Are earthworms harmful in a flower pot? How to deal with pests of indoor plants

Houseplants are no less susceptible to insect attacks than garden plants. Improper care of flowers contributes to the appearance of flying, jumping and crawling pests. Most of them are very dangerous for plants - they damage root system, suck the juice from the leaves and stems, bite through the buds, preventing the flowers from blooming. A common occurrence is small white worms in the ground. indoor plants.

White or transparent worms in indoor pots– alarm signal. Pests weaken the plant and slow down its growth. The flower stops producing buds, the leaves turn yellow and wither. These worms can be either adult insects or their larvae. Whatever they are, if timely measures are not taken, the plant may die.

Insect larvae

When we talk about larvae, we usually mean several genera of insects from the order Diptera.


Springtails (springtails, springtails) are tiny arthropods no larger than 5 mm in size. They have a jumping fork in the lower part of their body, which allows them to move quickly. Some specimens are so small that they are difficult to see. Often, owners notice white worms in the tray, in the water remaining after watering. Insects live in the soil and feed on organic debris. If this nutrition is not enough for them, the roots of the flower and young shoots are destroyed. Waterlogged soil is a favorable habitat.

Fungus gnat

Representatives of the Sciarich family that indoor gardeners encounter:

  • sciara midges;
  • fungus gnats;
  • genus Bradysia.

Only a specialist can find the differences between these insects, but the damage they cause and the methods of control are almost the same. The insect is a small mosquito. The length of the thin body is 3-4 mm, the head is round. It has only a front pair of transparent wings, and in place of the hind wings there are club-shaped halteres.

Insects fly well and reproduce quickly. A young mosquito has a light gray body, which turns black with age. Adults do not cause any particular harm to plants, but can carry various diseases and the larvae of other pests.

The main damage is caused by fungus gnat larvae - white, transparent worms 3-5 mm long with a black head.

Insects damage the root system indoor flower. The supply of nutrients and moisture to the plant is disrupted, and the flower may die. The larvae get in with the contaminated soil. The second way for adults to enter an apartment is from the street through open windows. Mosquitoes prefer waterlogged soil.


Nematodes (roundworms) are protostomes. Zoologists suggest the existence of about a million species on earth. They live in fresh and salt water bodies, in the soil.

Nematodes are tiny worms in indoor flowers that grow in moist soil and feed on living and dead plants.

Types of plant nematodes:

  1. Galls that settle on the roots, their secretions contribute to the formation of thickenings in which pests live and reproduce. When the eggs mature, the shell is destroyed and the larvae spread in the soil.
  2. Nematodes with free formation of cysts are attached to the root.
  3. Free nematodes do not have permanent place residence, crawling, damage various organs of the plant.

Signs of nematode damage:

  • the appearance of yellow and subsequently brown and black spots on the foliage;
  • reduction in leaf size, their deformation;
  • curvature of stems, drying out apical buds;
  • the formation of thickenings and swellings on the root system.

Nematodes lay oval eggs, from which white, partially transparent larvae emerge.


The appearance of enchytrea in house flowers is difficult to notice; they live on the roots of plants. If measures are not taken, the root system will be covered in worms. Signs of damage are stunted growth, yellowing of leaves. Enchitraea often appear in greenhouses; they love warmth and moisture. Pests look like small, mobile white worms with pointed ends. The body of the worm is translucent, through which the digestive organs are visible. These pests are good food for aquarium fish.

Fighting methods

If in flower pot There are pests, you need to get rid of them urgently. Depending on the degree of damage, choose control methods.


Since white worms live mainly in the soil, mechanical removal is ineffective. You can remove or wash off the adult specimens from the roots, but you will not be able to get rid of the eggs and larvae. If pests have just appeared, replant the indoor plant in healthy, calcined soil. Treat the soil with insecticides. When replanting, remove adult insects, larvae and eggs from the root system. Trim damaged areas and treat with disinfectant solutions.


In a specialized store you will be offered several proven drugs for controlling soil pests:

  1. "Carbation"– means of fumigatory action. Used once to protect the flower and to sterilize the soil.
  2. "Agravertine"– a safe, highly effective product, does not cause addiction among pests, and in the hot season the effectiveness increases.
  3. "Fitoverm"– a few hours after treatment causes paralysis in pests; after 2-3 days they die. Apply by spraying, re-treatment is recommended.
  4. "Confidor"– the active substance penetrates the plant tissue, the effect persists long time. The drug can only harm insects.
  5. "Intavir"– a nerve poison that affects most insect pests. Within half an hour the feeding process stops, and within 24 hours the pests die. Does not destroy eggs.

Chemicals are toxic; safety rules must be strictly followed.

Folk remedies

If you're not a supporter chemical reagents, try folk remedies:

  1. Prepare a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate and water the indoor plant several times with this solution.
  2. Use for spraying soap solution.
  3. Place citrus peels, garlic cloves near the flowers, and treat the soil with anise oil.
  4. Prepare a solution of 5 g of tobacco dust and a liter of water. After steeping for 24 hours, spray the plant and soil in the pot. Repeat the procedure once a week for 1-1.5 months.

Many gardeners are convinced that matches stuck with sulfur heads into the soil help deal with white worms in the soil.

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Prevention measures

It is easier to prevent insects from infecting plants than to fight them.

Listen to the advice of experts:

  1. Even if you notice one fly or worm, check all the pots.
  2. Replace the soil, wash the containers.
  3. Adjust watering, do not over-moisten the soil.
  4. Do not use folk remedies for fertilizer - tea leaves, meat juice. These products create favorable conditions for the breeding of pests.
  5. Do not place vases with purchased flowers near indoor plants.

Monitor newly acquired plants and soil. Follow the rules of flower care; a healthy plant is less susceptible to pests.

Experienced flower growers advise starting the fight against dangerous guests with proven and effective means.

Causes of cultural defeat

Factors that provoke the invasion of dangerous arthropods and insects:


Such a small insect is very difficult to recognize with the naked eye; for this you will need to use a magnifying glass of at least 6 millimeters. Characteristic features:

Means for fighting:

  • Aktara;
  • Fitoverim;
  • Calypso;
  • Biotlin.

Traditional methods of treatment

  • tincture with orange or lemon zest;
  • soap-alcohol solution;
  • garlic tincture;
  • plant treatment running water;
  • a mixture of olive oil and liquid;
  • tincture of horsetail.

Spider mite

Over time, the discolored leaves begin to dry out, curl, and fall off. Throughout time, the flower becomes weaker and weaker. The areas where small ticks are located are covered with thin layer cobwebs. Adult ticks are colored red-brown or green color, they are very difficult to find among the leaves and stems of the plant.

Female web spiders are very fertile and can lay hundreds of new eggs every three days. Without regular inspection, thousands of small mites quickly drink all the plant juices, and the indoor flower begins to quickly die.

Thrips lesions

Trips- these are small flying insects with an elongated body, their color combines a dark brown-black tint, with reddish speckles above and yellowish below.

Insects lay their eggs mainly on leaves and stems, and do not descend to the ground. Recognizing thrips on a plant is quite simple: the leaves turn grayish-brown in the lower part, the predominant silver color above.

In the process of active reproduction harmful insects indoor crops begin to weaken and lose all their decorative qualities.

What you need to fight thrips:

  • good watering: thrips simply cannot tolerate moisture;
  • regular inspection, mechanical removal thrips;
  • treatment of the crop with fungicides and systemic insecticides that penetrate into the root system itself, into the leaves and stems of the indoor crop.

Effective ways to control insects

There are more effective methods for pest control:

Dangerous diseases of house plants

Leaf spot (anthracnose)- the foliage of the crop begins to become covered with small spots Brown, the edges dry quickly. For treatment, the crop is isolated from other plants, as the disease spreads quickly. Afterwards, the plant is treated with a product that contains copper. Watering continues moderate.

Gray mold (botrytis)- a characteristic characteristic appears on parts of the plant white coating as a result of overflow. For treatment, you need to place the diseased plant separately, remove all affected parts from it and significantly reduce watering.

Sooty mushroom- black spots appear on the leaves of indoor plants, which are the result of sticky secretions of aphids, photosynthesis in the crop almost completely stops, and a noticeable lag in growth occurs. You should clean the wet deposits on the crop with a napkin or soft sponge and spray it with a Fungicide against the disease.

Brown rot on the plant- characterized by brown-red spots on the leaves, which quickly and short term increase in size. If treatment is untimely, the flower dies. Most often, the factor leading to flower damage is excessive moisture and rotting of the root system.

Powdery mildew. With such a lesion, the entire plant becomes covered with white powder. The disease is fungal in nature, so the soil is affected by fungal spores. Plants with reduced immunity are especially susceptible to the disease. It is best to isolate the crop and thoroughly treat it with a fungicide.

Downy mildew- such a lesion is very similar to the previous illness. The main feature is that when a false powdery mildew, the lower area of ​​the leaf is most often covered with a white coating, and the upper area is strewn with light yellow specks. Remove all affected leaves, buds and shoots. Treat with fungicide.

Cercospora- the disease is caused by a fungus, manifests itself in the form of many black spots on back side leaf, as the disease progresses, the leaves begin to lose chlorophyll and quickly dry out. The plant should be treated with Fungicide and Dinocap.

Rust on roses- development of pustules, different colors from reddish-orange to dark brown. Top part strewn with leaves a large number red spots. Remove all affected parts of the flower. Monitor the optimal temperature and humidity levels.

Fusarium- this fungal infection most often begins with rotting of the root system, and then the infection spreads throughout the entire flower. The plant begins to weaken, quickly withers and often dies.

IN advanced case This disease has almost no cure. Eliminate or destroy the crop along with the soil mixture, disinfect the pot and windowsill with a five percent solution copper sulfate will be the best option.

Attention, TODAY only!

There are two radically opposing opinions about the activity of earthworms in containers with.

Some claim that these creatures harm the root system of the flower, others claim the opposite. In fact, there is no clear answer to this question.

These creatures live in all layers of the soil and play a leading role in creating its fertility. These creatures feed on dead organic matter.

Digesting it, they secrete great amount vitamins, humic and amino acids, enzymes, antibiotics and a host of other biologically active substances that suppress pathogenic microflora.

Together with plant residues and soil particles, worms ingest harmful bacteria, fungal spores, nematodes and protozoa found in them.

This is the basis of their protein nutrition. During the day, one individual absorbs and processes a mass of soil with organic matter equal to its weight.

Simply put, they fertilize and normalize the microbial composition of the soil. In addition, they increase the aeration of the fertile layer by making numerous passages in it.

In one summer, each worm creates up to a kilometer of channels through which moisture and air enter deep into the soil.

Availability of water and oxygen – prerequisites for the occurrence of chemical processes, as a result of which substances beneficial to plants are converted into easily digestible compounds.

In addition, moisture and air are necessary for soil microorganisms, whose activity is important for maintaining fertility.

Due to the fact that there are a huge number of species of worms living in different layers of soil, the channels they lay penetrate the soil to a sufficient depth. This is where the bulk is located minerals, .

The waste products of such worms are coprolites. They are small lumps of soil that have passed through digestive system these creatures.

In addition, worm manure contains bacteria that can bind nitrogen in the air. Coprolites are rich in chitinase, a hormone that protects plants from pests, and fungicides that protect against diseases.

Such residents leave piles of manure on the soil surface. They are collected and used to make biologically active solutions, which are used as a growth stimulator, fertilizer and protection against diseases and pests.

In the digestive tract of the described creatures there are special glands that produce lime. It neutralizes acids formed during the decomposition of organic matter. Thus, the worms lime the soil.

Results of worm activity in flower containers

Many gardeners believe that these inhabitants harm potted plants by gnawing their roots. This statement is not true. Worms do not have teeth, so they cannot feed on living organic matter, and they do not eat roots.

Another thing is that the benefits of them in a small volume of flower pot are very doubtful.

This can be bad for the flowers. The ready-made soil is already enriched with the necessary fertilizers and active substances. It also does not need increased aeration, since it includes significant part peat having a fairly loose structure.

In addition, such soil contains little food for worms - undecomposed organic matter. In search of food, these soil animals will make numerous passages, exposing the roots of the flower in places and damaging them mechanically. As a result, the plant stops growing and may appear unhealthy or depressed.

That is why some flower growers clearly consider such cohabitants to be pests and do their best to combat their presence. Some people simply don't like the slime trails these creatures leave on the surface of the soil. Others don't like worms and their colors at all.

If so, getting rid of or removing them is not difficult. It is enough to immerse the flower pot in water so that it reaches its edge. After some time, the worms will feel the lack of oxygen and crawl to the surface. All you have to do is collect them and throw them away.

There is also a more radical one with unwanted earthly guests - poison. Fumigants and fungicides are poisonous to them. They can be used at home.

Some people confuse these worms with really dangerous pests– weevil and cutworm larvae. They feed on the roots of the plant, causing its death.

Worms or their eggs get into the pot along with low-quality soil purchased at the store, or when using a soil mixture prepared independently.

To avoid the appearance of unwanted guests in a flower pot, it is necessary to sterilize the soil used for planting indoor plants using a chemical or thermal method.

Earthworms will not cause any harm to large plants planted in large containers.

On the contrary, their benefits in this case are undoubted, especially if the pot is filled with heavy garden soil. These tireless workers loosen the soil, fertilize and aerate it.

Some gardeners note that in large pots, such residents. Especially if the flower that lives there needs heavy and very nutritious soil that tends to shrink. But you need to carefully monitor the condition of the plant; if signs of wilting begin, then it may be worth getting rid of the worms.

One of the advantages of earthworms is that they can only eat softened and rotten roots, and this will have a positive effect on the condition of the flower. After all, it will help protect him from further spread of the disease.

If you decide to prepare a mixture for a flower yourself and do not want additional inhabitants to appear in the pot, then we recommend frying the soil collected from the garden in the oven for high temperature. This method helps well against any uninvited guests and a number of diseases, including fungal ones.

While watching the video you will learn how to get rid of pests.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

There are two radically opposing opinions about the activity of earthworms in containers with indoor plants. Some claim that these creatures harm the root system of the flower, others claim the opposite. In fact, there is no clear answer to this question.

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So that the flowers in the vase do not wither

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​It is advisable, of course, to completely change the soil, but if this is not possible, then ask for a special poison at the flower shop.​


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​Among some part of flower gardeners there is a widespread opinion about the harm that can be caused earthworms. Which (allegedly) gnaw roots in pots, gnaw at young shoots, eat seedlings, sprouts, seeds, etc. To destroy worms they come up with different ways, the most harmless of which is soil freezing.​

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​Good luck in your fight against these wormy pests.​

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Fungus gnats. Midges in flowers.​

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​earthworms in a pot are a disaster - this year I experienced the hard way of their eviction, and I always buy land - I don’t save, one of the packages was with... (under the ellipses read the bad words) the arrowroot almost disappeared until I realized that with now there is only one small leaf sitting, and in order to get them out I had to completely wash off the soil from the roots, all other methods did not give results, but Amazon lily dying coencentric circles appeared on the leaves, it was not possible to save my beloved rose, I suffered all summer and to this day I’m not sure that I managed it everywhere, I soaked the myrtle 4 times - it’s big and complete replacement the earth is like death for him, and he feels bad from potassium permanganate

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Worms in indoor flowers

​they feed on the most delicate small roots​

Worms in a flower pot, what to do?


​dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate and pour it in​


​Flowers in a vase will not wither longer if you change the water every day and add an aspirin tablet to it.​


The earthworm fertilizes and enriches the earth

Valentina Dylgina

​It's possible. My fisherman husband will really like them.​

Emilia Bilyauer

​And what’s most offensive is that they say (especially on the Internet) all sorts of unfounded nasty and stupid things about earthworms...​

Vladimir Emelianenko

​You need to go to the garden store. there is a means for disinfecting the roots of leaves, and best of all a book about flowers!​


This is perhaps the most “favorite” pest. Why don't they poison them? Fungus gnats look like a nuisance small midges, curling around flowers. They hatch from larvae in the soil, which look like white worms about three millimeters long.​


​show me that idiot the cat lets them in there on purpose​


​Harmful effects​


Vera Shelest

​pour very warm water (40-50 degrees) into the container

Katya Kotovich

​Throw it away quickly, it’s a nightmare and unsanitary!!​
​Flowers in a vase will stay fresh longer if you add 4-5 drops of lemon juice to the water.​
You need to get rid of them, they multiply very quickly. Water the plant with actelik or actara a couple of times.
pour over with a strong solution of potassium permanganate

Alinka Malinka

​Features of digestion make earthworms detritivorous, i.e. they feed on detritus - decaying plant organic matter (in combination with soil particles) located on the surface of the soil or in their underground burrows, as well as in the soil itself. Therefore, the coprolites that the earthworm leaves behind are lumps of soil enriched with nitrogen, microelements, and having low acidity thanks to the alkaline environment of his intestines.​

Lady with a dog

​This is not normal. They will devour them. Change the ground.​
​These worms are capable of damaging delicate plant tissues, but they cause much more trouble to humans by the very fact of their existence :)​
​And I put an earthworm in each pot. The flowers and I are happy, the worms, I don’t know, but they’re alive.​

​Methods of struggle​
​and place a flower pot in it for 5-10 minutes
​Dig and go fishing... all year round, worms, by the way, are useful for plants - they loosen the soil.​
​If the roses are drooping in the vase, dip their tips into a bowl of water to which 5-6 tablespoons of vinegar have been added.​
Of course, they are very harmful to the flower, try (don’t be lazy) to change all the soil, and carefully examine the roots. The flower will not grow as long as there are worms there.​
Potassium permanganate, but not strong, otherwise the roots can be burned.


​Because of its slowness and thoughtfulness, the earthworm does not have time (and is even embarrassed by prying eyes) to eat detritus, and therefore drags it into storage deep into the soil, saturating it with organic matter and feeding its smaller brothers.​

Marina Mirutenko

​Try pouring a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The worms will come out. The flower girl advised me.​

Natalie Filini

​Interestingly, midges are an excellent indicator improper care. They start only with excessive watering.​

​It’s bad for flowers, but I don’t know for you.​

​Earthworms spoil the soil in flower pots with their liquid sticky secretions, clog the drainage, causing the soil in the pot to turn sour.​

​so that the water level does not reach the top of the pot 2 cm
​The soil will have to be thrown away, the roots of the plant should be washed in a light solution laundry soap. Rinse the pot and pour boiling water over it. Heat the new soil in the oven before use...​

​Never place fertilizer under a plant that needs watering. Water the plant first, and then apply fertilizer, otherwise you risk burning its roots.​

​I don’t agree with many of the answers! Earthworms are useful for garden soil, but not for flower pots. I was convinced of this myself. I brought hot peppers with a lump of earth from the garden and planted them in a pot. At first it grew well, but then it began to fade and there was still no pepper. When I dug up the ground, I was amazed. Found earthworm, and at the bottom of the pot the earth was so compacted that I had to gouge it with a knife (even though it was wet). Therefore, I advise you to definitely remove them from the soil. At the flower shop, ask for pesticides from them.​
​They do not need to be removed; they loosen the ground and do not harm the flower.​


In addition, thanks to the numerous passages and burrows of earthworms, the air supply to the soil and all its inhabitants and plant roots is significantly increased.

An ordinary earthworm can be driven out of a pot by placing the plant in a solution of potassium permanganate, so that the solution is above the soil level. The worms will begin to suffocate and crawl out of the ground. After that, start “hunting” them.​

samuel etoo

​What measures should be taken to get rid of them?​

Tell me, if there are worms in indoor flowers or pots, is this good or bad?

clinical blonde

Any worms (even earthworms) are very dangerous for indoor plants: the plant slows down its growth and then dies.


If there are earthworms in the earthen coma, characteristic lumps of earth appear on the surface, thrown out by them from their passages. If there are earthworms in a pot, the plant becomes lethargic and stunted in growth.​

Alexander Pushkin

Personal Account Removed

​afterwards the worms will crawl to the top


​I think that it is best to change the soil, even if it is purchased, you never know what kind of worms they are, what if you don’t get them out? Wash the pot, change the soil and let your palm tree rejoice.​
​The most best fertilizer for gardenia - coffee grounds. Dilute it slightly with water and pour it into a flower pot.​

​and I have one in my monstera. Everything would be fine, but today my sister broke off a new leaf from the monstera. What is more dangerous: a worm or a sister?

There is no need to remove it in principle, but if it gets irritated, place the flowerpot in a pot of water, the water should reach the edge of the flowerpot. Water will be absorbed through the bottom hole and fill the container, the worms, ticking from the water, will crawl out. Then remove the pot from the pan, the water will flow out. Potassium permanganate and other strong chemicals will damage the roots.​

​What practical conclusions can be drawn from the above reasoning?​
​We need to catch them all.​
​Firstly, it is necessary to normalize the watering regime. But this alone will not bring them out. To finish them off, they will help systemic insecticides. “Aktara”, “Confidor”, dimethoate. The Regent also helps against them.​

​It is urgent to change the soil, wash the roots with running water and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before planting, “roast” the pot in the oven and cool.​

​Methods of struggle​
​you can decide here which worms are in your pot​

Natalya Kalantyr

​You collect them for fishing, as advised above:0)))​


​I had the same problem - three cacti were eaten (((they also recommended potassium permanganate to me... watered it, the fourth cactus still seems to be alive. Only the solution should be very weak


​Pour the water in which you cooked the spinach without salt over the rose. This is a very good fertilizer. The rose will get stronger and the leaves will become shiny.​


You can get rid of worms by drying the soil. They themselves will die. Dry your camellia, loosen the soil. I started them in a barrel with ficus. He grew up normally. Sometimes they came in other colors. Yes, worms feed on plant debris. But I didn’t notice that indoor flowers were being harmed. And in the previous letter, the worm was not to blame for the death of the pepper. It was necessary to place drainage at the bottom of the pot. And peppers transplanted from the street generally do very poorly at home. Even those grown in a greenhouse. They don't cope well with this stress. Immediately light temperature regime, humidity, even the location towards the sun is different. And also autumn. I also take it home almost every year. The result is the same. Sooner or later it will dry out. Houses grow well, which are immediately left in seedlings. Only the spider likes to grow on peppers in the summer.​


​P/S. I agree with “Peganov Yuri”​


​1. There is no need to be afraid of worms, expecting any harm from them. They cannot cause it because of the peculiarities of their diet (Nature acted very wisely...). Although they do have teeth! As for their life in pots (with indoor plants or seedlings), there is only one extreme case that it is advisable to avoid: when the volume of the pot is so small compared to the size of the worm that it turns it (the worm) into Ivan Matveich living in a crocodile... :-))​

love it

​But if the plant is small, it is easier to change the soil.​
It is necessary to shed the soil once and spray the plant. The flies won't bother you anymore.​


​You need to place the pot completely in a vessel with water so that it is completely filled, the worms do not like excess water and will crawl out

Irina Kirilova

​Soil from the street can contain not only adult individuals, but also eggs. Therefore, it is better to sterilize garden or forest soil in one way or another before use. If plants are taken outside in the summer, place the pots only on pallets and so high that earthworms cannot climb into them. At the same time, worms rarely appear and reproduce successfully in pots with indoor plants due to the peculiarities of preparation soil mixtures and watering regime.​

Lyudmila Otradnaya

The only negative is that the ground gets wet through and through

how to get rid of worms in a flower pot?


​I have from purchased land A slug crawled out in a sealed bag. Lively, it immediately crawled to eat the leaves. This is the kind of land we pay money for! I now began to steam the soil on the stove in a saucepan. I advise you to remove the flower from the pot and steam the soil.​


Ash from burning wood is rich in metals, especially potassium. Use it as fertilizer for indoor and garden flowers.​


​if you can’t put it in water, then change the soil or the worms will eat all the roots)​


​They are loosening the earth... But a pot of indoor flowers is a small container, and over time the soil in it will become unusable from these worms. They will pass it all through themselves several times, taking nutrients and turning it into small crumbs. I had this story.​

Natalia Lagunova

​2. Knowing the digestive characteristics of a worm, you need to create appropriate conditions for it in the garden for life, rest and reproduction. And then all problems with the quality (structure, fertility, etc.) of the soil in the garden will be solved by themselves. More precisely, earthworms will do everything for you.​

There are worms in houseplants...


​Or “Iskra”, it has a lethal effect when sprayed, maybe it will help against worms.​
​Nematodes.​​fields with potassium permanganate solution​
​But if they have already appeared in the pot, you need to immerse the pot with the plant in warm water for half an hour - the worms will either crawl to the surface, where they can be easily collected, or drown. It is also quite easy to collect large worms when replanting. You can water the soil in the pot well with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.
​from 1cm-4cm pale pink color​
​This should absolutely not be done in cold weather.
​These are most likely trimatodes (small, white), they are not so easy to get rid of, potassium permanganate will not help here
​If your houseplants look sick, bury a clove of garlic in the ground. In a few days the flowers will change appearance for the better, and even their color will change.​
​People always ask about worms! ! Yes, all my pots are full of worms (you’ll go broke buying land), I have more than 50 pots. They loosen the soil and process organic matter (if necessary). . they don’t eat the roots (or gnaw??). Well, if only some people are disgusted by their presence, then I won’t argue
​Why breed them? We specially plant them in flowers, but in this case, don’t forget to sometimes water the flowers with tea leaves, which is good for the flowers and good for the worms too.​
​I can say that in my garden, when I try to open the soil (in any randomly chosen place in the garden), I certainly find living and thriving worms, in a wonderful mood...​
​I heard on TV, but haven’t tried it: a flower pot with a flower must be placed in a container of water, so that the soil turns into mud - worms will crawl out of the soil. To prevent them from curling again, treat the soil with special means.​

​Can worms be brought in from purchased soil? Yes. But that's a problem low-quality products, especially if the mixture includes turf or deciduous ground, bad vermicompost, compost. The worm is a very rare guest in peat and can get there in two cases: during careless storage or when exposing plants outside. Earthworms, despite the huge amount of undecomposed organic matter, do not live on industrial peat bogs. The probable cause is an acidic reaction of the environment and very high humidity (in an environment with an acidity below pH = 5 or above pH = 9, all worms die within a week). At the right technology extraction, transportation and processing of peat, as well as delivery of the substrate to the consumer in packaged form, infection with live worms or their eggs is excluded. Worms do not live in high-moor peat, so with a high-quality peat substrate, worms cannot get into the pot. Most often, worms or their eggs get into the pot when using unsterilized garden soil. Usually, they come with unsteamed soil in the form of eggs.​


​I don’t know, but because of them my shefflera died;​


Oksana Prividentets

​So it is. DON'T LISTEN TO THE BULLSHIT. WE NEED TO BRING THEM OUT!! ! everything is connected with their nutrition, they not only loosen the soil, they feed on organic matter, when the rotting is over, they will start eating the flower...​

Spring Melody

​There are three groups of nematodes.​
​I completely agree with the previous speaker... Maybe it’s not worth kicking out? Well, if they decide, then very easily with the help of vibration they run away from it and climb out. Samm saw how a man used such a thing: he stuck a pin with a winding and a core at the end into the ground and plugged it into the network and they, i.e., pearled worms out even if you collected them with a dustpan and a broom ;-)​
​that’s bad, change the soil, it’s better to buy it in a store, there definitely won’t be any larvae there.​

Sofia Prutnikova

This is bad. Replant the flowers.​

Tatiana Raldugina

​Earthworms are completely harmless! And they don’t eat any kaorns, they consume earthly organic matter and, passing through themselves, structure the earth. But they described to you how to bring others out.​

If there are earthworms in the soil of indoor flowers, they can be removed without replanting the flower.


​these creatures live in the ground, they came to you that way, the seller doesn’t check the ground, they eat everything, from plant roots and snails to the ground.​

Tatyana Yakimova

​It happens that worms appear in flower pots. Boil 100 grams of fresh sage leaves in one liter of water and pour this water over the flower. The worms will die.​

Peganov Yuri™

​Preventive measures Use high-quality peat substrate. Store the remaining substrate in a closed container in a dry place. If you take the plants outside in the summer, place the pots on pallets so that earthworms cannot get into them. If you independently prepare soil from the garden and use other high-risk components (turf soil, compost, deciduous soil, vermicompost of dubious origin), it is highly advisable to sterilize them with thermal or chemically. This is true both for soil from your garden and for unreliable cheap store-bought mixtures.​

​they first loosen the ground, and then take on the roots;​


​It’s impossible, you need to shake out all the soil.​

​Nematodes with free formation of cysts penetrate the roots and destroy their membrane. After fertilization, the female's body turns into a brown cyst (reservoir with eggs) hanging from outside root The cyst can remain in the soil for years, waiting for favorable conditions.​

​Only with a solution of potassium permanganate, such a medium one. This will not harm the flower and the worms will crawl out of the hole at the bottom of the pot. And they cause harm to the flower, I don’t know what, but after expulsion the flowers grow better.​

Don't change anything. just scrape the Mashenka chalk above the ground in the pot, it is designed to fight flies and ants. verified own experience, all the creatures disappear.​

​If it’s rainy, it’s not dangerous, but if it’s roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, then it’s apasaysi!!!​

​so hurry up!​

​Earthworms are bad. As long as there are nutrients in the ground, they are not dangerous, but as soon as everything is over (when it all ends), they are taken up by the roots, especially young roots. When earthworms appeared in the pot, I tried everything, actara and potassium permanganate, and washed the roots. Everything is useless. It got to the point that I even left it with the washed roots in a bucket of water overnight. I thought they would choke. But no. When I lifted the plant (it was crescent asparagus) from the water, I saw a terrible picture. The worms hung like ropes attached to the roots. I removed them with tweezers. The drug CONFIDOR helped me. I spilled the soil twice with an interval of 1-2 weeks. Earthworms breed very quickly in a favorable environment.​

​If your soil is purchased, then this is how it should be. After all, worms are used to produce fertile soil. Worms do not harm flowers.​

​in the garden is a different matter, but in a pot...​


​There is no need to take them out - it’s even useful - they loosen the ground!!!​

- Free nematodes do not attach to the roots in one place, but crawl from place to place.
​Unfortunately, you did not indicate what kind of worms you have. There are a lot of pests of indoor plants. Many species and worms. Here are the main ones.​
​if it’s rain, it’s good, thanks to them the roots breathe, but if there’s maggots or something else, replant…​
​Length from 2-3 cm with a thickness of approx. 1 mm to 50 cm with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Approx. 300 species, widely distributed; most numerous in forest and forest-steppe zones. They live in the soil, are nocturnal, and crawl to the surface during the day after heavy rains. Soil formers. 11 species are protected. Typically, earthworms (the family of oligochaetes) are considered as beneficial organisms, but in a small pot with house plants they can be harmful.​

Igor Platunov

​Immerse the pot in a bucket of water for half an hour. . maybe so? I don't know.​

Andrey Kurochkin

There is a drug called AKTARA. diluted in water. buy it at the store and pour it over pots of plants


​Look at the worms!​


​And for what? After all, earthworms do not harm the plant, they only enrich the soil with their vital activity.​





- Root-knot nematodes penetrate the roots, causing thickenings on the roots with their secretions - galls, in which the worms live and reproduce. When the gall is destroyed, the eggs fall into the soil, from where the larvae spread further.​




This is bad! And if you have lice in your head, will you also be here to find out whether this is good or not?​
​Harmful effects​

Olga Popova

​I had the same story​

There are earthworms in my camellia. What to do and how dangerous is it?


​with a pot for fishing​

Lunar cat

​I agree with Natalia.​


​I also had worms in my camellia... I won’t say that they do much harm... I just don’t like what’s in it drainage hole and there was always earth in the pallet (the product of their vital activity) so I got rid of it like this…. after drying the soil before watering.. I immersed the pot almost to the brim in a bowl of water for several hours... the worms crawled out to the bottom of the cup. They also advise putting an apple core... but I haven’t tried..​



✿Elena m✿

​The family of earthworms (Lumbricidae) consists of almost 170 species, and belong to the phylum annelids– Annelides. All earthworms are similar in their lifestyle. They live in damp places digging passages underground, in cold and drought they go deep into the ground. After heavy rains, due to lack of air, earthworms are forced to rise to the surface. They feed on decaying plant debris and soil microorganisms.​

Modest incognito!!!

​Control measures:​


​It would seem that earthworms are not pests of indoor plants; some even believe that they are useful because they loosen the soil. However, this is not so; earthworms can feed not only on organic residues in the soil, but also eat the roots of plants. Typically, this causes the plant to become lethargic and stunted in growth.​

Oksana F.

​Earthworms in flower pots are good! They process the soil and fertilize it; some people specially plant them in flowers if it is not possible to replant and you want to renew the soil!​


​Earthworm (Lumbricidae)​


​Normally, they feed on plant debris, but in a pot, if there is a shortage of fresh organic matter, they easily switch to living plant roots and underground shoots and rhizomes.​


​worms are harmful

What causes worms in a flower pot?

Natalie Filini

​If it’s raining, then it’s ok​
​I make the soil myself; when replanting, I constantly pick out their soil (and what a plus. When we go fishing, I take it out of the treasured special worm pot). I don’t heat it, I think the earth is dead after this procedure, not a single flower died

Tatyana M

​If these are earthworms, then they are useful creatures, they loosen the earth and fertilize it…​

Ivan Petrov


Marina Turilina

The extremely positive role that earthworms (aka Lumbricus terrestris) have played (and continue to play) in the processes of creating fertile and living soil is widely known. We can talk about this endlessly, but this is a separate conversation. In a nutshell, an earthworm is a continuously operating mini-factory for the production of humus ( organic matter soil).​


There are no radical measures to combat the nematode. Heavily infected plants are destroyed along with the soil. You can try anthelmintics medications, for example, "Dekaris". 1 tablet is dissolved in 1 liter of water and the plant is watered well several times.​

​Control measures: Earthworms can be collected in so-called traps, just like centipedes. You can water the soil in the pot well with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Vegetable Garden > Flowers and Flower Beds > Indoor >

Earthworms in indoor flowers - will they help or harm the plant?

There are two radically opposing opinions about the activity of earthworms in containers with indoor plants. Some claim that these creatures harm the root system of the flower. others claim the opposite. In fact, there is no clear answer to this question.

What are the benefits of earthworms

Earthworms live in all layers of soil

Earthworms live in all layers of the soil and play a leading role in creating its fertility. These creatures feed on dead organic matter. Digesting it, they release a huge amount of vitamins, humic and amino acids, enzymes, antibiotics and a host of other biologically active substances that suppress pathogenic microflora.

Together with plant residues and soil particles, worms ingest harmful bacteria, fungal spores, nematodes and protozoa found in them. This is the basis of their protein nutrition. During the day, one individual absorbs and processes a mass of soil with organic matter equal to its weight.

Simply put, earthworms fertilize and normalize the microbial composition of the soil. In addition, they increase the aeration of the fertile layer by making numerous passages in it. In one summer, each worm creates up to a kilometer of channels through which moisture and air enter deep into the soil.

The presence of water and oxygen are prerequisites for the occurrence of chemical processes, as a result of which substances beneficial to plants are converted into easily digestible compounds. In addition, moisture and air are necessary for soil microorganisms, whose activity is important for maintaining fertility.

Due to the fact that there are a huge number of species of worms living in different layers of soil, the channels they lay penetrate the soil to a sufficient depth. It is there that the bulk of the minerals necessary for plant nutrition are found.

The waste products of earthworms are coprolites. They are small lumps of soil that have passed through the digestive system of these creatures.

Coprolites will help kill bacteria in the soil

Earthworms leave piles of manure on the soil surface. They are collected and used to make biologically active solutions, which are used as a growth stimulator, fertilizer and protection against diseases and pests.

In the digestive tract of earthworms there are special glands that produce lime. It neutralizes acids formed during the decomposition of organic matter. Thus, the worms lime the soil.

Results of worm activity in flower containers

Many gardeners believe that earthworms harm potted plants by gnawing their roots. This statement is not true. Worms do not have teeth, so they cannot feed on living organic matter.

Another thing is that the benefits of them in a small volume of flower pot are very doubtful.

Ready-made soil for indoor plants is already enriched with the necessary fertilizers and active substances. It also does not need increased aeration, since it includes a significant part of peat, which has a fairly loose structure.

In addition, such soil contains little food for worms - undecomposed organic matter. In search of food, these soil animals will make numerous passages, exposing the roots of the flower in places and damaging them mechanically. As a result, the plant stops growing and may appear unhealthy or depressed.

Worms can partially expose plant roots

That is why some gardeners clearly consider earthworms to be pests of indoor plants and do their best to combat their presence. Some people simply don't like the slime trails these creatures leave on the surface of the soil. Others don't like worms at all.

If so, getting rid of them is easy. It is enough to immerse the flower pot in water so that it reaches its edge. After some time, the worms will feel the lack of oxygen and crawl to the surface. All you have to do is collect them and throw them away.

There is a more radical method of dealing with unwanted guests - poison. Fumigants and fungicides are poisonous to them. Some people confuse earthworms with truly dangerous pests - weevil and cutworm larvae. They feed on the roots of the plant, causing its death.

Worms or their eggs get into the pot along with low-quality soil purchased at the store, or when using a soil mixture prepared independently. To avoid the appearance of unwanted guests in a flower pot, it is necessary to sterilize the soil used for planting indoor plants using a chemical or thermal method.

Earthworms will not cause any harm to large plants planted in large containers.

While watching the video you will learn how to get rid of pests.

On the contrary, their benefits in this case are undoubted, especially if the pot is filled with heavy garden soil. These tireless workers loosen the soil, fertilize and aerate it.

More information

So that the flowers in the vase do not wither

​Similar articles​

​It is advisable, of course, to completely change the soil, but if this is not possible, then ask for a special poison at the flower shop.​


How to properly fertilize indoor plants

​Among some flower gardeners there is a widespread belief about the harm that earthworms can cause. Which (allegedly) gnaw roots in pots, gnaw at young shoots, eat seedlings, sprouts, seeds, etc. To destroy worms, they come up with different methods, the most harmless of which is freezing the soil.​

Fertilizers for gardenia

​Good luck in your fight against these wormy pests.​

Rose food

Fungus gnats. Midges in flowers.​

Ash for fertilizing flowers

​Earthworms in a pot are a disaster - this year I experienced the hard way of their eviction, and I always buy land - I don’t save, one of the packages was with... (under the ellipses read the bad words) the arrowroot was almost gone until I realized that now there is only one small leaf sitting, and in order to remove them I had to completely wash off the soil from the roots, all other methods did not work, the Amazon lily had dying coencentric circles on the leaves, it was not possible to save my favorite rose, I suffered all summer and to this day I am not sure that she managed everywhere, soaked the myrtle 4 times - it’s big and a complete replacement for the earth is like death for him, and potassium permanganate makes him feel bad

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Always fresh geranium

Worms in indoor flowers

​they feed on the most delicate small roots​

Worms in a flower pot, what to do?


​dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate and pour it in​


​Flowers in a vase will not wither longer if you change the water every day and add an aspirin tablet to it.​


The earthworm fertilizes and enriches the earth

Valentina Dylgina

​It's possible. My fisherman husband will really like them.​

Emilia Bilyauer

​And what’s most offensive is that they say (especially on the Internet) all sorts of unfounded nasty and stupid things about earthworms...​

Vladimir Emelianenko

​You need to go to the garden store. there is a means for disinfecting the roots of leaves, and best of all a book about flowers!​


This is perhaps the most “favorite” pest. Why don't they poison them? Fungus gnats look like annoying little midges that hover around flowers. They hatch from larvae in the soil, which look like white worms about three millimeters long.​


​show me that idiot the cat lets them in there on purpose​


​Harmful effects​


Vera Shelest

​pour very warm water (40-50 degrees) into the container

Katya Kotovich

​Throw it away quickly, it’s a nightmare and unsanitary!!​
​Flowers in a vase will stay fresh longer if you add 4-5 drops of lemon juice to the water.​
You need to get rid of them, they multiply very quickly. Water the plant with actelik or actara a couple of times.
pour over with a strong solution of potassium permanganate

Alinka Malinka

​Features of digestion make earthworms detritivorous, i.e. they feed on detritus - decaying plant organic matter (in combination with soil particles) located on the surface of the soil or in their underground burrows, as well as in the soil itself. Therefore, the coprolites that the earthworm leaves behind are lumps of soil enriched with nitrogen, microelements, and having low acidity due to the alkaline environment of its intestines.​

Lady with a dog

​This is not normal. They will devour them. Change the ground.​
​These worms are capable of damaging delicate plant tissues, but they cause much more trouble to humans by the very fact of their existence :)​
​And I put an earthworm in each pot. The flowers and I are happy, the worms, I don’t know, but they’re alive.​
​Normally, they feed on plant debris, but in a pot, if there is a shortage of fresh organic matter, they easily switch to living plant roots and underground shoots and rhizomes.​
​Methods of struggle​
​and place a flower pot in it for 5-10 minutes
​Dig and go fishing... all year round, worms are useful for plants - they loosen the soil.​
​If the roses are drooping in the vase, dip their tips into a bowl of water to which 5-6 tablespoons of vinegar have been added.​
Of course, they are very harmful to the flower, try (don’t be lazy) to change all the soil, and carefully examine the roots. The flower will not grow as long as there are worms there.​
Potassium permanganate, but not strong, otherwise the roots can be burned.


​Because of its slowness and thoughtfulness, the earthworm does not have time (and is even embarrassed by prying eyes) to eat detritus, and therefore drags it into storage deep into the soil, saturating it with organic matter and feeding its smaller brothers.​

Marina Mirutenko

​Try pouring a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The worms will come out. The flower girl advised me.​

Natalie Filini

​Interestingly, midges are an excellent indicator of improper care. They start only with excessive watering.​

​It’s bad for flowers, but I don’t know for you.​

​Earthworms spoil the soil in flower pots with their liquid sticky secretions, clog the drainage, causing the soil in the pot to turn sour.​

​so that the water level does not reach the top of the pot 2 cm
​The soil will have to be thrown away and the roots of the plant should be washed in a light solution of laundry soap. Rinse the pot and pour boiling water over it. Heat the new soil in the oven before use...​

​Never place fertilizer under a plant that needs watering. Water the plant first, and then apply fertilizer, otherwise you risk burning its roots.​
​I don’t agree with many of the answers! Earthworms are useful for garden soil, but not for flower pots. I was convinced of this myself. I brought hot peppers with a lump of earth from the garden and planted them in a pot. At first it grew well, but then it began to fade and there was still no pepper. When I dug up the ground, I was amazed. I discovered an earthworm, and at the bottom of the pot the soil was so compacted that I had to pry it out with a knife (even though it was wet). Therefore, I advise you to definitely remove them from the soil. At the flower shop, ask for pesticides from them.​
​They do not need to be removed; they loosen the ground and do not harm the flower.​


In addition, thanks to the numerous passages and burrows of earthworms, the air supply to the soil and all its inhabitants and plant roots is significantly increased.

An ordinary earthworm can be driven out of a pot by placing the plant in a solution of potassium permanganate, so that the solution is above the soil level. The worms will begin to suffocate and crawl out of the ground. After that, start “hunting” them.​

samuel etoo

​What measures should be taken to get rid of them?​

Tell me, if there are worms in indoor flowers or pots, is this good or bad?

clinical blonde

Any worms (even earthworms) are very dangerous for indoor plants: the plant slows down its growth and then dies.


If there are earthworms in the earthen coma, characteristic lumps of earth appear on the surface, thrown out by them from their passages. If there are earthworms in a pot, the plant becomes lethargic and stunted in growth.​

Alexander Pushkin

But if they have already appeared in the pot, you need to immerse the pot with the plant in warm water for half an hour - the worms will either crawl to the surface, where they can be easily collected, or drown. It is also quite easy to collect large worms when replanting. You can water the soil in the pot well with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Personal Account Removed

​afterwards the worms will crawl to the top


​I think that it is best to change the soil, even if it is purchased, you never know what kind of worms they are, what if you don’t get them out? Wash the pot, change the soil and let your palm tree rejoice.​
​The best fertilizer for gardenia is coffee grounds. Dilute it slightly with water and pour it into a flower pot.​

​and I have one in my monstera. Everything would be fine, but today my sister broke off a new leaf from the monstera. What is more dangerous: a worm or a sister?

There is no need to remove it in principle, but if it gets irritated, place the flowerpot in a pot of water, the water should reach the edge of the flowerpot. Water will be absorbed through the bottom hole and fill the container, the worms, ticking from the water, will crawl out. Then remove the pot from the pan, the water will flow out. Potassium permanganate and other strong chemicals will damage the roots.​
​What practical conclusions can be drawn from the above reasoning?​
​We need to catch them all.​
​Firstly, it is necessary to normalize the watering regime. But this alone will not bring them out. To finish them off, systemic insecticides will help. “Aktara”, “Confidor”, dimethoate. The Regent also helps against them.​

​It is urgent to change the soil, wash the roots with running water and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before planting, “roast” the pot in the oven and cool.​
​Methods of struggle​
​you can decide here which worms are in your pot​

Natalya Kalantyr

​You collect them for fishing, as advised above:0)))​


​I had the same problem - three cacti were eaten (((they also recommended potassium permanganate to me... watered it, the fourth cactus still seems to be alive. Only the solution should be very weak


​Pour the water in which you cooked the spinach without salt over the rose. This is a very good fertilizer. The rose will get stronger and the leaves will become shiny.​


You can get rid of worms by drying the soil. They themselves will die. Dry your camellia, loosen the soil. I started them in a barrel with ficus. He grew up normally. Sometimes they came in other colors. Yes, worms feed on plant debris. But I didn’t notice that indoor flowers were being harmed. And in the previous letter, the worm was not to blame for the death of the pepper. It was necessary to place drainage at the bottom of the pot. And peppers transplanted from the street generally do very poorly at home. Even those grown in a greenhouse. They don't cope well with this stress. Immediately the light, temperature, humidity, even the location towards the sun is different. And also autumn. I also take it home almost every year. The result is the same. Sooner or later it will dry out. Houses grow well, which are immediately left in seedlings. Only the spider likes to grow on peppers in the summer.​


​P/S. I agree with "Peganov Yuri"​


​1. There is no need to be afraid of worms, expecting any harm from them. They cannot cause it because of the peculiarities of their diet (Nature acted very wisely...). Although they do have teeth! As for their life in pots (with indoor plants or seedlings), there is only one extreme case that it is advisable to avoid: when the volume of the pot is so small compared to the size of the worm that it turns it (the worm) into Ivan Matveich living in a crocodile. .. :-))​

love it

​But if the plant is small, it is easier to change the soil.​
It is necessary to shed the soil once and spray the plant. The flies won't bother you anymore.​


​You need to place the pot completely in a vessel with water so that it is completely filled, the worms do not like excess water and will crawl out

Irina Kirilova

​Soil from the street can contain not only adult individuals, but also eggs. Therefore, it is better to sterilize garden or forest soil in one way or another before use. If plants are taken outside in the summer, place the pots only on pallets and so high that earthworms cannot climb into them. At the same time, worms rarely appear and successfully reproduce in pots with indoor plants due to the peculiarities of preparing soil mixtures and the watering regime.​

Lyudmila Otradnaya

how to get rid of worms in a flower pot?


​A slug crawled out of my purchased soil in a sealed bag. Lively, it immediately crawled to eat the leaves. This is the kind of land we pay money for! I now began to steam the soil on the stove in a saucepan. I advise you to remove the flower from the pot and steam the soil.​


Ash from burning wood is rich in metals, especially potassium. Use it as fertilizer for indoor and garden flowers.​


​if you can’t put it in water, then change the soil or the worms will eat all the roots)​


​They are loosening the earth... But a pot of indoor flowers is a small container, and over time the soil in it will become unusable from these worms. They will pass it all through themselves several times, taking nutrients and turning it into small crumbs. I had this story.​

Natalia Lagunova

​2. Knowing the digestive characteristics of a worm, you need to create appropriate conditions for it in the garden for life, rest and reproduction. And then all problems with the quality (structure, fertility, etc.) of the soil in the garden will be solved by themselves. More precisely, earthworms will do everything for you.​

There are worms in houseplants...


​Can worms be brought in with purchased soil? Yes. But this is a problem of low-quality products, especially if the mixture includes turf or deciduous soil, poor vermicompost, or compost. The worm is a very rare guest in peat and can get there in two cases: during careless storage or when exposing plants outside. Earthworms, despite the huge amount of undecomposed organic matter, do not live on industrial peat bogs. The probable cause is an acidic reaction of the environment and very high humidity (in an environment with an acidity below pH = 5 or above pH = 9, all worms die within a week). With the correct technology for extracting, transporting and processing peat, as well as delivering the substrate to the consumer in packaged form, infection with live worms or their eggs is excluded. Worms do not live in high-moor peat, so with a high-quality peat substrate, worms cannot get into the pot. Most often, worms or their eggs get into the pot when using unsterilized garden soil. Usually, they come with unsteamed soil in the form of eggs.​


​I don’t know, but because of them my shefflera died;​


Oksana Prividentets

​So it is. DON'T LISTEN TO THE BULLSHIT. WE NEED TO BRING THEM OUT!! ! everything is connected with their nutrition, they not only loosen the soil, they feed on organic matter, when the rotting is over, they will start eating the flower...​

Spring Melody

​There are three groups of nematodes.​
​I completely agree with the previous speaker... Maybe it’s not worth kicking out? Well, if they decide, then very easily with the help of vibration they run away from it and climb out. Samm saw how a man used such a thing: he stuck a pin with a winding and a core at the end into the ground and plugged it into the network and they, i.e., pearled worms out even if you collected them with a dustpan and a broom ;-)​
​that’s bad, change the soil, it’s better to buy it in a store, there definitely won’t be any larvae there.​

Sofia Prutnikova

This is bad. Replant the flowers.​

Tatiana Raldugina

​Earthworms are completely harmless! And they don’t eat any kaorns, they consume earthly organic matter and, passing through themselves, structure the earth. But they described to you how to bring others out.​

If there are earthworms in the soil of indoor flowers, they can be removed without replanting the flower.


​these creatures live in the ground, they came to you that way, the seller doesn’t check the ground, they eat everything, from plant roots and snails to the ground.​

Tatyana Yakimova

​It happens that worms appear in flower pots. Boil 100 grams of fresh sage leaves in one liter of water and pour this water over the flower. The worms will die.​

Peganov Yuri™

​Preventive measures Use high-quality peat substrate. Store the remaining substrate in a closed container in a dry place. If you take the plants outside in the summer, place the pots on pallets so that earthworms cannot get into them. If you independently harvest soil from your garden and use other high-risk components (turf soil, compost, deciduous soil, vermicompost of dubious origin), it is highly advisable to sterilize them thermally or chemically. This is true both for soil from your garden and for unreliable cheap store-bought mixtures.​

​they first loosen the ground, and then take on the roots;​


​It’s impossible, you need to shake out all the soil.​

​Nematodes with free formation of cysts penetrate the roots and destroy their membrane. After fertilization, the female's body turns into a brown cyst (a reservoir of eggs) hanging from the outside of the root. The cyst can remain in the soil for years, waiting for favorable conditions.​
​Only with a solution of potassium permanganate, such a medium one. This will not harm the flower and the worms will crawl out of the hole at the bottom of the pot. And they cause harm to the flower, I don’t know what, but after expulsion the flowers grow better.​

Don't change anything. just scrape the “Mashenka” chalk above the ground in the pot, it is designed to fight flies and ants. tested by my own experience, all creatures disappear.​
​If it’s rainy, it’s not dangerous, but if it’s roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, then it’s apasaysi!!!​
​Earthworm (Lumbricidae)​

​so hurry up!​

​Earthworms are bad. As long as there are nutrients in the ground, they are not dangerous, but as soon as everything is over (when it all ends), they are taken up by the roots, especially young roots. When earthworms appeared in the pot, I tried everything, actara and potassium permanganate, and washed the roots. Everything is useless. It got to the point that I even left it with the washed roots in a bucket of water overnight. I thought they would choke. But no. When I lifted the plant (it was crescent asparagus) from the water, I saw a terrible picture. The worms hung like ropes attached to the roots. I removed them with tweezers. The drug CONFIDOR helped me. I spilled the soil twice with an interval of 1-2 weeks. Earthworms breed very quickly in a favorable environment.​

​If your soil is purchased, then this is how it should be. After all, worms are used to produce fertile soil. Worms do not harm flowers.​
​in the garden is a different matter, but in a pot...​


​There is no need to take them out - it’s even useful - they loosen the ground!!!​
- Free nematodes do not attach to the roots in one place, but crawl from place to place.
​Unfortunately, you did not indicate what kind of worms you have. There are a lot of pests of indoor plants. Many species and worms. Here are the main ones.​
​If it’s rain, it’s good, thanks to them the roots breathe, but if there’s maggots or something else, replant...​
​Length from 2-3 cm with a thickness of approx. 1 mm to 50 cm with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Approx. 300 species, widely distributed; most numerous in forest and forest-steppe zones. They live in the soil, are nocturnal, and crawl to the surface during the day after heavy rains. Soil formers. 11 species are protected. Earthworms (the family of oligochaetes) are usually considered beneficial organisms, but in a small pot of houseplants they can be harmful.​

Igor Platunov

​Immerse the pot in a bucket of water for half an hour. . maybe so? I don't know.​

Andrey Kurochkin

There is a drug called AKTARA. diluted in water. buy it at the store and pour it over pots of plants


​Look at the worms!​


​And for what? After all, earthworms do not harm the plant, they only enrich the soil with their vital activity.​