How to seal the seams on the ceiling on the balcony. Balcony leaks after glazing - tips for fixing the problem

Many residents do not know what to do when the balcony from above is leaking. Everyone who lives in an apartment knows what a balcony is and what problems can arise with it. For example, it is not uncommon for a balcony to leak from above; what should you do in this case? The original most the best option will write a statement to the housing and communal services about a leak in the balcony roof, but, as a rule, this may only be most appropriate if the apartment is located on top floor, and in other cases you have to cope with this situation on your own.

Why does the balcony roof leak?

Balconies and loggias are the most unprotected places in the apartment, since they are exposed to the most impact external environment.

Such as:

  • Alaga;
  • Rain;
  • Thaw.

Water penetrates through every small hole, even inside a closed loggia, in which fungus and mold begin to form, including dampness. They contribute to the development of dampness, corrosion and cracks.

Over time, the attractiveness of the balcony begins to lose its proper appearance and repairs are required to prevent serious damage.

After a long-term roof leak, dampness, mold and mildew may form on the balcony

There are many reasons why a balcony leaks; not everyone knows what to do in this case, and therefore it is worth first dealing with the problem of a leak.

Among them may be:

  • Lack of good sealing of the seam between the panel and the joints;
  • Lack of high-quality soft roofing;
  • Lack of design for drainage of incoming water from metal with moisture-resistant impregnation.

When the ceiling on the balcony leaks, the slabs are destroyed, and if there is no glazing, then such processes will begin inside the balcony, which will lead to more serious work and costs. Water can stagnate on the balcony, provided that when installation work made a mistake. In other words, there must be a slope on the floor to drain water, but if there is none, you can create it yourself by leveling the flooring.

Balcony repair. Fixing a balcony leak with a built-up roof (video)

What to do if your balcony leaks

When the ceiling above a balcony or loggia leaks, it is worthwhile to approach the solution of the problem as carefully as possible. One option may be waterproofing, which can be improved through special materials and additional sealing of seams. It is the sealing of the seam that can be called the most expedient way out of the situation, and it can be carried out not only in case of a leak, but also for prevention in order to avoid serious consequences.

Sealing requires the selection of a special moisture-resistant sealant that does not deform under the influence of precipitation.

If you choose high-quality, expensive material with such characteristics as strength and elasticity, then long time You won’t have to think about the question of how to fix the leak.

If your balcony is leaking from above, then you need to make a high-quality sealing of it

Available in construction stores great amount sealants, each of which has its own characteristics. Among them you can choose: acrylic, silicone, thiokol and polyurethane.

It is important to study each of them, since not all can be used for outdoor work..

  1. Silicone sealant will not be able to cope with heavy loads, as they have low elasticity. Accordingly, if the loggia leaks, such material should not be used.
  2. When sealing a seam using acrylic sealant the work will soon need to be repeated, as it is short-lived and will quickly crack.
  3. Thiokol sealants contain two components, but they are inferior in strength to silicone.
  4. Polyurethane sealants have the necessary elasticity, which allows them to be used if the loggia or balcony is leaking. This sealant is resistant to sunlight and can also withstand water, moisture and even cold. Accordingly, when using polyurethane sealant, repeated leakage and rapid installation work can be avoided.

Each seam joint on the balcony adjacent to the facade of the house, including all parts on the balcony, is treated with sealant. Particular attention should be paid to the roof and its sealing, especially if it is the top floor. Such work can be carried out in a couple of hours, but the sealant should be applied only after cleaning the surfaces of each crack and seam.

When the balcony leaks from above, the main and important place to seal this room is the roof

If the seams are too deep, you need to foam them first polyurethane foam.

A sealant will be applied to the foam, resulting in a double seal. Balcony sealing can be done regardless of the time of year.

It is possible to carry out waterproofing, which is considered important point V construction work to improve living conditions in the apartment. When laying waterproofing, water drainage systems are installed and the floors are treated with protective materials.

Preventing balcony leaks in this way can be of two types:

  • The first will use special material, such as bitumen rolls or polymer base;
  • In the second, you can use mastic to coat the joints.

If you don’t want to waste your time and effort on sealing your balcony, then you’d better contact a specialist

If you use rolled building materials, then joints and seams will still appear, which will also require additional processing and strengthening.

This process can be called the most labor-intensive and voluminous, which will require a lot of time and effort.

The most simple option will be held coating waterproofing, since the balcony roof slab itself and the joints are also treated with mastic. In order to use single-component technology, you do not need to use a specific technology or have professional skills, since working with it is very simple and easy.

Can a visor save you from a leak?

The balcony can leak and fill with water if there is no roof on it. That is why, first of all, you should take care of installing the canopy on strong wooden frames so that it is strong and stable. After the installation of the canopy is completed, you can safely proceed to glazing the balcony and thus it is completely isolated from the influence of the external environment. As a rule, visors are made of ondulin, metal tiles and steel.

Installing a high-quality canopy on the balcony will save it from leaking

There are two types of canopies for the roof of the balcony.

  1. Dependent frame that needs to be mounted on load-bearing structure, which costs quite a lot, but it’s unlikely to be done manually, since you need special equipment and the skills of a master for such work.
  2. An independent roof is mounted on the wall. It is considered a cheaper option, and there is also a huge selection of designs and finishes.

Canopy on the balcony (video)

Regardless of which option is chosen, you need to remember about sealing and insulation so as not to encounter problems such as mold, leaks and more in the future. In a word, if you approach the repair correctly, it will only give a positive result.

Sealing and waterproofing are mandatory measures that follow the repair of a balcony or loggia. When a balcony leaks and water pours inside it, the moisture causes damage to the internal surfaces and insulation, if any. This negates all efforts on insulation and finishing.

In this article we will discuss what actions can be taken to insulate balconies and loggias, and what materials can be used. In addition, you will learn about the necessary preparatory work.

Materials for waterproofing and sealing. Preparatory work

First, let's figure out what the difference is between waterproofing and sealing.

Waterproofing is the protection of the ceiling or balcony slab against leaks: sealing all cracks that may form at seams, joints and cracks. In addition, the concept of “waterproofing” also includes protection of the surfaces themselves from moisture using special coatings.

Sealing is the subsequent treatment of seams and joints with special sealing compounds that have undergone waterproofing procedures. All seams and gaps of the constructed glazing structure of a loggia or balcony are also treated. Next, we will tell you how to independently organize sealing and waterproofing of a balcony or loggia.

Materials for insulation and sealing

How to cover up or seal leaks? The most commonly used is the following:

  1. Elastic coatings - usually based on bitumen. Used as a waterproofing layer under rolls roofing materials.
  2. Polymer - made on the basis of polyurethane, have high elasticity. These are various mounting foams and sealing compounds.
  3. Rolled are materials for flat roof on a bitumen basis. Glassine, roofing felt and the like.

Preparatory work

Preparations for sealing are carried out simultaneously with preparations for balcony repairs. Speaking of the question “who should repair the balcony.” You can involve housing and communal services in repairing the balcony slab, but you will have to deal with its roof, walls and parapet yourself.

We inspect the surfaces: places where water flows are determined visually. The ceiling may show dried water stains, blistering paint, and/or traces of mold in areas of leakage. We will seal them. We are looking for the same thing on the underside of the load-bearing slab. Along the way, we examine it for destruction. Then we begin repair work.

Leak on the balcony: localization of places requiring waterproofing and sealing

During the repair process, we check the slope of the balcony slab. It should be 2-3 C° from the wall of the house. This will ensure water drainage and will not accumulate on the stove. If for some reason there is no slope, then we eliminate this drawback.

Mix a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 3/2, the screed should be thick enough and not spread. We spread the mixture onto the surface of the slab and distribute it using the rule so that the layer near the wall is thicker. Using a level, we check the resulting angle and adjust it to 2-3 C°. The thickness of the screed should not exceed 4-4.5 cm.

How to waterproof a balcony: organizing the slope of the slab

Note:When laying cement screed, it is necessary to arrange expansion joints where the slab meets the wall of the house. This will compensate for the expansion and contraction of the screed under the influence of temperature changes. The width of the seams should be 10-12 mm.

If the balcony is very long, then additional “forced” seams are made along the slope of the slab. On a narrow and long balcony they are located every three meters, on a wide one every 2m2. They can be made both when laying the screed layer, and cut after it hardens.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a loggia: expansion joint

Waterproofing and sealing

The work for open and closed balconies is different, so here we will describe them separately. A description of the roof insulation will also be given in a separate paragraph.

Insulation and sealing of an open balcony

After the screed has completely hardened (14 days), we will organize waterproofing of all seams with injection materials based on polyurethane. Alternatively, the seam can be sealed by inserting an elastic band into it. It is pressed into the seam, and everything is sealed with waterproofing compound on top. This is what it looks like:

Waterproofing a loggia with your own hands: laying an elastic cord in expansion joints

After the waterproofing has hardened, we begin sealing. The sealant is used in the same way as waterproofing, based on polyurethane, applied with a spatula. Next, the entire surface of the slab is coated with a composition that reduces water absorption by concrete.

Balcony sealing: fully sealed seam

We isolate a closed balcony or loggia

Sealing the seams of the load-bearing slab is done in exactly the same way as described above. The seams of the walls and ceiling of the loggia, which have cracks, are passed from the inside with polyurethane foam. After it has completely hardened, remove excess material using a knife or metal spatula, and treat the seams with a sealing compound.

Waterproofing the balcony ceiling from the inside: foaming the cracks

In addition, a layer of waterproofing material is laid under the insulation of the loggia floor. For this purpose, special membranes or ordinary cellophane film are used. The material is laid with an overlap at joints of 15 cm and overlapping walls of 10 cm.

Waterproofing the loggia from the inside: laying the material

Waterproofing of the parapet and sides of the balcony is organized by laying a layer of material with inside, under a layer of insulation and Decoration Materials. Under exterior finishing Balcony vapor barrier is being installed. If this is a loggia with a parapet and concrete walls, then we do not do a vapor barrier.

Note:You cannot lay a second layer of waterproofing when insulating. If water somehow gets inside, it will not be able to dry, which will lead to an increase in the thermal conductivity of the insulation and its further deterioration.

Now let's start sealing. We use a special compound to go through all the joints and seams from the inside and outside balcony or loggia, which we previously waterproofed. This is done using a spatula. Don't forget about the glazing of the balcony, Special attention When sealing, we pay attention to the places where the frames are attached to the parapet and roof.

We seal the balcony after glazing. In difficult places we use sealants in syringes

Work on sealing the roof of a balcony or loggia

If this is a balcony, then the roof is most likely based on metal or wooden frame. Everything is simple here. First, we apply a compound from the inside to seal the joints between the sheets of roofing material, then we lay a layer of waterproofing material under the sheathing.

DIY sealing and waterproofing: roofing

We foam the joint between the roofing material and the wall of the house from the outside, and after the material has dried, we coat it with a sealing compound. Next, we attach a strip of tin or aluminum above this joint, and also seal the connection between the metal and the wall.

How to eliminate the possibility of a balcony roof leaking: sealing the joints with the wall

The roof of the loggia, if it is concrete slab, requires preliminary organization of a slope from the wall. This is not done in the same way as in the case of load-bearing slab open balcony. Further actions will be like this:

  • We lay a layer of vapor barrier.
  • A layer of insulation if further insulation of the loggia is planned.
  • Let's do cement-sand screed and apply a layer of bitumen waterproofing.
  • We lay roll roofing materials - some type of roofing felt.
  • Now an additional layer of roofing material.
  • Using self-tapping screws, we attach the edge strip 50mm wide. It should grip the edge of the roofing material.
  • The upper edge of the slats is treated with bitumen sealant.

What to do to seal and waterproof the loggia roof: roofing pie.

The canopy is the most unprotected part of the balcony. Rain and snow fall on it, and moisture seeps into all the small cracks. The cracks appear, the wind blows into them, the reinforcement is damaged by corrosion, and the holes gradually become larger. After a while they appear on the ceiling wet spots, with every heavy rain there are more and more of them, and this is a signal that repairs need to be done.

Troubles that may arise due to a balcony leak

When a balcony develops a leak, it becomes almost unusable. If in dry weather the leak only reminds of itself as traces left by the water, then during rain or melting snow it is impossible to dry clothes on it, the things stored on it become wet and become unusable. In addition, the finishing suffers: first, yellow smudges appear on the ceiling and walls, then the surfaces become covered with a dark moldy coating, which is difficult to remove.

If no measures are taken to eliminate the leak for some time, water will begin to flow into the joint between the slab and the wall. living room. When it rains, wet spots form on the ceiling and wall adjacent to the balcony, and after they dry, yellow spots appear. In this case, repairs will have to be done not only on the balcony, but also in the apartment.

Why is the balcony leaking?

Usually, when building a house, balcony slabs (or rather, the joint between the wall of the house and the slab) are covered with waterproofing, so in principle there should be no leakage. It occurs if there are technological deviations in the waterproofing device, or the house is old and its service life waterproofing materials came to an end.

A leak on a balcony can occur in three cases:

  1. The apartment is on the top floor, and the canopy over the balcony does not fit tightly to the wall. As a result, rain and melt water flood the balcony through the cracks;
  2. The balcony on the floor above is not glazed, and the balcony slab on it requires repair;
  3. The top slab is installed with a slope towards the wall of the house, due to which water accumulates on the balcony, leaks under the waterproofing coating, and penetrates down through the concrete. This situation rarely happens, but when analyzing the cause of the leak, you need to take it into account.

Another reason for balcony flooding is the lack of drainage and insufficient sealing of the gaps between the glazing and the canopy. Flowing down the canopy, some of the water gets inside the balcony, and it floods the glass. This can happen when the length of the visor is insufficient and its edge is located almost close to the glazing windows.

Whatever the cause of the leak, in order to solve the problem you must first inspect the balcony roof, assess the extent of the problem, and then take measures to eliminate it.

What to do if the joint between the slab and the wall of the house is leaking

It will not be possible to correct the situation by simply covering up the cracks in the ceiling, since the cause of the leak must be eliminated. Getting into the cracks from above, moisture will turn into ice; after several cycles of freezing and thawing, the cracks will widen, and the flow of water will again enter the balcony. What action to take depends on what floor the apartment is on. If water comes from neighbors above, the issue will have to be resolved with them, since repair work should be carried out on their balcony.

When the apartment is on the top floor and water flows through the canopy from reinforced concrete slab, the issue is resolved either on its own or with the participation of the responsible organization (housing department, housing office and others).

In old houses, the so-called Khrushchev buildings, reinforced concrete canopies were not installed over the balconies of the upper floors. Apartment owners made them themselves from scrap materials along with balcony glazing. shaky homemade design It is the most common cause leaks, and to solve the problem you need to, and if it cannot be repaired, build a new one.

Repairing a balcony slab for neighbors above

Since renovations are being carried out by neighbors on the floor above, logically, the owners of the balcony should do it. But if you are unlucky with your neighbors and they refuse to bear the costs, there are two options: contact the utility services or carry out the repairs yourself. Let's consider the procedure for repairing a balcony slab from above on your own.

Preparing the slab for repair

First of all, the old coating and cracked screed are removed. All loose mortar is removed and unstable pieces of concrete are knocked out. The joint between the slab and the wall of the house is well cleared and sealed cement mortar detected defects. If there are potholes and cracks on the surface, they should also be repaired and leveled. The surface of the slab must be flat, without sharp changes, so that the waterproofing layer placed on it does not deform or break through.

Waterproofing device

About 20 years ago, roofing felt was used to waterproof balconies, which was glued to melted resin. In a residential apartment, it is difficult to carry out such manipulations with resin and roofing felt, so more modern methods can be used.

Materials for waterproofing on the balcony:

  • Bitumen-polymer coating (painting) mastic with rubber and rubber additives;
  • Polymer waterproofing based on synthetic rubber;
  • Plaster insulation;

Waterproofing is installed, extending onto the wall to a height of 15 cm and distributed along the balcony to a width of at least 50 cm from the wall. Any type of material is applied in several layers, each 1 cm thick. The layers are applied alternately after the previous one has dried.

Screed on the balcony

When the waterproofing is installed, it is poured from above cement strainer. A smooth rounding of mortar is made near the wall, covering the waterproofing, and a thinner layer of screed is laid along the edge of the balcony slab. Thanks to this, a bevel is created from the wall of the house, and water flows down freely without lingering on the slab.

If the balcony is on the top floor, waterproofing is installed on a reinforced concrete canopy. It is laid in the same order as on the balcony of the neighbors above.

Important. Since there is no guard on the canopy, all work is carried out with insurance. It may be necessary to hire construction workers who are involved in industrial climbing.

Balcony sealing

In addition to external work, it is important to carry out internal sealing of the balcony. Unlike waterproofing, this is an operation to seal the seams and joints between the glazing and the wall of the house, balcony slab and canopy. The easiest way to seal joints is to foam them with polyurethane foam. After swelling and hardening, excess foam is cut off construction knife and putty. Puttying is mandatory procedure, because under the influence of air and sunlight the foam darkens and decomposes. The joint of the homemade canopy above the balcony near the wall of the house is subjected to especially careful sealing.

If water flows in from the side of the glazing frames, a system of gutters is installed that will drain water from the frames. First, ebbs and flows are installed around the perimeter of the upper balcony slab or canopy, and drains are installed under them round section. Drip tides are also installed from the outside under window frames and along the edge of the balcony slab of your balcony.

A short video on sealing and installing balcony ebbs from the outside:

Today, a balcony or loggia is not used as a storage room where various unnecessary things are stored. Every family tries. and for this it is not enough. If you do not waterproof the balcony from the inside, seal it and vapor barrier, you may incur considerable financial losses in the future. What these works are and how to perform them correctly you will learn from this article.

Balcony waterproofing

Waterproofing– protection building materials and structures from the destructive effects of water. Absence results waterproofing coatings can be seen on the balconies of the upper floors, which do not have a roof or glazing, onto which water constantly flows from the roof. On closed balconies and loggias, moisture gets inside due to poorly performed sealing work.

Destruction of concrete is observed in the places where the balcony slab adjoins the façade slab; its edges are heavily crumbled and cracks and cavities are often visible on the plane.

What needs to be done to avoid such a situation? One of mandatory conditions– waterproof the balcony (loggia) with sealing of the seams.

You can use the services of specialists, but this is justified for external work on the upper floors. It is quite possible to waterproof a balcony from the inside with your own hands. It is necessary to pay attention to the sealing of all seams, regardless of their condition.

First, let's look at what waterproofing a balcony or loggia is.

The diagram below shows that when carrying out these works, waterproofing mastic creates protective layer, and sealing the seams and restoring damaged parts of the balcony slab is done using sealants.

Conditional diagram of waterproofing a balcony slab

Materials used in waterproofing work are divided into several types:

  1. Coating compositions – bitumen-polymer, cement-polymer, bitumen-rubber. They form an elastic coating that requires a screed on top.
  2. Penetrating compounds are the most durable and popular. Apply to a damp surface and fill all cracks. They also increase the strength of building materials by 15-20%. But it can only be used for waterproofing concrete surfaces.
  3. Pasting materials – polymer (vinyl plastic, polyethylene) and non-polymer (fiberglass, roofing felt). They are rarely used for waterproofing balconies (loggias), since working with them is expensive and labor-intensive.

Let's consider step by step how to waterproof a balcony and loggia together with sealing.

Waterproofing the floor

Work begins with execution concrete screed. For an open balcony, it is necessary to make a screed with a slope of 2%. It is necessary for the free flow of water from the surface of the slab. The screed is reinforced with metal mesh.

When making a screed, three types of seams are required:

  1. Compensation – formed when laying the pressure layer. Another name is temperature.
  2. Forced - seams dividing the screed into squares.
  3. Wall-mounted – located at the junction of the balcony slab with the façade slab.

Subsequently, the seams are filled 50% with mastic for sealing, into which an elastic cord is pressed.

The screed is cleaned of dust and debris, and a primer is applied to it for better adhesion. One of the best is Primer WB.

Apply several layers of polyurethane mastic (for example Hyperdesmo RV) to the moistened concrete. The final thickness of insulation on the floor of a balcony or loggia must be at least 20 mm.

In addition to the floor, the waterproofing layer should extend up to 150-200 mm onto the walls.

Application of polyurethane waterproofing to the floor of a balcony (loggia)

Waterproofing the loggia from the inside using polystyrene foam and vapor barrier film

Sealing and waterproofing the balcony ceiling from the inside

After glazing a balcony or loggia during precipitation, we sometimes see an unpleasant picture - the balcony is leaking. This could happen if the ceiling and roof of the balcony (loggia) were not sealed and waterproofed.

If the balconies are poorly sealed, the joints of the windows leak, the roof leaks from above, and the floors flood. How to fix this defect?

From the inside, all work to eliminate leaks can be done independently. We seal all seams. We use polyurethane sealant Germoplast or Emfi. Before covering the defects, we use a grinder to cut out the seams and cracks, clean them of dust and moisten them with water. We also pay attention to dark spots on the ceiling - in these places there may be microcracks through which water also flows. We also cut them and seal them.

Sealing seams with polyurethane sealant

Next we will examine (the loggias). Often frames are installed with violations of technology. These defects will have to be corrected yourself. Otherwise, after sealing and waterproofing the ceiling, we will constantly observe how water flows through the cracks in the glazing.

When installing glazing, polyurethane foam is used. Under influence ultraviolet rays the foam collapses, water flows freely through these seams. It is necessary to partially remove the outer layer of foam and fill the formed groove with a hydro-swelling elastic cord. When exposed to moisture, the cord expands in volume and prevents water from leaking in this area.

Leaking at the bottom of the loggia frames due to poor sealing

We begin waterproofing the ceiling by cleaning the entire surface and treating it with an antiseptic (for example, Dali). Then we seal cracks and chips using the technology described above.

For the ceiling, it is better to use polyurethane mastic Elastomix or Elastopaz. They have good adhesion and applying it to a damp ceiling surface is not very difficult.

The ceiling is covered with mastic in two layers - the direction of the second is perpendicular to the first. The waterproofing layer is reinforced with mesh after the first layer. To create a durable crystalline protective layer, it is necessary to allow the mastic to harden for 3 days.

When sheets of foil polystyrene foam are glued to the ceiling - it also acts as a vapor barrier. The seams between them are also sealed.

Roof waterproofing

It is not always possible to completely seal and waterproof a loggia with your own hands. We are talking about the upper floors - the roof of the loggia is leaking and external work is required. Who should fix the leak? You cannot do this kind of work yourself - it is very dangerous. What to do in this case? It is necessary to invite specialists.

How waterproofing and sealing work on balconies (loggias) is carried out can be seen in the video on the Internet.


Now we know that waterproofing protects the balcony (loggia) from premature destruction under the influence of water, and sealing eliminates any leakage, preventing moisture from reaching unprotected surfaces.

As you can see, you can do it yourself using modern materials, carry out sealing and waterproofing work on the loggia and balcony. Protect them from even small leaks and dampness.

Which can be used at any time for different purposes.

Is correct execution waterproofing works. Sealing balconies is another mandatory procedure in this case. In this article we will talk in detail about what methods of waterproofing exist on this moment and what materials are most suitable for this purpose.

Waterproofing is carried out by applying it to the surface various kinds protective materials in the event that the balcony is leaking or when performing various types of finishing work, for example, after glazing. When installing it on the balcony, you must follow a certain sequence.

Sequence of work

Carrying out a procedure such as waterproofing a balcony with your own hands is a process that includes several main steps:

  • Sealing cracks;
  • Protection from moisture of the parapet and walls;
  • Floor protection;
  • Carrying out work to protect the ceiling;
Important: Waterproofing loggias and balconies, if there is a leak in any others, is carried out simultaneously with their sealing. This means that you must first seal all existing cracks.

Sealing of balconies and loggias

So, what to do if your balcony is leaking? Can be used to seal cracks different materials. It all depends on what kind of finishing was used for the loggia, as well as on their design features.

Sealing small cracks

Very often, apartment owners who are faced with such a problem as a leak are interested in how to cover up small holes. In this case everything is very simple. For sealing, use foam. All areas to be sealed are first cleared of dirt. The cracks are foamed to approximately two-thirds of their volume.

Advice: Synthetic surfaces should be pre-treated with acetone. The fact is that foam is a sealant that adheres well only to concrete or metal.

Sealing small cracks on the loggia is a mandatory procedure

You can also close small gaps using special self-adhesive butyl tape.

Sealing large holes

Sealing large gaps on the loggia can be done using tin. This material effectively protects the structure from leaks. Sealing is carried out in several steps:

  • The hole is measured;
  • The resulting dimensions are transferred to the sheet;
  • The sheet is cut and one side is bent at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The resulting part is attached to the parapet with self-tapping screws.

Eliminating gaps is a mandatory procedure when performing work such as sealing and waterproofing a balcony from the inside or outside.

Preparation for waterproofing work

Sealing the balcony if it leaks is half the battle. We found out how to eliminate the main leaks. However, to prevent water from getting inside this room, it is also necessary to waterproof all structural elements. This may be necessary both for an open balcony and when carrying out, for example, insulation work.

Waterproofing materials

You can insulate your balcony and eliminate leaks using:

  • Roll materials. These bitumen coatings have good performance characteristics. Very often used for insulation when insulating loggias and balconies;
  • Polymer coatings. These are various types of mastics, also quite suitable for doing the waterproofing of a loggia with your own hands. Suitable for both insulation of open and glazed structures.
On a note: Bitumen mastics can be used not only for surface treatment, but also along with polyurethane foam to seal holes.

Bitumen mastics are an excellent solution for waterproofing loggias

Surface cleaning

Before starting waterproofing, all surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. It is also necessary to remove the old plaster.

On a note: It is especially important to thoroughly clean and level all surfaces, both vertical and horizontal, when used to eliminate leaks and seal roll materials.

How to waterproof a balcony

You can carry out the necessary measures to eliminate leaks with your own hands using mastics and roll materials.

Ceiling waterproofing

Leaks especially often form on the ceiling. Finding the leak is easy. Most often, water begins to penetrate into the room at the joints. At the point where it enters, wet spots form. Waterproofing a balcony ceiling from the inside to eliminate leaks is most often done using penetrating mastics. This procedure includes the following steps:

  • The surface of the ceiling is abundantly moistened;
  • Next, the first layer of mastic is applied with a brush. It needs to move in the same direction. In this case, the sealing will be more complete.
  • In order for leaks from above to be completely eliminated, a second layer of mastic must be applied. Do this after the first layer has dried slightly (but not completely dry). This time the mastic is applied in a perpendicular direction;
  • To ensure high-quality sealing and eliminate leaks, it is also necessary to coat the walls adjacent to the ceiling with mastic (to a height of approximately 15 - 20 cm).
Important: In order to obtain high-quality waterproofing, you should maintain the resulting waterproofing layer in a damp state during the first 24 hours.

Waterproofing a balcony ceiling using bitumen mastic

If mastic is used to waterproof the ceiling deep penetration, moistening the surface will be sufficient. In all other cases, it will also need to be pre-primed. This will provide additional protection against leaks.

Parapet waterproofing

Leaks on loggias are also possible from the side of the parapet. Therefore, in addition to sealing the seams, it is also necessary to coat the vertical surfaces with mastic. This procedure is performed in exactly the same way as when processing ceilings.

Waterproofing the floor

In this case, the waterproofing layer is applied on top of the already finished concrete screed, when installing which it is necessary to provide a slight reverse slope.

Waterproofing parapet and floor with penetrating bitumen mastic

Vapor barrier of loggias and balconies

Protecting a balcony from moisture is not only about eliminating leaks, performing reliable sealing and arranging effective ventilation. It is also necessary to perform high-quality vapor barrier.

Vapor barrier of a balcony over insulation with foil polystyrene foam

The vapor barrier of the balcony protects the body insulation layer from moisture accumulating inside the room. It is performed using materials that have the ability to eliminate steam (parchment, foil polystyrene foam, etc.).

As you can see, waterproofing a loggia from the inside is the same as a balcony - the procedure is not too complicated and, if desired, can be done independently. The most important thing in this matter is to do everything carefully. Then all leaks will be eliminated. For clarity, we present to your attention a video about waterproofing a balcony.