Ventilated facade installation technology description. Ventilated façade – technology for installing suspended façade systems with an air gap

Not so long ago, nothing was known about systems of suspended ventilated facades, but today these structures are increasingly used in the construction of new buildings and finishing the external walls of buildings that have already served their purpose. Technologies for installing ventilated facades are widely used by large construction companies, and private developers.

Figure 1. Diagram of heat exchange between a wall and a ventilated facade.

The thing is that modern finishing methods can improve the energy efficiency of a building, and when constructing its walls, lighter and cheaper material can be used. Thanks to systems of suspended ventilated facades, old houses become not only warmer, but also much more attractive in appearance. It should be added that by cladding facades it is possible to achieve a unified architectural style of entire blocks.

Advantages of ventilated facade systems

Figure 2. Construction of a ventilated façade.

But not only with its design and heat-saving characteristics, the design of a ventilated facade attracts builders, because one of its main functions is to protect the house from exposure to external environment. Others have coped with a similar task in the past. Construction Materials, but their disadvantage was the same " effective protection» from draining condensate from premises. Perhaps the most obvious example of unsuccessful finishing of external walls is cladding with air-tight materials (roofing felt or metal sheets) wooden or clay buildings, used quite often in the past.

By protecting the house from moisture from the outside, home owners doomed the walls to accelerated destruction due to condensation, which could not be drained through them from the inside. Ventilated facade systems are designed in such a way as to provide between them and load-bearing wall air circulation necessary for effective removal of internal moisture and creating an additional air cushion to maintain heat in the house. The operating principle of a ventilated façade is clearly shown in the figure.

Figure 3. Suspension design for a ventilated facade.

The “breathing” of the wall is provided by the gap between it or the insulation and the facing material. Without this gap, vapor removal would be difficult, since many modern claddings (PVC or metal, for example) cannot allow air to pass through. The width of the gap depends on the material of the cladding and external walls, performance characteristics buildings, climatic conditions. The gap width range is 20-120 mm. All the factors listed above also affect the overall thickness of the “pie” of the ventilated façade.

Depending on the climatic conditions, how thick the walls are and what material they are made of, the necessary heat insulator is selected. Its thickness is 50-150 mm. To the thickness of the “pie” you need to add the transverse dimensions of the sheathing and facing panels.

Disadvantages of wood sheathing

It’s worth talking in more detail about the sheathing itself. For laying insulation and installing a ventilated facade, 2 types of material are used - wooden beams and metal profile. True, the use of wood blocks is limited by certain conditions. Thus, they should not be used when cladding plinths ( high humidity), creating a system with insulation thicker than 50 mm (unjustified cash costs for timber, overall heaviness of the structure). In addition, when choosing wood for lathing, you need to pay attention to how dry it is. Insufficiently dried beams can subsequently cause deformation of the finishing layer of the ventilated facade. On the other hand, lathing made of bars is ideal for installing ventilated facades in wooden houses.

How does a ventilated “pie” work?

Now it’s time to find out what the structure of a ventilated facade is. In this fig. Figure 1 shows the design without insulation.

Everything here is quite simple: panels are hung on a profile or beams attached to the external wall. The sheathing pitch should not exceed 600 mm. Such cladding of buildings suggests that they do not require additional insulation, and its entire role comes down to the external design of the structure and its protection from external influences. To such a finish, one could add the need to hang a vapor-permeable membrane on the wall under the frame - a film that will become an additional obstacle to external moisture, but will freely remove internal vapors.

The design of the ventilated façade, where the walls have been subjected to preliminary insulation. In Fig. Figure 2 shows the structure of this “pie”.

A lathing is attached to the wall for laying heat insulation (rolled or sheet mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc.). For better waterproofing, it is necessary to hang a vapor-permeable film with the smooth side out before installing the first layer of profiles. In addition, the membrane sheets on the surface are joined in a horizontal overlap (the edge of the upper strip overlaps the edge of the lower). After the insulator is laid, a membrane is hung on it, which is attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws or a stapler.

Additionally, disc-shaped dowels are driven into the wall through the film, which will securely secure the heat insulator to the surface. A water-repellent compound is applied to their caps, and the fastenings of the membrane to the profile are covered with tape or foil tape. After this, a second layer of sheathing is installed, the thickness of which will provide a gap for air circulation, and the facing panels are already attached to it.

Scheme of the plinth structure of a ventilated façade with various fastening units.

In general, the construction of ventilated facade structures is not particularly difficult. But in order to ensure that after finishing the house does not look rickety, and that the heat insulator is securely fastened to the wall and, therefore, properly performs its functions, you must not brush aside recommendations that at first may seem insignificant. Any work begins with the preparatory stage. When preparing to install a ventilated façade, you need to:

  • clean the walls from dust, dirt, paint, crumbling fragments of plaster and parts protruding from the surface;
  • door and window openings are freed from ebbs and platband slopes;
  • depressions and cracks on the surface are sealed with mortar;
  • the wall is treated with a primer;
  • the sheathing is installed level and plumb to ensure an ideal plane (it is better to create a system of sags stretched along the perimeter of the wall through steel rods of threads driven into its corners, connected by transverse cords).


  1. If the insulation is carried out with mineral wool, then the distance between the guide profiles should be slightly less than the width of the insulation sheet.
  2. Before laying the insulator, set a level starting bar, which should correspond to its thickness.
  3. Start insulation in those places where the use of whole pieces of insulation is required, laying the fragments last.
  4. Do not allow gaps between adjacent insulation sheets.
  5. The glue that will hold the insulation on the surface will not be able to cope with the task on its own, so additionally fasten the insulation with disc dowels (the method of fastening is described above).

Not every wall can boast of an ideal vertical or even surface. Based on this, it is often not worth wasting cubic meters of solution on its leveling, because the costs will be “cosmic”. After rough preparation of the wall, you can build a vertical plane from the profile using U-shaped fastenings. This is where the sag system comes in handy. Using the threads as a guide, attach the beam or profile to the U-hangers. You can use a factory hanger (Fig. 3) or make it yourself.

The main thing is to ensure that it is securely fastened to the wall with dowel nails. The pitch between U-shaped elements should not exceed 400 mm.

Everything is not as difficult as it seems

In addition to the difficulties, this process has its own pleasant “little things”:

  • the second sheathing does not require the construction of a plane if the first one was installed correctly;
  • the work of creating a ventilated façade system can be done by one person.

After final finishing your home will not only retain heat better during the cold season, but also protect it from the heat during the hot season.

You will feel the benefits of a ventilated facade almost immediately as soon as you approach the electricity or gas meters to take readings for payment.

To maintain the required temperature regime in the house heating system or the air conditioning system may operate at a lower intensity.

In Russia, the main type of finishing of facades has always been considered to be their treatment with a thin decorative layer of plaster (wet facade systems). Now the most promising direction finishing steel ventilated facades - an installation technology that provides for the presence of an air gap between the insulation and the facing material.

This system has been used in some countries for more than 30 years. Installation of ventilated cascades is an excellent solution for all types of buildings, especially in cases where it is necessary to hide wall imperfections. In addition, when using mounted systems any structure at a reasonable cost and in as soon as possible acquires a modern appearance, they provide reliable insulation of the walls of the building.

Facade ventilation system.

Basic properties of ventilation facades

Ventilated facades have a range of positive properties, which contribute to their increasingly widespread distribution. The following main properties can be particularly highlighted:

  • Protection. In ventilated facades, materials that are resistant to external atmospheric influences are used for cladding. The design of its main supporting profile is made in such a way that all moisture that gets onto the surface of the facade is removed into the drainage. Contact with the load-bearing wall of the house and insulation is practically excluded.
  • Insulation. By laying a layer of thermal insulation under the cladding, structures retain heat longer. The presence of insulation allows wholesale jerseys to reduce heating costs and reduce the thickness of the walls. The load on the foundation is reduced and the number of floors can be increased.
  • Thermal insulation . Natural ventilation of the facade prevents excessive heat accumulation inside the house. This is facilitated by joint use insulation and a special profile system of ventilation facades. A comfortable microclimate is created in the premises of the building without an air conditioning system, since the ventilated façade becomes a sun screen.
  • Soundproofing. Thanks to hanging systems, the sound insulation of main walls increases by one and a half to two times. This property of ventilated facades is especially important in cities. Together with vacuum double-glazed windows, they are able to ensure internal silence in the building even on the noisiest streets.
  • Fire safety. The materials and products included in the systems of suspended ventilated facades are fireproof or difficult to burn. They prevent the rapid spread of fire.
  • Long service life. Hanging systems can last at least 25 years with proper calculation of the entire structure, professional installation of insulation and proper installation. wholesale NFL jerseys The upper limit will depend only on the durability of the facing material (for example, porcelain stoneware lasts for at least 50 years).
  • Aesthetics. Choice finishing materials is simply huge, and the unlimited possibilities for combining them give designers the opportunity to make any project unique.

What is a ventilation façade design?

Curtain ventilated facades are systems consisting of materials various cladding, which are attached to the monolithic ceiling or load-bearing wall. For subsystems, frames made of stainless and galvanized steel and aluminum frames are mainly used.

A gap is left between the facade cladding and the outer walls of the house through which air circulates. With its help, condensation caused by temperature changes and moisture are removed from structures. The walls of the building are insulated with mineral wool. It is attached using flexible ties, special mounting adhesive or disc-shaped dowels. To insulate the basement of a building, extrusive polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam insulation is used.

The size of the gap between the cladding material and the insulation ranges from 20 to 50 mm (and in Russia these gaps are larger). When moisture gets on the insulation, rising air currents circulating between it and the cladding dry out the insulation layer. To prevent air heated from the walls from being blown out of the heat insulation layer, it is covered with a vapor-permeable windproof film (membrane).

This system keeps the house warm, reduces the amount of material needed to build walls, and prevents dampness. Main walls can be made thinner. This significantly lightens the weight of the entire structure, makes it possible to increase the number of storeys of the house and save money during construction.

All fastening elements used for ventilated facades are universal. This allows architects to solve original design problems unique to each individual structure.

Installation of ventilated facades

The ventilation façade is considered a complex engineering system, so the technology of construction and installation work must be carried out strictly.

From the practice of modern construction, 80% of the initial damage is detected in the first 5 years of operation in new houses. Many of them are associated with mistakes made during the installation of hanging systems.

Preparatory stage

Before installing a ventilated facade in accordance with SNiP 3.01-85, called “Organization construction production", it is necessary to carry out a number of organizational and construction activities. These include:

  • designation of the boundary of an area that may be dangerous for people;
  • preparation and inspection of façade lifts;
  • determination of premises at the construction site for storing materials and preparing products for installation.

Installation of ventilated facades in difficult weather conditions is not allowed. These include ice, fog, squally winds, thunderstorms, frost below - 20ºС.

Working with the surface

Before Jerseys begins work on the installation of the facade system, it is necessary to completely inspect the walls on which the frame (substructure) of the ventilation facade will be attached. It is necessary to conduct a geodetic survey to obtain the exact dimensions of the building. It is necessary to identify the type and condition of the load-bearing walls, and test the anchor dowel that will be used to secure the structure. The maximum permissible load is determined, on the basis of which permission is given to use this ventilated façade design.

A project is being developed for the installation and insulation of the building, which is based on the following information:

  • They carry out a thermal technical assessment of the object before insulating it. Based on the current technical standard calculate the thermal energy savings for the appropriate thermal insulation thickness.
  • Determine the type, thickness and layout plan thermal insulation boards, as well as their fastening.
  • Develop junction units that are integral part project. Typical nodes are usually used (top, bottom and side window connections; junction of the outer and inner corners of the facade; connection to a plinth, parapet, etc.).

Parallelism control using a level.

Surface marking

To mark the surface of the facade, a laser or theodolite, aiming cords, measuring rods and a tape measure are used. When marking, the following rules must be observed:

  1. First you need to determine the beacon marking lines. This is the lower horizontal line of the mounting points for the brackets and the two outermost vertical lines along the façade of the building.
  2. Using a level, extreme points are determined on a horizontal line. Next, using a tape measure and laser level, mark the location of all intermediate points.
  3. The width of the facing material determines the horizontal distance that needs to be installed between the vertical axes.
  4. It is necessary to install a vertical guide in each vertical axis.
  5. To determine the vertical distance between the brackets, a static calculation is made, which is developed for a specific project. It takes into account the wind load in a given Blue area.
  6. The first horizontal axis of the beginning of the façade cladding is taken as the basis. From it, at distances that are calculated using static calculations, mark the mounting points of the brackets.

The design of a ventilated facade on vertical guides.

Frame installation

First you need to install the load-bearing brackets of the ventilated facade frame and install them, observing the following steps and rules:

  • We drill holes at the designated points for the anchor facade dowels provided for this type of load-bearing wall material;
  • the manufacturer’s passport indicates the minimum depth in the wall for each type of façade dowel;
  • We determine the correct choice of dowel by testing it for pull-out;
  • we use a drill that matches the diameter of the dowel and meets the quality of the base;
  • hammer drill with impact action holes in the base made of hollow or porous bricks, lightweight concrete do not drill;
  • the hole to be drilled should be 10 mm longer than the dowel;
  • If a hole is mistakenly drilled in the wrong place, a new one should be at the same depth as the hole drilled.

When installing a dowel onto a self-tapping screw, put on a disc washer, insert a plastic dowel into the mounting hole of the bracket, and install a heat-insulating gasket under the bracket. We place the entire assembly in the prepared hole and secure it.

The facade bracket consists of a load-bearing main part and an adjustable counter part. It is attached to the main one when installing and adjusting the supporting guides in the vertical plane.

Thermal insulation boards.

Installation of thermal insulation layer

Installation of thermal insulation and wind and waterproof film occurs as follows:

  • through the slots for the brackets, insulation boards are installed vertically on the wall in a checkerboard pattern;
  • With an overlap of 100 mm, rolls of waterproof and windproof film are hung and temporarily secured;
  • through the insulation and film, attach each slab with disc dowels to the load-bearing wall, maintaining a distance from the edges of the slab of at least 50 mm;
  • installation begins from the bottom up, installing the first row of insulation boards on the base or starting profile;

The unfilled seam between the plates should be up to 2 mm. Additional thermal insulation slabs are trimmed before fastening hand tools. If two-layer insulation is being made, then first the inner layer slabs are attached to the wall with two dowels. The joints of the outer layer insulation slabs are shifted horizontally and vertically. They are attached in a similar way to the single-layer insulation option.

Aluminum composite panels.

Fastening facade slabs

First, the supporting guides are attached to the brackets installed according to the markings using 4 self-tapping screws or rivets. The profile is installed freely in the support adjusting brackets. This makes it possible for the guides to move vertically, compensating for temperature deformations. It is necessary to take into account the thermal expansion of materials, therefore, a gap of 8 - 10 mm is left between two guides that follow each other vertically.

Installation facade slabs depends on the type of finishing material and the form of fastening. For example, metal cassettes come with or without a lock. The latter are fastened with rivets or self-tapping screws from left to right, from bottom to top. Cassettes with a lock are also attached, starting from the horizontal starting strips. To make the connection tighter, double-sided self-adhesive tape is glued to the fastening site. Each subsequent cassette is installed in the lock on top of the previous one.

The installation of porcelain stoneware slabs begins with the installation of starting clamps on the horizontal guides. Next, observing the gaps, using regular fastening clamps, place the porcelain tiles from top to bottom and from left to right. Self-tapping screws can only be used as a mounting element.

Installation of siding begins with fixing several sheets of material horizontally with rivets or freezing to the substructure. The individual siding sheets are secured together with a special lock. To cut sheets, use a hacksaw, scissors or a hand-held power saw with carbide teeth.

Ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware.

The final stage

Having completed all the stages of installing a ventilated facade, it is necessary to control the quality of the work done. To do this, the reliability of the structure is checked, deviations from the design data are measured, and the slope angles of the guides and facade slabs are checked. A list of regulated requirements and state standards for the installation of such systems must be met, and various recommendations must be taken into account.

To design and install suspended ventilated facades, you need to contact specialists who can satisfy serious regulatory requirements and provide for professional level completion of all work. Ventilated facades are an excellent cheap NBA jerseys way to qualitatively improve the appearance of your home while reducing heating costs.

Finishing using ventilated facade systems begins with the installation of a frame subsystem. Mistakes at this stage can result in the cladding not performing its functions correctly and even completely destroying the finish. Let's talk about frames for independent ventilation facades and the features of their installation and assembly.

Functions of the façade frame

The curtained ventilated façade is conceptually derived from the external glazing systems of high-rise buildings, from which it inherits its technological complexity. The high versatility of this finish is achieved due to a very specific fastening subsystem, which performs a number of target functions.

The main one is to distance the facing panels from the load-bearing wall and the insulating layer to obtain a space in which street air circulates freely. This is one of the most effective ways protection of insulation materials with high hygroscopicity. Over half a century of active implementation, this method has proven itself only with the best side. Due to the external cladding, the temperature exchange of the building is normalized: in summer the sun heats the walls less, and in winter the air layer prevents the diffusion outflow of heat.

1 - protection of the building from heating; 2 - protection of insulation and structure from precipitation; 3 - ventilated facade subsystem; 4 - vapor-permeable membrane; 5 - insulation; 6 - removing moisture from the room

At first acquaintance, the system demonstrates obvious complexity and creates the illusion of unreliability. This leads to the second key function of the frame - to protect the insulation and load-bearing structure without compromising the integrity of the cladding and its appearance. This becomes possible due to the high resistance of individual frame elements to mechanical stress and proper load distribution.

We can conclude that such high technology is very expensive, both in terms of economic accessibility and in terms of installation complexity. Therefore, the third task that is set for the frames of independent ventilation facades is a high degree of unification of components. This not only makes it possible to complete work as quickly as possible with high degree participation of expensive industrial mountaineering. The frame for ventilated facades can be adapted even to very complex architecture, including surfaces with deviations from the vertical.

Types of subsystems for ventilated facades

Today there is a very wide range of frame systems for ventilated facades, each of which is designed to work in specific conditions of the facility with specific type finishing material. To classify them, you need to pay attention to two key features.

The first is the frame material:

  1. Cink Steel. Optimal for facade systems without claims to durability in favor of cost savings. Most often used in the construction of inexpensive aluminum and polyurethane facade cladding with the prospect of replacing them.
  2. Stainless steel. Frames made from it are the most durable and are used for cladding high-rise buildings using heavy panels (once and for a long time).
  3. Aluminum substructure. It is used in restoration and insulation projects of old buildings, where the permissible load on load-bearing walls cannot be exceeded. Disadvantage - low fire safety, aluminum subsystems are not used in high-rise construction.
  4. Hydrophobized wood. Used as rack elements in low-rise construction and regions with mild climates.

The second distinguishing feature is the manufacturer of the frame system. Elements of different brands are not comparable with each other (with very rare exceptions), therefore they are always supplied as a set. The choice in favor of a specific manufacturer is determined mainly by the convenience and manufacturability of installation. This is almost unimportant for a private developer, but with the involvement of industrial climbers on large-scale projects, the need to additionally drill or trim anything results in dozens of extra man-hours.

Frame configuration for curtain façade

The third key difference is the form factor of the finished frame system. It depends entirely on the format of the cladding used, and every self-respecting manufacturer considers it their duty to support all three types in its assortment. In addition, if the manufacturer of the cladding materials provides a warranty on them, installation should only be carried out on a subsystem of the recommended type. Based on form factor, frame systems are divided into:

  • vertical orientation: for horizontal siding and continuous preparatory sheathing with slab materials;
  • horizontal orientation: for vertical siding, magnesite and polyurethane panels;
  • cross type: for marble, brick, porcelain stoneware and other heavy panels.

Before proceeding with installation, study routing and an album of technical solutions for a specific product. The goal is to establish the assembly order and operation of the connecting nodes. Fortunately, almost all manufacturers have the same mapping scheme and package contents. They have stationary brackets that are directly attached to the wall, and a movable profile that, together with the first element, forms a base console. The movable bar has a standard method of connection with the rack elements of the frame, plus the kit may include connectors for extending racks, corner and cross connectors.

Beginning of installation: preparing the wall and attaching the consoles

Installation begins with preparing the walls: removing the remains of the destroyed finish and antiseptic treatment if there are signs of mold damage. The installation of consoles begins from the top row, installing them in increments normalized by the type and weight of the cladding. The installation is carried out on a plastic lining, which prevents heat migration between the wall and the frame, fastening is carried out with anchor bolts, and in the case of loose and hollow bases - with chemical anchors or special types of dowels (KAT, KVT). Then, from each bracket, a plumb line is thrown along the wall, along which holes are drilled and the remaining elements of the vertical row are installed.

Many manufacturers distribute the mounting holes in the consoles so that they can be mounted as an assembly, which significantly speeds up the work. After fastening, the movable planks of the upper row consoles are lined up in a common line according to the curvature of the wall plane. Then the plumb line is hung on the edge of the upper console and the remaining sliding parts are adjusted and secured in this way. To secure the retractable strip, both bolted connections and blind rivets can be used.

If the subsystem is assembled with horizontal orientation of the rack elements, the method of adjusting the consoles remains the same, but the brackets are turned in a different direction. In this way, first the outermost vertical rows are installed, along the elements of which a fishing line is then stretched to align the intermediate brackets of the horizontal row.

Assembling the system of fastening profiles

Sometimes it is recommended to fix the consoles after fixing the racks of the frame system. If this is the manufacturer's recommendation, this is perfectly acceptable. However, plumb alignment is considered the preferred method if there are no additional installation requirements.

The profile usually has standard means of preliminary fastening, represented by grooves and latches. After fixing at the installation site, the rack elements are secured according to internal shelf to the retractable console bar using bolts, rivets or non-hardened screws.

Most “branded” systems require the installation of fastening profiles after installing the insulation and windproof membrane/film. It is, however, possible to lay thermal insulation mats not only under the sheathing, but also between the racks. In this case, roll out on top of the profiles windproof film and assemble a system of spacer rails with vertical or two-layer cross orientation.

To conclude our review, we note that the basement and façade parts of the wall are separated by a horizontal ebb strip. This addition is designed to limit the flow of moisture-saturated air from the foundation into the space of the main vent and prevent the entry of water - condensation and slanting rain - into the basement part. Thus, air convection in the two zones occurs separately.

TO hinged ventilated facade, consisting of an aluminum subsystem and a set of rectangular decorative segments, has attracted the attention of most design and construction organizations. The ventilated suspended façade as a method for improving the energy efficiency of buildings was discovered more than 20 years ago. During this period, manufacturers of facade components have developed dozens of techniques for using technologies in aggressive environmental conditions.

Finishing methods

Decorative finishing is a method of forming architectural style. The decorative layer is assigned several utilitarian functions. Exactly external cladding must:

  • determine the price of a ventilation façade;
  • provide reliable protection of walls from adverse effects;
  • visually decorate an inconspicuous, at first glance, structure.

To create a clear understanding of the benefits different types finishing, it is necessary to consider each of them separately.

Porcelain tile cladding

Artificial material. For the production of ceramic granite the following are used:

  • a mixture of two types of clay;
  • dyes;
  • a product of sifting milky-white quartz and rock-forming minerals from the silicate class.

The resulting raw materials are used to form tiles, which are pressed on hydraulic presses and fired in specialized ovens at a temperature of about 1300 ° C.

Porcelain tiles have a strong, durable structure. The slabs are used in construction, decoration of buildings, and for interior finishing work.

Composite panels

The composite is quite flexible, allows you to create rounded corners and curvilinear shapes. The structure of the panel itself is a heterogeneous product with many layers. The technology for producing panels from different materials involves the preparation of aluminum and components (straightened aluminum is subjected to chemical synthesis), painting, priming, heat gluing and pressing. The process of joining metal, polymers and mineral materials is carried out under the influence of high temperatures.

Composite panels are an outwardly stylish and modern way of arranging the outer layer of walls. Their surface does not contain an electrifying component, and therefore dirt and dust are washed off during the first precipitation. The panels are resistant to corrosion, wind and ice loads, and are not afraid of sudden temperature fluctuations. Purposes of use:

  • design of architectural elements of houses;
  • restoration of buildings;
  • arrangement of billboards.

Natural or artificial stone

Facades from natural stone considered the most practical. NVF made of stone is the same multilayer system, including insulation, windproof membrane, frame base, and finishing layer.

By technical specifications The ventilated stone facade complies with the standards for the design of buildings for any purpose. Cladding made of granite, sandstone, and other rocks is used to make a structure:

  • unique;
  • "dear";
  • with high status.

Fiber cement panels

Fiber cement-based slabs with textured paint coating - shining example high-quality design of the exterior of the object. The structure and chemical composition of fiber cement make it possible to install a decorative layer regardless of the time of year, climate, or air temperature.

Fiber cement parts perform a heat-saving, decorative function. The material is durable, not exposed to flame, and does not corrode over time. Mounted horizontally, longitudinally.

Facade cassettes

Facade decorations, called metal cassettes, are flat metal parts with edges curved inward along the perimeter. The manufacturing process of metal cassettes involves the use of composites or thin metal (brass, aluminum, copper) sheets, with protective coating or without it.

The use of galvanized metal cassettes in tandem with a galvanized subsystem allows you to decorate the facade with inexpensive materials. Steel cassettes are lightweight, non-flammable, easy to repair, and do not allow sound to pass through.

Technical data

Ventilated facades occupy a large segment of the building materials market. The ventilation façade design has several advantages:

  • Fire resistance. Of the finishing materials developed for decorating the facades of buildings, only those that do not support combustion are used;
  • Heat retention. Thanks to the properties of the insulation, the internal space of the building maintains a comfortable temperature for humans;
  • Natural sound insulation. The function of protecting against the penetration of extraneous noise into the building is performed by a layer of thermal insulation;
  • No condensation. Air gap between the wall and decorative coating prevents steam from forming. Because of this, moisture is removed from the insulation, leaving it dry m;
  • Saving money when preparing walls.The system is mounted on a substructure and helps hide construction defects. Consequently, you won’t have to spend money on plastering to even out dimensional deviations;
  • Corrosion resistance. Panels containing anti-corrosion materials protect load-bearing walls from changes in air temperatures and chemical influences from the outside;
  • Implementation of any design idea. Big choice textures, colors, shapes, types of finishes, allows you to play with shadows, combine colors;
  • Minimum weight of the substructure. The NVF system is lightweight and easy to install. Work on construction sites is carried out even in the winter months.

Types and characteristic qualities of insulation

  1. Mineral wool (stone wool).

    Mineral wool is called thermal insulationyator created from molten rock minerals. Advantages of insulation material:

    The disadvantages of insulation include the appearance of a “cold bridge” (technological joints), a relatively high price, and the formation of mineral dust.
    Characteristics stone wool:

      • Withstands temperatures without destruction - 1000 degrees;
      • Shrinkage 5%;

    • Density - from 30 to 100 kg/m³;
  2. Cotton wool with a basalt component.
    • thermal conductivity - from 0.032 to 0.048 W/mK;
    • density - 30-100 kg/m3;
    • does not burn.


    • does not tolerate moisture well;
    • price.

  3. The thermal insulator produced by chemical means - extruded polystyrene foam - has a lot of positive qualities:

    • high insulating qualities;
    • ability to repel moisture;
    • resistance to chemical environments;
    • does not shrink, does not deform.

    Disadvantages include flammability and toxicity of combustion products. It is also necessary to use an adhesive for installation.

    • closed pores no more than 0.2 mm;
    • thermal conductivity - 028 - 0.03 W/mK.

    The material can withstand more than 1000 freezing cycles!

  4. Glass wool.

    Inexpensive and often commercially available insulation - glass wool, traditional insulation material, both in private homes and industrial premises. Disadvantages include fragility of fibers and harmful dust. Glass wool is made from waste glass.


    • thermal conductivity - 0.039-0.047 W/mK;
    • sound absorption - 35 to 40 dB;
    • density - 11-25 kg meter cubic.

Area of ​​use of the design

Ventilated facades can increasingly be found as a decorative design for the following construction projects:

  • Private housing construction. Building materials for organizing ventilation facades are environmentally friendly, provide everyday comfort and safety for the residents of the house. Hanging systems are widely used in multi-storey housing construction. Simple installation allows you to periodically update the architectural image multi-story building, ensure its fire safety;
  • Commercial housing construction. During construction from scratch and restoration of commercial buildings, ventilated facades solve many problems;
  • Industrial engineering. There are increased requirements for the cladding of industrial facilities. A multi-layer ventilated façade neutralizes noise and vibrations;
  • Design of structures of an architectural and planning organization. The versatility of the hanging system allows you to decorate adjacent structures and fences. Building materials for facades give small architectural forms a modern look and increase their service life.

Types and options of subsystems (structures)

A subsystem for ventilated facades is a set of mounting devices used for reliable fastening panels to the walls of the building. The mounting system consists of guide profile segments used for fastening the decorative layer, brackets and additional fastening elements (anchors, dowels, rivets, clips, clamps, self-tapping screws).

Vertical subsystem

A vertical subsystem is used for the horizontal layout of the material selected for facing work. The fixation method is often used for cladding buildings and structures facade panels, siding, profiled sheet. In this version of the subsystem, anchor corners of different heights are used, which depends on the required thickness of the decor used for insulation. Along with this, cold-formed corners of the required height are also used in order to neutralize distortions and unevenness of the structure.

Vertical-horizontal subsystem

To arrange the sheathing, horizontal and vertical guide profiles are used. The vertical-horizontal system increases the rigidity of the structure due to the uniform distribution of the weight of the facing layer.

The main technological difference between one subsystem and another is the direction and location of the profiles, which is set based on the dimensions and characteristic differences in the material used for facing work. A horizontal, vertical or cross method is used to form cells. Best result obtained by combining vertical and horizontal guides. This is how slabs made of any materials are secured.

There are several options for such subsystems: aluminum, steel and galvanized. The main task of the ventilation façade is to insulate the building while simultaneously performing a decorative function. Steel, galvanized, and aluminum subsystems can also cope with this. Each option has pros and cons.

Subsystems made of aluminum


  • due to their lighter weight compared to metal subsystems, they are used in high-rise construction;
  • minimal load on the load-bearing walls of the building (buildings with a 20-30 year lifespan can be clad);
  • resistant to UV radiation, humidity and climatic features terrain;
  • easy to use.


  • have low temperature melting, which has a negative impact on the degree of fire safety.

Subsystems made of galvanized steel


  • least expensive option;
  • easy to install, effectively mask the unevenness of the load-bearing walls of the building;
  • used for cladding made of natural stone, porcelain stoneware and fiber cement panels, as well as cassettes made of metal and combined materials;
  • have for a long time use (over 50 years);
  • environmentally friendly, different high strength, are not subject to combustion.


  • are susceptible to corrosion, but by painting and applying a layer of polymers this problem can be partially solved.

Subsystems made of stainless alloys


  • resistant to frost and temperature changes;
  • can be successfully used for high-rise construction (carried out at a height exceeding 50 m);
  • environmentally friendly, resistant to corrosion;
  • durable in use (the service life of such subsystems is more than 70 years);
  • have the highest fire safety rating compared to others.


  • high price.

Stainless steel is chosen for the installation of the ventilation facade subsystem. The steel profile is not subject to rotting, and the time of use of steel subsystems is commensurate with the service life of the building.

Mounting device

During the design of the façade of a building, it is necessary to systematically monitor the quality of work performed on site. The sequence of installation of ventilated facades looks like this:

  • Installation of brackets. Cantilever support parts are attached to dowels or anchor bolts. The type of fastener is chosen taking into account the configuration and weight of the structure. Experienced installers additionally install paronite or plastic gaskets between the building wall and the metal, which eliminates the risk of a thermal bridge;
  • Laying insulation. The next stage of installation of the external part of the building involves securing the thermal insulation. For fastening, mushroom-shaped dowels and composite flexible connections are used. A membrane is installed on top of the thermal insulation. Some types modern insulation materials equipped with protective film in production;
  • Fastening the guides. Frame base, consisting of vertical racks and horizontal jumpers, is built after observing the gap parameters. The frame elements are connected with cylindrical rods. The configuration of the threshold between the guides depends on the decor parameters;
  • Installation of facing panels. The air gap between the cladding varies in size. Its value depends on the design and design of the object. The panels are installed on mounting slides, metal brackets, and corners.

Construction cost per m2

Section 1. Design and preparatory work
Item No. Name Unit Change
1.1 Carrying out work to test the load-bearing capacity of walls (pull-out anchor), static calculation of the load on the building set 0,00
1.2 Geodetic works, formation of facade diagrams m2 25,00
1.3 Design work, preparation of a detailed design for the installation of a ventilated facade m2 65,00
Total for section 1, including VAT 18%: 90,00
Section 2. Materials of illegal armed groups
Item No. Name Unit Change Price per unit of measurement, ₽.
2.1 ESTIMA porcelain tiles, taking into account cutting costs of 6% m2 730,00
2.2 Substructure kit made of galvanized steel (vertical design). m2 740,00
2.3 Rockwool VentiButts insulation boards H 100 mm. (Expense coefficient 1.06) m2 406,00
2.4 Insulation boards Pen-roll Techno Nicole 100 mm. (top layer, flow coefficient 1.06) m2 238,00
2.5 Facade dowel for fastening 100 mm insulation boards. PC 6,90
2.6 Facade dowel for fastening insulation boards, pen-roll Techno Nicole 100 mm PC 6,90
2.7 Window frames (reflections and slopes) made of galvanized steel 0.5 mm, painted according to the RAL catalog m.p. 310,00
2,10 Parapet covers made of galvanized steel 0.7 mm, up to 900 mm in size, painted according to RAL m.p. 780,00
2,11 Substructure for parapet covers (set with fasteners) m.p. 280,00
2,12 Delivery of materials to the site (%) %
Total for section 2, including VAT 18%: 2114,00
Section 3. Scaffolding materials, consumables for work
Item No. Name Unit Change Price per unit of measurement, ₽.
3.1. Rental of construction cradles ZLP-630 months 180 000,00
3.2 Depreciation of manual equipment m2 60,00
Total for section 3, including VAT 18%: 180 060,00
Section 4. Installation work
Item No. Name Unit Change Price per unit of measurement, ₽.
4.1 Installation and dismantling of construction cradles m2 80,00
4.2 Marking, installation of brackets m2 210,00
4.3 Installation of insulation boards m2 290,00
4.4 Installation and adjustment of system guides m2 430,00
4.5 Installation of window frames (window sills and slopes made of galvanized steel). m.p. 280,00
4.7 Adjustment and installation of porcelain stoneware slabs m2 510,00
4.8 Installation of parapet covers on the subsystem m.p. 680,00
Total for section 4, including VAT 18%: 1520,00
TOTAL PER m2 (without slopes): 3 957,36
TOTAL per m2, taking into account slopes and ebbs: 4 247,07

The hinged ventilated facade is based on the principle of ensuring natural air circulation between the wall and the finishing material. This helps eliminate moisture, which in turn allows the use of insulation, as well as extending the life of the house facade.

The main properties of a ventilated facade are reflected in its name:

  • mounted- reveals the essence of installation, which is performed on a subsystem of load-bearing profiles and fasteners;
  • ventilated- reflects its ability to remove condensation from the insulation using air flow.

The functioning (action) of the ventilation façade is realized in winter. During the heating season, a significant temperature difference occurs between the facing material and the wall of the building. This leads to the accumulation of moisture in the insulation or on the load-bearing wall, which is eliminated due to the presence of a ventilation gap.

Advantages of a ventilated façade

  • universal installation technology. Installation curtain façade possible for buildings of any number of floors, condition and purpose;
  • speed of work;
  • protective properties;
  • aesthetic properties;
  • maintainability;
  • durability. With proper installation and selection of materials, the service life of the ventilation façade will be more than 50 years;
  • thermal insulation of the building;
  • high cost justified by durability.

Installation of ventilation façade - types of suspended façade systems

Ventilated façade without insulation

There are no thermal insulation materials or there is no ventilation gap between the insulation and the finishing material.

In the latter case, the wall is insulated, but we cannot talk about constructing a ventilated façade.

Ventilated façade with insulation

An insulated ventilated facade must meet the following conditions:

Present vapor permeable insulation(vapor permeability - > 0.1-0.3 mg/(m*h*Pa));
- the insulation is covered with a film (vapor permeability - >800 g/m2 per day);
- a ventilation gap is equipped (size - 40-60 mm).

A lined wall cannot be classified as a ventilated facade if:

  1. there is a gap between the wall and the insulation;
  2. using thermal insulation material with low vapor permeability (< 0,1 мг/(м*ч*Па));
  3. insulation with specified vapor transmission rates is used (0.1-0.3 mg/(m*h*Pa)), but it is covered with a film with low vapor transmission capacity (<800 г/м.кв. за сутки);
  4. there is no ventilation gap, subject to the requirements for vapor permeability of the heat-insulating material and film.

In these cases, other methods of façade cladding are used.

Ventilated façade design

How is a curtain façade constructed, what components and structural elements The system is assembled, how it is installed and how it is attached to the wall.

1. Subsystem for ventilated facades

The fastening system for ventilation facades combines:

  • aluminum, metal or galvanized subsystems of guide supporting profiles;

Basic horizontal bar - price 65-105 rub/m.p. depending on the thickness of the metal;

T-shaped profile - cost 125-172 rubles/m.p. Used for cladding high-rise buildings;

U-shaped profile - price 110-160 rub/m.p. The main element during installation.

  • Fasteners. These include dowels, anchor elements, brackets (8-80 rubles/piece). The price depends on the configuration, metal thickness, and complexity of the system.

The most stringent requirements are put forward for brackets for ventilated facades, because... their task is to cope with static and dynamic loads, level out wall unevenness and adjust the distance between the guide profiles and the wall. The greater the extension of the supporting structure, the stiffer the bracket should be.

  • Claymers (RUB 7.41-33/piece). The need for their use is determined by the type of facing material.
  • Base profile (946 RUR/2.5 m, width 180 mm). In fact, it is not a mandatory element in the construction of a ventilation facade, but it prevents small living creatures from entering the ventilation gap.
  • Additional materials: corners, end inserts, rivets, sealing tapes, etc.

A distinctive feature of the installation of the subsystem is the absence of wet work; the ventilation facade units are attached mechanically.

2. Insulation for ventilated facades

Installation of ventilated facades is not necessarily carried out using thermal insulation materials. However, insulation is a modern requirement as part of improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

Which insulation for a ventilated facade is best to choose?

The optimal solution when choosing insulation would be to use materials with the following indicators:

  • degree of rigidity: flexible materials (mineral wool or glass wool). Cotton wool is used in 99% of cases when installing ventilated facades with insulation. It is recommended to use mineral wool in slabs rather than in rolls;
  • thickness. Depends on the region, for example, for Moscow and central Russia, a thickness of 50-100 mm is sufficient. For northern regions - more than 150 mm;
  • vapor permeability indicator - > 0.1-0.3 mg/(m*h*Pa);

3. Membrane for ventilated facades

Designed to protect insulation from damaging air flow and atmospheric moisture. Vapor permeability indicator - over 800 g/m2. per day.

  • Izospan, Russia (density 64-139 g/sq.m., price - 1,500-4,500 rubles/roll 50 m.p.);
  • Juta (Utah), Czech Republic (density 110 - 200 g/sq.m., price - 1,359-6,999 rub./roll 50 m.p.);

Also positive reviews about geotextiles

  • DYUK, Russia (density 80-230 gr./sq.m., price 1,580-2,598 rub./roll 50 m.p.).

The maximum vapor permeability rate for the membrane is > 1200 g/m2/24 hours.

4. Air gap in ventilated facades

It is the opportunity natural ventilation informs ventilation facades of their properties. Thanks to the availability air gap the design takes on the properties of a thermos.

Note. The size of the air gap is 50-60% of the thickness of the thermal insulation material. If the building height is more than 4 m.p. it is necessary to arrange intermediate ducts.

5. Decorative cladding of ventilated facades

The finishing of the ventilated facade can be made with various facing materials: siding, metal cassettes, porcelain stoneware, block house, etc. The purpose of finishing materials is to protect the system, insulation, reflect sunlight and decor (aesthetic functions).

Note. The type of facing material affects the strength of the frame.

Calculation of a ventilated facade

The calculation is based on strength and thermophysical calculations and includes:

  • determination of stresses and deflections of structural elements (profiles and brackets);
  • checking the ventilation facade fastening units (the test takes into account static load, double-sided icing, wind load);
  • calculation of humidity, air permeability, taking into account the size of the gap and the type of heat-insulating material.

Calculation of a ventilation façade can only be carried out by a specialist based on the recommendations of manufacturers of hanging systems, using computer programs. This is due to the fact that increased requirements are put forward for ventilated facades of houses. bearing capacity, mobility of units, resistance to corrosion.

Note. The ventilated facade system is not installed on houses built from cellular concrete (with the exception of structural foam concrete, which has a density of more than 800 kg/m2), hollow brick, etc. materials of low rigidity.

Before starting work on arranging the ventilated facade of a private house, you need to prepare: a hammer drill, a screwdriver, a plumb line, building level, hammer, grinder, stepladder, stapler, gloves, safety glasses.

Installation of ventilated facades

The technology of installing a curtain façade involves performing work sequentially in several main stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory

Preparing the wall surface

The degree of evenness of the wall is not taken into account. The main thing is that there are no strongly protruding elements, as well as heavily damaged areas. It is mandatory to apply a primer to the wall surface.

Marking the wall

The marking step is determined by the type of thermal insulation material. This type of work must be treated responsibly, because... it determines the quality of installation of the frame and the overall appearance of the facade.

Stage 2 - main