What is a bachelor's and master's degree? Why a two-tier system? Is it worth studying for a master's degree after a bachelor's degree?

Bachelor's degree - Bachelor's degree- the first stage of higher education in countries with the Bologna system. When people talk about higher education, they most often mean a bachelor's degree. Master's and doctoral studies are usually called postgraduate or postgraduate ( postgraduate) education.
The bachelor's degree is designed for school graduates who want to obtain higher education in a specific specialty. The bachelor's degree is determined by the number of hours of study. They are usually measured in educational credits (ECTS), where 1 credit is equal to 25-30 study hours, depending on the country. To obtain a bachelor's degree, you need to earn 180-240 ECTS for the entire study period. The bachelor's degree itself will take 3-4 years, with the exception of medical and legal specialties, where the study lasts 5-6 years.

Types of bachelor's degrees

There are several types of bachelor's degrees. On university websites, next to the name of the educational program there may be abbreviations such as BA, BSc, BAS, BFA and others. They indicate the type of undergraduate degree.
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA). The BA degree is awarded in the field of humanities. The exception is the UK: in this country the BA degree is awarded in all disciplines. The Bachelor of Arts program lasts 3 or 4 years. In most European countries, a BA degree will take 3 years to complete, while in the US and Canada you will have to study for 4 years. The main feature of BA educational programs is the emphasis on obtaining theoretical knowledge.
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc). Unlike BA, education under the Bachelor of Science program involves not only mastering theoretical material, but also research practice. The BSc degree is mainly awarded in the natural sciences, computer science and mathematics. But it can also be found in the social sciences and psychology - in this case, the theoretical content of the humanities will be supported by a strong natural science base. For example, a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, in addition to introducing basic theories, will involve studying biology, chemistry, and even computer science. Studying for the BSc, as well as for the BA programs, lasts 3-4 years.
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BEng). The BEng degree is awarded in technical disciplines. The BEng program will take 3-5 years to complete. In some countries this degree is equivalent to a BSc. The main difference between a bachelor's degree in technical sciences is the strong emphasis on practical work and subsequent employment in the relevant field. Most graduates of technical faculties quickly find work in their specialty, and if they continue their studies in a master's program, they do this simultaneously with their professional activities.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA). The BFA is awarded in the field of visual and performing arts. The main emphasis in the learning process is on mastering artistic skills, scientific disciplines taught to a much lesser extent. The training program lasts 4 years. This degree may have a different name depending on the country: BFA is common in the USA and Canada, in many countries this degree is called Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCA).

Most Popular Bachelor's Degrees

PopularityNameName in EnglishAbbreviationCont.
10.40 % Bachelor of Sciencebachelor of scienceBSc3-4
8.83 % Bachelor of Artsbachelor of artsB.A.3-4
6.37 % Bachelor of Business Administrationbachelor of business administrationB.B.A., B.B.A.3-4
4.31 % Bachelor of Engineering Sciencebachelor of engineeringB.Eng.3-5
2.55 % Bachelor of Educationbachelor of educationB.Ed3-4
1.71 % Bachelor of Lawsbachelor of lawLL.B.3-4
1.26 % Bachelor of Nursingbachelor of nursingBN, BSN, BScN, BSc Nursing3-4
1.22 % Bachelor of Computer Sciencebachelor of computer scienceBCompSc, BCS, BS CS3-4
1.12 % Bachelor of Medicinebachelor of medicineBM, BMed5-6


The minimum package of documents required for admission to the bachelor's program includes:
  • Certificate of secondary education;
  • Language test results;
Depending on the country and the university itself, they may also require:
  • Results from a test (such as TestAS or SAT) that simultaneously tests proficiency foreign language and subject knowledge of the applicant;
  • Portfolio (for creative specialties).
Before submitting documents to a university, you need to find out whether the applicant’s certificate is equivalent to a qualification of secondary education in the country of his choice for study. In countries such as Germany, the Czech Republic and Japan, a Russian certificate does not allow you to enter a university after school. In this case, the applicant may resort to one of the options below:
  • study for several years at a Russian university;
  • complete preparatory courses at a foreign university, which the applicant intends to enroll in, or at state educational centers (for example, Studienkolleg in Germany);
  • successfully pass the nostrification exam, which will confirm the compliance of the applicant’s knowledge school education foreign country.
The selection of applicants at the university can be based on the grade point average (GPA) of the certificate or based on the results of entrance exams. The test format varies depending on the country: the exam can be a written paper, a test or an interview.

Learning process

Of course, each country has its own special learning atmosphere, which you may or may not like. foreign student. Despite this, two main trends can be identified in educational process. The first is maximum freedom for the student. The student himself chooses subjects (with the exception of three or four compulsory ones), teachers and creates his own schedule. This can be found, for example, in educational institutions in England, Norway and Italy. The second trend represents more classic version training. Almost all subjects are compulsory; the university offers only a few elective courses. Students are not involved in selecting teachers and compiling curriculum. This approach is common in many countries, such as Poland, Japan and South Korea.
Many universities provide students with the opportunity to study two bachelor's degrees simultaneously (double degree programs or Joint Degree), which allows them to receive two bachelor's degrees upon graduation (for example, a bachelor of technical sciences in education).

Cost of education

Tuition prices vary. According to THE 2016 ranking, the most dear countries Diploma destinations are the USA, UK, Australia and Hong Kong. Budget education available in Hungary, India and other countries. In some countries, for example, France, Germany and Sweden, higher education is absolutely free even for foreigners (students only pay an entrance fee, which is about €150).
The applicant has the opportunity to receive a scholarship, which often covers expenses not only for training, but also for living in the country. Financial assistance the student can be provided by the government, public organizations or even the university itself. Also in some countries, for example, in the USA and Norway, you can study on a government loan, which must subsequently be repaid (usually a few years after graduation).

Prospects after bachelor's degree

A bachelor's degree is enough to start building a career. In many countries, in the last year of study, students undergo internships in large companies, which can last from two weeks to a whole semester, which gives the student the necessary work experience and helps him find a job after graduation. However, there are exceptions everywhere. For example, in

Today we’ll talk about the principles by which students choose between a bachelor’s degree or a specialty and what advantages each of these training programs has.

Modern Russian system higher vocational education provides the opportunity to obtain several qualification degrees. If previously in our country only certified specialists graduated from universities, today young people have the right to choose between bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate degrees.

Let us note that if master’s and postgraduate studies do not raise questions, since without further ado it is clear that this is a certain academic degree, not everyone knows how a bachelor’s degree differs from a specialist’s degree. That is why today we will talk about the principles by which students choose between a bachelor’s degree or a specialty and what advantages each of these training programs has.

What are bachelor's and specialty degrees?

A specialty is a traditional form of higher education for Russia. Upon completion of training, a university graduate receives the qualification “certified specialist”. At the same time, he has the opportunity to go to study both in master's and graduate school.

Bachelor's degree is the first stage of higher education. The student chooses a direction in advance and studies according to it. Such education provides precisely the basics of the specialty, that is, the basis necessary knowledge to obtain a profession. After graduating from a university, a student acquires a bachelor's degree qualification and has the opportunity to go to master's programs.

And on bachelor's degree, and people who have completed secondary or secondary vocational education (that is, after graduating from college or technical school) can enter the specialty. It is believed that a specialty includes a bachelor's and master's degree program.

The difference between a bachelor's degree and a specialty degree

If you are planning to enter a higher education institution, then first you need to decide which qualification is more important for you: specialist, bachelor or master. This will greatly influence which company you go to work for. Employers react differently to bachelor's and specialist degrees. Also, Russian enterprises have the same requirements, while international companies may put forward completely different ones.

Previously, all Russian students studied only at the specialty level. Accordingly, after graduation they were awarded the qualification “certified specialist”. At that time, two-level systems were already in full use abroad. education system. After some time, such a system was introduced in our country. Nowadays in domestic universities you can find both the old and the new system.

What are their differences? Let's get a look:

  • at a bachelor's degree you will study for 4 years, and at a specialty for 5 or 5.5 years (depending on the specialty);
  • A bachelor studies the basics of the profession and general disciplines. A specialty, on the contrary, involves studying a narrow specialty in a profile chosen by the student;
  • In the first 2 years of both qualifications I study general education subjects. Then the division begins.
  • with a bachelor's degree you can get the basics of a profession and then go into any field; with a specialty, you most often gain knowledge in a specific narrow area;
  • Having received a bachelor's degree, a student can only go to a master's degree. A specialist can immediately go to graduate school, bypassing the master's program;
  • Bachelors can apply for free education in the master's program, since this degree of qualification allows you to participate in the competition. For specialists, the master's degree will be paid, as it will be considered the second higher education. According to the law, a second higher education can only be obtained for money.
  • A bachelor can only get into graduate school if he completes a master's degree.

As mentioned above, many employers understand that graduates specialists study longer and, accordingly, gain more knowledge in narrow areas. Therefore, a bachelor's degree modern market labor is less in demand than a specialist diploma. However, employers are very mistaken when they believe that a bachelor’s degree cannot be called a completed higher education. By graduating with this qualification, the student receives all the necessary professional knowledge and skills.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bachelor's degree

Oddly enough, bachelor's degrees in Russia are now very popular. In modern Russian universities it is much more common than a specialty. What is the reason for such popularity of bachelor's degrees? Of course, the benefits it provides:

  • Bachelor's degree is considered international education system. Therefore, after graduation, the student can safely go abroad to work there. The same applies in Europe two-tier system.
  • the student appears big choice places of work. Due to the practice-oriented nature of the training without being tied to any one narrow specialization, a bachelor can apply for many vacancies that require higher education.
  • the training lasts only 4 years (that is, you “save” at least one year).
  • Already during the learning process, a student can decide on a further choice of profession and enroll in a master’s program in a narrower specialty (at the same time, he can continue his studies at the expense of the budget).
  • During their studies, future bachelors are given a deferment from the army.

Now let's say a few words about the shortcomings of this training program.

As mentioned above, employers often do not value bachelors because they are convinced that four years of study is not enough to acquire high level professional knowledge and skills. Another serious drawback is go to the budget Although it is possible to get a master's degree, it is very difficult. And a paid master's degree can be very expensive. At the same time, a deferment from the army will be granted only if the student is studying full-time in a master's program.

Advantages and disadvantages of specialty

A specialist has many advantages over a bachelor:

firstly, employers value students who have completed a specialty degree, which makes it easier for certified specialists to find a job;

  • secondly, after a specialty, you can immediately go to graduate school without wasting time studying for a master’s degree;
  • thirdly, it’s easier to start practicing scientific activity;
  • fourthly, students are given a deferment from the army;
  • fifthly, future specialists have the opportunity to enjoy student life one year longer.

If we talk about the shortcomings specialty, then, first of all, it is necessary to note:

  • lack of opportunity to go to graduate school budgetary basis, since this will be considered a second higher education;
  • Such education is not valued abroad. They only have a two-tier system and they have no secondary qualifications;
  • If you want to study further, then there will be no deferment from the army.

If you are striving for rapid economic independence, then studying for a specialty may seem too long to you (up to 6 years).

Let's sum it up

Choosing a training program depends on your future goals. If you are studying a specialty, then you are not so much getting an education as mastering a certain profession. While in a bachelor's degree, you will get sooner general education a specific focus than a specific specialty. It is also important to evaluate how long you are willing to study. If you need to get your education as soon as possible, then it is better to choose a bachelor's degree.

Assess for yourself whether you need a master's degree and whether you can afford it from a financial point of view. If you want to continue your education, but cannot pay for it, then it is better to go for a bachelor's degree. Then there will be a chance to get to budget place. According to statistics, 20% of bachelor's graduates get into the budget department of the master's program.

If you are going to engage in scientific activities, then it is better to go for a specialty. This way you will save 1-1.5 years.

Pay attention to what company you want to work for. If international is preferable, then it is better to choose a bachelor's degree. If it’s Russian, then it’s a specialty.

Recently, a reform has taken place in the Russian and Ukrainian education systems, according to which universities are no longer graduating specialists, but are switching to two-stage higher education. However, for most applicants and their parents, much about this innovation remains unclear. And this, naturally, puzzles applicants, preventing them from making a fairly important choice in life. Students are also confused, wondering whether a master's degree is needed after a bachelor's degree or whether one degree will be enough. Therefore, we will try to explain what these concepts mean and how a bachelor’s degree differs from a master’s degree.

What do bachelor's and master's degrees mean?

Bachelor's degree is the basic level of higher education, focused on obtaining practical knowledge in the chosen specialty. Typically, studies at this academic level last 4 years. The opinion has spread among ordinary people that a bachelor's degree is an incomplete higher education. In fact, this is not the case, because upon graduation, the student receives a diploma of higher education, which allows him to work in the areas that his profession is focused on. These can be social and economic spheres: engineers, journalists, managers, administrators, economists. By the way, it is possible, since a bachelor’s qualification is considered international and is accepted by foreign employers.

A master's degree is the second stage of higher education, where it is realistic to enroll only after completing the basic stage. Thus, the question of whether a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree comes first disappears by itself. Master's studies last two years, during which students receive more in-depth and specialized theoretical knowledge in the chosen specialization, which will allow you to engage in further teaching or scientific activities, decision complex tasks. Thus, the master's program prepares professionals to work in analytical and research centers and large companies.

Bachelor's and Master's degrees - the difference

Now let’s list the main differences between a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree:

Thus, there is no point in guessing which is better - a bachelor's degree or a master's degree. The choice of the level of higher education depends on the personal guidelines, goals and objectives of the incoming or current student.

Not everyone knows that specialist, master and bachelor are higher education, after which the holder of the diploma has the right to occupy positions that require higher education. These stages differ in the length of study at the university and the richness of the program in theoretical and applied disciplines. At the same time, in last years switched to a bachelor's and master's degree system, and specialist diplomas remained mainly with graduates of the last century.

The educational levels established in Russia are described below. The concepts of specialist, bachelor and master are also explained in more detail.

Education levels

IN Russian Federation the following are installed educational levels:

  1. basic general education;
  2. secondary (complete) general education;
  3. primary vocational education;
  4. secondary vocational education;
  5. higher professional education;
  6. postgraduate professional education.
    Time frame for completing basic educational programs higher professional education are:
  • to obtain a bachelor’s qualification (degree) it takes at least four years (this is the period of study that universities adhere to);
  • to obtain the qualification “certified specialist”, at least five years (usually 5 or 5.5 years);
  • To obtain a Master's qualification (degree) it takes at least six years.

Bachelor's and Master's degrees are classified as first scientific degrees. A master's degree allows you to subsequently enter graduate school. A bachelor's degree necessarily precedes a specialist or master's degree. After the first four years of study at a university, you need to decide which level of higher education you will pursue next. If in the future you are not going to connect your life with science or work at a university, then you should opt for a specialist’s diploma, otherwise, choose a master’s degree. If you do not have the opportunity to continue your studies further, then you can get a bachelor's degree.

It should be noted that not every university can provide the opportunity to obtain a master's degree. In addition, universities may not provide such an opportunity in all areas and specialties. Information about the levels of higher professional education available to you in each specialty can be found in the university brochures or found in admissions committee university It's not very popular topic among applicants, so you may not receive the information you are interested in right away.


Bachelor's degree is a diploma confirming successful completion of the second stage of higher professional education.

The first stage of higher professional education is incomplete higher education, which must be carried out by a higher educational institution in basic professional educational programs for at least two years. After completing training at this level of higher professional education, the student can continue higher education (usually this is implied by default) or, if desired, receive a diploma of incomplete higher education without final certification. The volume and content of incomplete higher education are reflected in the diploma supplement.

It should be noted that it is rare that an employer will attach serious importance to the fact that you have received incomplete higher education.

A “Bachelor” must study not only general education, but also general professional disciplines, as well as special disciplines and practices of professional significance. The study of the program ends with a final certification with the assignment of a bachelor's qualification to the graduate and the issuance of a diploma.

Qualification "Bachelor" gives full right to apply for a position for which qualification requirements availability of higher professional education is provided.

In reality, the manager will think about whether it is worth hiring a “half-trained” specialist. Reasons for refusing to hire can always be found. Of course, it is much better to accept a graduate or master's degree who has completed a full course of study at a university.

Specialist and Master

Mastering the third level of higher professional education can be carried out according to basic professional educational programs of two types, upon completion of which a certificate is issued specialist diploma or master's degree 1 .

The main program, which consists of a bachelor's program in the relevant field and at least two years of specialized training, including practice involving research and (or) scientific pedagogical activity graduate. The total standard period of study must be at least six years. Mastering the program ends with a final certification, including a final work (project), with the award to the graduate Master's qualification.

Basic professional educational program, including the development of humanitarian, socio-economic and natural science disciplines of a general scientific nature, general professional disciplines, as well as theoretical and practical training by specialty and specialization, involving different kinds professional activity graduate. The total standard period of study must be at least five 2 years. This program ends with a final certification, including a thesis (project), with the graduate being awarded a specialist qualification - “engineer”, “teacher”, “economist”, etc.

1 Some areas do not require a magistrate.
2 Typically, the period of study for specialties that do not provide the possibility of obtaining a master’s degree is five years, and for specialties that do provide such an opportunity, it is five and a half years.

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Currently, in the generally accepted system of Russian higher education, there is a division of graduates into bachelors, specialists and masters. It turns out that there is a noticeable difference between these three academic titles. It lies primarily in the duration of training.

It is generally accepted that students study for exactly 5 years. This is relevant for graduate specialists. For bachelors, the duration of study is only 4 years. The master must study at a higher educational institution for 6 years.

Not every specialty has a choice of duration of study and, accordingly, academic title. To find out which method of training you can choose for the specialty you are interested in at your chosen university, you need to contact the dean’s office. There you can find out for yourself all the questions you are interested in.

Upon admission to an educational institution, a student is not required to immediately decide on the duration of study and its focus. The final decision will need to be made at the end of the 4th course. It is at this time that the student can either graduate with a bachelor's degree or continue studying at a university. If a student wants to study to become a specialist, he will have 1 more year to study. If he wants to become a master, then he will have to spend another 2 years within the walls of his native university.

Quality and specificity of knowledge of bachelors, masters and specialists

A bachelor cannot be considered a person who has received higher education. Most likely, completing a bachelor's degree will be equivalent to incomplete higher education. Despite this, some students prefer to get a bachelor's degree and finish their studies there.

A specialist is a person with completed higher education. He is in his specialty, but his knowledge is not enough to carry out scientific work. The duration of training for a specialist is shorter than for a master's degree, but the quality of knowledge is no worse. Such graduates are better suited to work in production. The knowledge gained in the master's program will be useful for further work in the field of science. As a rule, master's degree graduates go on to graduate school.

A master's degree will be useful when entering some foreign educational establishments. In accordance with the laws of a number of other states, only the completion of a master's degree is counted as higher education.