Famous heavyweight boxers. The most famous boxers

15)Menny Pacquiao.

Many may disagree, but Manny Paquio is a man who has been a champion in eight weight divisions. Manny defeated such boxing legends as: Oscar De La Hoya, Shane Moseley, Erik Morales (although not on the first try), Marquez (including losing), Ricky Hatton and many others. The list could take a very long time. But tell me, why is he in 15th place and not higher? First, the sluggish victories over Marquez. Secondly, a heavy knockout from the same Marquez, a loss from Morales, and losses at the beginning of his career.

14) "Golden Boy" Oscar De La.

Despite the fact that Oscar lost to Manny Pacquioya, we have him higher. I’ll explain: Oscar’s loss was at the end of his career, when he didn’t even resemble his shadow. In fact, Oscar could have been higher in the ranking, but six defeats, albeit against strong opponents, will not allow him to do this. You shouldn’t think that the reasoning is based on who has better statistics, no. It’s just that the guys further down the line are even more skilled and great.

13) Henry Armstrong.

Suffice it to say that Henry was a champion from light to medium. He is the only boxer in the world who managed to win three championship titles in three weight categories.

12) Julio Cesar Chavez (senior).

The greatest Mexican boxer. Terrifying striking power, destructive attacks and, of course, the character of a real warrior. You can talk endlessly about what Chavez achieved in boxing. I’ll highlight the most surprising one: Chavez did not lose for 10 years of his career. How many people can work in one place for at least 10 years?! Chavez is more popular in Mexico even than such a well-promoted personality as Oscar. He is simply a hero for his nation.

11) Jack Dempsey.

Anyone who entered the ring against Jack and left on their own feet can consider themselves a hero. These are not just words, this is reality. The strength of Jack's urad was such that he once broke the jaw of the then world champion in 7 places. Jack developed his own training methods. It was he who came up with the “Sunshine Dempsey” kick. This is truly a boxing warrior who knew no fear.

10)Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Many may ask: why is Floyd not in first place? I would like to cite my article to explain exactly why:

The whole room is roaring, of course, because many want someone to defeat Mayweather, the bad guy. At this time, Floyd, for the first time with a broken nose, sits in the corner. The camera captures his face, seeing this, Floyd smiles. This episode literally characterizes him, speaks about him. In the fight with Cotto, Floyd didn’t look like himself, but he still pulled himself together and did his job, no matter what anyone said, and Floyd got more hits, the public just doesn’t like him. Is Floyd a bad person? This is far from true, it’s just that the bad guy tactics chosen by his team began to work both for him and against him. For, because the earnings are huge, against because the viewer never likes arrogant, impudent guys, although I will not say anything about Ali. In addition, he had a controversial fight against Castillo, however, he immediately confidently won the second fight. But who cares?! After all, the person who says, I’m the best, won not as confidently as usual, not with a difference of 9 rounds. The same thing happened in the fight with Oscar, the Mexican hits a 3-shot block, the audience roars. Floyd hits 2 accurate shots on target, the audience boos. Just think about it, he hasn’t lost, and for good reason, he hasn’t had competition for 17 years. People for 17 years cannot hold down one job. There was a fight with Gatti, with the public’s favorite, and Floyd simply destroyed him, and the public, of course, is not happy, how can it be, their favorite is weaker. He goes out with a sore arm, goes out and beats guys who are bigger than him, younger, doesn’t that deserve respect?! Are you saying he's throwing money away? You earn them, then do with them what you want. Are you talking about hanging out with Bieber? Floyd goes to clubs, but he doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, leads healthy image life, this does not deserve respect?! A man who devoted his whole life to boxing. Floyd is at a level where there is only one, and if he is in shape, he has no equal. He's in his own division, he's a legend living legend. And while you sit and want him to lose as quickly as possible, he gets up at 3 am and conducts his third training session in a day. And in the fight with Cotto, his nose was broken, Floyd lost the round... the whole hall is roaring, of course, because many want someone to defeat Mayweather, the bad guy... and he smiles, with a broken nose, smiles at all of us , because he doesn’t want to show weakness. Behind the pathos, behind the pride, behind the rudeness, hides the same Floyd who went to the Olympics. If you look into those eyes and that smile, can you see a bad person in them? No, handsome Floyd is a good guy. Floyd is great, Floyd is a legend. And all that remains is to look at him, there are only 5 fights maximum, so take your chance, there will be no more boxers like this, there will be no more smiles like this. The greats do not need to be discussed, they need to be respected! The whole hall is roaring, of course, because Floyd is in the hall!

Floyd's problem is clear, he is not great yet, he is still the best! There is no need to say that Floyd has not lost for 17 years, that he has no competition. In order to become the greatest, he needs a fight with Pacquiao. to prove it to everyone.

May the fans of this great boxer forgive me. But his apposition was weak. Yes, Mike beat Spinks, and he beat Holmes, the great Holmes. But Holmes was already old, and could not do anything with Mike. I believe that if it weren’t for the fact that Mike is the youngest absolute world champion, and the fact that he is a fan of the public, he wouldn’t even be at 10. Look at the current boxer Deontay Wilder, this guy has already beaten 28 boxers and won all of them knockout. Moreover, he won almost half of the fights in the first rounds. Does this mean he is great? No! Same with Mike. As soon as he met with Daglos, who, to put it mildly, was not a very strong boxer (as the fight with Holyfield later showed), it immediately became clear that “Iron” Mike was not so terrible. In any case, he should be in the top 10. But don’t rush to blame me for why not higher. After all, there are more great ones who gave boxing more than beautiful knockouts.

8) George Foreman.

I couldn’t decide who was better: the man who defeated the greatest Ali with his huge brave heart, or the man who regained the title 20 years later. Both are great warriors, both boxers from God. But you can’t put it higher than those people who will be next. After all, next are the Gods of Boxing. But still, George and Joe remain great boxers. both for various ratings and in our hearts.

7)Joe Fraser.

As I said above, these two champions will always be the best in our hearts. But still, I consider Frazier’s victory over Ali to be the highest heroism, and I will give him seventh place.

6) Roy Jones Jr.

Let's discard the defeat from Lebedev, which happened at a time when Roy was already of retirement age. Yes, Roy lost to Tarver, and there were times when Jones almost ran away from the fight. But still, let's remember that he was the best for 7 years, it's scary to imagine. His grace simply made us fall in love with him. So Roy rightfully occupies sixth place in the ranking.

5) Bernard Hopsin.

We can talk for a long time about Ali, Tyson, Jones, but I would like to talk about a person who, unfairly, does not stand on the same level with them, and maybe higher. The Executioner has a very difficult fate. It’s not even worth listing what he went through. I will only tell you the most terrible thing that he experienced. What do you think this is? Jail? No, that's worse. This is called "woe from mind." There are people like Calzaghe, Tarver, Walcott, whom fate simply offended, and they still took their toll, but no one loved them. Why do you think? I'll answer you. They defeated those they shouldn't have. It’s like Mayweather defeated the public’s favorite Gatti by one goal, and they began to dislike him even more. So, Hopkins defeated many, his losses were always either controversial or unfair. Bernard lost to Jones Jr. in 96, and took revenge, just think, in 2010. What Jones did and what Bernard did. And there is no need to say that Roy was already different, Hopsin is older than him, and if Roy was different, that’s his problem. And Hopkins did his job throughout his life. He is strong in spirit, he works hard in training, and that is why he is still a world champion. This is what a professional means. Yes, he sometimes fights dirty, yes, sometimes he is not so colorful in his actions, but guys, let's judge fairly, if God gave talent to some, and they lose to Lebedev, are they greater after that? If they give up fights, are they great? No, the great one is the one who goes to the end. Unrecognized Genius, The public may not love you, but you turned them on you know what. And the judges who were against you, and the fans and fate with luck in one place!

4) Sugar Ray Robinson

Almost all experts are convinced that Sugar Ray Robinson is the best boxer in the history of boxing! All times, all nations, all weight categories. I may agree with this, because Robinson won by knockout more times than Ali fought, just fought. Imagine this. But why doesn’t he stand higher? - you ask. After all, in various versions it is the best. There are greater boxers who have achieved even more with and without talent. Do you think there are none? Eat! After all, the number of victories is not everything. Robinson also lost a lot. But still, we do not compare who would defeat whom, but we compare who is greater.

3) Rocky Marciano, Larry Holmes

In the ring, I never knew fear. Rocky Marciano Indeed, Rocky is the one who conquered fear, pain... Rocky Marciano is a man who was a believer. Rocky Marciano is a man who, despite everything, became a world champion, but did not become arrogant, moreover, he began to help his neighbors and not only... Rocky Marciano is a man who was a faithful family man, a man who never drank alcohol or cigarettes! Rocky Marciano...who is the greatest!

I wrote these words in a public post on VK. Honestly, Rocky is my favorite. And it’s not that he didn’t lose, and that only 6 people were able to leave him on their feet, who still then spent three to four months in the hospital, no. The fact is that Rocky was not a talent from God, like Jones, for example. Rocky was vertically challenged. Legs are heavy, arms are slow. It seemed that he would not even become average. But this man gathered all his strength, all his will into a fist and gave battle, gave battle to the whole world. You ask: Who did he defeat? I answer: Joe Louis, yes, Joe was old, but with what difficulty Rocky won him. He gave all his health for victory. Joe Walcott's jersey - in this fight, Rocky was not seen by almost 70%. Walcott beat Rocky for two rounds, but when the seconds restored Rocky's sight, the fight immediately straightened out, moreover, Rocky knocked out Walcott. There was a fight with the great Archie Moore when Moore tore Rocky's nostril. He endured this too, swallowing blood he knocked out Moore! The great one is not the one who would defeat everyone, but the one who gave everything he could and did more than was in his power.

Larry is simply a forgotten hero. Who retained his title for 7 years. Few people know, but Holmes defeated Ali, so much so that Ali refused to enter the ring after another crushing round. Larry was a great boxer, but his problem was the same as Rocky's. For example, some people love Floyd Mayweather, some people hate him, but no one is indifferent to him. They may hate you, but indifference is the worst. They forgot about Larry...

1-2) Ali, Joe Louis.

You can debate for a long time who is the best boxer in the history of boxing. Modern boxers and boxing fans will say: Of course Ali! who is Joe Louis?!

Yes, Ali is truly the greatest, he did a lot for boxing. But I will object here: Was there a heavyweight champion who held the belt for almost 12 years?! Was there a champion who gave black “life”, who leveled them with whites? Was there a man who hit as fast as he hit as hard? A man who moved like that in the ring and carried out such combinations?! Think, knowledgeable people will be in solidarity with me. Joe Louis and Muhammad Ali are two of the best boxers in boxing history. But of course, argue with me and you will be right. Certainly! After all, truth is born in disputes. This was my first article. I apologize for the terrible layout. In the future I will study, and you come to us. Soon we will be talking about the upcoming fight of the century. In which two undefeated boxers will fight: Floyd Mayweather and Saul Alvarez. And of course we will talk about historical figures in boxing.

    Do you know the best boxers in the world? How did they achieve their goal? We will answer these and other questions in the article. First, we will look at the top 10 boxers on our planet. They became chosen at different times. These athletes are drawn from different weight categories. The top that we will present to you was compiled based on recommendations from fans, as well as from various boxing magazines.

    To ascend to the sports Olympus, these people worked hard on themselves and improved every day.

    No. 10. Pep Willie

    The best boxers in the world have always been of interest to society. So, Willie Pep is in 10th place of honor. He fought in 1940-1966, had 241 fights, and won 229 times. In total, this athlete has 11 defeats, 65 victories by knockout and not a single fight that ended in a draw.

    This Italian-American boxer fought in the ring for twenty-six years. He has a huge number of victories and a minimum of failures. This is perhaps the most fantastic record of the entire era. Pep belonged to the light weight category. He fought unbeaten until 1944, winning 61 times. This is impressive.

    It didn't take long before he was defeated for the first time by world champion Sammy Angott. A year later, Willie improved his tactics and did not lose a single fight.

    Pep continued to move forward in this sport without failure, thereby proving that he is the strongest boxer in the world. He prevailed in 73 fights. This is a stunning record. Pep is without a doubt the great pugilist of the twentieth century. For this he was inducted into the hall of fame in 1990. According to the Associated Press magazine, he was ranked first in the lightest weight.

    No. 9. Armstrong Henry

    The 10 best boxers in the world went through great trials before making it to this list. Henry Armstrong took ninth place. This fist fighter competed in 1931-1945, in total he had 181 fights, of which he won 150. He has 21 defeats, 10 drawn battles, and 101 victories by knockout.

    This master of the leather glove began his promotion in the light weight category and ended in the middle weight category. Only Henry was able to get three championship trophies in three unequal weight categories. The result is impressive.

    It is known that he won four titles, but his fight with Ceferino Garcia was declared a draw. However, everyone is sure that it was Armstrong who won the fight. He defeated his opponent 27 times in a row with only knockouts. This is perhaps the best performance in boxing.

    Armstrong was decided to be recognized as a great boxer by his colleagues, who by that time were no less famous than Henry himself. The sports magazine The Rihg awarded Armstrong in 2007 the title of the best fist fighter on the planet for 80 years.

    No. 8. Marciano Rocchi

    Do you love boxing? The best boxers in the world fascinate fans of this sport. Rocky Marciano took eighth place in the famous ranking. This fist fighter competed in 1948-1955, had only 49 fights, and won 49 battles. He does not have a single defeat, not a single fight ended in a draw. He also scored 43 victories by knockout. In fact, this boxer remained undefeated.

    Rocky became famous for his cruelty towards his opponents and was considered a heavyweight. This unique boxer did not lose his championship to anyone in his category. Ricky defended his high title six times.

    Many believe that he is the best boxer in the world in the entire history of this amazing sport, however, many are also sure that he did not meet a worthy competitor in his time. Despite such criticism, Marciano is remembered by everyone as an irresistible boxer of all eras, and is also included in various ratings.

    No. 7. Julio Cesar Chavez

    We will soon find out who the best boxer in the world is, but now we will talk about a fist fighter named Julio Cesar Chavez. This master of the leather glove boxed in 1980-2005, had a total of 116 fights, winning 108 of them. He has 6 defeats, two fights were drawn, and in 87 fights he defeated his opponent by knockout.

    Julio is the greatest Mexican boxer, because it was he who took part in five weight categories. Julio was recognized as the best boxer on the planet over a ten-year period. Chavez is a six-time winner in three weight categories.

    This fighter became famous for his strength, constant control of the enemy, crushing blows, and a strong chin. In ESPN's ranking of 50 famous boxers, he occupies a respectable 24th place. Chavez went 88 fights without defeat until he was defeated by Frankie Randall. After that, Chavez won the fight against him twice. Julio was able to defeat such boxers as Roger Mayweather, Sammy Fuentes, Hector Camacho and many others.

    No. 6. Dempsey Jack

    So, who is the best boxer in the world? We will answer this question further, but now let’s turn our attention to sixth place in the ranking. Jack Dempsey took his place with dignity. This boxer fought in 1914-1927, had only 83 fights, of which he won 65 and lost 6. He ended in a draw in only 11 battles, and was able to defeat his opponent by knockout 51 times.

    Jack Dempsey can confidently be called one of the most brilliant US boxers in history. Many people always watched his battles. The aggression and power of this man transformed him into the most famous fist fighter. He was the undisputed heavyweight champion for about seven years. All these years, he mercilessly dealt with those who sought to take the palm for themselves.

    But over time, Jack still lost her in a battle with Gene Tunney. However, a year later he defeated him again in a fierce battle. In The Ring's list of heavyweights, Dempsey is ranked tenth.

    No. 5. Tyson Mike

    The best boxers in the world are the most strong people in the world. Mike Tyson won fifth place in the ranking. He boxed in 1985-2005, in total he had 58 fights, of which he won 50. Mike has only 6 defeats and not a single fight that ended in a draw. Tyson has won by knockout only 44 times.

    Everyone has heard the name of this greatest boxer. The whole world knows him. He is known for the fact that he could defeat absolutely any opponent in a couple of seconds or during just the first round. They constantly bet on him and only watched how many minutes the enemy could withstand Mike.

    It is believed that Tyson is the toughest knockout artist in history. For the fastest and most powerful knockouts, he was placed in the Guinness Book of Records. Tyson has nine knockouts, which he performed in less than a minute. Among other things, Mike is the youngest heavyweight favorite.

    No. 4. Johnson Jack

    We continue to find out what makes the best boxers in the world good. Fourth place in the ranking is occupied by Jack Johnson. This boxer competed in 1897-1945, had a total of 114 fights, of which he won 80. Jack suffered 13 defeats, ended 12 fights in a draw, and defeated his opponent by knockout 45 times.

    Jack is a fairly famous African-American pugilist. He was an absolute triumph in the heavyweight division for ten years! Jack was included in all sorts of boxing rankings. For a long time no one could defeat him, so many boxers disliked him.

    Johnson is an extraordinary boxer. He had a personal fighting style that his opponents could not figure out. He is also known for being excellent at evading opponents' blows.

    No. 3. Sugar Ray Robinson

    How did the best boxers in the world of all times climb to the podium of fame? Consider the achievements of a boxer named Sugar Ray Robinson. This fist fighter boxed in 1940-1965, in total he had 200 fights, of which he won 173. He lost 19 battles, 6 fights ended in a draw, and defeated his opponent by knockout 108 times.

    Almost everyone calls him an outstanding boxer. Robinson competed in seven weight classes, he has it all best properties a real fist fighter. Robinson was very strong, had a strong chin and had great stamina. He won his titles at welterweight and middleweight. Robinson proved to everyone that he deserves to be a great master of the leather glove. And many influential publications give him first place in similar ratings.

    No. 2. Muhammad Ali

    Almost all the best boxers in the world of all time dreamed of becoming champions from an early age. And they became them! Muhammad Ali took second place in the ranking. He boxed in 1960-1981, had a total of 61 fights, won 56. He had five defeats and not a single fight that ended in a draw. Muhammad was able to win by knockout 37 times.

    This fist fighter became famous throughout the world. He was awarded the title “Boxer of the Year” five times and is recognized as the best fighter of the past ten years. In the heavyweight category, Ali received the world title, but was stripped of it due to the fact that he refused to go to fight in Vietnam.

    Muhammad was considered invincible. The state often tried to humiliate him. However, this did not stop him: he was able to get back on his feet and reach his heights. After some time, he returned to the ring and resumed his illustrious path.

    No. 1. Joe Louis

    Many fans believe that the best boxer in the world in the history of boxing is Joe Louis. And he really takes first place in the ranking. This boxer competed in 1934-1951, had only 72 fights, of which he won 69. He suffered 3 defeats and did not end a single fight in a draw. Joe has won by knockout 57 times.

    This is the greatest and most invulnerable boxer on the planet in history. Louis was very tall and everyone thought it was impossible to defeat him. However, he still lost one fight to the German Max Schmeling. The winner did not rejoice for long, as Joe later took amazing revenge, beating Max in just one round.

    Then he lost two more fights because he did not maintain his shape: he had financial problems and could not train constantly.

    Everyone began to call Louis a symbol of the USA. He was present in the hearts of people during World War II. It is known that during the war no one could become such a politically authoritative fist fighter as Joe.

    People crowded around the radio and the ring to hear about his battles with his opponents. This gave people hope for tomorrow and faith that life would get better. Joe Louis is the only boxer who is recognized as the best of the best in the whole world.

    WBC and AIBA version

    So, you already know the best boxer in the world in the history of boxing. Let us now consider the rating compiled by the two largest federations AIBA and WBC, which are responsible for all processes in world boxing. For several decades after the end of World War II, experts tried to create a canonical list of the first boxers in the entire history of our planet. And finally, in 2015 it was published:

    1. Peisirod the Great, five-time Olympic champion, 5th century BC, Hellas, Rhodes.
    2. Laszlo Papp, three-time Olympic champion (1948, 1952, 1956), the first Eastern European - world favorite among masters, Hungary.
    3. Muhammad Ali (or Cassius Clay), 1960 Olympic champion, eminent super-virtuoso heavyweight champion, USA.
    4. Stevenson Teofilo, three-time Olympic favorite (1972, 1976, 1980), Cuba.
    5. Sugar Ray Leonard, 1976 Olympic champion, best professional light heavyweight boxer in history, USA.
    6. George Foreman, 1968 Olympic champion, one of Muhammad Ali's two eternal masters heavyweight opponents, USA.
    7. Mike Tyson, the last legendary super heavyweight master, USA.
    8. Joe Frazier, Olympic favorite in 1964, one of two (with Joe Foreman) cult opponents of Cassius Clay in the super heavyweight division among craftsmen, USA.
    9. Valery Popenchenko, USSR, 1964 Olympic champion, perhaps the most skilled fighter in boxing history.
    10. Savon Felix, three-time Olympic champion (1992, 1996, 2000), Cuba.

    There were a lot of problems with compiling this list initially. We must not forget that in addition to the contradictions between the two above-mentioned federations, that is, subjective obstacles, there are also objective obstacles.

    There are legendary names in boxing that are known even to people who are very far from the sport. Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali are famous boxers who left their unforgettable mark on the history of world boxing.

    Tyson became famous for defeating his opponent within the first round or even the first few seconds. Bets were always placed on him, the only question was how many minutes the enemy could withstand. His name is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest puncher in the world. In nine fights he won in the first minute. Tyson's nicknames: Iron Mike, King of Knockouts.

    The most famous boxer, Muhammad Ali, was awarded the honorary title of “Boxer of the Year” five times, and according to some sports publications he was recognized as the “Sportsman of the Century”. This legendary man, whom many try to imitate, is known for his unbending will and strong character. Refusing to serve in the army, he was suspended from competition and stripped of all titles.

    Returning to the sport, he proved that he is the strongest boxer in the world, again winning the title of champion. In 61 fights, he scored 56 victories and 5 defeats. Ali's nicknames: The Greatest and People's Champion.

    And yet, the titles the most decorated boxer in the world, the best, the greatest can rightfully be given to Joe Louis. He performed from 1934 to 1951, but forever entered the history of world boxing. In 70 fights, he scored 66 victories and only 3 defeats.

    He burst into professional boxing with his own unusual style and skills, winning even over recognized champions in 27 fights. In 1936, Louis unexpectedly lost to the German Max Schmeling, having underestimated his opponent. When Joe became world champion in 1937, he declared that he was not worthy of the title until he defeated Schmeling. Soon the fight took place, and Louis won, knocking out his opponent in 2 minutes.

    At the time of his heyday, Joe Louis, with a height of 188 cm, weighed 98 kg. To this day, experts consider these data ideal for a boxer. In the ring, Louis was noble towards his opponents, in life he was charming and simple-minded. Nickname: Brown Bomber.

    A survey was conducted in 1975. Among the 100 best athletes in the world, Joe Louis took first place.

    10. Luis Neri (Mexico)

    Achievement list: 25(19)-0

    This year: wins over Jesus Martinez (Colombia, RTD4), Shinsuke Yamanaka (Japan, TKO4) and Arthur Villanueva (Philippines, TKO6)

    The time is long gone when Mexican boxers created great history in small scales. But last year Mexico received the heir to the legendary Eric Morales, Marco Antonio Barrera, Juan Manuel And Rafael Marquez.

    Louis Neri didn't let the Japanese Shinsuke Yamanaka break the national record for the number of title defenses. Yamakana literally “drowned” in a hail of blows in that fight.

    Prospects: Fight with Jesse Magdaleno

    9. Keith Thurman (USA)

    Achievement list: 28(22)-0

    This year: defeat Danny Garcia (USA, SD12)

    Keith Thurman most spent a year on sick leave. And even now the degree of his readiness to return to the ring is not very clear. His only fight was against Danny Garcia. The judges could easily have given the victory to the latter, but we are dealing with the fact that Thurman won. He unified two welterweight championships in one of the most competitive divisions.

    Prospects: Fight with Errol Spence

    8. Miguel Berchelt (Mexico)

    Achievement list: 32(28)-1(1)

    This year: victories over Francisco Vargas (Mexico, KO11) and Takashi Miura (Japan, UD12)

    If there had been no fight Anthony Joshua And Vladimir Klitschko, the meeting would be considered a contender for the fight of the year Miguel Berchelt And Francisco Vargas. Berchelt won the spectacular meat grinder, ending the year with a victory over the unyielding Japanese Takishi Miura.

    Prospects: Fight by Christian Mijares

    7. Alexander Usik (Ukraine)

    Achievement list: 13(11)-0

    This year: victories over Michael Hunter (USA, UD12) and Marco Huck (Germany, TKO10)

    He took a good step forward in order to become the best boxer in his division by the coming summer. Michael Hunter gave the Ukrainian a difficult test in the first rounds of the fight. Alexander, in response, began to increase the pace with each round and the American hardly completed the fight on his own two feet. Usik’s next opponent was much less fortunate.

    Prospects: Victory in the Super Series, leadership in the division

    6. Srisaket Sor Rungvisai (Thailand)

    Achievement list: 44(40)-4(2)-1

    This year: two wins over Roman Gonzalez (Nicaragua, MD12 and KO4)

    Roman Gonzalez long years by many experts he was considered the best boxer regardless of weight categories. The Nicaraguan may well have complained about his lack of fame. He refused high-profile fights because of small fees. As a result, he came to Srisaketa Sor Rungvisai, and the Thai created the main sensation of the past year. Twice.

    Prospects: Fight with Juan Francisco Estrada, rematch with Carlos Cuadras

    5. Anthony Joshua (Great Britain)

    Achievement list: 20(20)-0

    This year: victories over Wladimir Klitschko (Ukraine, TKO11) and Carlos Takam (Cameroon, TKO10)

    The heavyweight division found itself in yet another crisis when Tyson Fury preferred cocaine to boxing. As a result, instead of him to fight Vladimir Klitschko came out Anthony Joshua. And it was the best heavyweight fight in the last ten years, at least. And now other boxers in this division are focusing on Joshua.

    Prospects: Fights with Joseph Parker, Deontay Wilder and Alexander Povetkin

    4. Gennady Golovkin (Kazakhstan)

    Achievement list: 37(33)-0-1

    This year: win over Daniel Jacobs (USA, UD12) and draw with Saul Alveros (Mexico, SD12)

    In fact, we have to say that Gennady Golovkin failed to win Saul Alvarez in 2017. But everyone understands perfectly well that the Mexican has no merit in this. Big hello to the judges. In fact, Golovkin confirmed with his last fight that he was the true leader of the middleweight division in recent years, and the small number of big names on his record only means that many were simply afraid to challenge him.

    Prospects: Second fight with Alvarez

    3. Terence Crawford (USA)

    Achievement list: 32(23)-0

    This year: wins over Felix Diaz (Dominican Republic, RTD10) and Julius Indongo (Namibia, KO3)

    For more than ten years, professional boxing has not known an absolute champion. In the summer he became Terence Crawford, which knocked the wind out of Julius Indongo- the offender Eduard Troyanovsky. True, Crawford almost immediately lost one title that he had sued Sergey Lipinets.

    Prospects: Conquering a new weight category

    2. Vasily Lomachenko (Ukraine)

    Achievement list: 10(8)-1

    This year: wins over Jason Sosa (USA, RTD9), Miguel Marriaga (Colombia, RTD7) and Guillermo Rigondeaux (Cuba, RTD6)

    For a long time, all the fans dreamed of some big fight. The wish came true last December. It was expected that the Cuban Guillermo Rigondeaux imposed a competitive fight on the Ukrainian, but everything again resulted in a one-wicket beating of the opponent. The Ukrainian’s fourth opponent in a row refused to continue the fight.

    Prospects: Fights with Miguel Berchelt, Mikey Garcia and dominance in the coming years

    1. Andre Ward (USA)

    Achievement list: 32(16)-0

    This year: defeat Sergey Kovalev (Russia, TKO8)

    If last year aside Andre Ward The vegetables weren’t flying fresh after his fight and “victory” over Sergey Kovalev, this year the American put everything in its place.

    Prospects: Retired from his career.

    Murat Georgievich Gassiev is a boxer who competes in the first heavyweight division (90.7 kg), originally from Vladikavkaz.

    The future world champion was born on October 12, 1993 in big family. Murat started boxing at the age of 13, and to this day he speaks with inspiration about his first coach, Vitaly Konstantinovich Slanov, who laid the foundation and instilled a true love for boxing.

    Andre Ward (San Francisco, USA, 02/23/1984) was born in the family of a white Irishman, Frank, and an African-American woman, Madeline. The boxer's parents didn't show the best best example son, they often had problems with the police due to drug abuse.

    In one interview, Ward said that, exactly strong-willed qualities and an objective assessment of what was happening around gave a strong impetus to my boxing career.

    Ward began his amateur career under the guidance of his godfather, who to this day is always next to him both in the gym during training and in the corner of the ring during fights.

    Roman Alberto Gonzalez Luna was born in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua on June 17, 1987 in a family for which boxing was hereditary; Roman’s father and uncles, as well as his grandfather, practiced this sport. Gonzalez received the nickname "Chocolate" from his uncle Javier.

    Roman grew up in a simple family with a difficult financial situation, initially he began attending the football section, but later, on the strict instructions of his father, he went to the boxing gym of the Latin American legend - Alexis Arguello, a three-time world champion, who immediately recognized the potential of the young boxer and polished his technique and style.

    Felix Savon "Guantanamera" was born in a small town in which there were barely a dozen rural farms. Cockfights and homemade games Baseball was the only entertainment for the peasants of the village. Young Savon demonstrated an irresistible craving for sports from a young age and began to practice various disciplines, such as swimming, baseball, football and even chess.

    At the age of 13 he entered special school for the development of athletic talent, where the boxing coach found that his height, arm span and punching power, combined with skills, were sufficient high level to become the successor to Teofilo Stevenson, a Cuban boxing legend. Thanks to the influence of his coach, Felix took part in the 1981 championship, receiving his first title in competitions between schoolchildren in Cuba.

    Anthony Joshua is one of the most talented and exciting heavyweight boxers in history. last years.

    Raised in Watford, Anthony Joshua (born 10/15/1989 199 cm, 109 kg, 208 cm arm span) moved to the English capital when he was 17 years old. He was introduced to boxing by his cousin; as a child, the future boxer played football at a high level, which significantly influenced his endurance and speed, his personal best was 100 m in less than 11 seconds. However, boxing became a passion for him and Anthony began to actively compete in the ring.

    Standing 201cm tall with a 211cm wingspan, future heavyweight Deontay Wilder dropped out of college and started boxing in 2005 to support his daughter, who was born with spina bifida.

    After quickly clearing the qualifying rounds, he earned an Olympic berth representing the United States and, in his 21st amateur bout, earned bronze at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The “Bronze Bomber” finished his first 32 professional fights by knockout, and already in January 2015, the WBC world champion belt was on his list.

    Future middleweight Santos Saul Alvarez Barraganode was born in Mexico in the city of Guanalajara on July 18, 1990. At the age of 26, the Mexican nicknamed Canelo, with a record of 49-1-1, 33 KOs, conquered the boxing world, captivating fans both in Mexico and around the world with his futuristic fighting style and charisma.

    Alvarez started boxing at the age of 13 and had 20 amateur fights.

    Arturo Gatti was born on Italian soil on April 15, 1972; he later moved to Canada, where his amateur career began. The pinnacle was winning the national championship and receiving a license for the 1992 Olympic Games in Spain. With this, he completed his amateur performances and entered the professional ring.

    In 1991, he had his first fight, competing in the second featherweight division, subsequently knocking out Jose Gonzalez in the 3rd round.

    The national boxing school has trained many promising fighters who, with their example and victories, inspire the younger generation of athletes around the world; Gennady Golovkin is a prime example of this. Triple-G, as he was nicknamed in the world of professional boxing, was born in Kazakhstan in 1982.

    Golovkin was sent to boxing together with his older brother Maxim at the age of 10; the young man’s assertiveness and determination surprised his coaches, and as a result, victory at regional competitions a year later; in the amateur ring, Gennady had about 350 fights, of which only five ended unsuccessfully. his benefit.

    Vladimir Ilyich Gendlin was born in Moscow on May 26, 1936 into an acting family. Thanks to his parents’ tours, he was able to travel throughout the country from early childhood. After completing school, Vladimir studies mathematics at Saratov University.

    He successfully completed his training until the 4th year, but his passion for boxing dramatically changed his life, a short time he fulfilled the standard of a master of sports, having fought 51 fights in the ring, only one of which he lost.

    On January 20, 1984, Ruslan Mikhailovich Provodnikov was born in Berezovoy, Russian Federation. At the age of 10, he began to actively engage in boxing, his first coach was Evgeniy Vakuev, the man who raised and founded best qualities inherent to a boxer. Later, Ruslan moved to live in the city of Izluchensk, where he continued to train with Stanislav Berezin, under whose leadership he fulfilled the standard of a master of sports.

    As an amateur, Ruslan had 150 fights, of which 20 ended not in his favor. The biggest achievement in the amateur ring was the victory at the junior tournament held in Greece.

    Sergei Aleksandrovich Kovalev was born on April 2, 1983 in the suburb of Chelyabinsk, the city of Kopeisk. As soon as Sergei turned 11 years old, he immediately enrolled in the boxing section, his first coach was Sergei Vladimirovich Novikov, with whom he achieved many results in amateur boxing.

    Kovalev became the winner of the Russian junior championship, reached the finals of prestigious national tournaments many times, was a participant in the European Championship, and won victories in many international tournaments.

    The future of the Ukrainian heavyweight division - Alexander Usik was born in the city of Simferopol on the Crimean peninsula in 1987 on January 17. Alexander’s first sporting hobby was football, but at the age of 15 he went to boxing training for the first time, where in the ring he felt the power and effectiveness of this sport, which sealed his future fate.

    At the Ukrainian Championships, Alexander could be noticed by his demeanor, his passion for dancing childhood formed her own warm-up style, the dancing, smiling boxer turned into a tactful, cold-blooded fighter upon entering the ring.

    Vasily Lomachenko, nicknamed “Hi Tech,” is a Ukrainian record-breaking boxer who managed to surprise with a brilliant career in the amateur ring, and since 2012, acting as a professional, is the most promising boxer of our time. Vasily was born in Belgorod-Dnestrovsk, Odessa region on February 17, 1988, his fate was predetermined by his father, Anatoly Nikolaevich, who already in infancy set the goal of raising an Olympic champion.

    Lomachenko began training with Joseph Katz, then moved under the guidance of his father, who is still a mentor, friend and companion of the Ukrainian boxer.

    WBO European lightweight champion, Pan-Asian Boxing Association lightweight champion, WBA international lightweight champion and WBA intercontinental junior welterweight champion Eduard Troyanovsky, known as the Bryansk Eagle or Troy, is a 35-year-old Russian boxer from Bryansk. He competes in two weight categories – light (61.2 kg) and welterweight (63.5 kg), since the boxer’s fighting weight ranges between 61 and 64 kg. This fighter’s track record includes 20 fights and, accordingly, 20 victories, 17 of which are by knockout.

    Eduard was born in Omsk on May 30, 1980, but already in infancy he moved with his parents to Orel, where he subsequently took his first steps in sports.

    Emanuel Steward is a true legend of world boxing, both as an athlete and, especially, as a brilliant coach. The steward raised a whole galaxy of people worldwide famous champions both among amateurs and among ring professionals. Among his most famous students are Lennox Lewis, Evander Holyfield, Thomas Hearns and Wladimir Klitschko.

    Emanuel Steward was born on July 7, 1944 in the American town of Bottom Creek (West Virginia). The boy began boxing in early childhood. When he was 12 years old, after his parents divorced, Steward moved to Detroit with his mother. At his new place of residence, the young boxer began training at the Brewster Recreation Center - the same one in the rings of which the famous Joe Lewis and Eddie Futch honed their skills.

    Continuation of the biography of Alexandra Povetkin.

    The victory was then awarded to Alexander Povetkin. So he became the WBA world heavyweight champion.

    In December of the same year, Alexander defended his new title in a fight with Cedric Boswell, and two months later, in February 2012, he did it again in a fight with Marco Huck. September 2012 brought Povetkin a victory over American boxer Hasim Rahman, in a duel with whom he again defended the WBA champion title, defeating his opponent in the 2nd round. Well, in May 2013, the Russian boxer ruined the chances for the WBA champion belt of the Pole Andrzej Wawrzyk, knocking him out in Moscow. By the way, it should be noted that at that time the Polish boxer had no defeats.

    World famous boxing trainer Freddie Roach, known mainly by his nicknames "Cucaracha" and "Chorus Boy", was born in America. The future boxer, an eight-time winner of the title “Trainer of the Year,” was born in Massachusetts on March 5, 1960. The boxer's surname is translated into Russian in different ways: as a notch, and as a roach, and as hashish, and even as a cockroach. Actually, “cucaracha” means “cockroach” in Spanish.

    The boxer received the nickname “Chorus Boy,” as Freddie Roach himself recalls, for his “cute, childish face.” It is also for this reason that the successful boxer was sometimes called the “baby-faced killer.” And in fact, if society has a stereotype that a boxer is a thug without an extra imprint of intelligence on his face, then it is necessary to understand: appearances can very often be deceptive, and the example of Freddie Roach is exactly that case. Rather, we can assume that he is a bank employee.

    Over the more than century-long history of professional world boxing, even experts can remember few names of champions who never experienced the bitterness of defeat throughout their careers. Sports biography of Joe Calzaghe– boxer of the 2nd middle weight category, multiple world champion title holder different versions, is an example of such an invincible boxer. During his time in the professional ring (1993 – 2008), he entered the ring 46 times, and won each time.

    “Terminator” Joe (Joseph) Calzaghe was born on March 23, 1972 in England (London). But soon the family moved to the town of Newbridge in Ireland, and the future boxer’s first successes were associated with the Newbridge Boxing Club, where his father Enzo Calzaghe began training at the age of 9.

    Argentina has always been famous for its good fighters. Oscar Bonavena, Gregorio Peralta, Sergio Martinez and others. Today our story is about Carlos Monzon, whose name is now almost forgotten.

    Carlos Roque Monzon(Carlos Roque Monzon) was born on August 7, 1942 in the town of San Javier, Rio Negro province in central Argentina, into a poor family. When Carlos was 7 years old, his large family moved to live in a poor suburb of Santa Fe. To help his family survive, Carlos dropped out of school in the 3rd grade and went to work.

    Edwin Valero professional boxer, world champion According to the WBA, he is from Venezuela. Valero scored 27 victories in the professional ring, all by knockout, with his first 18 fights being Edwin finished in the first round, thereby setting a world record. Edwin made his last 18 knockout on February 25, 2006. This record was later broken by Tyrone Brunson, who scored 19 victories by knockout.

    Disputes about who best boxer in history, periodically flare up in discussions in many media mass media, among professionals and amateurs of this sport. Objectively speaking, this is the point of view of one or another expert, and, like any point of view, in many ways the determination of the best and worst boxer is subjective.

    For the first time, people started talking about who is the best, regardless of weight category, a long time ago. The first to be awarded this title boxer Benny Leonard, who dominated the ring from May 1917 to January 1925. Now many boxing historians reasonably believe that best boxer in history boxing regardless of weight category...

    In the world of sports, it is customary to compile a wide variety of ratings. And not only to calculate who was the champion longer, and at what age, but also based on indicators that cannot be measured. For example, how many years has the sport been going on about which boxer has the most swipe in boxing. Various ratings and lists are compiled. But... Until now, no one has come up with a device that, as objectively as a scale - an athlete's weight or a ruler - his height, could measure the force of a boxer's blow. Probably because in battle it's not that important.

    Research by scientists has convincingly proven that in order to knock out a boxer, it is enough to hit him in the chin with a force of 15 kilograms. And a person, depending on the level of training, can hit with a force of 200 to 1000 kilograms.

    Sports biography of Nikolai Valuev begins during school years. But he was not involved in boxing, but in basketball, and even as part of the team of the Frunzenskaya Youth Sports School (St. Petersburg) he became the national champion. Also among his hobbies was athletics.

    In recent years, European boxers, indigenous residents of European countries, have not often pleased their fans with championship belts. It came to an end not too long ago biography of Ricky Hatton in a professional boxing ring. Two defeats in a row - from the famous Filipino Manny Pacquiao on May 2, 2009. This was his second defeat in the ring. The first was on December 28, 2007 from rising star Floyd Mayweather Jr. After his defeat in 2009, Hatton stopped performing for some time.

    But three years later he decided to return. Defeat from a less famous Ukrainian boxer Vyacheslava Senchenko November 24, 2012 finally sent the once famous British puncher into retirement.

    The era when boxing in America was associated only with the names of heavyweights ended with Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson. Today, the most spectacular boxing in the United States is demonstrated by middleweight boxers. AND Floyd Mayweather- the best among them. That's what the statistics say, that's what the professionals think.

    The biography of Floyd Mayweather Jr., as the best boxer in the world in today's ratings is usually called, to distinguish him from his father, Floyd Mayweather Sr., who at one time also performed in the professional ring and fought against Sugar Ray Leonard, began quite standardly.

    Floyd Mayweather achieved his first successes in the All-American ring while still an amateur.

    Started boxing Cassius Marcellus Clay, who only after receiving his first championship title in a fight against Sonny Liston in February 1964 began to be called Muhammad Ali at the age at which many young boxers start today - at 12 years old. First Muhammad Ali training took place at a boxing club in his homeland, in the American town of Louisville (Kentucky).

    Already the first classes showed the teenager’s remarkable talent. His first fight took place under the cameras of a local TV channel. in six weeks after the start of training. Muhammad Ali defeated a white boy who had been training for over a year. When he was announced as the winner, he shouted that he would become a champion. And the boxer fulfilled his childhood promise, winning the championship title more than once in his life and winning when others no longer hoped for it.

    Having decided to become a champion, the boy began train furiously.

    Gerald McLellan- an outstanding professional boxer, a champion, whose fate convincingly demonstrates that big sport is a big risk. Start biographies of Gerald McLellan similar to the biographies of many professional boxers of his period. He started training at a young age. Then - an amateur career, performances at the Golden Glove tournament. At the age of 21 (August 12, 1988) he had his first fight in the professional ring.

    During his performances in the amateur and professional ring, the outstanding Russian boxer Kostya Ju developed his own training cycle, which helped him win and win championship titles. When asked to compare with known training methods, he answered simply: “ Kostya Ju training regimen, is my technique. And you can only compare it with Kostya Ju’s training regime.”

    Among our contemporaries, there is probably not a person who has not heard about great boxer Mike Tyson, whose biography is replete with ups and downs. Michael Gerard Tyson was born in the black district of New York - Brooklyn. Mike did not know his father, who left his mother shortly before birth. And the mother was not particularly worried about her son. Tyson was raised on the street.

    At the age of 14, when the boy was once again in a correctional facility, biography of Mike Tyson a turning point occurred: he met boxing icon Muhammad Ali. It was then that for the first time he seriously thought about a career as a boxer.

    A scandalous Briton in professional boxing David Hay came, like most professionals, from amateurs. But, despite the fact that he started training at the age of ten, David Haye’s biography did not include any high-profile victories in his amateur career. At the World Championships in 1999, he lost in the first fight, and at the next one, two years later, he still managed to win a place in the finals, but lost to Odlanier Solis. David Haye turned professional with only world championship silver.

    David Haye began his career in the professional ring as a cruiserweight.

    Sports biography of Alexander Povetkin began in 1992 in the Kursk sports complex “Spartak”, when the future winner and champion turned 13 years old. The boxer's talent showed up immediately. In 1995 he became Champion of Russia among youths, and in 1997 – among juniors.

    Alexander was prevented from taking part in the Olympics (Sydney 1998) for the first time as part of the Russian national team by injury. During the Olympic off-season, Alexander Povetkin’s biography includes several significant victories in the amateur ring.

    In the world history of boxing, in that part of it that can be called the happy 70s for heavyweights, there are many athletes who could have achieved much greater results, if not for the fact that at that time several not just talented boxers were performing at the same time, and amazing legends of world boxing. Thus, in the Soviet Union, heavyweight Igor Vysotsky did not become a champion and did not fully reveal his talent.

    In the USA he was such a boxer Ron Lyle, whose biography is full of amazing fights in the professional ring (43 victories, of which 31 by knockout, 7 defeats and one draw), but he never managed to win the championship belt.

    Among the many legendary personalities of world sports in boxing, there are few athletes who would be on par with Mike Tyson. His amazing victories by knockout, his fighting style, and demeanor in the ring even today, many years later, cause only surprise and delight. Many would like to become so famous, but very few can prepare for fights as selflessly as Mike Tyson trained.

    The legendary champion made the decision to become a boxer at the age of 14 after meeting Muhammad Ali while he was in a specialized school for juvenile delinquents. Boxer Bob Stewart At that time he taught physical education at school. Mike Tyson turned to him for help.

    The first coach laid the foundations for training a boxer in the minds of the future champion and winner. The way Mike Tyson trained was already legendary at school.

    Klitschko brothers in our time are one of the most famous boxers in the world. They have collected every possible championship belt that there is in professional boxing, but they will never stand in the ring against each other.

    The youngest of the famous brothers began playing sports in 1990. Started at the age of 14 biography of Vladimir Klitschko as an athlete when he began to study boxing at the Brovary Olympic Reserve School. Already in 1993, he won his first significant victory among amateur juniors, receiving a gold medal at the European Boxing Championships.

    Among professional boxers, whose records it is unlikely that anyone will be able to not only break, but at least repeat, the best boxer of the decade (2000s) undoubtedly stands out, regardless of weight category, according to many experts Filipino Manny Pacquiao. He became a world champion in various versions in eight weight categories. And the difference between the minimum (flyweight) and maximum (first middle weight) weight categories that Manny Pacquiao competed in was ten weight categories, which is also not easy to achieve.

    There are many outstanding family duets in the world of sports. But perhaps none of them can compare with the fame today boxing brothers Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko. The biography of Vitali Klitschko, the eldest of the brothers, begins in Kyrgyzstan, where he was born into a military family on July 19, 1971. But this fact did not in any way affect his development as an athlete. Soon the father was assigned to another garrison, and the family left Kyrgyzstan.

    In my youth I studied with my brother various types martial arts, but Vitaly chose kickboxing. He successfully performed both in the amateur (two-time world champion) and professional (four-time world champion) kickboxing ring.

    The turning point in the biography of Vitali Klitschko was 1995, when he decided to take up boxing.

    Among professional boxers, not many have shown such diverse talents and managed to realize themselves not only in boxing, but also in other areas of life other than boxing.

    Biography of Roy Jones- a clear confirmation that a person can have many talents and, by skillfully managing his time, he has the opportunity to develop them. The athlete proved that he not only managed to reach the top in amateur and professional boxing, but also realized himself as a singer who successfully performs rap, and as an artist who has starred in more than one film.