Decorating a country yard - ideas. Decorating the yard with your own hands What you can do with your own hands in the yard

A beautiful, well-groomed area near the house attracts attention at any time of the year, giving special pleasure in the summer, when everything is blooming and fragrant. Let's figure it out: how to decorate your yard so that your neighbors will envy and you will admire.

First, decide what the concept “ beautiful yard"? The set of decorations for a private plot largely depends on your lifestyle and habits

To begin, prepare a schematic plan of your territory with dimensions. This will help you accurately plan the location of the flower beds, decorative ponds, lawn and other decorations, especially since there is an opportunity to experiment with different variations.

Site improvement project

The landscape design of the yard should delight you and your guests

Determine your preferences: you want a minimalist design with a neat lawn, or an abundance of flower beds, arches, and bushes that bloom throughout the warm season. Special attention flowers require, caring for them always requires certain labor costs. Before planting flowers, you need to dig up the designated areas and remove weeds. If possible, the bed of the flower bed is covered with a drainage layer of sand 10-15 centimeters high, and soil with fertilizer is laid on top. Then we moisten it well so that the earth settles. The soil for planting is ready.

Flower beds and flower beds

IN landscape design free flower beds represent a mass planting of a variety of plants to suit your taste, without any borders. However, they are definitely needed for a neat appearance. Enclose with edges made of plastic, wood, stones, or fill the edge with fine gravel.

It is important to properly organize the placement of flower beds and planting of perennial plants

You can decorate your yard with your own hands using the following types flower beds.

  • Flower garden borders are placed along paths, walls, and fences. Usually low-growing flowers are used, one or two types that do not stand out too much (lavender, violets, navel, lupine).
  • Mixed border (mixborder) - differs from the border in its planting pattern. Flowers are planted singly, in groups of different heights, in colored spots. Moreover, plants are chosen with different flowering periods, providing diversity from spring to autumn.
  • Rabatka is a rectangular ridge along paths, gazebos, and fences. The planting is lined with flowers of different heights: the near part is made of low plants, and the distant ones are getting higher. In a symmetrical version tall plants in the middle, low at the edge.
  • Front garden is a strip of land separating a house from the road. Choose bushes and perennials for this place, the main thing is that it looks equally good both from the road and from the window. Fragrant lilac, jasmine, tea rose will fill the house with aromas, protecting it from dust or heat.

The design of the area being developed should be in harmony with the house itself

Flower beds can also be made in the form of various geometric shapes. Create waves of multi-colored tulips in the spring in the courtyard of a private house, or a fluttering colorful butterfly of marigolds, nasturtiums, and asters.

Flowerbeds have a shape and a frame. Their appearance is limited only by your imagination. Any container is suitable for a flower bed that will decorate the yard. All that remains is to paint and fill with soil. Old tires, painted, are used different colors, a leaky watering can, baskets, furniture, plastic products, even dishes that had been lying around for many years.

Plan planting flowers so that the flowering of some is followed by the flowering of other varieties

In the depths of the courtyard of a private house you can create a small rock garden. This trend came to us from Japan. Choose stones in shape and color that are most in harmony with the overall composition. They create a long-lasting environment for your plants. Place them on the site as they would look in nature, or lay them out according to the chosen pattern.

If the size of the plot allows, you can place a small oriental-style rock garden in a secluded corner.

Shrub trimming

Another decoration of the yard is the topiary bushes. You will have to shape it using garden shears, pruners or loppers. The most simple shapes(ball, rectangle) anyone can make with their own hands. It is worth remembering that processing will have to be done constantly. A missed haircut season will require 2-3 years to restore the result, and coniferous shrubs, pleasing all year round, cannot be restored.

The results of trimming bushes can be a variety of shapes - abstract, geometric or depicting animals and people

Topiary shrubs are great for creating a “living” fence for a summer cottage

If you have the skill of cutting, you will get neat bushes in the shape of some animal or, for example, a heart.

Reservoirs on the site

A pool, fountain or waterfall creates the desired freshness and coolness in the courtyard of a private house on hot summer days. The sound of falling water and the shade of the garden are relaxing.

Even a small pond or fountain will add an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility to your patio design

A wonderful decoration of the yard will be a pond in chinese style with concrete tiles in the form of islands

Creating a pond will not be difficult. You can buy ready-made pallets, pumps and systems. Use for decoration river stones, broken tiles, tiles. Place a bench or deck chair nearby and you will have your own park on the site. A small waterfall will organically complement the rock garden.


The main gathering place for the family for cozy evening gatherings is the gazebo. They come in the following types.

  • Open. This is a system of perimeter pillars holding up a lightweight roof. Most often, the frame is made of metal rods or wooden posts.
  • Closed. Small houses with windows and doors, which allows them to be used all year round in any weather.

Modern gazebo open type in the courtyard of a private house

IN closed gazebo you can organize a full-fledged summer kitchen

Choose a gazebo depending on the size of your site. Closed design more suitable for large areas, as it looks quite massive. An open one is a wonderful decoration for a yard of any size. Thanks to its lightness and airiness, it does not clutter up the space.

Semi-open gazebos with several walls and a roof are popular

A frame decorated with climbing plants will create shade and coolness inside. By choosing a variety of climbing roses, you will get lush flowering throughout the summer.

Lightweight metal gazebo with climbing plants

The title of the most romantic gazebos rightfully belongs to tents. Fabric flowing in the wind wicker furniture will give a unique image to your site.

Paths and steps

Sturdy walkways are required for ease of movement. They can be made from many materials (tiles, stones, rubber), or you can make them yourself using liquid molds of various designs.

Can be used for paths natural stone or fine gravel

Site from concrete slabs in front of the main entrance

Rest area with gravel backfill

If your site is located on a slope or for decorative purposes, the path is combined with steps decorated with flowerpots and curly shrubs.


IN dark time days required correct lighting, which, in addition to its practical purpose, will perform a decorative function. The multi-colored illumination of reservoirs at night looks very impressive. Hanging old glass bottles can be used to illuminate gazebos and decorate flower beds with decorative lanterns. Soft light will guide you safely through the area, creating an atmosphere of magic.

Beautiful lighting can transform an area beyond recognition

Lighting of the courtyard area has two functions - decorative and lighting.

Winter decorations

How to decorate the yard with your own hands winter period? Very simple. There are several ways to create a festive atmosphere on New Year's Eve.

Gift boxes with bows

Decorating a flower box under the window with fir branches and bright berries

  • Festive illumination. You will need a lot of street garlands; we wrap them around the branches of trees, bushes, and the facade of the house. You can also purchase ready-made luminous designs of deer, snowman or Santa Claus' New Year's sleigh.
  • Wreaths and garlands. From coniferous branches, cones, rowan berries, white paint, you can make your own Christmas wreath on front door. Fir branches tied with red bows and Christmas balls can be used to decorate stair railings.
  • Boxes with gifts. You will need old boxes from household appliances, beautiful wrapping paper, big bows.
  • Lollipops. Using trimming water pipe, red and white duct tape, create giant candy canes in the area. Freeze water (with berries, pine cones, or just colorful dye) various forms, you will get beautiful “sweets” for decorating paths.
  • Foam figures. Make a snowman, reindeer, or a bucket of snowballs.
  • Snow fortress and snowman. Build a snow fortress with your children, make ice colored glass, put up several lanterns, tie a scarf for the snowman - Christmas story ready.

You can take old flowerpots and decorate them with twigs, cones, ribbons and balls

Simple and effective option holiday decorations - hanging planters with fir branches and New Year's toys

A real winter fairy tale

Video: using old things for decoration

Owners of dachas and cottages often ask questions about decorating their yard because they want to make it attractive for themselves and others. If you want everything done professionally, call a landscape designer. Thanks to him, you will have a choice among several decoration options, and will give you advice on shrubs and plants that can grow quickly in climatic conditions and lighting. He can also think of a small pond and several paths.

But if you don’t want to call a designer and prefer to do the work yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic decorating techniques in advance. You can purchase magazines and books that are dedicated to growing exotic plants and caring for them. Although you need to take into account that you can decorate the yard not only original flowers. In specialized literature, you can learn about decor options that are very simple and effective, while they will make your yard stand out from the rest.

For example, if any tree bothers you on your site, you should not completely cut it down; it is much more profitable to keep a stump 1.5 meters high. Make a 20-centimeter depression in the hemp deep into the core, then add fertile soil there and plant “ pansies" This flowerbed will attract the attention of others. You can decorate the yard with lanterns around the perimeter, which work due to sun rays. In the evenings, their lighting looks very beautiful and romantic. Plant petunias in hanging planters and then hang them throughout your yard. Despite the fact that white and pink flowers required special care, they can be planted for the summer season for beauty. Winding paths look much more original than straight ones, and you can decorate them with daisies or grass. This is a very romantic courtyard design that guests will definitely enjoy.

How to decorate a yard in a village

By combining different elements you can achieve original style. To create an estate in the countryside, you need all the things that come to hand in a rural yard, as they personify rural life. But don’t despair if you don’t find them - you can create things yourself, and then age them with the help of various drugs that can be used this moment so many. The garden must be decorated with wooden benches; you can get rid of old trees, but leave the stump. Next, an antiseptic composition is applied to the stump so that the tree does not decompose. Next, the stumps are used as stands for flowers; to do this, you need to make a hole in the core and fill it with soil, this way you will get very beautiful flower beds.

If you want to emphasize the style of the landscape, fill a cart or wheelbarrow with attractive plants, replace the fence with wickerwork. Use an old ladder to create a support for the vines. Container plants can be planted in wooden barrel. You can use the gate as a fence, and the embankment of the cellar will look very mysterious.

Most modern sculptures look like gnomes or frogs, but it is better to choose beautiful stuffed animals, because they have always had significance in rural gardens. In rural life one could always find wooden cart wheels, watering cans, pots made of clay or cast iron, feeders and much more. With their help you will make your estate truly beautiful and unique. You can even grow flowers in old shoes and leave a basket filled with herbs from the garden on the bench. We must not forget about the well, which must be present in a rural estate. You can depict a well if you have running water.

Also, paths made of gravel, stone, wood or sand should not be ignored. Winding rather than straight paths are preferred. Water small size It fits very well with the style of a rural estate, and you can decorate it with a small wooden bridge installed nearby. But not everyone can make a small pond; in this case, a dry stream decorated with plants and stones will do. When decorating, don't get too carried away, otherwise you will add elements that do not fit with the rustic style, for example, a parterre lawn, rock garden or fountain.

How to decorate a yard in a country house

In the summer, many go to the dacha for have a wonderful holiday from work and the bustle of the city, although many use their dacha exclusively for growing berries and vegetables. At the dacha you can relax both body and soul, but to do this you will have to take care of its attractive appearance. Many people are afraid that it will take a lot of money, but this is not at all true - everything can be done with your own hands from simple objects. First you need to carefully examine everything that is in the dacha, maybe you wanted to get rid of something? Don't throw it all away at once; you may be able to use it all as decoration. For example, you can make flower beds on the trunk and handlebars of a bicycle, so you don’t need to throw it away.

At good planning At your dacha, you can make an original wicker gazebo; besides, you don’t need a lot of effort, you just need to have a rich imagination. You can create a natural green umbrella and decorate your dacha by sticking a small diameter pipe into the ground, creating a wire frame, and planting beans or peas there. Wicker basket big size with the ground can be modified and made into a green flower bed. If you find a suitcase at the dacha, keep it, there is no need to throw it away, it will make an excellent flower bed. If you wish, you can turn a birdhouse into an excellent decorative element if you use colored tiles and paints. With the help of paints you can transform huge round stones, just draw any patterns and images, for example, fish or ladybugs different color. The fence can be modified wooden shelves for flowers growing in pots.

DIY cozy yard decor

It is not necessary to decorate the yard to attract the attention of others - do it for yourself in order to comfortably spend time with your family. You can embellish it even without anyone’s help if you spend a little time. One of the most simple ways decoration - creating a wicker fence.

You can make such a fence without the help of others; you don’t need professional skills or tools. Take a twig, for example, a willow twig, very long and flexible. To weave, you need a rod diameter of about 1.5 centimeters, to create a frame - 4 centimeters. The length of the rod is selected based on the height of the fence, but just in case, add another 15-20 centimeters. You need to cut the rod at an angle during harvesting; if you want, clean it. First mount the frame, then you will have to braid it, do not forget to burn the foundation of the frame over a fire. Start digging in the frame rods at a distance of 15 centimeters relative to each other, then from below you need to pull the rods between the frame rods. If the rods are too hard, treat them with water and knead them. Those places where the connection will occur must be secured with wire. Then start the next row on the other side. This completes the creation.

Next, you can make a folding table to comfortably spend time in the garden. To do this, you will need plywood; you need to cut tabletops from it. Improve appearance the table is possible thanks to the rounded corners on both sides. Then take a beam and make four legs, but keep in mind that they must be quite stable. One edge should be round and the other cut at a 45 degree angle. The rounded part needs to be drilled a little in order to insert the bolt. Use the timber again and make four crossbars. Cut off two corners from the edge on the wide side, the other edge should have one corner. Then you can assemble the entire table; to do this, attach the crossbars to the ladles so that they are located symmetrically relative to the tabletop. It should be taken into account that both legs should fit without problems, so the distance should be appropriate. The legs need to be bolted to the crossbars; assemble them in pairs. Next, secure all the legs together. At the end, you can decorate the table using images of flowers, which can be obtained using a stencil. Flowers can be anything, for example, roses, poppies, bells, and so on.

How to decorate a school yard

Most often, school yards have a huge area, so you can decorate it different ways, but you will have to think carefully about how to do this. As a rule, the school director often thinks about modifying the yard so that children can play sports and spend time outdoors. fresh air– tell him about your plans. Walk around the entire school site, inspect the soil quality, site hydrology, topography, vegetation, look at the quality of roads, and so on. In addition, you need to look at the sunlight entering the territory, this is also very important.

Take a look at the location of roads and fences near the school; if they are located too inconveniently, the school principal can make changes. You can notice the absence of a path by looking at the path that runs across the lawn. If you want to install a flowerbed in this place, you need to think about protecting it; it is better to plant dense shrubs or create a high protective fence. Next take a look at sports ground, be sure to color the shells and add sand to the pit where the children long jump. Then ask for new soccer goals and basketball baskets. As a rule, funds for the development of the site are allocated to the school, but are used very rarely.

Then you need to get acquainted with the condition of the school site, you need to carry out landscaping with the help of the school staff. But hardly anyone will want to work, so you need to come up with a reward or organize a competition with prizes. Also, don’t forget to check if the school has funds to purchase seedlings and seeds? To do this, you need to draw up a planting plan in advance, which indicates the size of the plot, lighting, the possibility of watering and much more. When you organize flower beds, remember the basic landscape rules: flowering time, color, plant height and much more.

And the yard - creative activity. And many summer residents approach it with enthusiasm. Some people resort to the services of specialists, others rely on their own taste. And here everything is individual, depending on financial capabilities and imagination. We invite you to consider the most current garden ideas for the yard. How to decorate the yard?

Country ideas for the yard. How to decorate the yard?

Ideas for decorating a country yard

The following are used as decor and decoration:

Flower beds. Traditional option for any summer cottage. Flowerbeds can also be located on permanent place and mobile options. Also, multi-tiered flower beds, and even hanging ones, are often built. Stone, brick, old plastic bottles are used as fencing for flower beds. car tires. Curbs are also poured from cement mortar. For improvised flowerpots, they use things and objects that have expired: shoes, furniture, dishes, bicycles and others.

Paths. Decorative decorations also add their own touch of coziness. country paths. They can also be built from scrap materials. For example, take cuttings from harvested garden trees. Possible in mosaic order lay down the fragments tiles. The simplest option in terms of labor intensity is to fill the paths with gravel and pebbles. It will look beautiful, especially if the material is of different colors and sizes.

Swing. Good to have on summer cottage swing or hammock. It’s nice to relax and swing on them not only for children, but also for adults. The simplest option- a swing made from a car tire. A hammock can be made from a piece of tarpaulin, previously covered with soft, bright fabric.

Reservoirs. It has become modern and fashionable to build decorative ponds at the dacha. To do this, you can purchase special shaped containers in stores, which should be dug into the ground and decorated around them at your own discretion. Instead of purchased containers to create a pond or lake, you can use old bath, large basin. You can dig a hole of the required depth and lay it out special material, decorating the surrounding area and the newly created pond will delight the owners and their guests.

Alcove. Each country yard has a gazebo or a separate place for relaxing and barbecuing. To arrange a gazebo and resting place, you can use the same car tires, wooden pallets(flights), from which you can build country furniture: table, chairs, armchairs, sofa, chest of drawers, bookcase.

Fire pit. Special fire pits look original and modern. The place where the fire will be lit is lined with stones, bricks, or dug in the ground, and then it is also lined with stones or bricks. The surrounding area is laid out paving slabs, or fill cement mortar. You can place chairs and armchairs around the fire, with warm blankets thrown over them, and place a serving table. A rocking chair would also look appropriate there. Additionally, it is possible to build large decorative candles, which together with the fire will illuminate the place of rest in the dark, and will additionally help create a cozy atmosphere.

We hope that our garden ideas for the yard will help you. How to decorate the yard? This can be done in any way. The main thing is to have desire and a little imagination. Even just using bright colors to update a fence, house, or buildings, you can already give the area a well-groomed look. Unusual flower beds, lawns, beautiful paths will make the yard original and unique. Floral arrangements of climbing plants can also be used to frame walls, gazebos, and arches.

See also video:

Design of a private house yard How to decorate your yard

Almost all owners of country houses and cottages ask themselves the question of decorating their yard. In order for everything to be done professionally and efficiently, it is better to seek help from landscape designer. He can offer you several options for how to decorate your yard, advise you on the most suitable plants for our climate, and also think about the convenient location of paths and a pond.

If you are not going to turn to a specialist for help, but want to do everything yourself, then first you need to learn the basic rules of decoration. From special book publications you can learn about growing exotic plants and other simple ways to decorate your yard with your own hands, which will make it stand out from others.

Yard landscaping

To make your yard green and beautiful, sometimes you just need to choose the right plants and place them on the site.

Trees and shrubs are the most common and good option. Thanks to them, you can create shady areas and protect yourself from the wind; moreover, they always look impressive and do not require special care.

Flowering plants

To prevent the yard from looking monotonously green, you can diversify it with bright flowering plants. Gardening magazines have a lot of information on how to decorate your yard with flowers.

Flowerbeds of multi-colored or monochromatic plants will enhance any area around the house. In order for the flowerbed to please you for as long as possible, it is advisable to choose plants that bloom one after another.

Flowers in pots located on the balcony or porch of the house look good. For the first experiment, it is better to give preference to annual plants: tulips, daffodils, lilies. They can be easily changed if they have faded, and each time you can create a new composition according to your mood.

Ornamental plants

Of course, courtyards immersed in blooming gardens, attract admiring glances. But if you are more inclined towards understatement and elegance, you might consider planting decorative foliage plants. A yard decorated with ferns and openwork long leaves, will look no worse than a yard filled with flowers.

Another option for decorating your yard with your own hands is vertical gardening. Planted climbing plants will create a relief volume of the garden on small area. The basis for entwining plants can be the walls of the gazebo, pillars, fences and tree trunks. If there are no such structures on your site, you can use special support structures that will also serve as zoning.

Lawn grass

IN Lately Yards completely planted with grass are becoming increasingly common. A bright, lush lawn looks very impressive. But we must not forget about the problems associated with caring for lawn grass. Over time, it will certainly be trampled, and accordingly, it will need to be replanted and regularly run over with a mower so that the lawn is smooth and beautiful.

Use of decorative elements

How to beautifully decorate your yard the way the professionals do it? You can use special decorative elements. If space allows, you can install on the site small fountain or sculptures. Small decorations also look good.

There is now a wide variety garden figures in the form of fairy-tale characters or animals. The main thing here is to arrange them thoughtfully, wisely, otherwise you can overdo it.

You can combine beauty and functionality in an art object. For example, by installing a beautifully designed birdhouse or squirrel nest in your yard, you will further express your concern for animals.

Creation of artificial reservoirs

How to decorate your yard with ponds? Most people prefer swimming pools because they are more functional. Nowadays, there are enough ways to decorate your yard with your own hands using a pond.

The size and shape depends only on your desire. A small dug pit needs to be covered with PVC film. Around the pond you can plant flowers and shrubs, lay out paths, put a bench, thereby creating a place to relax on warm summer evenings.

Fence as a decorative item

Even something as simple and, of course, as everyone has, like a fence, can become an object of admiration for your neighbors. It can be intricately painted. But you can only take on this if you are confident in your abilities; however, you can use templates for drawing. A harmoniously selected pattern on the fence will perfectly match the flowers in your garden.

Upcycling and recycling

IN modern world The term “recycling” is becoming increasingly popular. This new fashion trend involves using old discarded items, garbage and waste for recycling and use.

Upcycling is the creative transformation of unnecessary things, after which they become an interior object that surpasses the original in its qualities.

Bottles, light bulbs, tires and even parts are suitable for a craft such as upcycling. old furniture. The main thing is that after processing the old things look beautiful and impressive.

Yard lighting

In order to spend cozy evenings in your yard, you need to add lighting. Street lights will add charm to your garden interior. The choice of lamps is quite wide. If you wish, you can add lighting to any garden object.

How to decorate your yard with your own hands using lighting? Looks good backlit garden paths, flower beds, artificial ponds and swimming pools. Small LED lights placed along the perimeter of the site will create the effect of a starry sky under your feet.

Floating lamps in artificial pond in the form of water lilies will create the feeling of a wonderful oasis. Lanterns hung on poles or trees along the edges of paths will illuminate the path to the door of the house.

We talked about how to decorate your yard with your own hands. Of course, these are not all methods. Imagine! And let your yard be the most beautiful.

When a private house has already been built, all that remains is to improve the territory itself. We will give you ideas on how to improve the yard of a private house and decorate your suburban area in an interesting, beautiful and cost-effective manner.

Create a beautiful yard using flower arrangements

Who among us will remain indifferent to flowers? Flowers are one of the easiest ways to add color to your yard. bright colors and at the same time comfort. When it comes to decorating a yard, flowers are simply irreplaceable.

Anyone can plant flowers and make a bright composition out of them, but to do something more original, you need to use your imagination.

A flower motorcycle or bicycle will look very unusual. I think that for those who previously had such a “friend” there should be problems with this. There are two ways to make a flowerbed from a bicycle:

We take this “miracle of technology” as a basis and cover horizontal and partially vertical surfaces with a mesh filled with nutrient soil.

We install ready-made flower pots. If you have chosen hanging flower pots with coconut flakes, then you can put a baby diaper at the bottom so that when watering, all the water does not flow out at once, but remains inside.

Next we start decorating. To make your creation look more original, it is best to decorate it with curly annual plants, low ground cover flowers. They live well in such bicycle flower beds:

  • petunias,
  • marigold,
  • viola,
  • geranium.

If you are preparing for a flower exhibition, then you can see garden flowers the entire body of the bike. It will look very impressive flower composition, if the flowers are the same color.

Very good to decorate country house climbing flowers. To do this, you can use the simplest, unpretentious plants, for example, morning glory or girl's grapes, and more noble flowers - climbing roses or clematis. These plants can create a real paradise on suburban area.

Climbing roses can decorate your yard so much that it will simply be filled with flowers, especially if you choose climbing roses that bloom all summer.

Don't forget that even unnecessary old shoes can become original decoration plot. Take a couple of bright children's rubber boots, make holes in the sole, pour drainage there, then soil and plant flowers. They will turn out great garden flowerpots for street flowers. And it’s especially nice that we decorate the yard with our own hands at no extra cost.

To make an original garden flowerpot, you can use not only shoes, but also old broken jugs, garden watering cans, old kitchen utensils, basins, buckets, tubs, wheelbarrows, bathtubs, barrels.

You can also arrange beautiful ones in old stumps garden beds with your own hands. They are very simple and elegant. This DIY yard decoration can be seasonal if you plant tulips in the stumps

Old logs will really help us decorate our patio at the dacha. If there are rotten logs, you can hollow out a hole in them, lay soil and create a beautiful flower arrangement.


Another good way to make a beautiful yard and add zest to the area - this is to give bushes unusual shape. This technique is often used by experienced owners of country houses, creating stunning topiary and a beautiful courtyard of a private house.

Some of them even manage to turn their yard into a real zoo, using pruning shears to cut out the figures of various animals that enliven the yard of a private house.

A waterfall, fountain, pool are the main decorations of the yard in the summer season

If you are thinking about how to improve the yard of a private house with your own hands, then be sure to create a fountain or pond on a suburban area. How nice it will be to be near the water in the summer heat.

The splashes of water from the fountain will protect the plants from dryness, and the pool will be a real salvation from the sun's rays; children who love to splash in the water will especially be happy with it.

Looking at the waterfall, you imagine yourself somewhere far from home. Landscaping the courtyard of a private house with even the smallest fountain is very relaxing.

It’s very easy to make this beauty your own. Surely after construction many will find pieces of tiles, tiles, and stones. River stones will look more realistic.

A fountain installed in the depths of the garden will look very harmonious. You can also put benches and swings for children there. This way the garden will turn into a real park where the whole family can relax and the arrangement of the yard will be complete.

Stone garden - beautiful and mysterious

For those who want to stand out, we suggest making it your own personal plot stone garden. It can consist only of stones and sand, but it is better to dilute it with different colors, green plants, as well as a small pond or waterfall. This is very unusual decoration yard

Stone elements can become the decoration of the path. Stones or bricks can be used to create incredibly cozy recreation areas - patios that can decorate any courtyard of a private home.

From all this we can conclude that if you have at least a little skill in working on the land and show your imagination, you can turn an ordinary yard into a work of art!

Gazebo in the courtyard of a private house

One of the most essential things when decorating the yard of a private house with your own hands is a gazebo. Gazebos can be different - open, closed, attached to the house. These can be awnings and marquees, tents.

The most practical do-it-yourself gazebos in the courtyard of a private house are made of polycarbonate.

The most romantic gazebos in the courtyard are tents with fluttering fabrics and a lot of beautiful country furniture. Landscaping the yard of a private house with such a tent is one of the most enjoyable activities!

The classic layout of the courtyard of a private house usually includes wooden gazebo, with carved elements. Arranging the yard of a private house with the help of a gazebo is as easy as shelling pears!