Closing mirrors after the death of a person is Orthodox. When can you open mirrors after a funeral? Signs and tips

This story happened in the 1980s, when Muscovite Valentina Vesnina was still a child. After everything that happened, Vesnina is sure that she knows which way the souls of the departed leave our world.

“They go into mirrors! And they get to the next world through a mirror tunnel leading there,” the woman assures.

“You, of course, have heard about the ancient folk custom of covering all the mirrors in the house where the deceased appeared with sheets and rags,” Vesnina continues. “Do you know where it came from, this custom?”

“My parents are communists, which means they are atheists. They lived and still live on the same state farm near Moscow. They treat any folk beliefs and superstitions with great irony.

When my grandmother died, they did not hang a sheet over the mirror of the trellis that stood in the hut. I clearly remember that the old lady neighbor angrily reprimanded them for this. But they ignored her reproaches. The coffin with the body of the deceased stood on the table directly opposite the trellis with a tall narrow mirror.

When my grandmother died, I was 8 years old. However, I remember very well all the terrible horror that happened in our house on the day of her funeral. Our fellow villagers came to say goodbye to the deceased. The house was full of people. And suddenly one of the women who came in a scary voice screamed, pointing her hand at the trellis mirror.

I looked where she was pointing. And I was stunned! I see that the mirror seems to be covered with a light milky haze. And in the haze, my late grandmother retreats into the mirror, into its, so to speak, “depth.”

I saw her from the back. The grandmother was wearing the same dress in which she was lying at that moment in the coffin, which stood on the table opposite the trellis...

You can't even imagine what started in our house! Everyone who was in it saw the ghost of a deceased woman retreating into the mirror, as if into some kind of tunnel leading. Where? I'm sure to the next world... Here's your explanation folk custom hanging mirrors in a house where someone has died and has not yet been buried."

In folk traditions

The tradition of hanging mirrors is followed by almost all people, even those who do not fully understand why this is done. As for popular explanations, today there are several opinions on why mirrors should be covered when a person dies.

According to the first opinion, the soul, after leaving the body, remains indoors for a certain time. And if she sees herself in the mirror, she might get scared.

There is also a belief that the mirror in some way plays the role of a door between two worlds. If the soul of the deceased gets into the mirror, it will be stuck there forever, without any chance of release.

It is also believed that mirrors have memory, so if a dead person is reflected there, his spirit will regularly visit the house as a ghost.

Mirrors in the house of the deceased are also associated with the fate of living people. So, if a person sees the reflection of a deceased person or his soul in a mirror, then it will be a clear sign that he will soon die too.

Of course, there are quite a lot of people who do not believe in such superstitions. But, despite their opinion, they still prefer to adhere to traditions in order to protect themselves from all dangers. After all, who knows what the death of a loved one brings with it.

It is curious that there is no church instruction regarding covering mirrors; this is a purely folk tradition that goes deep into the darkness of centuries. Moreover, this tradition is very stable and is carried out everywhere.

It is recommended to cover mirrors in the house immediately after a person has died. But many are interested in the question of how many days after which mirrors can be opened. It is believed that the curtain can be removed immediately after the wake is over. But this opinion is wrong. At a funeral, only the body of the deceased person is buried, but his soul continues to remain in this world until the 40th day.

After this period, the mirrors are opened. There is no point in keeping them closed longer.

Among the peoples who adhere to Orthodox traditions It is customary to close mirrors after death. What was the reason for this belief and how dangerous is it to leave mirrors open in a house where a person has died?

First of all, this superstition is based on the idea that mirrors are a kind of gateway to another world. It is possible that the open entrance leads to the world of dead souls. Therefore, mirrors should be covered with cloth, excluding the possibility of otherworldly entities entering our world.

No less important is the question of how long they keep closed mirrors? It is believed that within three days from the moment of death the soul is able to return to the abandoned body. If, once inside the room, she is reflected in an open mirror, she will forever get lost in its labyrinth and will no longer be able to go further. Just in case, it is recommended to keep mirrors covered with a cloth for 40 days after the death of a person. This is exactly how much time passes between death and the departure of the soul to another world.

By the way, it is believed that the reflection of the soul in the mirror can harm not only the soul, but also the living inhabitants of the house. A person who looks in the mirror while in the house of the deceased risks repeating his fate. Through the mirror surface, the soul of the deceased will simply draw the soul of a still living person into another world.

Another reason why mirrors are covered when there is a dead person in the house goes back to the times when mirrors were made using layer-by-layer application of mercury on glass. It is known that at the moment of death, the human brain emits alpha waves, which can be absorbed into the surface of antique mirrors. At favorable conditions the mirror “creates” a hologram of the deceased, ensuring the presence of a “ghost” in the house.

Often, after the death of a person, the mirrors in the house become cloudy, and blurry signs and images appear on them. Such mirrors must be immediately destroyed, as this is a signal that the soul has entered the mirror world. If you break the mirror and throw away its fragments, the soul can be freed from captivity.

The reason for the tradition is often cited as the negative attitude of church ministers towards mirrors. IN mirror image all objects look in reverse projection. For example, such a reflection of the cross may be perceived as an act of blasphemy. By the way, there is never a mirror in the temple premises. This is due to the fact that reflective surfaces are capable of absorbing grace and, therefore, prayers will lose their power.

It is especially dangerous to leave mirrors open if there is a sick person in the house. The mirror literally absorbs his energy, and the presence of the deceased makes the process much more active. It is not surprising that a person becomes much worse in such a situation. It is also dangerous to bring small children near mirrors that are open during a funeral. Their souls lack strong protection and can be forced out physical body aliens from other worlds.

Currently among Slavic peoples Atheism is widespread and people are distrustful of superstitions. However, the tradition of covering mirrors when a person dies is still followed in most families.

Superstitions, customs and traditions of a community are powerful psychological triggers that force lay people into certain cases act almost automatically. The generally accepted rules of a particular society govern the life of its representatives. Intrenched norms of behavior after death deserve special attention. loved one or a relative.

Failure to observe “bearded” funeral signs threatens the relatives and friends of the deceased with gossip, gossip and even social isolation. One of the rules says: after the death of a person, reflective surfaces in the house must be covered with thick, light-proof fabric. But why do they do this and when do they remove the covers from the mirrors after the funeral?

Historical background

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, confidently considered mirrors to be ritual objects that act as a kind of tunnels, portals between the real and the other world. In Rus', the mystical properties of mirrors were respected, so the use of these objects was accompanied by very specific taboos.

For example, women during pregnancy and menstrual cycle, and also after childbirth was prohibited long time examine your face and figure in the mirror.

As for infants, before the sacrament of baptism they could not be brought close to mirror surfaces. Our ancestors believed: if a baby sees his reflection, he may become very frightened, start talking late and begin to stutter.

When a person died, the forefathers immediately covered mirrors and reflective objects with thick tablecloths, towels and all kinds of curtains. Actually, this is not surprising, because the visual “doubling” of the deceased increased the tragedy, horror and unbearable bitterness of loss. The ancient Slavs believed that the mirror illusion of the deceased could affect reality, which means that one of the household members risks leaving our mortal world prematurely.

In some communities, after the death of a person, the relatives of the deceased got rid of the water that was in the house, and did not hang up the mirrors, but turned them to the wall or simply took them out of the room where the house with the deceased was located. The ancient Serbs believed that whoever looks in the mirror first will soon die. Therefore, when the curtains were removed from the reflective surfaces, the cat was brought to the mirror. It is not at all necessary for modern Christians to blindly follow pagan signs, but it is necessary to know and respect historical traditions.

Why are mirrors covered with cloth after a person's death?

There are both objective and subjective reasons for covering mirror surfaces after death. Since the soul is a mental substance, when it leaves the physical shell, it can see its reflection in the mirror and lose its energy potential, which means it will remain in our world forever. Perhaps such a theory sounds ridiculous, but some authoritative parapsychologists do not rule out such a development of events. That is why, when answering the question of how long to keep mirrors closed after a funeral, one should understand when the energetic essence of a person will leave the sinful world forever. And the soul of the deceased goes to the Almighty on the fortieth day after the funeral.

Mirrors are festive attributes of a room, and since the death of a person plunges his relatives into deep mourning, moral and physical stupor, showing off in front of a mirror is simply unacceptable.

Paying Special attention their appearance, relatives demonstrate disrespect for the deceased, and also insult his memory somewhere. In addition, the presence of open mirrors visually increases the bitterness, grief and horror of an unimaginable loss. As a result, household members are at risk of hysterical attacks and deepest depression, which will have an extremely negative impact on their emotional and physical state. Believe me, the deceased would really not want this, so there is no point in aggravating the already tense situation, and it is best to cover the mirrors.

Since on a subconscious level people have an inherent belief in a mysterious, supernatural world, it is no wonder that many, as it seems to them, see silhouettes of deceased people in the mirrors. This is not surprising, because during the period of mourning depression it is very difficult for the brain to control emotions, feelings and even sensations. But some people perceive a visual mirage not as a result of the restoration processes of the central nervous system, but as mystical signals from the other world. They sincerely believe that if they see a dead person in the mirror, they will certainly die soon. Naturally, such self-hypnosis cannot end in anything favorable. At the same time, traditional physics categorically denies the possibility of seeing the metal body of a dead person in a mirror.

When to open mirrors after a funeral

If you honor funeral traditions, and also on a subconscious level are afraid of unauthorized actions of spiritual entities, then you probably want to know on what day after the burial of a person you can safely remove the curtains from the mirror. Many believe that after the funeral meal of the ninth day, curtains on reflective surfaces can be safely gotten rid of. This is not so, because the soul leaves our world on the fortieth day after the death of a person. That is why, in order to ensure that she is not lured into the labyrinth of the looking glass, superstitious people recommend removing the curtains on the fortieth day after the death of a relative or loved one.

Funeral taboo

  1. The coffin must be carried by strangers. Relatives are strictly prohibited from doing this. They are not allowed to walk in front of the funeral procession, nor wash the floors in the room where the deceased lay.
  2. Hygiene products that were used to prepare the deceased for burial are placed directly in the house or destroyed away from prying eyes.
  3. , as well as pouring vodka or other alcohol onto a grave mound is unacceptable. Such actions desecrate the memory of the deceased and are considered blasphemy.
  4. You cannot return to the house of a deceased person after the coffin has been removed and until the end of the funeral process. Failure to comply with this sign threatens a person with health problems and even death.
  5. Traditionally, hygiene items, money, handkerchiefs and other accessories are placed in the coffin with the deceased, which he can use for its intended purpose in the afterlife.
  6. It is not advisable for pregnant women to attend a funeral ceremony, since the unfavorable energy and atmosphere of the cemetery have an extremely negative impact on the fetus.

The opinion of the clergy

The Orthodox Church does not welcome the observance of pagan traditions, therefore it does not force parishioners to blindly follow many dubious rules that have survived to this day from the times when Perun and Veles were worshiped. According to Orthodoxy, mirrors do not affect the natural process of liberation of the soul from the mortal world. The deceased do not need to unquestioningly observe any rituals and rites. They need heartfelt sincere prayers, and also, so that our actions correspond to the faith of Christ.

Such a mournful event as a funeral is associated with many signs and superstitions. Some of them are considered relics of the past, but many folk signs people still observe it today. When can you open mirrors after a funeral? This issue is so serious that it requires detailed consideration.

Reasons for covering mirrors

To understand when to close and open mirrors in the house after the death of a loved one, it is worth learning about the reasons for this action. People say that mirrors are covered for the following reasons:

The above reasons are reason enough for superstitious people to cover all reflective surfaces in the house.

Although earlier our ancestors did not cover the mirrors in the house with the deceased, but took them out. Apparently this method considered the most reliable.

The attitude of the church to this custom

Many clergy are in no hurry to answer unequivocally the question about closing and opening mirrors. The official opinion of the church is based on the fact that there are no direct references to this ritual in the Bible. But some church officials still advise covering mirrors on the 9th and 40th days after the funeral.

According to church history, the soul hovers next to the body for 40 days, and the mirror is not a magical object, so it cannot interfere with the soul.

For those who believe in the superstition about mirrors and funerals, it is important to know when you can open mirrors after a funeral. This can be done 40 days after the burial of the deceased. During this period, the human soul is completely separated from the body and flies off to another world. And the energy of death partially or completely disappears from the house.

There is an opinion that some reflective surfaces can be opened earlier. For example, this could apply to a TV or computer. After all, it is often unbearable for a person mourning a relative to spend days and nights in silence. He needs at least a little distraction to make grief easier.

The strict rule regarding mirrors only applies during funerals. During this period, even non-superstitious people, following custom, curtain reflective surfaces. But a couple of days after the funeral they open them again.

Unusual phenomena associated with omen

Sometimes here and there you can hear stories about how the mirror in the house was not covered during the funeral, and then strange things began to happen in the apartment. Flashing lights, mysterious steps at night, frequently breaking dishes, falling things and similar manifestations are considered to be signs of restlessness in the soul of the deceased.

Then a priest was invited to the house to neutralize the “symptoms”. And everything unusual stopped. If the consecration of the home did not help, then the mirrors were thrown away, since it was simply scary to look in them.

Even if a relative died outside the home and was buried without bringing the body home, the mirrors should still be covered. Since for another 40 days the soul of a person will be among the living. Based on popular beliefs, after death the deceased, in the form of a spirit, comes to the homes of his friends and relatives in order to last time look at them. And say goodbye to them.

In addition to the tradition of covering mirrors with cloth during funerals, there is a sign that you should not look in a mirror in a cemetery. Mirrors reflect both the obvious and the secret other world. And in the future, the mirror in which you looked at the cemetery can bring a lot of trouble to its owner.

People also believe that a mirror that breaks during a funeral in the house where the deceased was, symbolizes troubles and misfortunes that will soon befall relatives. This situation can be seen as a call for caution.

Now you know when to open mirrors after a funeral, and also when to cover them. The tradition of covering mirrors has its roots in pagan beliefs and is therefore not supported by Christianity. But this everyday action is so common in society that it is taken for granted. When to close and open mirrors, everyone decides for themselves. History knows cases tragic events due to uncovered mirrors during the funeral. But there are also cases when this sign did not work.

September 3rd, 2016 , 10:22 pm

How did such a strange superstition appear, what does it mean? There are several versions:

  1. They used to think that a mirror was a door between the world of the living and the kingdom of the dead. When a person leaves this world, his soul is greeted near the aisle devilry, wants to take him home and not let him into heaven. To prevent her from moving here, the mirror is covered with dark matter.
  2. Everyone knows that the spirit of a person is still here for 40 days. So that he does not get lost in the looking glass, but is at peace, it is necessary to block this labyrinth for him.
  3. The deceased does not yet understand that he has already died. Seeing himself like this, he will get scared and start running around. different worlds through the mirror-pass - there is such a version.
  4. And the last thing: in the mirror the living can see the dead, and this is another sign that promises death.

It's no secret that superstitions live on thanks to us. And as long as we believe in the mystical events listed above, they will appear and frighten us, since the effectiveness of self-hypnosis is a fact already proven by science.

How many days does it take to cover a mirror when a person dies?

People who adhere to these signs need to know when to remove the fabric.

  • If the deceased is in the house, all reflective surfaces must be hidden during this time. Even the TV and computer screen. Once it is taken out, you can return to your normal lifestyle.
  • Some believe that within 9 days from the moment of death. This is due to the legend about how on the 9th day the saints bring their souls to bow to God. This means that she has already left our world and we can look at it calmly.
  • Someone says that on the 40th day and not earlier, since only after 40 days the soul finally leaves the world of the living, after repeated worship of the Lord and wanderings begun on the 9th day with the goal of recognizing its sins.

Thus, exact date does not exist. Ask the churches, they will tell you what to do. If you don’t have the time or desire, and you are a superstitious person, leave it for 40 days to be safe.

Signs at a funeral

Here are a few more rules that believers adhere to during funerals and commemorations of the deceased.

  1. Only strangers carry the coffin with the deceased. His relatives are not allowed, as he might think that they were happy about his death.
  2. Things that were used to prepare the deceased for burial are either burned or placed in a coffin or grave. It cannot be left as a souvenir. It's not even a matter of superstition, it's just unhygienic.
  3. Why do we throw a handful of earth? So that the deceased does not go out at night and scare the living.
  4. They also put a clean handkerchief in the coffin. It will be useful during the Last Judgment and worship of God, to wipe away sweat.
  5. Fir branches are thrown onto the grave and along the road to it. This will prevent death from being carried back into the house.
  6. Money is placed at the bottom of the grave. They are for buying a new place in the next world.
  7. Place a glass for the deceased in the cemetery and at home, he will come back and drink. He will know that he is remembered.

These rules are typical for Orthodox people and are relative. For example, in Buddhism it is customary to rejoice at a funeral that a person has died and will soon be reborn and begin a new life.

Now you know why mirrors are closed when a person dies and we have identified and interpreted some other signs. Whether to do so or not is only your decision.