Archangel Michael and other ethereal heavenly forces. Michael the Archangel Cathedral

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A new book

Published in the publishing house of our monastery A new book“The Life of the Hieromartyr Veniamin (Kazan), Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and those like him who suffered the Venerable Martyr Sergius (Shein), the martyrs Yuri Novitsky and John Kovsharov » .

In the new book of the famous Russian hagiographer Archimandrite Damascene (Orlovsky), the reader is offered the life of Metropolitan Veniamin (Kazan) of Petrograd - one of the first holy martyrs who did not sin with their soul or conscience during the persecution that began and gave their life for Christ and His Church .

ABOUT so-ben-but os-te-re-gay-te-po-ta, on whomever. Ro-pot is worse and more harmful than everything. It’s better and better to blame everything and for everything on yourself, and not on others. It is especially important to rely on the Providence of God, through the Mother of God, all that is good and spiritual -an arrangement for us. Only we, human beings, in our own little way, are sometimes mad-but-without-reason-and-without-judgment. We beat you for giving us spiritual benefit.

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Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal heavenly powers

Holy Angels live in Heaven, in the invisible, spiritual world. There is the eternal Throne of the Most High, which is surrounded by all the Heavenly Powers, illuminated by Him with the non-evening light. Above all the angelic ranks, the Lord placed the holy Archangel Michael, a faithful servant of God, for he cast down from Heaven the proud Dennitsa with other fallen spirits. Since ancient times, Archangel Michael has been glorified for his miracles in Rus'. Representations for Russian cities of the Most Holy Queen of Heaven were always carried out by Her appearances with the Heavenly army, under the leadership of the Archangel. From the Holy Scriptures and Sacred Tradition The Archangels are also known: Gabriel - the fortress of God, the herald and servant of Divine omnipotence; Raphael - God's healing, healer of human ailments; Uriel - fire or light of God, enlightener; Selaphiel is God’s prayer book, encouraging prayer; Jehudiel - glorifying God, strengthening those who work for the glory of the Lord and interceding for reward for their exploits; Barachiel is a dispenser of God’s blessing for good deeds, an intercessor asking people for God’s mercy; Jeremiel - exaltation to God.

The bliss of the Angels consists in the sight of God, in the contemplation of His glory. Without going beyond the limits of understanding assigned to them, they stand reverently before the Throne of God and constantly glorify His wondrous Name. Their whole life in relation to God consists of this doxology.

The angels of God, like pure spiritual light, are removed from us when sinful darkness envelops our souls. Just as in the visible world the rays of the sun, with all their brilliance and radiance, do not penetrate the coarsest bodies, so in the invisible world the Angels of God, borrowing their light from the Source of Light Himself, appear only to pure souls. Just as fire is kindled by fire, so the spiritual contact of Angelic light with us becomes perceptible only when the fire of pure love for God and the light of faith kindles in our spirit. They come closer to us as we move closer to God, and they move away from us as we move away from God. And just as it is necessary for our external well-being that some should be leaders of others, that the wise should admonish the foolish, so for the structure of our internal state It is necessary for Angels to facilitate our procession to God and protect us from attacks by spirits of evil.

Human nature, like angelic nature, has reason and will. We have every opportunity to achieve excellence. If a person, fulfilling the command of the Creator, directs his will to good, glorifies the Lord with his whole life, joyfully serves God and people with his whole being, then already in this life he becomes angelic.

Cathedral of St. Archangel Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers - a holiday of prayerful glorification of the Heavenly Forces. During the disastrous fall into pride of the highest angel Lucifer (translated from Latin: Light-bringer, or morning star: Lucifer), who became Satan (the enemy of God) and carried away with him a third of the angels who became demons, St. Archangel Michael, having gathered all the ranks and armies of angels, exclaimed in a loud voice:

“Let us take heart, let us become good before our Creator and let us not think about what is contrary to God! Let us remember what those who were created together with us and who were hitherto partakers of the Divine Light suffered with us! Let us remember how, for the sake of pride, they suddenly fell from the Light into darkness and fell from the heights into the abyss! Let us remember how the rising morning Dennitsa fell from the sky and was crushed on the earth" ( St. Gregory Dvoeslov. Commentary 4 on the Gospel).

In the battle with Satan and his demons, the angels faithful to God won the victory, Satan was cast out of heaven. For such loyalty St. Archangel Michael was appointed by God as the Archangel (in Greek - the supreme military leader) as the leader of the Heavenly Forces, who remained faithful to the Lord and sang His glory. The name Michael itself means in Hebrew "Who is like God". And this alone already says how highly he is revered by the Holy Church. He possesses extraordinary spiritual power, with which he defeats all the wiles of the devil.

On this occasion St. Gregory the Great writes that while other angels appear to bring some message to people, Archangel Michael is sent whenever there is to appear miraculous power God's Almost all major events biblical history occur with the participation of Archangel Michael.

The Fathers of the Church wrote that it was St. Archangel Michael was a cherub placed at the gates of paradise to guard the path to the tree of life (Gen. 3:24), he also led the Israelites during the exodus from Egypt (Ex. 14:19; 23:20), through him God gave ten commandments, he stood in the way of Balaam (Num. 22:22) and defeated the army of the Assyrian king Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:35). In the book we read: “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me twenty-one days; but behold, Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the kings of Persia” (10:13) And further, in chapter 12: “And at that time Michael will arise, the great prince who stands for the children of your people "(12:1). The name of Michael the Archangel is also mentioned in Revelation: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them... And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil or Satan, who deceives the whole universe, cast out to the earth, and the angels were cast out with him” (12:7).

Based on such passages in Holy Scripture, St. Archangel Michael is considered in the Church to be the patron and protector of the people of God - first of the ancient Jewish people of Israel, in which the incarnation of the Savior was announced by the prophets. After the Jews fell away into the service of their new “father” - the devil (John 8:44) St. Archangel Michael becomes the guardian of the New Israel - all Christians and Orthodox Rus' as the most Christian people.

“Since ancient times, Archangel Michael has been glorified in Rus' for his miracles. Representations for Russian cities of the Most Holy Queen of Heaven were always carried out by Her appearances with the Heavenly Host under the leadership of the Archangel" ("Minea"). So, according to legend, when Batu Khan was heading to Novgorod in 1239, St. Archangel Michael appeared to him and forbade him to enter the city. Entering Kiev, Batu saw an image of St. above the doors of one of the churches. Mikhail and, pointing to him, said to his kagans: “This one forbade me to go to Veliky Novgorod.”

The veneration of the Archangel Michael by the Russian princes was expressed in prayer appeal about help in moments of danger, before the start of decisive battles and in general during the war. Our ancestors created many temples in honor of the Archangel. In Kyiv, immediately after the Baptism of Rus', the Archangel Cathedral was created, then in almost all Russian cities, the princes asked for blessings in these churches at the wedding of the kingdom, at the baptism of their heirs, before their death. Images of St. The archangels were placed on princely military helmets, personal seals, coats of arms, and banners. All this was determined by a special attitude towards Archangel Michael as the defender of Russian statehood. The icon "Blessed Host" was painted for see below), where the holy warriors - Russian princes - are depicted under the leadership of the Archangel Michael.

In iconography, Archangel Michael is depicted with a sword as a warrior-defender, or with a spear striking the serpent Satan. Being himself a warrior against the army of the first revolutionary - Satan, Archangel Michael provides special assistance to those who also actively resist the forces of evil and the enemies of God. Therefore, he is considered the patron of the Russian army fighting for a just cause. The holding Orthodox Empire more than anyone deserved such help from St. The Archangel of the Army of God, which is why he is depicted on many Russian military banners.

They chose St. as their patron. Archangel Michael and the Russian Black Hundreds of the 20th century, who took the path of decisive opposition to the revolutionary forces of evil, in which we cannot do without the support of the leader of the angelic army. This day was created in 1905 (and). In 1921, this day opened, on which the Russian Church Abroad was formed.

For us the image of St. Archangel Michael trampling on Satan is a symbol of Christian optimism. He points out to us that although the world lies in evil, evil is not omnipotent. It can and must be resisted; this is our task. And we believe and know that in the end of earthly history, evil will be defeated, and people faithful to the Lord will be saved to eternal life in the transformed world of the Kingdom of God. And one of the most important ways of salvation is resistance to evil.

Therefore, our website of the publishing house "Russian Idea" is overshadowed by the image of the Archangel Michael with the following prayer to him:

Be the leader and invincible companion of our Christ-loving army, crowning it with glory and victories over our adversaries, so that all who oppose us will know that God and His Holy Angels are with us.


On behalf of myself and the RNE OOPD, I congratulate Mikhail Viktorovich on Angel Day! I am sure that we will win after passing the tests!

Dear Mikhail Congratulations to Viktorovich on Angel Day! God's help in your labors!

I join in congratulating Yulia. I thank the Lord that you and your site exist, which helps us live in our difficult, deceitful times. If you read, talk, it seems easier. Thank you and all like-minded people. Take care of yourself, we really need you. Thank God for everything!

We magnify You, holy Archangel of God Michael, and you holy archangels, angels, principalities, powers, thrones, dominions, powers, cherubs and fearsome seraphim, glorifying the Lord!
Daily prayer to the Archangel of God Michael: “Archangel of God Michael, drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me. O great Archangel of God Michael, conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and implore the Lord Almighty to have mercy on Russia and he will cleanse his people from madness. He will restore the throne of the Orthodox kings, and let the beautiful symphony sound: Patriarch + Tsar. Russia will fulfill its destiny, like the Third Rome. It will take away the yoke of the Jews - vile and destroy all the enemies of holy Rus'. It will save Russia from hunger, war, deadly plagues, terrible cataclysms and vain death. Amen

Father John, why did you appoint the Anointed King of God, Christ the Lord, as the chosen Patriarch of men? And what symphony are you talking about? The Russian symphony through the Anointed Tsar Ivan the Terrible is shown to us by God in the Russian Great Coat of Arms. She still sounds like an icon graphically! And what is “let the beautiful symphony sound: Patriarch + Tsar” is not clear?!

Was it not the patriarchs who anointed the kings to the throne? Peter I, the first to break this symphony?
There is much that our people, who received the Soviet legacy, do not understand - madness. Therefore, the prayer clearly states that if the Patriarch-Tsar symphony is not restored, then the liberation of Russia from the Jewish yoke will remain in dreams. Many people find this prayer difficult. Well then, first pray like this: “Archangel Michael of God, drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me.”

It is more correct to call the Black Hundreds skinheads-1905. These are drug addicts, alkanauts, people without much morality and a poor mental arsenal. By the way, the Black Hundred movement caused the most swipe in Russia, in contrast to other similar pre-revolutionary movements. It is not without reason that the world Zionists have developed both the Black Hundreds and the skinheads in their research institutes since time immemorial. Of course you can tear your throat defending fashionable Lately pseudo-patriotism, only the fact remains a fact. There is a seal of Cain and punishment for a nation-people who sins against God. KILL THE BLACK HUNDRED(SKINHEAD) SAVE THE NATION.

The Patriarch, as a clergyman, fulfilled his duty in the Sacrament of Confirmation for the Kingdom, and God anointed the Tsar on the Throne. In the Sacrament, the Tsar himself placed the royal crown on his head. In the Orthodox Church (including the Russian Church) there has always been a Tsar-Patriarch, and Emperor Peter the Great never violated this God-given symphony of authorities. It is obvious.

The greatness of the King's power was always supported by his anointing. Now, the Tsar-worshippers are especially zealously emphasizing this. Indeed, Orthodox Tsars are Anointed, but not in the same sense as the Old Testament ones. They were anointed with absolute power over their people both civilly and spiritually. The New Testament says nothing about the anointing of kings. This was introduced and developed by the Church and not without the knowledge of the emperors during the times of Christian freedom. Therefore, autocracy with power over the Church is a human invention, created to please the all-powerful breadwinner. Immediately, the emperors took upon themselves, with the consent of their subordinate bishops, the right to preside over the Council and appoint patriarchs. In Rus', the princes tried to stay within the symphony, but already the first Tsar, Ivan the Terrible, began to appoint metropolitans at his own discretion. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich seeks the deposition of Patriarch Nikon, and Peter the Great finally subjugates the Church to himself, abolishing the patriarchate and creating a Senate and Synod subordinate to himself.

O. John You write “The greatness of the King’s power was always supported by his anointing.” Now, the Tsar-worshippers are especially zealously emphasizing this.” Indeed, the greatness of the King’s Power lies in its truth and legality. Indeed, in the Sacrament of Confirmation for the Kingdom, the King receives Power from God. Therefore, the Sacrament testifies that the Power of the King is True Power. Like a husband in a family, so a King in a country is a natural, God-given Master and Father, His Power is sacred and similar to the Power of the King of Heaven. Therefore, everyone legal husband in the family and the Anointed King of God in the State of God's Chosen People and the Orthodox Church - a living icon of our Lord and God Jesus Christ. And the “kings” are, obviously, those who love the Father and naturally recognize His Authority. In this sense, probably, all Angels in the Kingdom of Heaven are kings. O. John, if “unique power with power over the Church is a human invention, created to please the all-powerful breadwinner,” then how should we understand the power of the husband in the family? Is this also a fabrication? But everyone knows that the husband does not need to take power in the family, it was given to him naturally by God. The husband is the master in all family matters and only he is the father. The father (and only he) can gather the family for an important meeting; he can expose any family member and point out his mistakes. The husband loves his wife to the point of jealousy and will not tolerate from her not only fornication, but even unworthy flirting. The Father's word in the family is always with power and love. The father is also the guarantor of all family decisions. Where are the fabrications here? He who does not love the King does not love God. No one can change the God-given image of the symphony of authorities (see the Russian Great Coat of Arms). Any change is a lie, and a lie is always temporary, i.e. distorts the Truth until the time God allows. God strengthen the Holy One Orthodox Faith!

The symphony of ecclesiastical and civil authorities was established with the adoption of Christianity by Emperor Constantine and the declaration of the Church as free. Emperor Justinian legitimized it in the 6th novella: “The greatest gifts of God, given to people by the highest love for mankind, are the priesthood and the kingdom. The first serves divine affairs, the second takes care of human affairs. Both come from the same source and decorate human life. Therefore, kings care most of all about the piety of the clergy, who, for their part, constantly pray to God for them. When the priesthood is blameless, and the kingdom exercises only legal authority, there will be good agreement between them and everything that is good and useful will be given to humanity.” The essence of the symphony is outlined even more clearly by Emperor John Comnenus in a letter to Pope Honorius in the 12th century: “I recognized two subjects in the continuation of my reign as completely different from one another: one is spiritual power, which is from the Great and Most High High Priest, the Prince of Peace, who according to by divine right, they received the power to bind and decide all people. And the other subject is worldly power, power addressed, addressed to the temporal according to the divine word: render to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, the power contained in the sphere that belongs to it. These two powers that dominate the world, although separate and different, act for mutual benefit in a harmonious combination, helping and replenishing each other. They can be compared to the two sisters - Martha and Mary, who are told about in the Gospel. From the harmonious discovery of these two powers comes the common good, and from their hostile relations comes a great sin” (A.P. Lebedev, “History of Byzantium”, p. 416).

Consider the visible and understand the invisible, - this is what the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church teach us, - and have Faith. God is always and everywhere and in everything. Everything flows before our eyes and everything changes in this world, but the Truth of God reigns forever and the Law of God is the Pillar and Establishment of the entire Universe, and everything has its time. Husband from wife and wife through husband (this is visible), but the head of the wife is the husband (this is the invisible law of God).
Let's take an example from the Sacrament of Marriage. In this Sacrament, the Lord blesses the small Kingdom through His servant - the clergyman. In this small Kingdom, the husband receives the legal Authority of the Master and Father from God, and not from the priest. He does not need to prove, assert, or win this Power from the wife and children whom God gave him. The legitimate Power of a husband is always natural and sacred, i.e. God given. In a family where the Law of God is not violated, God rules through the husband. In such a family, Love and Truth reign, there is a hierarchy of Power established by God (from the husband, Master and Father, to the wife and children), there is no struggle of authorities, and the members of this family prosper. This is probably what the holy Emperor Justinian wrote about.

There is one Lord, one Faith and one Baptism. Just as the Lord cannot be divided, so His Power is one and indivisible, and the earthly Kingdom of God’s Chosen Russian People is an icon of the Kingdom of Heaven. True power in the world, both spiritual and lordly, is light from Light. That is why the Holy Apostle said, “There is no Authority but from God,” i.e. in the small Kingdom through a husband, and in big Kingdom acting through God's Anointed King, Autocratic. Without a true husband and without a true King, anti-power reigns in both the family and the State. What was not revealed to the Emperors of the Second Rome, the Lord God revealed to the saints and faithful Kings and Emperors of the Third Rome. Some sow and others reap, but both sowing and reaping are from the Lord, and all who have labored for the glory of God will rejoice. The doctrine of Royal Power received its completion through the Anointed One of God, Tsar Ivan the Terrible. It was through this King that God showed us what true Power is and what there is a true symphony of powers. Our ancestors understood this well in Troubled times, and left us the Russian Testament - the Council Oath of 1613 for the Russian family. And all the Russian Tsars sacredly observed this Covenant - to preserve the Royal Power of the Anointed of God from the Romanov family until the second and glorious coming of our Lord and God Jesus Christ!

Thank you very much for your work. This information is necessary for everyone Orthodox man. You are doing a great job, since many young people find it easier to go online than to look for information in books.
Save me, God!

Thank God for everything. Happy holiday, Orthodox Christians.

O. John:
-...there are many patriarchs, but God’s anointed one is one and he is Christ, the living icon of our Savior on earth...Is it worth talking about the apostasy of the patriarchy on such a holiday?



Happy Holidays to all the faithful.

to accept the Royal Power of the Anointed of God from the Romanov family was and remains a crime. The Romanovs did not baptize Rus', but “to choose a king” is like modern elections president? Horrible... 400 skillfully compost brains, there is no end in sight. The state of Rus' is a form of cohabitation of one family of the Rurik princes, which is the historical owner of this state, its empirical personification, and, most importantly, the ideal form of existence of this state. So, the foundation on which it is built and Rus' functions is formed precisely around the metaphor of the family - as an indivisible body, the property of the clan and the only “corporation” of the Rurikovichs.

The princely family, therefore, exists not only empirically, it has metaphysical integrity. Just as present times are a kind of repetition of the past, so living princes are a restoration, “revival” of dead ancestors.

The princely family is beyond ordinary dimensions; it exists in eternity.

Russia is ruled not by a specific prince, not even by a collection of living relatives, but by an endless series of generations spread out over time (just as in the past). As Metropolitan Nikephoros reminded Monomakh: “You will continue to rule for generations and generations.”

When patronage for the land, the state belongs to the entire set of generations of the dynasty - past, present and future, then princely holiness automatically belongs to the sacred family of the Rurik princes - the Baptists of Rus'.

Happy holiday to you, Mikhail Viktorovich, all your employees and all the Orthodox people!
And thank you for your righteous work!

It is our duty to glorify the Angels: they, praising the Creator,
reveal His mercy and favor towards people.

Saint John Chrysostom

archangel Michael- one of the highest angels, taking the closest part in the destinies of the Church. Holy Scripture teaches us that, in addition to the physical, there is a great spiritual world inhabited by intelligent, good creatures called angels. The word "angel" Greek means messenger. The Holy Scripture calls them this because God often communicates His will to people through them. What is their life in the spiritual world that they inhabit, and what is their activity - we know almost nothing, and, in essence, we are not able to understand.

They live in conditions completely different from our material ones: there time, space and all living conditions have a completely different content.

The expression “Archangel Michael” consists of five words: “arch angel mi ka el”, where “angel” is the Greek translation of “malakh”, that is, “messenger”, “messenger”, and with the addition of “arch” means “senior messenger” .“Mi ka el” literally means the interrogative “Who is like God?” meaning “no one is equal to God.”

However, the option “which is like el” is also acceptable. “El”, or “El” (see Elohim), in Russian translations traditionally means “God”, however, this word is not at all unambiguous and its meaning has historically undergone many changes. Those. the expression "Archangel Michael" can mean: "Senior messenger empowered by El", or "Senior authorized messenger of El".

Archangel Michael in Scripture is called “prince”, “leader of the army of the Lord” and is depicted as the main fighter against the devil and all lawlessness among people. Hence his church name “archistratig”, i.e. senior warrior, leader.

This image has been present since apostolic times (see the mention of Michael’s dispute about the body of Moses - Jude 1:9):

“Michael the Archangel, when he spoke with the devil, arguing about the body of Moses, did not dare to pronounce a reproachful judgment, but said: “May the Lord rebuke you.”

Archangel Michael appeared to Joshua as an assistant during the Israeli conquest of the Promised Land.

He appeared to the prophet Daniel during the days of the fall of the Babylonian kingdom and the beginning of the creation of the Messianic kingdom. Daniel was predicted to receive help from the Archangel Michael to the people of God during the period of upcoming persecution under the Antichrist.

Following this tradition, in the Great Menaions, Metropolitan Macarius writes:

“God placed the preservation of Michael the Archangel as a kind of all-powerful weapon against the power of the devil.”

In the Book of Revelation, Archangel Michael appears as the main leader in the war against the dragon-devil and other rebellious angels:

“And there was war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but they did not stand, and no place was found for them in Heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan.” (Rev. 12:7-9)

The name of the angel Michael is mentioned several times in the Book of the Prophet Daniel:

“But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me twenty-one days; but behold, Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the kings of Persia” (Dan. 10:13).
“Nevertheless, I will tell you what is written in the true Scripture; and there is no one who will support me in this except Michael your prince” (Dan. 10:21).

The prophecy about the Last Judgment and the role of the Archangel Michael in it:

“And at that time Michael will arise, the great prince who stands for the children of your people;
and a time of trouble will come, such as has not happened since people existed until now;
But at that time all of your people who are found written in the book will be saved (Dan. 12:1).

Holy Scripture, telling about the appearance of angels to different people, own name names only a few of them, apparently those who have a special mission in establishing the Kingdom of God on earth. Among them are the archangels Michael and Gabriel, mentioned in the canonical books of Scripture, as well as the archangels Raphael, Uriel, Salafiel, Jehudiel and Barachiel, mentioned in the non-canonical books of Scripture.

In the book of Tobit, the archangel Raphael says about himself:

“I am Raphael, one of the seven holy Angels who offer the prayers of the saints and ascend before the glory of the Holy One” (Tov. 12:15).

From here arose the belief that there are seven archangels in Heaven, one of which is the Archangel Michael.

In the spirit of Holy Scripture, some Church Fathers see Archangel Michael as a participant in others important events in the life of the people of God, where, however, he is not called by name. For example, he is identified with the mysterious pillar of fire that walked before the Israelites during their flight from Egypt and destroyed the hordes of Pharaoh at sea:

When Moses entered the tabernacle, then a pillar of cloud descended and stood at the entrance to the tabernacle, and [the Lord] spoke to Moses (Ex. 33:9).

The Church reveres Archangel Michael as a defender of the faith and a fighter against heresies and all evil.

On icons he is depicted with a fiery sword in his hand, or with a spear casting down the devil. At the beginning of the 4th century, the Church established the feast of the “Council” (i.e., the assembly) of the holy angels, led by the Archangel Michael, on November 8th.

Christian tradition also identifies the following references to angels, not named, with the actions of the Archangel Michael:

* appearance to Balaam: “and the Angel of the Lord stood on the road to hinder him” (Num. 22:22);
* appearance to Joshua: “and behold a man stood before him, and in his hand was a naked sword” and further he is called the Captain of the army of the Lord (Joshua 5:13-15);
* destruction of 185 thousand soldiers of the Assyrian king Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:35);
* salvation of the three youths in the furnace of fire: “Blessed is the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who sent His angel and delivered His servants” (Dan.3:95).

This reference to Michael's role in the battle of good and evil influenced many eschatological Christian works. Religious tradition began to attribute to Michael not only the victory over Satan, but also the role of judge at the Last Judgment.

The theme of the Archangel Michael weighing the souls of sinners at the Last Judgment became a traditional motif in the iconography of the Last Judgment, and Michael himself acquired the role of patron of the dead.

This idea of ​​​​Mikhail is reflected in his hymnography:

“Holy Archangel Michael, protect us in the struggle, do not let us die at the Last Judgment.”

In the Coptic homily about the Archangel Michael (10th century) it is given detailed story about how Michael will take part in the Last Judgment: he will call the dead from their graves with a trumpet voice, he will cry about the fate of sinners, and Jesus Christ, through his prayers, will forgive them.

Archangel Michael is also approached with prayers for healing. This is due to the above-mentioned veneration of Michael the Archangel as the conqueror of evil spirits, which in Christianity were considered the source of disease. In many places in Asia Minor there are healing springs dedicated to St. Michael. In Constantinople, Saint Michael was also revered as a great heavenly healer and his main shrine, Michaelion, was located about 80 km from the capital Byzantine Empire(in this place, according to legend, he appeared to Emperor Constantine).

Archangel Michael is considered heavenly patron Kyiv. In Kyiv, the St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery is dedicated to him.

In icon painting, Archangel Michael is often depicted with a spear-cane in one hand and a special mirror sphere (a symbol of foresight given to the Archangel by God) in the other. On later icons, Michael can be depicted trampling the devil underfoot, holding a date branch in his left hand, and a spear with a white banner on which a scarlet cross is inscribed in his right hand, or holding a flaming sword and shield in his hands. Michael can also be presented as the archangel of the Heavenly Forces, dressed in military armor, or riding on a horse. Archangel Michael is often depicted on the northern doors of the iconostasis, in the deesis rank of the iconostasis and as part of the so-called “angelic deesis”. Among the icons dedicated to Michael, one can note “The Miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khoneh”, “The Appearance of the Archangel Michael to Joshua” and “The Council of the Archangel Michael”.

Archangel Michael is one of the shield holders on the Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire.

The Order of St. Michael the Archangel is a dynastic award of the Russian Imperial House.

The cathedral is the collection of all the holy angels headed by the Archangel Michael. They glorify the Holy Trinity and serve God.

History of the celebration The Council of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers.

Even in apostolic times, the false teaching about Angels was widespread.
Among the Christians there were heretics who worshiped Angels as gods and taught that the visible world was created not by God, but by Angels, and they should be revered above Christ. At the beginning of the 4th century, the worship of angels as creators and rulers of the world was condemned and their Orthodox veneration was established. At the same time, a decision was made to celebrate the Council of the Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly Powers. This holiday is the main of all holidays in honor of the holy angels. In common parlance, it is called Michaelmas Day.

Archangel Michael. What do we know?

From the history:

Long ago, even before the creation of man and the entire visible world, the entire angelic world was endowed with great perfections and gifts. Angels, like people, had free will. They could abuse this free will and fall into sin. This is what happened to one of the supreme angels, Dennitsa, who discovered the source of evil and pride in himself and rebelled against his Creator. The spiritual world shook and some of the angels followed Dennitsa.

At that moment, the Archangel Michael stepped out from the angelic environment and said: “No one like God!”, addressing all the angels with this appeal. With these words, he showed that he recognizes only one One God, the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe.

The struggle was difficult, for Dennitsa was endowed with great perfections. But the forces of good won, and Dennitsa was cast out of heaven with all his followers. And Archangel Michael established himself as the leader of the entire angelic world, faithful to God. Since then, the archangel has had a sword in his hands, because Satan, cast out from heaven, does not calm down.

The fallen angels were prevented from penetrating into the higher regions of the universe and, therefore, they directed all their anger at people.

  • In Orthodoxy, Archangel Michael is the most famous angel mentioned in the biblical books. He is also called Archangel Michael. He is the most important angel among the holy army of all Archangels and Angels.
  • Archangel Michael is credited with the most important role in the battle between good and evil. It was he who defeated Satan and all his evil spirits.
  • Archangel Michael acts as a guard at the gates of heaven and meets the souls of dead people.
  • Archangel Michael acts as a judge at the Last Judgment and calls all souls to account. People have long considered Archangel Michael the patron saint of all the dead and pray to him that he would protect them and not punish them at that Judgment.
  • The Church reveres Archangel Michael as a defender of the faith and a fighter against heresies and all evil. On icons he is depicted with a fiery sword in his hand, or a spear, overthrowing the Devil.

What archangels do we know?

On this holiday, we remember all the miraculous appearances of the Archangel Michael and other Archangels - Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selafiel, Yehudiel, Barachiel, Jerimiel.

On the icons he tramples the Devil underfoot. In his left hand he holds a green date branch. IN right hand- a spear with a white banner (sometimes a flaming sword), on which a scarlet cross is inscribed.

The following Archangels are known from Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition:

Gabriel- the fortress (power) of God, the herald and servant of Divine omnipotence. On the icons he is depicted with a branch of paradise, which he brought to the Blessed Virgin, or with a luminous lantern in his right hand and a jasper mirror in his left.

Raphael- healing of God, healer of human ailments. On the icons he holds a vessel with healing potions in his left hand, and with his right he leads Tobias carrying a fish.

Uriel- fire or light of God, enlightener. On the icons, he holds a naked sword at chest level in his raised right hand, and a “flame of fire” in his lowered left hand.

Selaphiel- God's prayer book, encouraging prayer. On the icons he is depicted in a prayer position, looking down, with his hands folded on his chest.

Yehudiel- glorifying God, strengthening those who work for the glory of the Lord and interceding for reward for their exploits. On the icons, the right hand holds a golden crown, and the shuitz holds a scourge of three red (or black) ropes.

Barachiel- a dispenser of God’s blessing for good deeds, asking people for God’s mercy. The icons on his clothing feature a lot of pink flowers.

Jeremiel- elevation to God. On icons he holds scales or Scripture in his hand.

Heavenly powers. What do we know?

Holy Scripture teaches us that, in addition to the physical, there is a great spiritual world inhabited by intelligent, good creatures called angels.

The word "angel" in Greek means "messenger". The Holy Scripture calls them this because God often communicates His will to people through them. There are a huge number of angels in the spiritual world, many times more than there are people on earth. They are distinguished by their enlightenment, but they have one task - serving God.

To the person who took holy baptism, God gives you a guardian angel for life. Therefore, this holiday is considered the second day of the angel of all Orthodox Christians.

Angels differ from each other in their enlightenment and are divided into three hierarchies - higher, middle and lower. Each hierarchy consists of three ranks.

To the highest hierarchy includes: Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.

  • Closest Holy Trinity coming six-winged Seraphim. They burn with love for God and encourage others to do so.
  • After the Seraphim, the Lord will come many-purified Cherubim. Their name means: outpouring of wisdom, enlightenment, for through them, shining with the light of knowledge of God and understanding of the mysteries of God, wisdom and enlightenment are sent down for true knowledge of God.
  • Behind the Cherubim come the God-bearing ones by the grace given to them for service, Thrones, mysteriously and incomprehensibly bearing God. They serve God's justice.

Middle Angelic Hierarchy are made up of three ranks: Dominance, Strength and Authority.

  • Dominations They teach you to control your feelings, tame sinful lusts, enslave the flesh to the spirit, dominate your will, and overcome temptations.
  • Powers they work miracles and send down the grace of miracles and clairvoyance to the saints of God. The forces help people to obey, strengthen them in patience, and bestow spiritual strength and courage.
  • Authorities have the power to tame the power of the Devil. They ward off demonic temptations from people, confirm ascetics, protect them, and help people in the fight against evil thoughts.

To the lower hierarchy includes three ranks: Beginnings, Archangels and Angels.

  • Beginnings instruct people to give everyone the honor due to their rank. They teach superiors how to perform job responsibilities not for the sake of personal glory and benefits, but for the sake of the honor of God and the benefit of others.
  • Archangels They reveal the secrets of faith, prophecy and understanding of the will of God, strengthen the holy faith in people, enlightening their minds with the light of the Holy Gospel.
  • Angels closest to people. They guide people to virtuous and holy lives. They protect believers, keep them from falling, raise the fallen, never leave us and are always ready to help if we wish.

All ranks of the Heavenly Forces bear the general name of Angels - in essence of their service. The Lord reveals His will to the highest Angels, and they, in turn, enlighten the rest.

Guardian angel. What do we know?

According to biblical teachings, during Baptism the Lord gives each of us a Guardian Angel. On everything life path The Guardian Angel is near us. Only holy people can see them. Our vision does not allow us to see them, but this should not bother us. The main thing is to believe and know that they are always with us and protect us throughout our entire life journey.

According to the teachings of the Church, the Lord gives each of us a Guardian Angel during Baptism. He is always near us, protecting us throughout our life's journey. We, sinful people, do not see them as the saints see them. But we know and believe that they are always with us.

The service of Guardian Angels is great in the eyes of God, since their purpose is to protect and save people. And man, as we know, is the crown of God’s creation.

Any Good idea, every good deed, prayer, repentance - all this is born in us and is accomplished at the inspiration of our Guardian Angel. Acting through our conscience and our heart, it keeps us from sin and temptation and helps us fight temptations.

When the Guardian Angel sees us walking the path of salvation, he tries in every possible way to encourage us and confirm us on this path.

If we deviate from the true path, he tries with all his might to bring us back to it.

But if we completely stop listening to our Guardian Angel and fall into sin, the Angel leaves us and, watching us from the side, asks God to be patient and delay punishment. And at the same time, he does not give up trying to reach our conscience and awaken repentance.

Orthodox and folk traditions are closely intertwined among our people.

Feast of the Council of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers popularly called Michaelmas Day.

You can read about the traditions and customs of the celebration in the article:

Would you like to see Archangel Michael? Nothing is impossible in cinema. - tells the fictional story of the return of the Archangel Michael to earth in the twentieth century. The genre of the film is melodramatic, comedy. If you are strictly religious, this film is not for you...
You can watch the film online in our Cinema hall .

This article is about the city's attractions directly related to Archangel Michael.

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers celebrated annually November 21(November 8, old style). This holiday is not one of the holidays, but has always been revered in Rus'. Temples were built in his honor, and cities and villages were also named. The celebration of the Council of the Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly powers was established at the beginning of the 4th century.

Archangel Michael - Chief of the Highest Powers

Name Michael in Hebrew it means " who is like God" Archangel Michael, according to Orthodox teaching, is The head of all ethereal Heavenly Forces. It is called archangel(Greek αρχιστρατηγός - commander-in-chief) and acts as the head of the holy army of angels standing guard God's law. Following this tradition, in the Great Menaions Metropolitan Macarius writes:

God set up the preservation of Michael the Archangel as a kind of all-powerful weapon against the power of the devil.” In this image, Michael is revered as the patron and ally of the “militant Church.”

According to Church tradition, reflected in the texts of the festive service, archangel Michael appeared to people many times back in the days Old Testament- when the Israelites left Egypt, crossing the Red Sea. He appeared to Joshua and conveyed to him God’s command to take Jericho. Many other cases of the victorious help of Archangel Michael are described in church books.

From holy scripture and Tradition also knows the names of other Archangels - apparently, those who carry a special mission in establishing the Kingdom of God on earth:

Archangel Gabriel- evangelist of the mysteries of God;
Archangel Raphael- doctor of diseases and guide;
Archangel Uriel- enlightens people, encourages them to pray;
Archangel Yehudiel- an intercessor on the way, a helper to those in need of something for the glory of God;
Archangel Barachiel- giver of God's graces and guardian of the purity of soul and body;
Archangel Salafiel- a doctor for the disease of malaria and a prayer book to God for people;
Archangel Gefael- igniter of love for God;
Archangel Tahiel- helper and protector in troubles and misfortunes.

Library of Russian Faith

Temples in honor of the Archangel Michael in Rus'

After the Baptism of Rus', the holiday of the Council of Ethereal Powers becomes known to our ancestors. Many temples and monasteries were dedicated to this holiday - Michael's Day. First Cathedral of the Archangel was built in Kyiv immediately after the adoption of Christianity, a monastery was built there.

Subsequently, many cases are known wonderful help Archangel in military affairs. IN Volokolamsk Patericon contains a description of the miraculous salvation of Veliky Novgorod from the Tatar army:

sometimes, by God's permission, sin for our sake, the godless Hagaran king Batu Russian land capture and burn and go to the New City and God and the Most Pure Mother of God covered it with the appearance of Michael the Archangel, who forbade him to go against it. He went to the Lithuanian cities and came to Kyiv and saw the great Archangel Michael written above the doors of the stone church and said to the prince with his finger: “Forbid me to go to Veliky Novgorod.

It is not surprising that in almost every Russian city there was a temple or chapel dedicated to the feast of the Council of the Archangel Michael and the Ethereal Powers. Perhaps the most famous is the tomb of the Moscow princes. The original wooden Archangel Cathedral was probably built in 1247-1248, during the reign of Mikhail Khorobrit, brother of Alexander Nevsky. Subsequently, it was rebuilt more than once, and the current cathedral building was built in 1505-1508.

There was also the Chudov Monastery in the Kremlin. Main temple the monastery was consecrated in honor miracle of Archangel Michael in Khoneh(celebrated September 6/19). In 1929-1930 the monastery was destroyed.

In the middle of the 14th century. a wooden one appeared Temple in the name of Archangel Michael in Kolomna. At this time, in the wall of the wooden fortress of Kolomna, between the Marinkina and Faceted towers, there were already passages of the Mikhailovsky Gate, opposite which the Mikhailovskaya (or Arkhangelskaya) settlement was located. After the Time of Troubles, the temple fell into disrepair. In 1700, the stone Church of the Archangel Michael with the chapel of the Three Saints was built. The currently existing stone church of the Archangel Michael received its modern appearance by rebuilding parts of the previous stone church.

It was believed that Archangel Michael is the patron saint of the Russian army. Maybe that's why when founding Nizhny Novgorod, a strategic fortress at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich of Vladimir built the first wooden Michael the Archangel Cathedral. Subsequently, it was rebuilt several times. The current cathedral building was built in 1628-1631. in memory of the Nizhny Novgorod militia.

It is also worth mentioning that the banner of the Nizhny Novgorod militia depicts Archangel Michael in military armor and Jesus Navvinus bowing before him.

Birthday city

In the 12th century, Archbishop John of Novgorod founded the St. Michael the Archangel Monastery at the mouth of the Northern Dvina. For a long time it was one of the centers of the Russian North.

In 1548, by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, governors Nashchokin and Zaleshanin built a fortress around the monastery in one summer. Initially it was called New Kholmogory. But already in 1596 the new city was named Arkhangelsk, named after the monastery.

Old Believer churches in honor of the Archangel Michael

The tradition of celebrating “Michael’s Day” was also preserved by the Old Believers. In all Old Believer communities there are churches consecrated in the name of this holiday.

Today is the patronal feast day in the communities of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church in the city. Perm region, With. Kirov region, st. Rostov region, With. Tomsk region, as well as churches under construction in the city (Udmurtia) and the city (Bryansk region). In foreign communities of the Russian Orthodox Church, a temple holiday in the communities of the city (Moldova) and village. Valaya Rodoia, Floresti district (Moldova).

The patronal holiday is celebrated in the communities of the Russian Ancient Orthodox Church in the city and village. Kemerovo region.

Pomeranian communities of Nevel and village. Mikhalkino, Pskov region, Kuznetsk, Penza region, Temir-Tau, Kemerovo region, (Lithuania) also celebrate their patronal holiday today.

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. Icons

Archangel Michael is often depicted as part of the so-called “angelic deesis”.

Archangel Michael is often depicted with a cane-spear in one hand and a special sphere-mirror (a symbol of foresight transmitted to the Archangel by God) in the other.

On later icons, the Archangel Michael can be depicted trampling the devil with his feet, in his left hand as a winner he holds a green date branch, in his right hand - a spear with a white banner on which a scarlet cross is inscribed (symbolizing victory Life-giving Cross over the devil) or holds a flaming sword and shield in his hands. Michael can also be presented as the guard of the Heavenly King, dressed in military armor, or riding a horse.

Among the icons dedicated to the Archangel Michael, one can note “The Miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khoneh”, “The Appearance of the Archangel Michael to Joshua” and “The Council of the Archangel Michael”.