How to fill partitions for soundproofing. Sound insulation of plasterboard partitions

Soundproofing issue apartment buildings is particularly acute. Accommodation large quantity different people in one building leads to noise generation. Sometimes he reaches high values, exceeding standard indicators 2–3 times. What can we say, but even within a single apartment, soundproofing plasterboard partitions is a fairly pressing issue.

How sound insulation works plasterboard partition

It is difficult to achieve good sound insulation of an apartment, especially if the house in which it is located is an old building. Most residential buildings in our country were built more than 30–40 years ago. Over time, the materials lost some of their original properties, which affected the quality of sound insulation and the building as a whole. Therefore, today, living in such buildings, people perfectly hear their neighbors and even every rustle in their own apartment.

The situation can be corrected using, in particular, plasterboard partitions. With their help, you can not only get rid of the constant noise emanating from neighboring apartments, but also significantly improve the layout own home.

Sound insulation system for frame partitions made of plasterboard

One of the wall finishing options is the installation of acoustic plasterboard, which allows you to obtain an excellent sound-proofing surface. Main feature This material is characterized by the presence of perforations on its surface. Unlike a monolithic surface that reflects sound vibrations and creates an echo in the room, perforation traps and dampens most of them. It consists of small holes with different shape and diameter, located over the entire sheet area. Today there are several species that differ in their appearance and size, but not in their main characteristics. They look like this:

In addition, such soundproofing material is made in three sizes:

  • 2448–1224–12.5 mm;
  • 1200–2400–12.5 mm;
  • 1998–1188–12.5 mm.

Like the lineup allows you to choose the type of material that optimally fits into a specific interior. At the same time, regardless of its model or size, the soundproofing qualities of the material remain at a very high level. The only factor that can affect the quality of sound insulation is the installation process.

Materials with high sound absorption coefficient and necessary tools

Sound insulation of frame systems is a complex task, for which the use of acoustic plasterboard is not enough. Despite its characteristics, its installation as a base coating is unable to completely neutralize the problem.

The process of soundproofing a partition using mineral wool

As a rule, to improve the insulating properties, an additional layer is formed in the interframe space. To create it, use various materials, characterized by low thermal conductivity and sound permeability:

  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • mineral mats;
  • glass wool slabs.

Usage similar materials for soundproofing plasterboard partitions allows you to achieve a positive result. The combined use of acoustic sheets and special soundproof membranes can completely eliminate the problem. A partition made according to all the rules will have the insulating characteristics of a monolithic concrete slab, or even exceed them. Making a frame structure with your own hands is not that difficult. The first stage of its construction is the creation of a fundamental plan for the future.

Plan and diagram with dimensions of a plasterboard frame partition

It includes the exact dimensions of the room, the ratio of surfaces and angles. Based on the data obtained, the exact amount of material and fasteners is determined. Construction frame system starts with collection the necessary tool, which will be useful during the work process. The minimum set of equipment that will be needed to create a partition is as follows:

  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • plumb line;
  • pencil;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • metal scissors;
  • screwdriver;

The above list contains only the most necessary ones, without which during the construction process plasterboard structures can't get by. Moreover, depending on financial capabilities, it can be expanded or modified. For example, metal scissors can be successfully replaced with a grinder.

Watch the video: how to soundproof walls and interior partitions.

Assembling the supporting frame

Installation of the frame for plasterboard cladding is carried out according to an identical scheme, regardless of design features partitions. The sequence of steps to install it is as follows:

The process contains no secrets and is carried out with your own hands. as soon as possible. At the same time, from quality installation work the strength and appearance of the future partition will largely depend.

Laying soundproofing material

It is easy to increase the sound insulation of a plasterboard partition. It is enough to fill the interframe space with any thermal insulation material.

Design options for soundproofing partitions

The best option Mineral wool is used to create a high-quality blank wall. Standard width the slab is 60 cm, which, with a similar distance between the racks, is extremely convenient. The procedure for laying soundproofing material is as follows:

Interframe cavities filled with mineral wool will provide excellent absorption of most sound waves. In this case, covering the sheathing with acoustic plasterboard sheets (GKL) will make the partition completely blank. The video talks about soundproofing plasterboard partitions.

Covering the sheathing with acoustic plasterboard

To soundproof a partition, it is sufficient to use two materials: thermal insulation and acoustic plasterboard. However, if these are not enough, there is another additional option. It consists of installing a special sound-absorbing film, which is fixed on both sides of the frame. Sheathing with plasterboard is the final stage erection of a partition.

Acoustic sheets are distinguished not only by perforation on their surface, but also by a special edge shape. At correct installation the joints become as dense as possible and practically do not allow sound waves to pass through.

The sheets themselves are screwed to the profiles with self-tapping screws, the heads of which are slightly recessed. To achieve greater density and uniformity of the coating, the joints can be lightly puttied.

An example of finishing a ceiling with acoustic plasterboard

The result of installation work will be excellent, which will differ not only in aesthetic appearance, but also excellent soundproofing characteristics.


Increasing the sound insulation of a room is a very important issue, which becomes increasingly relevant in an apartment building. The construction of a plasterboard partition with sound insulation is the most simple option solving the problem. Its peculiarity is the use of special acoustic plasterboard and filling of the voids between the frames with thermal insulation material. It is these two steps that allow you to get an excellent wall, which in its soundproofing properties will not be inferior to a thick monolithic concrete slab.

Soundproofing internal partitions– a procedure that makes it possible to increase the comfort of living at home and significantly reduce the amount of noise entering the apartment.

Which partitions are better for sound insulation?

Most often, the question of creating sound insulation inside an apartment arises in new monolithic houses. In new buildings, apartments are rented either without interior walls, or with erected partitions made of tongue-and-groove or foam block - the worst option in terms of sound insulation.

Partitions made of tongue-and-groove and foam block always require additional sound insulation

A significant disadvantage of such partitions is the strong degree of resonance - they conduct sound well from the apartments above and below. This is what leads to an increase in the noise level from neighbors’ apartments - and such housing cannot be called cozy. The noise insulation between rooms is also very weak: approximately 37-41 dB depending on the material used (with values ​​​​required for comfortable living of at least 52 dB).

The best solution in such a situation would be to dismantle the ringing blocks and erect new gypsum board partitions with sound insulation. In the long run, it will be cheaper and save valuable square footage in your apartment!

Basic design of soundproofing partitions

The partition is based on a KNAUF metal profile with a layer of sound-absorbing materials, covered with sheets of gypsum fiber and plasterboard on each side. The thickness of the base partition is 10 cm, which is comparable to the thickness of conventional block partitions made of tongue-and-groove or foam concrete.

Noise insulation interior partitions- one of the activities of the MontazhZvukServis company. We have been producing such work for many years and can boast of a large portfolio. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the table below - it contains prices for typical sound insulation of partitions.

Prices for soundproofing partitions per m2

Type of work: Description: Turnkey cost of soundproofing
Basic partition
(10 cm)
A plasterboard partition on a KNAUF profile 50/50 mm with sound insulation inside is a standard solution for sound insulation between rooms. Noise reduction 55 dB! ~3700 RUR/m2
Reinforced partition
(15 cm)
Partition on a wide profile 100/50 mm with two layers of sound insulation inside. Used for enhanced sound insulation (for example, between two bedrooms or between a living room and a nursery). Sound insulation up to 60 dB! ~4000 RUR/m2
Partition on separate frames
(16 cm)
Two threads of the frame are assembled, not touching each other. The scheme is used for the most complex cases(home theaters, recording studios) Sound insulation up to 67 dB! ~4200 RUR/m2

When calculating the sound insulation of a partition, it is necessary to pay attention to several factors. First of all, this is the area of ​​work that will be performed. You also need to decide what level of sound insulation the partition should provide - for apartments the MontazhZvukServis company offers several options that differ in the degree of sound protection.

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Installation of soundproofing partition:

An example of installing a soundproofing plasterboard partition in an apartment

The frame partitions are vibration-insulated from the building by two layers of damper tape, so virtually no vibrations are transmitted to them, and the problem of noise re-emission from neighboring apartments is immediately solved. At the same time, the multi-layer design of the partition will provide reliable sound insulation between rooms.

You can read about other advantages of metal frame partitions with sound-absorbing materials in the section. Next we'll tell you practical advice on the choice of a specific soundproofing scheme and installation of such partitions.

Options for soundproofing interior partitions:

Additional sound insulation of tongue-and-groove and aerated concrete partitions.

Soundproofing of internal partitions additional circuit on vibration suspensions

Soundproofing of interior partitions made of gypsum plasterboard.

If silence in the apartment comes first, it is better to immediately install partitions with sound insulation. This option is ideal for new buildings when there are no walls yet and you can do it right right away!

High sound insulation of frame partitions allows you to reliably isolate yourself from noise

Our company's specialists regularly install such systems. High strength and excellent sound insulation performance make them a non-alternative option modern renovation. We will help you soundproof the partition for your apartment, just use the feedback form:

10% discount on soundproofing of an apartment or house when ordering from the website

Soundproofing of wooden partitions

Most people are sure that the sound insulation of a partition is better if you use a frame made of timber. The everyday logic in this case is clear: if you knock on metal, it is loud, but wood is dull. In fact, this fact has nothing to do with sound insulation. The sound wave does not strike metal like a human fist.

On the contrary, the sound insulation of a metal partition is higher than that of the same partition made of timber, since the acoustic connection (determined by the cross-section size) between the sheets of plasterboard along a thin-walled metal profile less strong compared to wooden beams. The cross-section of the metal frame is 0.5 mm, and wooden beam 50 mm, i.e. 100 times more! Therefore, with wooden frame more vibrations will transfer to gypsum boards than from metal profiles and sound insulation wooden partition will be weaker. Beam is more logical in the case of soundproofing partitions in wood or frame house, but for an apartment it is better to choose a metal profile.

An additional disadvantage of a wooden frame is possible deformation due to seasonal fluctuations in temperature and humidity + the need for additional fireproofing impregnation.

If soundproofing of a partition is done in recording studios, or in a room with a powerful home theater, then a wooden frame has the advantage of being less likely to cause “bounce” in the structure due to installation errors.

How is the noise insulation index of partitions determined:

1. Sound-absorbing material in the partition.

An ordinary partition on a metal frame, sheathed on each side with plasterboard, does not meet sound insulation standards. The sound insulation of the partition will be R w = 35 dB, which is two decibels less than that of a partition made of D400 foam blocks.

However, the sound insulation of a gypsum board partition can be significantly increased, and quite simply! This is a huge advantage frame structures before standard designs from foam block or tongue-and-groove slabs.

By placing acoustic mineral wool between the profiles, the noise insulation of the partition will immediately increase by 5 dB!

2. The influence of gypsum plasterboard sheets on the sound insulation of the partition.

The sound insulation of plasterboard walls depends on their mass: what more weight square meter, the more decibels we get. If, instead of one sheet of drywall, you cover the partition with two-layer sheathing: 10 mm gypsum plasterboard + 12.5 mm gypsum board, its sound insulation will increase by 10 dB!

The sound insulation of the resulting partition will be 50 dB and is within the norm interior sound insulation. At the same time, the thickness of such a partition will be only 10 cm and heavy objects can be hung on it (TV, air conditioner).

Increase in sound insulation of partitions with increasing gypsum board sheets

3. Noise insulation and partition thickness.

The thickness of a plasterboard partition directly determines its sound insulation. If the partition is on a metal frame KNAUF PS 50/50 mm had airborne noise insulation R w = 50 dB, then on a 75 mm frame it was already 52 dB, and on a 100 mm frame (with two layers of sound-absorbing slabs of 50 mm each) R w = 55–56 dB! Taking into account the two-layer gypsum board sheathing, the total thickness of the partition varies from 10 to 16 cm.

Soundproofing of a partition depending on its thickness

Still very effective method increase sound insulation - use two separate frames. Separate frames are when two load-bearing frame are installed next to each other, but without touching (usually with small interval 10mm):

Interior partition on independent frames

4. Alternation of materials in partitions.

When installing partitions with sound insulation, you should adhere to simple rule: There is no need to make “accordions”, i.e. alternate materials! There should be sheets of drywall along the edges of the partition, and sound-absorbing material in the center.

When placing drywall in the middle of a partition, its sound insulation is sharply reduced! In the extreme partitions in the figure it is used same number plasterboard sheets and sound-absorbing slabs. At the same time, the difference in sound insulation is 63 - 45 = 18 dB!

Alternating materials leads to additional resonances, reducing noise insulation

The partition is used for zoning premises in apartments, private houses, offices and public places. It is important to ensure reliable sound insulation inside each room.

Sound waves propagate and pass through various obstacles. To stop them, you need to reduce the sound pressure. To do this, the wave is reflected using a special soundproofing material. It is selected according to the sound insulation index.

Nowadays, the greatest interest is in the soundproofing of plasterboard partitions, which is used everywhere. The screensaver shows the designs of partitions.

The parameter is divided into the category of airborne noise insulation index (propagation of sound waves through the air) and impact sounds (propagation through structural elements). These two parameters are difficult to separate. Usually the air index is taken into account, since airborne transmission most of noise

Enclosing structures protect against noise in different ways. The sound insulation index, providing significant comfort, is 54 dB. At this level, walls between apartments should be built. Reducing it by just 4 dB reduces the comfort level to low. Interior partitions with an index of 43 dB are considered comfortable from the point of view of sound insulation, and between the toilet and rooms it should be about 50 dB.

Soundproofing properties depend on the density and thickness of the partitions. Improving sound insulation due to wall thickness is an ineffective method. Doubling it improves sound insulation by only 10-15 dB. Determine existing on this moment The sound insulation index can be determined by the transmission of sounds. A normal conversation has a power of 45 dB, a crying child has a power of 70 dB, a whisper has a power of 20 dB. If you can hear neighbors talking behind the wall, it means the index is below 45 dB. The problem can be solved simply by purchasing materials with an index of 15-20 dB on the construction market. If you cover a wall with them, you won’t be able to hear your neighbors.

Sound insulation of partitions includes one more parameter - sound absorption coefficient. The ability to reduce the strength of sound by absorbing it is possessed by structures that have a soft, granular, cellular or fleecy structure with a chaotic structure. Once inside such materials, sound must overcome many barriers. The absorption coefficient measuring scale ranges from 0 to 1. The table shows its values ​​for different materials. It shows that the coefficient also depends on frequency.

Sound absorption coefficient for different materials

Material, objectFrequency response, Hz
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Gypsum plaster0,02 0,026 0,04 0,062 0,058 0,028
Lime plaster0,024 0,046 0,06 0,085 0,043 0,056
Fiberboard (Fibreboard), 12 mm0,22 0,30 0,34 0,32 0,41 0,42
Gypsum panel 10 mm with a distance from the wall of 100 mm0,41 0,28 0,15 0,06 0,05 0,02
Parquet floor0,04 0,04 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,07
Plank floor on joists0,20 0,15 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,07
Glazed window frames0,35 0,25 0,18 0,12 0,07 0,04
Lacquered doors0,03 0,02 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,04
Wool carpet 9 mm thick on concrete0,02 0,08 0,21 0,26 0,27 0,37

A layer of material with a coefficient of 0.4 with a thickness of 5-10 cm is considered suitable for sound absorption. The problem is the loss of space in the room for sound insulation.

The higher the absorption coefficient, the better the soundproofing properties of the material, but the reflection of sound worsens. These 2 parameters do not combine well in one material: an increase in one of them leads to a decrease in the other. The solution is to use multi-layer panels, where both a sound-insulating and sound-absorbing layer, as well as air gaps, should be used. At the border of different media, when sound passes from one to another through a layer of air, it also loses strength.

Soundproofing of gypsum plasterboard partitions

Structures made from plasterboard sheets (GCR) are gradually replacing other non-load-bearing partitions. When solving problems of dividing rooms into zones, sound insulation of interior partitions should always be ensured. At comprehensive solution tasks, the costs for this will be minimal.

The gypsum plasterboard partitions themselves are soundproof, but this can be significantly increased through simple measures:

  • use of special soundproofing materials;
  • wall cladding using special technology;
  • the use of soundproofing fastenings for the frame;
  • use of a special profile;
  • increasing the distance between racks;
  • use of a frame with greater thickness;
  • increasing the thickness of the cladding;
  • usage special materials as a frame filler.

The plasterboard partition is made in the form of a sandwich: the outer shell is made of gypsum plasterboard, and filler is placed inside.

Soundproofing of interior plasterboard partitions is done in conjunction with the floor and ceiling.

The sheathing of partitions can be done with special acoustic plasterboard. Additional noise absorption inside is created by a layer nonwoven fabric, pasted onto sheets. If the price for them does not suit you, you can get out of the situation by using a filler. Porous slabs in the partition are the main means of absorbing noise.

Soundproofing an interior plasterboard partition is impossible if you do not take into account metal carcass, which is an excellent conductor of sound. Placed under the starting horizontal profiles sealing tape, and all metal connections are made with polymer gaskets. Polymer units can be used for fastening.

One side of the frame is sheathed with plasterboard, after which communications are laid, sockets and switches are mounted and connected. Then a sound absorber is tightly packed into the inside of the partition. There should be no free space between the mats. The layer is covered with a membrane or porous tape. The gypsum boards are finally attached on the other side. After everything is closed, small holes and cracks are sealed with sealant.

Application of new developments

Competition in the construction market forces manufacturers to look for ways to improve product quality. To achieve this, work is being done in the following directions:

  • creation of acoustic drywall;
  • use of special filler with noise-absorbing properties for partitions;
  • elastic pads under the frame, reducing the sound of impacts;
  • filling partitions and creating false walls;
  • spraying cellulose fibers inside partitions.

Acoustic drywall

The Knauf and Aku-Line companies have mastered the production of acoustic plasterboard, which reduces the noise level when finishing interior partitions and when covering walls. Increased sound insulation of the partition is achieved due to a large number of holes, creating a reflection of a passing sound wave directed at the wall surface. In addition, a non-woven fabric is glued to the cardboard on the reverse side, which absorbs sound.

Sound-absorbing filler inside partitions

Sound insulation of plasterboard partitions also requires the presence of a sound-absorbing filler between them. The same companies are developing it. Expanded polystyrene is widely used - a foamed thermoplastic made from fused granules with air cavities.. The material also successfully copes with the function of thermal insulation. The addition of a fire retardant can increase the fire resistance of polystyrene foam. Judging by customer reviews, domestic polystyrene foam is a very poor thermal insulator.

Mineral wool slabs have high protective properties against sound propagation. The Knauf company produces a wide range of acoustic slabs from stone wool, among which 4 cm thick products are often used to soundproof walls. For effective dispersion of sound waves, the homogeneity of the slabs, which Rockwool acoustic mats have, is of great importance.

Partition materials with improved soundproofing properties are more expensive than usual, but with their help they achieve complete sound insulation. In addition, you can use filler of a smaller thickness, which will reduce costs and loss of room volume.

Membranes made of thin fabric with a fleecy coating are a high-quality sound absorber. The layer can be from 2.5 to 12 mm thick.

Polyester or polyurethane foam panels are used for internal filling and to create false walls. Some of them may be a fire hazard due to the content of flammable substances.

The cheapest filler for plasterboard walls is polystyrene foam. It reduces noise to some extent, but its efficiency is low.

Spraying sound-absorbing coatings

Spraying cellulose fibers with an adhesive composition is often used due to its low cost and the possibility of mechanizing the process. The method is used to correct acoustics indoors for entertainment and public purposes.

Ready-made Sonaspray coatings have a texture like fur coat plaster. It can be coarse or uniform, depending on the size of the cellulose flakes. Since the coatings look impressive, dyes of a wide variety of shades are added to the solution. The coating can be painted after it has been applied.

Possibility of spraying foamed cellulose solution on the surface of walls and ceilings made of building materials eliminates the need to create a frame that is used to hold gypsum board cladding. The manufacturability and cost-effectiveness of the process allows the team of specialists to ensure a productivity of 300 m² per day.

In the presence of necessary equipment The sound insulation of a plasterboard interior partition can be improved by applying cellulose from the inside.

Mistakes when arranging sound insulation

  • Finish the premises only with sound-absorbing material. To increase sound insulation it is necessary joint use with soundproofing panels, as well as the use of massive fences with acoustic decoupling at junctions.
  • Location of noisy engineering equipment anywhere in the building with sound insulation. The effectiveness of sound-proofing materials is limited. It is not always possible to provide reliable sound protection from engineering equipment. It should always be located away from the protected premises.
  • Soundproofing interior partitions only due to of great importance sound insulation index. This is not enough, since sound also travels through communications and building structures.
  • Soundproofing a wall made of three-layer plasterboard with filler. For greater efficiency, you should choose special sound-absorbing materials, use elastic spacers between the frame and building structures and also seal joints.
  • Soundproofing a room with thin but effective soundproofing screens. A soundproof barrier can only be created using a mass-elasticity-mass design, where minimum thickness is 40-50 mm.

Video: how to make a partition from plasterboard

The creation of acoustic protection of premises through partitions should be based on knowledge of the principles of propagation of sound waves and effective means to combat them. The maximum effect is achieved through execution.

The main function of partitions is to divide the internal space of the house into separate rooms, differing in their purpose: living room, office, bedrooms, library, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, etc. When constructing them, it is imperative to take into account the ability of structures to reduce the intensity of sound waves.

In rooms with high noise levels, the installation of additional partitions is designed to create a comfortable acoustic environment in the interior by trapping external sounds. Soundproofing partition housings are designed in such a way that they can:

  • reduce noise caused by operating equipment;
  • absorb extraneous sounds;
  • separate noise.

Types of soundproofing partitions

The concept of “sound insulation” includes a whole range of measures, the purpose of which is to reduce the noise level in an apartment (house).

The main types of partitions for protection against extraneous sounds are:

Materials required for work

Installing a frame partition with soundproofing qualities is a fairly easy task. If you have some knowledge, you can handle it yourself.

To work you need:

  • frame materials: aluminum-based profiles or wooden bars;
  • material with soundproofing properties (mineral wool is quite suitable);
  • drywall used to hold insulation within the frame.

Independent soundproofing device

To obtain a high-quality soundproofing structure, you must consistently perform the following steps:

  1. Mark the exact location of the planned partition. The first step is to mark the position of the parts on the floor: profiles, doorway, racks. After this, the indicated dimensions can be transferred to the surface of the ceiling and walls.
  2. Using dowels, guide profiles are attached to the ceiling, floor, and walls. The size of the dowel fastening step should be approximately 40 cm. Polyurethane tape is glued to the lower part of the surface of the guide profile, after which the racks of the partition frame are installed.
  3. Pre-prepared sheets of drywall are attached to one of the sides. Fastening is carried out in one or two layers using self-tapping screws. Soundproofing mats are cut.
  4. Fragments of mats are placed at random into the space of the partition, then the edges of the cut mats on one side are inserted into the inner part of the U-shaped profile, and on the other side an elastic moment of support is created.
  5. Communication elements (wires, sockets, cables) are placed inside the structure, after which plasterboard sheets are installed on the other side.
  6. The final stage is finishing work.

Soundproofing materials

In accordance with the function performed, materials used for sound insulation are divided into sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing.

Hard materials have the ability to reflect sound: brick, concrete, metal sheets, drywall.

Materials that have a cellular, granular or fibrous structure. They are made on the basis of mineral wool or glass wool. Specialized stores sell materials for sound insulation and sound reflection. Today's construction market offers them in the form of rolls and slabs. They all differ in terms of reflection or absorption of sound waves. Many samples may contain special components to improve sound insulation properties. You can also purchase mats that have a multilayer structure: they contain sheets of foil between layers of mineral wool.

Before purchasing, you must familiarize yourself with the parameters specified by the manufacturer.

How to calculate sound insulation level

The calculations are based on room sound insulation standards. To determine the level of sound insulation of a partition in the case of using a specific material, you can use the following formula:

IB (sound insulation index) = 32 (logM) + 2 (logD) – 17 dB.

The letter M denotes the surface density of the material from which the wall is made, and the letter D denotes the thickness of the air gap.

There are more easy way: use calculator programs posted on thematic websites. In this case, the calculations are made automatically and will be more accurate.

Features of sound insulation of interior partitions

Plasterboard structures

In this case, the main a necessary condition sound insulation is the filling of the internal space of the partition with a special material. Before installation begins, it is necessary to calculate the number of plasterboard layers that need to be secured on each side. By installing a double layer, a significant improvement in sound reflecting properties can be achieved. If aluminum-based guides are used, between metal surface and the wall must be padded to prevent the transmission of sound vibrations. Fillers with noise-insulating properties are used as fillers for interior partitions: mineral wool or glass wool.

Apartment partitions

To increase the soundproofing properties of such partitions, it is necessary to install additional designs. An air chamber must be installed in the space between the walls and the structure. The gap remaining between the floor and the structure is filled with elastic soundproofing pads.

Sliding partitions

The main task when insulating them is to reduce the gaps between the sections of the structure, the ceiling and the floor to a minimum size. For this purpose, a special method of fastening the sections from the top is used. The lower end must be carefully ground to the floor without forming a gap. Placed in the inner part of the partition soundproofing material. As a result of moving the sections to obtain a single whole, tight adhesion of the edges of the individual sections to each other should be ensured.

IN large rooms and rooms, there may be a need to divide the area into smaller spaces by erecting permanent or temporary partitions. One of the important points is the sound permeability of wall structures. Let's take a closer look at this method and options for increasing the sound insulation of partitions.

When the issue of the location of the partition has already been decided, it is necessary to decide on the materials used for the wall structure. Interior partitions are erected from various materials:

  • Foam and aerated concrete blocks. Aerated concrete blocks have enough high quality surfaces and open interconnected pores (the material has good vapor permeability and the ability to take moisture from the air). Foam concrete does not have such a “sore spot”, since the air pores are not connected and isolated from each other. Foam blocks with a thickness of 75 to 100 mm are used for the construction of partitions, since thinner ones may not withstand the load on the wall in the form of a fixed TV or bookshelf.
  • Tongue-and-groove slabs. To produce such boards, environmentally friendly material (gypsum) with mineral fillers and cement is used as a binding element. Such partitions do not require a full layer of plaster, but only sealing the seams and a light layer of putty.
  • Drywall. Partitions are created from a load-bearing profile and plasterboard sheets. The surface is perfectly flat; such wall structures are air and vapor permeable. Also, insulation is placed inside the wall (void) to increase the sound insulation of the partitions.

Various types of structuring of structures and materials of partitions

Partitions according to their design can be divided into single-layer and multi-layer structures:

  • Single-layer partitions. For construction, dense material is used, connected with each other by “mortar”. These can be brick, plaster, expanded clay concrete and even reinforced concrete wall structures.
  • Multilayer partitions. Constructed from two or more alternating layers. For example, a frame-sheathing plasterboard partition, frame partition on one or two frames with environmentally friendly fiberglass, etc.

How effective is a partition in reducing noise?

Various sounds entering a home from the street (transport, work being carried out, etc.) exceed the noise emanating from neighboring apartments, but due to the psychophysiological characteristics of human hearing, it is these quiet sounds from neighbors that irritate (baby crying, music, loud voices etc.), therefore acoustic comfort should be taken into account. Maximum sound insulation can be achieved through the use and variations of components and components.

The overall soundproofing effect also depends on the choice of material for the middle layer.

Cost of soundproofing partitions

Let's consider two options for soundproofing partitions:

  1. Basic version, with a thickness of 100 mm. Maximum sound insulation wall structures at low cost (plasterboard partitions). They have sufficient rigidity and the ability to withstand heavy loads. Due to their simple design, they are popular when solving sound problems in apartments, offices, and recording studios. Cost - from 380 rubles per m 2 of double-sided partition.
  2. Reinforced version with a thickness of 150-160 mm. It is distinguished by the use of a design with separate frames. The partition consists of two parts, independent of each other and installed in parallel, without touching each other. This option is often used for local separation of a bedroom from a children's room or for soundproofing a room with video and audio systems (cinema). The cost of a double frame starts from 500 rubles, depending on the material.

Acoustic drywall

A good solution for soundproofing is to install acoustic plasterboard. The plasterboard sheet has a perforated structure, and on back side non-woven fabric is attached. The front side of the sheet is the perforated part. By reducing the frequency of reflected sounds, it effectively eliminates the sound effect such as “echo”.

Sheathing with plasterboard in two or more layers

Often, when constructing partitions, a double (or more) layer of drywall is used in the structure. This is done in order to make the partitions heavier and more stable, as a result of which the structure will be more durable. Also, accordingly, the noise insulation effect increases.

Materials with high sound absorption coefficient

Sound-absorbing materials can be divided into the following types:

  • Porous sound absorbers (also called fibrous). Made from porous materials - kaolin, slag, pumice, vermiculite with a binder composition (for example, cement);
  • Porous, with perforated screens;
  • Resonant;
  • Layered structures;
  • Piece or volumetric.

Materials used to fill partitions

A partition, designed not only to divide a room into sectors, but also for sound insulation, consists of a frame and filler. The aggregate plays an additional role in sound insulation. Let's look at some types of partition filler:

  • -BM. Premium acoustic mini-slab. Basalt-based mineral wool, moisture-resistant and non-flammable.
  • Schumanet-SK Neo. Acoustic mini-plate of a new generation. Fiberglass based mineral board. It is used in partitions, cladding and ceiling structures.
  • AKULite (AkuLight). Acoustic mineral slab. When laid in one layer, the sound absorption class is B, when laid in two layers - class A.

Installation work when installing a soundproofing partition

The work technology looks like this:

  1. Make markings for the future partition.
  2. Installation of guide profiles.
  3. Installation of vertical profiles.
  4. Fastening drywall sheets.

Filling the frame and covering with sheets

In the case of using materials to improve acoustic properties, first a finished frame made of profiles is attached to one side - sheets of plasterboard. Next, the voids are filled with the selected material (trimming to size and fixing the slabs). After the partition is filled, the second side is “sewn up” with plasterboard. Pay attention when attaching the second side - make sure that no piece of mineral wool or other filler gets between the profile and the sheet of drywall - this can lead to bumps on the surface of the drywall.

Mistakes when arranging sound insulation

There is a misconception that when filling voids in partitions, you can get by with any available material, and there will still be a sound insulation effect. Sometimes they even use expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam for these purposes, but these materials will not help reduce sound insulation; on the contrary, they will increase it (they are not intended for this).

Also, when constructing partitions, some owners leave empty space inside the frame. This results in a sound effect called "echo".

Also, to save money, unskilled workers are hired. Even if you spent money on quality materials, the builder may not carry out the installation correctly (not completely adjacent to the floor, etc.), and therefore the partition will not fully perform its soundproofing function.