Zodiac signs with the most difficult character. The most difficult signs of the zodiac

In total, there are 12 signs of the zodiac in the world, and each of them has its own special qualities and habits. Thanks to astrology, you can find out which are the most difficult signs of the zodiac in character, and understand the difference in characters between men and women.

Zodiac signs: men

Men born under this zodiac sign are logical and rational in nature. It is difficult to surprise them, as they are always reasonable and just perfectly cope with any situation. But behind all these good qualities hides a great deal of indecision. More than anything, Libras do not like it when someone begins to criticize them. They do not know what they want from themselves, from others and from life. Unfortunately, they are a very insecure sign of the zodiac and therefore they question every step they take.

Virgo men are cold in themselves, they do not like to show their feelings and emotions in public, as they are afraid that they may be judged by others. It is easy to communicate with these people, but if someone dares to point out the main flaws of the Virgo in public, be prepared for the fact that a hail of sarcastic jokes and insults will strike the offender. By themselves, men born under this zodiac sign are very picky and petty. And yet you can rely on them, they are reliable and responsible people. But, their main disadvantage is that they try to be too perfect, thereby demanding this from their partners.

Pisces men are distinguished by their excessive readiness to help all those in need, which sometimes harms them themselves, as they win over those around them, who immediately sit on their neck, sharing their constant problems and experiences. The social circle of friends of this zodiac sign consists exclusively of close people, but sometimes even the closest friends abuse the kindness of Pisces and begin to use it. Pisces try to be strong, although in fact they are weak. But, no matter how kind a man of this zodiac sign is, by nature he is a demanding person, he wants to be the best in everything, and he demands this from his partner.

These men are not only reserved, but they are always calm, but if they are pissed off, then others cannot avoid the harsh nature of Capricorn. Communication with this zodiac sign is not easy, at first it is possible that everything will be fine, but if someone starts arguing with them, that's it! Hold on! They are so stubborn that they will stand their ground until the very end. And in order to gain respect from Capricorn, you need to have a good amount of patience, since only the elect are worthy of their respect. More than anything, they hate boredom and try to constantly spend time with friends, they cannot sit in one place.

Men are Aquarius

Men - Aquarius love loneliness, they are more comfortable when they are alone. But still, compared to other signs of the zodiac, Aquarius is very charming. They are fair and aimed at protecting the weak. The main advantage of this zodiac sign is that they are independent in everything. But, no matter how perfect Aquarius men are, they have a small minus, which can sometimes infuriate and this is too high conceit. Although they don’t care what others think about them, Aquarians will always consider themselves higher and better than others, and someone else’s point of view doesn’t matter to them, they don’t care what the other person thinks, the main opinion is Aquarius.

Men born under this zodiac sign are smart, reasonable and versatile people. They want to develop and learn something new about the world. Gemini men love to spend time with big company and communicate, because they can easily be called the soul of the company. But, the Gemini always try to stand out among others with something, to boast of something that others do not have. And more than anything in the world, they do not like it when someone points out their shortcomings to them, and even more so they hate it when someone interferes in their personal space.

Men - Aries are unpredictable people, you can expect anything from them. They easily give in to their emotions, forgetting about prudence. But the main advantage of Aries is that they are endowed with a rich imagination, and if they dream of something, they will direct all their efforts to fulfill their dream, although this may take a long time. In addition, they love to surprise their friends and relatives, delighting them with some gifts. But Aries are very touchy, pointing out their shortcomings, they will pretend that everyone understands and agrees, but in reality they will hold a great grudge against a person.

Zodiac signs: women

Women are Scorpios on their own mysterious personalities, it is difficult to find out about their feelings, as they carefully hide them from others. Scorpio controls all her feelings, even if it is very difficult for her, she will never cry, and even more so she will not complain to everyone about how unhappy she is. Therefore, they are cold, and sometimes very cruel. If they want something, they will get it. In addition, they are evil and vengeful people, if someone offended a scorpion, then that's it! Be prepared for the fact that Scorpio will remind you a hundred times about what the one who offended her did.

These women are extremely feminine and charming. But, no matter how sweet they are, they have a purely masculine way of thinking, they are reasonable and calm. Libra - women, very kind and sociable with other people, it does not matter to them a poor or rich person, for Libra everyone is true. But behind all these strong qualities lies a great lack of confidence in their strengths and beauty. But what sometimes prevents women - Libra so, is their great indecision in some actions.

Sagittarius women are very positive and active personalities. Communication with these women delights many! This is due to the fact that Sagittarius combines such wonderful qualities as: kindness, friendliness, naturalness and freedom from prejudice. This is not easy for those who live with Sagittarius. They do not like to sit still, Sagittarians want to fill their lives with adventure and vivid impressions. And because they love freedom, they cannot live an ordinary, everyday life.

Women of this zodiac sign are mysterious. They treat everything with understanding, they are patient and ready to do any work. Unlike other signs of the zodiac, Capricorns have clear goals that they achieve over time. Capricorns carefully hide all their plans and successes from others. But, unfortunately, these signs of the zodiac are prone to depression, for them a career always comes first, but personal life already on the second. These zodiac signs are ready to use others to achieve their goals.

Such women are by nature very smart, conceited and assertive. If they have any problem, they always cope with it on their own, they rarely resort to the help of others. They never complain about anything, because they consider this business useless. Aries try to show themselves to everyone strong personality hiding in fact a great burden of sadness and hardship. But Aries women are terribly impulsive, and easily give in to their emotions, ready to destroy everything that is in their path.

Women born under this zodiac sign are witty and just great advisers. They are always ready to help and rescue even a stranger from a delicate situation. These women are modest in all respects, they dress modestly, and besides, they already prefer not to stand out from others. But Virgos are masochists and sadists all rolled into one, they humiliate and insult their loved ones as they want, so that they don’t do it, and that’s not all. Virgos use men for personal purposes, they are still those manipulators.

Pisces, unlike Virgos, are terribly fond of being in public. Thanks to their defenseless appearance and charming nature, men are ready to do anything to attract the attention of charming Pisces. Women born under this zodiac sign do not like quarrels and conflicts, therefore, in any unpleasant situation, they smile and quickly run away from such conflicts. But it is difficult for Pisces, they are terribly picky about everything. They want to shine and stand out, to be perfect in everything. Which sometimes infuriates others, because in the pursuit of these ideals, they forget about the feelings of others.


However, there are 5 signs that most of us find complex and very difficult to understand. We have compiled our rating of complex zodiac signs according to our personal experience. Perhaps someone will disagree, but we will try to explain our point of view.
When we asked a question different people, with which signs of the Zodiac it was most difficult for you to communicate in life, who left an unpleasant impression for you and whom you could hardly understand, the majority, without saying a word, answered: Scorpions!


Yes, Scorpio is a specialist in terms of the ability to confuse, fog, hide, hide your true self. Communicating with Scorpio people long years, you often remain at a loss: “But I didn’t fully recognize this person.” Many people think so.
In addition, for their rather strong negative unique traits, Scorpios are often disliked and even shunned! Well, who would like to be next to someone from whom you don’t know what to expect, who can bite at any moment, and if you behave incorrectly, then they will resort to revenge!
Of course, Scorpios also have the sea in reserve. positive qualities, but they are often ignored. Scorpios are perhaps the only sign to be feared! You can’t say about him that he is harmless, easy to communicate with and easy to live with. With Scorpio, life is like on a volcano, you don’t know when it will explode and how it will all end.

Pisces are very sensitive, gentle and able to sympathize with others. The first impression of these people is usually very pleasant, but with them is not as easy as it seems at first.
Fish are very complex creatures. In this they are similar to Scorpios: inside them is a world that not everyone will open, the world is confusing, complex and indescribable.
Unlike Scorpios, who usually know what they want, Pisces don't really know what they need from life, people, or any situation. They live in water that can be very clean and clear, or it can be cloudy. The world of each representative of this water sign depends on personal qualities and ideas, but they simply cannot understand themselves to the end. They are too complex types. What can we say about other people who are trying to understand them?
Often next to Pisces you hear: “I can’t understand this person!”, “His behavior defies logic”, “He/she is too complicated/difficult for me”, and so on.


They close the top three in our list of representatives of the Capricorn sign. These people are difficult because they are too stubborn, traditional and do not like to deviate from their course.
Capricorns will bend their line to the last, this has both pluses and minuses at the same time, but it’s not easy for other people to live with them, especially if these others love variety and are not averse to changing something in life.
Capricorn usually meets you on the way with an already chosen value system, desires, outlook on life. It is very difficult or even impossible to convince him of something, sometimes even offering solid evidence.
Of course, there are not so many such stubborn and boring people, but they most often turn out to be Capricorns. For example, one representative of the "Capricorn" world did not want to agree that Aquarius is a sign of air, not water. Moreover, when they began to tell him that this is an axiom, known fact and the other is impossible, he simply replied: “I do not agree, he pours water! So he is Water and all!” Well, how can it be easy with such people

Aquarians can also be called pretty complex personalities and all due to the fact that they are too freedom-loving. Although Aquarians seem to take other people's points of view with ease, they often just don't give a damn about them.
Unlike Capricorns, who will seriously prove something and try to convince the enemy of something, Aquarians will not do this, they will simply say “OK” and remain unconvinced.
With Aquarius it is often difficult to family life, especially if the man is Aquarius, and the woman is some kind of Cancer or Pisces. They do not particularly prefer to take responsibility: where there, personal freedom is most important! They love to be left alone when their help is really needed!

Among the complex signs, apparently, there are all representatives of water signs! Cancers, although they are less complex than others, are still quite complex. Cancerians often resort to dangerous methods of manipulation, can be too intrusive, which infuriates others, and in which case they close themselves in their shell. "My home is my castle" - this expression was coined by the representative of the Cancer sign.
Cancer is not too fond of change, like Capricorn, he is also quite stubborn, more likely to prefer something of his own, native, familiar to the new and unknown.

What are the difficulties of other zodiac signs?

The rest of the zodiac signs are not overly complex, but they have traits that will make others suffer.

ARIES: The difficulty of Aries is that he sometimes does not allow others to get ahead, he is used to taking first positions, making decisions first and does not particularly like when others disagree with him. But in general, Aries are simple and understandable.

It can be difficult with Taurus if he shows his stinginess and gets hung up on the material. But in general, Taurus are good-natured and predictable people.


Although some refer to Gemini as complex type due to the fact that they often coexist with two completely different personalities, we do not consider them difficult people. It can be difficult with them if they refuse responsibility and do not listen to others.

Lions could be complex, but overall they are pretty straightforward and straightforward. Leo's complexity begins when he or she begins to consider himself the navel of the earth.

It can be difficult with Virgos if they start looking for order in everything and when they criticize everyone and everyone. They also often have overstated requirements, which are very difficult to follow!

Usually with Libra it’s pretty easy and simple, but if you need to make a decision, and the representative of this sign starts to pull the rubber, it starts to piss you off.

Oh these complications.
to the point of impossibility
some are stubborn
and who is in a rage
and each needs its own approach
otherwise you'll just sit in a puddle

The signs of the zodiac are 12 segments that divide the celestial sphere. Each of the segments is a section based on an equal segment of the ecliptic by 30 degrees. In each of the celestial areas, the zodiac constellations are located, which belong to special dates in the year.

Note! The sign of the zodiac influences human life. It affects the character, temperament, fate and worldview. By this criterion, you can better understand a person and find an approach to him. Therefore, do not underestimate their role in human life.

As previously noted, each sign has its own characteristics of character. Among the representatives of the stellar division, five of the most difficult signs of the zodiac are distinguished, which repel and sometimes frighten the surrounding people with their behavior.

Table: five complex representatives of the heavenly division.

Scorpion An ominous representative of the zodiac kingdom. It is characterized by the following character traits:


With people born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, it is difficult to find mutual language. They are selfish, self-confident. They have no other opinion.

They are persistent, jealous. These are people with an unbalanced psyche. They are contradictory in nature. They are difficult to defeat.

Even after losing, the scorpion does not give up, rises and continues to move towards its goal, sweeping away everything in its path.

Pride and perseverance are constant companions of a scorpion. It is difficult for them in the family. They cannot be controlled, they do not listen to advice and requests.

Aries Aries are stubborn, selfish people with their own opinions. They are difficult to manage. They have a leader who demands attention.

Distinguishes Aries passion. They are passionate in relationships and work. Always achieve the goal. They know how to manipulate people around them.

Distinguishes their impulsiveness. Thoughtfulness and clarity are not for them. They live in obedience to emotions.

Twins Gemini is a restless sign. They don't sit still. They are good friends.

They are distinguished by generosity, restlessness, inconstancy, fun and eccentricity. The minus of the twins is their duplicity.

He is unpredictable in decisions and expressions, I can offend without even thinking.

They make contact easily, but at one moment they can cut off all ties with a person, without even explaining the reason.

Aquarius Aquarius take the fourth place in the ranking. They are specific people. They tend to accept only the opinions they like.

Selfish and narcissistic. They differ in purposefulness and despotic inclinations. They are very smart and can't control their emotions.

Aquarians love loneliness, independence. In the zodiac world, Aquarians are characterized as people with a sense of duty and responsibility.

They know how to set a goal, but they do not always achieve it.

Capricorn The main characteristics of Capricorn:


Capricorns are people who know no fear and boundaries. They are hardworking, smart, persistent.

The strongest zodiac sign

For many years, scientists and astrologers have been studying the characters, abilities, features and skills of all signs of the zodiac.

But they cannot single out the strongest spiritually, because each of the representatives of the celestial division and the zodiac world amazes them with their unique and peculiar qualities.

Therefore, many single out the most strong sign from the elements:

  1. Water element. In the element of water, the primacy belongs to the fish. Pisces are characterized by patience and strangeness. They are dreamy but well thought out.

    They are not always mistaken for competitors. And this is a mistake. Pisces know how to wait, they are guided not by emotions, but by common sense and calculation.

  2. fire element. In the element of fire, Sagittarius takes the first place. They are invincible, their will and desire to live is difficult to break. Even after tragic events, archers quickly return to life, leaving the negative in the past.

    They are optimistic, stable, able to control emotions and listen to other people.

  3. air element. In the element of air, the place belongs to Aquarius. People born under this star are dreamy and strong in spirit. Resistant, with dignity take the blows of fate. Aquarians never give up and always rush forward.
  4. earth element. In the elements of the earth, the primacy belongs to Capricorns. They are morally strong and stable. They are distinguished by perseverance, integrity and consistency.

Important! Among the above, the strongest are fish for the ability to calculate and wait for the right situation.

Rating of the craziest people by zodiac sign

  1. Sagittarius.
  2. Aries.
  3. Fish.
  4. Aquarius.
  5. Scales.
  6. Capricorn.
  7. Taurus.
  8. Virgo.
  9. Twins.
  10. Scorpion.

3 most unfortunate signs of the zodiac

Misfortunes are not only written according to fate, but can also arise due to the sign of the zodiac.

Note! Scientists at Harvard University conducted research that showed that the representatives of the zodiac kingdom below are subject to misfortunes the most.

Table: three unfortunate signs of the zodiacal world.

Fish The study involved a social survey, during which 10,000 people were interviewed.

Most people born under this sign note their bad luck and a tendency to get into incidental situations.

As the survey showed, fish are characterized by insecurity and fear of appearing uncommunicative.

Cancer The main problem of cancers is suspiciousness. They often have mental problems, stress and depression.

They are insecure, afraid of the opinions of others. Easily succumbed to temptations than destroy their own lives.

Virgo Due to excessive tension and focus, Virgos rarely let go of negativity and relax.

They choose for themselves the role of martyrs and victims in different situations.

The most difficult signs of the zodiac

As indicated above, the most difficult sign in character is Sagittarius.

But many should find out what complex signs are present among women and men.

Among men:

  1. Aries occupies a leading position in this list. Perseverance and selfishness entail quarrels, discord and misunderstandings with loved ones.
  2. Taurus distinguished by firmness of character and steadfastness. It is difficult to live with him in a family and build relationships.
  3. Twins. The duplicity of these people drives many crazy. It is impossible to understand what the twin is thinking. This is disturbing and frightening. And not without reason, because Gemini is the most changeable sign in the zodiac world.

Among women:

  1. Capricorn. Capricorn women are cunning and greedy, but they love to work and remain faithful to the man and their concepts.
  2. Aries. Women born under this star are distinguished by vanity and pride. They are inherently indifferent to the feelings of the other sex. They are arrogant and arrogant.
  3. Virgo. Women are virgin provocateurs. They force the opposite sex to swear. They love to humiliate men.

Important! Among children, a difficult sign is Aries. He does not like to submit, obey, strives to win the love of the people around him.

Worst zodiac sign

Evil and bad signs:

  1. The primacy belongs to the ram. It is characterized by:


  2. Taurus. Cons of the character of calves:


  3. Twins. Negative character traits:


sexiest zodiac sign

Cancer is the most sexy sign zodiac kingdom.

Note! Cancers are altruists. They prefer to receive and give pleasure to a partner. Therefore, after one meeting with cancer, it becomes clear that in an intimate life he will not become an egoist.

Table: other sexual representatives of the zodiac world.

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Thanks to numerous horoscopes and detailed descriptions each sign can be distinguished great amount ratings based on certain traits. We offer to consider the top 5 most difficult signs of the zodiac and their most problematic character traits that others have to face. The proposed information will allow you to be fully equipped to establish contact with the main "villains" of the zodiac circle.

Of course, each person can have personal traits, but the proposed rating is average, that is, it concerns the majority of representatives of a particular sign.

5 most difficult signs:

  1. Scorpion. The main villains in zodiac circle, the nature of which is considered one of the most complex. Leaders by nature, they achieve their goals, despite possible obstacles. Scorpios are very demanding and sometimes tough on others. It is not worth offending the representatives of this sign, because they are vindictive and, without taking revenge on their enemies, they will not calm down. It is also worth mentioning that the owners and jealous. To negative traits character should include touchiness and stubbornness.
  2. Aries. People born under the auspices of this sign are often given to emotions, and an unjustified impulse can provoke many problems. It is impossible to argue with Aries, because they always consider themselves right. The inability to listen to others becomes the reason that you have to spend a lot of time and energy on solving problems that can supposedly be avoided. In a relationship with such a person is not easy, because they easily ignite conflicts. Aries often face various problems due to hasty decision making. Representatives of this sign love approval from others, and if they do not receive it, then they close in on themselves.
  3. Twins. Representatives of this zodiac sign are deservedly included in the list of difficult ones, and all because they are capricious and sometimes selfish. If the opinion of others differs from their own, then most likely it will be ignored. In critical situations, they easily put on a “mask of indifference” to protect themselves from others and thereby protect themselves. Gemini is windy, which often translates into inconstancy, and this becomes a serious obstacle to success.
  4. Aquarius. For representatives of this sign, their own opinion comes first. It is not alien to them to neglect other people in order to justify their behavior. In some situations, Aquarians show their despotism. Despite good mental abilities, people born under this sign often succumb to emotions, which causes many problems. It is the unstable emotional condition causes various problems. Negative traits include distraction, which leads to the loss of many chances for self-realization.
  5. Capricorn. Finally, the 5th place in the ranking of complex signs is occupied by Capricorns, with whom it is not at all easy to find a common language. Given the presence of "horns", it is not at all surprising that they are stubborn, and this trait can be seen in different areas life. Capricorns are stingy with emotions and often hide their true intentions. There are too tough and stubborn representatives of this sign, who treat others coldly and insensitively, and compassion is unknown to them. Among Capricorns, true materialists prevail, who show their stinginess in everything.

“It’s hard to learn, easy to fight” - this formula is not applicable to life with some men, it’s hard with them in learning, and in a stable life together too. ELLE chose the most difficult signs of the Zodiac among the representatives of the stronger sex, but reminds you that there are numerous exceptions to every rule (sign).

12th place - Gemini

Gemini may not create problems at all, and their characters are close to ideal. The main “but” is that they are not too emotional in a stable relationship, and this can seriously spoil everything. You will not beg them for kisses and other tenderness? Or, wait... Will you? Well, okay, it's up to you.

11th place - Taurus

Quite a worthy sign in terms of the level of complexity - without any special fuss. The main thing that a girl can stumble over a lot is Taurus's manner of keeping her distance. He is not secretive, no, but he does not let him near him for a long time. To become a really close person to Taurus, you will have to persevere and be patient. It would seem that everything is fine with you and you speak heart to heart, but the feeling that you don’t know him completely does not go away? Oh, it's common.

10th place - Pisces

In fact, Pisces is a very non-confrontational and at first glance easy sign. Although how to look. The tendency of Pisces to go with the flow can piss off any woman who wants intelligibility and character in a man. No, forget it. It's not about Pisces. Surprisingly, this passivity is often accompanied by fantastic luck: Pisces, doing nothing, are in the right place at the right time and succeed. And they take, damn it, this luck for granted. Which infuriates even more.

9th place - Libra

Here's someone you can't figure out what's on their minds. Today is one thing, tomorrow is another. Today one, tomorrow ... yes, alas, tomorrow another. Libra needs an eye and an eye, and also mobility, interest in everything new. Libra's inquisitive mind is really on the lookout for fresh experiences, and it can be very interesting to be with him - until this inquisitive mind decides that it's time to try threesome sex.

8th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarians are similar to Libra, only they are more intelligent and confused. Where Libra behaves like enthusiastic (and sometimes cruel) children, sorting through people like toys, Sagittarius are looking closely, but also looking for something (and someone) more interesting. In addition, representatives of this sign are very fond of taking risks, no matter what it manifests itself in. Therefore, get ready to be nervous all the time and expect surprises of varying severity - from “I won a million!” to "I've lost everything."

7th place - Leo

A sign that is very funny in its seriousness in relation to its beloved. For some Lions, it looks cute, for others it terribly infuriates. In any case, dose your irony towards him, and forget about sarcasm (do you know the difference? Don't know? Better find out, it will come in handy in the case of Leo) and completely forget. And you have to get used to sedateness, this is very important point. Not “wife”, but “spouse”, not “drive to the store”, but “go out shopping”, not a chair with a laptop on your lap, but “ workplace- from now on it will be your reality. Well, if you want to make Leo really nice, start calling him by his first name and patronymic. Orgasm guaranteed.

6th place - Scorpio

Oddly enough, the notorious Scorpio villains turned out to be not so villains. Yes, they have difficult characters, but they are not inclined to torment you with whining and pretensions. It must be remembered that Scorpio is prone to inner solitude and pessimism, and also does not forgive betrayal, and that's all, consider yourself safe from unpleasant surprises.

5th place - Aries

You can't relax with them. Aries constantly evaluate their companions, as if wondering if they are worthy of them. Moreover, they do not voice their conclusions, often hiding behind a mask of politeness. But in case of accumulation of a critical mass, Aries will tell you that you: a) snore, b) watch the Voice show, c) love pickles, which means goodbye. Although no, you won’t wait for any “sorry” from Aries, it’s more likely that they will wait for your apologies - both for the “Voice”, and for snoring, and even more so for the criminal passion for pickles. Add to all this periodic bouts of irritability, during which he will endure your brain worse than your mother, and the picture emerges just a feast for the eyes.

4th place - Virgo

Virgo, as if he really is Libra, is woven from contradictions. On the one hand, the mind, on the other - tediousness and pillage. Or here - tolerant of other people's weaknesses and at the same time touchy, like a child. And how the ability to self-criticism and complexes are combined, only God knows. The situation is saved by the ability to look at the world sensibly (which, however, is often accompanied by the same tediousness and manner of teaching). One more trouble spot Dev - pathological jealousy and inability to trust. Hence the late marriages.

3rd place - Capricorn

A very proud sign, whose pride goes in one bottle with a fine mental organization. Capricorns make very high demands on others, but on themselves ... Hence the manner of pretending to be an overseer and champion of principles, but not tolerating the same in his address. The representative of this sign is trying to get in touch with maximum comfort- for myself, not for half. Half Capricorn will push and sometimes, from the master's shoulder, praise. But it is easy to break. Just resist him, and at first he will make a storm, then - if you are stubborn - he will begin to whine indignantly, then he will be offended and eventually whimper.

2nd place - Aquarius

Aquarius is easy-going, including when it comes to creating an unbearable atmosphere. Just like Capricorns, Aquarians will actively get their women, but every time they approach it with a twinkle. Representatives of this sign are real dreamers, they never repeat themselves in claims and so brilliantly breed the mise-en-scene of a quarrel that Woody Allen can leave directing.

1st place - Cancer

Cancer men do not like to: a) be responsible, b) be responsible, c) be responsible. Ideal candidates for husbands for women who prefer to decide everything on their own, and keep their spouses on a leash, Cancers like it, really. For her as stone wall- that's what kind of wife such a man dreams of. And no, it does not hurt him to be always in the background. The only thing in which his character is manifested is in jealousy: Cancer can make a scene, demanding a full account of "where, with whom and when."