What is the best insulation for an attic roof? Which insulation is best for an attic roof?

Modern market building materials are replete with a variety of insulating materials. But when the question concerns complete thermal insulation for a home, you need to know the main requirements for insulating materials. In this article we will tell you which insulation for the attic is better and what characteristics of the material need to be taken into account to keep your home warm and cozy in winter.

Your insulation should be durable and immune to external factors

Any builder with experience in roofing works, will tell you that the roof of the house must be well insulated. When choosing a material, focus primarily on the characteristics and needs of the structure. We live in a temperate climate, characteristics which is hot in summer and severe frost in winter time of the year. This means that your insulation must be durable and impervious to external factors.

One of the key criteria in choosing is the thickness of the attic insulation, on which the reliability and durability of the structure depends. For cold northern regions, you will have to choose thermal insulators as thick as possible, but for residents of the southern regions, where in winter the air temperature does not drop much below zero, you can choose those that are thinner and lighter.

Video about attic insulation

Most universal insulation- based on mineral wool. It is relatively inexpensive, but is suitable for almost any weather conditions. Although in some cases it is worth using polyurethane or other more expensive material that can fill the empty space more tightly.

We do not recommend using backfill insulation for roof insulation. Its thermal conductivity is quite high, which is why it simply cannot fully protect your home from the cold. It is much better to choose roll or slab insulation for mansard roof with low thermal conductivity.

Manufacturers, as a rule, set their own recommendations for laying insulation. If you follow them, you can significantly increase the service life and reliability of the structure. All available on this moment materials differ in the way they are laid depending on their weight, appearance and other characteristics.

It is best to choose insulation materials that weigh little, but are quite strong and rigid. You also need to remember the density of the material.

It is best to choose insulation materials that weigh little, but are quite strong and rigid.

In our climatic zone In winter, snowfalls are very frequent, so it is necessary to take into account the load from the snow cover. Heavy weight on the roof can lead to significant deformation. As a result, thermal insulation is greatly deteriorated. As a result, you will have to do the home insulation work all over again. And this is not only a big waste of time, but also money.

You also need to take into account the slope of your roof. The smaller the angle, the more snow will accumulate on it in winter, and during rain, the greater the likelihood of leakage.

The roof is one of the most important structures in a house. We advise you to make the choice of material strictly according to the following criteria:

  • Expect that there may be severe frosts in winter. The thermal insulation layer must withstand them. When a sudden change in temperature occurs, the material should not distort, crack or sag.
  • Take moisture resistance and fire safety indicators seriously. Even when directly exposed to fire, it should not ignite. Today on the construction market you can find materials with fire retardants that prevent combustion and slow down the spread of fire. We strongly recommend using these. If we talk about the dangers of moisture, then when the insulation is saturated with water, its properties are greatly deteriorated. Water itself is an excellent conductor of temperatures, so wet insulation simply will not perform its functions. In addition, when the material gets wet, it becomes heavily deformed and gains weight, and the entire roof structure comes under heavy load.
  • The selected insulation should keep its shape as efficiently as possible. It is better that the material is complete, without unnecessary seams, than to insulate the attic roof of the house with piecemeal remains in order to save money. Make sure you don’t have to pay twice - such material will not be able to fully perform its functions and even the most beautiful room in the attic will be uncomfortable due to blowing air from under the roof.

The selected insulation should keep its shape as efficiently as possible.

There are really a lot of materials on the market. Among the most popular are fiberglass, mineral wool and polystyrene boards. But they are already quite outdated. We do not recommend using them. Today, much better quality products and liquids are being created that tightly fill voids and insulate the room from the cold.

Basically, heat loss when using modern means is reduced by 50% or more. In addition, this allows you to save on other materials. For example, foam glass is extremely resistant to moisture, which eliminates the need to apply a layer of waterproofing. Foam glass is also characterized by very low thermal conductivity and impermeability to vapor particles. But let's consider other options.

Video about the process of attic insulation

  • Polyurethane. It is sold in a liquid state, but when you apply it to a surface, it hardens and becomes very durable. As with foam glass, waterproofing is also not required. It is very convenient for attics with complex design where to work with standard materials almost impossible. All empty space is completely filled with foam, ensuring low thermal conductivity. Excellent operational properties, long service life and overall ease of application – distinctive features modern polyurethane. The polyurethane board is blown out using a special machine and waited until it hardens. It's easy even without construction experience.
  • Ecowool. One of its main advantages is environmental friendliness. It is made from exclusively natural materials. Basically it is ordinary cellulose. In addition, many manufacturers add fire retardants and active antiseptics to the material, which makes ecowool protected from fungus and mold. And it must be said that in comparison with other materials it costs an order of magnitude cheaper. Even a 20 cm layer can cope with the worst weather conditions. If you can’t decide how best to insulate the attic from the inside, then this is one of the most affordable and practical options. When you use ecowool, it must be precisely adjusted to the size of the compartments between the rafters. It is laid in two layers for better heat conservation. But do not forget that it is sensitive to moisture, which is why a waterproofing layer must be installed.
  • Polystyrene and other hard materials. Working with them is somewhat more problematic. They need to be laid on a sheathing or rafter structure. But when blown in correctly, it is polystyrene that provides the best thermal insulation for the attic.

When blown in correctly, it is polystyrene that provides the best thermal insulation of the attic

Remember that improper thermal insulation can cause many additional problems - roof icing, icicles, etc. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose the right way to insulate the attic from the inside and outside, but also to correctly carry out all the work on installing thermal insulation.

The popularity of attics is growing rapidly. Developers consider this type of housing to be less expensive compared to the cost of equipping floor premises. In addition, many homeowners are attracted by the opportunity to implement specific architectural and design solutions, specifically developed by European specialists. Why has the transfer of under-roof zones to housing become actualized in our country only in the last 10 - 15 years? The answer lies in the climatic difference between continental Europe and the European part of the Russian Federation. Only modern technologies in area insulating materials make it possible to choose insulation for the attic, providing a comfortable microclimate in a “house without walls” located somewhere in the Moscow region.

It is important to choose the right insulation for the under-roof space

The installation of attic roofs is functionally and technologically different from the work carried out on the main floors and in unheated attic spaces. Insulating the attic is associated with increased complexity installation processes, the need for thermophysical calculations, as well as the importance of proper development of ventilation and vapor protection.

In non-residential attic spaces, thermal insulation is laid in the niches between the ceiling beams. Roof structure in this case, it plays the role of a barrier that protects the building from wind load, temperature expansion and precipitation. Insulation for an attic roof, on the contrary, is part of a roofing sandwich designed to simultaneously perform all the functions inherent in the walls, ceiling and roof.

More moisture enters the attic than the floor spaces. Water penetrates from below in the form of rising vapor. Vapor barrier of the floor ceiling reduces the flow of moisture, but does not eliminate it.

The second factor in air humidification is associated with the inevitable condensation on the lower surface of the tiles or other roofing material. Moreover, the amount of this condensate on insulated roofs is greater than on cold roofs due to the increased temperature gradient. In addition, a ventilated cold attic forms a buffer air cushion, effectively drying the roof from below. The absence of such a buffer in attics reduces natural ventilation wooden rafters and the insulation itself.

Placing thermal insulation directly under the roof slopes increases the rate of heat transfer, so insulation for the attic should be more energy efficient than insulating the floor between the dwelling and the cold attic.

Criteria for selecting insulating material

What is the best way to insulate an attic? Studying the properties of thermal insulators cannot give a substantiated answer to this question. It is necessary to correlate the characteristics of materials with their operating conditions. The specificity of attics is expressed in three main rules for their insulation:

  1. Deadlines thermal insulation works. Typically, freshly sawn wood is used for rafters. In this case, it is necessary to wait at least six months before insulation is carried out with materials with high vapor permeability.

    Even when using dried wood, a pause of at least 2 weeks is necessary after installing the roofing.

  2. Choice of insulation thickness. The intensity of heat flow through the roof is much greater than the energy lost through the walls or foundation. The usual thickness of mineral wool of 100 - 150 mm does not solve the problem for attic insulation even in the southern regions of Russia. It is necessary to use special calculator programs, where climatic conditions, dimensions are substituted building structures and materials of all layers of the sandwich. In conditions of a temperate continental climate, the required design thickness of the insulator for a mansard roof is almost never less than 300 mm.
  3. Design of rafter beams.

The height of the lumber profile should be 30 - 40 mm higher than the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. In this case, a sufficient ventilation gap is formed between the waterproofing and the insulation.

If work is underway to convert a cold attic into housing, then additional sheathing is usually used at the bottom of the rafters, increasing the installation height to accommodate the insulating layer.

To determine which insulation is best for your attic roof, make a comparative assessment of the materials, taking into account the three rules outlined in the following order:

  1. Eliminate options that do not meet your requirements fire safety.
  2. Eliminate options with high vapor permeability of insulation if you do not have time to dry the rafter wood.
  3. Calculate the required insulation layer thickness for several options.
  4. Create budget options. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the exclusion of a vapor barrier membrane from the sandwich composition in the case of using insulating materials with hygroscopicity close to zero.

Types of insulating materials used for insulating attic roofs

First of all, it should be noted that insulating inclined surfaces bulk materials not only inconvenient, but also impractical, since the fragments rolling down will block the ventilation gap. Therefore, sawdust, fluff pulp, expanded clay and similar insulation materials should be abandoned. On the other hand, it is permissible to carry out insulation with slabs obtained from a mixture of the listed materials with clay or cement. However, the weight of such slabs should be taken into account when calculating trusses.

Fireproof insulation

The only relatively inexpensive fireproof heat insulator is mineral (basalt) wool. It is for this reason that she for a long time remains the most popular option for attic sandwich applications. How to choose a good mineral wool insulation for the attic? Is the usual rolled isover that we use for walls suitable? Such material will work well, but... not for long. The reason for this is high capillary activity. Therefore, it is necessary to choose materials with special impregnations that reduce hygroscopicity: ROCKMIN PLUS mineral wool, Izover Pitched Roof and other brands, the names of which have a direct indication of the field of application suitable for us.

Mixtures of insulating backfill with clay are also fireproof. The main problem with clay-mixed insulation is the very large thickness of the insulating layer and its excessive weight.

Among the most modern developments, PIR boards lined with heat-reflecting foil should be highlighted. They do not support combustion and have a record low thermal conductivity coefficient (0.024 W/m*K).

Insulation materials with the highest energy efficiency

Manufacturers of building thermal insulation have developed brands of extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) slabs specifically designed for the installation of attics and cold attic roofs. These are Penoplex Pitched Roof, TechnoNIKOL Carbon Solid and other materials with a thermal conductivity coefficient of no higher than 0.030 - 0.034 W/m*K. Brands are distinguished by the ability to order panels of increased length (up to 4.5 m), which significantly speeds up installation work.

EPS is a flammable material, but building codes allow its use in attic equipment. To increase fire safety, infrared screens with a foil layer should be used. Despite the fact that their vapor barrier function is not required by EPS, foil can significantly increase the fire resistance of the sandwich.

On average, polystyrene foam boards make it possible to reduce the thickness of the attic insulation layer by 20% compared to mineral wool. The champions in heat conservation are sprayed polyurethane foam (PPU) and the already mentioned PIR boards. Due to the high toxicity of gases released during thermal destruction of polyurethane foam, this material is not recommended for use in residential attics. PIR boards are free from this drawback and are able to replace mineral wool with a reduction in layer thickness by 1.5 times.

Insulation materials with high specific noise absorption

Insulation with Zhivoizol - linen heat insulator

The noise insulation properties of attic roof insulation can be very important when using metal tiles, which enhance the noise of natural precipitation. Currently, board materials have been developed that differ high coefficient noise reduction with a slight loss to mineral wool in energy efficiency. Among such developments, it should be noted pressed flax insulation, known under the market brands “thermolen” and “ZhivaIzol”. Plates made of this material absorb noise in all frequency spectra 20% - 30% more effectively than mineral wool and EPS.


Choosing insulation for mansard roof should be carried out in parallel with the development of roof trusses and the design of the entire sandwich, including roof cladding, membranes and sheathing. When converting cold attics into housing, it is important to minimize the thickness of the insulating layer and use insulators with the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient.

The wrong choice of insulation, or its insufficient thickness, not only leads to cold in the attic room. Even if you compensate for the low temperature with intensive heating, you may encounter:

  • increased roof icing;
  • reducing the service life of the roofing covering;
  • failure of the drainage system.

Thus, competent design of a roofing sandwich for attics is important not only to ensure comfort for residents, but also from the point of view of increasing the service life of the building.

Video on the topic: how to properly insulate an attic

High-quality insulation of the attic roof, thanks to the reduction of heat loss from the room through the roof, which reaches 50-55% of the total heat loss, makes it possible to make the attic floor comfortable for year-round living.

This article will discuss all types of the most popular thermal insulation materials. We'll compare them specifications to find out which thermal insulation is best for insulating an attic with your own hands and is it worth buying?

1 Requirements for attic insulation

Attics, as a rule, are completely wooden structures, formed from partition walls installed on adjacent to the roof wooden beams, and the roof of the house itself.

The roofing of a one or two-story private house is, in most cases, carried out according to slope technology. Support frame, made of wooden rafters, and covered with slate or similar roofing material.

You don’t need to be a construction expert to understand that the thermal insulation of an uninsulated attic is very poor. None of the materials used in its construction have a sufficiently low thermal conductivity; moreover, due to the lack of solidity, the attic roof is characterized by drafts and constant air blowing.

In order to reduce heat loss in the attic, protect the room from drafts and make it comfortable for regular living, it is necessary to properly insulate the attic roof.

In fact, the requirements that materials must meet for thermal insulation of the attic at , are almost identical to those put forward for conventional thermal insulation pitched roof, however, there are several important differences.

Since the attic is a living space, with the help of thermal insulation it is necessary to give it those characteristics that it lacks due to design features. We are talking about sound insulation.

The thin roofing materials used to create the roof have virtually zero noise reduction. This problem is especially noticeable if your home is located near a highway or railroad.

In such cases, for insulation it is better to choose materials that have good soundproofing properties. Mineral wool fits these criteria well, its sound insulation index is about 55 dB, which allows it to effectively cope with noise traveling through the air.

Insulating the attic roof with materials with soundproofing properties allows you to kill two birds with one stone - improve temperature regime indoors, and increase acoustic comfort.

2 Types of thermal insulation materials

An analysis of the thermal insulation materials on the market shows that only three types of insulation fully meet all of the above requirements:

  • Foam insulation - liquid penoizol and foam insulation;
  • Mineral wool insulation;
  • Insulation made from extruded polystyrene foam.

Let's figure out which of these materials is better to choose for thermal insulation of the attic roof.

2.1 Extruded polystyrene foam

Thermal insulation materials based on extruded polystyrene foam are the most popular insulation materials on the market, due to optimal ratio cost and functional characteristics.

Traditional strong point polystyrene foam insulation has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, which is 0.03 W/mk, which is approximately 0.005 W/mk better than that of mineral wool.

In practice, this advantage is manifested in the fact that for insulation with extruded polystyrene foam of similar efficiency, more thin layer material than when insulating with mineral wool, as a result of which the insulation will not eat up a lot of free space.

One of the key advantages of extruded polystyrene foam is its almost zero hydrophobicity. Such insulation does not absorb water, which has a positive effect on its durability, since moisture is the main enemy of any thermal insulation - when water is added to the insulation, mold grows in the insulation, and it quickly collapses during the process of rotting.

Also, the accumulation of water is fraught with the fact that the mass of thermal insulation increases, and, as a result, the load on the attic roof increases. Since the roof frame is usually made of wooden rafters, which have limited strength characteristics, it is recommended to avoid heavy loads on them.

The low load on the load-bearing structures of the attic roof is facilitated by the minimum weight of extruded polystyrene foam - the weight of one insulation board with a density of 31 kg/m3 is about 500 grams as with.

Expanded polystyrene insulation is mainly made in the form of slabs, which greatly simplifies working with this material. One person can insulate an attic roof with slab insulation with his own hands, without any additional help.

The main manufacturer of extruded polystyrene foam on the domestic market is the company Penoplex. In addition to the attic roof, penoplex can be used to insulate the walls and floor of the room.

Insulation of the attic roof with extruded polystyrene foam "Termite"


Penoplex “Roof” slabs are intended directly for the roof; let’s look at their technical characteristics.

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient: 0.03 Vi/μ;
  • Moisture absorption when completely immersed in water for 24 hours is 0.4% of the total volume (at the same time, the insulation is not prone to further moisture gain; when immersed for 28 days, water absorption does not exceed 0.5%);
  • Vapor permeability coefficient: 0.013 Mg/m*h*Pa;
  • Flammability class - G3 (normally flammable material);
  • Elastic modulus – 15 MPa;
  • Resistance to compression at linear deformation of 10% - 0.25 MPa;
  • Sound insulation index - 23 dB, same as .

Penoplex slabs have dimensions of 120 * 60 centimeters, while their thickness can range from 2 to 15 cm.

In general, we can conclude that it is better to insulate an attic roof with penoplex when you need a relatively inexpensive material, an insulation that is easy to handle and install yourself, and has good thermal insulation characteristics.

2.2 Mineral wool

A good material for insulating an attic roof with your own hands is mineral wool. There are three main types of mineral wool insulation:

  • Rock wool – produced by forming threads from molten basalt rocks;
  • Glass wool – made from melted glass cullet;
  • Slag wool – made from blast furnace slag, which is a waste product from the metallurgical industry;

The price, as well as the technical characteristics of these materials, differ greatly from each other.

Technical characteristics of mineral wool insulation:

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/mk: slag wool (SHW) – 0.045, glass wool (SV) – 0.04, basalt wool (BW) – 0.035;
  • Moisture absorption in 24 hours from volume: SHV - 1.9%, SV - 1.7%, BV - 0.09%;
  • Temperature range without loss of insulation characteristics: ShV - up to 250, NE - up to 450, BV - up to 600 degrees;
  • All materials comply with the flammability class NG (non-flammable as).

Insulation, if finances allow, is better done basalt wool(TechnoNIKOL) - of all the options, it has minimal thermal conductivity and high durability; glass wool (Ursa) is also a good choice; its characteristics are not very different from stone wool, but the cost is 20-25% lower.

It is better not to use slag for insulating an attic roof with your own hands. In a similar price category preference should be given to ordinary polystyrene foam, or insulation with the same penoplex, which is a little more expensive, but more effective.

2.3 Foam insulation

Foam thermal insulation materials such as liquid penoizol or foamed polyurethane foam are a clear example of what it should be high-quality insulation for the attic roof.

Such materials do not put a serious load on the load-bearing structures of the roof, since they have minimal weight, they have the lowest thermal conductivity of all insulation materials on the market, and a considerable list of advantages, but there is one thing. This “but” lies in the high cost of foam insulation.

For work on thermal insulation of a roof with polyurethane foam you will have to pay about 350 rubles per square meter of surface, with liquid foam insulation - about 200 rubles/m2, this does not take into account the cost of the material itself.

At the same time, it is impossible to make such thermal insulation with your own hands due to the fact that the production of foam insulation requires special equipment, and it is irrational to use foam sold in small cylinders for full thermal insulation, since this will further increase the total cost of the project.

In general, if your financial capabilities do not limit the choice of material that will be used for insulation, then preference should be given to foam insulation, namely polyurethane foam.

2.4 Do-it-yourself attic roof insulation technology (video)

The space under the pitched or sloping roof wooden house often used not only for technical purposes, but also as a living space. But to create comfortable conditions the attic must be carefully insulated from heat loss and external noise, and normal ventilation of all rooms must be ensured.

To understand which insulation is best for an attic, you need to carefully study the parameters of the materials on the market and correlate them with the project requirements for thermal insulation of the room and the degree of preparation of the roofing system.

Depending on the type of roofing materials and common system roof devices in wooden house, the basic requirements for thermal insulation materials are assigned.

During the construction of an object, lathing and counter-lattice for metal or soft types of roofing can be carried out according to different schemes. As a result, there are two types of roofing devices:

  • with laying a waterproofing film or diffusion membrane;
  • without installing a counter-lattice and a layer of waterproofing.

The second option is considered a gross mistake, but from time to time builders do not leave space for natural ventilation rafter system and do not protect its elements from moisture.

Material requirements

Requirements for insulation materials may differ depending on the type of roofing device, but the basic characteristics must remain unchanged:

  • thermal conductivity no more than 0.045 W/mK;
  • material density in the range of 30 – 50 kg per cubic meter;
  • rigid or semi-rigid structure of the heat insulator.


The thickness of the insulation layer directly depends on the purpose attic floor. When installed within this space living rooms and bathroom, it is necessary to protect the structure as much as possible from heat loss and freezing.

That is why experts advise using a layer of insulation of at least 100 - 150 mm. Moreover, the material is laid in 2 layers for more effective protection from heat loss.


It is also worth remembering that the lower the density of the material, the greater its thermal insulation ability and the less impact on rafter system. We must not forget that making the roof heavier can negatively affect the condition of the entire structure of the house, because the pressure of the rafters on the walls increases, and this can lead to their deformation.

That's why before you choose optimal insulation for an attic, it is necessary to carefully study its properties and calculate the approximate load on the rafter system.

If there is no waterproofing film or diffusion membrane that protects the rafters from moisture accumulation during steam condensation, it is best to choose one of the polymer insulation materials.

Most often, a similar situation arises during the construction of a house in which a residential attic was not intended. That is why the best option materials with extremely low permeability, such as polyurethane foams and expanded polystyrene, are becoming available.

Such insulation perfectly protects not only from freezing of the structure or a decrease in room temperature, but also from constant exposure to moisture. They are harmless to humans, but require creation ventilation systems, as they interfere with normal air circulation.

An interesting option for roof insulation is a material based on polyurethane foam. This insulation is applied by spraying, which ensures the absolute integrity of its layer without the formation of cold bridges.

In addition, this material does not require additional fastenings or fixation due to good adhesion to the base. For roof treatment 100 square meters it will take no more than 4 – 8 hours, which significantly reduces the process of arranging the attic floor.

The thickness of such insulation to protect the attic compared to classic mineral wool can be reduced by 1.5 - 2 times and amounts to 80 - 100 mm. It is thanks to the integral structure of the applied layer, as well as the formation of absolutely closed air cavities, that polyurethane foam perfectly protects the room from heat loss.

But it must be remembered that when using such insulation, home owners should install forced ventilation, otherwise accumulated moisture will lead to the development of fungi and pathogens.

In this case, both classic polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam will cope perfectly with the task of insulation.

Both materials have excellent thermal insulation properties, but the extruded version is more reliable and durable. Its thermal conductivity is lower, therefore effective layer reduced to 80 mm.

The cost of polystyrene foam is lower, but taking into account the difference in the required amount of materials, the total costs remain approximately equal. The undeniable advantage of extruded polystyrene foam over polystyrene foam is its non-flammability.

Extruded polystyrene foam, unlike polystyrene foam, is not susceptible to rodents; its structure simply does not allow them to create their nests in the thickness of the material. Nevertheless, polystyrene foam still remains one of the most popular insulation materials.

The density of both types of expanded polystyrene is also selected in the range of 30 – 50 kg/m3 to prevent the weight of the structure. They are fastened using special disc-shaped dowels with large polymer caps.

Fiber and natural insulation

When creating a roof with a counter-lattice and any type of waterproofing device, it is worth choosing semi-rigid materials, such as mineral and stone wool or composites based on natural fibers.

Such materials require additional protection from getting wet, since when exposed to water they lose their properties completely or partially. In addition, their fastening involves the creation of an additional frame, which complicates the work. But such wools have excellent permeability, therefore they support natural air circulation, ensuring a normal level of humidity in the room.

Mineral and stone wools

In fact, such materials are the most budget-friendly option for attic insulation. They are lightweight and dense, so they do not weigh down the structure. Installation of such insulation is simple, but will require several days.

Most often, mineral wool is laid in the space between the rafters. To increase the effectiveness of thermal insulation, complete overlap of beams and rafters is periodically used. The required layer of such materials is 150 - 200 mm.

The main disadvantages of mineral wool are the complete loss of properties when wet, as well as harmfulness to humans when weathered. Exposure to wind can knock out small stone or glass fibers from the bulk of the material.

If they enter residential premises, allergic reactions may occur and diseases may be provoked. respiratory tract. That is why mineral wool must be protected on both sides.

Natural fiber materials

Insulation materials are semi-rigid wools formed from plant fibers, natural binders and antiseptics. The latter help prevent biological corrosion and increase the durability of the insulation. In addition, fire retardants are introduced into ecowool, which reduces their flammability.

Such materials are afraid of waterlogging, but partially retain their properties when wet and completely restore them after drying. Natural wools are suitable for insulating any home, but also require a vapor barrier and diffuse membrane.

Protection of insulation from external and internal moisture

When using semi-rigid wool to insulate the attic of a private house, it is necessary to protect the thermal insulation materials both from condensation forming under the roofing material and from internal moisture in the premises.

Pie device

The interior decoration of the attic of the house is a kind of layer cake:

  • waterproofing film or diffusion membrane over the rafters;
  • insulation layer;
  • vapor barrier;
  • frame for interior decoration;
  • directly finishing material.

It is the presence of two films that allows you to completely protect the selected insulation.

Superdiffusion membranes

When using superdiffusion membranes, the selected material can be attached so that it is pressed tightly against the film. Due to the high throughput of such membranes, water vapor from the premises quickly passes through the insulation without condensation.

Ventilation gap

When using waterproofing with low throughput, it is necessary to leave a ventilation gap of at least 2.5 - 3 cm between the insulation and the film. In this case, the steam will circulate freely in this space, gradually being released outside and not condensing in the body of the heat insulator.

With proper insulation, the attic can become beautiful extra space in any home.

Insulating the attic from the inside will allow you to achieve an optimal microclimate.

An attic is an attic space located on the top floor of a house. The façade of this part of the structure may be partially or completely formed by a roof. Careful insulation of the attic from the inside helps prevent or minimize heat loss through the roof of the house. In addition, high-quality thermal insulation is reliable protection against the formation of mold on wooden surfaces. According to current sanitary requirements, the line of intersection of the façade plane with the roof attic room should be located at a distance of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level. The construction of a residential attic space is economically beneficial, as it allows you to mutilate living space without using the territory adjacent to the house for development. An attic insulated according to all the rules can become a cozy bedroom, a room for children, a place to relax, a billiard room or even a home bar.

Choosing insulation for the attic

The choice of material for attic insulation, as well as thermal insulation options, should ideally be made during the design of the building. At this stage, they determine how the attic space will be used in the future, but its insulation begins only when the construction of the house is completed. When choosing insulation for the attic, be guided by the following characteristics:

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance coefficient;
  • environmental safety;
  • degree of ignition;
  • strength and durability.

Important! Thermal insulation material must meet the established sanitary standards, be environmentally friendly, and also consist of natural components.

Choice of insulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCgK_L8Ejjs

Attic insulation components

An attic space not intended for living does not need to be completely insulated. In this case, thermal insulation of the attic floor, for example with sawdust, is sufficient. In a residential attic, in addition to the floor, insulation of the gables and ceiling will be required.

Using sawdust is one of the simplest and most budget-friendly options.

Although more serious insulation can be done.

High-quality thermal insulation of the attic space of a house, which allows to minimize heat loss, requires the presence of the following layers:

The result should be a similar “sandwich”.

Important! To ensure a minimum level of heat loss, follow the requirements and rules for installing thermal and waterproofing of the attic of the house.

Before you begin insulation, you should do a thorough inspection, as well as prepare the gables and roof slopes of the house. All wooden surfaces treated with an antiseptic, metal parts– special anti-corrosion composition. Proper attic insulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czIlH8kHIpY

Types of materials used for attic insulation

To insulate the attic from the inside, materials that have the appropriate hygienic certification are used. They must contain markings for thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity, information about suitability for a certain type of work. The materials most often used for attic insulation are:

Polyurethane foam is also used to insulate pipes and large containers in various industries.

The construction of a residential building involves the use various materials. When choosing insulation, take into account the purpose of the room being finished, the conditions of its operation, as well as the financial capabilities of the home owner.

Insulation with mineral wool

Today, insulation with mineral wool is the most preferred method of attic insulation. This material is environmentally friendly and has high noise insulation. The technology for insulating an attic space with a mini-slab consisting of small basalt fibers is simpler and more practical than using glass wool. The production of the latter is based on sand and glass recyclables.

When working with mineral wool, it is important to use eye, hand and respiratory protection.

Thickness of the mineral wool layer for insulation attic space is 15-20 cm. The width of the pieces of mineral wool is equal to the distance between the rafters plus an overlap of 3 cm. Construction and waterproofing using mineral wool should be carried out using protective clothing, goggles, and respirators. Insulating the attic with mineral wool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbQ686qYvco

Thermal insulation using foam plastic

The most practical options are to insulate the gables and roof of the house with polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene). Foam boards are characterized by low thermal conductivity, they are lightweight and easy to install e.

The characteristics of foam plastic allow it to be used not only for roof insulation.

The disadvantages of this material are that it is very flammable and fire hazardous. Polystyrene foam is highly toxic and can cause negative impact on the respiratory system. Expanded polystyrene in conditions high humidity quickly collapses, therefore insulating the attic with foam plastic is advisable in dry rooms with good waterproofing. A more advanced insulation material is extruded foam plastic (penoplex). It is a safe, environmentally friendly material consisting of small closed cells.

Penoplex plates.

Important! The main advantages of penoplex include low thermal conductivity, resistance to rotting, high strength and low cost.

Compared with ordinary polystyrene foam Foamed penoplex is non-toxic and non-flammable, therefore, recently, attic insulation with foam plastic is more often replaced by thermal insulation with penoplex slabs. We insulate the attic with polystyrene foam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3ag3xSOx40

Insulation with polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foams (PPF) are gas-filled plastics. Based on the type of original polyurethane, they are divided into rigid and elastic. Rigid polyurethane foam is used for thermal insulation. They are sprayed in the form of a liquid that, foaming, fills all cracks and cavities structural elements roofs. Elastic polyurethanes (foam rubber) are mainly used in the form soft coverings.

Application of polyurethane foam on inner part roof slope.

Important! The technology for applying polyurethane foam is the only one that does not require the use of windproof and vapor barrier layers.

The advantages of polyurethane foam are that attic insulation with polyurethane foam is characterized by durability and resistance to organic solvents. To extend the service life of polyurethane foam insulation, it is necessary to prevent exposure to polyurethane foam sun rays. Application of polyurethane foam in the attic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27nU-KkpKOo

Using sawdust as insulation

Sawdust insulation is still widely used. To install thermal insulation with sawdust, they are pre-treated with an antiseptic and dried. They are then mixed with gypsum or cement to reduce flowability. And to protect the thermal insulation with sawdust from rodents, they add copper sulfate and slaked lime. The main disadvantages of sawdust insulation are their high flammability. Sawdust prepared in this way is used to fill the cavities of the floor, walls and roof. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer when insulated with sawdust is 20-30 cm. We insulate the attic with sawdust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcfm98Gzv2U

Rules for attic insulation

The initial stage of work when insulating the attic ceiling and gables is laying a waterproofing film to protect the insulation from moisture. The film strips are overlapped and secured with a stapler and tape.

Important! Before laying the heat insulator, it is advisable to make a sheathing in the form of wooden slats nailed parallel to each other at a distance of 50 cm. This will subsequently facilitate the installation of finishing panels.

The selected thermal insulation material fills the gaps between the sheathing and the rafters. The thickness of the heat-insulating layer is equal to the width of the rafters. You can lay insulation in several layers. To vapor barrier the insulation, film, parchment or roofing felt is applied to its surface. They are secured to the rafters with tape or wooden slats. The amount of overlap of the vapor barrier should be about 10 cm. Next, the rafters are attached to the sheathing or directly to the beams finishing panels. Insulating the attic floor involves laying a vapor barrier layer. Next, they lay in the spaces between the beams thermal insulation material. To provide waterproofing, a special film is placed on top of the insulation. Floor insulation is completed with finishing chipboards, fiberboard, boards or other finishing material. Properly performed insulation of the attic floor can significantly reduce heat loss through the roof of the house and thereby reduce subsequent heating costs of the building. 7 rules for attic insulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOV3GNFZJvI

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, working with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy Cultures, specialty “Culturologist. Teacher of history and cultural theory." Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to present. Editor: since 2016.

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