Fortified dwelling of a feudal lord. Fortified dwelling of a feudal lord Stone tower of a feudal lord 5 letters crossword clue

Just a little bit! The last thing to finish, To breathe life into the castle! The boy rushed to the girl... The frightened mother Looked at the loss And cursed the castle, And the beach, and this shore. And this cloud... did not roar. And he with bottomless melancholy he was looking at his castle. And suddenly a boy saw... they had not met on the beach. And their sand castle, where everyone tried so hard, in their hearts...

Such examples include a threaded lock, a pin lock cylinder lock, disc cylinder lock, plate cylinder lock, lever lock and plate cylinder lock with side rod.

Sixth hour in the evening From 11 in the morning until 12.20 in the afternoon I kept wandering along the paths of the city garden, then went to inspect the castle (this is the so-called Upper Castle, and there is also a Lower Castle - both on Castle Hill - and the Crooked Castle, the one that on the Hill of Three Crosses), then had lunch in a tiny tavern on Nemetskaya Street and again walked tirelessly and was not tired at all, not at all - he was as cheerful as ever.

On one mountain he built Schalksberg Castle, named after the younger of the twins, who had long been nicknamed “little Schalk,” that is, a rogue, for his evil tricks; the other castle, built by him, was first to be called Hirschguldenberg, that is, the castle of the guilder with a deer - he came up with this in mockery of the witch, who believed that his entire heritage was not worth the guilder.

Therefore, the old castle did not even symbolize security: hanging the castle was a gesture of greeting of free people to free people, not only three hundred miles of wilds to Nashville, but also one and a half thousand to Washington: a gesture of respect without servility, dependence without humiliation to the government they helped found and accepted proudly, but still as free men, free to abandon it as soon as disagreement arose between him and them, each time the sack arrived, the castle embraced it with an iron symbol of immunity, and old Alec Holston, a childless bachelor, meanwhile grew older and grayer , gout more and more affected his body and spirit, not only his backbone, but also his pride became harder and more inflexible, because the castle still belonged to him, he only rented it out and therefore, in a sense, was an honorary old man in the village where Not only government mail was considered inviolable, but also the free government of free people, as long as it did not forget to allow people to live freely, not under itself, but beside itself;

I wonder how a dragon with its claws manages to close such a small (compared to its size) lock with a key? Thinking about this, I took out a bunch of master keys (I could have just demolished the lock with a hatchet, but the noise won’t be enough), and screwed in the keyhole ... Of course, I dropped the castle on my foot.

moreover, in the latter case, he proceeded from the concept of spinning, meaning that the animal writhes in labor pains.” And since the root is tro, troi, tru in Germanic, Celtic, Latin and Greek acquired the meaning of “spinning”, “rotation”, “whirling”, and in Old German “troy” and “troyer” mean dance, then, taking into account the design and use of Trojan castles, it is quite possible to imagine that the English-Scandinavian expressions Troytown and Trojeborg can be translated as Round Castle or Dance Castle and perhaps as Tangled Castle, since the concept of spinning (Ol. - German.

The castle is straight (there will be a castle, it will look like this, and the more I look, the more I can see better - this is a castle).

Feudal fortress

The first letter is "z"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "m"

The last letter of the letter is "k"

Answer for the question "Fortress of a feudal lord", 5 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word castle

Film by Vadim Roger “... in Sweden”

Cantata by French composer Darius Milhaud “Fiery...”

Operetta by the Austrian composer Karl Millecker “Enchanted...”

Thriller Balabanov

“Bent into a roll, you can’t bite and you can’t pass by” (riddle)

To an empty hut... no need

Dreamy aerial structure

Bluebeard's home

Guard on the barn hinges

Definition of the word castle in dictionaries

Dictionary Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-mka, m. Palace and fortress of the feudal lord. Medieval h. The name of the unroofed palaces. Petrovsky Z, Same as prison (obsolete). adj. castle, -aya, -oe.

Examples of the use of the word castle in literature.

She'll be under lock no more than a day,” said the one whom the entire boarding company knew as the resilient Chico, lounging freely in a leather chair.

Maybe because stupid Terentyich continued to suspect us and even hanged us lock in the abrasive storage room, and Nadya got nervous from this and began to avoid me.

Internal slavery is limitless, resistance is absurd, interests Castle above all - this is the secret and obvious morality - not the one they talk about, the one by which they live.

Thanks to common efforts and biting into lock The door succumbed to the autogenous flame.

And - Agatha felt in a semi-consciousness - behind the distant forests and high ridges soaring up to the heavenly dome, somewhere at the very edge of the world rises a dilapidated lock, where even the wind does not dare to disturb the dead peace of the stagnant air between the black teeth of the sharp, fish-bone-like towers.

  • top stone of the arch
  • air structure
  • air structure
  • mortise or hinged
  • provincial prison, usually made of stone, with casemates
  • feudal palace
  • palace, feudal fortress
  • artillery piece detail
  • gun detail
  • haunted house
  • House with the ghosts
  • iron watchman
  • Bluebeard's home
  • Count Dracula's home
  • the home of kings and nobility, where ghosts sometimes settled
  • feudal lord's dwelling
  • locking device
  • both barn and code
  • both air and sand
  • both the palace and the fortress of the feudal lord
  • it also needs a key
  • there is a key to it
  • to an empty hut... no need
  • vault stone
  • wedge-shaped stone at the top of the arch
  • code...
  • fortress dwelling
  • fortification
  • feudal fortress
  • swallow's nest in Yalta
  • Tower of London
  • m. projectile or device for fastening or locking something. Parts padlock: box, shackle: spring, wheels (circles along which the key bit goes with cuts), tongue, shank part of the internal, mortise lock: board, then the same, except for the bow, and sometimes there is a larva to both and there is a key to the other. A screw padlock with a key with a screw, a round box, a Swedish ball, a bucket, wider at the bottom, etc. A lock with a secret lock, with a secret. A good lock is a reliable friend. Constipation and a lock are a sacred thing. The lock and constipation will not hold the girl. A seal for the smart, a lock for the stupid. Keep your tongue shut (keep your teeth shut). there is no need for an empty castle hut. Let's build the house so that there's no need for a castle. At least a collar, but with a lock. Thin people thresh, ah good locks pound. The key is stronger than the lock. Eavesdrop at the barn lock. Fire weapon lock, for firing: flintlock, out of use. percussion, piston, for percussion powder, for firing with caps. Its parts: board, trigger, mainspring, wheel or cocking, trigger, pawl. wrists,
  • a small dog, curled up, lies - does not bark, does not bite, and does not let him into the house
  • small, but protects the whole house
  • dreamy aerial structure
  • doesn't bark and won't let you into the house
  • doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and won't let you into the house
  • the cannibal's property, which was taken over by Puss in Boots
  • impregnable fortress
  • home of fairy princes
  • unlocked with a key
  • password - review, ... - key
  • sand building
  • sand structure of the spotlight
  • sand beach building
  • belonging to each apartment
  • device for locking something
  • a device for firing a shot in ancient guns, consisting of a shelf on which gunpowder is poured, and a trigger ending with a wick or flint
  • knight's ancestral lair
  • novel by F. Kafka
  • parable novel by the Austrian writer F. Kafka
  • symbol of love and fidelity hanging on the bridge
  • a layer of waterproof clay that prevents water from seeping through the body of the dam or the bottom of the pond
  • special connection of wooden structures
  • method of joining wooden parts
  • wrestler's steel embrace
  • ancient fortress
  • guard on the hinges of the barn
  • thriller Balabanov
  • fortified dwelling of a feudal lord
  • device for connecting moving parts of machines, mechanisms
  • form of protection
  • form of protection in sports
  • What does the key open?
  • element of a firearm used to ignite a powder charge or primer
  • starting moment in hockey
  • painting by the French artist Paul Cezanne "Black... sound of trees"
  • collection of American poet Robert Lowell "... Lord Weary"
  • Vadim Roger's film "... in Sweden"
  • the story of the Russian writer A. R. Belyaev "... witches"
  • operetta by Austrian composer Karl Millecker "Enchanted..."
  • cantata by French composer Darius Milhaud "Fiery..."
  • painting by the French artist Paul Cezanne "... naval department"
  • the story of the Polish writer S. Lem "Tall..."
  • opera by Polish composer S. Moniuszko "Enchanted..."
  • “bent into a roll, you can’t bite and you can’t pass” (riddle)
  • What does the key open?
  • password - review, ... - key
  • “doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let you into the house” (riddle)
  • it requires a key or master key
  • bolt - nut, ... - wrench
  • sand structure spotlight
  • feudal fortress

    Alternative descriptions

    Palace and fortress of the feudal lord

    A device for locking something with a key

    Fortified dwelling of a feudal lord

    Refuge of a feudal knight

    Kafka's novel (1922)

    . “It doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let you into the house” (riddle)

    . “bent into a roll, you can’t bite and you can’t pass” (riddle)

    The upper closing part of a vault or arch

    Upper stone of the arch

    aerial structure

    Aerial structure

    Mortise or hinged

    Provincial prison, usually made of stone, with casemates

    Feudal Palace

    Palace, feudal fortress

    Artillery piece detail

    Cannon detail

    Haunted house

    House with the ghosts

    Iron Watchman

    Bluebeard's home

    Count Dracula's home

    The home of kings and nobility, where ghosts sometimes settled

    Feudal lord's dwelling

    Locking device

    Both barn and code

    Both air and sand

    Both the palace and the fortress of the feudal lord

    It also needs a key

    The key to it

    To an empty hut... no need

    Stone capping the vault

    Cantata by French composer Darius Milhaud "Fiery..."

    Painting by the French artist Paul Cezanne "... of the maritime department"

    Painting by the French artist Paul Cezanne "Black... sound of trees"

    Wedge-shaped stone at the top of the arch


    Serf dwelling

    Fortress building

    Swallow's Nest in Yalta

    Tower of London

    M. a projectile or device for fastening or locking something. Parts of a padlock: box, shackle: spring, wheels (circles along which the key bit is threaded), tongue, shank; parts of an internal, mortise lock: a board, then the same, except for the shackle, and sometimes there is a cylinder; there is a key to both. A screw padlock with a screw key; onion, round box, ball; Swedish, with a bucket, wider at the bottom, etc. A lock with a secret lock. A good lock is a reliable friend. Constipation and a lock are a sacred thing. The lock and constipation will not hold the girl. A seal for the smart, a lock for the stupid. Keep your tongue shut (keep your teeth shut). there is no need for an empty castle hut. Let's build the house so that there's no need for a castle. At least a collar, but with a lock. Threshing people thresh, but good castles beat. The key is stronger than the lock. Eavesdrop at the barn lock. Fire weapon lock, for firing: flintlock, out of use; percussion, piston, for percussion powder, for firing with caps. Its parts: board, trigger, mainspring, wheel or cocking, trigger, pawl. Wrists, necklaces, etc. are secured with a lock of a different device, without a key. The lock also locks the two-shell; the type and strength of an articulation or joint. A lock in the vault, an upper, middle stone that closes and ends the vault, leading from the heels; This stone is usually trimmed with a blunt wedge. forms, casings, for casting large things, a lock, a place and the entire device, for a tight connection of two halves. Called log cutting. in the corner, when the ends are placed crosswise, with a rounded bed cut out; in the paw (and if the end of the log is launched into the middle in the same way, not at the very end of the other with a frying pan), when the end is cut out in the form of a frying pan, with a loose spike; in the tooth, when one log is guided by another and the cutting is done with a simple hook, two teeth; into the lock when it is made with a spike, or in addition to a simple tooth (hook), the same hook (ledge) is cut out in another log (by cutting the ends obliquely). he chops the tooth and drives it into the castle! Clasp your hands and place all the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other. Keep things under lock and key. Tie the box in a padlock, padlock, spiked or tenoned manner. Castle, in animal bones. and man. the anterior junction, the fusion of the pelvic bones and the widest opening of the pelvic passage. The mechni (mother bear) has a very tight castle, and she gives birth to very small cubs. Castle, key, related to the castle. Key basting. Lock knitting or felling. Locksmith or locksmith. Key box, vyat. bent, bound box, a type of ancient chest. work, with an internal lock. To close, to close, to bring the ends together with a lock, to enclose in a circle; lock a lock with a key or lock something with a lock. The enemy was surrounded and confined. The passage is closed by a wall and rampart. Close the vault, place a lock, middle stone. The lock is damaged and does not close. Lock the house. Bring up the rear of the platoon, military. be, go in the castle, behind. A person who is withdrawn, focused or secretive. -sya, they suffer. and return according to the meaning of speech. The sources have closed, dried up, and do not flow. The sky is closed, there is no rain, there is a drought, everything is burning out. Closing avg. duration closing once clasp about. valid by value verb A lock, a projectile, what is used to lock it, a key or what to fix its position, the lock itself, if it is locked without a key; cape, basting, breakdown cover, for lock; locking in sediments, lid, gullet, valve; Moscow custom, habit? (trick?). Closing, related to the closure. Closed, inclined to close, easily closed; about a castle or a barrier. This trap is cleverer than the other one. Closedness state of being closed, figuratively speaking. Castle of the fortress, a building fortified with a moat, walls, and towers; a palace or large house, built for show and pleasure, like a fortified building. Rear of the platoon. The captain is at the head of the company, the lieutenant in the castle brings up the rear. Castles in the air, unrealistic dreams or assumptions. Castle-related

    A small dog, curled up, lies - does not bark, does not bite, and does not let him into the house

    Small, but protects the whole house

    Dreamy aerial structure

    Doesn't bark and won't let you into the house

    Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and won't let you into the house

    The cannibal's property, which was taken over by Puss in Boots

    Impregnable fortress

    The abode of fairy-tale princes

    Opera by Polish composer S. Moniuszko "Enchanted..."

    Operetta by Austrian composer Karl Millecker "Enchanted..."

    Unlocked with a key

    Password - review, ... - key

    Sand building

    Sand structure of the spotlight

    Beach structure made of sand

    The story of the Polish writer S. Lem "Tall..."

    The story of the Russian writer A. R. Belyaev "... witches"

    Ownership of each apartment

    A device for locking something

    A device for firing a shot in ancient guns, consisting of a shelf on which gunpowder is poured, and a trigger ending with a wick or flint

    Knight's ancestral lair

    Novel by F. Kafka

    A parable novel by the Austrian writer F. Kafka

    Collection of American poet Robert Lowell "... Lord Weary"

    Symbol of love and fidelity hanging on a bridge

    A layer of waterproof clay that prevents water from seeping through the body of a dam or the bottom of a pond

    Special connection of wooden structures

    Method of joining wooden parts

    A wrestler's steel embrace

    Ancient fortress

    Guard on the barn hinges

    Thriller Balabanov

    Fortified dwelling of a feudal lord

    Device for connecting moving parts of machines and mechanisms

    Film by Vadim Roger "... in Sweden"

    Form of protection

    Form of protection in sports

    What does the key open?

    The element of a firearm that serves to ignite a powder charge or primer

    Starting point in hockey

    Painting by the French artist Paul Cezanne “Black... sound of trees”

    Collection of American poet Robert Lowell "... Lord Weary"

    Film by Vadim Roger “... in Sweden”

    The story of the Russian writer A. R. Belyaev “... witches”

    Operetta by the Austrian composer Karl Millecker “Enchanted...”

    Cantata by French composer Darius Milhaud “Fiery...”

    Painting by the French artist Paul Cezanne “... of the maritime department”

    The story of the Polish writer S. Lem “Tall...”

    Opera by Polish composer S. Moniuszko “Enchanted...”

    . “bent into a roll, you can’t bite and you can’t pass through” (riddle)

    What does the key open?

    Password - review, ... - key

    . “doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let you into the house” (riddle)