The goals of entrepreneurship are to obtain benefits. Goals and functions of entrepreneurial activity

Entrepreneurial activity is the timely organization, as well as the combination of certain factors of production, such as capital, land, labor, and to create products or services (intended for sale) that certainly satisfy social needs in order to obtain maximum material benefit.

For the favorable development of entrepreneurship in modern Russia Of significant importance is the idea that not every new business is always associated with the highly efficient use of all components of production in order to increase economic growth and, undoubtedly, meet the needs of society or a specific person with the achievement of the goal.

The main goal in Russia is to bring services, goods or work to specific consumers. And, of course, receiving material rewards for this.

Goals entrepreneurial activity reveal the essence of entrepreneurship itself. They consist in stimulating broad public demand for certain needs and satisfying it. Also, the goal of entrepreneurial activity is to maximize all opportunities that can satisfy the needs of the entrepreneur in conditions of uncertainty under the influence of the internal environment and threat external environment. This implies receiving maximum effect from The goals of entrepreneurial activity are to achieve a certain status by the enterprise and consolidate it in the market of goods and services. The person carrying out the activity may play one or more roles: manufacturer, supplier, dealer, intermediary, seller, etc.

Long-term business goals are achieved over a long period of time. They are always aimed at increasing and maintaining profitability, and must also be supported by the provision of resources for long-term needs, such as the acquisition of equipment, research and development (R&D), or the creation of new production facilities.

Once business goals have been set, it must be decided how best to achieve them. To do this, you need to develop a plan further actions. Namely: think through the sequence of steps to achieve each specific purpose, distribute and assign responsibility for the implementation of each specific step to one or another key figure. It is also necessary to determine control dates implementation of each action.

An action plan is needed to achieve your goals. Without such a plan, they lose their meaning, since there are no measures for their implementation.

Currently most of The country's population lives entirely or partially on income from small business activities. Increasing tension in the labor market for small businesses is one of the main sources of creating new jobs, so entrepreneurial activity should be given Special attention both from the side of entrepreneurs and from the state.

In order to successfully carry out their business, a capable citizen or business organization must have a good knowledge of the civil legislation governing this activity.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines the essence of entrepreneurial activity: independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the prescribed manner.

On this basis, several characteristic features and features of business activity:

independent activity of capable citizens and their associations;

proactive activities aimed at realizing one’s abilities and meeting the needs of other individuals and society;

risky activity;

a process aimed at making a profit through legal means;

activities carried out by persons (individuals or legal entities) registered as individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, that is, these are activities carried out in accordance with legal acts.

the main objective entrepreneurial activity - making a profit, which represents the difference between the price that the buyer pays for the corresponding goods (services) and the costs of satisfying the demand, that is, the excess of revenue from the sale of goods (services) over the costs of their production. An entrepreneur seeks to obtain the greatest profit as a result of the maximum satisfaction of certain social needs. “In case of success in his activities, the entrepreneur receives entrepreneurial profit, in case of failure he incurs losses, therefore knowledge, experience, and the ability to take reasonable risks are very important for any company and enterprise.” But an enterprise can make a profit only if it produces products or services that are sold, that is, satisfy social needs. The subordination of these two goals - satisfying needs and making a profit - is as follows: you cannot make a profit without studying the needs and without starting to produce the product that satisfies the needs.

It is necessary to produce a product that will satisfy needs and, moreover, at a price that would satisfy solvent needs. And an acceptable price is possible only if the enterprise maintains a certain level of costs, when all the costs of consumed resources are less than the revenue received. In this sense, profit is the immediate goal of the operation of an enterprise and, at the same time, the result of its activities. If the enterprise does not fit into the framework of such behavior and does not make a profit from its production activities, then it is forced to leave economic sphere, declare yourself bankrupt either voluntarily or at the request of creditors.

IN general view The profit formula can be represented as follows:

P = H - (G + N + W) (15)

where P is the profit of the enterprise;

B - revenue from sales of created products;

Z - costs of production and sales of created products

N - the amount of taxes paid by the enterprise

Ш - penalties

Sales revenue, in turn, is determined by the formula

B = ? Nitsi (16)

where Ni is the amount of produced and sold i-th consumers products in kind;

Ci - price implementation of the i-th products, rub.;

n - number of items of products sold, pcs.

Objectives of entrepreneurial activity

study of the market situation, including demand research, as well as assessment of the capabilities of existing and potential competitors;

ensuring optimal solutions to strategic and tactical issues;

maintaining the liquidity of the organization, that is, the constant availability of funds to make payments on obligations;

compliance with environmental and ethical-social requirements, which provide for the responsibility of entrepreneurs to society, customers, business partners, etc.

Functions of entrepreneurial activity

A general economic function, which is objectively determined by the role of business organizations and individual entrepreneurs as market subjects. Entrepreneurial activity is aimed at producing goods (performing work, providing services) and bringing them to specific consumers, which predetermines its general economic function.

Resource function. Entrepreneurial activity involves efficient use both renewable and limited resources. This labor resources, land, natural resources, means of production, scientific achievements.

Creative search function. This is an innovative function associated not only with the use of new ideas in the process of entrepreneurial activity, but also with the development of new means and factors to achieve goals.

Social function. It manifests itself in the ability of every capable citizen to be the owner of a business. The more efficiently they function business organizations, the more significant the receipt of their funds into budgets of various levels and into state off-budget funds, in the same time this function ensures an increase in the number of jobs, a reduction in the unemployment rate, and an increase in the level of social status of employees.

Organizing function. Manifested in the adoption by entrepreneurs independent decision about organizing your own business, in the formation of entrepreneurial management. The organizational function is especially clearly manifested in rapid development small and medium enterprises.

Types of business activities

Taking into account the direction of entrepreneurial activity, the object of investment of capital and obtaining specific results, they distinguish the following types entrepreneurial activity:

1. Manufacturing entrepreneurship. This is the process of producing specific goods, carrying out work, providing services for their sale (sale) to consumers (buyers). Manufacturing entrepreneurship can be industrial construction, agricultural, etc.

2. Commercial entrepreneurship. This is an activity at the commodity stage of capital turnover, which covers the exchange, distribution and consumption of products (services). The decisive role here is played by commodity-money and trade-exchange transactions and transactions for the purchase and sale of goods.

3. Financial entrepreneurship. This is the activity of entrepreneurs at the monetary stage of capital turnover, when the object of transactions are specific types of goods - cash and non-cash money, currency, securities.

4. Consulting business. The essence of this type of entrepreneurship is that certain persons - consultants who are qualified specialists in any area, give advice and recommendations to other entrepreneurs or citizens on issues of their competence for a fee.

Thus, entrepreneurship is new type management, based on the innovative behavior of the owners of the enterprise, on the ability to find and use ideas, and translate them into specific entrepreneurial projects. This is usually a risky business, but those who do not take risks cannot succeed in the end. An entrepreneur, before deciding to start his own business, must make careful calculations, study well the intended market and competitors, without neglecting your own intuition.

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BUSINESS ACTIVITY - independent activity carried out at your own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services by persons registered in established by law ok

The most important features of entrepreneurial activity:

  • 1. Independence and autonomy of business entities. Any entrepreneur is free to make a decision on this or that issue, naturally, within the framework of legal norms;
  • 2. Economic interest. The main goal of entrepreneurship is to obtain the maximum possible profit. At the same time, by pursuing his purely personal interests of obtaining a high income, the entrepreneur also contributes to the achievement of public interest;
  • 3. Economic risk and responsibility. Even with the most accurate calculations, uncertainty and risk remain.

The main task of entrepreneurial activity in the production sector is to satisfy the demand for goods and services by manufacturing and selling these products for the purpose of making a profit. An entrepreneur can organize production himself or act as an intermediary; he can be the owner of an enterprise or a hired manager. But in any case, the entrepreneur is an active agent of the market who develops production and establishes market connections.

The highest goal of entrepreneurial activity is the excess of results over costs, i.e. achieving as much profit or higher profitability as possible.

Basic functions of entrepreneurial activity. In a market economy, entrepreneurship performs general economic, resource, creative and search (innovation), social, and organizational functions. Some scientists believe that entrepreneurship also has a political function, which is usually carried out by associations (unions) of entrepreneurs.

  • 1. The general economic function in a developed market economy is decisive. It is objectively determined by the role of business organizations and individual entrepreneurs as market subjects acting under the responsibility of a legal entity and individual entrepreneurs acting on their own behalf and under their own property responsibility. Entrepreneurial activity is aimed at producing goods (performing work and providing services) and delivering them to specific consumers: households, other entrepreneurs, and the state. It is carried out by its subjects under the influence of the entire system of economic laws market economy(supply and demand, competition, cost, etc.), which constitutes the objective basis for the manifestation of the general economic function. The progressive development of entrepreneurship is one of the determining conditions for economic growth, increasing the volume of gross domestic product and national income. This factor also acts as a manifestation of the general economic function in the system of economic relations.
  • 2. The resource function of entrepreneurship is the most important. The development of entrepreneurship involves the effective use of both reproducible and limited resources. Resources should be understood as all material and intangible conditions and factors of production, of course, first of all, labor resources, land and natural resources, all means of production and scientific achievements, as well as entrepreneurial talent. An entrepreneur can achieve the highest success if he is able to generate scientific and technical ideas, innovations in the field of activity in which he creates his own business, uses highly qualified labor, efficiently consume all types of resources. But the pursuit of maximum income (profit) of entrepreneurs often leads to the predatory use of resources belonging to the entire society. Thus, entrepreneurs with their activities can cause harm environment and to the population. Due to this important The state acquires a regulatory role, establishing the forms of responsibility of entrepreneurs for the improper use of the resource function, which is contradictory and has a dual nature. The entrepreneur as the owner of resources is interested in them rational use and at the same time can be ruthless with public resources. This is evidenced by the history of the development of entrepreneurship and the history of scientific and technological revolutions, the consequences of which for humans are contradictory.
  • 3. The innovative function is characteristic of entrepreneurship as a new type of economic management. It is associated with the use of new ideas in the process of entrepreneurial activity, with the development of new means and factors to achieve set goals, as well as with all other functions, complementing them. This function is determined by the level of economic freedom of business entities, the conditions for making decisions, which is inherent in the entrepreneur as an owner. It follows from the level of economic freedom of business entities and from the conditions for decision-making.
  • 4. The social function lies in the ability of every capable person to be the owner of a business and to better demonstrate their individual talents and capabilities. This function of entrepreneurship is more expressed in the formation of a new layer of people - enterprising, inclined to independent economic activity, capable of overcoming environmental resistance and achieving their goals.

The more efficiently business organizations function, the greater the flow of funds into budgets of various levels and state extra-budgetary funds. At the same time, the development of entrepreneurship ensures job growth, a reduction in unemployment, and a strengthening of the social status of employees. However, at the same time, the layer of hired workers is growing, who, in turn, are economically and socially dependent on the sustainable activities of entrepreneurial enterprises.

5. The organizational function of entrepreneurship is manifested in entrepreneurs making independent decisions about organizing their own business, its diversification in the formation of entrepreneurial management, the creation of complex entrepreneurial structures, changing the strategy of the entrepreneurial company, etc.

The organizational function appears especially clearly in the rapid development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as in “collective” (network) entrepreneurship, in the creation of national enterprises.

6. Political function entrepreneurship is that at a certain stage of its development, a strengthened, quantitatively and qualitatively changed layer of small, medium, and sometimes large entrepreneurs needs to effectively convey their wishes to the executive power of the country, to remove bureaucratic obstacles to the development of their business . Super-large companies work directly with the state, while everyone else can only afford this by uniting in unions.

Entrepreneurship is a complex organizational and investment activity that requires high professionalism, responsibility and is associated with various risks. In a broad sense, entrepreneurship is the search for new business opportunities.

The famous Russian scientist-economist Professor A. Lydogovsky, in the book “Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Accounting,” published in St. Petersburg in 1875, wrote that the connection in the correct ratio of factors of agricultural production “is achieved through an enterprise,” and the person who connects these factors are "called the entrepreneur".

In the Civil Code Russian Federation entrepreneurship is defined as an activity carried out by citizens and legal entities at their own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of various services by persons who are registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law.

The following main features of entrepreneurial activity can be distinguished:

  • -independence and independence of the entrepreneur. This means that decisions on the creation, implementation of activities and liquidation of an economic entity are made exclusively by the participants in this activity themselves in the manner prescribed by law. The entrepreneur himself determines the type of activity (at individual species you need to obtain a license, that is, permission), production program(what to produce, how much and how to produce, to whom to sell and at what price), determines (after taxes) the procedure for distributing profits, sets the level of wages for workers (but not lower than the minimum level established by the state), concludes contracts, makes transactions, disposes property, deals foreign economic activity, voluntarily enters various associations (and leaves them), etc.;
  • -carrying out business activities mainly through equity. If one entrepreneur lacks capital, then investors are attracted, i.e. partners who become co-owners of the business. May also be involved borrowed capital, but then it will have to be returned with interest at the expense of the entrepreneurs’ profits;
  • - the entrepreneur carries out activities at his own risk. This means that the risk of loss as a result economic activity, as well as property liability for obligations is ensured by the entrepreneur at the expense of capital allocated for the implementation of entrepreneurship, and in some cases, at the expense of his personal property. In the work of entrepreneurs operating in the field Agriculture, there are features that are less due to subjective factors (wrong decisions, ineffective management, etc.) and more due to objective factors ( natural conditions, disparity in prices for industrial and agricultural products, insufficient state support for the activities of domestic producers, etc.); The entrepreneur is responsible for everything himself. He independently determines the area of ​​activity where he can profitably invest, produces and sells the goods. An entrepreneur must be able to correctly assess specific market situations and make the right decisions. management decisions and be responsible for their implementation;
  • -innovation, innovativeness (mastering the production of new goods; improving quality and expanding consumer properties manufactured products, goods; new services, customer service; new conditions and forms of delivery of goods and payments; implementation scientific and technical achievements, new equipment, technology, improved advertising, etc.). Entrepreneurs change the market situation in their favor mainly as a result of innovations, i.e. innovation;
  • -systematic receipt of economic benefits and profits. IN constituent documents for agricultural and other commercial organizations, systematic profit-making is defined as the main goal of creating an enterprise;
  • -mandatory state registration of persons who have decided to carry out entrepreneurial activities. There are severe penalties for late registration (and refusal to do so). Failure to comply with this business principle may have certain legal and economic consequences.

In general terms, the goal of entrepreneurial activity can be defined as the systematic receipt (extraction) of a certain economic benefit by offering on the market a particular product or service, which provides sources of further financing, income to business participants, is important factor stability of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur.

Making a profit is the central driving motive of entrepreneurial activity. But obtaining maximum profit is the most important, but not the only goal of entrepreneurship. The goals facing an entrepreneur are formed depending on the interests of participants in business activities.

Business entities are:

  • - citizens of Russia and foreign citizens;
  • -legal entities, including foreign ones;
  • -groups (associations) of citizens, legal entities (i.e. partners);
  • -state and municipal self-government bodies through the establishment of unitary enterprises.

Business objects can be:

  • -extraction of raw materials, materials, production of agricultural products;
  • -production of various goods, types of products, machines, equipment, etc.;
  • -purchase and sale of property, goods, securities, currency, cash;
  • -performance various works(construction, transport, repair, etc.);
  • -provision of various services (utilities, household, social, cultural, consulting, information, audit, etc.);
  • -providing assistance in the purchase and sale of property, goods, securities, currency, funds;
  • -insurance of business and other risks.

Therefore, entrepreneurship is a form of business activity based on risk and innovative approach to production, the system of existing economic ties, in which the production and supply of goods to the market are focused on generating business income (profit).

Entrepreneurship can be carried out:

  • - the owner himself;
  • -an entity that manages the owner’s property on the basis of:
  • - economic management rights;
  • -rights operational management;
  • -lease agreement;
  • - trust agreement, i.e. trust management of property.

The right of economic management of property assigned to an enterprise means that the entity that manages the property has the right to freely dispose of movable property, but cannot sell, exchange, lease, or pledge real estate without the permission of the owner.

The right of operational management of property means that the entity managing the property does not have the right to sell, exchange, lease, or pledge any property without the permission of the owner.

Under the right of economic management, property is assigned to state and municipal enterprises, and with the right of operational management - for state-owned enterprises.

The company can be placed under management under a lease agreement individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The tenant in this case pays the owner rent, which includes depreciation charges and a certain return on capital.

Management of an enterprise can be carried out under a trust agreement, i.e., the enterprise, property, financial assets (cash, securities) are transferred to trust management individual entrepreneur or legal entity ( commercial organization) for a certain reward. The owner of the property has no right to interfere with the activities of the enterprise after concluding an appropriate agreement with the manager (commercial organization).

The agreements provide:

  • -mutual obligations;
  • - restrictions on the rights to use property and carry out activities;
  • -procedure and conditions of financial relationships;
  • -material liability of the parties;
  • - grounds for termination of the contract.

Entrepreneur status is acquired through state registration. Unregistered (“hidden”) business, or bootlegging, is prohibited.

In a market economy, entrepreneurship allows you to solve the most important social problems:

  • -new enterprises are created, new jobs are created, unemployment is reduced;
  • -the effective demand of the population for material and spiritual goods is satisfied;
  • -impulse is communicated economic development countries due to the objective tendency of entrepreneurship to expand;
  • -tax revenues to budgets of all levels are increasing;
  • -scientific and technical achievements are introduced into production faster.

Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of increasing income and capital, when money “makes” new money. But it requires risk, a lot of time and effort, high property, moral and social responsibility. If this process is successful, the entrepreneur receives great satisfaction.

Beginners in entrepreneurship go through a tough process, as there is competition between their personal qualities and ideas. Only those who proved themselves, withstood the competition, and managed to satisfy social needs to their own benefit remain.

IN modern society a significant number of workers participate in production management; many companies are restructuring management to give workers maximum freedom to exercise independence and entrepreneurship.

The entrepreneur himself has changed. He increasingly feels a social responsibility to society. A clear illustration of this is the statement of the famous Japanese entrepreneur Kazuma Tateishi: “A bee does not collect nectar in order to pollinate flowers. She wants honey. However, ultimately it serves the flowers. The same thing happens with an enterprise that, while seeking to make a profit, serves the interests of society.”

As for the state, its main role is to help and protect the entrepreneur, not to suppress his business initiative, but to direct it in the right direction in the interests of the whole society. Otherwise, not only the entrepreneur suffers, but economic growth and the standard of living of the population are also hampered.

The main objective of business activity is to satisfy the needs of the buyer. An enterprise operates successfully in market conditions only if its products and services meet the needs of consumers. To know their true needs, an entrepreneur must invest in market research.

On initial stage activity of the enterprise, one of the important tasks of the entrepreneur is to ensure survival. At this stage, very often financial problems arise due to the small volume of product sales, high costs and difficulties in obtaining loans. In order to survive in these conditions, an entrepreneur must choose the right strategy activities.

One of the important tasks of an entrepreneur is also to ensure liquidity, solvency of the enterprise, and the constant availability of funds in accounts to make mandatory and other payments. Only then is he able to increase production, conduct research and development and take a strong position in the market.

Very often, an entrepreneur sets himself the task of increasing production by gaining a leading position in the industry. However, the implementation of this task is often complicated by the active actions of competitors, lack of capital and production capacity, and in some cases simply by the reluctance of enterprise specialists to rebuild production to produce new products, profit from which can only be obtained in the future.

All higher value is attached to the task of entrepreneurs complying with ethical and social requirements, which provide for their responsibility to society, customers, business partners, and employees.

Participants in business activities are:

  • -entrepreneurs themselves, their unions and associations;
  • -individual and collective consumers of goods, as well as associations and unions of consumers;
  • -employees working on a contract or other basis, as well as their trade unions;
  • -state and municipal bodies, when they adopt laws, legislative and regulations regulating business activities.