Comic questions about women for February 23. Sample Quiz Questions

1. What were the names of the first Russian warriors? (Vigilantes)
2. Name the names of Russian commanders and military leaders with whom the victories of Russian weapons are associated (before 1917) (A. Nevsky, D. Donskoy, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, etc.)
3. To which Russian commander do these famous sayings belong: “A bullet is a fool, a bayonet is a fine fellow,” “You yourself will perish, but help your comrade,” “It’s hard in training, it’s easy in battle.” (To A.V. Suvorov)
4. Name the types of bladed weapons. (Sword, saber, checker, dagger, knife, bayonet, sword)
5.What is the name of the part of the troops that goes ahead of the main forces? (Vanguard)
6. What military ranks exist in the modern army? (Private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, general, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general, marshal. )
7. About whom in the army do they say that they make a mistake once in their life? (About sappers whose mistakes in their work can cost them their lives.)
8. What is the name of the machine gun cart made famous in the famous Civil War song? (Tachanka.)
9. What was the popular nickname for the guards mortar “BM-13” during the Great Patriotic War? (“Katyusha.”)
10. Which cities were awarded the honorary title “Hero City” after the Great Patriotic War? (Moscow,
Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Stalingrad (Volgograd), Tula, Kyiv, Odessa, Novorossiysk, Kerch, Minsk, Brest.)
11. The names of which commanders and military leaders of the Great Patriotic War do you know? (G.K. Zhukov, R.Ya. Malinovsky, A.M. Vasilevsky, I.S. Konev, etc.)
12. What feat did pilot Captain Nikolai Gastello accomplish during the Great Patriotic War? (He directed his burning plane at a column of enemy tanks and vehicles.)
13. Name the pilots - three times Heroes of the Soviet Union, who received these titles for their feats during the Great Patriotic War. (A.I. Pokryshkin, M.N. Kozhedub.)
14. What is the name of the building in which the soldiers live? (Barracks.)
15. What made N.F. famous? Makarov, M.T. Kalashnikov, V.A. Degtyarev? (N.F. Makarov invented a pistol, M.T. Kalashnikov - an assault rifle, V.A. Degtyarev - a machine gun.)
16. What is the name of a fighter who masters the art of marksmanship? (Sniper.)
17. What is camouflage? (Disguising objects by painting them with stripes and spots that distort their outlines.)
18. What kind of hats do soldiers wear? (Cap, helmet.)
19. What is an out-of-order outfit? (An army punishment is a requirement to perform another job.)
20. Which tank was considered the best during the Second World War? Under whose leadership was this legendary machine created? (The legendary T-34, created under the leadership of M.I. Koshkin, I.A. Kucherenko, A.A. Morozov, is considered the best tank of the Second World War).
21. Who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union four times? (K. Zhukov).
22. Which unit of soldiers is designated by the same word as the source of direct electric current power? (Battery).
23. Which unit of soldiers is denoted by the same word as the device in the striking mechanism? (Platoon).
24. Name the author of the music for the Russian anthem. (Alexandrov).
25. A secret conventional word or phrase used to identify one's men in guard duty. (Password).
26. Which firearm's name begins with a note? (Revolver).
27. The name of which uniform consists of the name of a sea animal and a coniferous tree? (Kitel).
28. What should an athlete shoot at in clay pigeon shooting? (On a plate).
29. In the rhythm of what dance was the famous song of the war years “Blue Handkerchief” written? (In the rhythm of a waltz).
30. Who is the author of the famous catchphrase: “I came, I saw, I conquered!”? (Julius Caesar).
31. A monument to these people stands in the very center of Moscow, on Red Square. They accomplished their feat in 1612. Name their names. (Kuzma Minich Minin and Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky).
32. A monument was erected to this literary hero - a soldier of the Great Patriotic War - in the homeland of his author in the ancient Russian city of Smolensk. Name the author and his hero. (Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky and his hero Vasily Terkin).
33. Which name for radar and firearms can be read both from left to right and from right to left? (Radar, revolver).

Brain-ring for Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23) for grades 8-9

Questions can be asked to everyone in turn, or only to girls or only to boys.

Soldier's shoes. (Boots)

The girl rejoices at him, the soldier is upset. (Outfit)

Rest on a hike. (Halt)

Kitchen on a ship. (Galley)

The highest rank of officer. (Generalissimo)

A cake named after the commander-in-chief of the army. (Napoleon)

What did the soldier cook porridge from? (From an ax)

Name the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen, where the main character was a soldier who married a princess? ("Flint")

The material from which the little soldier was made in the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen. (Tin: "The Steadfast Tin Soldier")

Cook in the army. (Cook)

Sailor's headdress. (Capless cap)

Which berry translates to victory? (Victoria)

What are the names of the heroes - the defenders of Rus', depicted in the painting by the artist V.M. Vasnetsova. (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich)

Soldier's coat. (Overcoat)

The part with which a soldier fastens his belt. (Buckle)

Set of military clothing. (Form)

Soldier's tea mug. (Mug)

A piece of fabric used in boots instead of a sock. (Footcloth)

Nut cracker, who won the battle that took place on December 25 at the beginning of the 19th century. (The Nutcracker, from Hoffmann's fairy tale)

How many years did the soldiers serve in the tsarist army? (25)

Headdress of an epic hero. (Helmet)

A stove for cooking food for soldiers on the march. (Field kitchen)

Rookie haircut. (Naked, bald, “under zero”)

Sailor dance. ("Bullseye")

Sailor's underwear without fastening. (Vest)

Sign of military jackets, shirts, greatcoats. (Epaulette)

The color of military clothing. (Khaki)

Paratrooper's headdress. (Beret)

Cook in the Navy. (Cook)

Magic shoes from Russian fairy tales. (Boots)

Paratrooper's backpack. (Parachute)

Tank driver's headdress. (Helmet)

Upper part of the boot. (Boot)

Soldiers from the guard of King Louis XIV. (Musketeers)

Soldier's headdress. (cap)

Sailor cut trousers. (Flash)

What kind of porridge did the Russian commander A.V. Suvorov called it heroic? (Buckwheat)

Clothing needed during a shipwreck. (Life vest)

A ceremonial form of greeting with artillery salvoes. (Firework)

In which film was the phrase heard that became a catchphrase: “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland!” ("Officers")

What military specialty are people talking about in the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle”? (About pilots)

A young soldier, just drafted into the army. (Rookie)

The military rank next to private. (Corporal)

Cossack ataman, who began the development of Siberia by the Russian state with the campaign of 1581, hero of folk songs, who died in battle with the Tatars in 1585 (Ermak Timofeevich)

Russian folk epic (majestic-calm) song-legends, composed in the 11th - 16th centuries, telling about heroes - defenders of the Russian land. (Epics)

What was the name of a type of iron helmet with a sharp top, headphones and a visor with a nosepiece in Ancient Rus'? (Erichonka)

In the armed forces, what is a written or oral order from a superior to a subordinate, which is law for them, called? (Order)

One of the components of a weapon, necessary to rest on the shooter’s shoulder and transfer the recoil force to the latter. (Butt)

Another name for cavalry. (Cavalry)

Tracked armored combat vehicle. (Tank)

A log with a metal tip, which was used in ancient times to destroy fortress walls. (Ram)

A cart with an open platform for a heavy machine gun, used by cavalry during the Civil War (1918 - 1920). (Tachanka)

What are the dates of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War. (Beginning - June 22, 1941, ending - May 9, 1945)

Lack of military action in the country. (World)

The battle that took place at the end of the summer of 1812, which became a turning point in the Patriotic War with the army of Napoleon I. (Borodinskoe)

Commander of the Russian army in the war of 1812 (M.I. Kutuzov)

The first heavy machine gun, named after the inventor - an American designer and industrialist. (“Maxim”, Maxim Hiram)

The battle (1380) of Russian regiments led by Dmitry Donskoy and the Mongol-Tatar army under the command of Mamai, which marked the beginning of the liberation of Rus' from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. (Kulikovskaya)

What is culverina? (French firearms XIV - XVII centuries)

Ceremonial review of troops with military equipment. (Parade)

How does a captain leave a sinking ship? (Last)


Target: Education of patriotism and citizenship in children of senior preschool age, development of moral values, introduction to the history of the Fatherland.

Equipment: sheets of paper, cut pictures, construction set, envelopes with cut proverbs

Children are divided into 2 teams and choose a captain

The competition begins.

"Make a proverb".

Each team receives an envelope with two proverbs about the army, war, and service cut into words.


Hard to learn, easy to fight.

A fight is beautiful with courage, and a comrade is beautiful with friendship.

Stand boldly for what is right.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

There are sheets of paper on the table.

The captains need to make one airplane each.

Points are awarded for speed and quality of work

Now let's carry out the tests.

Airplanes are launched according to their flight range.

A game "Build military equipment" from the constructor

A game: "Cut pictures"

Each team is given the task of collecting a cut-out picture. Who's faster?


One, two - there is a rocket.

Three, four - plane.

One, two - clap your hands

And then on every account.

One two three four-

Arms higher, shoulders wider.

One two three four

And they walked around on the spot.

Contest "Guess a riddle"

1. The giant is standing in the port

Lighting up the darkness

And signals to the ships

Come visit us.


2. A steam locomotive without wheels

What a miracle locomotive

Is he crazy?

He went straight across the sea.


Riddles for Team II

1. Flies, buzzes

And when he sits down, he becomes silent.


2. Upside down cauldron

Helped protect a person


She fell into the quinoa

Now I won't find her. (Bullet)

We have "Poplar", "Topol M",

We do not serve Flora at all.

We stand guard over the country,

So that there is no more war. (Rocket Forces)

“Where we are, there is victory!” -

Our motto is glorious, fighting.

We have been from sea to shore since centuries,

They fled "stone" wall! (Marines)

The plane soars like a bird

There is an air border there.

On duty both day and night

Our soldier is a military man (Pilot)

A game: Question answer

1. Name the types of troops in our army.

2. Tell us how the military uniform of a soldier, pilot,

3. What military equipment do you know?

4. What is the importance of military equipment in the service of soldiers?

5. Why do soldiers need weapons?

6. Why are medals awarded?

7. Why do we need shoulder straps in the army?

Game "One - many"

Airplane - …

Game "4th wheel"

Tank, fighter, helicopter, plane;

Artilleryman, sniper, cook, paratrooper;

Drum, machine gun, machine gun, cannon;

Vest, overcoat, jeans, jacket.

Leading: You showed courage, perseverance and patience,

And sometimes endurance, to everyone's surprise,

To stand guard over your Motherland

And from enemies, defend Russia with honor!

Game "Choose words - signs"

Defender of Motherland (Which) -…

Tank (Which) - …

Army (which) - …

Motherland (which) - …

All (What)- military equipment".

question and answer.

2. What kind of headgear does a fighter wear during a fight to protect his head from injury? Helmet

3. How many battles did A.V. Suvorov lose? Haven't lost a single one

4. What kind of headdress did the Red Army soldiers wear? Budenovka

5. What kind of headgear does a tanker have? Helmet

6. What is the name of a paratrooper's headdress? Beret

7. What do both the rifle and the tree have? Trunk

Publications on the topic:

Traffic rules quiz “What? Where? When?"“Quiz “WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?" according to traffic rules Objectives: - repeat the rules of the road; establish rules of behavior on the street; develop speech.

Entertainment "Traffic Quiz" Goal: to strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Equipment: team emblems, road sign cards, brushes, paints, paper.

Quiz for children 6–7 years old Warm-up station. Questions for the 1st team: Last month of the year? (December) A cow as a child? (calf) A bun overgrown with needles? (hedgehog).

Quiz "World of Fairy Tales" Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of previously read works. Objectives: 1) Strengthen children’s ability to guess familiar fairy tales 2) Develop.

Quiz "Autumn" Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn, patterns in nature; to cultivate a love for their nature. Progress of the lesson:.

Quiz questions

1. Armed forces. Answer: Army.

2. Graduate of a military school. Answer: Officer.

3. A soldier guarding the borders of the Motherland. Answer: Border guard.

4. There are guard, marching, border. Answer: Outpost.

5. Manual explosive projectile. Answer: Grenade.

6. A man's name and a machine gun in the civil war. Answer: Maxim.

7. In what country and when did the first tank appear? (In Russia in 1915 it was called an all-terrain vehicle.)

8. Cold steel. Answer: Sword.

9. Command to shoot. Answer: “Pli.”

10. Cover from which soldiers shoot. Answer: Trench.

11. A military unit that guards something or someone. Answer: Guard.

12. What orders are named after Russian commanders? (The Order of Alexander Nevsky was established in the 18th century, the Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov were awarded during the Great Patriotic War.)

13. Location of the military leader. Answer: Bet.

14. Military unit located in the city, fortress. Answer: Garrison.

15. Selected part of the army. Answer: Guard.

16. Name the first Russian order. (Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.)

17. Movement of troops to a new direction for the purpose of striking. Answer: Maneuver.

18. Location of troops for battle. Answer: Position.

19. Large formation of troops. Answer: Corps.

20. Military fortification, which consists of a rampart and a ditch in front of it. Answer: Redoubt.

21. What were Roman soldiers rewarded for their military exploits? (Wreaths.)

22. Military term for a surprise attack. Answer: Attack.

23. Brief report of a serviceman to a senior officer. Answer: Report.

24. Which of the military leaders of the 20th century. was the first to be awarded the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree? (Marshal G.K. Zhukov.)

25. Soldier's coat. Answer: Overcoat.

26. A place where you can shoot at targets. Answer: Tyr.

27. Heavy combat vehicle (four letters). Answer: Tank.

28. Solemn review of troops. Answer: Parade.

29. Name the most memorable and large-scale military parades on Red Square. (The 1941 parade, when the Germans came close to Moscow, and the Victory Parade in 1945)

30. Movement of troops. Answer: Maneuver.

31. A raid by a military detachment behind enemy lines. Answer: Raid.

32. What orders are named after Russian admirals? (Order and medal of Ushakov, order and medal of Nakhimov.)

33. The main boss on the ship. Answer: Captain.

34. A teenager, but a full-fledged sailor. Answer: Jung.

35. Sea cook on a ship. Answer: Cook.

36. A place protected from waves for ships. Answer: Port.

37. Conductor of sea vessels. Answer: Pilot.

38. Marine signal “save our souls.” Answer: SOS.

39. Which commander commanded the Russian army during the war with the French in 1812? (Mikhail Kutuzov.)

40. Name the types of troops in the modern army. (Artillery, motorized rifle troops, armored forces, infantry, marines, airborne, engineering, aviation.)

41. For what purpose were the first airplanes used? (For reconnaissance. Then for air combat and bombing.)

42. Who and when was the St. Andrew’s flag established? (Peter I in 1699. This is the stern flag of the Russian Navy.)

43. Association of warships. Answer: Squadron.

44. What does the word “boarding” mean? (A method of naval combat. The enemy ships approached each other and grappled with hooks. The sailors boarded one ship and entered into hand-to-hand combat.)

45. What battle do the following lines tell about, and who wrote them:

You will never see such battles!

Banners were worn like shadows,

The fire sparkled in the smoke,

Damask steel sounded, buckshot screamed,

The soldiers' hands are tired of stabbing,

And prevented the cannonballs from flying

A mountain of bloody bodies.

(M. Yu. Lermontov about the Battle of Borodino in the poem “Borodino”.)

46. ​​From which work are these lines taken?

Crossing! Crossing!

Left bank, right bank,

The snow is rough, the edge of ice...

To whom is memory, to whom is glory,

For those who want dark water -

No sign, no trace.

(A. T. Tvardovsky. Poem “Vasily Terkin.”)

February 23 is a serious holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day. Defender of the Fatherland - this sounds proud, it evokes respect.

But at festive events there is always a reason to joke. A funny quiz for February 23rd is a good way to relax and smile.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. What did the soldiers do in the “Aty-Bata” counting rhyme?
We walked +

2. What Russian dish is prepared with an axe?
Cabbage soup from an ax
Porridge from an ax +
Ax stew

3. Continue the phrase “The bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming...”
General +

4. What is the transmission of letters and characters through certain communication channels using combinations of dots and dashes called?
Morse code +
ABC Pinocchio
Leo Tolstoy's ABC

5. What is the name of the barrelless field rocket artillery system?
Katyusha +

6. What is an automatic machine?
Washing machine +
Weapon +
Phone +

7. What is the name of the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen about an unbending man?
The Steadfast Tin Soldier +
Brave army officer
American Marine

8. What does the expression “Hands up” mean?
Give up +
Name of a popular music group +
Sports exercise +

9. What is the name of the cook on a ship?
Cook +