How to decorate the walls of a house inside. Types of wall decoration in an apartment: making the right choice

At the dacha you can relax not only from the city noise and bustle. Fresh air is an integral part of outdoor recreation. Many are tormented by the question of how to cover the walls of a dacha inside inexpensively and maintain comfort. For this purpose it is used environmentally friendly material, able to endure the unheated winter period without cost. It is advisable to preserve the natural, country style of finishing.

Why did my friend and I start studying materials?

Vadik and I each have several aunties who have no one to help except their nephews. At the beginning of spring, we began to prepare for the summer season. We need to start putting the dachas in order. The most labor-intensive work was finishing the walls inside. It is necessary to choose a material that allows the walls to breathe. It is advisable to maintain the design style.

The task was complicated by the fact that no one lived at the dacha in winter. The room was not heated. Our relatives could not spend a lot of money on decorating the inside. We will do the work ourselves, but we need to purchase the material inexpensively. It is easier to choose a combination of price and quality than the cost of the material and its naturalness and environmental friendliness.

I told Vadik about different finishing materials for wooden houses. As a result, he compiled a table that can be used as a basis when choosing an option for sheathing. wooden walls in the country.

Positive qualities of the material Negative qualities of cladding Where finishing should not be applied
price hygroscopicity low vapor permeability at seasonal dachas
ease of installation need for plastering in buildings that have not shrinked
low vapor permeability
gypsum fiber sheets
price destruction at joints Unheated dachas
flexibility reduced vapor permeability did not shrink
easy installation reduction in environmental friendliness
durability the walls don't breathe unheated rooms
high cost of installation and materials bedrooms and children's rooms
cork panels
environmentally friendly very expensive in damp areas
durable fragile boiler rooms
aesthetically pleasing
ecologically pure material high price boiler rooms
durability fire hazard damp areas
aesthetic appearance
average cost low ductility seasonal buildings
environmental friendliness hygroscopicity damp areas
high vapor permeability fire hazardous areas
no deformation
plastic presence of glue in damp areas
naturalness hygroscopicity
price sealing joints
OSB boards
environmental friendliness contains formaldehyde bedrooms
no deformation cutting dust children's rooms
low cost
wooden lining
naturalness breaks down due to temperature changes Unheated premises
easy to process lit
aesthetic appearance
block house
average cost difficult installation on the casing damp rooms
natural wood
aesthetic appearance
glass magnesium sheet
cheap requires coverage children's rooms
easy low vapor permeability bedrooms

Natural materials are more expensive. Savings are achieved due to the lack of finishing the walls after covering. There is no need to plaster, glue or paint.

Advantages and disadvantages of solid wood

Wood is a warm and clean material. For many years, after construction is completed, it fills the inside of the house with its aroma. To finish the walls, it is necessary to take into account the shrinkage of the new building and constant expansion logs with changes in humidity and temperature. Timber and boards play less.

Flaw natural material for finishing the walls of a dacha at a high cost. To make it inexpensively, you can use scraps of lining and substandard materials and make it yourself. The work becomes more complicated, it is necessary to eliminate defects and select the size. The beauty of the design is preserved. You can attach the board to wooden walls using self-tapping screws without a frame. Brick and plastered surfaces should be sheathed with profiles or slats.

To protect against moisture, wood trim is impregnated with protective compounds. The coverage is updated regularly. In a dacha that is not heated, after a year.

Finishing with slabs made of chips, shavings and sawdust

Finishing with slabs made of chips, shavings and sawdust

Wall finishing can be done inexpensively with slabs made from waste wood. OSB boards are pressed from wood chips. Glue made from natural ingredients is used as a connecting material. For finishing they have a number of advantages over other materials:

  • vapor permeability is close to solid wood;
  • do not deform from moisture - multi-directional fibers;
  • flexible, does not collapse when walls shrink;
  • holds fasteners well;
  • has an aesthetic appearance;
  • easy to process.

Deficiency in formaldehyde content, especially during moisture resistant boards for kitchen and bathroom. Supports combustion. When sawing, fine dust is generated. You must wear a respirator.

We sheathed OSB in all the rooms, except the bedrooms, in the country house, which is used seasonally. Its construction was completed last year, and the house was shrinking. A finish was needed that would withstand deformation.

MDF boards do not contain harmful substances. Sawdust ground into dust is glued together with tree resin. My friend and I chose a material with veneer cladding and sheathed the inside walls at the dacha where my aunt lives all year round. The house has heating and was built more than five years ago.

Plywood finishing for painting and wallpaper

In apartments and houses with constant heating, plasterboard is often used to level the walls. The slabs have a smooth surface and it is enough to putty only the joints and dents from the screws under the wallpaper. fasten large sheets You can go straight to the walls if they are smooth. Gypsum does not allow air to pass through well and swells from moisture. Therefore, for an unheated dacha, the walls of which are made of logs, it must be laid in several layers, according to a sliding pattern. Plaster and protective paint eliminate the term “inexpensive.”

Decorating the walls of a private house begins with a choice suitable materials. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to such nuances as the type of coating chosen, texture, installation method, performance characteristics, as well as the characteristics of the building itself.

Current materials for interior decoration walls, or rather their variety on the construction market, is simply amazing. Just think, if 10 years ago the main types of finishing were painting, wallpapering and lime treatment, today there are a huge variety of finishing materials. Moreover, they are divided into certain subcategories; in particular, there are materials whose use is justified exclusively in private homes. Here we will look at them in more detail.

Let's start with the fact that everything Decoration Materials can be divided into:

  • rack and pinion;
  • roll;
  • paint and varnish;
  • tiled;
  • plastering.

The difference between them lies not only in the final result, but also in the method of application, cost, necessary preliminary preparation, etc. In addition, some finishing materials are better suited for wooden surfaces, while others will be an excellent option for renovating a brick house.

Rack materials

When choosing a finish, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, including the type of building being repaired. If we are talking about a small country house, used primarily in the warm season, then slatted materials for wall decoration would be an ideal option. Also, a similar option is widely used in frame construction. Among the advantages slatted finish it is possible to highlight the possibility quick repair, as well as no need to prepare the base for coating.

Rack materials are presented on the market in a wide variety and wide price range and are excellent option for finishing a country house

Lath materials include:

  1. Wooden lining is an environmentally friendly, durable and aesthetic finishing material. On this moment There are a number of subtypes of wooden lining, such as American, Euro-lining or, increasingly popular, imitation timber. Moreover, it can be used for wall cladding in various temperature conditions. One of the disadvantages of such house cladding is wooden lining It is quite expensive, but its advantages fully compensate for the money spent.
  2. PVC panels are one of the cheapest options for covering the walls of a house, another name for which is plastic lining. Among the advantages of such a coating are its low cost and ease of installation. In addition, plastic lining is easy to clean and looks presentable on the surface. However, experts do not recommend installing lining in living rooms, calling it one of the worst options for finishing. The fact is that it is not only quite fragile, but also unsafe for health. The maximum where it can be used is in outbuildings or rarely used rooms. Also, one of the acceptable options for using PVC panels is the design of ceilings.
  3. MDF panels are a fairly durable finishing material. They are cheap finishing options and are quite suitable for renovating a country house.

Rolled finishing materials

Roll materials for wall decoration, namely wallpaper, can be called one of the most used in the design of private houses and apartments. Cheap, easy to install, big choice colors and textures - all this still attracts the attention of those who have ever thought about renovation. However, progress does not stand still and today on the construction market there are modern variations of rolled finishing materials that are much more suitable for decorating walls in a private home than the usual paper wallpaper:

paints and varnishes

Paint is one of the cheapest and simple ways wall decoration. At the moment there are many modern variations paint and varnish materials, differing in the type of application, properties, and final appearance. One thing remains unchanged - paint finishes include so-called “flowing” compositions, which, after application to the surface, form a film.

Coloring is the simplest and inexpensive way wall decoration in the house
  1. Acrylic paint is one of the most common types of paints and varnishes. Finishing with it looks quite aesthetically pleasing and different. high strength, as well as moisture resistance. However, when applying such a finish, you should pay attention to the material from which the walls of the house are made, since acrylic “does not breathe.”
  2. Silicone paints are a durable, breathable coating that does not require preliminary surface preparation, provided that the width of the existing damage is less than 2 mm. Among the shortcomings similar material one can highlight its high cost.
  3. Silicate paints are one of the most durable finishing coatings, which is why this option is used in rooms with high operating loads. The disadvantages of this finishing include the requirement for careful preliminary preparation of the surface.

Decorative plaster

Another frequently used material for finishing walls in the house is decorative plaster. The advantage of this material is that its installation requires virtually no surface preparation. In addition, there are many modern variations of such coatings, which allows you to choose the optimal finish in terms of properties and appearance for each specific case.

  1. Textured plasters - unlike standard types of plasters, such mixtures are used as a finishing, decorative coating. There are several types textured plasters, the most famous of which are the fur coat, Venetian plaster and bark beetle, the main difference between them is the texture of the already hardened coating. One of the disadvantages of such finishing materials is the high cost of both the materials themselves and the work.
  2. Liquid wallpaper - despite the name, it is difficult to classify it as wallpaper in its classical sense; this type of finishing is often equated to decorative plasters. This is a liquid mixture made from natural materials, such as cotton, silk and cellulose, which is applied to the wall using special tools. Among the advantages of liquid wallpaper, it is worth highlighting its environmental friendliness, ease of installation, durability, as well as the ability to repair individual sections of the coating. True, such finishing will cost a lot.

Liquid wallpaper is an excellent alternative to their paper counterparts; they have many advantages and will fit perfectly into the interior of a private home.

Other materials

In addition to all the above options, it is also worth paying attention to the following types of home decoration that are gaining popularity:

  • Tiles – speaking of wall decoration, one cannot help but think of tiles. An aesthetically pleasing and fairly durable cladding material, it is very easy to maintain and affordable. At the same time, the current variety of design variations allows you to choose an option for any interior.
  • Natural stone is an expensive, very durable and quite specific coating that must be used with caution. Experts advise decorating natural stone separate sections of the interior for a more aesthetic appearance, since walls completely finished with it look very bulky.
  • Artificial stone is an excellent option for wall cladding. Durable, no need special care fake diamond will be an excellent themed decor for both the kitchen and hallway, as well as for living spaces. Wherein this material Available in various design variations, thanks to which this finish will perfectly complement any interior.

The variety inside the house will satisfy even the most demanding buyer. However, in order to do right choice, it is necessary to focus not only on the desired result and aesthetics of the finish, but also on the features of the building in which the renovation is being carried out.

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How to solve the problem: decorating walls in an apartment - 5 ideas for your peace of mind

Modern wall decoration in an apartment is one of the most important stages any repairs. A well-chosen type of decoration will not only help make your dream interior a reality, but will also save money and time.

And so that in the process of choosing a finish you are not based only on the feeling of “oh, this doesn’t look good,” I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular and proven materials with their advantages and disadvantages.

What to choose

During the renovation process, many may face the problem of choosing suitable options. It’s no wonder, there are a lot of materials available today, each of them has its own advantages, it’s not clear what to buy. I hope my article will make your task much easier, and you will not regret the money spent.

Idea 1. Wallpaper

For many years, wallpaper still refuses to give up the palm in the competition for the most popular finishing material. The assortment is more than impressive: here you can find relatively inexpensive paper, more expensive and durable vinyl, and even wallpaper with a 3D effect.

When purchasing wallpaper, you should consider what room it is intended for:

  1. So, what is the best way to decorate a kitchen? Of course, vinyl washable wallpaper, which is not afraid of drops of grease and soot.

  1. For a child's room, you can choose lightweight paper or vinyl wallpaper. The good thing about the latter is that you can remove all your child’s artistic “masterpieces” from them. The first option is attractive due to its low cost and the ability to simply replace them with others after a certain time as they become dirty.

  1. If you still decide to decorate the bathroom with wallpaper (in my opinion, not the best The best decision), then it is better to buy moisture-resistant material. Otherwise, do not be surprised by the appearance of fungus in the areas where water droplets accumulate.

  1. The assortment is not very limited. Depending on the interior, you can choose non-woven, liquid, fabric, photo and 3D wallpaper.


When all the options for decorating the walls in the apartment have been reviewed, and the choice has fallen on wallpaper, it’s time to understand how to glue them. This must be done according to the following scheme:

  1. Remove old wallpaper and also clean the walls of the glue that held them in place.
  2. Use a spatula or a special brush to remove all previous layers of plaster, whitewash or paint.

  1. Level the surface with putty, give it ideal (or so) smoothness, and prime it.

  1. After the primer has completely dried, you can begin the gluing process.
  2. If you purchased wallpaper without a pattern, then it should be cut into strips of the same size, leaving gaps of 2-2.5 cm on both sides. If a pattern is applied to the coating, then the wallpaper will have to be combined according to the pattern. In this case, the consumption of materials will be greater.

  1. Next, the wallpaper must be coated with glue and applied to the wall.

  1. When the material is attached to the wall, it must be thoroughly smoothed from top to bottom and air bubbles removed.

Here is a small instruction that may be useful to you during the repair process.

Idea 2. Paint

Previously, paint was most often used for cladding outside at home, but over time she moved to apartments. I can mention its main advantages:

  • a huge assortment of flowers;
  • variety of textures;
  • the ability to decorate walls with any pattern using special figured rollers and special tools.

The most popular options include the following types paints:

  • alkyd;
  • adhesive;
  • water-based.

I will analyze each of them in more detail.

  1. Oil and enamel paints, which are classified as alkyd. This finishing material is excellent for both external and internal decoration. Additional advantages include resistance to ultraviolet radiation and moisture.

Among the disadvantages, I can highlight the helplessness against acid and the not very attractive fire safety indicator.

  1. Adhesive paint, or rather its composition, is much more gentle on the body in the process of decorating walls. In addition, it allows air to pass through perfectly, which is important for children's rooms and bedrooms.

  1. Water-based paints are easily soluble in water, which makes using them yourself quite easy. They lay perfectly in an even dense layer and look great on matte surfaces.

Just keep in mind that the water-based emulsion will not adhere to walls that have been previously exposed with varnish or adhesive paint.

Application Features

Painting the walls proceeds as follows:

  1. First, sizing is carried out masking tape joints with the floor and ceiling to protect them from contamination.

  1. This is followed by the process of cleaning off the remnants of the previous coating, sealing cracks and covering the wall with a primer.
  2. If necessary, you will need to sand the surface in some places.

  1. Next, you should dilute the paint to the required consistency and proceed directly to application.

You can use the brush in any direction: from top to bottom, from left to right, or crosswise. The main thing is not to combine these methods with each other.

Idea 3. Plaster

Many may associate plaster with preliminary leveling of the wall before major repair work. Only now decorative plaster is breaking into the top of the list called “ modern materials for finishing walls in an apartment" and is beginning to be in increasing demand.

Depending on the appearance and characteristics, plaster is divided into:

  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate.

Why is decorative plaster so good? At least in that it allows you to create on the walls beautiful imitation almost any material. Even a couple of simple strokes with a spatula can beneficially update the interior of a room.

Decorative finishing has at least several advantages:

  1. Possibility of creating an imitation of more expensive materials (granite, textured wallpaper, metal).

  1. Wide range of textures and colors.

  1. Possibility to implement wet cleaning coating after application.
  2. The ability to hide all kinds of irregularities and flaws on the walls.
  3. There is no need to level the walls to perfection before decorating.

  1. Long service life. If treated properly, plaster can last from 35 to 60 years (impressive numbers, right?)

  1. Such finishing methods will fit perfectly into almost any interior.

But, as you know, you can’t do without a fly in the ointment. Despite all the advantages of plaster, it also has its disadvantages. Among them, the following stand out:

  • The price of plaster most often exceeds average cost wallpaper at least one and a half times .
  • Improper application of the material significantly reduces its service life. Therefore, if you do not have certain skills and experience, it is worth paying extra for the work of specialists.
  • Plaster is not easy to remove if necessary.

Idea 4. Plastic panels

Decorative wall decoration is a real testing ground for all kinds of experiments with colors and textures. So why not think about a rather unusual, but no less striking cladding option? I can include decorative plastic panels, which every year appear more and more often in modern interiors.

  • When installing the panels, it becomes possible to insulate the walls, which is definitely important during the cold season.
  • With the presence of plastic panels, you will no longer need to think about how to decorate the corners in the bathroom, because the material perfectly tolerates moisture and prevents the appearance of fungus.
  • On sale you can find panels with a variety of parameters, texture and appearance.

  • This finish is very easy to install and does not require special skills.
  • Installation of the panels does not require preliminary cleaning and leveling of the walls.
  • Material creates good sound insulation due to the small distance between the panel and the wall itself.

  • The cost of the panels is suitable even for the most modest budget.
  • Plastic panels look very similar to standard sheets of plywood. Moreover, if there is a flat wall, they can be fixed simply using ordinary liquid nails.

Among the main disadvantages of such coverage, three important factors can be identified:

  1. The panels are not made from natural materials, and therefore in small doses they can release toxic substances.
  2. It is difficult to classify such a coating as durable, since it does not withstand mechanical stress quite well.

  1. For lovers original solutions special 3D panels were created. In terms of characteristics, they are similar to ordinary ones, but they stand out against their background due to their unusual convex shape.

Despite the visual appeal of 3D panels, I would not recommend covering all the walls of the room with them. But making one of them an accent is a very sensible decision.

Idea 5. Drywall

Finishing materials for cladding uneven walls actually cannot boast of a wide range. Not every coating will look perfect with a “bumpy” base. But this nuance does not apply to drywall.

Among him distinctive features can be distinguished:

  • Whatever the condition of the walls, you will end up with a perfectly smooth coating. Even if you decide to change the interior, you will have at least 4 smooth surfaces at hand.
  • Drywall makes it possible to additionally insulate the room, while the thickness of the insulation will depend solely on your capabilities and desires. Using the same scheme, you can install waterproofing, thereby solving problems with sound insulation.

  • The process of installing sheets is not that complicated, and it can be done independently.

Agree, the advantages are quite significant. But I can’t just praise, it’s time to move on to tangible shortcomings:

  • Such a design would be inappropriate in a room with high humidity.
  • If you install the drywall sheets relatively far from the wall, you will not be able to install heavy objects on them.

Alternative solutions

Above I have not described all the options for finishing. The list included only the most sought-after and popular ones. But my article would be incomplete without mentioning, albeit not so often encountered, but no less effective ways wall decoration.

Tiled disgrace

Until recently, I (I think, like many of you) considered tiles to be a material that was reserved for the bathroom and kitchen. Latest fashion trends indicate the opposite. If handled properly, tiles can be successfully used in the interior of a hallway, or, who knows, the living room.

Why is it worth at least thinking about using tiles outside the kitchen? There are several reasons:

  • The material is very durable and easy to clean.
  • The tiles are characterized by fairly good sound insulation, which will come in handy with thin Khrushchev walls.
  • This material is fireproof, so in terms of fire safety he has practically no equal.
  • The range of colors allows you to decorate any decor.

Everything is clear about the advantages, but are there any disadvantages to this coating? But, alas, there are shortcomings. Among them:

  • complete inability to lay tiles efficiently without the help of professionals;
  • ceramics can hardly be called one of the most budget options, but it’s hard to deny that quality tiles It looks luxurious and fully deserves its hefty price tag.

By the way, here's a little more for you useful information, which may be useful during the repair process. Ceramic tiles are divided into 5 types depending on the scope of their application:

  1. Tiles exclusively for wall decoration.
  2. Material for flooring(excluding walking on it in street shoes).

  1. For office and residential premises where there are not particularly large crowds of people.
  2. Tiles for use in high traffic areas.
  3. A universal material suitable for installation anywhere.

Why not a stone?

Decorative stone, despite all its effectiveness and beauty, is not included in the TOP 3 most popular materials. The point is its high cost, which is not accessible to everyone. But apart from this, decorative stone (or brick) has many advantages that I have no right not to mention.

  • This material is very durable, its service life is approximately 50 years.
  • Without having any special skills, but having studied good instructions, even a simple layman can handle the installation of the coating.
  • All kinds of additives that are now included in decorative stone make it possible to create coatings with all sorts of textures.
  • This material is completely environmentally friendly.
  • Stone brings originality and unusual notes to the interior.

Of course, artificial brick or stone cannot avoid comparison with a natural analogue. Against this background, it has only three drawbacks:

  1. Its shelf life is still less than its natural counterparts.
  2. It is inferior to them in strength.
  3. Decorative stone cannot be used in large quantities, as it makes the interior heavier.

What is linkrust?

I admit, I learned about such a magical material with a strange name relatively recently. For those who are as unenlightened as I am, I will explain: linkrust is a material during the manufacturing process of which a thin layer of gel based on linseed oil or alkyd resin with filler (cork or wood flour).

One of the main features of the coating is that it mixes equally well with both water-based and oil-based paints.

If at first linkrust was positioned as a more affordable alternative to expensive stucco, now it is used to implement the most unusual and original ideas.

What does using the material give us?

  • Unusual and original appearance walls
  • Eco-friendly, which is based on the use of natural resins and additives.
  • Plasticity, which allows the linkrust to successfully adapt even to an uneven surface.
  • Resistance to high temperatures.
  • High strength index.
  • Durability.

And according to tradition, after describing the advantages, I will point out the obvious disadvantages that, naturally, exist:

  • Installation of linkcrust can hardly be called simple, and it requires special skill.
  • Low temperatures are detrimental to such material.
  • After installation of the coating, there is a need to constantly maintain its original appearance. Accordingly, from time to time you will have to finish it with paint or varnish.


I can't tell you the only thing the right way wall cladding in your apartment, this is simply impossible. But I can (and have tried to do so) objectively talk about available options, you just need to choose the one that suits you best. If you are still in doubt, then perhaps the video in this article will make your choice easier.

If you are still undecided or have any questions, write to me in the comments. I will be happy to answer everyone and will try to make the process of your repair as easy as possible.

How to decorate the walls in an apartment is a question that arises for many during renovations and when decorating a new home. With a large number of finishing materials, it can sometimes be difficult to sort through.
Let's do it before you buy facing material Let's figure out how to decorate the walls in an apartment, consider different types finishing. You should first find out all the advantages and disadvantages of each finish, look at photos of materials, then watch the installation process in a video and only then make a decision.

The interior decoration of walls in an apartment is done most often with this material, and without considering it the description will not be complete, and when asking yourself the question of how you can decorate a wall in an apartment, I think everyone will first consider this material. There are several variants of this material, which differ in their structure and material of manufacture.

Wallpaper paper

This material is the cheapest in this line of products. Although many people consider it outdated, it also has many advantages that can be in demand.

First, let’s look at what can attract attention in this material and then we’ll think about how best to decorate the walls in the apartment. But you shouldn’t miss the shortcomings that can force you to abandon wallpaper.

  • The price, this option will certainly attract. It is much lower than other types of finishes and the lowest in this series;
  • Of course, the speed of work completion, which is quite fast, is also attractive. The room can be finished within one day and without much waste.
    Moreover, everything is done completely with your own hands and without resorting to outside help;
  • There are also disadvantages, and significant ones. Wallpaper of this type is extremely easy to damage mechanically. Yes, and if the apartment has Small child, then after the manifestation of his artistic abilities you will not be able to remove the product of intense labor from the surface;
  • Disadvantages include bad influence high humidity. Then they will simply go their separate ways.
    And the sun has a rather detrimental effect, the entire plane burns out quite quickly.

It's pretty simple and cheap way finishing, for example, a utility room where you will not pay much attention to maintaining the surface.

Vinyl wallpaper

Decorating apartment walls with this material is more durable. The structure of the material consists of two layers, the bottom layer uses paper or non-woven fabric, and the top layer is covered with polyvinyl chloride.


  • The top layer better protects the surface from external influences, and even in this case, the child’s art can be washed. This will make a drawing board for longer use;
  • On top layer The material is embossed, which will decorate the room. You can choose the desired pattern and surface relief;
  • That material is now being produced using new technologies. If previously such a surface did not allow air and moisture to pass through, now many manufacturers create micropores in the surface and the walls are already beginning to breathe.
    This prevents condensation from accumulating and makes the material more durable;
  • This material lasts much longer than the previous coating and does not change its original appearance. He is less susceptible to sunlight and does not fade;
  • IN retail trade there are many colors and shades that allow you to choose exactly what you need and with the desired surface relief;
  • The price is much higher than the previous material;

Attention: This material will last much longer and retain its appearance if you cover the surface with a layer of primer before attaching. This will enable the material to adhere much better and at the same time increase the service life of the coating.

Photo wallpaper

Let's think about where to apply this finish:

  • Of course it's quite original version expressing your thoughts. You will be able to choose the desired pattern and reflect the desired design solution;
  • This coating is not durable and is susceptible to mechanical damage.

Attention: If you use this type of coating, then you should apply a special protective layer, which will extend the service life of the finish.


Methods for decorating walls in an apartment in this version can also be found quite often. Moreover, now there are many options for this material.
Which are different in their composition and production. Let's look at what the goods market offers today.

Oil and enamel paints

These types can be combined into one, acrylic dyes. They are used both for interior decoration and for exterior work.
What makes them different:

  • This coating tolerates high humidity well and does not respond to temperature changes. The truth should be downloaded, then when exterior decoration you should take material for external surfaces;
  • For finishing metal surface, plastic and wood, it is better to use alkyd dyes. To dilute them, you should use a solvent; perhaps the cheapest option would be white spirit;
  • This coating is destroyed when exposed to alkalis and is fireproof. Therefore, from the point of view of firefighters, this will not be the most the best option finishing;
  • This coating is attractive from the point of view of its installation. Everything can be done entirely with your own hands and without resorting to outside help.
    Moreover, in as soon as possible. Application of the material can be done using a roller or spray;

Attention: When choosing to paint walls, you should do preliminary preparation. The service life of the coating will depend on its correct application. Instructions are on the pages of our website.

Glue paints

This material is made based on the following components:

  • Casein, which is diluted in water;
  • It also contains starch;
  • Polyvinyl alcohol is added;
  • Cellulose ethers;
  • Other components.

These dyes are very similar to water-based emulsions, only they have significant differences:

  • First of all, they are more resistant to humid environments;
  • This coating has a porous structure and perfectly allows moisture to pass through and does not allow condensation to accumulate. The walls breathe;
  • When applying such a coating, the water evaporates and a uniformly applied polymer remains, which forms a durable and uniformly applied layer;
  • This material is perfect for covering plastered surfaces.

Attention: before using this material, the instructions for use must be studied. If your room does not have constant heating, then you should pay attention to the temperature of use.
Not all materials respond well to low temperatures.

Plastic panels for finishing

This product can occupy a special place in decoration and when thinking about how to decorate the walls in an apartment, it cannot be ignored. An apartment is a set of rooms that are quite different in use.
And for many, this coating is suitable.


  • Such panels tolerate high humidity well. Therefore, they can be used to decorate the bathroom and kitchen;
  • During installation, it is possible to insulate the wall, this is especially true if it is load-bearing;
  • This coating also tolerates temperature changes well and therefore it would be correct to use it for buildings with intermittent heating;
  • Available for sale a large number of types of panels that are cast in their own width, length and texture. You can pick up best option with the desired color;

Attention: If you choose this finishing option, then you should correctly calculate its quantity. Consider waste too. The panels have different lengths and widths.
Please note this Special attention. The fastening is done on the frame; it must be installed quite carefully.
The quality of fastening will depend on this. This is especially true for the bathroom.
When the panels are not located in the same plane, the correct connection along the groove of the part and water can get there.

  • This finish is quite easy to install. You can do it yourself, which will reduce the cost of the entire structure.
    There are detailed articles on fastening all types of panels on our website;

This finishing element can be divided into types, which differ in size and principle of fastening. There's a lot to think about here.
You also need to choose the correct form:

  • Rack-type panels, which are extremely similar to lining. Its installation is done using installation brackets.
    Installation is carried out using a tongue-and-groove system; this type of installation makes the room visually larger. Fastening of such material is done in a vertical position;
  • Tile-type panels, fastening is done in the same way as in the previous version, but simply more options design solution. They can be installed, for example, in a checkerboard pattern;
  • Sheet panels that look extremely similar to sheets of plywood. At flat wall they can be attached using liquid nails.
    The joints of the elements are finished with a special decorative strip or filled with sealant.

Wall finishing with plasterboard

This type of finishing is most often used when working on uneven walls. Let's look at its distinctive features.


  • In this option, you will not be interested in the evenness of the base plane. With any option, in the end you will have a perfectly flat surface for subsequent cladding;
  • There will be an opportunity to conduct additional insulation premises, and the thickness of the insulation will depend only on your desire. You can also install a layer of waterproofing.
    That is, you completely solve the issue of heat and sound insulation;
  • There are also negative sides to this finish. This design is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.
    But this issue can be resolved with the help of final cladding; you can do this with almost any material;
  • This material perfectly tolerates low temperatures and temperature changes. Can be installed in rooms with intermittent heating;
  • This finishing can be done entirely with your own hands. Moreover, it is not so difficult; there are many articles on this topic on our website;
  • There is one peculiarity with this finishing option. If you are covering far away from the base wall, then it will be quite difficult to secure heavy things to it.
    This should also be taken into account when choosing material.

IN retail sales There are several types of such material, which differ in the system of application.

This gives you the opportunity to choose exactly the one that suits your room:

  • Ceiling sheets that can be successfully used for finishing walls. This is especially true if you are fighting for centimeters of usable space and the weight of the structure.
    These sheets are simply thinner than other types and do not weigh much;
  • Fire-resistant plasterboard has increased fire safety and firefighters do not have any questions when installing it. This is especially true for the finishing of public catering, where control of organs is especially thorough.
    Therefore, you will definitely not pay bribes for the use of this material. Just remember to keep the product quality certificate with you.

Attention: When attaching such material, you should pay attention to the sheathing. Use only metal materials. Then there will definitely be nothing to complain about.

  • Drywall is waterproof and is least susceptible to high humidity. Such sheets can be easily attached in the bathroom and kitchen.
    During production, a special coating is used that repels water and makes the material more stable.

Ceramic tiles for wall decoration

This material is most popular for wall decoration in the bathroom and kitchen. This material is quite durable.

Attention: Tiles can be divided into several groups. When finishing, you should pay attention to the harmful effects of elements.
Tiles vary in water absorption. There are 10 such groups.
The first category includes the most waterproof materials; they absorb about 3% moisture. The second group has this figure around 6% and the third, reaches 10 percent.
So pay attention to this when purchasing material.

With this finishing method, you purchase a completely environmentally friendly material that does not harm human health. True, it should be said that its installation will take quite a bit of time.
Almost anything can be fixed to the surface; it will depend only on the strength of your wall.


You can figure out how to decorate the walls of an apartment yourself. The main thing here is to take into account your environment.
After this, decide on the usable area, this will be affected by the curvature of the walls. It should be said that although plastic panels are advertised, they should not be mounted where the sun hits, they can produce bad smell.
Give preference only to proven and high-quality brands, this is not only about money, but also about your health. Make the right choice.

Interior wall decoration usually completes renovation work. It is performed after the construction of a new house, overhaul or cosmetic renovation of the interior. The choice of materials for finishing walls inside the house and the method of their installation depends on the condition of the walls.

  • Wet installation. It involves plastering the walls after removing the old coating. Plaster serves as the basis for other types of finishing.
  • Dry method. A frame is mounted on the walls or followed by cladding with tiles, wallpaper, and panels.

The wet method is labor intensive and is accompanied by a large amount of dust and construction waste. Its use requires that the room be completely cleared of furniture. The advantage of this method is the thorough preparation of the walls, thanks to which the finishing materials will be able to fully demonstrate their inherent decorative properties.

Using the dry method allows you to minimize the amount of dust, increase the speed of finishing, and improve sound and thermal insulation. Its disadvantage is the reduction in the volume of the room.

When choosing materials for interior wall decoration, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room. An important factor is the environmental safety of the coating. Avoid materials that release toxic substances when exposed to heat and ultraviolet light.

For the bathroom it is better to use moisture-resistant and easy-to-clean coatings. For an entrance hall, corridor, kitchen, cladding that is resistant to dirt and wear is suitable, for example, ceramic tile. The choice remains with the owner of the house.


Plaster is often a starting finish and is used to level walls. It is done by applying mortar to the wall. Plaster differs in the composition of the mixture; it is divided into the following types:

  • Cement. The mixture consists of cement, sand and water. Due to the strength provided by the presence of cement, it is used in damp rooms and is lined with stone and tiles. Its advantages are low price, excellent leveling ability.
  • Plaster. The presence of gypsum in the mixture allows the walls to regulate moisture levels. When humidity rises, the coating absorbs excess moisture, and when there is not enough moisture, it releases it. The material is easy to use and flexible.
  • Complex. It is prepared by mixing gypsum, cement and other fillers that improve the properties of the solution. Due to additives, the plasticity of the solution and its thermal insulation properties increase.

For finishing the walls of a house they use decorative plaster. It is applied over the starting coating sufficiently thin layer. Depending on the filler, plaster can be textured, structural or Venetian. The structure and texture of the surface is given by granules of different sizes, which are part of the mixture. Due to this, a relief coating is created.

Venetian plaster allows you to get perfectly smooth walls. Its peculiarity is the presence of mineral fillers in its composition, which provide a unique look to the finished finish.

Decorative plasters help hide wall defects, are resistant to mechanical stress, and allow you to create unique patterns and designs.


A traditional finishing option, which, thanks to the variety of types, colors, and materials, successfully retains its first position. Depending on the material, there are several types of wallpaper.

Paper wallpaper is distinguished by its low cost and variety. The disadvantages of the material are fragility, instability to humidity, and high wear. However, due to the ease of gluing and accessibility, they can be replaced at any time.

basis vinyl wallpaper could be paper or fabric. They are distinguished by strength and moisture resistance. Relief surface allows you to hide small irregularities.

Fabric wallpaper is made by gluing fabric (cotton, silk, linen, wool) onto non-woven fabric or paper. Sometimes a pattern is created by gluing individual fibers of fabric. The main advantages of this type are its excellent decorative properties. In addition, such wallpaper creates a favorable indoor microclimate. Their disadvantages include the difficulty of gluing and high cost.

Rolled material - linkrust - is produced by applying a plastic mass based on cork chips, linseed oil, and wood flour onto paper. Plasticity allows you to give the outer covering any shape, for example, in the form of stucco. The frozen material can be painted and washed.

Liquid wallpaper is a finishing coating that occupies a middle position between plaster and wallpaper. Their basis is cellulose mixed with decorative components. Water is added to the dry mixture to obtain an adhesive composition. Finishing work liquid wallpaper do not require special training.

A spatula is used for application. Finished coating It is durable and resistant to stains. Liquid wallpaper is not recommended for use in damp rooms; it should be protected from direct sunlight.

Unique appearance and wonderful operational properties inherent in glass wallpaper. They are made from fiberglass impregnated with a solution of modified starch. External covering distinguished by attractiveness and originality. Fiberglass wallpaper does not burn, in addition, it does not allow flames to spread, so they are often used where fire safety is required.

A material that is not yet very common, but has a number of advantages, is metal wallpaper. Their advantages:

  • prevent the spread electromagnetic waves, reducing their negative impact;
  • have thermoregulating properties;
  • easy to clean from dirt;
  • give the interior a sophisticated look.

The basis of the wallpaper is foil, on which a pattern is embossed. They should be protected from damage by sharp objects.


Finishing panels for home are affordable and easy to use. They are distinguished by a variety of surface designs and colors. The material is durable, strong enough, improves sound insulation, and does not require complex maintenance. In addition, to install the panels you will not need to level the walls.

There are three types of panels: slatted, tile, sheet. Slatted ones are planks up to 30 cm wide. They are recommended for use in small rooms.

Tile panels are made in the form of a square with a side of 30-100 cm. They are connected to each other using grooves, and fixed to the wall with glue. By combining slabs of different shades, a unique pattern is achieved.

Sheet panels are different large sizes(more than 2 m). Their surface can imitate any material. Glue is used for fastening, and the joints are hidden using moldings.

Depending on the material, panels are made of wood and plastic. Finishing panels made of plastic are moisture resistant, unpretentious, and easy to install. High quality panel has a flat surface and clear geometry.

The disadvantages of the material include fragility. Therefore, it should be protected from strong impacts.

Wooden panels are produced in the form of slats and slabs. Their advantage is naturalness and environmental safety. The disadvantages of the coating include low resistance to moisture and elevated temperatures. Wood swells due to humidity, but if the room is too dry, it shrinks. That's why wooden panels should be installed in rooms with stable temperatures and humidity.

For decorating walls in the kitchen, or rather, creating working area near the stove and table, use glass panels. Performance characteristics such an “apron” exceeds the performance of tiles. The coating is unpretentious, easy to clean from grease, and has excellent decorative properties.

To attach the panels, glue or frame is used. The first method is less labor-intensive, but requires the correct choice of glue. It can only be used if the walls of the house are smooth. The frame allows you to quickly and effectively hide surface imperfections. It is constructed from metal profiles or wooden slats.

Decorative rock

For those who want to create a unique, exquisite interior, it's hard to find a better option than . They are used to cover entire walls or individual areas, arched openings, and fireplaces.

The advantages of such cladding:

  • strong, durable, practical;
  • goes well with other materials;
  • creates a unique interior.

Natural and artificial stone are used for finishing. The disadvantages of natural are heavy weight, high cost, and labor-intensive installation. Artificial materials freed from these disadvantages, but retained all the advantages. A variety of shapes, sizes, textures allows you to give your home a respectable look, make it cozy and stylish.