Example of a management report for a manager. Basic principles of formation

Build an effective and simple system generation of basic management reports in a relatively short period of time is within the capabilities of any company. After all, such reports are based on the information that, as a rule, each enterprise has.

As a business develops, management’s ability to control the main parameters of the company’s activities begins to play a fundamental role in its sustainability and the possibility of further development. The most clear and complete picture of the state of the enterprise is provided by management reports - on cash flows, profits and losses and the management balance sheet.

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Initial information for generating management reports

The generation of basic management reports is based on the information that, as a rule, any company possesses.

Firstly, every enterprise has complete information about cash flows. This can be both accounting data (statements on ruble and foreign currency accounts, cash reports, settlements with accountable persons), and information that may not be in the accounting data, for example from the register of settlements between individual businesses within the holding, etc. Secondly, any enterprise in one form or another has in its arsenal reports that characterize the state and dynamics of the most important assets and liabilities. Thus, we can say with confidence that each enterprise keeps records of inventories, mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers of products, or other assets and liabilities that are significant for this type of business.

Often this information is contained in several software products, which is why the data in the reports received does not always correspond to each other. Despite this, the availability of this information is sufficient to begin generating basic management reports.

At the same time, in the process of forming the management balance, all inconsistencies in the reports will be automatically identified, and, accordingly, sources of costs that were previously simply ignored will be discovered.

The most convenient way to prepare management reports is in Excel. This software product has excellent means analysis and processing of data, including when it comes to large amounts of information. By the way, there is a convenient service for maintaining management accounting in the cloud and you will no longer need any reports in Excel. .

Personal experience
Sergey Dmitriev,

Management accounting implementation plan

Before generating a cash flow statement, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures, which will subsequently ensure that information is obtained in the required context and with the required degree of detail.

1. Analysis of the enterprise structure. If an enterprise conducts several independent areas of activity, then it is advisable to maintain management accounting for them separately. It is necessary to highlight for each direction those cash flow accounts that serve it. If you have accounts servicing several types of businesses at once, the easiest way is to create an intra-company cash settlement center (RCC) and include all such accounts in it. At the same time, to generate a cash flow statement for each type of business, you should use extracts from the cash flow center for transactions related to this area.

2. Analysis of the structure of a separate line of business. If necessary, you can highlight the divisions for which the company’s management would like to see a report. This detail plays important role when drawing up company cash flow budgets by division. If on initial stage If such an analytical section of information is not provided, then in the future there will be no mechanism for monitoring the execution of budgets by each of the divisions.

3. Formation of a plan for cash flow items. This is also an important step on which the visibility of the final report will depend. However, constructing an outline of articles is a fairly simple and standard procedure, so within the framework of this article it makes no sense to dwell on its description.

If all the preliminary steps described above have been completed, then the further generation of the cash flow statement is quite simple. technical work. In MS Excel you need to create the form of the required report. Then you need to import cash flow account statements from the appropriate programs and, having written the appropriate formulas, summarize the data for each cash flow item on the summary sheet of the turnover report. It is also quite simple and useful to make separate reports with breakdowns of each cash flow item in the context of elementary transactions. An example of such a report is given in table. 1.

Table 1 Explanation of Article 15. Rental of premises

date Cash flow account Income (rub.) Expense (RUB) Description Article Balance by item (RUB)
Counterparty Note ODDS
12.03.06 Calc. check 152 000,00 LLC "Warehouse Services" Rent for May 15.1. 152 000,00
14.03.06 Calc. check 359 700,00 LLC "Rent of Offices" Rent for May 15.1. 511 700,00
15.03.06 Calc. check 87 705,53 OJSC "Mosenergo" 15.2. 599 405,53
18.03.06 Cash register 140 000,00 Private security company "Granit" 15.3. 739 405,53
18.03.06 Calc. check 359 700,00 LLC "Rent of Offices" Rent for April 15.1. 1 099 105,53
21.03.06 Calc. check 221 670,73 OJSC "Heat Networks" Heat energy for March 15.2. 1 320 776,26
28.03.06 RCC 12 000,00 LLC "Equipment Rental" 15.1. 1 332 776,26
TOTAL: 0,00 1 332 776,26 1 332 776,26
Summary of sub-items
15.1. Rental of premises 883 400,00
15.2. Communal payments 309 376,26
15.3. Security 140 000,00
TOTAL: 1 332 776,26

These simple procedures, which can be implemented in a very short period of time (from one week to a month, depending on the structure of the enterprise), allow you to establish complete control over the receipt and expenditure of funds. In addition, the generation of a cash flow report allows you to begin creating a cash flow budget in the context of selected divisions and items, as well as monitor the execution of these budgets, which significantly increases financial discipline in the enterprise.

Personal experience
Nikolai Sinitsyn,

At the initial stage of creating a company, it was necessary to quickly organize management accounting and generate basic management reports to ensure control management company over the commercial and financial activities of regional divisions. Initially, it was decided to develop and implement a unified automated system enterprise management, including management, accounting and tax accounting based on 1C.

However, it was clear that developing the program would take considerable time. In this regard, at the first stage of the company’s development, management accounting in regional trade and production divisions was carried out according to the methodology described by the author in this article. This allowed the management company, during the development of an automated accounting system, to work with regional divisions on planning, accounting and control of their activities and, in the process, refine the principles and reporting algorithms to be automated.

Management balance sheet and profit and loss account

Let us immediately note that the formation of these two management reports is a single inseparable process. It is almost impossible to draw up a correct profit and loss account if you do not prepare a management balance sheet in parallel with it.

Reporting will require a cash flow statement and statements describing changes in the company's main assets and liabilities. Based on the data taken from these reports, the main entries will be made to form the income statement and changes in the management balance sheet.

Before starting to compile reports, it is necessary to analyze the structure of assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the enterprise and draw up a chart of accounts and items of income and expenses to construct a profit and loss statement.

For clarity, let’s look at the methodology for creating a management balance sheet and profit and loss statement using a specific example. Let’s assume that an enterprise is engaged in trade and purchasing activities, pays taxes to the budget and salaries to employees. We will not consider all other aspects of the enterprise’s activities in this example, since they do not in any way affect the reporting generation methodology.

For such an enterprise, a simplified chart of accounts of the management balance sheet and a chart of items in the profit and loss statement can be presented in the form of a table. 2 and table. 3.

table 2. Account structure

Table 3 Structure of income statement items

It should be noted that, at its core, the profit and loss statement is a transcript of changes in the balance sheet item “Profit” for the reporting period. It is for this reason that generating a profit and loss statement without drawing up a balance sheet usually leads to incorrect results.

The inclusion of a auxiliary account (04) in the chart of accounts of the management balance is associated with the need to highlight all discrepancies between the data of various reports for their further analysis and elimination (or write-off financial results reporting period).

Now let’s look at the management reports we need for our work and compare each of the values ​​in the reports with a certain posting on the balance sheet accounts, and if the posting concerns the “Profit” account, then also the posting on the items of the profit and loss statement (Table 4, table 5, table 6, table 7).

Table 4. Cash flow statement

Article title Sum Example in numbers Wiring
Balance at the beginning of period Coincides with item 01 of the balance sheet at the beginning of the period 35
Sales proceeds A' 1000 No. 1 Dt 01. Kt 04.
Payment to suppliers B' 800 No. 2 Dt 04. Kt 01.
Wage C' 105 No. 3 Dt 06. Kt 01.
Taxes D' 110 No. 4 Dt 07. Kt 01.
Balance at the end of the period Coincides with item 01 of the balance sheet at the end of the period 20

Table 5 Report on settlements with customers

In this and subsequent examples, when making entries on account 08. “Profit”, we will indicate the income statement item as an additional analytics, which will allow us to correctly generate this report.

Please note that A' in the statement of cash flows and A'' in the accounts receivable statement represent the same parameter. However, it is not always possible to achieve complete coincidence of these values ​​in practice. In this example, A' and A'' are equal to 1000 and 1002, respectively. Such a discrepancy may be due to various reasons - the presence of the human factor, the generation of reports in different currencies without correctly taking into account exchange rate differences, etc.

Postings associated with these amounts are made in transit through auxiliary account 04. At the same time, the difference between A’ and A’’ remains for now in account 04. The same should be done with all similar parameters that are present in the two reports. In this example, this applies to parameters A, B and F.

Table 6. Goods movement report

Table 7. Accounts payable report

After the entries have been made in accordance with the data obtained from the management reports discussed above, we receive a partially completed management balance sheet. At the same time, balance sheet items 01, 02, 03 and 05 are finalized, since the balance on these accounts was calculated on the basis of available reports. Articles 06 and 07 (and, accordingly, 08) require additional entries related to the accrual of costs wages and taxes. This is easy to implement by making the following transactions indicated in table. 8.

Table 8. Additional transactions on balance sheet items that do not have specialized reports

Now all that remains is to deal with the balances on account 04, which is the sum of deviations between similar data in various reports. If such deviations are significant and the reason for their occurrence is not obvious, you should analyze the report data, identify the source of the discrepancies and, if necessary, make adjustments to eliminate the cause of their occurrence. If the amount of these deviations is insignificant or their cause is known, then account 04 should be reset by assigning these amounts to the corresponding items of the profit and loss statement.

Let’s say that the deviations A’ from A’’ and B’ from B’’ in the example we are considering are associated with exchange rate differences (the reports were generated in different currencies). The deviation of F' from F'' is due to the fact that the goods movement report does not take into account the arrival of any insignificant part of the assortment (for example, packaging material). In this case, you can reset the auxiliary account 04 with the transactions indicated in the table. 9.

Table 9 Additional Sub-Balance Account Transactions

Thus, we were able to build a system of entries that form the profit and loss statement and changes in the management balance sheet for the reporting period. In this case, data taken from standard reports generated at any enterprise were used. And, despite the fact that in reality the structure of the balance sheet, profit and loss statement and reporting forms that are used with this approach are more complex than in the example given, this technique can be easily applied in almost any enterprise.

Personal experience
Nikolai Sinitsyn,
Head of Planning and Accounting Department of OJSC "Trading Company "Alco-Trade"

The strengths of such a methodology would include the possibility of fairly quickly organizing management accounting at an enterprise and independence from the accounting software products used. The disadvantages are that this mechanism is more focused on the financial part of management reporting.

In practice, for operational management the enterprise requires another important information, necessary for in-depth analysis, control and management of sales, warehouse balances, mutual settlements with customers, etc. In other words, the express management accounting described by the author does not penetrate deeply enough into the business processes of enterprises. If such problems are solved within the framework of existing accounting systems, then the use of the described reporting methodology as a temporary measure is quite justified.

In addition, the disadvantages of this approach include the fact that employees of company branches in which management accounting is being implemented face additional labor costs - they have to keep records for themselves and records for the parent company, which, naturally, remains secondary for them. This often leads to discrepancies between accounting data and the actual situation at the enterprise.

Sergey Dmitriev, Financial Director of Aludeko-K LLC (Kostroma)

Opportunity in as soon as possible creating a visual system for managing the finances of an enterprise without spending significant resources and without making significant changes to existing accounting programs is certainly a strong point of the methodology under consideration. As for the disadvantages, in practice one has to face certain difficulties when analyzing discrepancies in the data of various reports. Naturally, the scale of this problem greatly depends on the quality of primary documentation at the enterprise.

In table 10 shows an example of calculating changes in the accounts of the management balance sheet and items of the profit and loss statement in accordance with the entries made above.

Table 10. Calculation of changes in management balance sheet accounts and profit and loss statement items for the reporting period

Wiring number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total
01. Cash 1000 –800 –105 –110 –15
02. Settlements with customers 1300 –1002 298
03. Products 950 –968 –18
04. Sub account –1000 800 1002 –950 947 –804 –2 4 3 0
05. Settlements with suppliers 947 –804 143
06. Settlements with personnel –105 127 22
07. Calculations with the budget –110 118 8
08. Profit 1300 –968 –127 –118 –2 4 3 92
Income statement items
08.01. Sales revenue 1300 1300
08.02. Cost of products sold 968 968
08.03. Wage 127 127
08.04. Taxes 118 118
08.05. Exchange differences 2 –4 –3 –5

Practice opinion
Irina Karavaeva, head of department financial control and analysis of JSC "Russian Electronics"

In my opinion, the main goal of organizing management accounting at enterprises is to provide managers with transparent and operational information for adoption management decisions. This allows you to solve the main accounting problems:
- lack of operational reporting (quarterly reporting is required by law);
- lack of transparency in information (methodologically it is recommended to distinguish only 5 groups of costs).

Thus, when forming a management balance sheet and profit and loss statement, the emphasis is on the introduction of additional accounting for items of expenses and income that are vital for the management of the enterprise, areas of activity, that is, ensuring the principle of reporting transparency.

It should also be noted that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, all enterprises are required to maintain accounting records and prepare financial statements (the exception is enterprises that have switched to a simplified taxation system, but even in this case, they have simplified financial statements). Therefore, on the one hand, we can agree with the author in that all enterprises initially have all the necessary reports on financial and economic activities for organizing management accounting and reporting, but, on the other hand, the proposed algorithm does not take into account the fact that the implemented forms already available at the enterprise.

If we regard the article as an algorithm for setting up management accounting for enterprises with a simplified taxation scheme, which are exempt from the preparation of a cash flow statement and balance sheet (except for a report on fixed assets and intangible assets), then, in my opinion, the proposed methodology contains the following inaccuracies:

  1. Generating a cash flow report. The algorithm does not cover the activities of auxiliary, support, and administrative departments; attention is also not focused on the formation of cash flow for the operational, investment and financial activities of the enterprise. In other words, the main goal of introducing a cash flow statement - building a system for managing the enterprise's cash flows and optimizing them - will not be achieved. Thus, the accumulation of flows in the main areas of activity, and then the detailing of these flows by divisions by cash flow items will not allow us to identify the net cash flow for all operating activities, as well as for investing and financing activities.
  2. Formation of the management balance sheet and profit and loss account. The article presents an algorithm for generating a balance sheet, while notional accounts and codification are used to describe the process. This, in my opinion, creates some confusion, since according to regulatory documents There is an accounting plan that would be logical to use.

Reconciled financial statements completed several months after the end of the current period good tool for banks, tax authorities or for comparison with planned indicators. But for operational management, it is much more important to create reports that contain current information with a caveat to possible errors. Management reporting allows the financial director to keep his finger on the pulse, make daily decisions and track development trends.

Fundamentals and composition of management reporting

Each industry will have its own specifics for the preparation and analysis of management reporting. Also, the form of management reporting is directly related to the wishes of managers and business owners.

According to generally accepted standards, the generally accepted reporting structure is always taken as the basic one, which includes:

  • management balance;
  • cash flow statement;
  • Profits and Losses Report.

The frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and detail (depth of analytics and interpretation of indicators) are approved individually for each company.

In a broad sense, management reporting (MA) is data prepared at the end of an economic or budgetary period. In a narrow MA, this is any document or certificate prepared by a financial department at the request of top managers or in accordance with financial regulations.

Important! Basic principles that management reporting must satisfy: reliability, efficiency, ease of perception for all users.

  • The development of management reporting forms should be carried out individually for each enterprise. In addition to the desires of the manager, the accounting structure is influenced by:
  • industry;
  • size of the company, presence of divisions, subsidiaries, divisions;
  • type of activity and many other factors.

Management reporting forms

In large holdings where there is a reliable financial link, the composition and deadlines for submitting reports are subject to strict regulations, which are approved at the highest level.

The financial year can begin in any month of the year, and reporting periods can be divided into one day.

Let's look at an example. Let company “X” provide service for digital equipment, cooperate with a dozen manufacturers and work throughout the Southern Federal District. For such large companies, it is advisable to use the following group of reports:

  1. Management balance sheet (Form 1).
  2. Management report (MR) on profits and losses (Form 2).
  3. MA on implementation in areas (Form 3).
  4. MA on cash flow (Form 4).
  5. MA on the operating expenses of the company (Form 5).
  6. MA on production costs (Form 5.1).
  7. MA on non-operating income and expenses (Form 6).

In small and medium-sized companies, the finance department must be especially attentive to the principle of accessibility of management reporting for understanding by the manager, who may not know specific professional terminology.

In such enterprises, it is advisable to use three basic forms of TOS, and daily reports can be developed independently, depending on the needs of the end users of these documents.

Fact! Reporting for internal use must be verified to the smallest detail and contain only informative indicators and items that will actually be used to assess the state of financial affairs and planning.

Analysis of management reporting

In addition to compilation, it is important to correctly interpret the obtained indicators and data. For clarity, in addition to spreadsheets, it is better to use diagrams and short text descriptions. Also, in addition to absolute values, consider relative ones, for example, the structure of revenue by type of product and branch. It is useful to compare the indicators of the current period with similar ones for previous years, etc.

Analysis of management reporting is carried out similarly to other types of financial accounting. Its purpose is to assess the efficiency of the enterprise for the reporting period.

Analytical work is carried out mainly to assess:

  • calculating the amount of operating, net and other types of profit;
  • the ratio of equity and debt capital, as well as the ability to pay for obligations.

Groups of financial indicators of liquidity, business activity, solvency, market activity and capital structure should be used.

These groups are developed based on the basic needs of management and can be used both together and separately.

Important information! It is worth paying close attention to the indicators that will be used to make strategic decisions if inaccurate data was used or gross methodological errors were made during their calculation. This can cause serious management mistakes and great financial difficulties.

Another important point in implementing financial policy is understanding the fundamental differences between Russian and international standards financial statements. Thus, a number of concepts translated into Russian can be interpreted differently (for example, monetary resources in Russia are usually understood as money in cash and in bank accounts, and according to IFRS they also include all highly liquid assets that can quickly be converted into currency). Another global difference is related to accounting methods; in Russia they sometimes use the accrual method, while according to IFRS only the cash method is accepted.

V.F. Paly Chapter from the book "Management Accounting of Costs and Income with Elements of Financial Accounting"
Publishing house "Infra-M", 2006

Internal management reporting is, along with the Chart of Accounts of management accounting, a system-forming element, the main ridge on which the entire management structure. Internal reporting is a set of ordered indicators and other information. It provides an interpretation of deviations from goals, plans and estimates, without which management accounting remains a formal accumulation of digital data unsuitable for internal management purposes.

Requirements for the construction and content of internal reporting, developed by science and practical experience, characterize the very essence of this element of management accounting. Moreover, both formal and substantive requirements matter.

We list the formal requirements for internal reporting with brief explanations:

  • appropriateness - information summarized in internal reports must meet the purpose for which it was prepared;
  • objectivity and accuracy - internal reports should not contain subjective opinions and biased assessments, the degree of error in the reports should not interfere with making informed decisions. Efficiency and speed of reporting cannot but affect the accuracy of information, but one should strive to minimize this factor;
  • the efficiency of reporting lies in the fact that it must be submitted by the deadline when it is necessary for decision-making;
  • brevity - reporting should not contain unnecessary, redundant information. The smaller the report, the more quickly you can comprehend its contents and make the necessary decision;
  • Comparability of reporting lies in the ability to use reporting information for the work of different responsibility centers. Reporting should also be comparable with plans and estimates;
  • targeting - internal reporting should reach the responsible manager and other interested parties, but subject to the degree of confidentiality established in the organization;
  • efficiency - the costs of internal reporting must be weighed against the benefits of the management information received.

The purpose of internal reporting is to provide management personnel at all levels with the necessary management information. Requirements for the content of reporting should be formulated by heads of responsibility centers and other persons related to management personnel and interested in internal management information. Managers must explain to accountants and other performers who prepare internal reporting what information, in what form and volume, and within what time frame they need.

For managers, not only the content of information is important, but also the methods of its delivery, reporting forms, and well-written information. Internal reporting should provide a quick overview and assessment of actual results, their deviations from the goal, identification of existing shortcomings today and for the future, selection optimal options management decisions. Developing reporting that provides information to solve a set of problems is not easy. Satisfactory results can only be achieved through the joint efforts of managers and accountants, other economists, planners, etc.

Special requirements for internal reporting are as follows:

  • flexible but uniform structure;
  • clarity and visibility of information;
  • optimal presentation frequency;
  • suitability for analysis and operational control;
  • Primary analytical information should be provided directly in the reporting forms: deviations from goals, norms and income estimates, ranking of deviations, etc.

A flexible but uniform structure of reporting information follows from the very essence of internal management and management accounting. Feedback and control information must have sufficient internal flexibility to respond to the changing goals and needs of responsibility center managers. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure information uniformity. The management accounting and internal reporting system cannot be in a state of permanent change. It can only change discretely due to significant changes in the nature of the organization's activities.

The flexibility and uniformity of internal management information is ensured by the fact that at the very primary level of registration the necessary amount of data is accumulated, which can then be selected and grouped in the required information context. If you fail to capture the required data at the data entry stage, you will have difficulty later obtaining the information you need in each case.

The same applies to the grouping of costs. Each responsibility center wants reports containing information for its own purposes. The information system must be designed so that there is some uniformity of data for grouping and comparison. Accounting by definition strives for uniformity, as every accountant knows.

The clarity and visibility of information comes down to the fact that each reporting form should contain only the information that is necessary for this particular manager. Excessive detail of reporting information, its overload with many unimportant indicators makes it difficult to understand reporting, leads to the use in management of the wrong information that would allow finding the most correct decision. According to Parkinson's Law, the number of figures included in a report often exceeds the capabilities of the report.

So, excessive detail in reporting is the enemy of understandability, and therefore the effectiveness of reporting. The most significant examples of excessive detail are:

  • the dimension of quantitative indicators has been brought to absolute precision. Instead of the volume indicator in the amount of 10,926,462 rubles. 18 kopecks you should write down 10,926 thousand rubles, or even 10.9 million rubles, which is much more visible than a detailed figure, the value of which is difficult to perceive;
  • deviations are reflected literally in all respects. Deviation of 100 rubles. is given next to the deviation of 100 thousand rubles, as a result they can be understood as equal in size. Minor deviations scatter the manager’s attention and limit the understanding of information;
  • report articles are detailed by the functions “sales volume”, “sales costs” without connection with types of products, market sectors, etc. In this situation, we have detailing “on the contrary”;
  • many extraneous indicators that are not controlled by this responsibility center.

The optimal reporting frequency is a function of the purpose of the information and the decision-making capabilities, i.e. on the factors determining the use of reports in management. Some reports are needed more often, others less often. The frequency of internal reporting varies widely.

Internal reports may be annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, or as deviations occur. There is no need to increase the frequency of reporting if it is not possible to make a decision on the basis of such a report. If bonuses are paid to staff quarterly, then there is no point in monthly information about the fulfillment of bonus conditions. The aggregation of information and the frequency of its presentation are correlated. More frequent and more detailed reporting is needed at lower levels of management. With the transition to higher levels, reporting is presented less frequently and contains more aggregated aggregate indicators.

You should not think that all reports are needed on the third day after the end of the month. Everything depends on the need to make operational decisions, on the need for additional information and explanations.


Based on internal reporting decisions are made at all levels of management of the organization. An important element in decision making is the time that passes from receiving a report to developing a decision and translating it into control actions. The accessible form of the internal report, the location and presentation of relevant information are essential. Can't be standard set internal reporting with uniform forms and information structure. Internal reporting is individual. She rejects the formulaic approach. It is possible to identify classification features that characterize general approaches to the characteristics of reporting forms (Fig. 1).

Complex final reports are usually presented for a month or for another reporting period (quarter, half-year, etc.) and contain information on the implementation of plans and the use of resources for a given period; are presented regularly and reflect income and expenses by responsibility center, execution of cost estimates, profitability, cash flow and other indicators for general assessment and control.

Thematic reports on key indicators are presented as deviations occur on the most important indicators for successful operation, such as sales volume, losses from defects, short deliveries on orders, production schedules and other planned indicators not included in the estimated ones, controlled by the responsibility center.

Analytical reports are prepared only at the request of managers and contain information revealing the causes and consequences of results on individual aspects of activity. For example, the reasons affecting the overconsumption of resources, the level of sales by market sector, a comprehensive assessment of the reasons for changes in profitability, analysis of the market and the use of production capacity, risk factors for activities in certain areas, etc.

Rice. 1. Classification of internal reporting

By management levels There are operational reports, current reports and summary reports. Operational reports are presented at the lower level of management in responsibility centers. They contain detailed information for making current decisions. Compiled weekly and monthly.

Current reports contain aggregated information for the middle level of management in profit centers, investment centers, and are compiled at intervals from monthly to quarterly.

Summary reports are presented to the organization's senior management personnel, on which strategic decisions are made and general control of activities and control of management personnel is carried out at the middle, sometimes at the lower level. Frequency ranges from monthly to annual reports.

Operational information intended for lower-level responsibility centers should not be presented unchanged to the highest level of management. The lower level is operational decisions on coordination and implementation production plans, use of department resources. This information should be summarized and aggregated into more general indicators for presentation to the middle level of management. On top level an even greater degree of generalization of information is required.

Example cost report for different levels of management of one of the organizations.

Note.“By estimate” indicates costs in terms of actual production volume; sign "!" deviations exceeding 4% were noted for this article.

By volume of information internal reports are divided into summaries, final reports, general (summary) reports. A summary is brief information about individual performance indicators of a department for a short period, sometimes per day, per week. Final reports are prepared for a month or other reporting period. They summarize information about the controlled indicators of a given responsibility center. General financial statements are prepared for the organization as a whole and contain information consistent with financial reporting forms adapted for internal management purposes.

By presentation form internal reports are compiled in tabular, graphical or text form.
Tabular form presentation of internal reporting is the most acceptable for both compilers and users.

Most of the internal reporting information is expressed in numerical indicators, which are most conveniently presented in tabular form. Everyone got used to it, it became traditional. It is necessary to properly structure the reporting indicators, divide them into zones, highlight the main ones that require special attention, and most importantly, try to present the report on one page without turning around.

For clarification, a note with comments and disclosure of key indicators may be attached to the report.

Graphic form is the most visual, you just don’t need to overload graphs and diagrams with unnecessary digital information, try to fit all the available information into one graph (diagram). Display more indicators in this form makes it difficult to perceive information. Many numbers are more clearly presented in tabular form.

Text form presentation of information is acceptable in cases where there is no digital information or its volume is insignificant, but the relationship and significance of the information presented must be explained in detail. Text reports are often prepared in addition to reports in tabular or graphical forms.

Example internal report of the profit center, distributed into zones (in millions of rubles) for nine months of 2005.
Revenue Variable costs By month Gross profit Year to date
2005 2004
2005 2004
2005 2004
plan fact plan fact plan fact plan fact
7,3 7,9 7,1 4 4,6 4,0 January3,3 3,3 3,1 6,0 4,9 4,9
7,8 7,7 7,2 5,1 5,6 5,4 February2,7 1,6 1,8 9,2 7,9 7,9
7,6 8,3 8,3 4,4 5,3 5,3 March3,2 3,0 3,0
6,9 6,9 7,0 4,4 5,5 5,0 April2,5 1,5 2,0 11,7 9,4 9,9
6,0 7,4 6,0 5,2 4,6 4,8 May2,2 1,4 1,2 13,9 10,8 11,1
7,6 8,0 7,6 5,4 5,8 5,3 June2,6 1,8 2,3 16,5 12,6 13,4
7,0 6,7 5,6 4,2 3,8 3,3 July2,5 1,8 2,3 19,0 14,4 15,7
6,9 6,3 7,9 3,7 5,8 5,4 August2,6 2,1 2,5 21,6 16,5 18,2
7,6 6.9 7,8 4,2 5,0 5,4 September2,7 2,8 2,4 24,3 20,6 19,3

Excel spreadsheet systems
with convenient analytics

Setting up initial (managerial) accounting is the creation of tools for obtaining information about the actual state of affairs in the business. Most often this is a system of tables and reports based on them in Excel. They reflect convenient daily analytics about real profits and losses, cash flow, salary arrears, settlements with suppliers or customers, costs, etc. Experience shows that a system of 4-6 easy-to-fill tables is enough for a small business.

How it works

The specialists of the My Financial Director company delve into the details of your business and create an optimal system of management accounting, reporting, planning, and economic calculations based on the most available programs (usually Excel and 1C).

The work itself consists of entering initial data into tables and takes no more than 1-2 hours a day. To carry it out, 1-2 of your existing full-time specialists who do not have accounting skills are enough.

A system of tables can be organized with division of access to information. Only the director (owner) of the business will see the overall picture and the secret part of the data, and the performers will each see their own part.

The resulting automatic reports provide a picture with the required level of detail: cost and profitability separately by product line, cost summaries by expense groups, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement, management balance sheet, etc. You make decisions based on informed, accurate and operational management information.

In the Questions and Answers section you will find examples of a cash flow plan and a cash flow accounting system with accompanying reports.

IMPORTANT! You receive services at the level of an experienced financial director at the rate of an ordinary economist.

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Download analyzes and reports in Excel format

An archive of example files for site articles on performing various tasks in Excel: analyses, reports, document forms, tables with formulas and calculations, graphs and charts.

Download examples of analyzes and reports

Telephone directory template.
Interactive contact directory template for business. Convenient management of a large contact database.

Inventory accounting in Excel free download.
The warehouse accounting program is created exclusively using functions and standard tools. No macros or programming required.

Profitability formula equity"ROE".
Formula that displays Economic sense financial indicator "ROE".

Management accounting in an enterprise - examples of Excel tables

An effective tool for assessing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise.

Supply and demand schedule.
A graph that displays the relationship between two main financial quantities: supply and demand. As well as formulas for finding the elasticity of supply and demand.

Complete investment project.
Ready detailed analysis investment project, which includes all aspects: financial model, calculation of economic efficiency, payback periods, return on investment, risk modeling.

Shortened investment project.
A basic investment project, which includes only the main indicators for analysis: payback periods, return on investment, risks.

Analysis of the investment project.
Full calculation and analysis of the profitability of an investment project with the ability to model risks.

Gordon's formula graph.
Plotting a graph with an exponential trend line using the Gordon model to analyze investment returns from dividends.

Bertrand model diagram.
A ready-made solution for constructing a graph of the Bertrand model, which can be used to analyze the dependence of supply and demand under conditions of price dumping in duopoly markets.

Algorithm for decoding TIN.
Formula for deciphering the Tax Indicator Number for: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

All types of TIN (10 and 12-digit numbers) of individuals and legal entities, as well as a personal number are supported.

Factor analysis of variances.
Factor analysis of deviations in the marginal income of an enterprise taking into account the indicators: material costs, revenue, marginal income, price factor.

Time sheet.
Download a time sheet in Excel with formulas for auto-filling the table + maintaining reference books for ease of work.

Sales forecast taking into account seasonality.
Prepared sales forecast for next year based on sales figures from the previous year, taking into account seasonality. Forecast and seasonality charts are attached.

Forecast of enterprise performance indicators.
Form for forecasting the activity of an enterprise with formulas and indicators: revenue, material costs, marginal income, overhead costs, profit, return on sales (ROS)%.

Work time balance.
A report on planning the working time of enterprise employees according to such time indicators as: “calendar time”, “time”, “maximum possible”, “attendance”, “actual”.

Sensitivity of the investment project.
Analysis of the dynamics of changes in results in relation to changes in key parameters is the sensitivity of the investment project.

Calculation of the store's break-even point.
A practical example of calculating the timeframe for breaking even for a store or other type of retail outlet.

Table for financial analysis.
The software tool is made in Excel and is designed to perform financial analyzes of enterprises.

Enterprise analysis system.
An informative financial analysis of an enterprise can be easily carried out using the analytical system from professional specialists in Economics and Finance.

An example of a financial analysis of business profitability.
A table with formulas and functions for analyzing business profitability based on the financial indicators of the enterprise.

An example of how to maintain management accounting in Excel

Management accounting is intended to represent the actual state of affairs at the enterprise and, accordingly, make management decisions based on these data. This is a system of tables and reports with convenient daily analytics on cash flow, profits and losses, settlements with suppliers and customers, product costs, etc.

Each company chooses its own method of maintaining management accounting and the data needed for analytics. Most often, tables are compiled in Excel.

Examples of management accounting in Excel

The main financial documents of the enterprise are the cash flow statement and balance sheet. The first shows the level of sales, costs of production and sale of goods over a certain period of time. The second is the assets and liabilities of the company, equity capital. By comparing these reports, the manager notices positive and negative trends and makes management decisions.


Let us describe the accounting of work in a cafe. The company sells products own production and purchased goods. There are non-operating income and expenses.

An Excel management accounting spreadsheet is used to automate data entry. It is also recommended to compile reference books and journals with initial values.

If an economist (accountant, analyst) plans to list income by item, then the same directory can be created for them.

Convenient and understandable reports

There is no need to include all the figures for the cafe’s work in one report.

Let these be separate tables. And each one takes up one page. It is recommended to widely use tools such as “Drop-down lists” and “Grouping”. Let's look at an example of management accounting tables for a restaurant-cafe in Excel.

Income accounting

Let's take a closer look.

accounting, reports and planning in Excel

The resulting indicators were found using formulas (usual mathematical operators were used). Filling out the table is automated using drop-down lists.

When creating a list (Data – Data Verification), we refer to the Directory created for income.

Expense accounting

The same techniques were used to fill out the report.

Gains and losses report

Most often, for management accounting purposes, the income statement is used rather than separate income and expense statements. This provision is not standardized. Therefore, each enterprise chooses independently.

The created report uses formulas, auto-completion of articles using drop-down lists (links to Directories) and data grouping to calculate results.

Analysis of the cafe property structure

The source of information for analysis is the Balance Sheet asset (sections 1 and 2).

To better perceive the information, let's make a diagram:

As the table and figure show, the main share in the property structure of the analyzed cafe is occupied by non-current assets.

Download an example of management accounting in Excel

The Balance sheet liability is analyzed using the same principle. These are the sources of resources through which the cafe operates.

Cost items

So we need a project budget, which consists of cost items. First, let’s create a list of these same cost items in Micfosoft Project 2016.

We will use custom fields for. We create a substitution table for a custom field of the Text type for the Resources table, for example, as in this figure (of course, you will have your own cost items, this list just as an example):

Rice. 1. Formation of a list of cost items

Working with custom fields was covered in the Microsoft Project 2016 Project Management Tutorial (see section 5.1.2 Milestone). For convenience, the field can be renamed to Cost Items. After generating a list of cost items, they must be assigned to resources. To do this, add the Cost Items field to the Resources view and assign each resource its own cost item (see.

Management accounting in an enterprise: example of an Excel table

Rice. 2. Assigning cost items to resources

Microsoft Project 2016 features allow you to assign only one cost item per resource. This must be taken into account when creating a list of cost items. For example, if you create two cost items (1. Salary, 2. Social security contributions), then they cannot be assigned to one employee. Therefore, it is recommended to group cost items so that one item can be assigned to one resource. In our example, you can create one cost item - payroll.

To visualize the budget in terms of cost items and time periods, the Resource Usage view is well suited, which needs to be slightly modified as follows:

1. Create a grouping by cost items (see. Tutorial on project management in Microsoft Project 2016, section 2.5 Using groupings)

Rice. 3. Creating a grouping of Cost Items

2. On the left side of the view, instead of the Labor Costs field, display the Costs field.

3. In the right part of the view, instead of the Labor Costs field, display the Costs field (by clicking on the right side of the mouse):

Rice. 4. Select fields on the right side of the Resource Usage view

4. Set a convenient scale for the right side, for example, by month. To do this, right-click on the table header on the right side.

5. Project budget example

As a result of these simple steps, in Microsoft Project 2016 we obtain the project budget in the context of specified cost items and time periods. If necessary, you can detail each cost item down to specific resources and tasks by simply clicking on the triangle on the left side of the Resource Name field.

Rice. 6. Details of project costs

Project S-curve

To graphically display changes in costs over time, it is common to use a project cost curve. The shape of the cost curve is typical for most projects and resembles the letter S, which is why it is also called the S-curve of the project.

The S-curve shows the dependence of the amount of costs on the timing of the project. So, if work starts “As early as possible,” the S-curve shifts to the beginning of the project, and if work starts “As late as possible,” accordingly, to the end of the project.

Rice. 7. Project cost curve depending on task deadlines

By scheduling tasks “As early as possible” (this is set automatically in Microsoft Project 2016 when planning from the beginning of the project), we reduce the risks of missing deadlines, but at the same time it is necessary to understand the project’s financing schedule, otherwise there may be a cash gap on the project. Those. the costs of our tasks will exceed the available financial resources, which poses the risk of stopping work on the project.

By scheduling tasks “As late as possible” (this is set automatically in Microsoft Project 2016 when planning from the end of the project), we expose the project to greater risks of missing deadlines.

Based on this, the manager must find a “golden mean”, in other words, a certain balance between the risks of missing deadlines and the risks of the project’s cash gap.

Rice. 8. Project cost curve in MS-Excel by downloading information from MS-Project

Drawing up an enterprise budget in Excel, taking into account discounts

The budget for the next year is formed taking into account the functioning of the enterprise: sales, purchasing, production, storage, accounting, etc. Budget planning is a long and complex process, because it involves most operating environment of organizations.

For clear example Let's consider a distribution company and draw up a simple enterprise budget for it with an example in Excel (an example budget can be downloaded from the link below the article).

Management accounting in an enterprise using Excel tables

In your budget, you can plan expenses for bonus discounts for customers. It allows you to model various loyalty programs and at the same time control costs.

Data for budgeting income and expenses

Our company serves about 80 clients. The range of goods is about 120 items in the price list. She makes a markup on goods of 15% of their cost and thus sets the selling price. Such a low markup is economically justified by intense competition and is justified by the large turnover (as in many other distribution enterprises).

A bonus reward system is offered to clients. Discount percentage on purchases for large customers and resellers.

The conditions and interest rate of the bonus system are determined by two parameters:

  1. Quantitative limit. The quantity of a specific product purchased that gives the customer the opportunity to receive a certain discount.
  2. Percentage discount. The size of the discount is a percentage that is calculated from the amount the client purchased when overcoming the quantitative limit (bar). The size of the discount depends on the size of the quantitative limit. The more goods purchased, the greater the discount.

In the annual budget, bonuses belong to the “sales planning” section, so they affect important indicator firms - margin (profit indicator as a percentage of total income). Therefore, an important task is the ability to set several bonus options with different boundaries at sales levels and the corresponding % bonuses. It is necessary that the margin be kept within certain limits (for example, not less than 7% or 8%, because this is the company’s profit). And customers will be able to choose several options for bonus discounts.

Our budget model with bonuses will be quite simple, but effective. But first, let’s draw up a report on the movement of funds for a specific client to determine whether it is possible to give him discounts. Pay attention to formulas that reference another sheet before calculating the percentage discount in Excel.

Drawing up enterprise budgets in Excel taking into account loyalty

The budget project in Excel consists of two sheets:

  1. Sales – contains the history of the movement of funds over the past year for a specific client.
  2. Results – contains the conditions for accruing bonuses and a simple account of the distributor’s performance, which determines the forecast of the client’s attractiveness indicators for the company.

Cash flow by clients

The structure of the table “Sales for 2015 by client:” on the “sales” sheet:

Enterprise budget model

On the second sheet we set the boundaries for achieving bonuses and the corresponding discount percentages.

The following table is a basic form of an income and expense budget in Excel showing the firm's overall financial performance for an annual period.

Structure of the table “Conditions of the bonus system” on the “results” sheet:

  1. Bonus bar border 1. Place to set the level of the border bar by quantity.
  2. Bonus % 1. Place to set a discount when crossing the first border. How is the discount for the first border calculated? Clearly visible on the “sales” sheet. Using the function =IF(Quantity > limit of 1 bonus bar[quantity]; Sales volume * percentage of 1 bonus discount; 0).
  3. Bonus bar limit 2. A higher limit compared to the previous limit, which makes it possible to get a larger discount.
  4. Bonus % 2 – discount for the second border. Calculated using the function =IF(Quantity > limit 2 of the bonus bar [quantity]; Sales volume * percentage of 2 bonus discount; 0).

Structure of the table “General report on the company’s turnover” on the “results” sheet:

Ready-made enterprise budget template in Excel

And so we have finished model enterprise budget in Excel, which is dynamic. If the bonus limit is at the level of 200, and the bonus discount is 3%. This means that last year the client purchased 200 items. And at the end of the year he will receive a bonus discount of 3% of the cost. And if a client purchased 400 pieces of a certain product, it means that he has crossed the second limit of bonuses and already receives a 6% discount.

Under such conditions, the “Margin 2” indicator will change, that is net profit distributor!

The task of the head of a distribution company is to select the most optimal levels of boundary strips to provide discounts to customers. You need to choose so that the “Margin 2” indicator is at least within the range of 7% -8%.

Download the enterprise budget-bonus (sample in Excel).

So as not to search The best decision using the random method, and not making mistakes, we recommend reading the following article. It describes how to make a simple and effective tool in Excel: Data table in Excel and matrix of numbers. Using the “data table” you can automatically visualize the most optimal conditions for the client and distributor.

Unlike financial and tax accounting, which are strictly regulated by standards and legislation, management accounting is conducted in accordance with the information needs of management specific enterprise. Therefore, there are many different approaches to the development of a management accounting system, to the methods of its maintenance, and even to the very definition of management accounting. Author based on many years personal experience on the construction of financial management systems in Russian companies, highlights universal principles for the development and implementation of management accounting.
Molvinsky Alexey The main goal of introducing a management accounting system at an enterprise is to ensure that the company’s management has the maximum complete information, necessary for efficient work. Often in Russian enterprises, the introduction of management accounting is carried out on the initiative of senior management, which lacks specific management information.

The development and implementation of a management accounting system requires a lot of effort and time (in large enterprises this process can take several months) and does not immediately produce results. It will take time both to test the system and to accumulate information that will help adjust the management accounting system during implementation.

Personal experience

Sergey Nikanorov, Deputy Financial Director of AVPK "Sukhoi"

In my practice, I had experience in implementing management accounting in one typical medium-sized manufacturing and trading company. The company sold 10-12 different products, six of which it produced itself. The company had approximately 20 major customers (accounting for 95% of sales) and approximately 200 suppliers. Sales volume was 80-100 million US dollars. The owner of the enterprise himself was interested in introducing management accounting. But, despite this, he received the first package of management reporting (balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement based on IFRS) only three months after the start of development of the management accounting system. It took another two months to establish uninterrupted operation of the system and regular submission of management reporting.

To achieve positive results, it is recommended to carry out management accounting in several stages.
-Determination of the financial structure of the enterprise by identifying centers of financial responsibility.
-Development of the composition, content and formats of management reporting. Development of management accounting classifiers.
-Development of methods for management accounting of costs and calculation of production costs.
-Development of a management chart of accounts and the procedure for reflecting standard business transactions.
-Development internal regulations and instructions regulating the maintenance of management accounting.
-Carrying out organizational changes at the enterprise.

Let's take a closer look at what needs to be done at each of the listed stages.

Stage 1. Determining the financial structure of the enterprise

Principles of building a financial structure

Before you begin to collect, process and evaluate management information, it is important to clearly determine which units are able to provide the necessary data. For this purpose, a financial structure of the enterprise is created, which is a set of financial responsibility centers (FRC)2.

Personal experience

Sergey Nikanorov

If you implement management accounting from scratch, you may encounter a paradoxical situation when the same data comes from different departments of the company. Naturally, the numbers will differ, since each of the services previously collected information “for itself” in the way it considered correct. Accordingly, one of the tasks is to reconcile data compiled in different departments so that the financial and economic service can determine whose indicators it can use in management accounting.

In accordance with the theory and practice of corporate governance, individual companies, structural divisions, services, workshops, departments or groups are centers of financial responsibility. Their bosses are responsible for specific areas of work and solving the tasks set by management. Depending on the powers and responsibilities of the managers of a structural unit, it can be a cost center, an income center, a profit center, or an investment center.

In practice, the financial structure of any enterprise can be described using the above types of financial responsibility centers.

Brief Glossary of Terms

Cost Center- a division (a set of divisions), the head of which is responsible for fulfilling assigned tasks within the allocated cost budget.

There are two main types of cost centers: standard cost center; management cost center.

Standard Cost Center- a division (a set of divisions), the head of which is responsible for achieving the planned level of costs per unit of production (work, services) (for example, a production department, a purchasing department).

Management Cost Center- a division (a set of divisions), the head of which is responsible for achieving the planned level of total costs (for example, accounting, administration).

Revenue Center- a division (a set of divisions), the head of which, within the allocated cost budget, is responsible for maximizing sales revenue.

Profit Center- a division (a set of divisions), the head of which is responsible for maximizing profits (has the authority to make decisions that affect profits by both reducing costs and increasing revenues).

Investment Center- a responsibility center, the head of which has the authority of the head of the profit center, and is also responsible for the level and efficiency of investments.

Example of building a financial structure

Enterprises of the Russian holding company "Wholesale Trading Company"3 trade consumer goods of several product groups on the basis regional centers- branches.

The management company consists of divisions working in seven functional areas: administrative activities, marketing, information technology, logistics, warehouse activities, procurement, sales (by type of goods). In addition, the organization has four branches, each of which consists of divisions conducting the same activities as the management company. Based on this, it is possible to form the financial structure of the holding (see Table 1).

For a more convenient and complete interpretation of management accounting data, the author of the article recommends assigning a certain level to each financial district. So, in table. Level 1 corresponds to the management company and its territorial branches; the second level - divisions grouped by functional areas of activity of the entire holding; the third level - individual structural divisions of the management company and branches. In accordance with certain levels, each CFO is assigned codes. The company used the CFD for coding in the implemented information system six-digit codes: the first two digits indicate the territorial division of the holding (10 - Management company, 20 - Branch 1, etc. 4). The first two digits “00” in the Central Federal District code mean that we are talking about the entire holding.

The second two digits indicate the direction of activity: 01 - Administration, 02 - Marketing, 03 - Information Technology, 04 - Logistics, 05 - Warehouse activities, 06 - Purchasing, 07 - General sales, 08 - Sales of the first product line (TN 1), 09 - Sales of TN 2, 10 - Sales of TN 3. The second two digits “00” in the code CFO means that we are talking about all areas of activity.

The last two digits indicate the unit number within the functional area or territorial unit. For example, the code “10 05 02” means that we are talking about a management company (10), the functional direction is warehouse activities (05), and the numbers “02” indicate the second division of the management company within this functional direction (warehouse No. 1) . The third two digits “00” in the Central Federal District code mean that we are talking about all units within a functional area or territorial unit.

Thus, aggregated data, for example, for the second level cost center 00 01 00 “Administration”, reflects the costs of maintaining the administration of the entire holding (total costs of maintaining the administration of the management company and the administrations of all branches).

Personal experience

Evgeniy Titaev, Financial Director of the Jutland Group of Companies (Novosibirsk), Candidate of Economic Sciences

Currently, the management structure of our organization is of a project type: each income generation center is considered as a separate project. Similarly, we allocate branches and dependent companies to such central federal districts. Our company is constantly developing: trade turnover is increasing, product groups are expanding, new projects are being introduced for product distribution. In this regard, the organizational and financial structure of the enterprise is changing. Therefore, the financial structure must be designed in such a way that it can be adjusted to the newly emerging centers of financial responsibility.

Stage 2. Development of management reporting

Design principles

For each responsibility center, it is necessary to develop a set of indicators characterizing the effectiveness of its activities, as well as regulations for the collection, processing and storage of received information. To do this, you need to create management reporting forms in which all data will be entered.

The composition, content and forms of management reporting must be developed taking into account the following principles:
-relevance (management reporting should be useful for making specific management decisions, and not just inform about certain aspects of the company’s activities);
- efficiency; targeting (reporting should be presented to specific managers in accordance with their position in the management hierarchy);
- sufficiency (the information in the reporting should be sufficient for making management decisions at the appropriate level, at the same time it should not be redundant and distract the attention of managers to unimportant or irrelevant information);
-analyticity (management reporting should include the possibility of subsequent analysis with minimal costs time);
- comparability (comparability of management reporting gives users the opportunity to identify similarities and differences in data presented in several reporting packages. Comparability is achieved through the use of the same accounting principles in similar transactions and conditions).

As the practice of maintaining management accounting at Russian enterprises shows, all management reporting can be divided into three blocks:
-management reporting on financial position, performance results and changes financial situation enterprises;
-management reporting on key performance indicators;
- management reporting on the execution of enterprise budgets.

Personal experience

Evgeniy Titaev

At the enterprises included in the Jutland Group of Companies, current financial management is based on a budgeting system - a budget of income and expenses and a cash flow budget are formed. To account for and control the execution of budgets, a “plan-to-fact” analysis is carried out, which is implemented in the main corporate information system.

To assess the activities of individual central financial districts, various reporting forms are used. For the central financial departments responsible for generating income, a form has been defined that allows them to control and take into account sales volumes, markups by product groups and sales channels, the amount of accounts receivable, and gross profit. And the reporting form for cost centers reflects the volume and cost of services received, work, materials consumed, and property assets.

In addition, accounts receivable are regularly analyzed and its rate is determined per each customer. The implementation of the plan for accounts receivable is highlighted in a separate report. There is also a form of management reporting that allows you to assess the effectiveness of placing working capital in various product groups. Traditional forms of reporting include a profit and loss statement taking into account exchange rate differences (since our main accounting currency is the US dollar), a balance sheet and a cash flow statement. The minimum reporting period adopted in the management accounting of our company is a month.

Management reporting of Russian companies, as a rule, is prepared on the basis of IFRS, GAAP or Russian accounting standards. The main differences between management reporting and accounting are the degree of detail (management reporting provides more detailed analytical information), methods of grouping data (in management reporting, data can be grouped according to principles different from accounting) and the degree of accuracy of information (in some cases, especially in operational management reports, a certain error and the use of approximate data are allowed).

When developing a methodology for compiling and processing reporting, a balanced approach is required to determining the deadlines for submitting management reporting, the amount of data presented, and their format.

Personal experience

Sergey Nikanorov

As a rule, monthly management reporting is prepared between the fifth and tenth day of the month following the reporting month. However, a situation may arise when the owner of the company or to CEO You will need at least approximate reporting for the current month already on the 29th, that is, before the end of the reporting period. In this case, invaluable assistance will be provided simulation models business, using which we draw up both long-term forecasts and monthly budgets. Currently available data is entered into the model and extrapolated to the days remaining until the end of the reporting period. The result is management reporting that is based primarily on factual data, but with certain assumptions. As a rule, the accuracy of such a calculation is quite sufficient for making operational decisions.

Each enterprise develops management reporting, focusing primarily on its needs for management information. On the one hand, without all the information, the company's management will not be able to make informed decisions; on the other hand, if there is too much information, it becomes more difficult for the manager to identify the most important data that has the greatest impact on the development of the enterprise. Thus, according to the magazine “Secret of the Firm”, the management of the holding, which includes the Nizhny Tagil and West Siberian metallurgical plants, evaluates the optimality of the holding’s business processes based on only one efficiency indicator - the speed of movement of working capital5.

Example of management reporting

The management reporting of the Russian industrial holding Pishcheprom is presented as follows.

1. Standard management reporting on the financial position, results of operations and changes in the financial position of the company:

1.1. Managerial balance.

1.2. Management income statement.

1.3. Management cash flow statement:

1.3.1. Management statement of cash flows 1 (direct method).

1.3.2. Management statement of cash flows 2 (indirect method). Reference 6

Direct method of preparing a cash flow statement.

Method for calculating net cash inflow/outflow for core activities. It is calculated as the difference between income secured by real cash flows and expenses associated with real payments.

Indirect method of preparing a cash flow statement.

A method of presenting cash flows from operating activities in which net income or loss is adjusted for the results of non-cash transactions, any deferrals or accruals of prior periods or future operating cash receipts or payments, and items of income or expense related to investing or financing cash flows .

2. Management reporting on key performance indicators.

3. Management reporting on budget execution (see Table 2).

This block of management reporting is represented by a “plan-fact” analysis for all budgets compiled in the Pishcheprom holding.

Stage 3. Development of classifiers and codifiers of management accounting

Principles for developing classifiers and codifiers

Management accounting classifiers define and describe various accounting objects with a view to their unambiguous interpretation by all participants in the processes of planning, organization, stimulation and control at the enterprise. As in the case of management reporting, each enterprise determines the number and types of classifiers used based on its needs. The most common management accounting classifiers used in Russian companies are:
-types of products produced, works and services provided;
-types of income;
- financial responsibility centers;
-places where costs arise;
-types (economic elements) of costs;
- costing items;
-types of assets;
-types of obligations;
-types of equity capital;
-directions of investment;
-main and auxiliary business processes;
-types of clients;
- categories of personnel.

Continuous numbering is introduced within each classifier. If there is a need to detail accounting objects, you can use a multi-level code structure. Classifiers and codifiers also play an important role in the automation of management accounting7.

Classifier example

An example of a typical classifier is given in Table. 3. If necessary, you can use a five-digit code in the classifier, breaking each of the cost elements into subelements. For example, in the cost item “Purchased raw materials and supplies” with code 101, subitems 10101 - “Fuel”, 10102 - “Basic materials”, 10103 - “ Auxiliary materials" etc.

Having developed all the necessary classifiers, the enterprise can move on to determining methods for management cost accounting and cost calculation.

The preparation of the material was supervised by a member of the magazine’s Expert Council, Deputy Financial Director of the Sukhoi AVPK Sergey Nikanorov _______________________________________________
1 For more information on the methodology and definition of management accounting, see the opinions of financial directors, consultants and other experts in this field, see in this issue - Note. editors.
2 There are different approaches to determining centers of financial responsibility. In particular, the author of this article uses terminology (see sidebar) that is different from that used by Oleg Dronchenko in the article “Financial structure: the first step to budgeting” (“Financial Director”, 2002, No. 6). On the website of our magazine www.fd.ru, consultants from the budgeting company Intalev presented another approach to this problem. Anyone can also express their point of view on this issue on our website. – Note. editors.
3 All examples in this article are based on the author’s practical experience. The companies referred to by the author are real Russian companies, whose names have been changed to maintain confidentiality. – Note. editors.
4 In table. 1 identification of a territorial unit is made by the first digit, since total there are less than ten divisions. Otherwise, codes should be assigned according to the following principle: 01, 02, ..., 10, 11, 12, etc. - Note. editors.
5 See the article “Between bureaucracy and chaos”, “The Secret of the Firm”, 2003, No. 5, p. 76 – Note. editors.
6 The information was prepared by the editors. For more information about direct and indirect methods of preparing a cash flow statement, see the article “Assessing the cash flow of an investment project”, “Financial Director”, 2002, No. 4. - Note. editors.
7 Read about automation of management accounting in the following issues. – Note. editors.