Ambient air pollution: main sources. Air pollution report message

Humanity faces a large-scale task - preserving the air envelope that protects the planet. the federal law It is no coincidence that he calls this gas layer a “vital” component, because the gas shell contains the air that we need for life. Unfortunately, not all components are beneficial and safe for health. The reason for this is serious ecological problem- air pollution.

Sources of pollution

All processes occurring on the planet leave their traces in the gas shell. It is wrong to think that air pollution began after human civilization discovered industrial production. Today scientists know for sure that the protective shell was contaminated almost all the time: initially due to natural causes, subsequently artificial (anthropogenic) reasons were added to them.

Natural sources air pollution is becoming natural phenomena, which occur regardless of human participation or desire.

These include consequences:

  • natural fires;
  • volcanic eruptions;
  • sand and dust storms.

In addition, the air is polluted by various secretions that appear as a result of the vital activity of plants and animals: pollen, excrement, etc.

Anthropogenic sources caused by human activity, scientific and industrial advances.

Types of anthropogenic sources:

  • transport emissions;
  • emissions from industrial enterprises;
  • use of chemicals in rural industries.

Air pollution is not only caused by large or small industries. Each of us is an anthropogenic source of air pollution. After all, in everyday life we ​​use a large number of substances related to household chemicals(synthetic detergents, aerosols, sprays, etc.), which after use remain in the atmosphere for a long time. Big problem which requires serious consideration is also household waste, the number of which is constantly increasing.

The variety of anthropogenic sources makes it possible to classify them based on the type of pollution.

TO biological Air pollutants include numerous microbes, fungi and viruses that are sources of infectious diseases.

To the group chemical pollutants include various chemicals (nitrogen and carbon oxides, ammonia, heavy metals, etc.).

Physical pollutants are physical processes accompanying the operation of mechanisms (noise, vibration, appearance electromagnetic waves, thermal release, etc.).

Air pollutants

Substances that appear during the combustion of various materials cause great harm to the atmosphere.

The main air pollutants include:

  • hydrocarbons in a gaseous state (methane, etc.);
  • nitrogen compounds (oxide, ammonia);
  • sulfur-based compounds (dioxide - sulfuric anhydride, trioxide - sulfurous anhydride);
  • carbon-based compounds (monoxide - carbon monoxide, dioxide - carbon dioxide).

In addition, running engines and mechanisms pollute the atmosphere. When they are used, particles of heavy metals enter the air, and the results nuclear production and tests conducted by different countries nuclear weapons is the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere.

Cluster in the atmosphere large quantity pollutants can cause poisoning, lead to serious illness, and change the climate.

How is the degree of air pollution determined?

IN Everyday life We cannot always determine in a timely manner how safe the air outside the window is. Not all pollutants have an odor; in some cases, people do not associate poor health with the state of the gas layer.

Environmental specialists constantly monitor air quality.

In their work they are guided by established standards:

  • standard pollution index (SI);
  • air pollution index (API).

To obtain the SI index, measurements are taken of the content of harmful impurities that pollute the air. Then the maximum measurement is divided by the maximum permissible concentration (MPC).

When calculating the IZA, the following data is used:

  • coefficient showing the degree of harmfulness of pollutants;
  • average annual concentration of this substance;
  • maximum permissible concentration in 24 hours.

Another important indicator, which is used in monitoring air pollution, is associated with the highest frequency of exceeding the MPC. NP takes into account how often in a month or year the amount of impurities exceeded the MPC.

Air pollution in a specific area is determined by the level of API:

  • up to 5 - low level pollution;
  • 5 - 6 - increased pollution;
  • from 7 to 13 - high pollution;
  • 14 or more - very high pollution.

The standard index (SI) determines air pollution as a percentage:

  • up to 20% - increased level;
  • from 20 to 40% - high level;
  • more than 40% is a very high level.

Consequences for humans

The accumulation of pollutants in the air above the maximum permissible concentration and high levels of air pollution can be seen with the naked eye, without the use of special devices.

Smog from smoke and soot particles hanging over the city, specific odors, the formation of a coating on various surfaces- just some noticeable manifestations of the fact that air pollution has occurred.

Global manifestations are:

  • destruction of the protective layer of ozone in the planet's atmosphere:
  • precipitation containing large amounts of harmful impurities - “acid rain”;
  • climate changes caused by the created “greenhouse” effect.

All this leads to a violation of the conditions necessary for normal human life.

Air pollution causes illness, reduces performance, causes headaches, pressure surges, and decreases human immunity.

A negative reaction of the body, the occurrence or exacerbation of diseases that require long time, also become dangerous consequences atmospheric pollution.

Smog makes access difficult sun rays, thereby depriving people of ultraviolet radiation, leading to the occurrence of rickets and vitamin deficiency.

Dust, soot, particles of hard metals when inhaled they enter respiratory system person. Irritation of the respiratory system causes bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other diseases.

Because of carcinogens released into the air as waste from fuel combustion, cancer develops.

Pollution Prevention Measures

Humanity was able to realize that further atmospheric pollution would lead to an environmental crisis and would be disastrous for the planet. Therefore scientists different countries are developing measures to reduce and prevent pollution.

Main areas of activity to preserve the atmospheric layer

  • Reduction of industrial waste

Modern production is impossible without serious purification of emissions, which are waste from industrial activities. A multi-level filter system prevents harmful impurities from entering the air and reduces them negative impact and prevent environmental pollution.

Today, scientists are working to create a purification system that will provide maximum filtration and a favorable atmosphere at minimal cost.

  • High-quality waste disposal

The amount of garbage that people fill the air with can be significantly reduced when it is recycled. It's not just paper, metal or glass that can be used multiple times. Ways have been found to repeatedly recycle various plastics. The result of recycling is a reduction in the volume of work of waste incineration plants and the emissions they produce.

The main problem of recycling is the separate collection of waste, to which only a few countries have now switched.

Today, alternative fuels are sometimes perceived as a scientific problem with no practical application. However, it is increasingly entering different areas of activity. It has been proven that wind turbines and solar panels capable of providing energy; biofuel is already used in public transport in a number of countries, ensuring environmental safety.

  • Minimizing the use of chemicals

Workers in the agricultural industry can reduce air pollution. In the struggle for the volume of harvest they use various chemicals, which accumulate in the soil, destroy it, enter the air and saturate it with harmful substances.

  • Caring for the “green lungs” of the planet

Green spaces (forests, shelterbelts, parks and squares) perform an important function of natural purification of the air layer. Rational use and abandoning ill-considered deforestation, preserving and creating new forest belts around industrial enterprises, increasing park areas within the city will help keep the air clean and fresh.

When describing a pleasant experience in a particular place, many people often mention that it had a “good atmosphere.” Man has learned how to create a pleasant atmosphere in a limited space. A favorable atmosphere on the planet is necessary condition for the life of every person. Therefore, the fight against air pollution is a common task for all humanity.

The problem of air pollution is one of the pressing and intractable problems of our time. Humanity is trying to find a way out - environmentally friendly fuels are being invented, new methods of waste disposal are being developed, and harmless materials are being created for production and construction.

Main sources, causing pollution atmosphere, it is man-made and natural. Natural source- something that happens in nature with more or less regularity. There is no escape from this - we are unlikely to ever be able to prevent a volcanic eruption, guarantee protection from forest fires or the process of decomposition of animals or plants also contributes to the gradual pollution of the atmosphere.

Anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere comes from humans. Here we can highlight rapidly developing and spreading industrial enterprises, fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering enterprises and, of course, transport.

A lot of gaseous substances enter the atmosphere that harm it, but we should not forget about solid particles - dust, soot, soot. In areas where industrial enterprises are concentrated, such dangerous components have already become permanent components of the air. heavy metals, like nickel, copper, cadmium, mercury, lead, vanadium and chromium. The problem of large amounts of lead entering the air is becoming especially serious.

In general, the content of ozone and carbon dioxide in the air changed significantly in the 20th century. The daily burning of fossil fuels increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. This is exacerbated by the shrinking area of ​​tropical forests, which transform the gas composition of the atmosphere.

The consequences of air pollution are multifaceted. Dirty air has a detrimental effect on quality natural ecosystems. How polluted the atmosphere in a particular region is can be judged by the state of the planet's green cover - forests.

Forest biocenoses suffer from the effects of acid rain. Such rains are also caused by sulfur dioxides. Scientists have found that conifers trees are more susceptible to the negative effects of acid rain than broad-leaved trees. Needless to say, plantings in large industrial centers suffer the most.

No less important is the problem of depletion and thinning of the ozone layer, the formation ozone holes. This is caused by the excessive use of freons in everyday life and production.

In addition to freons, atmospheric pollution is also caused by gases that have never previously been present in its composition. Yes, the volumes of these gases are incomparably less than the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but they can still be much more dangerous.

In the 20th century, atmospheric pollution also occurs through radioactive elements. The source of such pollution is test explosions during testing of a new type of weapon - hydrogen or In addition, the production of nuclear weapons, and nuclear reactors. Even minor damage and accidents on nuclear reactors lead to air pollution, and such a global catastrophe as the Chernobyl accident has sharply and significantly worsened the condition of the atmosphere.

Natural processes occurring in the biosphere are increasingly subject to negative impacts. Fortunately, at this stage the biosphere still retains the ability to self-regulate; it can still neutralize or at least minimize the harm caused by humanity. However, there is a limit beyond which the biosphere cannot maintain the necessary balance. When it happens, it happens ecological disasters, which people have already encountered in some regions of the world.

On this moment air pollution is the most serious problem facing the whole world. This phenomenon is a mixture of many harmful substances in the air and subsequent bad influence on the environment.

There are many pollutants that contribute to this problem. Examples include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and many more. All these pollutants can cause many diseases such as cancer, birth defects, brain damage and nervous system, long-term injuries, etc.

It is also worth mentioning lead, which is an integral part of any car. This metal is extremely toxic. True, it is important to note that lead is gradually being eliminated from gasoline, but there are other sources containing it. For example, paints, lead batteries, water pipes and various dyes. Car exhaust can also produce nitrogen oxide, a volatile organic compound that is also a product of fuel combustion. Factories and power plants "produce" the same pollutants as cars, but they produce them in larger quantities, as well as some other compounds, such as sulfur dioxide, which is produced during paper production, burning coal in power plants, or smelting. metal Burning other fuels such as wood or natural gas, may also cause heavy pollution our atmosphere.

Another problem closely related to industrialization is the problem of large cities. The problem of air pollution is increasing in big cities due to the large number of cars, buses and trucks. During traffic jams, all types of pollutants are released, and people living near the roads subsequently have to breathe this “dirty” air.

We use all kinds of chemicals that harm our air. Sprays containing chlorofluorocarbons destroy ozone layer atmosphere. Using pesticides and other chemicals to protect some plants produces the desired benefits, but they have no positive effect on our air at all.

Thanks to the efforts of everyone around the world, we will be able to control air pollution. Industrial installations should be away from residential areas. High chimneys should be used instead of small ones. The use of high temperature incinerators, etc. should also be promoted.

Option 2

Pollution is any introduction to ecological environment abiotic and biotic components or structural changes that are not characteristic of it, which change the material-energy and information properties of the environment, as well as its physicochemical and biological ones, which, in turn, lead to a decrease in the productivity of the ecosystem, to its degradation and destruction.

Currently, there are many pollutants in the world, this is due to technological progress. More and more factories are being built, people are developing large territories. In the process of development, people change the environment. This is what causes pollution.

There are several types of pollution:

  • Natural pollution is associated with natural changes that are not influenced by humans. Forest fires, rock weathering, volcanic activity - all this is considered natural pollution;
  • Anthropogenic pollution depends on humans. The source of this environmental pollution is precisely man and human activity. Most often, this group of pollution includes the construction of various industrial production, which are thrown away during operation harmful substances, polluting the environment.

Atmospheric pollution is also divided according to the scale of pollution:

  • Local pollution occurs in a small area;
  • Regional pollution can occur at the level of one country or several countries;
  • Global pollution is the most dangerous, as it covers the entire world, the entire planet and threatens all of humanity.

Modern sources of atmospheric pollution:

  • Thermal power engineering is the main source, since in modern times there are a lot of nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants that emit harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • Oil industry. During oil and gas production, huge amounts of gas are also released into the atmosphere. hazardous substances;
  • The chemical industry is one of the most dangerous sources of pollution, since the release of chemically hazardous substances into the atmosphere gradually destroys it;
  • Mechanical engineering;

Exhaust gases emitted by cars and vehicles. This is a particularly dangerous type of pollution, since gases accumulate in the atmosphere and when exposed to human body may cause unpleasant consequences up to the development of serious illnesses.

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  • Air pollution, sources, consequences, solutions The ecological crisis is very actively studied by modern scientists. At the domestic and intergovernmental levels, various regulations aimed at improving the situation in the world. Let's consider further what impact it has on the planet. air pollution. Sources, consequences, ways to solve problems will also be described in the article.

    Relevance of the issue

    Human economic activities over the last century have caused serious air pollution. There are different solutions today. In the air, water, and soil in many areas there are toxic substances, the content of which significantly exceeds the maximum permissible concentration ( permissible norm). This, in turn, negatively affects the health of the population and the state of ecosystems.

    Ecological crisis

    This concept has become used very often in the last few decades. An environmental crisis can be local or global. The first is expressed in an increase in the level of electromagnetic, thermal, noise, and chemical pollution due to the functioning of one or several sources located close to each other. A local crisis can be overcome relatively easily by taking economic or administrative measures. For example, a decision is made about the need to improve technological process, repurposing an enterprise or closing it. The global crisis poses a great danger. This phenomenon is a consequence of the combined activities of all humanity. The global crisis is manifested by changes in the characteristics of the natural environment throughout the planet. Accordingly, it is dangerous for the entire population. Dealing with a global crisis is much more difficult than dealing with a local one. The problem can be considered solved when pollution is minimized to a level that the natural environment can cope with on its own. For this purpose, international meetings are held at top level. The last one, in particular, took place in 2016 in Paris.

    Negative factors

    Considering air pollution, causes and ways solutions to the environmental crisis, scientists analyze various objects and types of human activities. The analysis allows us to identify the most dangerous of them and develop methods that reduce or eliminate their negative impact on nature. All sources of pollution are divided into two large categories. The first includes natural objects and phenomena:

    1. Volcanic eruptions.
    2. Peat and forest fires that occur without human participation.
    3. Methane release during the decomposition of organic residues.
    4. Sand and dust storms.
    5. Natural radiation.
    6. Weathering processes.
    7. Distribution of plant pollen.

    The following have a more detrimental effect on the environment:

    1. Nuclear weapons testing.
    2. Operation of thermal power plants.
    3. Emissions of toxic gases from enterprises.
    4. Operation of boiler rooms.
    5. Decomposition of garbage and waste in landfills.
    6. Fires caused by people.
    7. Traffic fumes Vehicle.
    8. Flights of jet aircraft.

    Results of negative impact

    Due to thoughtless economic activity A colossal volume of toxic compounds, soot and heat is released into the upper layers of the air envelope. This leads to depletion of the ozone layer and the appearance of holes in it. Radiation actively passes through them. The temperature on the planet is constantly rising. This leads to the melting of glaciers and an increase in the volume of water in the World Ocean. Due to rising temperatures, the habitats of many animals are beginning to disappear.

    Negative health effects

    Recently, there has been a particularly active industrial and urban air pollution. Solutions an environmental crisis of a local nature must be actively sought within the framework of interdepartmental cooperation. Delay in this matter is unacceptable, since we are talking about the health of people and their environment. According to statistics, on average a person inhales up to 20 thousand liters of air in one day. In this case, along with oxygen, particles of ash and soot, as well as toxic fumes, enter the body. All this settles in the lungs, gradually poisoning the person. Prolonged exposure to smog worsens your health, leading to headaches, nausea, and irritation of the mucous membranes. People develop cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of other internal organs. In the absence of adequate measures, the active effect of toxic substances can lead to death. The depletion of the ozone layer creates conditions for the planet to be irradiated. Ultraviolet radiation begins to have a stronger effect on humans and animals. Negative radiation exposure reduces immunity and provokes the development of serious diseases, including cancer of the mucous membranes and skin, cataracts, etc.

    Greenhouse effect

    It is a consequence of deforestation and destruction of the ozone layer. Holes present in the upper air layers begin to let in more radiation, the lower layers of the atmosphere warm up, and then the surface of the Earth. The heat emanating from the planet does not rise upward. The reason it doesn't come back is because it accumulates in the lower layers, making them too dense. The greenhouse effect leads to another serious problem - warming. Due to the delay of radiation, the temperature on the Earth's surface begins to rise. This, as mentioned above, provokes the melting of glaciers and other problems. Scientists are already observing flooding of a number of coastal zones. If you don't stop Greenhouse effect, many animals, plants and people may die.

    Acid rain

    This phenomenon is a consequence of harmful compounds in large quantities. Acid in the air is formed by oxides hydrogen chloride, sulfur, nitrogen, interacting with water vapor. Precipitation containing it leads to serious negative consequences. In particular, brick and concrete structures, pipes, external finishing facades, roofs. Over the course of several decades, many cultural and historical monuments have been damaged. Such precipitation destroys metal, glass, and rubber. Cars exposed to acid rain usually become unusable. The soil cover is significantly damaged. Soil acidity increases and fertility decreases. Acid rain devastates green areas, causing huge losses to the agricultural sector. The best crops die and the trees begin to rot. Poisoned grass ends up in animal feed, as a result of which they develop serious illnesses, often leading to death. Acid rain causes the death of ecosystems.


    It is usually referred to as severe air pollution in large cities. In calm weather, the upper layers become hotter. Because of this, gases rising from the ground cannot escape into the upper layers and settle, forming a caustic veil. Under the influence of light, unstable but very toxic compounds begin to form in smog.

    Photochemical fog

    It is presented in the form of a multicomponent mixture of primary and secondary aerosol particles and gases. Photochemical fog contains nitrogen and sulfur oxides, various organic matter peroxide nature. Together they are called photooxidants. This fog appears due to chemical reactions subject to a number of conditions. The determining factors are the high concentration of hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide, and other substances in the air, intense radiation, calmness or weak air exchange within the surface layer with a powerful inversion during the day.

    Air pollution: ways to solve the problem

    As can be seen from the above, environmental crisis requires immediate action. At the same time, it must be said that every person should be included in the implementation of measures to reduce the harmful effects of human activity. Searching is the business of absolutely all people. A special role, of course, belongs to scientists. They analyze the situation and find the most rational and effective options reduction negative influence emissions. Currently, the following basic principles have been developed: ways to solve the problem of air pollution:

    Paths air pollution solutions in brief speaking, - measures aimed at reducing hazardous emissions. When developing certain activities, it is necessary to take into account the economic component. Pollution control methods should be as effective and minimally costly as possible.

    Comprehensive measures

    Currently, scientists propose combining. For example, many enterprises operate filtration units different types. Some install filters, others use special lead-free additives and catalytic converters. As a result, the gases undergo several stages of purification. Considering the main ways to solve air pollution, one cannot help but mention new developments in the automotive industry. As you know, transport is considered one of the main suppliers of toxic substances into the air. Today, new models are being produced equipped with exhaust filtration systems. In a number of countries public transport runs exclusively on electricity and biofuel.

    Organizational events

    Recently, the issue regarding the development of large metropolitan areas has been raised at the government level. Measures aimed at separating airports, highways, enterprises, and factories from residential development are being discussed. The forest belt will act as the border between these zones. It will become a natural filter and When generating waste, scientists and officials pay attention to the waste treatment system. The majority speaks out for the need to reform it. Options are being discussed that could reduce the area of ​​landfills. This requires a production facility that processes raw materials secondary.


    By proposing, scientists recommend abandoning the use of chemicals in agricultural activities. They poison not only the soil itself, but also the air. One of the key tasks modern humanity is forest conservation. In this regard, laws have been adopted at the government level regulating deforestation and the use of natural landscapes by the population. These are the main ones for today.

    Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas, also known as carbon monoxide. It is formed as a result of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) under conditions of lack of oxygen and at low temperatures. At the same time, 65% of all emissions come from transport, 21% from small consumers and the household sector, and 14% from industry. When inhaled, carbon monoxide, due to the double bond present in its molecule, forms strong complex compounds with hemoglobin in human blood and thereby blocks the flow of oxygen into the blood.

    Carbon dioxide (CO 2) - or carbon dioxide, is a colorless gas with a sour odor and taste, a product of complete oxidation of carbon. It is one of the greenhouse gases.

    Sulfur dioxide (SO 2) (sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide) is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. It is formed during the combustion of sulfur-containing fossil fuels, mainly coal, as well as during the processing of sulfur ores. It is primarily involved in the formation of acid rain. Global SO 2 emissions are estimated at 190 million tons per year. Long-term exposure to sulfur dioxide in humans initially leads to loss of taste sensations, constricted breathing, and then to inflammation or swelling of the lungs, interruptions in cardiac activity, poor circulation and respiratory arrest.

    Nitrogen oxides (nitrogen oxide and dioxide) are gaseous substances: nitrogen monoxide NO and nitrogen dioxide NO 2 are combined by one general formula NO x. During all combustion processes, nitrogen oxides are formed, and for the most part in the form of an oxide. The higher the combustion temperature, the more intense the formation of nitrogen oxides. Another source of nitrogen oxides are enterprises producing nitrogen fertilizers, nitric acid and nitrates, aniline dyes, nitro compounds. The amount of nitrogen oxides entering the atmosphere is 65 million tons per year. From total number of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere by transport accounts for 55%, by the energy sector – 28%, by industrial enterprises – 14%, by small consumers and the household sector – 3%.

    Ozone (O 3) is a gas with a characteristic odor, a stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen. It is considered one of the most toxic of all common air pollutants. In the lower atmospheric layer, ozone is formed as a result of photochemical processes involving nitrogen dioxide and volatile organic compounds.

    Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds of carbon and hydrogen. These include thousands of different air pollutants contained in unburned gasoline, liquids used in dry cleaning, industrial solvents, etc.

    Lead (Pb) is a silvery-gray metal that is toxic in any known form. Widely used in the production of paints, ammunition, printing alloy, etc. About 60% of global lead production is used annually to produce lead acid batteries. However, the main source (about 80%) of air pollution with lead compounds is the exhaust gases of vehicles that use leaded gasoline.

    Industrial dusts, depending on the mechanism of their formation, are divided into the following 4 classes:

    • mechanical dust – formed as a result of product grinding during the technological process;
    • sublimates - are formed as a result of volumetric condensation of vapors of substances during cooling of gas passed through a technological apparatus, installation or unit;
    • fly ash - a non-combustible fuel residue contained in the flue gas in suspension, formed from its mineral impurities during combustion;
    • industrial soot is a solid, highly dispersed carbon that is part of industrial emissions and is formed during incomplete combustion or thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons.

    The main sources of anthropogenic aerosol air pollution are thermal power plants (TPPs) consuming coal. Burning coal, cement production and iron smelting produce a total dust emission into the atmosphere equal to 170 million tons per year.

    see also


    • Technology for protecting the air basin (atmosphere) from pollution

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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