not to be afraid of bright accents.

© Designer Natalya Naumova

© Designer Natalya Naumova

5 out of 12

Artificial materials in finishing

Using artificial materials in decoration or textile decor is bad form. “This always makes the interior lifeless, glossy and vulgar,” explains Naumova.
It’s better to spend money on natural stone or wood. Let it be small area walls, but completely natural.

© Designer Natalya Naumova

© Designer Nadezhda Lashku

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Figured plasterboard walls

"Figured walls made of plasterboard or arches - such manifestations are more bad manners than designer highlight", interior designer Nadezhda Lascu is convinced.

Drywall is not the only material with which you can model space. Wood, glass, even brick are much more interesting and stylish solutions.

© Designer Nadezhda Lashku

© Designer Nadezhda Lashku

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Metal docking thresholds

But the metal thresholds at the joints of floor materials, according to the agency’s interlocutor, are generally an attempt to hide poor-quality cutting and joining of the material or poor-quality screed work.

"A modern alternative and solution to such joints is a cork expansion joint. It looks neat, stylish and emphasizes high quality works," says Lascu.

© Designer Nadezhda Lashku

Lonely chandelier

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Lonely chandelier

A lone overhead light source may not provide enough light - it is typically a fairly dim and unsuitable scenario for the room. If possible, lighting should be correctly distributed throughout the entire volume, says the head of the design studio." Cozy apartment"Natalia Preobrazhenskaya.

“Be sure to use all levels of lighting: additional light sources, sconces, floor lamps, table lamps and even just candles, correctly distributed throughout the volume, will invariably decorate your life,” she says.

© Design Studio "Cozy Apartment"

9 out of 12

Lambrequins and heavy fabrics on windows

“It’s time to get rid of massive heavy curtains in dirty brown tones, as well as any other excessively intrusive designs on the windows. No fashion, trend or style can justify multi-layered heavy disgrace!” - Preobrazhenskaya insists. Nowadays, you can choose organic textiles to suit any style in such a way as to decorate the space, make it lively and cozy. Textiles on windows should be “the simpler, the better.”

© Design Studio "Cozy Apartment"

© Design Studio "Cozy Apartment"Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is extremely rare, and even then in a very well-developed and appropriate style, in the hands of a master top class sometimes it can (the phrase “sometimes can” is key) look organic, says the head of the Cozy Apartment studio. But this is extremely rare. It's better to replace it good wallpaper with the right texture, she recommends.

Are you planning to renovate? Then get acquainted with the 7 leading styles in interior design today. Descriptions and photos below will help you choose fashionable finishing, furniture and decor for each room so that they correspond to the main trends of 2017. You will find out what is the secret of the popularity of loft and Provence, how you can create modern design interior with old things and much more. Be trendy!

What new did interior design bring in 2017?

Some interior design styles quickly come and go out of fashion, while others (like Provence) have enjoyed our love and admiration for many years. From time to time we remember them and bring them into our homes and apartments again, but interpreting them according to the new time. 2017 was the year when new things entered interior design in the form of well-forgotten old ones:

  • Quality furniture with simple and functional design in the spirit of the times of mass construction of the 60s;
  • Pipes, lamps and rough industrial pieces that recall the heyday of industry in the last century;
  • “Bohemian” type of home with numerous objects of art, bright and unusual things;
  • Tiles, curtains and carpets with ethnic motifs;
  • Nostalgic decor in the form of posters, watches, devices and other things in a retro style.

Original decor and simple furniture perfectly complement each other against the background of brick, concrete, wooden or plain walls. Houseplants and other natural accents compensate for the unnatural appearance of industrial parts. 2017 attracts us with contrasts, but this does not mean that there was no place for home comfort and warmth. See further review 7 fashion styles And beautiful photos interiors!

1. Interior design in loft and industrial style

Simple, elegant and natural forms furniture in the spirit of those years returned to interior design in 2017. They are complemented by colorful fabrics, expressive lamps and vintage decor from different styles to give the room an original eclectic look.

3. French rustic Provence style

7. Interior design 2017 in shabby chic style

The “shabby chic” interior style was probably invented by fans of flea markets. What is notable for him is the “old” look of the furniture, with scratches on the wood, cracked paint and other signs of wear. At the same time, the decor for a shabby chic room should be soft, cozy and lush, creating a feeling of luxury. Light pastel colors, classic carvings, forged parts and fine fabrics are others characteristic features this design.

Let me know what you think! Which of these popular styles do you like best and which least?

Fashionable interior design 2017: 7 popular styles updated: April 5, 2017 by: Margarita Glushko

Everyone who makes renovations wants to make their home as comfortable and fashionable as possible. But in most cases this only happens in dreams. When it comes to the process itself, we get lost. Having seen enough in the 2000s " Housing issue”, which was then at the peak of popularity, we begin to use everything that we liked then. And designers, with tears in their eyes, draw huge wardrobes, long marble bar counters and multi-tiered ceilings with lighting at the client’s request.

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Nowadays, simplicity and environmental friendliness are in fashion. We have prepared for you 7 design trends that are already outdated. “What instead of them?”- you ask. We will answer that we have also prepared an alternative.

1. Semicircular shower cabin with tray

A semicircular shower cabin with a deep tray and ten unnecessary functions, which is difficult to care for, has long gone out of fashion. Nowadays designs with glass partitions(not necessarily transparent). They save space, are easy to clean, and look quite stylish.

2. Furniture wall with a recess for a TV

If you have small room, then there should not be a furniture wall in it. It is too bulky and visually reduces space. To make the interior functional and spacious, it is better to hang shelves and do not make a recess for the TV.

3. Multi-tiered ceilings with lighting

One of the most popular design solutions At the beginning of the 2000s there was a multi-tiered ceiling with lighting. Now everyone prefers regular white ones. If you think this is too boring, then get an interesting chandelier.

4. Arches

It doesn’t matter whether the arch is made of plasterboard or concrete, it looks out of place in modern interior. Such an architectural solution does not provide any functionality, but only reduces space.

5. Large indoor plants and ornamental trees

Indoor plants are an excellent decorative element. Only for most modern compact homes small flowerpots are more suitable. It’s even better if you plant herbs that can be used later: basil, mint, tarragon. But huge trees belong in offices, schools and clinics. There is more space there, and they look visually better. Therefore, if you have such copies, you can take them to work.

6. Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper can be stylish element decor, only for this they must be abstract. Good examples are really hard to find. Mountains, rivers, view of New York - last century. Design a wall instead decorative plaster, plain wallpaper or panels.

7. Fancy curtains

Imagine that you have completed the renovation, it’s time to choose curtains. Which ones do we take? With lambrequins? But no. Today, such a decorative element can be compared to a carpet on the wall, which we don’t even mention. Of course, if you have a huge house, you can try to fit them into the interior, but the result is always not the best. But if we are furnishing an apartment, then only blinds and light tulle.