Zabolotsky I was brought up by nature analysis. Analysis of Zabolotsky’s poem “I was brought up by harsh nature...”

“I was brought up by harsh nature...” Nikolai Zabolotsky

I was raised by harsh nature,
It's enough for me to notice at my feet
Dandelion fluff ball,
Plantain hard blade.

The more common a simple plant,
The more it excites me
Its first leaves appear
At dawn of a spring day.

In the state of daisies, at the edge,
Where the stream, panting, sings,
I would lie all night until the morning,
Throwing your face back into the sky.

Life is a stream of glowing dust
Everything would flow, flow through the sheets,
And the misty stars shone,
Filling the bushes with rays.

And, listening to the spring noise
Among the enchanted grasses,
I would still lie and think, I think
Boundless fields and oak forests.

Analysis of Zabolotsky’s poem “I was brought up by harsh nature...”

Nikolai Zabolotsky spent his childhood not far from Kazan on a rich landowner’s estate, where the father of the future poet served as a manager and, part-time, as an agronomist. However, the riot of colors of this generous region was not particularly impressive little boy, who was more interested not in literature, but in science. Plus, Nikolai Zabolotsky was very skeptical about his father’s work, believing that the future was not at all agriculture, but for the development of industry.

Fate decreed that dreams of scientific career Nikolai Zabolotsky’s dream was not destined to come true. He abandoned his studies at Moscow University at the Faculty of Medicine, moved to Petrograd and decided to try his hand at literature. It was during this period that the future poet began to realize that creativity is inextricably linked with nature, which is a source of beauty and inspiration.

In 1953, 5 years before his death, already quite a famous and recognized poet, Nikolai Zabolotsky wrote the poem “I was brought up by harsh nature...”. In it, the author not only admitted his own erroneous judgments, so characteristic of youth, but also rethought his attitude towards simple and obvious things. Not the least role in the process of forming a new, rather philosophical worldview of the poet was played by the arrest and the Siberian camps, in which Zabolotsky spent almost 5 years. It was here that he learned to appreciate those little joys of life that he had not noticed in Everyday life, and realized that he was a part of a huge and amazingly beautiful world.

Nikolai Zablotsky begins his poem with the line “I was brought up by harsh nature,” thereby emphasizing that it was in a foreign land, in the far northern side, where winter reigns for 9 months of the year, that he learned to live in harmony with the world around him. Therefore, the author notes that he does not need the brightness of colors and fragrance floral scents. It is enough to see a “downy ball of a dandelion” or a “hard blade of a plantain” to feel that special excitement that you experience when meeting something close, painfully familiar and dear. The poet admits that a simple plant worries him much more than an exotic foreign flower. And there is nothing surprising or unusual in this, since Nikolai Zabolotsky associates the “state of daisies”, located on the banks of a cool stream, with his homeland, harsh, inhospitable, but at the same time so close and delightfully beautiful.

On the edge of the forest, listening to the murmur of the stream and inhaling the aroma field herbs, the author is ready to lie for hours, “throwing his face back into the sky.” After all motherland gives him strength and shares his wisdom, which the author had previously rejected with disdain, not seeing the obvious connection between people and nature. However, over the years, feeling part of it amazing world, Nikolai Zabolotsky begins to understand how wrong he was in refusing what was rightfully his. And the new knowledge that opens up to the author does not alienate him from the world around him, but, on the contrary, helps him find his true place in it and learn to hear the rustling of leaves, the sound of the wind and the murmur of water.

  1. How do you imagine the hero of the poem? Comment out the first line.
  2. The hero of the poem appears to be a quiet and focused observer, in love with the beauty of nature. But there is one peculiarity in his powers of observation: he is strict. The feeling that excites him is reliable, durable, but does not like effects. The desire to join the world as it is - modest and beautiful - is most noticeable when reading these lines.

  3. Describe the image of “harsh nature” created in poetry.
  4. The more common a simple plant, the more excited I am when its first leaves appear at the dawn of a spring day.

    Only plantain and chamomile are named, and they are the “charming herbs” for the author.

  5. What paths and figurative expressions does the poet use to describe nature?
  6. In the world of ordinary, simple plants, the world of techniques that the author uses is not at all simple. Personifications dictate the choice of epithets: nature is harsh. But this is precisely the giving to nature of the qualities inherent in a living being. In harsh nature, comparisons are visible and tangible. A dandelion ball of fluff is already some kind of object. The epithet downy only helps to better imagine this three-dimensional creature. In the same way, a plantain hard blade appears before us.

    Before the reader is a system of images that lives only in the poems of N. A. Zabolotsky, in his “state of daisies.”

  7. How do you understand the last two lines of the poem? Answer this question in writing.
  8. I would still lie and think about the thought of boundless fields and oak forests.

    Communication with fields and oak groves requires from us not only admiration. It is not so easy to understand nature and get used to it. After all, “the soul of endless fields and oak forests” preserves the memory of many generations; through nature we communicate with the past. Material from the site

  9. Learn by heart a poem you like about your native nature.
  10. Choosing a poem is not easy. It is clear to everyone that it will be necessary to explain why this poem was chosen. And of course, it will not be possible to say that the shortest one was chosen, because it is easier to remember. In order to memorize it quickly and meaningfully, it will be necessary to carefully read its lines and be able to explain the thoughts that arose while reading.

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  • poem by Nikolai Zabolotsky I was raised by harsh nature questions
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SEVEN MIRACLES OF SERAPHIM OF SAROV Seraphim of Sarov is known for his predictions, he caught the rumblings of future changes, he was real folk hero. We present to your attention several miracles associated with the name of the elder. 1. FOR THREE YEARS HE EATED ONLY GRASS It is known that for about three and a half years the Reverend Father Seraphim ate only one herb, which grew around his cell. He spent a thousand days and a thousand nights in the feat of pillar-building on a stone boulder. They say that the old man in his solitude was visited only by birds and wild animals. Those who came to him for spiritual advice saw, whom Father Seraphim fed bread from his hands. 2. THINGS ATTACKED TWICE In the life of Seraphim of Sarov it is said that he was once attacked by robbers. Having learned that rich visitors often came to the monk, dashing people decided to rob him. While praying in the forest, they beat Father Seraphim and broke his head with the butt of an ax. Sarovsky did not resist, although he could have done it - then he was young and strong. The robbers did not find any wealth. Father Seraphim miraculously survived, but after this incident he remained hunched over forever. The robbers were caught, but at the insistence of Sarovsky, they were not punished. 3. TREATS FROM THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN Written evidence of the miracles and prayerful feats of Father Seraphim was possessed by the Sarov and Dieevsk monasteries, where many manuscripts were kept. There were miracles various kinds. For example, Archpriest Vasily Sadovsky recalled how he visited the distant hermitage (skete) with the archimandrite, where Sarovsky was located. Seeing the guests, he was delighted and said that they must be treated. “Taking me by the hand, Father Seraphim led me to the corner of his desert. It is unknown where and when a raspberry bush suddenly grew from the floor, and the priest said, pointing to three large, ripe and beautiful berries: “Pick them, father, and treat our guests!” Confused by this miracle, I tremblingly picked the wonderful berries and gave them to the priest, and he began to regale them, saying: “Eat, eat, what the poor Seraphim is happy to treat you with!” And, putting a berry for each of us, he added: “It is the Queen of Heaven herself who treats you, priests!” It was in September, the berries, according to the archpriest, turned out to be of extraordinary sweetness, aroma and taste. 4. MIRACLE SOURCE Many miracles are associated with the source of Father Seraphim in the Sarov monastery. In 1903, a lame girl was brought to him, who could not find help anywhere for a serious illness - for 18 years he did not allow her to get out of bed. After her family dipped her into the spring three times, her sore leg became stronger and the girl recovered. There are also cases where people received their sight, gained hearing and voice, after praying and washing themselves from a holy spring. 5. MIRACLE FROM THE ICON After procession(Reverend Seraphim died before her during prayer) and a large image of the saint, the mother placed a deaf-mute girl to the holy face. Coming out of the church, the little girl exclaimed: “Mom!” The surrounding people became agitated, money rained down from all sides - the girl was forced to hold the hem, into which two-kopeck pieces, fifty-kopeck pieces and rubles were folded. 5. NUMEROUS HEALINGS The facts of healings in Sarov were carefully recorded, they were confirmed by officers on duty and witnesses from the people. Here are a few excerpts from the monastery records: At the spring of St. Seraphim, the 19-year-old daughter of a soldier from the Vetluzhsky district of the Kostroma province, Paraskeva Ershova, Matryona, was healed of a serious illness. Her limbs were cramped, her hands were clenched. After bathing, the patient stood up, her limbs straightened, and she began to walk. A peasant woman from the Sarapul district of the Vyatka province, Evfemia Ivanovna Smolnikova, who had been paralyzed for six years, received healing. After bathing, she felt completely healthy. In the chapel over the grave of St. Seraphim, Elena Nikitichna Kulomzina, 25 years old, who fell ill five years ago from the village of Korovenki, Bogoroditsky district, Tula province, was healed of blindness. And there are more than one book of such examples. 7. HELPING THE DESPERATE A woman, crushed by the sorrows that befell her (she lost her husband in the war, misfortunes happened to her relatives) decided to hang herself. She took the rope and went into the forest near Moscow. After some time, the unfortunate woman felt tired and sat down on a stump. Next to her was an old man in a canvas robe. Looking sternly and at the same time carefully, he asked: “What are you thinking?” The woman did not answer - she realized that the old man knew everything. He told her: “Let's go,” and she went. I woke up only near the house, there was no one nearby. For the first time in for a long time In a terrible state of depression, the woman began to cry and felt better. In the temple she found the image of St. Seraphim of Sarov, in whom she recognized her savior. ___________________________________________________________________ On January 15, on the day of remembrance of the second discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, a festive Liturgy will be held at the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. You can submit notes about your loved ones by following the links: ABOUT HEALTH: ABOUT RESTING: A prayer service will also be held at the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery

unexpected epithets and metaphors. (“Dandelion is a downy ball, / Plantain is a hard blade”). Find more similar examples and show their special expressiveness, allowing the reader to look at the world in a new way.
I was raised by harsh nature,
It's enough for me to notice at my feet
Dandelion fluff ball,
Plantain hard blade.

The more common a simple plant,
The more it excites me
Its first leaves appear
At dawn of a spring day.

Where the stream, panting, sings,
Throwing your face back into the sky.

Life is a stream of glowing dust
And the misty stars shone,
Filling the bushes with rays.

And, listening to the spring noise
Among the enchanted grasses,
I would still lie and think, I think
Boundless fields and oak forests.

DETERMINE THE TOPIC AND IDEA OF THE POEM I was brought up by harsh nature, It’s enough for me to notice a ball of fluff at the Dandelion’s feet,

Plantain hard blade.

The more common a simple plant,

The more it excites me

Its first leaves appear

At dawn of a spring day.

In the state of daisies, at the edge,

Where the stream, panting, sings,

I would lie all night until the morning,

Throwing your face back into the sky.

Life is a stream of glowing dust

Everything would flow, flow through the sheets,

And the misty stars shone,

Filling the bushes with rays.

And, listening to the spring noise

Among the enchanted grasses,

I would still lie and think, I think

Boundless fields and oak forests.


2) Views, beliefs
3) The state of the author who wrote this verse or the hero of this verse

In the desert, stunted and stingy,
On the ground, hot in the heat,
Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
It stands alone in the entire universe.

Nature of thirsty steppes
She gave birth to him on the day of wrath,
And the greenery of dead branches
And she gave the roots poison.

Poison drips through its bark,
By noon, melting from the heat,
And it freezes in the evening
Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him,
And the tiger does not come: only a black whirlwind
He will run to the tree of death -
And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud waters,
Wandering, its dense leaf,
From its branches, already poisonous,
Rain flows into flammable sand.

But man is man
Sent to the anchor with an imperious glance,
And he obediently went on his way
And in the morning he returned with poison.

He brought mortal resin
Yes, a branch with withered leaves,
And sweat on the pale brow
Flowed in cold streams;

He brought it - and weakened and lay down
Under the arch of the hut on the bast,
And the poor slave died at his feet
The invincible ruler.

And the king fed that poison
Your obedient arrows
And with them he sent out doom
To neighbors in alien borders.

“I was brought up by harsh nature...” Nikolai Zabolotsky

I was raised by harsh nature,
It's enough for me to notice at my feet
Dandelion fluff ball,
Plantain hard blade.

The more common a simple plant,
The more it excites me
Its first leaves appear
At dawn of a spring day.

In the state of daisies, at the edge,
Where the stream, panting, sings,
I would lie all night until the morning,
Throwing your face back into the sky.

Life is a stream of glowing dust
Everything would flow, flow through the sheets,
And the misty stars shone,

bushes with rays.

And, listening to the spring noise
Among the enchanted grasses,
I would still lie and think, I think
Boundless fields and oak forests.

Nikolai Zabolotsky spent his childhood not far from Kazan on a rich landowner’s estate, where the father of the future poet served as a manager and, part-time, as an agronomist. However, the riot of colors of this generous region did not particularly impress the little boy, who was more interested not in literature, but in science. Plus, Nikolai Zabolotsky was very skeptical about his father’s work, believing that the future did not lie in agriculture, but in the development of industry.

Fate decreed that the dreams of Nikolai Zabolotsky’s scientific career were not destined to come true. He abandoned his studies at Moscow University at the Faculty of Medicine, moved to Petrograd and decided to try his hand at literature. It was during this period that the future poet began to realize that creativity is inextricably linked with nature, which is a source of beauty and inspiration.

In 1953, 5 years before his death, already a fairly well-known and recognized poet, Nikolai Zabolotsky wrote the poem “I was brought up by harsh nature...”. In it, the author not only admitted his own erroneous judgments, so characteristic of youth, but also rethought his attitude towards simple and obvious things. Not the least role in the process of forming a new, rather philosophical worldview of the poet was played by the arrest and the Siberian camps, in which Zabolotsky spent almost 5 years. It was here that he learned to appreciate those small everyday joys that he did not notice in everyday life, and realized that he was a part of a huge and amazingly beautiful world.

Nikolai Zablotsky begins his poem with the line “I was brought up by harsh nature,” thereby emphasizing that it was in a foreign land, in the far northern side, where winter reigns for 9 months of the year, that he learned to live in harmony with the world around him. Therefore, the author notes that he does not need the brightness of colors and the fragrance of floral aromas. It is enough to see a “downy ball of a dandelion” or a “hard blade of a plantain” to feel that special excitement that you experience when meeting something close, painfully familiar and dear. The poet admits that a simple plant worries him much more than an exotic foreign flower. And there is nothing surprising or unusual in this, since Nikolai Zabolotsky associates the “state of daisies”, located on the banks of a cool stream, with his homeland, harsh, inhospitable, but at the same time so close and delightfully beautiful.

At the edge of the forest, listening to the murmur of the stream and inhaling the aroma of field herbs, the author is ready to lie for hours, “throwing his face back into the sky.” After all, his native land gives him strength and shares its wisdom, which the author had previously rejected with disdain, not seeing the obvious connection between people and nature. However, over the years, feeling himself a part of this wonderful world, Nikolai Zabolotsky begins to understand how wrong he was in refusing what was rightfully his. And the new knowledge that opens up to the author does not alienate him from the world around him, but, on the contrary, helps him find his true place in it and learn to hear the rustling of leaves, the sound of the wind and the murmur of water.

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