Devices for mechanical water purification. Wash filter for water supply Mesh filters with automatic flushing

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Purification of water entering the apartment from various mechanical impurities is very important. Not only the final quality of the liquid used for drinking depends on it, but also the service life of all kinds of household appliances. Conventional ones, as a rule, require periodic replacement of cartridges after the filter element has exhausted its resource. A wash filter for mechanical water purification is much more convenient, as it allows a short time restore, at least partially, the characteristics of the cleaning element. In some cases, you don’t even need to remove it.

Principle of operation


The advantages of water filters without replaceable cartridges are obvious:

  • Significant monetary savings, since there is no need to purchase replacement parts that have a limited service life.
  • Maintenance of such units is much more convenient and must be carried out over a longer period of time.
  • The cleaning process does not require stopping the water supply in the apartment.

The disadvantages of self-flushing devices include the rather high cost and demanding parameters for water supply to the room.


Based on the size of the captured impurities, they are divided into:

  • Fine filter capable of catching pieces of rust and sand 20–50 microns in size.
  • Coarse cleaning devices that allow filtration of elements with a size of 100–500 microns.

According to the cleaning method, self-cleaning filters are:

  • Hand washable. This does not mean that you will have to remove the filter element from the system. The procedure can be carried out even without stopping the water supply. But manufacturers still recommend removing and washing the mesh separately. Although this is not a very convenient procedure, it will have to be performed much less frequently than replacing replacement cartridges. In addition, it does not require any financial costs.
  • Semi-automatic. For such models, you will only have to manually give the cleaning command directly; the system will do all the work itself. IN different models Self-cleaning filters from different manufacturers are cleaned differently, much depends on the type of cleaning element and the design of the unit.
  • Automatic. The process is started thanks to the readings of various sensors. Another option is that cleaning is performed according to a preset timer.

The last two varieties are rarely seen in separate apartment. Such self-cleaning units are more often used on main water pipelines high pressure, which serve to supply water to swimming pools or entire houses.

It is better to purchase self-cleaning filters famous manufacturers. You can rely on reviews from friends and acquaintances. This will protect you from unnecessary surprises and save money and time.

In the field of water treatment and purification there is one very serious problem– any filter material periodically becomes clogged, which means it needs to be replaced or cleaned (regenerated).

In order to minimize costs for cartridges or bulk material, self-cleaning water filters were developed.

Such systems are so far capable of purifying liquid only from mechanical particles. Some industrial models can regenerate the properties of bulk filter materials to a greater extent by washing them under pressure.

This approach significantly increases the service life of the backfill material and the operation of the filter as a whole.

Types of self-cleaning filters

Currently, the range of most companies offering water treatment products includes the following types of self-cleaning filters:

  1. With manual washing. Here the manufacturers assume by “ manually washing" both the physical removal of the filter element with its washing outside the housing, and the cleaning procedure without disassembling the housing, and sometimes even without stopping the water supply in the mains (if the pressure for washing is sufficient to ensure that the surface of the filter element is cleaned).
  2. With semi-automatic washing system. “Semi-automatic” here consists of manually starting the automatic cleaning process. The cleaning itself can proceed differently, depending on the type of filter element and technical solutions applied by the manufacturer.
  3. With automatic flushing. The most advanced and, as a result, expensive solutions. Here, the cleaning process can be initiated without human intervention, for example, if a contamination sensor is triggered or a timer simply triggers according to a predetermined schedule (schedule).

The last two types (semi-automatic and automatic) of self-cleaning filters are most often used in main high-load water supplies.

These are productive water treatment and water purification complexes, for example, for servicing large swimming pools, equipping any manufacturing enterprise, connections to the water supply of entire cottage villages, etc.

Self-cleaning filters may differ in the housing material.

They are manufactured:

  1. Made of plastic (high or low pressure polypropylene);
  2. Made of metal (brass, bronze, steel, etc.).

The following can act as a self-cleaning element:

  1. Disc elements that, under pressure, form a monolithic porous structure;
  2. A mesh surface made of plastic or metal with a given mesh size;
  3. Backfill material, which, under pressure in the same way as the disk version, is compacted, forming a homogeneous material with pores for water.

If we talk about household self-washing filters, then most often discs and meshes are used as the filter element; they are easier to maintain and more durable.

Self-cleaning filters can be equipped with additional equipment.

This is how you can find:

  • self-cleaning filter with pressure gauge(it is convenient to monitor the pressure in the system, for example, if it increases relative to the pressure while water consumption continues, this may indicate a blockage, which means it’s time to flush it);
  • filter with pressure reducer (additionally protects the water supply system from surges in inlet pressure).

Operating principle and advantages

Let's take a closer look at self-cleaning filters used in everyday life (mesh filters). To properly use such water supply units, you need to know their operating principle.

Let's look at the operation of the self-cleaning mesh filter in order.

During normal operation, water enters the inlet and, passing through a fine mesh in the filter flask, leaves small mechanical particles on its surface.

After some period of time, the accumulated dirt will have to be washed off. To do this, it would be necessary to stop the water supply, unscrew the filter housing, remove the mesh and rinse it under water pressure, then reassemble the system in the reverse order and resume the water supply.

But in the case of a self-cleaning filter, all these procedures are not necessary. It is enough to open a special drain ball valve and the deposit of mechanical particles will be washed away by pressure from the surface of the mesh.

It should be noted that it is first necessary to substitute a container for drained water or organize a special channel for the outflow of liquid from the drain tap into the sewerage system (this can be provided for at the stage of installation of the water supply system).

The advantages can be summarized as follows:

  1. Significant savings on plumbing work for periodic cleaning of the mud trap.
  2. Saving maintenance time.
  3. Budget savings due to the lack of replaceable cartridges, which quickly become unusable and require mandatory replacement.
  4. Opportunity continuous operation system even during the flushing process (depending on the model).
  5. Some manufacturers allow you to change the filter element and achieve the required quality of purification of the incoming water; for example, you can install a mesh for finer purification.


Should I buy a Honeywell self-cleaning filter or pay attention to analogues?

The most popular among those who install plumbing systems are products under the Honeywell brand. She earned her popularity thanks to high quality execution of all components, the ability to replace individual parts, as well as excellent reliability and service life of the products.

Particular attention should be paid to models with a transparent body, which allows you to visually assess the degree of contamination. As well as devices with additional functionality - Honeywell filters equipped with pressure reducers and pressure gauges.

The only drawback of this product is its high cost.

And here you need to try to find an analogue that satisfies all the same demands for quality and functionality as Honeywell self-cleaning filters.


The following products from the group of self-cleaning household filters are presented on the market:

  1. Valtec self-cleaning filter(equipped with two filter meshes, one inside the other; mesh cartridges, like those from Honeywell, can be purchased separately. The disadvantages include the lack of models with pressure reducers and a transparent body).
  2. Products of the company TIEMME (Italy). The range includes filters even with a transparent body, but not with pressure reducers.
  3. Itap filters are equipped with two pressure gauges - at the inlet and outlet, which is very convenient. If the pressure difference is large, it is immediately obvious that the filter mesh is clogged.
  4. The German manufacturer SYR also offers semi-automatic household options. Models available for both cold and hot water.

And this is far from full list Honeywell's competitors in the market.

Of course, each product has its own advantages and disadvantages. But the consumer always votes with rubles.

With tap water, in addition to the liquid itself, foreign particles, such as rust, grains of sand, and hemp fibers, can get into pipes and household appliances. They settle in pipes and surfaces household appliances in contact with water, which invariably leads to blockages and breakdowns. Suspended particles larger than 100 microns leave micro-scratches on faucets. Constant contact with the surface causes it to gradually become thinner and begin to leak. In this case, mesh water filters with direct flushing can be a way out of this situation.

Operating principle of a water rinsing filter

It is quite possible to solve the problem with a “leaking” faucet at the “prevention” stage. In this case, a flush water filter is installed, which is suitable for city apartments. There are also main filters designed for higher performance. The main task of any filter of this type– protection of household appliances and plumbing fixtures from large impurities.

The operating principle of this filter is quite simple: particles passing through the filter with water are retained on a steel mesh. Gradually, contamination accumulates on the surface of the mesh. In order for the filter to continue to work, it must be washed.

Flushing is carried out using a direct stream of water, which washes contaminants into the drain. The process is started by simply turning the valve handle. It is worth noting that during this process water is not supplied to the system. But this disadvantage is mitigated by the fact that the washing procedure itself takes no more than three minutes. After washing, the liquid is drained either into a separate container or into the sewer. The latter requires an additional insert.

This method of cleaning does not give 100% results, and therefore 1-2 times a year you need to clean it yourself using a toothbrush. If this method does not help clean the element from dirt, then you need to buy a new mesh and install it in place of the old one. As a rule, the cost of this part does not exceed 500 rubles. But if cleaning is done in a timely manner, the mesh should be replaced no more than once every three years.

Advantages and disadvantages of direct flush strainers

As previously noted, during flushing, water is not supplied to the system. But the process is optimized so much that cleaning does not take much time. Also, such systems (an example would be Honeywell direct flush water strainers) in some models are equipped with a valve that reduces pressure, which will protect the system from possible water hammer. It also allows you to set the same pressure level for both hot and cold water. But this factor is possible only if filters with a reducer are installed on the cold and hot lines. This advantage will also significantly simplify the process of adjusting the water temperature using a mixer.

But if we talk about the disadvantages, then often such a filter is simply not enough for high-quality water purification, since the liquid may contain not only suspended particles, but also dissolved elements, gases, and microorganisms. Therefore, the issue of high-quality water purification is approached comprehensively. This is especially true for apartments. Before water reaches your tap, it passes through old, rusty pipes in which harmful elements and microorganisms have been accumulating for years. Therefore they are used different systems water purification and water treatment. They provide the highest quality water purification depending on the indicators chemical analysis water samples and method of use.

The dimensions of such filters are small, and therefore in a limited space they are quite easy to integrate into the water supply system without taking up extra space. The filter bowl for cold water is made of impact-resistant transparent material, and for hot water it is made of brass. Process Maintenance does not require dismantling the filter from the pipeline, thereby ensuring easy replacement of elements.

It is worth mentioning that such filters are capable of not only removing large impurities, but also absorbing iron and manganese, softening the water.

For all their advantages, such filters are not particularly expensive, remaining accessible to all segments of the population.

Combined methods

Combined nodes

The rinsing water filter is designed for more or less large contaminant particles. It does not retain smaller, dissolved elements or microorganisms. Therefore, quite often the following is used with mechanical cleaning:

  • Reagent methods
  • Reagent-free methods

The filtration process itself already refers to reagent-free methods. But an additionally equipped water treatment system with special systems makes it possible to obtain clean and healthy water. It is also useful because the purification process not only does not make the water distilled, but in some models it also enriches it with additional microelements, bringing the liquid to an ideal state.

An example of the use of self-cleaning water filters in integrated approach can be a reverse osmosis system, which is considered one of the best in the field of water treatment.

Salts heavy metals, hardness, nitrates, bacteria and much more are removed by such systems not only quickly, but also efficiently. According to studies, the degree of such purification can reach 99%.

The use of water for domestic and food purposes is almost impossible without preliminary water treatment. It is carried out in several stages, the first of which is mechanical filtration.

Mechanical water purification is required to eliminate a number of different substances. With its help, large inclusions consisting of sand, clay, rust and other components, relatively small components that color the water, as well as impurities that change the taste and smell are removed. Mechanical cleaning removes up to sixty percent of all contaminants. This is not enough for any use, so it is supplemented with other types of filtration.

Rice. 1 Filters for water purification

Mechanical cleaning is carried out in several stages different methods. Among them are coarse filtration, which removes large inclusions, sedimentation, centrifugation and fine filtration.

All devices by which water is purified from mechanical impurities can be divided into industrial and household.

Industrial filters are used to purify water in large volumes. They have significant performance and consist of several parts.

The first cleaning element is a coarse filter, which catches large inclusions.

After removing large suspended matter from the water, the liquid is settled. In settling tanks, particles that differ in density from water are separated. Some settle to the bottom, while others rise to the surface. In this way, they get rid of solid inclusions that were not retained by the coarse filter, as well as petroleum products and oils.

Next, hydrocyclones and centrifuges are used to create centrifugal acceleration. With their help, fine suspension, which otherwise does not settle, is separated from the water and collected in special devices.

The next step is to use fine filters. They use coal, woven materials, sand and some others, which effectively separate mechanical impurities.

After mechanical filtration, purification is carried out by other methods. Only after this is water supplied to the water supply and sent to the consumer. But cleaning is not always ideal, and old water pipes add pollution, so devices for mechanical filtration and deeper cleaning are also installed in the apartment.

Mechanical cleaning filters for apartments

Mechanical water filtration is required both in an apartment with a centralized water supply and in a house with autonomous system. Water can be taken in with impurities or receive them while passing through pipes. In any case, you need to get rid of inclusions, because... they are harmful to plumbing fixtures, household appliances and fine filters. There are three main types of household mechanical filters. These are mesh without self-washing and self-washing, as well as cartridge ones.

Mesh filters without auto-rinsing

Mesh filters of this type are called mud filters. They have very simple design. Inside there is a metal mesh that traps large inclusions. The size of the retained contaminants depends on the size of the mesh cells. It doesn’t make sense to install the option with small cells right away, because... it will clog quickly. If you want to clean the water as much as possible from mechanical impurities using mud filters, then several devices with different mesh sizes are placed in succession.

Rice. 2 What mechanical water purification filters look like

All devices of this type require regular cleaning. When the mesh becomes clogged, the water pressure in the pipes decreases. The filters are equipped with special plugs that must be unscrewed to remove the mesh element.

There are mud bugs different sizes and configurations. They are installed in pipes at the entrance to the house. Connections to pipes can be flanged or coupling.

Mesh filters with auto-washing

Washable strainers are much more convenient to use and maintain. The devices consist of a housing, which is designed to be inserted into a pipe, and a glass with a mesh filter inside. The body is made of metal. The glass can be either transparent plastic or metal. The filter element is usually made from food grade of stainless steel. At the bottom of the glass there is a tap and a drain pipe, which is intended for draining dirty water after washing the mesh.

Rice. 3 Wash filter for mechanical water purification

Backwashing is more effective. In this case, a reverse flow of water passes through the filter element. This option is implemented in some models of mesh devices.

Rice. 4 Automatic water rinsing filter

To control water pressure, a number of models have pressure gauges. Two devices, at the inlet and at the outlet, allow you to monitor filter contamination by pressure difference. In some cases, the device is combined with a water pressure reducer, which allows you to adjust its level.

Cartridge mechanical filters

The third type of household devices for mechanical water purification are cartridge filters. They are easy to use and have a low price.

Such filters consist of several functional parts. The first part is the housing, which connects to water pipe. Typically, models are equipped with a suspension system for mounting to the wall, so as not to create additional load on the pipes. There is also a button on the body to reduce internal pressure.

A glass is attached to the body from below. It comes in transparent or opaque plastic and metal. The glass is attached using threaded connection or using additional seals.

Inside the glass there is filter material in the form of a replaceable cartridge. The cartridge is usually a hollow cylinder whose walls are made of porous material. Water entering the glass along the outer walls passes through the filter material into the central cavity and is directed to exit the filter.

Rice. 5 Cartridge device for mechanical purification of cold water

The filter walls of the cartridge are usually made of polypropylene. It can be spongy, corrugated or in the form of wound threads. The choice of polypropylene for this role is not accidental. The material does not enter chemical reactions, does not highlight harmful substances, can be used in the medical and food industries.

Rice. 6 Mechanical cleaning cartridge

Depending on the nature of the filler, the size of the filter cells varies widely. In some cases it ranges from one to five micrometers. Such a filter can hardly be called a coarse cleaning device. In some cases, they can replace fine filters.

The only disadvantage of cartridge filters is the need to replace the cartridges. They are not washed or restored, so periodically you need to purchase consumables.

When choosing a mechanical cleaning device for your home, it is necessary to assess the degree of contamination of the water with insoluble inclusions. In some cases, a cartridge filter will be sufficient, while in others a coarse pre-cleaning device will be required.

Water purification filter with the ability to easily remove contaminants.
A wash filter is a device for mechanical water purification that does not require periodic replacement of the main element. Simply rinse the filter mesh.

In tap water, even city water, there is enough sand, sediment flakes and rust fragments, from which cheap faucet axle boxes, ceramic spools of mixers, as well as shut-off and drain valves suffer. cisterns. In the sense that they begin to leak or undermine. Additionally, well water may have algae.

There will be no photos of crumpled cardboard packaging.

The rinsable water filter consists of the following components:
- flask with inlet and outlet pipes;
- internal cylindrical mesh;
- rotary drain valve on the lower outlet of the flask;
- some models include a pressure gauge.

The principle of operation is quite simple. The mesh is fixed in the flask from below and above so that there is empty space between it and the walls. Tap water enters through the entrance, seeps through the cells, leaving all the dirt on them, and rises under pressure to the exit. The denser the filter surface, the better cleaning. In addition to the inlet and outlet holes, there is also a third one located at the bottom of the flask. During normal operation of the filter, it is turned off by the tap.
When the mesh becomes dirty and the liquid begins to pass through worse, it is opened. Under the influence of pressure, water is directed into the lower hole in a powerful stream, washing away dirt from the cells and walls of the flask along the way. You should make it a rule to periodically wash the filter.

Instructions in Chinese.
Dimensions 90 x 210 mm, diameter 59 mm.
Connection 1/2"".
Weight 444g.
Water temperature 5-40 degrees Celsius. All-metal filters are produced for hot water.
Water pressure 0.1-0.4 mPa (~ 1-4 atm)
Cell size metal mesh filter specified 40-60 microns.

The drain pipe is connected flexible hose with sewerage.
I have had two filters in my boiler room since 2011. One for the city water supply, the second for pumping station from the well. They do not require any maintenance other than draining the sludge once a week or month.

Why do I need a third filter, you might think - to filter water from the second well into the Ariston heater in summer kitchen.
Decide for yourself whether to install it at all and where to buy it; there are no options in the stores in my city.

The process of draining the sludge can be seen in the video.

As a result, in the summer kitchen, well water is filtered only to the heater + mixer; for irrigation it goes directly past the filter... In the background, the inlet hose from the pump, blackened by earthen sediment, was once transparent.

And that is not all.
To close the topic, I’ll show you an option for using a local filter. Due to the fine sediment, constant leaks of the shut-off valves forced us to find such a filter.

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