Boys 16-17 years old developmental features. Psychology of a teenager

It is quite difficult to talk in general about adolescence; a lot here depends on what happened in the previous stages of the transition period, especially during events that echo throughout the rest of life.

However psychology of a teenager 16-17 years old is based to a greater extent on calmer indicators than in previous age periods, but also with greater independence. If we do not touch on pathologies and complex cases, then the typical picture will be like this:

Physical Features:
  • physically teenagers are fully developed
  • that is why they pay great attention to their health
  • Emotional Features:
  • are already friendly (and sometimes patronizing) towards all members of their family
  • absolutely confident in yourself
  • may be more attentive to the needs of others than to their own
  • strive for serious relationships with both the opposite sex (love) and their own (friendship)
  • dates become a frequent occurrence in their lives
  • personal relationships come to the fore, devotion to them appears, the intimacy of such relationships increases
  • usually strive for independent income, for which they find hourly work
  • resistance to government officials is decreasing
  • Smart Features:
  • strive to make more serious, intelligent decisions
  • already understand that any decision made today can affect what will happen tomorrow
  • consider several options for the outcome of events, i.e. teenagers are calculating their behavior
  • Conflicts between teenagers and parents are more likely to be resolved through discussion of the problem that has arisen.
  • start to think about future profession and about the future in principle
  • moral and spiritual values ​​are tested and tested for strength
  • capable of strong adherence to a particular religion
  • treat others with understanding and value their opinion of themselves
  • boys and girls are very interested in issues of life after death
  • they have many questions about their personal spiritual life, in this area they are full of doubts
  • If spiritual truths are instilled in teenagers, then they are able to assimilate them during this period and apply them in life.

Most parents think that at this age they will be able to breathe easy - they are practically behind them, and the psychology of a 16-17 year old teenager is more pleasant for parental perception. But it depends on a lot:

  • Were the parents able to maintain/build a trusting relationship with their child?
  • have they accepted that he has become an adult and it’s time to let him go into an independent adult life?
  • How ready is he for such a life?
  • Is there anything left unsaid, misunderstood between parents and children, maybe some grievances are still alive in them?

This is the time to take stock of whether they are good or bad, only the parents and teenagers themselves can say, but in any case, the most important thing that, in my opinion, both of them should remember is that they are the most precious and loved ones who have each other. And this will remain so for the rest of their lives.

The article is intended for teachers and professionals working with teenagers 15-16 years old, 1st and 2nd year. The features of this adolescence are described in detail. When studying and analyzing the presented material, the master or teacher has the opportunity to select educational technologies most effectively meeting the requirements of a lesson or practical exercise.






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In adolescence and adolescence, further development of mental educational processes and personality formation.

The most significant changes in the structure of mental cognitive processes in persons who have reached adolescence, they are observed in the intellectual sphere.

During this period, skills are formed logical thinking, and then theoretical thinking, logical memory develops. The teenager’s creative abilities actively develop, and an individual style of activity is formed, which is reflected in the style of thinking.

While the period of primary socialization is mainly associated with unconscious and passive mechanisms of cultural assimilation, secondary socialization involves a creative transformation of the environment and a greater involvement of cognitive mechanisms.

The period of older adolescence, 15-16 years, is one of the most important stages secondary socialization. During this period, the personality’s worldview, its idea of ​​the meaning of life and its own purpose are formed. Events experienced and comprehended at this age become decisive for a person’s value base.

At stages life path, during primary and secondary socialization the importance of socialization agents is also different. During the period of primary socialization, in infancy, the main role is played by the family, peer groups, and appropriate means. mass media, Primary School, “significant others.” Later, during the period of secondary socialization, when an individual enters new sectors of his society, educational institutions are especially significant ( educational establishments, school), communities, media.

It should be noted that in high school, the development of children’s cognitive processes reaches such a level that they are practically ready to perform all types of mental work of an adult, including the most complex. Cognitive processes become more perfect and flexible, and the development of the means of cognition very often outstrips personal development itself.

Analysis of a group of indicators psychological state teenagers in society, their motivational value orientations and perception of reality showed:

1. Teenagers’ assessment of that part of reality that is aimed at their intellectual development is characterized by inconsistency. On the one hand, inflated self-esteem was found in comparison with the objective level of compliance of their behavior with moral standards. For example, their assessment of the qualitative aspects of organized cognitive activity indicates a reluctance to change in one’s cognitive activity, which is not typical for this age.

2. Motivational and value orientations that are significant for intellectual development modern teenager are characterized by a movement from the area of ​​cognitive activity and the development of one’s personality into the area of ​​communication, as well as into the area of ​​purely procedural aspects of cognitive activity and the development of one’s personality into the area of ​​communication, as well as into the area of ​​purely procedural aspects of cognitive activity, which does not correspond to the objective features of development at a given age .

Adolescent children aged 15-16 years are included in quality new system relationships, communication with friends and adults at school, in public organizations. The actual place in the family and among peers also changes. A teenager’s sphere of activity expands significantly, its types and forms become significantly more complex.

An essential feature of an older teenager (15-16 years old) remains a special form of cognitive activity, actively combined withproductive labor. It has important, both for teenagers’ choice of profession and for the development of value orientations. Having an educational and professional nature, this activity, on the one hand, acquires elements of research, on the other, it receives a certain focus on acquiring a profession, on finding one’s place in life.

A creative approach creates a multiplicity of variations when choosing goals, motives, and means of achieving them. Flexibility and creative thinking allows you to avoid getting stuck on an unsolvable problem or emotion, preserving the mental health of the teenager and guaranteeing progress in development.

The teenager acquires adult logic of thinking. There is furtherintellectualization of perception and memory. This process depends on learning becoming more complex in the middle grades. For the development of memory, it is important that the complication and significant increase in the volume of the material being studied leads to a final refusal to memorize. Are developing various shapes speech, including writing. The development of imagination . The convergence of imagination with theoretical thinking gives impetus to creativity: teenagers begin to write poetry, music, design, etc.

There is a second line of development of imagination. Not all teenagers strive to achieve an objective creative result, but they all use the possibilities of their creative imagination, receiving satisfaction from the process of fantasy itself. In his fantasies, a teenager becomes more aware of his own drives and emotions, and for the first time begins to imagine his future path in life.

Today there are many approaches to defining creativity (lat. creative - creative, lat. creatio - Creation). Therefore, it is impossible to provide a single generalizing definition that would satisfy the needs of all researchers.

Despite different points of view, almost all definitions associate creativity with the image of something new (for the individual and for society). In general, we can say that the ability to generate unusual ideas, deviate in thinking from traditional schemes, quickly resolve problematic situations; This ability was called creativity. Creativity covers a certain set of mental and personal qualities that contribute to the development of creativity.

Carrying out creative tasks In the classroom, given that the tasks have clear requirements for their implementation, the teenager gets a unique opportunity to self-actualize, get rid of many teenage complexes, gain self-confidence and more clearly decide on their future profession.

Features of the psychology of a teenager - 16 years old

A sixteen-year-old teenager is the most difficult test for parents.

It was this age that defined the term “difficult” as applied to adolescents in general.
All the antagonistic contradictions and difficulties of adolescence pour out at this time as if from a cornucopia. Just have time to “spread the straws” so that those whom the parents consider are still children do not get into too many troubles.
However, as many professionals who have experienced this difficult period of their lives believe, the difficulty of this age is due, first of all, to the fact that it is difficult for the teenager himself to fit his new dimensions (and not only physical parameters) into the world.

It is incredibly difficult for sixteen-year-olds to come to terms with themselves in a new capacity: no longer a child, but not yet quite an adult.

The following are distinguished: characteristics 16 year olds:

At the level of self-awareness, their worldview is actively being formed, while a stable “concept of selfhood” is already fully formed, as a result of which the assessments of those around 16-year-olds are no longer of much concern;

In terms of cognitive activity, at this age professional interests begin to form, skills to manage other people, even provocations, appear;

There is an increasing need for a close-knit team of people united by common interests; it is precisely at this age that cases of mass protests and actions against anything are typical;

The formation of sexuality and one’s own views on the problems associated with these reaches its final stage;

The only positive for parents: teenagers at the age of 16 become more balanced emotionally, their actions are more consistent and not as impulsive as before.

So, the main problems and difficulties are listed. All that remains is to decide how to overcome these problems with the least losses for both sides.

The simplest and effective remedy What helps in this situation is keeping a diary.

In this treasured notebook, a teenager often writes down everything that happens to him, and in the future has the opportunity to analyze all this information, moving it some distance away in time. Often this method helps you see your own mistakes and not repeat them in the future.

The best gift for a 16-year-old teenager is a beautifully designed diary, complemented by an elegant pen in the same style.

The teenager becomes an adult.
At this age, many already experience their first love, and perhaps their first disappointments. For some teenagers, this age means the appearance sexual relations. But don’t panic: not everyone at sixteen is ready to take this step.

However, parents should start conversations about sex so that the child is aware of all the consequences. If dad or mom can’t start a conversation, then you can buy appropriate literature and give it to the child.
A teenager must understand that this is a period when he is responsible for all his actions. By the way, in Cuba this age is considered adulthood.

At this age, the psychology of a teenager is more extensive and multifaceted.

In addition to physical, sexual, hormonal changes, there are other features - the child begins to pay attention to philosophy.
His outlook on life changes noticeably. And those issues that did not bother him before are now coming to the fore.
During this period, a person may exaggerate his abilities, as everything looks simpler, more accessible and rosy. This is the psychology of a teenager.

16 years is a huge layer in which there is a lot of faith, desire, and aspirations.

A person is at the peak of his emotional development.

Many parents find it very difficult to accept the need to “let go” of a teenager and they perceive this behavior of a teenager as rebellion and protest, although, in fact, their children are simply growing up.

This is the age at which it is very important for a teenager to be accepted by you as parents. At this stage, it is important to be able to listen to the teenager and trust his Choice...

To be able to listen is not to lecture, not to criticize, not to threaten and not to say offensive phrases. Teenagers learn from their own choices. As long as the consequences of this choice do not threaten their health and life, do not interfere, but on the contrary, show a positive interest in the teenager’s life, be interested in her friends, but with POSITIVE side.

For a conversation with a teenager to be effective, it is important for you, as a parent, to be able to differentiate your feelings and speak openly to the teenager about them. What I mean? For example, if your daughter came home late, you might say, “I was really worried because I was afraid something had happened to you,” or “I'm worried and worried about you. So, I was really worried when you came home late.” , which you told me about. I thought that perhaps you had some problems and needed help."

Such judgmental expressions as: “Where have you been?”, “Why so late?” will certainly cause anger and aggression in the teenager and are unlikely to lead to a constructive conversation.

A young man, and especially a teenager, easily idealize the people around him and the relationships between them, but quickly become disillusioned with them as soon as they discover incomplete compliance with a biased and inflated ideal.

Such maximalism is a consequence of the desire for self-affirmation; it gives rise to the so-called black and white logic. Black-and-white logic, maximalism and little life experience lead young people to exaggerate originality own experience. It seems to them that no one has loved, suffered, or fought as much as they have.

However, their parents, being at the mercy of the tastes and habits of their own youth, absolutizing and considering only their habits and tastes as the only correct ones, do not set an example of a reasonable attitude to reality, based on a sober assessment of the significance of events, elevating questions about the width of trousers and the length of hair to the level of problems. , style of dance, style of music and songs.
These problems are as old as time. Even Aristophanes in the comedy “Clouds” described the conflict between a reasonable, well-intentioned father and a frivolous long-haired son.
In response to his father’s request to sing something from the ancient authors - Simonides or Aeschylus - the son calls these poets outdated and stilted. When the son turns to modern art and reads a monologue from Euripides, the old man loses his temper, seeing in it bad taste and immorality

Adults are sometimes outraged or, in best case scenario, one is surprised by the desire of young men to dress and behave “like everyone else,” even at the expense of their own attractiveness and material capabilities.
These actions demonstrate the increased importance for them of a sense of belonging to a certain group: educational, sports, etc. And in order to be completely “at home” in a group, you need to look like everyone else and share common hobbies.
Inner world another person can be understood only if you pay attention and respect to him, accepting him as an independent, worthy person with his own views and his own life experience.
This is what the most common and completely fair complaint of boys and girls about their parents sounds like: “They don’t listen to me!”

Haste, inability and unwillingness to listen to your own child, to understand what is happening in the complex youth world, inability to look at the problem from the perspective young man, smug confidence in the infallibility of one’s life experience - all this can create psychological barrier between parents and children.
This barrier can be strengthened by both parents and children. Parents may have the idea that there is no value system for their child, which, naturally, does not bring them closer together.

Why does such a frightening illusion arise?
When parents are unable to perceive their child, now a young man, as an independent person and there is no mutual understanding in the family, then the young man gives exaggerated great importance your interactions with peers.
In the case when a young man’s family and the peer group that is significant to him with whom he communicates are guided by various systems values, family values ​​are denied, which creates the impression that the young man has no values ​​at all.
This illusion is a consequence of the one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness of parents who for too long have perceived their children as dependent and in need of petty care.

Parents also erect a barrier between themselves and the child when they abuse ethical requirements, suggesting that all other people except him are virtuous
Such teachings repel young people, who are especially sensitive to any discrepancy between word and deed.
Performance requirement moral standards is perceived without internal protest if it is said that not all people are yet moral, but it is necessary to make efforts to improve one’s own morality.
There is no need to be afraid to seriously discuss the negative aspects of life with growing children.
Maturity in a person comes when he understands that life knows no drafts, that everything is finalized.

Note to parents
Don't be afraid of adolescence. This is an inevitable stage in the life of every person. And if you want to soften this time, try to understand why the child acts this way and not otherwise.

The psychology of a teenager may seem strange and unpredictable to you, but this is absolutely not the case. Only you are capable, like no one else, of understanding your child and helping him overcome this period. For him it is perhaps even harder than for you. After all, a teenager is just beginning to understand himself and those around him, and all changes are complex and incomprehensible to him

But seriously, everything that has been said is necessary for parents precisely so that they, in turn, also begin to relate to the sometimes unpleasant moments that occur in their relationships with teenagers from the point of view of a pilot who is warned about all possible pitfalls and shoals, capable of leading a family boat through all the storms and troubles to the cherished quiet haven of established and friendly relations.

Source MedVesti.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

IN modern world The concept of “teenager” evokes an association of complexity, difficulty in communication, and incomprehensibility. It is difficult for adults to understand that, being in their youth, moving from childhood to adulthood (life period of 13-15 years), a teenager feels himself already grown up, essentially remaining a child. Remaining his confidant during this difficult period for the child is great luck, albeit incredibly difficult. To do this, you need to know about those features that appear at this stage of life and shape his personality. The main action of the immediate environment (parents and friends of the older generation) is to help and assist, in other words, to be attentive to him and communicate “in his language.” At this time, the young man is in a difficult period of life. He is forming his views and his opinion on any issue and concept.

It’s difficult for the people around you because it’s unbearably difficult for him to be with himself. He is not sure of anything. He is looking for his purpose in life, focusing only on his opinion.

Stages of growing up

During this time period of his life, a young man begins to gain a new awareness and motivation for his own behavior. Lead them meaningfully.

Psychologists often focus the attention of parents of children in adolescence on this conventional transitional fragment (from 14 to 16 years old) in connection with the changes occurring in them, both physiological and mental.

Because this period, called the stage of personal and professional self-determination, is the most difficult in life for a growing teenager - boy or girl.

The emotional sphere of adolescents and motivation

At this time, the child develops his own individual personal position on all issues and situations. It often does not agree with the views and opinions of adults, including parents, on the same situation, which leads to conflict, which may result in a loss of mutual understanding and contact relationships between them.

Manifestations of psychological neoplasms in adolescents aged 14–16 years

In order to overcome this most difficult period of life less painfully for a family, it is necessary to understand the psychological new formations that arise in middle adolescence.

Depending on the development (maturation) of the child’s personality, neoplasms in adolescents can appear from the age of 13 and last until the age of 15.

There are several such neoplasms.

Problems communicating with peers increase sharply among teenagers

Switching your constant communication from teachers and parents to friends - classmates and peers, a little older, but who are an authority for a particular teenager. At this time, he develops skills in social interaction, that is, he learns to obey the opinions of others, but at the same time defending his rights. The consequence of this is the manifestation of two contradictions - belonging to a peer group and the desire for isolation, that is, having your own individual personal space.

Reluctance to listen to parents and teachers

Changes in the cognitive sphere of a teenager. Development framework 13 -15 years

The term “cognitive sphere” refers to the unification of all human cognitive processes. Such as attention and memory, intelligence and the development of logical and verbal-figurative thinking. In a special way, the accession and development of creative abilities occurs.

Manifestation of a phantom sense of adulthood

While still essentially a child, a teenager (usually 13-5 years old) feels and decides that he has already grown up. He develops and manifests with increasing frequency the desire to become independent from his parental family. He begins to conceive his first thought about his future profession. He strives to become “necessary,” that is, useful to society and family. And, of course, the emergence of a keen interest in the opposite sex.

Phantom adulthood in adolescents is manifested by prohibited actions

Possible occurrence of school maladjustment

The reason for this is ambiguous, usually complex, relationships with teachers or classmates.

Skills in developing communication and a teenager’s own individual personality position

With the onset of acute adolescence, especially the middle stage, in the life of a person aged 14-16 years, there is a reorientation from intra-family communication between the parent family and the child to external communication - friends, peers - classmates and older adolescents who are authorities.

Most often, at the age of 14, the individual chooses his own benchmark - an ideal that becomes life example and a confidant for him. Such communication is basic at this age, as it is the main information channel. In addition, this is a specific type of emotional contact that develops in a teenager a sense of solidarity, self-esteem, emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships.

Under the influence of an idol, teenagers can change greatly

As a result of such contact, in order to be like his idol, a 14-year-old teenager can change appearance and style of communication with the people around him.

There is a change in tastes, an interest in energy and alcoholic drinks and smoking is manifested, since these are the qualities that he associates with adulthood.

Changes in the cognitive sphere of a teenager

During adolescence, especially at its middle stage, improvement occurs intellectual processes and thinking, which is the basis for personality formation.

An activity approach is implemented in the growing up of a young person, under the influence of a complex schooling, part of which is the development of elements of the cognitive sphere of personality, that is, the functions of the adolescent’s psyche.

Teenage absent-mindedness leads to learning problems

A process such as perception at this age acquires a selective character, with the possibility of analytical and critical conclusions.

  1. Attention, during this period, acquires the ability to clearly switch and distribute. Its parameters also improve and develop: the volume increases and stability strengthens. It becomes arbitrary and controlled by the teenager himself. This indicates the emergence and manifestation of selective attention.
  2. Memory also develops. It undergoes the same changes as attention - it acquires a fully meaningful character in terms of memorization and comprehension.
  3. In parallel with the above-mentioned functions of the adolescent’s psyche, during the average period of growing up, 14–16 years, independent thinking develops. This allows the child to move on and operate with individual conclusions.

Psychological defense is expressed in behavioral disorders

Phantom feeling of adulthood

Professional psychologists note that against the backdrop of the developing cognitive sphere of the individual, a teenager has a desire to “be like an adult.” That is, he has a need to bear responsibility for a certain part (zone) of independently completed work.

At the same time, interest in people of the opposite sex awakens. The first platonic relationship arises between a boy and a girl, most often their age is 13–15 years. The first feeling of falling in love appears. There is a desire to please the person you like and to show constant concern for him.

At this age, teenagers experience their first love

Parents should take into account that excessive interference in this feeling and in this relationship can lead to a deterioration in mutual understanding between them and their child. As a result, cause him to become alienated and withdrawn. Parents are advised not to interfere with the development of these relationships, but also not to encourage them.

During this same period comes the desire to earn your first money on your own. The motivation is the desire to become independent in financially so as not to once again beg for funds for your personal needs from your parents and not give them an account of where and how they were spent. This also includes motivation for socially useful activities, as a result, encouragement from authority and teenage peers.

In adolescence, many people try to earn their first money.

The emergence of school maladjustment

A family with a teenager aged 14-16 quite often faces such a manifestation as school maladaptation, that is, the inability to feel comfortable in a group of peers.

The reason for such a situation in a child’s life may be a breakdown in relationships (conflict) with teachers, classmates or older students, as a result of the teenager’s reluctance to obey their demands and tasks.

School maladaptation - main signs

Externally, school maladjustment is expressed in resistance and even complete refusal to attend classes. The child stops doing homework. There is a complete violation in his educational activities. He tries to communicate with his family less often, trying to solve the problem on his own, which only makes it worse.

Parents should pay attention to the problem of their child (13 – 16 years old) through the signals described above and try to as soon as possible provide him with help, after consulting with a psychologist, without showing him the child.

You can also involve in the problem and school psychologist, asking him to observe the behavior and reactions of the teenager. Based on the results of his observations, the specialist can offer a program of assistance in this particular case.

The word “teenager” has long been associated in our society with rebellion, aggression and misunderstanding. At this age, any person is truly going through a crisis. Everything changes - the body, the worldview, and perception. What is it like - the psychology of a teenager? What should others, and even the youngest creature, know? Let's figure it out together.

Reaching adolescence, young people begin to understand themselves and this world in a new way; their own behavior is based on other motives. It’s difficult for the people around him to deal with the teenager, and it’s unbearably hard for him to deal with himself. During this period, he is not sure of anything and diligently searches for his goal. Adolescence is characterized by the following psychological features:

  • Self-concept. A teenager experiences active development ideas about yourself. At first these ideas are highly variable. Over time, self-perception becomes more organized and detailed.
  • Self-esteem. During this period, self-esteem is quite critical. It is accompanied by excessive shyness and vulnerability.
  • Family relationships. Conflicts flare up more and more often in my interactions with my parents. The words of parents for a teenager are significant, but complex and contradictory. He tries in every possible way to separate his “I” from the previously accepted “We”.
  • Relationships with peers. Communication with a circle of peers comes to the fore; these contacts occupy more than 50% of the total time of young people. It is important for them to be accepted, they strive to get into the desired circles, constantly compare themselves with friends and want to surpass them.
  • Contacts with the opposite sex. Typical for adolescence increased interest to the opposite sex. Failures experienced are difficult to experience and are accompanied by depression.


A teenager's behavior is largely influenced by his physiological changes. The first changes are observed already at 7-10 years. The body begins to prepare for future intensive transformations. Limbs are actively growing, maturity is forming motor functions, which begins to improve over time. The ability to concentrate increases, logic and memory develop, speech improves, and the sphere of emotions is formed. The final replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones occurs.

The issue of puberty deserves special attention. Teenagers are faced with various physiological processes, which begin to occur in their body. Sometimes it is difficult for them to come to terms with their new self. There is a difficult period of adaptation, habituation and understanding. Girls begin menstruation and the mammary glands are actively forming. It is necessary to wear a bra, and this is so unusual and uncomfortable. There is a first acquaintance with personal hygiene products, which cause additional discomfort. Add to this the fears and worries that someone will see or find out about the gasket. It becomes clear why girls are so capricious and don’t even want to leave the house. Boys begin to experience nocturnal emissions—emissions of sperm. There is also deformation of the voice, which also causes its own embarrassment. Both sexes are susceptible to acne, which can lead to excessive concerns about appearance.

The importance of age

Since puberty ( puberty) covers several years, we will consider each in more detail age year. The psychology of a 12-year-old teenager and the psychology of a 16-year-old teenager are very different.

  • 12 years old. The period of the first significant internal and external changes. Parents of 12-year-olds should be more attentive and tolerant of all the nuances of their children’s behavior. Close attention to one's appearance and a capricious choice of clothing begins. Girls are trying to experiment with cosmetics. All these interests need to be treated with understanding, listen to the child, if possible go to a meeting, tolerantly and gently explain the reasons for your disagreement. Also be prepared for the fact that the child becomes very sensitive to the opinions of others.
  • 13 years old. The so-called teenage dawn. Actively changing hormonal background, which affects the mood. An unbridled desire to defend one’s opinion and desires appears. It is worth supporting these aspirations for independence, which will help in the future to make a smoother transition into adulthood. Parents need to be wise and avoid putting pressure on the child. Also, it is not uncommon for an increased sexual desire to appear at the age of 13. There is no need to be scared if a teenager is actively interested in the topic of sex. Satisfy his interest if possible.
  • 14 years old. During this period, adolescent psychology is characterized by awareness of oneself as an individual. It seems to adults that the child is deliberately doing everything contrary, but this is not so. The teenager does not set out to anger his parent; he simply does not understand what is really important to him. The main thing for him is to stand out and show that he is not like everyone else. Adults need to understand that the child does not do this intentionally; these are characteristics of his age.
  • 15 years. Communication with peers comes to the forefront. A teenager is driven by a great desire to be accepted in his circle. Many sensitive topics and exciting questions arise that a teenager cannot always talk about with his parents. If adults notice the changes taking place in a timely manner and respect the child’s aspirations for contacts with peers, then problematic issues in upbringing will be minimized. The teenager will hear his parents and be willing to compromise further.
  • 16 years. The cherished path to adulthood. At this age, relationships with the opposite sex become the main thing. Many teenagers face their first sexual experience, which is not always successful. This brings its own disappointments and depression. Parents should show maximum understanding and support. By the age of 16, it is necessary to fully educate the child on the topic of sex, to let him understand how responsible it is and what consequences it can lead to. Along with this, the teenager begins to become interested in philosophy. His worldview changes noticeably. 16 years is the peak of emotional development. A teenager has many desires and faith, he is capable of much. All plans seem rosy and affordable.

Adolescence crisis

The psychology of a teenager is vast and multifaceted. There is a certain crisis of this age. Relationships with people around him change radically, increased demands on oneself and adults appear, rebellion against being treated as a small child. Therefore, behavior becomes characterized by such traits as uncontrollability, rudeness, ignoring the words of adults, and withdrawing into oneself. A teenager's personality is influenced by external and internal factors.

External factors– this is the ongoing control of adults, guardianship, which seems excessive to the teenager. He wants to free himself from annoying worries and make his own decisions. The child falls into difficult situation– he has indeed become more mature, but his behavioral traits are still childish. Therefore, it is difficult for adults to perceive a teenager as their equal. But parents should strive to change their attitude towards their grown-up child. Creating a friendly, trusting atmosphere will help with this. Let your son or daughter know that you are always there when needed.

TO internal factors include changes in the physiology and psychology of a teenager. An increased desire for personal improvement appears; the child definitely needs to assert himself and express himself. At the same time, the demands on oneself are increasing, there is excessive dissatisfaction with oneself, accusations of one’s own inadequacy. Difficulty for a teenager to cope with internal tension, he is prone to conflicts and aggressive outbursts.

Along with this, behavioral changes become acute. A teenager wants to experience a lot, and tends to take risks. He is attracted to what was previously forbidden. It is during this period that the first attempts to smoke and drink alcohol take place. Mental status also changes and spiritual growth. It is not uncommon to experience a loss of identity with oneself. Early ideas about yourself do not coincide with today's image. This inconsistency can lead to doubts, fears, and depressing thoughts.

Each of us went through our teenage years. For some it was smooth, for others not so much. In any case, the teenager must be treated very carefully and tolerantly. One has only to think about how hard it is for them to put up with all the changes that are happening. Then comes an understanding of their sometimes inappropriate behavior.