Great sea gull where it lives. Pictured is a polar gull

The seagull is a bird of the gull family that leads a marine lifestyle. These birds are distributed throughout the world and can be found on any beach. Gull birds are excellent divers and fishermen.

Genus: Seagulls

Family: Gulls

Class: Birds

Order: Charadriiformes

Type: Chordata

Kingdom: Animals

Domain: Eukaryotes


Seagulls have a contrasting color (white underside and dark markings on the tips of the wings and head). Almost all the plumage of gulls is white, except for the head and wings, where there are dark spots. Gulls also have dark stripes on their backs that camouflage them. The color of the bird depends on what species the seagull belongs to. The average length of a bird is 30-80 cm, and its weight is most often from 150 g to 2 kg.

The birds have waterproof plumage, the wings are long and wide, and the tail is short. The beak of seagulls is straight, curved at the end to hold slippery fish. Seagulls have membranes on their feet that are very similar to flippers, which greatly helps them move through the water with great ease.

Where do seagulls live?

Seagulls live wherever there is sea, and some species of seagulls live near rivers and fresh water bodies. When winter comes, most seagulls fly to warmer climes, and some spend the winter in cities. And although these birds are noisy, steal food and dirty buildings, in many countries they are valued as scavengers who clean beaches. In Russia, they can often be found near sea vessels, where they beg for food.

What does a seagull eat?

Seagulls feed on fish that they catch from the water, and they can circle for hours, picking out prey. They also feed on shellfish, crabs and jellyfish that they find on the shore. To eat a shellfish, a seagull rises high into the sky and throws a stone onto the shell to open it. These birds adapt very well to any habitat, they are not afraid of people and can beg for bread and fish from them.

Lifestyle of seagulls

Gulls live in noisy colonies, close-knit family groups that consist of married couples with their offspring. From morning until evening, seagulls either alone or in flocks obtain food for themselves. By nightfall, the entire flock leaves the feeding area and goes to spend the night in a place that is inaccessible to predators and sheltered from the wind.

Breeding seagulls

Seagulls begin to breed at the age of 1 to 4 years. When a pair of gulls has formed, the female begins to beg for food from the male and he feeds her. Birds nest in large columns, at short distances, which is very prudent, since the chicks like to walk and can be killed. Seagulls build their nests from various debris, where the female lays from one to three eggs. The gulls hatch their clutches one at a time for 3-4 weeks.

Seagull chicks are very voracious, eating 5 times a day. They are fed by both the female and the male. After 10-12 days they can walk, and after 40 days the chicks can fly.

If the colony senses danger, then all the birds fly up, scream very loudly and shower the intruder with droppings. Seagulls live from 15 to 20 years.

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The herring gull is a large bird belonging to the gull family, living in the Northern Hemisphere.

These birds prefer cold areas - Scandinavia, Iceland, Great Britain and the islands of the Arctic Ocean from Chukotka to Taimyr.

In America, silver chaps breed in Canada, Alaska and the east coast of the United States. In addition, these birds are found on the Atlantic coast of France, and in winter they fly to Southern China, Japan, Florida and the Gulf Coast.

Herring gulls live near bodies of water, whether it is the ocean or lakes. These birds are found on flat and rocky river banks, and they also live in swamps. Rocky shores are favorite places because there are no predators there. Today, herring gulls also live in large cities; they actively build nests on the roofs of high-rise buildings. The character of these birds is quite aggressive; they do not allow themselves to be offended.

Seagull's appearance

The body length of representatives of the species varies between 55-65 centimeters. Females are smaller than males by about 5 centimeters.

Herring gulls weigh about 800-1300 grams. Males are heavier than females by an average of 200 grams. The wingspan varies from 130 to 150 centimeters.

The herring gull is a predatory seabird.

The plumage of males and females is the same. The back is pale gray, and the neck, body and head are white. The wings are light gray in color. The tips of the flight wings are black, diluted with white spots. The beak is compressed on the sides, and its end is curved downwards. The color of the beak is yellow, there is a clear red spot on the mandible.

Listen to the voice of the herring gull

There are no feathers around the eyes, the skin in these places is yellow. The iris of the eyes is gray. The legs are pink, their color does not change over time. Birds living in Scandinavia have yellowish legs. IN winter period Herring gulls have dark streaks on their necks and heads.

Young individuals acquire light plumage only by the 4th year of life. Before this, their plumage is variegated, with brown and gray colors predominating. In the 2nd year of life, the feathers become significantly lighter; by the 3rd year, the upper body and head turn white. In young animals, the beak and iris of the eyes are brown; the eyes become gray in the 4th year of life.

Seagull feeding

Herring gulls are omnivorous birds. They often gather in schools near ships and in garbage dumps. On the ground they hunt lizards, small rodents, larvae and insects. They destroy the nests of other birds, eating their eggs and chicks. Among plant foods, preference is given to nuts, grains, fruits, berries and tubers. They love sea worms and crustaceans.

Herring gulls catch fish near the water surface, while they immerse the upper part of their body in the water and look for prey. Seagulls can even dive, but no more than 1 meter. These birds take prey from weaker birds.

They often look out for prey by circling over the water. If the prey has a protective shell, then the bird rises into the air, throws it on the stones and thus breaks it. Fish is not the basis of the diet of herring gulls, but during nesting these birds try to catch as much as possible more fish, because the chicks feed on it.

Reproduction and lifespan

Herring gulls are highly organized birds; the flock maintains a unique hierarchy with a complex structure of relationships. Males are considered leaders, and females must obey them. But when it comes to choosing a nest site, females dominate. Herring gulls form monogamous pairs, which, as a rule, remain for life.

Birds fly to their nesting sites when the ice begins to melt. In the northern regions this occurs no earlier than April-May. During the nesting period, herring gulls unite in large colonies. Nests are built on the banks of cliffs, on rocks, and sometimes in thickets of vegetation. A distance of 3-5 meters is maintained between nests. Nests are built by females together with males. For their construction they are used natural materials: tree branches, moss and grass. The inside of the nest is insulated with feathers.

The female incubates 2-4 eggs, most often there are 3 of them in a clutch. Both parents participate in the process of incubating eggs, replacing each other. The incubation period takes 4 weeks. The body of newborn chicks is covered with gray down with dark spots. On the 2nd day of life they begin to stand up, and after 1.5 months they begin to fly. But for another month they remain with their parents, who alternately feed them.

While feeding, the chick taps its beak on a red spot located above the parent’s beak, and the parent regurgitates food. Puberty in herring gulls it occurs at 5 years of age. Life expectancy in wildlife averages 45-50 years.

Relationship with a person

Herring gulls are not afraid of people. They actively settle in megacities on the roofs of houses. If a seagull believes that a person wants to harm the offspring, it attacks him. Sometimes these impudent birds snatch food from people on the street, right out of their hands.

Many people associate seagulls with the sea, and for this reason they are sung in poetry, art and music. Ornithologists classify such birds as members of the order Charadriiformes, belonging to the family of the same name as the bird – gulls.

They are the most famous among sea birds, since since ancient times they have lived close to cities and human settlements.

These creatures stand out from the rest of the feathered tribe with unique characteristics and features. It is possible to get acquainted with their features seagulls in the photo. In appearance, these are birds of medium or large size.

The range of dense and smooth plumage can be white or gray, often complemented by black areas on the birds' heads or wings. The most famous and widespread type includes seagulls with a dark head, black wings and a light body.

Gulls, like most waterfowl, have webbed feet.

You can also see, although rarely, a single-colored gull. In addition, these birds have medium-sized wings and a tail, a slightly curved, strong beak, and membranes on their legs.

When communicating with relatives, these creatures of nature use great amount the most different sounds. Such signals can be part of mating ceremonies, indicate the presence of food and warn of danger.

The cries of such birds, which are often heard on the coasts of all seas and oceans of the globe, are usually unusually exciting and piercing, and most importantly, loud, because they can be heard from many hundreds of meters away.

Types of seagulls

It is assumed that the ancient ancestors of these representatives of the bird kingdom were terns, blotches, waders and cutwaters. All this birds, similar to seagulls. For example, terns have many similarities with the described winged creatures and are also famous for their tirelessness in flight.

In total, scientists number about sixty species of seagulls. Although it is difficult to accurately classify these birds due to the tendency for interspecific crossing.

Naturally, for this reason, representatives of new generations of seagulls are endowed with characteristic features two parent varieties at once. Next, the hybrids are crossed again and inherit the characteristics of more and more new species.

They all have bright distinctive features appearance and rare properties, although in essence they are largely similar.

Among the existing ones we can highlight the following interesting varieties.

  • Herring gull– among its relatives there is a fairly large specimen. The body length in some cases reaches 67 cm, weight – up to one and a half kilograms. The powerful physique of these birds is impressive.

The head, which looks a little angular, is white in summer, and in winter it is covered with a characteristic motley pattern. The pattern at the end of the wing also changes. The birds have a powerful beak and an impudent expression in their eyes.

Most often, these creatures are found on sea coasts, but also take root near lakes, rivers and swamps with other birds.

The herring gull has the plumage we are familiar with

  • Large sea ​​gulls are distinguished by a characteristic red spot on the mandible of the usually yellow beak. The top of the body of such winged creatures is dark, the bottom is white. Wing, dark with outside, bordered along the edges with light.

The young are distinguished by their brownish plumage with a pattern of stripes and spots. Fully-formed individuals are often compared to impressive black whales, and they look a lot like them. This is for real big seagull.

Such birds are found on European and North American ocean coasts, often on rocky islands.

Distinctive feature a large seagull is the presence of a red spot on its beak

  • The glaucous gull is like a smaller copy of the silver gull, but its appearance is more elegant: long wings, a rounded head, and a thin beak. Feather color undergoes seasonal changes. Body length reaches 46 cm.

  • black-headed gull Of the known varieties, the specimen is quite small. In summer, the plumage on the head of such birds is brown (in winter, this shade mostly disappears), and there are white circles around the eyes.

At the end of the wings there is a characteristic, very noticeable pattern. This variety is widespread throughout the European continent.

U black-headed gulls black head plumage

  • The black-headed gull is larger than the black-headed gull, although appearance There are enough similarities with the specified relative. Adults are distinguished by white flight feathers.

This black-headed seagull happens all summer period, but with the onset of cold weather its color changes. There are many such birds in the north of the Black Sea region and in Turkey. Their colonies are found in the west and in central regions Europe.

  • The pink gull is a rare species, but very beautiful. The plumage of such birds is monochromatic and soft pink, which is simply a magical sight. Photos of such creatures are especially fascinating.

The beak and paws of this species of birds can be yellow, red or black. The winter feather plumage is unusually beautiful, but in the spring this spectacle may not be so impressive due to molting.

It should be noted that the motley plumage of young individuals has a brownish tint.

The photo shows a pink seagull

  • The white gull is a polar bird small sizes. The body length is only 45 cm. It lives in Arctic latitudes, as well as in regions of the north with similar climates. Lives in colonies and nests in rocks.

Such white seagull by feather color. It feeds on carrion and invertebrates. The excrement of polar bears, walruses and seals is quite suitable as food for such creatures.

White gull inhabitant of the Arctic regions

  • The black-headed gull is a very remarkable species. Firstly, because this specimen is of impressive size. Birds are capable of reaching an average length of 70 cm. At the same time, their weight can reach 2 kg or more.

Secondly, this type very rare. In addition, the appearance of the creatures described is very interesting. As the name suggests, the head of a bird black. Gull This variety also boasts a brilliant feather shade in this area.

The beak is yellow with a red tip. The main background of the body is white, the wings are gray, the paws are yellow. Such birds deserve their name for the characteristic sounds they make, which are multiple “ay”.

Black-headed Laughing Gull

  • Gray gull has average sizes in comparison with its relatives. It is found in the western regions of the South, settling along the Pacific coast. The plumage of the birds is lead-gray. They have black legs and beak.

You can distinguish a gray gull not only by its plumage, but also by its black legs and beak.

Lifestyle and habitat

Seagulls are found throughout the planet, where there are bodies of water suitable for such birds. However, some species of these birds prefer exclusively temperate latitudes, while others prefer the tropical zone.

Some types of gulls are found along the coasts of vast seas and vast oceans. They tend to live sedentary lives. The rest of the species choose lakes and rivers and inhabit desert oases. These types of birds most often migrate during unfavorable seasons, preferring to move to the warm sea corners of the globe.

But some colonies of birds remain in their usual places of existence: in areas major cities, where they feed on food waste.

These birds are simply excellent flyers. All this is facilitated by the peculiarities of their structure, in particular the shape of the wings and tail. In the air they feel like they are in cozy home. Such birds are able to fly tirelessly and move record distances.

Birds are also known for their pirouettes, maneuvers and stunts during flight. These birds have webbed feet that allow them to swim beautifully. Gull It moves quickly through water, just as it runs on land.

These winged creatures, like most waterfowl, form flocks. Their colonies can be a huge community and include several thousand individuals, but there are also very small groups, the number of members of which is one or two dozen.

Looking at the seagulls soaring above the sea wave, striking with their beauty and tranquility, many feel a surge of romantic inspiration. However, the satisfied appearance of the bird testifies more to the abundance of food in those regions of prosperity where it hunts and lives.

But if there is not enough food, these birds very soon take on the guise of greedy and daring predators, capable of fighting for a piece of food with incredible aggressiveness not only with adult relatives from the flock members, but even with fledgling chicks.

But when danger arises, these creatures instantly unite together to fight together against a common enemy. And it could be a fox, a bear, an arctic fox, among birds - a raven, a falcon, or a person who encroaches on their life.

They unite in flocks of seagulls while hunting, as well as fighting off threats

To prevent enemy attacks and protect themselves, seagulls have a wonderful and well-functioning warning system.


What makes these birds unsurpassed hunters is their evenly pointed, thin beak, which allows them to catch any prey, even slippery and sticky ones. The main part of their diet is small fish and squid.

Often seagull bird feasts on the remains of prey from predators larger than itself, circling close to schools of dolphins, whales and other marine predators.

In search of food, these birds make endless circles over the water, boldly fly considerable distances from coastline, constantly observing what is happening in shallow waters.

In this way, they track down schools of fish, which, rising to the upper layers of the ocean, often become easy prey for hungry gulls. But when hunting for their victims, seagulls do not know how to dive to significant depths.

These birds often look for food along the coastline, going in search of the carcasses of fur seals and seals. They pick up dead mollusks, starfish, and other representatives of ocean fauna.

Species that live in the steppe near water bodies and beyond the Arctic Circle are often content with plants and berries, catching voles and mice, and a variety of insects.

It just so happens that on planet Earth today there is enough food for such birds. And the abundance of food supply is associated with human life. Oddly enough, this time, people are helping the survival of these birds, and not contributing to the destruction of these bird species.

It is precisely because of the abundance of food near human settlements that seagulls have been accustomed since ancient times to settle close to the signs of civilization. They tend to move to ports and beaches, where they look for tasty morsels - leftover food from people. Birds often do not hesitate to feast on waste in city landfills.

Reproduction and lifespan

Married couples of these birds do not break up during their lives, and each of the partners remains faithful to the other, content with the company of their only one until death. However, in the event of the death of the chosen one, there is usually another roommate.

The mating season for seagulls occurs once a year. The courtship of birds before mating consists of making certain, rather complex movements of the head, body and entire plumage. Such rituals are usually accompanied by vocal signals.

seagull cry in such cases it resembles meowing. Immediately before intercourse, the partner brings his lady a treat, which serves as confirmation of the good relationship in this married couple.

Seagulls begin to build their nests between April and June. Cozy houses for chicks can be located on narrow ledges, right on the grass or even on the sand. The material for construction is selected depending on the type of terrain.

Marine species of gulls pick up wood chips and shells. In the Arctic Circle, birds usually use reeds, dry algae, and grass.

A mother seagull lays up to three colorful eggs at a time. Then she spends a month (or a slightly shorter period of time) incubating the offspring. And a caring male provides his partner with food in abundance.

Soon the chicks are born. They do not hatch all together, but usually at intervals of one or two days. The offspring of seagulls, covered with thick down, are unusually viable from the very first hours of life, and also have developed visual organs.

Laying seagull eggs in a nest

True, newborn chicks lack the ability to move independently, but not for long. Only a few days pass and the new generation is already embarking on its journey through the bird colony.

The struggle for existence among the chicks is quite fierce, and parents, as a rule, give preference to the older ones. Therefore, it happens that with a lack of food, the youngest gull cubs die.

The down of chicks is an unusually successful camouflage for them, saving them in case of danger. Because of this, small creatures become inconspicuous against the background of sea stones and sand.

Seagull chicks have plumage that makes it easier for them to camouflage themselves.

Young individuals find their own pair for procreation at the age of one or three. Such birds live in nature, if unexpected death does not overtake them earlier, for about twenty years. However, the lifespan of such birds on earth largely depends on the variety. For example, individuals of herring gulls have a good chance of living up to 49 years.

It should be noted that recently many have begun to consider these birds harmful, posing a significant threat to the entire ecosystem. It's all about the decrease in the number of fish in the planet's oceans, which has become especially noticeable in recent decades.

The consequence of such a hasty decision by greedy and selfish representatives of the human race is the mass destruction of these beautiful winged creatures in many regions.

However, when forming an opinion about them, it is necessary to take into account the benefits of such birds. By eating the corpses of living beings and leftover food, they thus fight for the ecological purity of the surrounding space.

Almost every bird has its own story or legend. AND seagull bird not an exception. There is a legend about the pink ones, according to which beautiful girls were deceived by an evil witch.

She was jealous of their beauty and tricked them into taking a bath in the icy pink water, where they died. But their souls continued to live in pink gulls. They come to the aid of drowning sailors. This variety can be seen on photo of seagull birds.

Features and habitat of the seagull

Seagulls live wherever there is sea, some species live near fresh water bodies and rivers. In many countries, seagulls are highly valued; they are scavengers and clean beaches. On the other hand, these birds are very noisy, dirty buildings and steal food. In addition, they are also very cunning.

The photo shows a pink seagull

A lot of various types these birds, and they all have similar features:

  • long wings;
  • flowing body;
  • almost square tail;
  • The color of females and males is the same;
  • young birds have brownish plumage;
  • and here are the old ones gull birds are white;
  • the size can be very different, from large specimens to very miniature ones;
  • strong beak with a hook at the end;
  • legs of medium length, color red or black.

All gulls lead a colonial lifestyle. These colonies reach several thousand birds. The seagull is a seabird with membranes that allow them to move well in the water, but they are not ocean birds.

The seagull is a monogamous bird; pairs form on for a long time. They are excellent flyers, but also walk well on land. To the question: “ Gull migrant or not? You can answer yes and no. Most seagulls fly to warmer climes, but some remain to spend the winter in cities if they have something to feed on.

Types of gull birds

Common seagull or lake. They live in Eurasia and the coasts of Canada. They can often be found on Russian territory, begging for food on sea vessels. Body weight is not very large, on average from 240 to 400 g. The physique is slender.

They nest near freshwater bodies of water and even city landfills. They don’t particularly like the sea; they stop there only during the flight. They fly away at the end of August and return in April. They migrate in small flocks, flying in the form of a triangle.

They also nest in colonies, in reeds surrounded by water. They lay up to three eggs, dirty green in color with gray spots(they can be eaten). The robbers are treated very aggressively, they even attack people, and the predators are put to flight.

Both partners incubate the eggs for about 24 days. The parents begin feeding the chicks almost immediately, regurgitating food into the chick's beak. On the territory of bird nests you can often see killed chicks; when they grow up, they begin to wander into other people’s nests, where they are killed by adult seagulls.

sea ​​gull. A large bird, about 70 cm long. The tips of the wings are white, and the back and the rest of the wing are gray. Pink legs, dark beak. The length of the beak is 6 cm. It swims well and can even sleep on the water.

Throughout the year they feed in garbage dumps and fishing ports. You can meet them in America, on the coasts of the North Sea and the coasts of Europe.

sea ​​gull

They nest in a visible place so that they can easily save the eggs. Some couples climb to the top of the rocks. Because sea ​​gull enough big bird she has no enemies. The female lays three eggs, which are incubated by both partners.

Chicks at the age of eight weeks are already excellent fliers. Seagulls are true predators; they eat not only the eggs of other birds, but also the impressively sized adults themselves. - seagull-like bird, but is not it. This is a completely different family - terns.

Tern bird

Great Arctic Gull. The bird is quite large, weighing from 1300 to 2500 g. The color is white with a bluish mantle on the back. In general, the whole bird is very light shade. Lives in Europe, Asia and America.

Nests are built on cliffs or on the seashore. They nest alone or in flocks. Near bird colonies, where they feed on the eggs of other birds. Most often three eggs are laid. Arctic gull dangerous predator, feeds on carrion and kills many birds and animals.

Pictured is a polar gull

Character and lifestyle of a seagull

Seagulls are very voracious birds, and in order to eat well they show extraordinary intelligence. To feast on shellfish, a seagull flies high into the sky and drops the shell onto a rock until it opens.

Many birds fly to warmer climes, but some walk around cities in search of food. They easily adapt to any habitat. They are not at all afraid of people, and even beg for fish and bread from them.

They can circle over the water for hours, carve out prey, and then fly down like an arrow and even dive into the water after it. They often circle over whales and dolphins in the hope of profiting from something from their prey.

On the shore they eat shellfish, and... They do not disdain carrion. To make their nests, they collect various types of garbage, even cans and scraps of nets. At the same time, they bring a lot of benefits, destroying pests and removing garbage from embankments.

Breeding seagulls

Gulls begin to breed at the age of one to four years. After the pairs have formed, the female begins to defiantly beg the male for food and he feeds her. Gulls also nest in large columns, at a distance of 50 cm to 10 meters. This is prudent, since many chicks like to wander around the surrounding area and can be killed in an unequal battle.

The nests are built from garbage and various rags, with a depression in the middle. Females lay one to three eggs, which both partners take turns incubating. They incubate them for three or four weeks.

Both parents also feed the chicks. The chicks are gluttonous and eat 5-6 times a day. After 10-12 days, the chicks go for a walk. After 40 days, the chicks can already fly.

If danger approaches the colony, all the birds fly up and begin to scream loudly and shower the intruder with droppings. Not the most pleasant event. Seagulls live about 15-20 years.

Seagull nest with chick

No matter how harmful and noisy this bird is, its benefits are much greater than its harm. In addition, it is difficult to imagine the coast of the Black Sea or other body of water without this cocky bird. Besides what kind of bird is a seagull No matter how they look, they all have the same character.

There is a huge amount amazing views birds that are different unique features and characteristics. Among them is the famous gull bird - one of the most famous sea birds from the family of the same name and the order Charadriiformes. The ancient ancestors of gulls are considered to be waders, skuas, terns and cutwaters. Currently, ornithologists identify more than 60 varieties of the species with rare properties and characteristic appearance.

Seagull bird: what seagulls eat, where they winter

A significant part of them consists of medium-sized birds. The largest species includes sea ​​gull weighing two kilograms and a body length of up to 80 centimeters. In turn, the smallest representative called little gull weighs only 100 grams, and is no larger than a pigeon.

What does a seagull look like?

Almost all types of teas have the same appearance. The plumage of these lovely birds is smooth and dense, with wings and a tail of medium length. For this reason, seagulls are excellent fliers, able to cover vast distances over water without much fatigue. In addition, birds perform complex tricks and maneuvers during flight. The presence of a thin, evenly pointed beak allows it to catch any prey, even if it is very slippery or viscous. Some individuals have a massive beak with a sharp tip at the end, which also makes them unsurpassed getters.

All species have webbed feet, which allow the bird to swim freely in the water. However, duck clumsiness, slowness and unbalanced coordination of movements, as is the case with other wild waterfowl, are absent. A seagull runs fast on land and swims just as fast in water.

The color of the plumage varies from white to black, while the ratio of one of the two shades is different. The most common coloration is represented by a light body, black wings and a dark head. In rare cases, it is possible to meet a single-colored gull. These individuals include representatives of the following species:

  • White seagull;
  • polar;
  • gray;
  • dark.

A very rare species pink seagull, which has an unusual soft pink plumage that can turn any photo into a real miracle. The color of the beak and paws is most often black, red or yellow. The anatomical differences between males and females are minor, but seasonal characteristics are very pronounced. For example, in the spring, a seagull begins to molt, and the winter color without bright colors becomes more beautiful. Young animals differ from adults by their characteristic brownish-variegated plumage.

Area. Where do seagulls spend the winter?

Seagulls are found almost everywhere. There is no continent or ocean where these birds have taken root. True, some species prefer exclusively tropical regions, some prefer the temperate zone, and there are also polar species. Anyway, the main condition when choosing a habitat is the presence of a body of water. But there are some nuances here too:

  • some seagulls love the ocean expanses and endless coastlines of large and deep seas;
  • others are found on rivers and lakes;
  • still others live in desert oases;

Species that are found near marine coastlines tend to be sedentary, while those living on inland lakes and rivers often migrate seasonally.

Like other waterfowl species, seagulls prefer a gregarious lifestyle. They form obligate or facultative colonies. If we are talking about the first type, then more than several thousand individuals can live in one colony, which settle at a short distance from each other. Facultative colonies consist of one or several dozen gulls, and nests are installed at a distance of several meters from each other. For this reason seagulls have a pronounced signaling system.

Each species has a wide variety of sounds that are used as warnings of impending danger, the arrival of food, readiness to mate, and so on. The screams of representatives of the species are very loud and shrill. They can be heard from a distance of several hundred meters.

Individuals living on inland continental reservoirs with temperate climatic conditions go to warm sea regions for the winter.

What do seagulls eat

Many people associate peace and beauty with a seagull, imagining a romantic image of a seagull soaring above sea ​​waves birds. But in reality, such calm behavior occurs only when there is an abundance of food supply. Otherwise, the cute bird turns into a daring, greedy and aggressive hunter who will enter the battle for a tasty piece of food without much thought. Birds manage to take other people's food and even attack small chicks. If danger arises in front of the flock, its members quickly gather together to give a worthy rebuff to the predator, no matter if it is a fox, a raven or a person.

The main part of the seagulls' diet is:

  1. Small squids;
  2. Remains of prey of large marine predators;
  3. Small fish;

When searching for food, birds circle over the water for a long time, fly long distances from the shore and track strange behavior in the upper layers of the water. Seagulls are often found near whales, dolphins and other predatory fish, as they chase schools of small fish and provide birds with an excellent field for searching for easily accessible prey, which rises to the surface, hoping for rescue. However, hungry seagulls are waiting for her there.

Birds are able to partially submerge in water, but they do not know how to make a deep dive. Nevertheless, the birds do not give up coastal hunting. Very often in coastal areas they look for the remains of the corpses of seals and fur seals, crabs, starfish, mollusks and other representatives of aquatic fauna. Seagulls do not hesitate to hunt eggs and chicks of other birds. Steppe and polar species prefer:

  • insects;
  • mice and voles;
  • berries and some plants;

Today, the food supply of many species of gulls has greatly expanded due to proximity to traces of human activity. Seagulls move en masse to the vicinity of beaches, ports and city landfills. They learned to eat food waste and other food

Bird breeding

For all species, the breeding season occurs once a year. Birds are distinguished by their excellent fidelity to one partner, with whom they spend their entire lives. But if the female dies, the male looks for a new one. During the mating ritual, birds perform complex body movements, which involve nodding their heads, opening their belly plumage, meowing calls, etc.

In addition, before mating, the male picks up a small fish and presents it to his beloved in his beak. This seals their union.

The nesting season, depending on the habitat, begins in April-June. Gull nests are located either on sand or in grass, or on narrow ledges. Arctic gulls line their nest with grass, dry algae and reeds, which may seem like sparse bedding. Representatives of marine species make do with shell fragments and wood chips.

One female lays 1-3 motley eggs, which she incubates for 20-30 days. All this time, the caring male brings her food.

Chicks are born at intervals of 1-2 days. Moreover, unlike other bird species, Seagull babies are born sighted and well developed. Their body is covered with down, but they still lack the ability to move independently. The chicks can stay in the nest for no more than 2-6 days, after which they begin to move around the colony, getting to know other individuals. If the food supply is poor, adult gulls give the last piece to the older chick, which is why the younger one dies.

When danger is detected, the cubs hide strongly, and the thick fluff is an excellent camouflage against the background of sand and small pebbles. Puberty occurs at the age of 1−3 years, while the average duration reaches 15−20 years. Representatives herring gull can live even longer. By the way, the oldest bird from the gull family was a silverback, which reached the age of 49 years.

What are the dangers of birds?

Despite their agility, the ability to fly quickly, and an excellent warning system for approaching predators, gulls are exposed to many threats, including large birds of prey and land animals. Among the most important enemies of seagulls are:

  • kites;
  • falcons;
  • foxes;
  • arctic foxes;
  • the Bears;

For centuries, seagulls lived quietly with each other and did not pose a threat to the ecosystem. But the noticeable decline in fish resources at the global level, which has been observed over the past few decades, has led many to consider the bird harmful. Some say that the activity of seagulls has a negative impact on fish stocks, which is why they are being killed en masse.

But in reality the situation looks a little different. People who lead a consumer lifestyle and want to take from nature everything they can imagine, simply exterminate birds out of greed and the desire to enrich themselves by any means.

In fact, seagulls bring great benefits to the coast, because they eat animal waste and leftover food, being the best orderlies. It is important to note that some species of gulls are on the verge of extinction and require enhanced conservation measures. These include the following types:

If radical measures are not taken and the protection of these species is not taken seriously, in a few years they will simply disappear from the face of the earth. Many species of gulls are still widespread in different regions peace, but human activity, environmental changes and other factors greatly influence their numbers. Every year it is imperceptibly decreasing. Therefore, in order to protect birds from death, it is better not to disrupt their natural life cycle.