1st lunar birthday. Lunar day - the secret code of fate

Ruling planet of Capricorn: Saturn.

Capricorn talismans: black cat, devil, stairs.

Capricorn character: Reserved, cold, practical, focused, diligent, with a strong will and great internal energy.

Capricorns differ from other signs in their great ambitions and practicality. They like to plan their lives and set specific goals, which they begin to persistently strive for. Their life can be compared to climbers: they take a certain height and begin to conquer little by little, and no matter what the speed of achievement will be, it is important that they conquer this peak, and the time will come to set a new task and also move towards it.

The zodiac sign Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, and in English language There is even an adjective “Saturn-like”, which corresponds to the concepts of “gloomy”, “leaden”. Usually this refers to such traits as lethargy, inertia, gloominess, which often corresponds to the behavior of the sign. Capricorns are intolerant of frivolity. It doesn't matter to them whether others notice their capabilities, since they value themselves highly. Capricorn has excellent intuition, which he shows in the fight for his independence and economic security.

Capricorns achieve great success in politics. Capricorns often have a long life. It is worth monitoring the general condition of the spine and preventing general hypothermia. Do various gymnastics aimed at strengthening the spinal column. Take care of your teeth and visit your dentist often for checkups.

There are often workaholics among them. This is the most serious sign of all. They have the ability to plan everything and, first of all, their main plan is their own life. In their youth, many of them have very real outlines of what they are going to do and when. For example, finish your studies, find Good work, start a family, children, career growth and so on.

It may seem strange, but most Capricorns manage to bring everything to life. Positive emotions during work are an indispensable condition for good income for Capricorn; a joyless, unloved job will bring him nothing but disappointment.

Horoscope for 2019 is a professional personal horoscope for the current year by date of birth. You yourself can choose one of three semantic text interpretations, in accordance with your interests - business, health or love - family. When forming a horoscope, not only descriptive texts are generated, but also a table of aspects of the planets, where the aspects themselves are shown with colored lines. The color of the lines corresponds to the nature of the aspect: red - tense, green - harmonious. At the same time, tense aspects bring problematic situations and stimulate action, and harmonious aspects bring easy situations and luck. Blue color- describes planetary connections, which can be both tense and harmonious (read the text of the aspects). To view the horoscope for the year for past or future periods, you can use the paid Forecast Horoscope.

Tarot Horoscope- This zodiac horoscope, combining the accuracy of modern astrology and the centuries-old wisdom of Tarot cards. For a long time it was believed that the images on the cards have a complex interpretation from an astrological point of view, but after analyzing the life path of many great and famous people, astrologers were able to uncover the mystery of the Tarot cards and draw a parallel between their meaning and the position of the Sun in a person’s birth horoscope. Draw up a free Tarot horoscope and the “secret knowledge” will be revealed: you will find out under the sign of which Tarot card you were born, and what sacred meaning your life path has.

Love horoscope allows you to answer how suitable people are for each other in matters of love and intimacy. Like the compatibility horoscope, the spiritual aspects of human relationships are also considered here. Aspects of sexual compatibility of partners may appear in the texts, or there may be no information at all - such aspects are not present in all horoscopes. There are three planets that determine the sexual compatibility of partners - Venus, Mars, and Pluto. If a couple has connections between these planets, then the couple has what we call "Sexual Aspects", and this is a very reliable indicator of whether this man and woman are suitable for each other. Only one in a thousand couples has three or more of these aspects.

Horoscope by date of birth- it's free accurate horoscope With psychological portrait, an astrological description of a person’s personality, from the point of view of the location of our planets at the moment of birth solar system. The planets, being in different Zodiac Signs, endow you with certain character traits and thereby lay the foundation of your destiny. More full version– An individual horoscope will also tell you which zodiac houses the planets were in at the time of your birth and what connections (aspects) they formed with each other, thereby creating a unique star pattern of your personality. This drawing, which has the astrological name “ Natal chart"is the key to understanding your destiny and purpose.

1 - Lunar day. Symbol of the day: Lamp.

The energy of the first lunar day gives those born on this day a rich imagination and daydreaming. Such people retain childish character traits until the end of their lives. They are characterized by indecisiveness. They can spend their whole lives in dreams and fantasies about great deeds and accomplishments. But they are also capable of sudden, bright and very active actions. It happens that after a long period of contemplation, unexpectedly for those around short term achieve unprecedented success. Have good potential vitality, but it’s still worth taking care of your health, then longevity is guaranteed. If something is imagined in detail on a new moon or full moon, it will most likely come true.

Top tip— learn to control your emotions, which are often very strong and stormy, and structure a huge flow of thoughts, then success is guaranteed.

2 - Lunar day. Symbols of the day: Horn of plenty.

The main features of those born on the second lunar day are practicality and rationality, which manifests itself both in work and in personal relationships. They are also curious and intelligent. They have developed intuition, which helps them understand not only own desires, but also to easily determine who is worth dealing with and which contacts are better to refuse. In second born lunar day good health.

Advice- from childhood, learn generosity, kindness and responsiveness, since initially they may have a tendency towards opposite character traits. The manifestation of greed and greed affects health and can lead to diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys.

3 - Lunar day. Symbols of the day: Leopard.

The main feature of those born on the third lunar day is enormous energy. They are active, assertive and resilient. Easily cope with a large number of tasks. From childhood, you need to look for ways to direct the flow of energy in the right direction. Any sports section is perfect. They also have creative potential, and are able to learn several types of art. They are implemented in professions that require activity, endurance, physical and mental strength.

Advice— you should take care of your health, strengthen your will and spirit, learn to concentrate and manage your energy.

4 - Lunar birthday. Symbol: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The fourth lunar day gives the world mysterious, ambiguous people. They are little understood by others and themselves, but if they can answer an internal question, they will discover the amazing things inherent in them. . The peculiarity of these people is manifested by the symbol and energy of the day. Their entire life path is built on duality and choice. Their fate depends on their own choice, since they have equal chances for both good and evil. On the one hand, this can be exhausting, on the other hand, it is a special freedom granted to those born on this day. Another feature of them is a strong energetic attachment to traditions, clan, family and roots - this is a place where they can always draw unlimited energy.

Advice— from childhood, learn awareness, responsibility, and develop clear principles.

5 - Lunar day. Symbols: Unicorn.

The energy of the fifth lunar day rewards a person with a special ability to understand the spiritual world. This part of life is the main one for them; harmony and balance on a subtle level gives happiness and success. They easily learn new things and creatively implement fresh ideas. Such people have subtle sensitivity and vulnerability. Dramatic changes often occur in their lives, as in fairy tales.
From here basic advice— learn to understand what is happening, notice patterns, not give in to emotions in order to find your own path.

6 - Lunar day. Symbols: Crane.

The sixth lunar day gives the world people who are distinguished by a pronounced sense of personal freedom and do not tolerate being put under pressure and limited. Their inner world is very rich, and their intuition is developed. They perceive reality very clearly and have a great understanding of people. When working on themselves they can develop psychic abilities. They make acquaintances easily. They need to work with people and communication.

Advice— learn to deal with your desire for independence, find a compromise between it and those around you, so as not to be left completely alone.

7 - Lunar day. Symbols: wind rose.

Being born on the seventh lunar day gives a person a strong character. Their special talent is their voice and everything connected with it. They can both successfully practice vocals and use their talent in communication. They make excellent public figures, announcers, speakers and presenters. But there is also back side this gift - in the absence of proper discipline, they can become gossips and intriguers. They easily learn and absorb information, and then find application for it.

Advice— develop will and nobility. In their absence, it is easy to succumb to laziness and idleness, which, in the case of those born on the seventh lunar day, lead to losses and defeats.

8 - Lunar day. Symbol: Phoenix.

The eighth lunar day gives the world original, inquisitive people. They usually have good artistic abilities and a strong character. They are very smart, easy to learn and adapt to new environments. Like the symbol of their Lunar birthday, they are capable of being “reborn” even after the most difficult trials and shocks. Their life consists of separate development cycles, only after completing one can they begin a new one. It is very important for them to engage in self-development.

Advice- choose an activity only at the behest of your heart, and spend your whole life improving in it. Then you will never remain stagnant, and development will proceed smoothly and naturally.

9 - Lunar day. Symbol: Bat.

The energy of the ninth lunar day is considered heavy and dark. But this does not mean that everyone born on this day is doomed to misfortune or bad character. Instead, such influence gives people a very strong character, an unbending will and the ability to overcome any difficulties. They are often born with poor health, and this is where inner strength must help them overcome this. The desire for spiritual and physical resilience, self-improvement - this is the way to unlock the potential of those born on the ninth lunar day.

Advice— find hidden internal reserves of positive energy and learn to manage it, because your reserves are truly enormous.

10 - Lunar birthday. Symbol: Secret source.

Being born on the tenth lunar day makes people inquisitive and talented in learning. But their main talent is considered to be the ability to please. They are popular and respected. This brings them both benefit and can turn into negative. After all, some seek to use them as energy donors or for their own unseemly purposes. Also, those born on this day have very strong ties with family and ancestors. Traditions and maintaining connections with family are very important to them.

Advice- cultivate the spiritual side in yourself in order to use your attractiveness only for good purposes. Otherwise, fate will bring a lot of disappointments and troubles.

11 - Lunar day. Symbol: Crown.

A feature of those born on the eleventh lunar day is inconstancy of character; sometimes they succumb to their own impulses and act unexpectedly even for themselves. Endowed with very strong energy from birth they need a place to realize it. Sports or creativity are especially good for this. But you need to choose solely based on your own desires and the dictates of your heart, otherwise the matter will not bring results. Those born on this day are liked by others, sociable and able to influence others.

Advice - stop at one area and put all possible effort into it. Don't allow yourself to stray from your chosen path.

12 - Lunar day. Symbol: Holy Grail

The twelfth lunar day gives the world kind, soft and merciful people. They are open and trusting, have a special craving for the spiritual, and are religious. Endowed with the gift of subtly feeling and understanding things hidden from the eyes of others. Their task is to bring love, light and forgiveness to the world. Although they are distinguished by a modest and shy character, they have enormous inner strength and the ability to overcome any difficulties, maintaining spiritual purity and not becoming embittered.

Advice - It is very important for you to express your feelings, do not deny yourself this under any pretext. Otherwise it will end in indifference and depression. And for a person born to feel, this is like death during life.

13 - Lunar day. Symbol: Ouroboros, snake.

One of the most striking features and unique talent of those born on the thirteenth lunar day is the ability to learn. By nature they are very curious, constantly in search of something new and unknown. But the main thing is that no matter what they undertake, they always bring something original, new both to the process and to the result. This is also their feature - an unusual look at things, from an original angle. Thanks to their special sensitivity and observation, they notice subtleties that are not noticeable to others.

Advice - do not hide your views, do not choose routine activities, or those whose results are not visible to anyone - your task is to open the eyes of the world, help notice new things, discover the other side.

14 - Lunar birthday. Symbol: Trumpet.

The fourteenth lunar day marks the birth of a person with a pronounced will. This is the talent born on this day. They are independent, self-sufficient, capable of bearing enormous responsibility and being responsible not only for themselves, but also for others. They have excellent leadership skills, the gift of leading and inspiring. Usually from an early age they know their calling and confidently follow their chosen path.

Advice - do not give in to the opinion of the crowd, learn to rely only on your own principles, make your own decisions, and do not look for support and tips from others. Then nothing will allow you to take a wrong turn.

15 - Lunar day. The symbol is a snake.

A feature of those born on the fifteenth lunar day is strong emotionality and a tendency to sensual experiences. With a developed natural intelligence and excellent creative abilities, they have difficulty in the area of ​​social contacts. All due to the inability to obey someone else's will. They need complete freedom and independence. This is the only way they can realize their talents. The best choice is creativity. They are very susceptible to temptations and vices, from which they can suffer greatly.

Basic advice— learn asceticism, develop spiritual resilience, calmness and independence. Independence and peace of mind are what will bring true happiness.

16 - Lunar birthday. The symbol is a butterfly.

The sixteenth lunar day gives the world people of the contemplative type. They are cheerful, calm, tolerant and kind, bringing peace to others. Their main calling is to be peacemakers. Concerned with self-improvement and spiritual search. With the purposeful development of this side of the individual, they easily achieve success and happiness, especially in creativity. It is very important for them to maintain contact with nature, it gives additional energy.

Advice- Do not be influenced by public opinion. Look for your own answers to all questions and make your own judgments, do not judge or blame.

17 - Lunar day. Bell symbol.

The energy of the seventeenth lunar day gives a person a special talent for emotional sensitivity. Those born at this time are capable of experiences that are not available to most other people. They are also very talented, and must definitely engage in creative work. They easily gather people around them, igniting and inspiring, sharing their bright feelings. For these people, the main task in life is to find loved one. Once they acquire one, they become stronger and wiser.

Advice- don’t give up, learn to realize your talents, don’t succumb to apathy - indifference is not your path. Be careful when choosing a partner, as it determines your life.

18 - Lunar birthday. Mirror symbol.

Those born on the eighteenth lunar day have psychological flexibility, easily tolerate changes and have a good sense of situations that require quick adaptation. They have a talent for acting and impersonation. But also a tendency towards vanity and arrogance. Often they need a person who will support them not only in achieving their goals, but also in spiritual development. Despite all their characteristics, they have a very difficult time enduring emotional shocks. Can feel negative emotions surrounding people as physical pain.

Advice- take care of yourself from evil, cruel people, even without harming you directly, they are capable of destroying you. Choose only bright, balanced and kind people.

19 - Lunar birthday. Spider symbol.

The talent of those born on the nineteenth lunar day is the ability for hidden control. They know how to organize and guide others without appearing from the shadows. Intellectually developed, can find the simplest and effective solutions due to his rationalism. They strive to keep everything under control and manage what is happening. But the dark energy of the nineteenth lunar day also intensifies the craving for lawsuit sheniyam, weakness in the face of vices. Such people are not afraid of loneliness, and this increases the likelihood of turning into a cruel manipulator.

Advice— learn to control your negative emotions and desires. Develop awareness and rationality - they are your salvation from oblivion and self-destruction.

20 - Lunar day. Eagle symbol.

Those born on the twentieth lunar day are characterized by a change in phases of ups and downs. They have a deep understanding of life, and with due effort they can realize its meaning. They are capable of transformation. Which is experienced less painfully than many others. That is why they are able to improve themselves and improve the world around them. They are noble and prone to self-sacrifice, which attracts people to them. Don't be afraid to show your individuality.

Advice- pay attention to all aspects of life, both good and bad. Do not ignore the negative manifestations of the world. Be truthful and seek truthfulness from others and from the world.

21 — Lunar day . The symbol is a horse.

Those born on the twenty-first lunar day are distinguished by a strong will and high intelligence. They learn quickly and are able to master any field. Initiative, assertive, sometimes stubborn. People of the twenty-first lunar day are capable of becoming leaders, defenders, fighters for justice and leaders, as they are distinguished by inner strength and know how to take on enormous responsibility.

Advice: develop the spiritual side of the personality, abandoning pride and vanity. Otherwise, there is no way to become a tyrant, destroying any disobedient person.

22 – Lunar birthday . The symbol is an elephant.

A feature of those born on the twenty-second lunar day is a special intellectual sensitivity. Their thinking is open to the facets of reality that are not always noticeable to others. This makes them comprehensively developed and easy to learn. They literally grab everything on the fly. Very insightful, they literally see through everything. In general, the sphere of reason and knowledge occupies a central place in their world system. Which is why they often show some cynicism.

Advice: develop patience and attentiveness to other people's opinions. Otherwise, self-confidence will close all the doors to something new, and you simply need it.

23-Lunar day. Symbol of turtle, crocodile.

The twenty-third lunar day gives a person the talent to bring everything to the end, to the highest point. They not only finish everything they take on, but also lead to better results. This also manifests itself in the ability to achieve your goal, complete the most difficult tasks, and achieve success where others cannot. They develop in their chosen activity to a perfect level, becoming recognized specialists. They do not retreat and do not give up positions. They have a “death grip”. They are naturally endowed with great energy, for which the main thing is to find the right application.

Advice: choose the bright path of creation and learn to direct your strength in this direction, otherwise there is a high probability of bringing a lot of evil.

24 - Lunar day . The symbol is a bear.

The twenty-fourth lunar day gives the world very confident people. This is their distinctive feature. No matter what they do, they always believe in themselves. This makes it easy to organize and gather other people around you. Those born on this day are also distinguished by physical strength, a restless, inquisitive character, high innate potential, and are often talented in different areas. They strive to approach everything creatively, they need the opportunity to express themselves, to contribute to everything they do.

Advice: pay close attention to the point of application of your strength and talent. You need to choose jobs where you will show your individuality, and then a successful and vibrant life awaits you.

25 - Lunar day.The symbol is a shell.

Those born on the twenty-fifth lunar day are thinkers. Their main activity is aimed at internal work, to analyze what is happening. They are distinguished by a very developed mind and are naturally endowed with wisdom. They do not show high activity outside, since they do not strive to influence the world. Although this personality trait may seem strange to some, it can be invaluable in research activities. These people are able to live through an infinite number of hypothetical situations due to their highly developed imagination. From birth they have a craving for searching for answers and spiritual development.

Advice: Don’t waste time on empty thoughts, find an area of ​​activity where your gift can bring real benefits, teaming up with people who have the ability to implement everything you tell them.

26 - Lunar day. Frog symbol.

Those born on this day are naturally gifted with many talents and abilities. Their distinguishing feature is duality. Outwardly, they are usually reserved, calm, but can be cold, indifferent and even arrogant. At the same time, their inner life is always in motion, at high speed, constantly seething and boiling. They make good analysts, are able to work with a large amount of information, and need activities in which they will not be pushed. They can remain idle for a long time, and in the end produce a completely finished result.

Advice: narcissism and pride, which are constantly with you, are contraindicated for you. Try to prevent these feelings from entering your life and success is guaranteed.

27 - Lunar day. The symbol is a trident.

Those born on the twenty-seventh lunar day have very developed intuition. They are able to take information as if from nowhere. Endowed with innate wisdom. Therefore, sometimes their actions are not always clear to others. Due to the ability to understand the world, they can reach new levels of development. They can learn to completely control their destiny, directing it in the right direction.

Advice: Developing awareness and responsibility for your life is the most direct way to learn how to manage it.

28 - Lunar birthday. Lotus symbol.

Advice: do not succumb to despondency and melancholy, fight your own isolation - loneliness and unsociability are not your way.

29 - Lunar day. The symbol is an octopus.

Those born on the twenty-ninth lunar day are given very great energy. But it's chaotic. This manifests itself in very strong passions and emotions, and a craving for the dark side of life. But with a conscious choice of the righteous path, kindness, honesty and decency, they are capable of a lot. Since this behavior allows you to adjust the energy balance and release positive energy at a higher level. This helps you live a happy and successful life.

Advice: choose to serve good and stick to this choice based solely on cold reason, not trusting emotions and instincts to decide.

30 - Lunar birthday. The symbol is a swan.

A special quality of those born on the thirtieth lunar day is internal and external harmony. These are people who understand themselves and the world with which they seem to sound in unison. This makes it easy to find happiness. When making choices, they follow the natural flows of energy. They quickly find their life’s work and love, they are faithful, honest and are able to preserve their feelings for life. They strive for knowledge and are contemplative by nature.

Advice: Don’t give in to fuss and outside pressure. Don't let someone disturb your harmony, otherwise you can deviate from the true path.

Features of the first lunar day:

  • activity and high energy charge of the day;
  • 1 is a lucky number;
  • in nature, the water element becomes the strongest;
  • various shades of red, as well as black, bring good luck on this day;
  • from precious stones It is better to give preference to diamonds and crystal;
  • brain cells, as well as all areas of the face, are involved in active work;
  • 1st lunar day is harmoniously combined with the beginning of the week;
  • the northern direction is activated;
  • Of all meditative practices, the method of visualization using a candle acquires special power;
  • the first lunar day is characterized by a lack of symmetry and clear boundaries;
  • symbols are a candle, a lamp and other sources of light, ajna, the altar of Hecate;
  • ideal time for planning, analysis and distribution of free time;
  • the first lunar day has a Guardian Angel, whose name is Wadal (this is Grand Duke Darkness, bringing good luck and victory, giving muscle strength and original thinking).

1st lunar day: main characteristics

The meaning that the first lunar day has can be defined as the beginning. The beginning of everything, as these are the first moments of a new month. The subsequent days of the month depend on how the 1st lunar day passes. This is the “foundation” that plays a major role in the planning and development of upcoming events.

You can compare this process with a chain reaction: how successful 1 lunar day is, the end of the month will be so successful. This includes fruitful mental work, physical labor, and building social relations. All areas of life are affected.

This is very good time for dreaming. There is no need to think about anything abstract and run away from details. More confidence and specifics will help you plan profitably for the next month. The image presented must be very reliable and detailed.

Although the first lunar day is favorable for planning and analysis, it is not advisable to start anything at this time. You should first think through all the details and forget about haste. Otherwise, failure is guaranteed.

Speaking figuratively, 1 lunar day is spring period when the fields are sown. The grain falls into the ground and begins to get used to it. Without rushing things, the seed of the coming lunar month will grow stronger and bear very large fruits.

An important point is the mood on this day. Any nervous experiences and disorders should be avoided. Calmness and prudence will lead to a favorable outcome of events. At the same time, being in bad mood, you can bring everything into complete disarray. Everything that has been started will stand still, without development, as if it is stuck in a swamp.

If the first lunar day began with a quarrel or conflict with a specific person, then unpleasant situations will arise throughout the month. Most likely, they will not be resolved until the end of the lunar period. New aspects of the controversial issue, new claims and discontent will arise. All attempts to correct the situation will be unsuccessful.

All thoughts, all actions on 1 lunar day are a life program for a month. It will be almost impossible to make any changes.

If you still overcome the desire to start a new business, then nothing worthwhile will come of it. On the way you will encounter a huge number of obstacles that will arise suddenly and unexpectedly. Ordinary things will become difficult to do. If you suddenly manage to move forward, then soon there will be a huge leap back.

So, if you have a choice, it is better not to risk it. A little patience, and natural forces will again become your best helpers in difficult life situations.

Advice for 1st lunar day: “Don’t rush to start anything new”

On the first lunar day, it is better to give preference to a cozy homely atmosphere. Surrounded by family and friends, the mood will be good, and thoughts will flow in a calm direction. It is the absence of any force majeure and strong emotions that will preserve tolerance and prudence. Any negative spark can ruin the entire upcoming period.

It is believed that on the 1st lunar day, those who ask are lucky. This includes all types of statements. On this day there is a maximum opportunity to receive a positive response.

A good exercise is to return to pleasant memories. These can be moments from childhood, youth, moments of student life, first love impressions. It’s easier to cope with the negativity inside when joyful moments come to mind.

With a slight smile on your face and freedom in your soul, start planning what you will do for the next month. Absolutely everything can be included in this list: business matters, meeting friends, going to the movies with family. You just have to completely forget about envy and revenge. Under no circumstances should you make plans about how you will “dig a hole” for others. Cultivate courage and develop the ability to forgive. This will primarily be beneficial for your spiritual health and emotional maturity.

On the first lunar day, it is not recommended to deal with social issues. You should not receive guests or visit friends. Such communication will require a lot of internal strength. And energy will be needed in the future to implement the plans.

Stop all unpleasant and annoying contacts once and for all. It will be easiest to do this on the 1st lunar day.

Silence and tranquility are the best atmosphere for this period. So that the city noise does not distract from a relaxing pastime, you can devote the day to working in the country or in the garden. Exchange of energy with the earth will be beneficial.

Aspects of the 1st lunar day

Household aspect

Mystical aspect

What is conceived on the first lunar day has incredible, mystical durability. All plans and creative ideas do not lose their effect.

Social aspect

You should not make new acquaintances or make appointments. This applies to both friendly contacts and business negotiations.

Medical aspect

You should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Eliminate all spicy foods from your diet. If a person is overtaken by illness on this day, it will bother him for a long time, but as a result the body will win. Those suffering from claustrophobia note the appearance of unreasonable anxiety on this day. Those who were born on the 1st lunar day have an inner sense of their own specialness and uniqueness. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to accomplish anything truly worthwhile.

Physiological aspect

Conception and birth on the 1st lunar day

If conception occurs on the first day of the Moon, then the person born will have strong willpower and perseverance. Life path such people are very bright. It is noted that among them there are many long-livers.

Business and work

To ensure that the next month brings good profits, devote the first lunar day to developing goals. Planning paper work is the most suitable activity. But it is better to postpone meetings, signing agreements and contracts to a more favorable date. Business can suffer significantly if this important detail is missed.

A strategy thought out in advance and further development steps will lead office work to a successful result. As you know, only those who know what action will be next achieve what they want.

Trading operations must also be cancelled. If you sign the deed of purchase and sale on this day, then you can forget about the stability and strength of the company. Everything will go downhill, and the actions of employees will not bring any progress.

To ensure that your business continues to bear fruit, prepare all the papers, analyze upcoming meetings, and outline plans for cooperation with partners. Details and specifics will be most helpful in this case. As a result, the company will become a leader in the market and will get rid of all competing organizations for a long time.

Marriage and Marriage

As already mentioned, the first lunar day is ideal for making plans. That is why you should not set a wedding date for this date. Lovers get another opportunity to think through all the details of their upcoming life together. After all, more than one family was destroyed due to the harshness of everyday life. Everyday life is often the cause of disagreements and quarrels. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to once again understand how suitable you are for each other.

Planning Details family life will strengthen relationships. Joint activities have a beneficial effect on the reliability and stability of marriage.

If you are already expecting a holiday, devote 1 lunar day to making important decisions that relate to the feast: place, time, number of guests, required amount of money.

Health and Wellness

On this day the body is very sensitive and open. Therefore, there is a high probability of getting sick or injured. Space offers no protection physical body and psyche. This is due to the fact that the first lunar day is intended for a relaxing pastime. Quiet and peaceful activities are suitable: a walk in the park, fishing, seaside recreation.

Nature is designed in such a way that on the first lunar day, human energy is spent on the full process of preparing for the new month. All life processes and internal rhythms are adjusted and connected with external energy. Therefore, all loads can lead to undesirable consequences.

There is a very high probability of exacerbation of chronic kidney diseases, as well as the genitourinary system.

Intimate relationships

Intimate relationships (sex) are always associated with interference with the human hormonal system. With every sexual encounter, everything changes hormonal levels due to the huge amount of endorphin and adrenaline produced. Consequently, the body does not have the ability to self-correct and a problem arises in this process.

In order for the whole month to bring joy in all areas of life, a person must enter it smoothly - without violent outbursts of emotions.

Due to the insecurity of the genital organs, diseases may appear that will bother you for a long period of time. Therefore, avoiding contacts of a sexual nature on the first lunar day will be the most the right decision which will improve the health of both partners.

It will be helpful to simply talk about intimate relationships with your loved one. There may be some issues that need to be discussed. This period is suitable for establishing trusting relationships. Don't be afraid to express your deepest fantasies and desires. Such a conversation will become a strengthening link between partners.

Sometimes married couples live their whole lives and never dare to have frank conversations. Meanwhile, all world psychologists strongly recommend not to conceal questions of a sexual nature. Dissatisfaction in bed and intimate problems can cause not only constant quarrels and scandals, but also have a detrimental effect on overall health.

If you don’t be shy and share your thoughts with your other half, you can forget about mental stress forever. It is relaxation and liberation that removes all energy blockages and allows the body to fully function. On the first lunar day, you should learn to love each other and talk about this wonderful feeling.

Dreams and dreams

The dreams that a person has during this period carry a certain meaning. After all, in every night image seen lies a sketch or sketch of future events that will certainly occur in the lunar month. You should not take every dream literally - the night world is full of mysteries and puzzles. The correct interpretation is complex issue. A number of future events will depend on the attitude towards the image seen.

On the first lunar day, a dream can be a parting word or a warning. Perhaps you will receive a hint or advice. The picture you see in a dream will help you make the right choice.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

The first lunar day is ideal for donations, for gratitude, for mercy, for charity.

This is a great time to start fasting. This is also the easiest time to make serious vows, such as abstinence from people or fasting.

If you engage in meditative practices, you can make a detailed plan for each day of the lunar month.

Magic rituals: 1 lunar day

Magical technique of the first lunar day

For a long time, great gurus have used this method with the sole purpose of creating a cell in which a certain event will develop. Its form and image may differ slightly from what is desired, but the inner essence will exactly coincide with what was intended. The magical technique uses mental visualization of the desired images.

By touching the astral component of the Universe, the human mind sends a signal for the correct interpretation of an upcoming event. Interesting fact– a similar method is found in the cultures of many peoples of the world. This indicates its success and efficiency.

The essence of the technique:

  • Closing your eyes, draw a picture associated with desires and dreams. Detailed images will bring the event closer to execution. For example, you dream of a new car. Mentally visualize yourself entering a car dealership. A sales consultant approaches you. His shirt is snow white. When you open the car, you smell the new leather interior, creaking pleasantly when you touch it. It is precisely such nuances that are very important.
  • The important point is to realize that the event has already happened. Don't think of it as an opportunity. This has already happened. This is your reality.

Thus, you create a kind of box with your desire. It can choose its own path, but it will not be able to leave the box. This is like a built frame for the upcoming lunar month. The universal matrix will circulate around the constructed image. It will not be possible to collapse or go beyond the boundaries of the created mental space. What you want will come into your life.

This magical practice shows and proves that a person has the right to independently manage his fateful paths. No one can stop him from building his life along the desired line.

Surrendering to random circumstances is a wrong decision. You need to pick up a hammer and nails and gradually - plank by plank - build the temple of your own destiny.

What is important is that the first lunar days are specially created for the establishment of astral plans. The planet's satellite will accompany and help you at every stage. And the dream will be closer and closer thanks to the powerful energy of the newborn Moon.

Meditation on a candle

  • The location of the lesson should be calm and almost silent.
  • Prepare a new candle in advance. Light its wick and place it directly next to you. You quietly relax and close your eyes. Thoughts flow only in a positive direction. No malicious intent is allowed.
  • Imagine in detail all the upcoming events of the next month.
  • Draw images as moments that have already come true and experienced. For example, you are about to take a diploma. Feel like the grade is already in your grade book. Or your dream is to get a new position. In nuances, feel how you sit on a new chair and unfold important papers in the drawers of the new desk.
  • When the visualization process is completed, release the picture into space. Do it easily and freely, without losing love in your heart.

1 lunar day (video)

In that short video(07:51 min) practical esotericist Olga Stepanova will tell you about the esoteric nuances of the first lunar day.

First lunar day: a brief overview

If you maintain a harmonious connection with external energy, with natural forces and the Universe, your inner strength will work only for your benefit. If events develop differently, you can forever forget about a quiet life, because every day will turn into struggle, resistance and disobedience.

It is important to feel balance within you. To do this, you need to devote a little time to analyzing your own feelings. Feel what emotions arise in you during certain periods of the lunar movement.

On the 1st lunar day, you should draw up a detailed plan for the desired development of events for the next month. This is the period when all creative resources are included in the work.

Do not allow bad thoughts towards yourself or towards other people. The grain of negativity will grow stronger. And within a month you will be filled only with bad energy, which will turn against you.

It is very helpful to have a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve this month. The first lunar day is ideal for such an activity.

Alena Golovina

The remaining days of the lunar cycle:

1-7 lunar days birth

1st lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day, as a rule, live to a ripe old age. They are always waiting for something great, but they can live their whole lives without getting it. finest hour. Sometimes inspiration dawns on them, and they accomplish a feat: they must join in the activity unexpectedly and brightly.

2nd lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will grow up prosperously. Undeveloped people of this day may exhibit aggressiveness and greed; never gaining weight, they eat everything indiscriminately, and a greed for things develops.

3rd lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day, in the absence of help from strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, do not live long.

4th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will grow up to be a big egoist or even a criminal. Parents will have to use all their strength and skill to guide him on the right path. People born on this day are the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret: it is desirable that everyone unravel this secret within themselves on an intuitive level.

5th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day, without outside help, is short-lived. Distinctive feature people of this day are fussy, they do not get fat. They should not eat sauerkraut, pickles, or meat; they should avoid foods that contain germs of putrefaction.

6th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will live to old age. People of the sixth lunar day are transformers, conductors of cosmic energy, many of them become psychics.

7th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will have good health. People of this day are “weathervanes”, superficial and irrepressible collectors of gossip.

8th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day is most often deprived of external beauty, but the Moon rewarded him with spiritual beauty in abundance. Intelligence, knowledge, hard work, decency and goodwill - these are the main traits of people born on this day.

9th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day live long and fruitful lives. They are often unhappy and suffer from others’ misunderstanding of them. They need to constantly cleanse themselves - get rid of toxins, both physical and astral.

10th lunar birthday: characteristics

Those born on this day will grow up to be avid travelers; even if they cannot fulfill their blue dreams of distant lands, they will dream about them all their lives. They are romantics and adventurers at heart. They have established good contact with the Cosmos, and they draw their energy from there, and people use them as a source of energy. But among them there are also self-interested people, and then obstacles arise in their path in the form of serious illnesses.

11th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day have good mental abilities and live to a ripe old age, surrounded by their many admirers. They are very strong, almost unpredictable.

12 lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day have a soul aimed at helping others. They are merciful, peaceful, shy, charming.

13th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are noisy and fussy. They usually live to a ripe old age.

14th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are favored by fate. These are the leaders. They have a calling and go to it through all obstacles. They are characterized by a longing for authority, the ability to disguise themselves, intelligence, the ability to captivate others, and the ease of adaptation to any situation. There is a place for heroic deeds in their lives. Internally they are pure, they are disgusted with deception, even the slightest falsehood.

15th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day are very amorous, which can cause them to suffer greatly. They easily succumb to all carnal and astral temptations. They often have a weakened pancreas.

16th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day have good health, live long and fruitful lives. They love white and purity, with a penchant for blues and silvers. They don't judge others. Their symbol is the “stairway to heaven,” meaning hard way climbing.

At the first stage of their spiritual advancement they hear nothing; at the second and third stages they come to understand the language of plants and animals. They have a strong imagination. They are gentle dreamers.

17th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are very happy in their families. Girls grow up to be faithful spouses and good mothers. They need their "other half". They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of pair polarity, otherwise they will be pathetic and weak in life.

18th lunar birthday: characteristics

If your child was born on this lunar day, then most likely he will be hardworking and efficient. Perhaps wealth awaits him in the future. People of this day, following a high path of development, are capable of self-sacrifice and feat, while they never shout about their merits.

Sometimes they turn out to be healers. If a person follows the lower path of development, then he can become an actor, circus performer, or clown.

These people see the world upside down. Life amuses them. If they are not stopped in time, then they can reach cynicism in their denial of existence, and then their path is pitiful. Confused in their illusions, such people tend to blame the whole world for their failures.

19th lunar birthday: characteristics

On this lunar day, people are born with high moral qualities, selfless, kind, modest, bringing light to the world. But if a child follows the lower path of development, then he may turn out to be an intriguer, a flatterer, an insidious seducer, a loser, or an unrecognized single creator; Such people often become drunkards.

20 lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day live with a constant feeling of flight in their souls. They easily master the science of astral travel and often become psychics.

The best people of this day - ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the cause. At a low level, fate rewards those born on this day with an evil and unyielding character, which parents have to fight from the cradle. Such people become false teachers and dictators.

21st lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day can be, in their lowest version, indomitable proud people, in a blind rush towards the goal, not noticing anything, “tramping” others.

IN highest version- these are pure and honest knights, strong in spirit, defenders of justice. Both in the first and second versions they are distinguished by hard work, efficiency and patience. They show restraint in relationships with parents, loved ones, friends and colleagues.

22nd lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are active and live to a ripe old age. In their highest manifestation, they are the keepers of wisdom and traditions, capable of penetrating the meaning of all things and comprehending any science. In the lowest manifestation, these are conservatives, marked by a lack of dynamics in their worldview, convinced of their monopoly on truth.

23rd lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day is not distinguished by beauty, so much in his life depends on his upbringing, acquired knowledge and human kindness. People of this day are characterized by tenacity and a death grip; they take any task to the absolute. Maturity and completeness are evident in everything.

24 lunar birthday: characteristics

The best people born on this day are creative individuals with enormous energy, although at times they want to withdraw into themselves, close themselves off from people (go into hibernation). As a rule, people of this day are gourmets.

25th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day are the favorites of Fortune, happiness accompanies them until their death. Even in their youth they reason maturely. These are wise, unhurried, even sleepy people, but capable of transformation; often seen prophetic dreams.

26th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will experience prosperity, even wealth, but it is also possible that he will often be robbed.

27th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will be too soft-bodied and weak-willed; parents should be involved in raising him and strengthening his will from an early age. People of this day live in a state of constant change and fluctuation.

These can be travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, tramps, mystics, dreamers, healers.

At the highest level of development, these are people capable of ideal love; at the lowest level, they are drunkards and drug addicts. The task of these people is to show willpower in order to “weed out” the lower world and master cosmic consciousness.

28th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day are very different. At a low level, they are not able to separate good and bad. They are characterized by cynicism, lack of emotions, and attachments. At the highest level - people “with the sun in their blood”, altruists to whom others are drawn. They bring goodness and light to the world. These are people of high moral character.

29th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this lunar day spend their entire lives fighting with someone. As a rule, they are long-lived, but they cannot be called darlings of fate. Going through all earthly temptations, they get into a lot of trouble.

30th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are beautiful, kind, and wise. Some of them live their whole lives without attachments, and some of them grow up to be altruists, to whom others are drawn. These are people of high moral character.

1ST PHASE (1st-7th lunar birthdays)

1st phase is associated with the element of Earth

Those born under the Moon in the first quarter are people of a virgin soul that has not yet acquired much experience. It is very difficult for such people to awaken from mental slumber, and they are in a kind of mental homeostasis.

A person is often unable to understand external impressions; his soul is truly virgin, having not received the impulse (influence) of the astral world in past life.

Therefore, everything is new to him, he takes everything at face value, as if rediscovering everything emotionally. In the first phase, the human soul collects only the first external impressions, willingly accepting everything. Some 1st Moon phase people may come across as uncouth; at worst, they are characterized by infantilism.

1st - 7th lunar birthdays

There are very few suicides among Phase 1 people. Slowness of perception is accompanied by deep internal resistance in such people. If they allow someone to penetrate their soul, it is only to a certain limit, and then they are able to reject everything that they feel is foreign.

This is, as it were, their internal filter. Since the 1st quarter - 1st - 7th lunar birthdays - is associated with the element of Earth, this leaves a lasting and profound imprint on the psyche of those born during this period. In the first phase of the Moon, feminine properties are better expressed.

Such a person takes emotional balance from the Earth: it is easier for him when he is in nature or simply in contact with the Earth. The 1st phase of the Moon gives a person very great potential opportunities that he needs to awaken in order to realize his goal.

In the 1st phase, a person is allowed a lot, because he has not yet reached that degree of knowledge (although he strives for this), which imposes great responsibility.

At the moment of the phase change, the Moon receives the first stressful blow from the Sun - the time of quadrature - the amount of accumulated information transforms into a new quality, which is always painful.

That is why people born at the junction of two lunar phases - 1st - 7th lunar birthdays - are painfully susceptible: they have a lot of stress factors in their lives, i.e. Life provides them with as much material as they need to create stress, because this stage for these people is a stage of transition, choice, change in the form of emotional perception.

PHASE 2 (8-15 lunar birthdays)

2nd phase is associated with the element of Water

People born under the Moon in the second quarter have very strong emotional sensitivity - they are subtle conductors and, as a result, they experience a lot of internal changes.

Their inherent insight is a sign of an emotionally sophisticated person who has already experienced in a past life the first stress caused by a square, and this stress awakens a world of emotions, which, however, do not outstrip consciousness, do not break out, do not boil, because the Moon has not yet moved away from Sun to become independent.

Therefore, people of the 2nd phase - 8 - 15 lunar birthdays - are more receptive, subtle, diverse, capable of different manifestations. At the same time, they still do not give themselves complete freedom, they are not yet so seduced, not so tempted as to show everything hidden, to expose the secret (secrets of the psyche).

You won’t always understand them, you won’t always notice them, you won’t always solve them. People whose Moon is in the second phase wash themselves, shake off any dirt (they are like water off a duck's back), but they first accumulate it, they are not yet free in their receptivity.

If people of the 1st phase require, first of all, comfort, as a guarantee of the stability of existence, then for people of the 2nd phase - 8 - 15 lunar birthdays - the need for emotional contact comes first, on which they are very dependent due to their sensitivity.

They perceive a lot intuitively, through suggestion, intercept the emotional impulse and can develop it. Coldness of soul is perceived very painfully. All these are the properties of the awakened soul.

8 - 15 lunar birthdays

People in the middle of the second quarter are especially indicative. Born during the period when the Moon is in eastern trine aspect to the Sun (the most stable and stable), they have the masculine and feminine principles in balance, they are difficult to shake, their emotions are in their place, and their spirit is in its own.

These people receive a lot of new impressions, are able to understand them and at the same time not give themselves away. Among those born closer to the full moon there are many mediums.

In general, the zone within 30 degrees of the full moon is very interesting - it is a zone of rotation, or balance, which is disrupted only by the opposition itself.

A person born on these days constantly experiences emotional turns, constantly experiences the same emotional sensations as in childhood, returns to the original emotional states, to what I already felt once.

People of the 2nd quarter - 8th - 15th lunar birthdays - lack deep reflection and relaxation - qualities that they could find in partners born in the 4th phase.

PHASE 3 (15 - 22 lunar birthdays)

The third phase of the Moon is associated with Air

At the junction of the 2nd and 3rd phases there is a full moon, during which the Moon is maximally freed from the influence of the Sun and becomes most independent.

Independence of the inner world, complete freedom and uninhibited control of his subconscious is acquired by the person whose Moon at the moment of birth is on the so-called Lunar Road (from the first to the last quincunx of the Moon to the Sun, i.e. 30 degrees “before” and 30 degrees "after" the full moon). These people are emotionally free, but also the most sophisticated.

15 - 22 lunar birthdays

They see prophetic dreams, perceive information of a different order, their state changes from phase to phase of the Moon, i.e. they are connected with the Moon directly. They received freedom from the Sun, and the Moon acquired more for them important, eclipsed the spirit, eclipsed their self-awareness.

They identified themselves already in a past life with astral world, that’s why they are born in this life on the full moon. These people are mystical, superstitious, and often give in to mood.

Their psyche is subtle, plastic, they carry through themselves different influences- both the worst and the best. At the same time, they can wash away all bad influences with the stronger influence of some bright spirit or bright person.

This freedom will be freedom from dependence: while they perceive the influence, they are connected with it, and as soon as the influence ends, they are freed, separated from any influence.

Therefore, such people - 15 - 22 lunar birthdays - are special, people of the Moon Road, Moon Light. They are just guides and nothing more. In order to make the most of their capabilities, to isolate all evil spirits, to perceive only light influences, they need to raise their spirituality.

Otherwise, such a person will be like a blank slate on which any spirits will write whatever they want. There was already preparation for this in the Water phase. The people of the Moon Road are free. Their moon is at its brightest.

That is why they need to work on the Sun, on self-awareness, to develop a spiritual core in themselves, otherwise they can be completely unreliable people and it is better (if you cannot convince them) to stay away from them. But even if you can convince them, they will listen to you only while you influence them. They need to come to a decision on their own.

After the full moon, the Moon begins to suffer - its energy and its impact suddenly and completely change. Not only the phase changes, but also the hemisphere of the Moon: it becomes defective and loses light. The most deluded person, who has achieved complete emotional freedom, must lose longer and consistently give away what he has accumulated.

The first overexpenditure of emotions begins in the third phase. Such people lose more than they gain emotionally. Therefore, people of the third phase - 15 - 22 lunar birthdays - are people with primary emotional waste.

Their emotions are often superficial, they are already seduced, they already have understanding, sophistication, and the ability to maneuver; in the worst case - cunning, deceit; at best - a very strong need for emotional return, a craving for interaction.

During the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are in the phase of greatest confrontation - a rupture of soul and spirit. Hence duality, maximum imbalance and unpredictability of behavior.

People of the third phase, in the worst case, react painfully to every word and cannot calmly perceive anything; verbal abuse, bickering, emotional fussiness, restlessness, talkativeness, instability, sanguine temperament, superficiality begin; a person needs social contacts to compensate for his emotional imbalance.

4TH PHASE (23 - 30 lunar birthdays)

The fourth phase of the Moon is the element of Fire

There is no that maximum emotional stress, which appears in people after the last quadrature.

The fourth phase begins with the last, western square of the Moon and the Sun - converging, when the Moon is attracted to the Sun and it uncontrollably loses light. A person has gone through a lot in his receptivity earlier, therefore his emotions are mature, sharply manifested, flashes and bursts of subconscious activity appear, stormy, like the flame that was seen on the Moon - this is the human soul drenched in blood.

Such people are capable of emotional overstrain, breakdowns, and unbridled impulses. At times they are unable to control their inner nature; they themselves do not know what they are capable of.

23 - 30 lunar birthdays

The Gorgon goddess is extremely beautiful, with a cold and cruel face. This is the expression of a person who was born in the 4th phase - 23 - 30 lunar birthdays - in whom emotional boiling and emotional depression, inferiority are simultaneously triggered (the Moon is forced to obey the Sun).

That is why he can perceive any little thing as stress and, when he is unable to restrain himself, reacts violently to any irritating factor. Moreover, the explosive reaction of such people often precedes the emotional contact itself.

This bias towards everything is a consequence of enormous emotional experience: if a Phase 4 person receives at least a few stressful impulses in childhood, he becomes emotionally mature extremely quickly.

Therefore, there are examples of how, after a violent outburst of passions, such people become emotionally ossified and descend. They lack emotional disinhibition and exaltation.

People of the 4th phase - 23 - 30 lunar birthdays - can turn to stone when they succumb to temptation. They are hindered by temptation; they are constantly drawn to “look” into the face of the Gorgon. They need to learn to build a defense that, firstly, will help them correctly assess their nature, and secondly, learn to control it: not lose their minds, self-control, and avoid uncontrollable emotional outbursts.

It is not enough to cut off the head of the tempting snake; it must serve you faithfully. The task of people of the 4th phase - 23 - 30 lunar birthdays - is to master their powers, and turn dragons into stone so that they do not harm. Such people have the opportunity to be magicians, i.e. pass through oneself magical powers and work with the force that leads a person.