Alphabetical index of plants from “A” to “Z.” Derain red - Svidina blood-red Derain blood-red description

When designing garden plots, it is important to create a space that is interesting and not boring in terms of color content. The decorative properties of some plants make it possible to create bright spots on a monotonous green or other background. To accentuate attention, surprise the eye and capture the imagination, many gardeners place red turf next to their homes. This shrubby plant can add brightness and uniqueness to any environment.

Red dogwood: general characteristics

Red dogwood, like white and variegated dogwood, belongs to the dogwood family and has many of the characteristics of this species. Unlike its cousins, the blood-red svidina, another name for the plant, is of European origin. It can be found along the banks of lakes and rivers in northwestern Russia, in the Baltic states and Scandinavia, in the lower reaches of the Don and on the Balkan Peninsula. This determines the nature of the plant itself and the conditions under which it grows.

1. Deciduous shrub. The leaves are bright green in spring and summer and blood red in autumn. The ovoid-shaped foliage has delicate pubescence. Above it is light green in color, in the lower part it has a white tint. Leaf size is from 5 to 10 cm. The bush falls off as frost sets in. The branches left without foliage retain their decorative properties in winter. They look especially impressive against the background of white snow.

2. Long shoots create a branched, spreading, dense crown. Just like the white dogwood, when young they are greenish in color with pinkish veins. As they grow, they change color to purple-red. By autumn, the entire bush becomes a rich burgundy color, which explains its name.

3. The height of the bush is up to 4 meters. The shoots grow very actively, reaching a growth length of more than half a meter in one season. A healthy plant can grow up to 4 meters wide from spring to autumn.

Flowering shrub. Fluffy corymbose inflorescences consist of numerous (50-70 pieces) pale, inconspicuous flowers. They bloom in May and June. At good care and favorable external factors re-blooming is possible in September. The flowers last for 15-20 days and fall off, forming seed pods - black and blue balls, the size of a pea.

This species is not so demanding of moisture, survives well in hot climates, but is much less resistant to severe frosts. He doesn’t care about urban gas pollution and harmful impurities in environment. Due to its ability to absorb harmful components, red turf can serve as a natural filter for purifying the air and producing useful oxygen. Despite its impressive size. The bush is able to withstand winds of any strength and not break under the weight of snow or ice in winter. The shoots are particularly flexible, which allows them to survive in any weather.

Red dogwood: decorative properties and application

In terms of decorativeness, the blood-red pig has no equal. She looks equally attractive in any season. In spring and summer it pleases with delicate greenery, in autumn with orange and then wine-red color. In winter, elastic burgundy branches can be seen from any distance due to the fact that other plants and trees lose their attractiveness and become less noticeable.

High bright plant can become the basis for a hedge planted along a fence made of a picket fence or chain-link mesh. In summer it will completely hide the area from prying eyes, and in winter it will create an additional shield from uninvited guests. At the same time, it is not necessary to plant the bushes densely, since the crown has a large width. By connecting with each other, the branches of different seedlings form a reliable fortification. A tall shrub planted near the wall will help hide defects in the building or play the role of sun protection in the summer heat.

This shrub looks picturesque alone and in a group. It can be placed in the middle of the lawn. In summer it will decorate the green grass, and in the cold season it will become especially expressive against the backdrop of snow-white cover. If you hang lanterns along the spreading branches in winter, the bush can be used as a source of lighting in the evening or during festive events.

Like other species from the dogwood family, red turf can serve as a good support when creating slopes and fortifications in complex landscapes in areas of different levels. By interlocking with each other, the roots of the shrub prevent the soil from crumbling. Planting bushes in rows located at different elevations creates a special character for the entire landscape.

Blood red pigtail can be combined with white and variegated ones. From this, the landscape acquires a unique attractiveness due to interesting game paints To do this, it is important to monitor the growth of plants and carry out regular pruning (haircut) and formation of bushes so that the bright wine leaves are more large sizes and the long shoots did not cover their bright brothers.

Derain is able to grow in one place for a quarter of a century without transplanting. In this case, the bush can gradually turn into a tree with hard wood covered with thick bark. At the same time, it does not lose its decorative effect, it only takes on slightly different shapes.

Red dogwood has not only aesthetic appeal, but also practical, applied applications:

  1. due to their flexibility and pliability, the long, rich burgundy shoots of the bush are used in weaving various products: baskets, rugs, household utensils and home decorations;
  2. old, thick, woody and especially strong branches are suitable for use in carpentry. The unusual color of the wood gives the products a special warmth and decorativeness;
  3. An oil is extracted from the blue-black seeds of the bush, which is not capable of drying out and is used as a lubricant for technical purposes.

IN landscape design Red derain is used everywhere. Uncapricious and unpretentious plant pleases the eye and attracts attention with its unsurpassed beauty.

In winter in Tomsk, when all the colors have faded, you can walk along the embankment and see small bright pieces of summer - red thin branches that resist winter, do not fade under the snow and remind us that frosts do not last forever, that soon all nature will again be dappled with its summer splendor . It was precisely for this reminder of summer that I fell in love with turf, or, as it is sometimes called, svidina.

Doren: general description of the genus

Doren is a genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs northern hemisphere, belongs to the Dogwood family ( Cornaceae). Some classifiers combine the dogwood with the genus Dogwood, so dogwood and dogwood share a common Latin name - Cornus.

Representatives of the genus Deren are distinguished by their year-round decorative effect. In summer they stand out with white or golden inflorescences, and some varieties have unusual foliage. In autumn we can admire their snow-white, blue or black berries against the background of crimson or scarlet foliage, while winter allows us to see the exotic branches of the bush - red, orange, yellow, bright green...

I remember how, as a child, I brought from the forest a purple branch of wildflower with deathly blue berries. The parents immediately threw it out - in their opinion, the berries of the bush looked suspicious and dangerous. However, they were afraid in vain. Derain berries are not poisonous, despite their strange appearance.

In the forests of Russia, deren can often be found. It is characterized by its absolute undemandingness to soil, climatic and environmental conditions. Some species are frost-resistant enough to grow well even in Siberia in the north of the Tomsk region and other cold regions. On the Tom embankment, it perfectly withstands icy winds, light snow on the slopes and quickly recovers from damage by spring ice drift.

The use of loggerheads in landscape design

Svidina has become a universal shrub in landscape design these days and is used in different ways.

If your garden is visible and ventilated from all sides, a thick, high hedge made of turf will help protect more demanding plants from the wind and you from unwanted eyes. Doren is very pleased with its growth rate (about half a meter per year) and excellent branching, so a hedge from this shrub is formed quickly through frequent haircuts.

If you want to protect the slope from erosion and landslides, plant turf. Its roots and dense growth will do an excellent job of strengthening the soil.

Need to decorate your garden with decorative plantings? Don’t forget to choose some interesting variety of wood for decorative groups: it will hardly require any care, but will certainly please the eye. Doren tolerates moisture well in the soil and looks great in plantings near water bodies.

Of course, it would be a good idea to use svetina in the garden of cereals and dried flowers, designed to be perceived not only during the growing season, but also in winter time of the year. In winter, among the dead wood, bright branches will become a good accent in the garden, and berries on the branches will complement this accent.

Tree planting, care and disease control

Planting of the tree is carried out immediately after the retreat of spring frosts according to the standard method. Do not bury the root collar, do not fertilize with fresh manure and do not forget to water well after planting - these are the basic rules that I can remind you for planting turf.

Doren is shade-tolerant, tolerates both poor and waterlogged soils, but remember that it will not refuse a sunny place, fertile garden soil and drainage.

Caring for dogwood is simple and is needed mainly to improve the decorative qualities of the plant. Watering during dry periods, mulching with peat chips, weeding, shallow loosening of the soil, fertilizing and pruning will help your shrub to be beautiful.

It is better to feed the pig in two stages: in the spring - complex mineral fertilizers, and in mid-summer - organic. But without timely feeding The dogwood will live peacefully and will not notice anything, but without pruning it will live like a ram without a haircut.

Sanitary pruning of the tree is carried out in the spring after the leaves bloom, when it becomes clear which branches are alive and which have died. If you want to enjoy abundant flowering and dense foliage of the shrub, prune in the fall to the desired length (but no more than two-thirds of the shoots). If you want to admire the scarlet branches above the snowy canopy, postpone pruning until early spring. Since turf grows very quickly, many gardeners prune by a third or a quarter of the shoots 2-3 times per season to maintain the neat shape of the bush.

When the bush on your site begins to age, you can safely cut it off. in early spring all shoots so that they do not rise more than 15 cm above the ground. With the beginning of the growing season, young bright shoots will take the place of decrepit branches.

Most types and varieties of dogwood do not require shelter for the winter. Sometimes they are simply covered with snow just in case. But it doesn’t hurt to cover heat-loving varieties, like Japanese dogwood, so always check with the sellers planting material whether the variety you choose requires shelter in your climate zone.

Now about pork diseases. The “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” when growing turf is gray mold, powdery mildew, aphids and scale insects. The first two riders are fungal diseases, so when the first symptoms appear, you should reduce watering (fungi actively multiply and spread in an environment with high humidity) and treat the bush with Bordeaux mixture or Hom, Vectra preparations. Aphids and scale insects are malicious pests; the fight against them can be carried out using either treatment chemicals like “Karbofos”, and by treating potato tops, yarrow, and tobacco with decoctions.

Top 5 most popular types of dogwood

White dogwood ( Cornus alba). The most common type and the undoubted leader in popularity of use in landscape design. IN good conditions the bush can reach up to 3 meters in height and width. White dogwood has erect shoots of dark red or scarlet color depending on their age. Along with the color of the shoots, the color of the foliage is noteworthy - large green leaves will turn purple-burgundy in the fall. And the beautiful white caps of inflorescences, pleasing to the eye from May to June, will turn into clusters of blue and white berries by autumn.

For more than a hundred years, breeders have been working on developing variegated varieties of pigweed based on this very tenacious and winter-hardy species. The most famous fruits of their labors were ‘Elegantissima’, ‘Sibirica’, ‘Sibirica Variegata’ and ‘Aurea’ - these varieties of variegated dogwood are used everywhere in landscape design.

It is worth noting that any variegated turf will reveal its qualities much better only in a well-lit place. When shaded, the plant's leaves will produce more chlorophyll than other pigments and turn green.

Red doren ( ), or blood-red dogwood, is common throughout Europe and resembles white dogwood. But this species is much taller (up to 4 m, according to some sources - up to 7 m), has larger leaves, drooping shoots of various colors depending on the variety. It got its name from its autumn attire - huge blood-red leaves decorated with small blue-black berries.

It is a pity that such a beauty will not grow in our harsh Siberia; it is best grown within its natural range.

Cornus canadensis) is widespread in North America and Far East, it can be found even in Greenland and the Japanese Islands. Canadian turf in landscape design is used as a ground cover plant in compositions, rockeries and to create a shrubby lawn. And we understand why, because its life form is a dwarf subshrub only 20 cm high with herbaceous stems and large elongated leaves. Unlike other dogwoods, it grows slowly. The flowers of the Canada hogweed are inconspicuous, but the bracts, large and white, give the appearance of large single flowers on the plant from June to July. Scarlet berries ripen in August. They enliven the green carpet with bright splashes.

It would be ideal for this shrub semi-shaded place with moist, acidic soils. Well, there is no need to worry about winter hardiness - heat-loving species do not survive in Greenland. The main thing is to cover it with better snow. In their natural environment, these plants live in snowy areas.

Cornus kousa) is sometimes also called Benthamia Coase ( Benthamidia kousa) and Zinoxylon Cuza ( Cynoxylon kousa). The homeland of bentramia is China and Japan. In nature, it grows in the form of a small deciduous tree or tall shrub 5-7 meters high. Like the Canadian dogwood, in this species the bracts play the role of petals.

The peculiarity of the Japanese dogwood is that its dark pink fruits are visually similar to raspberries, but are valued only for their decorative value. “Raspberries” look very pompous on a tree in the fall against the backdrop of bright red foliage and can become an excellent solitaire or accent of a decorative group.

Japanese dogwood will feel good only in the south of Russia; in the middle zone the shrub will require shelter for the winter.

Enterprising Japanese have learned to grow turf as home plant in bonsai style. Therefore, if you really like this particular type of wood, and you don’t live in Sochi, look for good master art of bonsai.

Doren runaway ( Cornus stolonifera) according to their own external signs similar to white dogwood. The shoot-bearing turf is distinguished by its great looseness of the bush and continuous vegetative propagation offspring. The lower branches, getting closer to the ground, quickly take root and the bush grows greatly in breadth.

A couple of varieties of this restless species deserve special attention: ‘Koralle’ and ‘Cardinal’. They are both curious about the yellow color of the bark. ‘Koralle’ is much taller than ‘Cardinal’ (up to 2.5 meters), bears black berries, so beloved by birds, and boasts bright yellow shoots all year round.

But the shoots of the ‘Cardinal’ variety are yellow-green in summer, but by winter they will acquire red hues. The berries of this shrub are white and inedible even for birds; the shoots rise only a meter from the ground. Therefore, it is often used specifically for low, up to a meter, hedges - free or molded.


I have described only some species and not at all a large number of varieties of pork. Breeders have bred so many of them that you can’t throw them out the window in a day, as they say. Therefore, you can find many bold, elegant and reliable design solutions using the much-loved wood.

The genus includes approximately 50 species of derena, distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and only one species each - in Africa and South America. As a rule, these are decorative deciduous, sometimes evergreen shrubs, sometimes trees, bright in the summer with their foliage and white flowers. In autumn, derens attract attention with white and blue fruits - drupes, burgundy or pink leaves.

They are no less spectacular in winter, with colored shoots (burgundy, bright red, yellow and green). The turf is frost-resistant, undemanding to the soil, and tolerates city conditions well. The turf is propagated by seeds, cuttings, and root suckers. Most of types of derain are widely used in landscaping.

Derain white

It is one of the most common species in gardening. IN natural conditions found in floodplains, among bushes throughout Russia, Korea, China, and Japan. Grows in the undergrowth of dark coniferous, sometimes swampy forests.

Derain white- a shrub 3 meters high, with flexible, thin, coral-red branches, sometimes black-red or red-brown. Young shoots with a bluish bloom. The leaves of the white tree are dark green, bluish-white below, somewhat wrinkled, broadly ovate, about 12 cm long, turning purple-red in autumn. The flowers are white, small, collected in corymbose inflorescences 5 cm in diameter. Flowering is lush in the first half of summer, and then again in the fall, when spherical, ripe, berry-like fruits of a snow-white color with a bluish tint can be seen immediately with the flowers. White derain begins to bloom and begin to bear fruit at the age of 2.

Heat-resistant, very winter-hardy, grows on different soils, shade-tolerant, tolerates urban conditions. Propagated by layering, seeds and cuttings. White turf is used to create edges, undergrowth, hedges and large groups. It can also be grown in standard form. If you do not trim the bush form, the bush begins to become bare at the bottom and does not look neat. Therefore, low pruning of old specimens in early spring makes the bush much more luxuriant. Young shoots appear very quickly.

White dogwood deserves the widest distribution in landscaping in the central and northern zones of Russia, not only for its frost resistance and its unpretentiousness, but also due to its high decorativeness. In summer, the beautiful foliage has a whitish-gray color, in autumn it is dark and red-violet; in summer, the foliage goes well with red shoots. White turf is especially decorative in winter against a background of snow and conifers. Looks great in single or group plantings. Very effective in the undergrowth of birch groups.

Decorative forms of white wood:

White Derain Elegantissima ("Elegantissima"). The height of the bush is about 3 m. This variety is very winter-hardy. Red shoots are very impressive, they are especially bright in winter. The leaves of the white Elegantissima tree have a creamy-white wide border of uneven width, as well as stripes and spots. It grows very quickly.

White dogwood Sibirika ("Sibirica"). A shrub whose height is 3 m, crown diameter is about 440 cm. It grows from April to October. White Siberian derain blooms and bears fruit every year. Flowering occurs at the end of May. The fruits ripen at the end of July before frost. Full winter hardiness.

White dogwood Sibirika Variegata ("Sibirica Variegata"). Shrub 2 meters tall, leaves with a creamy white wide border, stripes and spots. In autumn it also becomes very beautiful shades. During this period, a white border surrounds not the green, but the purple center of the leaf. In winter, the shoots of the white Sibirika Variegata tree have a bright, rich red bark color. Fruiting is weak.

Deren Kousa

China and Japan are considered the homeland. Derain Kouza is a tall deciduous shrub or tree about 9 meters in height. Its bracts look more elegant and graceful. In autumn the foliage color is bright red. Derain Kousa prefers light shade and acidic soil. Winter-hardy.

Derain red

It grows in the undergrowth of light mixed and deciduous forests, along the banks of lakes and rivers in the European zone of Russia, and in Western Europe.

Derain red is a deciduous shrub 4 meters tall, with a branched crown and drooping shoots of various colors. The leaves are bright green, rounded ovate, with small hairs, green or whitish below, blood red in autumn. Corymbose inflorescences are about 7 cm in diameter, fluffy, of 50 small, dull white flowers. Flowering duration is about 15-20 days. It looks very elegant in the fall with black, pea-sized fruits.

Derain red undemanding to soil, tolerates city conditions and drought well. He speaks well about the haircut. It is characterized by high winter hardiness and shade tolerance. In culture for a very long time.

Has decorative forms:

At the red tree Compress (Compressa) unusual small glossy leaves look beautiful on vertical shoots. The shrub is about 1.8 m tall, the crown width is about 2 m. Vertical, compact crown. The shoots are green-brown, slow-growing. Small leaves, glossy, wrinkled, dark green, the upper end of which is gracefully tucked towards the stem, with a reddish hue when falling off. Red dogwood Compress does not bloom. Shade-tolerant. Prefers well-drained, moderately moist soils. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Frost-resistant. Does not require fertilizing. Red dogwood Compress is used for planting in rockeries, as well as alpine roller coaster. Looks great in the foreground for low groups of shrubs and flower beds.

Derain sucker

Homeland is North America. It grows together with other deciduous trees in humid forests, as well as in thickets of bushes along river banks.

This type of derain is close to white derain. It differs only in that it is capable of producing a large number of root shoots around the bush, and the shoots of “spreading” bushes are capable of coming into contact with the ground. Shrub 2.5 meters high, with red shiny shoots and green leaves.

Hanging long shoots take root very easily when they touch the ground. Blooms from 4 years of age. Inflorescences bloom in May with a diameter of about 5 cm with milky flowers. The fruits are bluish-white.

The sucker tree also has variegated forms and varieties:

Derain offspring Flaviramea (“Flaviramea”) is a wide, rounded shrub, 5 m high and 3 m wide, fast-growing. In winter and spring the bark is yellow, in summer it is yellow-green; Every few years you need to cut it back to the ground to restore color. The offspring tree Flaviramea has white umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Leaves: oval, pointed, green. The root system is stable, superficial, and produces suckers. Frost-resistant. The Flaviramea sprouting turf grows on moist soil and tolerates excess moisture.

The favorites in our climate have become white derain (C. alba), blood red derain (C. sanguinea) And sucker turf (C. stolonifera). The variety of their varieties and forms in size, color of bark and foliage is surprisingly great.

The bark is bright only on young branches; with age it fades greatly. To admire the “rainbow” every year, you need to stimulate the growth of new shoots. The easiest way is annual heavy pruning in the spring, when only stumps about 10 cm high are left. This will provoke the growth of strong, bright branches up to a meter long.

In most forms and varieties of wood, the shoots are most brightly colored on the illuminated side. Therefore, when planning plantings, you need to take into account the location of the viewpoint.

The variety of derains is not limited to varieties with colored bark - there are many decorative deciduous cultivars. The most popular are white-variegated forms and varieties. In the garden, they turn into spectacular light green “lanterns”, making the area sunny even in cloudy weather. There are also cultivars with yellow foliage. Many white-variegated varieties retain their color even when grown in the shade - this is quite rare for variegated woody plants. In autumn the bushes turn orange, red-brown and purple tones, against the background of which clusters of whitish-blue fruits stand out effectively (for example, near a white tree tree).

Decorative forms and varieties of derain

Derain sucker (Cornus stolonifera) - young shoots are dark red:

  • "Baileyi" - does not produce offspring, up to 3 m tall, young shoots are red-brown, foliage is green, in autumn - red-purple;
  • "Elongata" - 2-2.5 m in height, young shoots are green, leaves are long, narrow, bright green;
  • "Flaviramea" - up to 2 m in height, young shoots are bright green-yellow, dark green on top;
  • "Isanti" - up to 1 m in height, young shoots are bright red, foliage is dark green, red-purple in autumn;
  • "Kelseyi" (="Nana") - up to 0.5 in height, young shoots - bright red, foliage - light green;
  • "Nitida" - up to 2.5-3 m in height, young shoots - bright green, foliage - green;
  • "Sunshine" - up to 2 in height, young shoots are green-yellow, leaves have an uneven wide golden border.

Derain white (Cornus alba) - young shoots are bright red:

  • "Alleman's Compact" - up to 1.5 in height, young shoots are red, foliage is rich green;
  • "Argenteo-marginata" - up to 3 in height, young shoots are red-burgundy; green leaves with an uneven wide white (“Elegantissima”) leaf border, white spots and stripes. In the shade, retains a white-variegated color;
  • "Atrosanguinea" - up to 1-1.5 m in height, young shoots are crimson, green leaves;
  • "Aurea" - up to 1.5-2 m in height, young shoots are red. The leaves are wider than those of other varieties, when blooming they are pinkish-brown, then pale yellow, matte. They can turn red in the fall. They turn green in the shade;
  • "Aurea Elegantissima" - up to 2 m in height, young shoots are red, leaves are yellow-variegated;
  • "Behnschii" - up to 1.5-2 m in height, young shoots are red, leaves with small white and red spots;
  • "Bloodgood" - 2-3 m in height, the brightest of the coral-red varieties, bright green in spring, darker in summer;
  • "Budd's Yellow" - 1.5-2 in height, young shoots - bright olive-yellow color, leaves - green;
  • "Cream Cracker" - 1-1.5 in height; young shoots - red-burgundy color, golden border on the leaves;
  • "Gauchaultii" (="Froebelii") - 2-2.5 m in height, young shoots - dark blood-red color, leaves slightly drooping, with white, yellow and pink spots and a wide, uneven yellow border;
  • "Ivory Halo" (="Bailhalo") - up to 1.5 m in height, young shoots are red, the leaves have a green center with a whitish border, a spherical crown;
  • "Kernii" - up to 2 m in height, young shoots are red-burgundy in color, the leaves are covered with yellow spots;
  • "Kesselringii" - up to 3 m tall, purple-black brown when blooming, later dark green. Autumn color is purple-red;
  • "Sibirica" (="Splendens", "Koralle") - up to 1.5 in height, young shoots have a coral-red color, rounded leaves, bright green in spring, dark green in summer, purple or reddish in autumn;
  • "Sibirica Red Gnom" - up to 1 m in height, young shoots - bright red; leaves - bright green in spring, darker in summer;
  • "Sibirica Ruby" - up to 1.5 in height, young shoots - bright ruby-red color, leaves - bright green in spring, darker in summer, ovoid crown;
  • "Sibirica Variegata" - up to 2 m in height, coral-red color of the shoots, the leaves have a slightly narrower white border than that of "Elegantissima", in the fall it turns purple-pink tones;
  • "Spaethii" - up to 2 m in height, young shoots are dark red in color, the leaves have an uneven wide golden border, individual leaves are entirely yellow;
  • "Westonbirt" - up to 1.5 m in height, young shoots - dark coral-pink like " Sibirica" color.

Derain blood red (Cornus sanguinea) - young shoots are orange-yellow:

  • "Magic Flame" - up to 3 m in height, young shoots are orange and orange-red in color, large light green leaves;
  • "Midwinter Fire" - 1.5-2 m, sometimes up to 3 m in height, young shoots - orange-red color, large light green leaves;
  • "New Red" - up to 3 m in height, young shoots - reddish-orange color, large light green leaves;
  • "Variegata" - 2-2.5 m in height, young shoots are greenish-brown in color, leaves with a creamy-white border and a dark green center, turn red in the sun;
  • ""Winter Beauty"- 3-4 m in height, young shoots - yellow-orange in color, large light green leaves, in autumn - yellow-orange with a red tint, last longer than other varieties.

Variegated dogwood – ornamental shrub with bright and large leaves. Thanks to its tall and lush crown, densely dotted with variegated leaves and beautiful white inflorescences, it is often used as a hedge and garden decoration. The shrub has unusually strong and durable wood, and the deren got its name precisely because of it. Derain is native to the forests of Siberia, and can also be found in China, Japan and Korea. Derain takes root well on any soil, is frost-resistant and unpretentious in care.

Variegated dogwood is a spreading shrub that reaches a height of up to 3 meters and grows up to 3 meters in width. It tolerates formative pruning remarkably well, so it can be given any shape. Derain is an ornamental shrub, its strong branches, painted brown-red and variegated leaves, make it extremely attractive and popular in landscape design when creating colorful and bright compositions. The green leaves of the plant, depending on the variety, can be bordered with a yellow or white border, distinguishing the turf from other garden plants. The flowering period of the plant is May-June. It blooms with white flowers, collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which reaches up to 5 cm. In autumn, after flowering, the derain forms blue-white inedible berries. The culture is frost-resistant and unpretentious in care; variegated turf shrubs are often used for landscaping in the northern regions of the country.

Popular types of derain

Derain white

A spreading shrub with many root shoots that are easy to root. The leaves of the variety are whole, variegated - with a white border; in autumn the foliage acquires a reddish-purple hue. White derain blooms in June, flowers small size white. The plant is shade-tolerant.

Deren Kousa

A type of tree with large elliptical leaves, dark green on top and greenish-bluish below. In autumn the leaves change color to bright yellow. A spreading shrub, the main branches of which form a tiered lush crown. Derain Kousa blooms at the end of May with beautiful yellow-green flowers with 4 white bracts, up to 10 cm in diameter. After flowering, in the fall, scarlet edible berries are formed, tart in taste.

Derain red

Deciduous shrub reaching 4 meters in height. It has a branched crown with drooping shoots that can be colored various colors: From green to purple and red. The leaves of the shrub are round in shape, bright green in color, have small hairs on the surface, the color of the leaves is paler below. In autumn, the foliage turns blood red, which is where the red turf gets its name. The inflorescences are corymbose, 7 cm in diameter, and consist of small white flowers, of which there are up to 70 pieces. The flowering time of the variety is 15-20 days. In autumn, numerous small, black, pea-sized fruits appear.

Male dogwood or common dogwood

A shrub and sometimes a tree with ovate-shaped leaves that are light green above and a paler shade below. It is a long-liver (lives up to 250 years), growing in the mountainous regions of the Crimea, the Caucasus, Europe and Asia Minor. It blooms with small yellow flowers with bracts that appear before the leaves. Flowering time is 15-20 days. After flowering, shiny fruits appear with a pleasant, slightly tart taste of red shades. The size of the fruit can vary (up to 3 cm in length).

Derain sucker

The shrub, reaching 2.5 meters in height, is similar to white dogwood. This species is characterized by hanging red shiny shoots that are easy to root. The leaves have a green color. It begins to bloom at the age of 4 years. Inflorescences with flowers milky 5 cm in diameter. Flowering time is May. The fruits are white with a blue tint.

Blooming derain

The species is distributed in eastern America. It has a spreading, dense crown of green foliage; in autumn it turns red.

Variegated dogwood, varieties

The ornamental shrub variegated derain has several varieties that differ in appearance.

Variety Elegantissima - leaves are concave, gray, with white edges.

Sibirica Variegata – popular variety with bright red branches and flat green leaves edged with white.

Gouchaultii is a massive variegated tree variety with leaves with a wide yellow border, which takes on a pinkish tint in the sun.

Cream Cracker is an elegant and attractive variety with cream-colored leaves. The crown of the bush is directed upward.

There are also compact and low-growing varieties variegated tree with yellow-green branches, the height of the bushes does not reach 1.5 meters.

Choosing a place for planting variegated derena

Having decided to plant variegated turf on your site, it is worth considering that the plant grows and develops remarkably in any place: both in a sunny, well-lit area, and in partial shade. Varieties with bright leaves feel better on the sunny side; in the shade, the leaves will lose their variegated colors and turn green. Considering that the plant is spreading and grows quickly, it is not advisable to plant it near tall coniferous trees and other shrubs. It is best to plant the plant in sandy or clay soils that drain water well. Loams and clay soils undesirable for planting. The soil must be fertile and nutritious, as well as moist.

Planting variegated dera

Planting variegated turf on permanent place produced in the spring. Although the shrub is undemanding to soil and special conditions growth, tolerates frosts well, but it still needs to be planted when the air and soil warm up enough. So young plant adapts faster, gets stronger and prepares for the upcoming cold weather.

The process of planting a seedling, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Add to a pre-prepared planting hole organic fertilizers: compost or humus.
  2. If a swampy area or soil with high groundwater is selected for planting, then drainage is necessary.
  3. When purchasing a seedling for planting, choose a plant that is up to 4 years old.
  4. Seedlings with dried roots should be placed in a bucket of water for several hours so that the roots are saturated with moisture.

Transplanting an adult variegated tree

Transplanting an adult dena bush to a new place is stressful for the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to transplant only as a last resort.

Reasons for tree transplantation:

  1. An unsuitable landing site has been selected. Planting a variegated tree seedling in an inappropriate place, for example, in the shade, can lead to the loss of decorative leaves. They will take on a green tint. In order to restore the decorativeness and beauty of the leaves, the bush will have to be transplanted to the sunny side of the site.
  2. The soil is chosen incorrectly. Derain prefers fertile and moist soils. On dry and poor soils it will lose its attractiveness and stop growing.
  3. Bad neighborhood. Derain grows quickly and takes up large area Location on. This way he can push out his neighbors. All that remains is to make a choice - remove neighboring plants from the site, leaving a bush of derena, or transplant it to a more open place where it can grow quietly.

How to replant a derain bush

It is better to replant adult bushes in late autumn, when the plant has shed its leaves. Such a transplant is less stressful for the tree, as it will have more time to acclimatize. If the chosen time for transplantation is spring, then it should be done before the buds begin to swell.

Replant the shrub with a ball of earth, carefully so as not to damage the spreading root system. The boundary of the root system is determined by the outline of the crown. The root should be dug in a circle, with extreme caution. The dug up shrub is placed on film, wrapping a lump of soil in it, and delivered to the new planting site. The transplanted plant must be watered abundantly and the soil mulched with humus.

Replanting a hedge

To replant a hedge, a planting trench is dug in advance. It should be 1.5-2 times larger than the root system of the transplanted shrubs. A layer of fertile nutritious soil mixed with humus and compost is poured onto the bottom of the trench; it is recommended to add mineral fertilizers to the soil.

How to care for a shrub after replanting

For active growth, the shrub needs regular watering. If the transplant was carried out in early spring, in the first days shade the bush from the bright sun, since with increased evaporation of moisture, the shoots may dry out.

Reproduction of variegated dera

Reproduction of the tree is carried out in 2 ways: slower - by seeds, and faster - by layering, seedlings and cuttings.

Propagation by seeds

This method of reproduction has a 100% successful result. Seeds should be taken from a plant older than 3 years. Sow seeds in winter, when the soil is sufficiently frozen. The seeds do not ripen at the same time. Before planting in the spring, seeds must be hardened for several months. For planting seeds, a substrate (sand, sawdust, moss) is prepared; its volume should be 3-4 times greater than the seed material. It is necessary to layer the seeds with the substrate. Maintain at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius for 2 months. For each square meter plot, 5-14 seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 5 cm. The shrub will reach standard sizes only after 5-8 years. This method of propagation is quite lengthy and painstaking, and is rarely used by amateur gardeners.


Variegated turf is an ornamental plant, and for propagation of the variety, the cutting method is recommended in order to preserve the characteristics and decorative properties of the mother bush.

During spring pruning of an adult bush, shoots can be used as material for propagation by cuttings. A healthy strong cutting should have 7-9 developed buds. The cuttings are placed in a container with nutritious soil and placed in a greenhouse. During the summer, the cuttings are fed with organic and mineral fertilizers and well watered. Already in the fall, the seedlings will take root and will be ready for planting in open ground.

Dividing the bush

A well-grown derain bush can be replanted by dividing the bush, dividing the root with the young shoots. The division method is carried out in the spring. mother bush is dug up, the root is freed from the ground. Then they are divided into parts with a sharp knife. The resulting young plants are transplanted into prepared planting holes, fertilized with a nutrient mixture.

Reproduction by layering

Variegated dogwood has a spreading crown with flowing shoots. To obtain a young plant by layering, the shoots can be pinned to the ground with a metal bracket and covered with soil. This method of propagation is carried out in the spring. Within a year, the shoot takes root well and is ready to be transplanted to a new location next spring.

Caring for variegated dogwood

Variegated dogwood is unpretentious in care; it tolerates drought, frost and adverse weather conditions well. The basic rule of plant care is pruning and regular watering. The plant can be fed periodically. In the spring, mineral fertilizers are used (200 grams per bush), and in the summer, organic fertilizers are used (5 grams of compost or chicken manure per bush). If the bushes are used as hedges, then it is recommended to trim them at least twice a year, in July and August.


Watering young bushes is carried out regularly and moderately every day; adult bushes can be watered only on dry, hot days, twice a week is enough. For each bush, 20 liters of water is enough. Excess moisture can lead to fungal diseases. If the soil does not have time to dry out, the frequency of watering should be reduced. By autumn, watering decreases.


Variegated dogwood grows and develops normally at a temperature of 15 – 20 °C. It tolerates heat well, just increase watering of the bush. Frost-resistant, there is no need for shelter for the winter.


Regular pruning is the main element of plant care. Derain lends itself perfectly to pruning and from its crown you can create beautiful bushes rounded shape. It is worth noting that the beauty of the tree lies in its unusual variegated foliage, so when pruning it is advisable to preserve its natural shape and only slightly adjust it. When pruning, old, dry and diseased shoots and improperly growing branches that interfere with the formation of the crown are removed. Regular pruning is necessary. In winter, pruning is not carried out. After pruning, the bush very quickly puts out new young shoots. If the bush is used as a hedge, it is given a clear shape.

Diseases and pests of variegated dogwood

The shrub is not attractive to pests due to its unpleasant taste. Mostly, variegated turf suffers from aphids, which can destroy the plant or spoil it decorative look. There are 2 ways to combat aphids:

  1. Mechanical. Pests are washed off with a stream of water from a hose. This method only partially eliminates aphids and is not effective.
  2. Chemical. Special preparations are used for spraying shrubs or the traditional method (laundry soap solution).

The turf is also susceptible to fungal diseases; to prevent them, it is necessary to temporarily stop watering and allow the soil and roots to dry out. When infected with a fungal infection, the diseased plant is treated with foundationazole.

Variegated dogwood in landscape design

The shrub looks great both as a single bush and in a group with other types of tree. Due to its ability to change the color of leaves, derain is often used in bright compositions. Low-growing shrubs look beautiful under the canopy tall trees, creating spectacular compositions. The shrub perfectly coexists with roses, juniper, barberry and viburnum Buldenezh.

Variegated dogwood is widely used to create hedges, which require regular shaping and pruning. Derain grows quickly, so without proper care the bushes will turn into thickets irregular shape. If your country cottage area or the garden needs a variegated and bright spot and decoration - be sure to plant variegated turf.

Variegated derain shrub – wonderful garden culture, the propagation and care of which does not present any particular difficulties for novice gardeners. This unpretentious plant needs only minimal care: watering and pruning. Having given a little of his time and care, the derain will thank the owner luxurious view, beautiful shape and elegant variegated foliage and will decorate the garden.

Variegated dogwood, photo