Construction and self-assembly of rotary doors. Pendulum doors

Greetings, dear blog visitor. The other day I looked at the installation of sliding and sliding doors, which are more convenient than regular ones. But time does not stand still, and today we are offered another improved option - interior rotary doors. Many may be interested in the price of them, but we’ll talk about that at the end of the article.

Rotary doors can be a great space saver

In order to somehow save space in the apartment, we install doors with non-traditional opening , for example, sliding or sliding, or, in extreme cases, an accordion (very compact, but at the same time there are many disadvantages). But today these widely used designs have rivals - the so-called interior revolving doors. What are their advantages and what are their disadvantages?

Sliding (sliding) doors, as a rule, move on roller suspensions along a reinforced rail parallel to the wall. At the same time, they do not “eat up” space or block corridors. However, in this case, it will be impossible to place furniture, hang pictures, mirrors or switches next to the opening. And a structure hiding in a wall niche will not be so cheap, and to install it, you will most likely have to build a new partition, which is why many people have a complex, two-fold attitude towards such doors.

But now we have clever roto-doors, and they help solve these problems.

Note: the rotary door leaf moves sideways, towards the jamb, along a supporting rail inserted into the top block of the frame. Synchronously, the sash rotates 180° around the central vertical axis. The rotary door mechanism guarantees easy opening and closing in both directions.

Roto door leaf walks within the opening and does not interfere with interior design. True, in the “open” position it opens into adjacent rooms, but nevertheless takes up half as much space in the aisles than a standard swing door.

What is the best door to install?

From the point of view of saving space, which one is better? install an interior door(by the way, read about installing the door yourself)? Theoretically - sliding, but more often planning solution indicates specifically the choice of an interior rotary door. Although, of course, there are situations when there is so little space (say, it’s a tiny bathroom) when all that remains is to install an accordion door, or.

Ease of use

To open or close sliding door, we will need to make some effort in an unusual direction for us. This makes the opening and closing process sometimes seem lengthy and awkward. The revolving door, in this regard, opens very easily, moreover, in any direction - either toward you or away from you. And in the closed position it is fixed with a magnetic latch. In terms of ergonomics and convenience You can safely give her an excellent rating.

Choosing a door leaf for a rotary door

You can equip virtually any fabric with a roller suspension mechanism. The main thing is that there is no protruding decor on it, which will require an increase in the distance from the wall and complicate the installation of seals. By the way, special kits for all-glass interior doors are available for sale.

Operating principle of the rotary door

Roto door mechanism can only be attached to wooden parts strapping. A solid glass sheet from top to bottom and a thin-layer rim will not allow this to happen.


For easy movement, both sliding and rotating interior doors must be left along the entire perimeter of the door leaf small gap. So from the point of view of isolating smells and sounds, both inferior to swing models.

Note: some foreign companies produce custom rotating doors of larger dimensions that can become a fragment interior partition. I note that similar systems only guarantee rotation of the blade (without sideways movement) and are not so convenient.

Rotary doors in the bathroom and hallway

The situation can be partially corrected using mortise brush seals . Thanks to them, a design with non-standard opening and closing will allow you to “cut off” airborne noise - 20-25 dBA at medium frequencies (quiet conversation).

Note: interior rotary doors will save space just like sliding doors and are as convenient for the owner as pendulum ones.

Difficulties during installation

Roller suspension mechanisms have long been widely popular, and the features of their installation are well known to specialist installers. In principle, their installation is within the capabilities of every home builder whose hands and head are in the right place. The design allows you to make small mistakes when organizing the opening, but in the future it will need adjustment. Prerequisite installation - correct opening geometry (even diagonals).

But if you have never encountered the installation of doors, then it is better to entrust this task to an experienced specialist who has thoroughly comprehended all the intricacies of the rotation system.

On a note:
Interior revolving doors came to us quite recently, but have already proven themselves to be an excellent solution for small apartments. Traditional swing doors interior doors create some inconvenience in cramped hallways and narrow corridors. And door leaves with a rotary mechanism save precious centimeters and provide the opportunity to make efficient use of space. In addition, they solve the problem of lack of free space for opening the sashes in closely spaced openings. And they eliminate the possibility of damage due to collisions of the canvases. And also, I want to note that thanks to unusual scheme opening and closing, such doors will serve important element in the interior.

In addition to other advantages, rotary doors look very good and breathe in new life V modern design interior

Price of rotary doors and their installation

It is logical that their price will be higher regular doors, due to the mechanism. But convenience comes at a price. Prices normal rotary doors - from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles. Yes, it's certainly a bit expensive.

In addition, installation cost will be 30 percent higher than a sliding door, because the rotary door mechanism is more difficult to install.

This is where I’ll probably end the article. If you found it useful, then share it with your friends, perhaps they have not even heard of such doors, and will also want to install them in their home. Bye everyone, see you again.

They can be opened both inward and outward. The constructive find “from the metro lobby” gradually migrated to residential interiors.

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On the picture:

The concepts “right” and “left” do not apply to a swing door - the door opens simultaneously in both directions.

Loops. Modern swing doors are often equipped with a return mechanism. It protects against impact and helps to smoothly return the sash to its original position. There is another useful option - hold open - holding the door in the open position. Many manufacturers supply their models with it, but each company is proud of its own development of this mechanism.

In the photo: Sinthesy swing 03 model from the FOA factory.

It is essentially the same as in swing doors - hinges. But they are not installed on the side of the canvas, but above and below. The hinges provide 180º swinging and fastening of the leaf in the opening. Pendulum doors have two hinges, which, in turn, consist of two parts. The lower loop is a carrier and regulates the position of the canvas (higher/lower). It is mounted on the floor, and its counter element, a fitting, is installed on the door. The top loop secures the vertical axis door leaf.

Pendulum doors: advantages

  • high throughput;
  • absence of a door frame: installation is easier, you can install the door leaf bigger size;
  • greater comfort and safety: the door closes itself and/or is held open.

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On the picture:

Innovation: a magnet is built into the frame to hold the door leaf.

Swing doors: disadvantages

  • more complex compared to swing doors, opening mechanism. The upper and lower hinges must be installed so that axial displacements do not occur;
  • bad sound and thermal insulation properties. The canvas is installed with a gap of at least 8 mm on each side of the opening;
  • the need to provide free space for opening on both sides of the door. Pendulum models “eat up” a lot usable area, therefore they are installed if the space on the side of the opening is limited and it is not possible to install a sliding door.

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On the picture:

Swing doors can also be double-leaf (quite often they are installed in shopping centers). Foreigners share paired doors (swing doors) and rotating single-leaf pendulum doors (pivot doors).

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Sections of the article:

Swing doors are one of the types of swing doors. By analogy with traditional interior designs, they open to enter a particular room. But, unlike conventional swing doors, pendulum doors can open in any direction - toward the incoming (outgoing) person or away from him. Such doors deserve detailed description, since they have characteristic features, advantages and negative qualities. In addition, swing doors can be installed with your own efforts, which will be discussed below.

Differences between swing doors and regular doors

The main difference between swing door systems is their ability to swing open in both directions. The essence of this design lies in special device loops used. Of course, the use of conventional hinged hinges would make such operation of the door leaf impossible.

All types of swing doors are equipped with floor-mounted and top part openings with awnings. True, these mechanisms can only be called that with great exaggeration. The fact is that, in essence, these canopies are an axial spring device onto which the door leaf is fixed. The axis of rotation allows the door to swing open in any direction. It is possible to install the entire structure in such a way that the blade can rotate in a circle. Cross systems installed at the entrance to large shopping centers operate on a similar principle.

So, the main structural element we can safely call these specific hinged mechanisms. Such devices come in two types - with and without closers. The advantages of structures equipped with canopies with closers are widely known. In swing doors with such systems, automatic closing is implemented using an original spring device.

It would be useful to mention that for efficient operation Such products require a pair of closers operating in opposite directions. One of these mechanisms is installed in the lower loop, and the second - in the upper. For example, when the door needs to be opened away from you, the lower closer will work, and when opened in the opposite direction, the upper one will work. It is this joint work of two different devices that makes it possible to automatically close pendulum systems.

Types of swing doors and their main features

In addition to the fact that pendulum systems are a subspecies swing structures, they can be classified according to various criteria. Most often, their differences lie in the material used in manufacturing.

Glass swing doors are good decision for those premises whose interior is made in modern style. The main advantage of such designs can be called long term operation, because the glass is very easy to clean and practically does not scratch. At the same time, glass swing doors are made not from ordinary fragile glass, but from thick and hardened material, or, in extreme cases, they are reinforced with a film that is resistant to mechanical stress. The transparency of glass swing doors is corrected using tinting films.

Aluminum swing doors are a kind of similarity to the previous option. The only difference is the presence of a metal frame. Aluminum swing doors are a little less aesthetically pleasing than all-glass swing doors.

Plastic swing doors are standard modern designs, often equipped with double-glazed windows. They can also be equipped with sandwich panels. Pendulum PVC doors often installed at the entrance to a balcony or loggia. It's hard to find any faults with these doors. Unless one of them can be attributed to its uncomplicated appearance.

Swinging doors made of wood are widely used in a variety of design solutions. The advantages of these doors are similar to those of traditional swing structures made from this natural material.

Fire protection door designs used in premises subject to higher safety requirements. In crowded areas, these swing doors can help out in the most emergency. Such doors are installed in the subway, catering establishments, office centers and production premises. The fire resistance of swing doors depends on the thickness of the leaf and the type of finishing of its external surface. In addition, the fire-fighting properties of the structure are influenced by the formula of the special foaming composition used as a filler.

In addition to classification by the type of material used in production, swing doors differ in the number of leaves used in the design. Based on this feature, single-leaf and double-leaf pendulum systems are distinguished. To choose from optimal design for a specific room, the width is primarily affected doorway. In the case when it is more than 1200 mm, it is advisable to install double doors.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to determine the advantages and disadvantages of swing doors, it is necessary to carry out comparative analysis all variants of these designs. Only by comparing the features of certain varieties can one identify the advantages and disadvantages of such products. The advantages primarily include:

Lack of a door frame in the design (not in all models). True, this advantage is also a disadvantage. On the one hand, when dealing with such a design, there is no need to install the box. But, at the same time, the absence of a stop to which the door leaf could fit tightly reduces the soundproofing characteristics of the doors.

Another significant advantage is that the doors are equipped with a special type of canopy, namely a mechanism for the lower axis. This part of the structure bears the entire load from the mass of the door leaf. The lower axis has the ability to take on significant weight, which allows the use of large door leaves when installing.

The obvious advantage of pendulum systems is the ability to open and close the door leaf in any direction. In principle, it was for this purpose that double-sided swing doors were developed.

The hinged mechanism at the top of the structure also has certain advantages. This device allows you to adjust the speed of opening and closing the door leaf. At the same time, some models of such canopies make it possible to fix the door in a certain position.

The main disadvantages, first of all, include insufficient sound insulation. At the same time, such structures have a higher cost compared to traditional swing doors. This is especially true in its entirety glass products. At the same time, if you compare the price of swing doors made of wood and conventional hinged structures, it may turn out to be more profitable to purchase the former. This is due to the absence of a frame in the design of swing doors.

However, it is unlikely that you will be able to do without decorating the doorway at all. It is better to finish it from durable material, for example, a tree. Soft putty tends to crumble and chip upon contact. In addition, the disadvantages of these doors include the need to use them normal work additional volume of free space on both sides of the structure.

In conclusion, it will be necessary to raise the question self-installation pendulum doors. The technology for installing such structures is quite simple. At the same time, there are several nuances that must be taken into account when carrying out installation work with my own hands. First of all, it is necessary to ensure complete coincidence of the axes of the upper and lower rotary mechanism. A minimal deviation will lead to incorrect functioning of the door leaf.

Secondly, it is necessary to follow standard recommendations regarding the distance from the top edge of the doorway to the axis of the canopy. The fact is that the larger this value is, the more difficult it will be to open the door. Typically this distance is 50 mm. It is also important to ensure that the floor and the top of the doorway slope are horizontal. Without this condition, it is impossible to achieve acceptable sound insulation. In addition, it is important not to violate vertical angle side edges of the doorway, and also ensure minimum distance between the slopes and the canvas.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that swing doors are an excellent option for office and commercial premises, apartments and country house. Of course, equipping a bedroom with such designs will not be the most the best solution due to their low sound insulation characteristics. But why not use interior swing doors in other rooms? For example, this could be a bathroom or kitchen. Swing doors will look natural almost anywhere, although it must be taken into account that they require significant space on both sides of the opening.

- This is an important point when planning a room. Swing doors have recently appeared in this area. However, designers actively recommend them to their clients engaged in renovation and construction.

Double-opening swing doors are structures with one or two leaves, the elements of which open in both directions. They are equipped with a fitting mechanism that includes hinged hinges. Their installation allows the canvas to be opened in both directions, which creates a swaying effect. This is where the term “swinging” comes from. Compared to classic canvases, they are suitable for all types of high-traffic areas.

Design of swing doors

Pendulum models with a double-sided opening system consist of a canvas, a fitting mechanism and floor closers.

The canvas is made from many materials. This is high-strength plastic or glass, which is due to the popularity of such doors in office buildings and in public places. Wood is also used in production, however, its popularity has decreased due to low wear resistance compared to glass and plastic. Now the market for swing doors consists of 30% wooden structures.

IN separate group You can select metal swing doors made of aluminum or steel. They equip corridors for evacuating people in case of fires. Due to the mechanism, the design reduces the risk of congestion, and non-flammable material reduces the rate of fire spread.

The fitting mechanism is a set of hinges and closers. The choice directly depends on the purpose of the entrance group. For high traffic conditions, preference should be given to floor elements. If traffic is low, standard hinges are purchased. If communications (gas, water, air duct) pass under the entrance group, installation of floor hinges is impossible.

The main material is stainless steel. The thicker the sheet of metal, the greater the load the sheet can withstand during operation. At correct installation pendulum loops must be hidden behind the canvas, as they are of the hidden type. The accessories also include clips, corner lock, corners, handle, fittings.

Around the three cards, in the loops of the latter, tight springs are wound, performing the function of a device that, when opened, brings the door to the closed position - a closer.

How do swing doors differ from regular doors?

Externally, they are no different from the classic ones. They can be identified visually only by the absence of standard elements - such canvases have neither a lock nor door handle. But this applies only to one type of canvas.

There are only two of them:

  1. Option with floor hinges. They are installed in public places, most often in a doorway facing the street. In this case, the hinges are installed at the top of the sash and at floor level. This allows you to fix the canvas in a certain position or close it at night.
  2. Swinging is the simplest type of swing doors. The hinges are attached on one side to the frame, the other to the canvas itself. Installed in public institutions That's why they are called saloons or bars. They can be seen in authentic films about cowboys.

Operating rules

Due to the size of the structure, pendulum products require free space in their opening area. Failure to comply with this point may lead to rapid damage to the canvas. Due to the lack of good thermal insulation, pendulum structures are not recommended for use at the border of warm and cold rooms without an additional insulation line.

Why choose swing doors?

The advantages include the following points:

  • during installation it is not necessary to install a door frame;
  • the design has high strength and wear resistance;
  • the canvas can be opened in both directions, which is convenient both in residential and industrial premises;
  • Thanks to floor hinges, the door can be fixed in a certain position and the speed of its closing and opening can be adjusted.

Design flaws

All the disadvantages of swing doors are associated with the simplicity of their mechanism. They got rid of unnecessary elements, but lost their classic qualities. The absence of sealing contours and close contact with the door contour deprives them of a significant level of sound insulation.

Important! Due to the large opening radius, interior swing doors are not suitable for rooms with a small area or for rooms where there is no free space near the entrance.

The cost of the design is high - on average 30-40% higher compared to classic samples made of the same material. The difference is due to the high cost of fittings.

Installation technology for swing doors

Swing ones are the easiest to install, although they have their own peculiarities. Before fastening the fittings, you should loosen the closer and return it to its original position after installation, otherwise it will not work correctly.


At the first stage of installation, the master marks the future location of the loops. After measuring the side cards on the frame and sash, marks seats and are cut to a depth corresponding to the thickness of the element. This is necessary so that after installation the fittings are not visible from behind the canvas.

The lock on the adjusting nut is removed, the opened cards are attached to the markings on the canvas with self-tapping screws. The other kit is installed in the same way. The tension of the closer on the hinge is set.

How to install the box?

Lastly, work is done with door frame. It must be placed on a flat surface, the hinges must be installed at the end and the position of the door itself must be adjusted so that during operation the door leaf does not touch the frame. The frame is mounted in the doorway and the canvas is hung on it. The final stage is installation of fittings.

Use in industrial premises

The production of swing doors was originally intended for commercial premises wide purpose.

Elastic pendulum structures designed for rooms with a fixed temperature are sold by the Antes company. The canvas is a soft canopy that automatically opens the opening at the press of a button or using special sensors. This feature reduces the cost of heating (cooling) the premises and simplifies the work with special equipment for transportation.

Another specialized company, Dorkhan, offers film and plastic swing doors, which are used for arranging warehouses and storage facilities.

Fireproof swing doors

GOST in its classification distinguishes fire protection systems, which also includes pendulum blades. Fire doors are used in public places for the rapid evacuation of people. They are equipped with a system that automatically unlocks the doors in the event of a fire alarm.

Fire-resistant fabric can delay the spread of fire until people are completely evacuated from the corridor and has low thermal conductivity characteristics, which eliminates the rapid heating of the structure under the influence of open fire.

Installation of such systems is carried out exclusively by specialists using non-flammable sealant, fireproof polyurethane foam and rubber seals.

Swing doors in a residential building

Designers recommend installing swing doors in the area between the dining room and kitchen to make takeout easier. ready meals. The separation of the bedroom and living room can be done using a single-leaf glass pendulum panel - it has a futuristic appearance and good level soundproofing.

In private homes, swing doors are installed in auxiliary outbuildings where tools are stored.

The design can be used in a private house when arranging an exit to a veranda or balcony. The glass sheet has high light transmittance, which makes it preferable compared to its main competitor - the PVC door.

Pendulum structures - perfect solution for arrangement of emergency exits. Such entrance groups make the evacuation process easier. However, this does not mean that such models cannot be used to create original interior living space.

03.09.2016 18754

Today, several types of doors are popular, one of which is pendulum doors. Their principle is the same as any other - to close and open up in front of people. The difference is that they open in an arbitrary direction: away from themselves and towards themselves. This option is very convenient when large things are constantly being carried through the opening and a lot of people are walking around. Then everyone opens the door in a direction convenient for him. Today we will understand this type of device, installation principles and nuances.

Primary information

An interesting question that affects everyone who encounters this type of open in both directions? The essence lies in the special design of the loops on which the canvas is hung. these are special mechanisms that are responsible for the ability of the door to turn in one direction, or, as in today’s version, in both directions. Pendulum canopies differ from ordinary ones in their design.

Pendulum hinges are equipped with an auxiliary structure in each of the doors, which is built into the lower and upper parts of the frame. They are necessary to maintain the tension of each of the sashes. These structures look like metal cylinders, but in fact they are a special type of springs. At the same time, they are the axis around which the blade rotates and turns. The presence of this complex axis allows rotation in both directions. If you install this axis in the center and fasten the door leaf, the door will begin to rotate in a circle, this is also sometimes done. The revolving door is especially attractive in supermarkets, where awkward people will walk around in a circle and then re-enter the store.

Axial canopies are mounted in two types:

  • With closers;
  • Stationary.

So, when a person releases the sash, it closes itself tightly and without impact. There is no need to make any effort at all to make the pendulum plastic ones work. This is possible thanks to a special mechanism with a spring; the closers are placed on two opposite sides and work against each other. Closers are placed one at a time on the upper and lower loops.

In a typical case, and when it opens from itself, then the top one. It was just the most convenient way to arrange the loops. If there are no closers, then when a person throws the sash, it dangles under the influence of inertial forces until it reaches equilibrium and stops. This, of course, is not convenient, but such a door is much cheaper and easier to install.

Types and classification of swing doors

We have already figured out the technical nuances of this type, now we need to understand what types there are. The first classification is divided according to the materials used in production:

  1. Glass
  2. Aluminum
  3. Wooden

IN recent years has become so popular that when renovating apartments, this option is already included in the design from the very beginning. In apartments they are mainly installed glass doors, it looks aesthetically pleasing there. At the same time, the glass is almost not scratched and does not lose its appearance, and if you do not try to break it, it will last a very long time. For the door leaf, by the way, they use a special tempered glass to prevent collapse from even very strong blow. In terms of transparency, there are also no problems; it can be changed with the help of special tinting paints.

Pendulum ones made of aluminum are stronger than their pure glass counterpart, but in fact, here the same glass is placed in a metal frame. The shape, type and size of the frame vary, which generally changes the overall image; this can be convenient when building an interior.

- this is the same double-glazed window, only here a pendulum hinge is also installed so that it opens in both directions. The problem here lies in the constant appearance, since such doors are externally the same as any plastic windows and nothing can be done about it. Wooden ones are somewhat less common, since this option is not mass-produced using the pendulum principle. They can also be combined and represent the most aesthetic option of this type.

Second classification.

This type of canvas is also classified by the number of sashes. They are:

  1. Single leaf
  2. Bivalve

The principle of operation here is the same - if the width of the opening or arch exceeds a meter, then, at the owner’s request, two doors are made. If the size is smaller, it will not be beautiful, so these standards are adhered to. Otherwise, it is customary to install exactly the same special loops so that the canvas turns in both directions.

Pros and cons of this type of door

You can find out the advantages of this type only by comparing them with standard ones so that the difference is clearly visible. The advantages are highlighted in this order:

  • An advantage of the relatively standard type, which opens only in one direction, is the absence of a box. This fact simplifies the installation of swing doors. However, this is also a minus: when there is no canvas against which the door leans tightly, the soundproofing properties deteriorate
  • The fittings for swing doors are always better than those produced for their standard counterparts. A much wider and heavier sash can be installed on one pair of hinges; this option is convenient when you need to cover a large opening. All the weight falls on the lower axle, which is fixed into the floor, so there will be no problems with installation.
  • The upper canopy also gives a certain advantage - the swing doors are adjusted according to the speed of automatic closing thanks to them. You can even make a special limiter, beyond which the sash cannot be opened. This is convenient when, if you open it too much, the canvas may hit the wall.
  • Factories also order and then install pendulum fire doors. Often installed in kitchens in large restaurants and other places where there is a need for this kind of

Disadvantages of the pendulum type.

An obvious drawback that will become noticeable immediately is terrible sound insulation. The cost is also different; they cost an order of magnitude more than usual, especially if it is aluminum structures or are present there stained glass. If you compare the price of standard doors handmade and pendulum ones, then the latter will be cheaper. So it depends on the individual wishes of the owner. But pendulum doors do not have a box, which means that the arch will look just like concrete wall and in an apartment this option will not be particularly aesthetic. Therefore, in any case, all-glass swing doors will have to be covered with something to make them look beautiful.

Another disadvantage is the need to create a certain empty zone on both sides of the doors so that it can move freely.

Installation of this type of canvas

Now let's say a few words about how to install such a canvas yourself, without resorting to the help of carpenters. Swinging doors for a restaurant or other premises are easy to install; there are a couple of nuances that we will discuss.

The installation of swing doors begins with the selection of the correct rotary axes, which should be located clearly one below the other.

If the alignment is shifted even by a few millimeters, then the doors may not move anywhere. Another problem is that sometimes you need to install three or more hinges, because if the distance between the edge of the wall and the hinge is too long, the door is difficult to open. It is also very difficult to find a lock for this type of canvas, and its usefulness is close to zero, since the canvas breaks with force in any direction.

But in general, this type becomes optimal for a bathroom or kitchen; the stereotype of hospitals and supermarkets is not necessary for every room. The design solutions feature a pendulum type of canvas, thus emphasizing the non-standard nature of the homeowners and their desire for specialness. And installation is even easier than if standard doors, although there are nuances to this.