What is ADHD: symptoms, treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in preschool and school-age children. Treatment methods for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Neuroscientist Dr. Amen is one of the leading experts on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). He has learned to identify this disorder not only in children, but also in adults, and has developed a system for diagnosing and treating ADHD that resorts to traditional medications only as a last resort. So, what can improve the child’s condition or?

Below I will talk about the six different types of ADHD and how important it is to know your type in order to get adequate help. However, there are a number of procedures that are common to all patients with ADHD, in addition to doctor's orders.

  1. Take a multivitamin. They help with learning and prevent chronic diseases. Regardless of the type of ADHD you or your child has, I recommend taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement every day. When I was in medical school, the professor who taught our nutrition course said that if people ate a balanced diet, they wouldn't need vitamin and mineral supplements. However balanced diet is something archaic for many of our fast food families. In my experience, families with ADHD in particular have trouble planning and tend to eat out. Protect yourself and your children by taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement.
  2. Supplement your diet with omega-3 fatty acids. ADHD sufferers have been shown to have a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood. Two of them are especially important - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Typically, taking EZPC helps people with ADHD a lot. For adults, I recommend taking 2000-4000 mg/day; children 1000-2000 mg/day.
  3. Eliminate caffeine and nicotine. They prevent you from falling asleep and reduce the effectiveness of other treatments.
  4. Exercise regularly: at least 45 minutes 4 times a week. Long, brisk walks are just what you need.
  5. Watch TV no more than half an hour a day, play video games, use cell phone and other electronic devices. This may not be easy, but it will have a noticeable effect.
  6. Treat food like medicine, because that's what she is. Most ADHD patients do better when they follow a brain-healthy eating program. Working with a nutritionist can make a big difference.
  7. Never yell at someone with ADHD. They often seek conflict or excitement as a means of stimulation. They can easily make you angry or angry. Don't lose your temper with them. If such a person makes you explode, his low-energy frontal cortex is activated, and he unconsciously likes it. Never let your anger become someone else's medicine. This reaction is addictive for both parties.

6 types of ADHD

Effective treatment for a person with ADHD can change their entire life. So why medications like Ritalin help some patients, but only aggravate the condition of others? Until I started doing SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) scans, I didn't know the reason for this. From the scans, I learned that ADHD is not just one type of disorder. There are at least 6 different types and they require different approach to treatment.

Our research suggests that ADHD primarily affects the following areas of the brain:

  • The frontal lobe cortex is responsible for concentration, attention span, assessment of what is happening, organization, planning and impulse control.
  • The anterior cingulate cortex is the brain's gear switch.
  • Temporal lobes, associated with memory and experience.
  • The basal ganglia, which produce and process the neurotransmitter dopamine, which influences the frontal cortex.
  • The limbic system is associated with emotional state and mood.
  • The cerebellum, associated with the coordination of movements and thoughts.

Type 1: classic ADHD. Patients exhibit the core symptoms of ADHD (short attention span, distraction, disorganization, procrastination, and lack of perspective-taking behavior), as well as hyperactivity, nervousness, and impulsivity. On SPECT scans we see decreased activity in the frontal cortex and cerebellum, especially with concentration. This type is usually diagnosed early in life.

In this case, I use dietary supplements that increase dopamine levels in the brain, such as green tea, L-tyrosine and Rhodiola rosea. If they are ineffective, stimulant medications may be needed. I have also found that a diet high in protein and limited in simple carbohydrates can be very helpful.

Type 2: Inattentive ADHD. Patients exhibit the core symptoms of ADHD, but also experience low energy, decreased motivation, detachment, and a tendency to become self-obsessed. On the SPECT scan, we also see a decrease in activity in the frontal cortex and cerebellum, especially with concentration.

This type is usually diagnosed later in life. It is more common in girls. These are quiet children and adults and are considered lazy, unmotivated and not very smart. Recommendations for of this type the same as for 1st.

Type 3: ADHD with excessive fixation. These patients are also characterized by the primary symptoms of ADHD, but in combination with cognitive inflexibility, problems with switching attention, a tendency to dwell on negative thoughts and obsessive behavior, and a need for uniformity. They also tend to be restless and touchy, and they tend to like to argue and go against each other.

In SPECT scans, we see decreased activity in the frontal cortex during concentration and increased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, which leads to fixation on negative thoughts and certain behaviors. Stimulants usually only worsen the condition of such patients. I often start treating this type with supplements that increase dopamine levels. I recommend a diet with a balanced combination of healthy proteins and smart carbohydrates.

Type 4: Temporal lobe ADHD. The main symptoms of ADHD in these patients are combined with short temper. They sometimes experience periods of anxiety, headaches or stomach pains, indulge in dark thoughts, have memory problems and difficulty reading, and sometimes misinterpret comments made to them. They often have head injuries as children, or someone in their family has had fits of rage. In SPECT scans we see decreased activity in the frontal cortex with concentration and activity in the temporal lobes.

Stimulants usually make these patients even more irritable. I typically use a combination of stimulant supplements to help calm and stabilize my mood. If a patient has problems with memory or learning, I prescribe dietary supplements that improve memory. If medications are necessary, I prescribe a combination of anticonvulsants and stimulants, as well as a higher protein diet.

Type 5: Limbic ADHD. The primary symptoms of ADHD in these patients are accompanied by chronic melancholy and negativity combined with loss of energy, low self-esteem, irritability, social isolation, lack of appetite and sleep. On SPECT scans, we see a decrease in activity in the frontal cortex at rest and during concentration, and an increase in activity in the deep limbic system. Stimulants here also cause backlash problems or symptoms of depression.

Type 6: Ring of Fire ADHD. In addition to the core symptoms of ADHD, these patients are characterized by moodiness, angry outbursts, oppositional personality traits, inflexibility, hasty thinking, excessive talkativeness, and sensitivity to sounds and light. I call this type “Ring of Fire” because brain scans of people with this type of ADHD show a characteristic ring.

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Comment on the article "Treatment of ADHD in children and adults: 7 tips"


It seems to me that you are absolutely wrong, and with simple logic you cannot distinguish a painful state from a person’s primitive inability to understand the value of things. You are an adult, for you shampoo is not just a tube with bubbles, it is a value expressed in the efforts you put into buying this expensive thing.
Many children, who are more sensitive by nature and more flexible, especially girls, quickly accept their parents’ value system that is comfortable for them.
Many guys, even at 15 years old, continue to tear out expensive clothes, change rollerblade wheels at their parents’ expense, and demand new clothes. These are things of the same order, even if at first glance they are different. And here, well, there’s nothing to be done at all, from the word at all.
If you feel sorry, just hide it stupidly. The only time he will be able to realize this is when he will earn money and live on his own.
And yes, scolding in a very directive form is not effective. As a background. It is possible (But only in a very calm, non-whining, non-pity form) to regularly conduct explanatory conversations, in which real life Shampoo costs. Go to real sanctions - reduce pocket money (compensate for damages), other punishments. There are simply children and adults who were missing something in their sympathetic-emotional education.
The problem with shampoo is a problem of the inability to sympathize with an adult (in this case, a woman who earned “sweat and blood” for an expensive shampoo. And not through some uncontrollable moments or obsession.

I remember very well myself at the age of 6-10 years. I also invented all kinds of heresy. I emptied the refrigerator and made “cakes.” The instilled complex of guilt towards my mother even had an undue effect on me - I quickly stopped “cooking”.
Although her parents’ weapons were increasingly used against them. For example, she told me what wonderful things my friends have. But she didn’t ask for anything directly, she even denied her desires. This is where the parents began to have a guilt complex. So the main thing is not to overdo it.

06/21/2018 07:50:26, Lion0608

Buy bubble bath. And show how much and how to pour.

Minimal brain dysfunction (MMD) is a widespread form of neuropsychiatric disorders in childhood; it is not a behavioral problem, not the result of poor upbringing, but a medical and neuropsychological diagnosis that can only be made based on the results of special diagnostics. The external manifestations of the disease in children with minimal brain dysfunction, which teachers and parents pay attention to, are often similar and usually...

Treatment of ADHD in children and adults: 7 tips. 3. Seminars about children with ADHD from the mother of an ADHD child and the organizer of the forum “Our inattentive hyperactive children” Moscow mothers praise psychiatrist Elisey Osin.


It’s difficult for me to judge your child, but my little one, for example, on the playground constantly runs forward, looks back, and in the end he either trips and falls, or crashes his forehead into a pole. Well, raise your hand forward and shout “There!” rushing anywhere - this is his signature trick - that’s all I have time to catch. He definitely doesn’t have ADHD, he went to neurologists and said everything was ok, it’s just his temperament, plus his age.

Maybe not. You still have a Syrian hamster. Wait another six months, at least six months. Many children from DD have no sense of danger and self-preservation, just like the Syrian hamster has no sense of edge.)))

A rat, a pig, or a kitten placed on a table will not fall - there is a sense of edge.

According to DSM IV, there are three types of ADHD: - Mixed type: hyperactivity combined with attention disorders. This is the most common form of ADHD. - Inattentive type: disturbances of attention predominate. This type is the most difficult to diagnose. - Hyperactive type: hyperactivity predominates. This is the rarest form of ADHD. _______________ () Of the signs listed below, at least six must persist in the child for at least 6 months: INATTENTION 1. Often unable to maintain attention on...

Following on from my posts from a week ago. I was faced with the fact that detailed description My experience caused sharp rejection in many experienced mothers, even complete rejection. I see different reasons here :) I want to write my opinion about the advisability of sharing my experience with beginners. Just imagine, a young, inexperienced mother of a 5-month-old baby. The baby is teething and does not give rest to his mother, day or night. And so a mother with 5 months of experience meets, while walking in the park, a mother with...

12/11/2014 00:32:13, stitchmag

It seems to me that this community was created to share, help, advise. Personally, your experience is very close to me. But every child is different, so the reaction is different. My girl is similar to yours and at one time I came to the same thoughts as you. Good luck and write and share!

How to deal with a hyperactive child? Where can the parents of this living perpetual motion machine, who is unable to sit still quietly for even a couple of minutes, find patience? And how to respond to persistent recommendations from caregivers or teachers to have the child checked by a neurologist. After all normal child can't be so restless. Obviously some kind of pathology... Of course, one of the main tasks of parents is to ensure that the child grows up healthy and develops correctly. Of course, we listen to...

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder occurs at the age of 3 years. A lot is said about the reasons for poor concentration and excessive impulsiveness. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan was the first to identify the real causes of HSDD. The fact is that this terrible diagnosis can only be given to certain children, children with a sound vector. It is the erogenous zone of the sound player - the ears - that become weak point, on which the scream of the parents has a deadly effect. What...

Treatment of ADHD in children and adults: 7 tips. How to raise a hyperactive child? If there is a child in a family diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), it seems that there is a lot of it.


Oh, it’s difficult with this ADHD, anything can be, it may not even be ADHD, but just a reaction to something, jealousy, etc. My neurologist also wrote this at the age of 5; by the age of 7, schizotypal disorder was in question. Well, a lot happened during this time, of course. Maybe he doesn't exist...
And the advice is patience, patience, patience... And stick to your and only your policy. Insist, convince of the need, spend time together (not just next to each other, but do some things together).
There is no need to be afraid of psychiatrists either, just go to them privately and choose, choose someone who is interested.

Introduce a clear, precise and strict daily routine
-write and discuss family rules between adults - what is allowed and what is not allowed. clearly, clearly and understandably. everyone should always behave with the child in accordance with them and demand that the child fulfill them
-adults to be the master of the house and the king of the position
-find a good psychiatrist, or better yet two, who will examine and treat your child

According to world statistics, the diagnosis of “hyperactive child” is made by 39% of children under school age, but is this diagnosis true for all children who bear this label? Symptoms of hyperactivity include increased motor activity, excessive impulsiveness and even lack of attention. But if we consider these criteria, then every child can meet at least one of them. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the secret for the first time human properties. So big...

What is childhood hyperactivity? Symptoms usually begin to appear in children between 2 and 3 years of age. However, in most cases, parents consult a doctor when the child starts going to school and he or she discovers problems with learning that are a consequence of hyperactivity. This manifests itself in the child’s behavior as follows: restlessness, fussiness, anxiety; impulsiveness, emotional instability, tearfulness; ignoring rules and norms of behavior; having problems with...

Mini-lecture “How to help a hyperactive child” Keeping in mind the individual characteristics of hyperactive children, it is advisable to work with them at the beginning of the day, not in the evening, reduce their workload, and take breaks from work. Before starting work (classes, events), it is advisable to have an individual conversation with such a child, having previously agreed on the rules for the fulfillment of which the child receives a reward (not necessarily material). A hyperactive child needs to be encouraged more often...

Let's divide our article into two parts. In the first, we will talk about what attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is and how to understand that your child has ADHD, and in the second part we will discuss what can be done with a hyperactive child, how to raise, teach and develop him. If you know for sure that your child has ADHD, you can go straight to the second part of the article, if not, then I advise you to read the entire article. Part one. Hyperactivity and Deficiency Syndrome...

Treatment of ADHD in children and adults: 7 tips. 3. Seminars about children with ADHD from the mother of an ADHD child and the organizer of the forum “Our inattentive hyperactive children” Moscow mothers praise psychiatrist Elisey Osin.


We have a 4-year-old boy and doesn’t speak at all, the doctors said wait until he’s three years old, they can’t say anything, now, as I myself understand, he’s already hyperactive, doesn’t sit still, doesn’t understand anything, etc., but he walks sometimes there is no potty, how to deal with it in terms of speech development

02/06/2019 20:15:59, Arman

My son did the same thing until the 2nd grade, but not from lack of attention, but from his mind, as it turned out. He was bored. The indicators went from below normal to above normal. Many parents who have developed children have the same complaint, I don’t see any problem, she most likely is not interested. Well, mine actually also worked as a clown, at first the teachers hinted to me that he was most likely the rest and poured out complaints, now I see delight in his eyes. My son has a child in his class with ADHD. That child does not have time to do anything because he is busy making faces, running away from class, teachers running after him, he has serious impairments in the sphere of social communication and aggression.

I already wrote that I started giving Taurine to Inessa. The capsule is large, Inessa drinks well, it seems to me that there is a positive effect. But I found out that it turns out that Taurine is taken in combination with Theanine and Carnosine. I learned this sequentially. First I read that you should drink Taurine with Theanine and only then with Carnosine, so it turned out that I ordered everything separately. It’s a pity that there is no one to consult with about which amino acids exactly and in what combination and in what...

Your baby cannot sit still calmly for even a minute, he runs around like crazy and sometimes it just makes your eyes dazzle.. Perhaps your fidget belongs to the group of hyperactive children. Children's hyperactivity is characterized by inattention, impulsiveness, increased motor activity and excitability. Such children are constantly on the move: fidgeting with clothes, kneading something in their hands, tapping their fingers, fidgeting in a chair, spinning, cannot sit still, chewing something, stretching their lips...

On May 15, the swimming season officially opened in Moscow. In the North-Western District, swimming is allowed only on two beaches in Serebryany Bor. Changing cabins have already been installed here, there are cafes, toilets, showers, and rental of sun loungers and sports equipment.

German scientists from Ruhr University argue that doctors too often diagnose children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), writes Moskovsky Komsomolets. “Researchers in the study asked more than 1,000 child and adolescent psychotherapists and psychiatrists across Germany about what they do when diagnosing children with ADHD. Western psychiatrists have presented further evidence that such a disorder simply does not exist, and children are being treated in vain...

Treatment of ADHD in children and adults: 7 tips. 3. Seminars about children with ADHD from the mother of an ADHD child and the organizer of the forum “Our inattentive hyperactive children” Moscow mothers praise psychiatrist Elisey Osin.


I don't understand what the controversy is about. Good article, this is the first time I’ve seen it written in plain text that MMD is not a medical diagnosis. It always seemed to me that a medical diagnosis should be based on a physiological pathology identified in one way or another, but MMD is just that: they looked at the child and decided that something was wrong with him. And no encephalograms, emerai or anything else, not even a blood test is needed. So the nanny looked at the child and said: everything is not right with his head, well, not so much, then they would immediately write UO or mental retardation, but just a little, in the end we get a diagnosis of MMD. And if you look at the topic below, then from the point of view of many employees of “institutions”, and many doctors, there is a priori something wrong with orphans. So we get the following diagnoses en masse: in infants, perinatal hypoxia and encephalopathy, in older children, MMD, etc.
So everything is written correctly in the article and explains a lot, what’s there to break spears about?

04/01/2006 17:29:47, ssss

and really, why bother trying so hard to post this “good article” here. There are a lot of different diagnoses, MMD and ADHD are not the most common, as BlackScor claims. Why rush around in advance, we resolve issues as they arise.

30.03.2006 18:42:56, Also an adoptive parent

What is this?

Experts call the term “ADHD” a neurological behavioral disorder that begins in early childhood and manifests itself in the form of problems with concentration, increased activity and impulsivity. Hyperactivity syndrome is where excitation always prevails over inhibition.


Scientists, educators and doctors suggest that the appearance of ADHD symptoms depends on the influence various factors. So, biological factors are divided into prenatal and postnatal periods.

The causes of organic lesions can be:

  • use in large quantities during pregnancy alcohol and smoking;
  • toxicosis and immune incompatibility;
  • premature, prolonged labor, threatened miscarriage and attempt to terminate pregnancy;
  • consequences of anesthesia and caesarean section;
  • umbilical cord entanglement or malpresentation of the fetus;
  • stress and psychological trauma mothers during pregnancy, reluctance to have a child;
  • any illness of a child during infancy, accompanied by high temperature, can also influence the formation and development of the brain;
  • unfavorable psychosocial environment and hereditary predisposition;
  • emotional disorders, increased anxiety, injuries.

There are also social reasons - these are the peculiarities of upbringing in the family or pedagogical neglect - upbringing according to the “family idol” type.

The appearance of ADHD is influenced by many social factors, both of the child himself and the mother of the unborn baby.


How can parents determine whether their child has hyperactivity? I think on initial stage this definition is very easy to do. It is enough to note the symptoms that have been present in your child for a certain time.

Signs of inattention:

  • does not like noisy rooms;
  • it is difficult for him to concentrate;
  • he is distracted from completing the task, reacts to external stimuli;
  • gets down to business with great pleasure, but often moves from one unfinished action to another;
  • Hears poorly and does not perceive instructions;
  • has difficulties in self-organization, often loses his things in kindergarten or at home.

Hyperactive children are especially inattentive

Signs of hyperactivity:

  • climbs on tables, cabinets, cabinets, on trees and fences outside;
  • runs, spins and spins in place more often;
  • walks around the room during classes;
  • there are restless movements of the arms and legs, as if twitching;
  • if he does anything, it is with noise and screaming;
  • he constantly needs to do something (play, make crafts and draw) and does not know how to rest.

ADHD also manifests itself as excessive activity in children

Hyperactivity affects the inability to control emotions

You can talk about ADHD syndrome only when your child has had almost all of the above symptoms for a very long time.

The mental activity of children with ADHD syndrome is cyclical. A child can work well actively for 5-10 minutes, then there comes a period when the brain rests and accumulates energy for the next cycle. At this moment, the child is distracted and does not hear anyone. Then mental activity is restored, and the child is ready to work again within 5-15 minutes. Children with ADHD have “flickering attention,” a lack of concentration without additional motor stimulation. They need to move, spin, and constantly turn their heads to remain “conscious.”

In order to maintain concentration, children activate their balance centers through physical activity. For example, they lean back on a chair so that their back legs do not touch the floor. If their head is still, they will become less active.

How to distinguish ADHD from spoilage?

First of all, let's remember that all children are born with a temperament already laid down by mother nature. And how it will manifest itself depends on the development of the baby and on the upbringing of the parents.

Temperament directly depends on nervous processes, such as excitation and inhibition. On this moment There are four types of temperament - sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. The main thing that parents should know is that there are no pure temperaments, just one of them predominates to a greater extent than the others.

If your child is active when you talk to friends on the street, or he throws tantrums in the store, and at this time you are busy choosing products, then this is a normal, healthy, active child.

But we can only talk about hyperactivity when the child is constantly running around, it is impossible to distract him, and the behavior is the same in kindergarten and at home. That is, sometimes temperamental symptoms can actually overlap with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

ADHD in children is recognized as high motor activity, rapid excitability and excessive emotionality

Parents share their experience of raising children with ADHD in the following video.

Classification of ADHD

The International Psychiatric Classification (DSM) identifies the following variants of ADHD:

  1. mixed - a combination of hyperactivity with attention impairment - occurs most often, especially in boys;
  2. inattentive - attention deficit predominates, more common in girls with wild imagination;
  3. hyperactive - hyperactivity dominates. Could be a consequence like individual characteristics temperament of children, and some disorders of the central nervous system.

Symptoms in children of different ages

Symptoms of hyperactivity may appear before the baby is born. These babies can be very active in the womb. An overly active child is a very dangerous phenomenon, because his activity can provoke entanglement in the umbilical cord, and this is fraught with hypoxia.

In babies under 1 year

  1. Very active motor reaction to various actions.
  2. Excessive loudness and hyperexcitability.
  3. Possible delay in speech development.
  4. Sleep disturbance (rarely in a state of relaxation).
  5. High sensitivity to bright light or noise.
  6. It should be remembered that a baby’s capriciousness at this age can be caused by poor nutrition, growing teeth, or colic.

In children 2-3 years old

  • Restlessness.
  • Fine motor disorders.
  • Chaotic movements of the baby, as well as their redundancy.
  • At this age, signs of ADHD become more active.

In preschoolers

  1. They are unable to concentrate on what they are doing (listening to the end of a story, finishing a game).
  2. In class he confuses assignments and quickly forgets questions asked.
  3. It's hard to go to bed.
  4. Disobedience and whims.
  5. Children at 3 years old are very stubborn and willful, since this age is accompanied by a crisis. But with ADHD such character traits are intensifying.

For schoolchildren

  • Lack of attention in class.
  • Answers quickly, without thinking, interrupts adults.
  • Experiences self-doubt and low self-esteem.
  • Fears and anxiety.
  • Imbalance and unpredictability, changes in mood;
  • Enuresis, complaints of headache.
  • Tics appear.
  • Not able to long time calmly wait a long time.

Which specialists should you contact for help?

To confirm this diagnosis, parents should first of all contact a neurologist. It is he who, having collected the entire medical history, after examinations and tests, can confirm the presence of ADHD.

A child psychologist conducts psychological diagnostics using various questionnaires and examination techniques. mental functions(memory, attention, thinking), as well as emotional state child. Children of this type are often overexcited and tense.

If you look at their drawings, you can see superficial images, a lack of color schemes, or the presence of sharp strokes and pressure. When raising such a child, you should adhere to a single parenting style.

To clarify the diagnosis, additional tests are prescribed for a hyperactive child, since various diseases can be hidden behind a similar syndrome.

To establish or refute the diagnosis of ADHD, you should consult a specialist

Correction and treatment

Rehabilitation of a child with ADHD includes both individual support and psychological, pedagogical and medicinal correction.

At the first stage, a child psychologist and a neurologist conduct consultations, individual examinations, and use biofeedback technologies to teach the child how to breathe correctly.

In the correction of ADHD, the entire social and related environment of a hyperactive child must interact: parents, educators and teachers.

Psychological techniques are used to treat ADHD in children

Drug treatment is an additional and sometimes the main method of correcting ADHD. In medicine, children are prescribed nootropic drugs (Cortexin, Encephabol), they have a beneficial effect on brain activity and are effective in cases of inattention. If, on the contrary, hyperactive symptoms predominate, then drugs are used that contain gamma-aminobutyric acid, pantogam, phenibut, they are responsible for inhibiting processes in the brain. It must be remembered that all of the above medications can only be taken as prescribed by a neurologist.

Any medical supplies given to a child only as prescribed by a doctor

It is important for parents to monitor their child's nutrition.

  • It is mandatory to take 1000 mg of calcium, which is necessary for the development of a growing organism.
  • The need for magnesium ranges from 180 mg to 400 mg per day. It is found in buckwheat, wheat, peanuts, potatoes and spinach.
  • Omega 3 is a special type of fatty acids which ensures the passage of impulses to the cells of the heart and brain, so it is also important in the treatment of ADHD.

The main thing is that vitamins such as “choline” and “lecithin” are still present in the baby’s diet - these are protectors and builders nervous system. Products that contain these substances are very useful (eggs, liver, milk, fish).

A very good effect is observed after using kinesiotherapy- This breathing exercises, stretching, oculomotor exercises. Timely courses of massage (SHM) of the cervical spine, starting from an early age, will also be useful.

Sand therapy, working with clay, cereals and water will also be useful, but these games must be carried out under the strict supervision of adults. Especially if the child is small. Now on the shelves of children's stores you can find ready-made kits for such games, for example, “Kinesthetic Sand”, a table for games with water and sand. The best result can be achieved if parents begin timely treatment and correction at an early age, when symptoms are just beginning to appear.

Useful acquisitions will have a very good effect on the child’s psyche

  • Learn to follow a daily routine, this is very important for a child with ADHD; perform all routine moments at the same time.
  • Create for your child comfortable conditions, where he can show his activity for his own benefit. Sign up for sports clubs, clubs and swimming. Protect him from overwork, try to get enough sleep.
  • When prohibiting one thing, always offer an alternative in return. For example, you can’t play with a ball at home, but you can play outside, suggest playing together.
  • If possible, parents can attend behavioral programs provided at the centers. There they will be taught how to interact correctly with children and will share the secrets of raising and developing such children. Such classes are also conducted with children, both individually and in group form.
  • Use visual stimulation and pictures of actions to reinforce verbal instructions.
  • Children love stroking, massage each other, draw on the back with your hands.
  • Listen to music. It has long been proven that classical music helps children focus and concentrate.
  • V. Beethoven's "Piano Concerto No. 5-6" controls all parts of your child's brain at the same time, stimulates speech skills and motor skills.
  • A. Mozart: “Symphony No. 40 in G minor” trains the muscles in the ear, the sound activates motor and auditory functions.
  • Parents in the home environment can correct their children themselves using games aimed at training one function.

Learn to create a comfortable environment for a child with ADHD

Useful games

Sighting games

"Catch - don't catch." This is an analogue of everyone's favorite game "Edible - Inedible". That is, one leading player throws the ball and says a word, for example, relating to animals, and the second participant catches it or throws it away.

You can also play “Find the Difference”; "Prohibited movement"; "Listen to the command."

Games to relieve emotional stress

  • "Touch." With the help of games, you teach your child to relax, relieve anxiety and develop his tactile sensitivity. Use different objects and materials for this: scraps of fabric, fur, glass and wood bottles, cotton wool, paper. Place it on the table in front of your child or put it in a bag. When he looks at them carefully, invite him, with his eyes closed, to try to guess what object he took or touched. The games “Tender Paws” are also interesting; "Talking with your hands."
  • "Cake". Invite your child to bake his favorite cake and play with his imagination. Let the child be the dough, pretend to prepare the dough using elements of massage, stroking, tapping. Ask what to cook, what to add. This fun game relaxes and relieves tension.

Talking about ADHD treatment methods First of all, it should be noted that the treatment of this disease is quite complex. Typically lasts several years and requires the participation of many people.

It is worth recognizing this at the very beginning in order to develop the right attitude and then be patient in the pursuit of the goal of minimizing symptoms and improving the child’s quality of life. ADHD Treatment includes pharmacological and psychotherapeutic methods.

ADHD symptoms

ADHD begins in early childhood, most often in the first five years of life. To help your child, you must understand that ADHD in children is not only trouble concentrating or constantly moving. This disease changes the way a child behaves, thinks and feels. ADHD manifests itself a little differently in each child.

Some children will be constantly restless and fidgety without even realizing it. Others will stare into space, motionless, or constantly have their head in the clouds, making it difficult to study at school or form friendships with other children.

To make sure your child does have ADHD, answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions.

Your child:

  • constantly moving, fidgeting, making quick, unnecessary movements, twitching?
  • runs, walks, jumps up, even if everyone is sitting around him?
  • Having trouble waiting your turn?
  • Does any activity quickly bore him and bring only a few moments of pleasure?
  • constantly thinking about something, do you get the impression that he lives in another world?
  • speaks when others try to say something?
  • does it before he has time to think?
  • Is he constantly distracted by what's going on around him?
  • has constant problems with work in class and at home?

If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, it is best to take your child to see a doctor. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose ADHD. Take a list of your child’s alarming actions with you to your appointment.

Remember that ADHD symptoms do not occur in just one place (such as school). This disorder causes problems no matter where the child is. Child with ADHD may have problems not only with science, but with establishing contact with parents.

Who treats ADHD?

The effectiveness of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of ADHD

It is worth knowing to what extent medications can help in treatment. You cannot expect them to relieve all problems associated with ADHD. However, in some cases they are integral element treatment.

What can you expect from pharmacotherapy in this case?

There are several directions effects of ADHD medications:

  • help calm symptoms of hyperactivity;
  • help the child concentrate while studying, help maintain attention on the work being done;
  • reduce disagreements with environment- information coming to the child from the outside, what other people tell him, becomes more accessible and understandable to him;
  • contribute to the child being able to control himself.

However, it must be remembered that there are some limitations on the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. You can't expect medications to be replaced the right approach in education and training.

As follows from observations, the creation of appropriate conditions for the child’s functioning by parents and teachers is the basis for proper development and reduction of symptoms.

Of course, as stated earlier, medications will improve concentration during classes and homework, but you can't expect the average student to suddenly rise to the top. Medicines can slow things down to some extent. child's impulsiveness.

However, if the child is characterized high level aggression, despite the systematic administration of drugs in the correct dose, then you should think about its other sources (for example, improper family relationships, physical violence).

One of the most difficult problems accompanying ADHD is dyslexia and dysgraphia. Unfortunately, in the case of these disorders, drug treatment does not produce results.

Natural Ways to Treat ADHD

From year to year, more and more children and adults are diagnosed with psychomotor hyperactivity syndrome. Treatment for this disorder is expensive and may cause side effects.

Therefore, it is worth knowing, natural ADHD treatment options.

  • Step 1. Fish oil and other fish-derived oils naturally increase concentration and allow you to focus for longer periods of time, which is a problem with ADHD. Today this product is available in the form of tasteless and odorless lozenges. Take one tablet daily with food and do not exceed the recommended dose.
  • Step 2. Look for supplements containing pine bark extract - it relieves symptoms of ADHD.
  • Step 3. Enjoy the benefits of coffee or tea, especially in the morning and early evening. If you have ADHD, caffeine stimulates the body and improves your ability to concentrate.
  • Step 4. But don't overdo it with coffee! Coffee in the evening will keep you awake. Take this into consideration before you brew your next cup. Moreover, this aromatic drink may even worsen ADHD symptoms by dehydrating the body if we drink too much of it.
  • Step 5. Herbal teas available over the counter containing maidenhair improve blood circulation and also facilitate blood delivery to the brain. This important factors in the fight against ADHD.
  • Step 6. Products containing oat extract stimulate the body in the same way as caffeine. Their action, however, is not so violent and long-lasting.
  • Step 7. If ADHD makes it difficult to calm down, drink chamomile tea. Calms the nervous system and helps cope with nervous symptoms of ADHD. Please note that this tea may affect some people. reverse effect- try to drink chamomile in the evening, not in the morning.

Always take all your allergies into account when looking to treat ADHD natural ways. If you have a seafood allergy, you may need to avoid taking fish oil. If you notice symptoms that may be caused by allergies, consult your doctor. Most herbal remedies take time to have any effect on ADHD symptoms.

Diet and ADHD Treatment

The introduction of a special diet is one of alternative methods treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Diets used to treat ADHD involve the most natural nutrition. They are based on eliminating some substances in the child’s diet and increasing the content of others.

Gaining great popularity Dr. Benjamin Fiengold's diet, based on the theory of the connection between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and intolerance to bread products. This diet involves avoiding food colorings and preservatives, as well as their natural counterparts.

Some researchers have noted slight improvement in a proportion of children with ADHD (about 10%) when given this diet. However, in most studies, information about the effectiveness of the Fiengold diet was not confirmed. The same thing happens with a diet based on replacing sugar with honey.

Here, too, objective studies have not confirmed the effectiveness of this method. For people with ADHD, a diet that limits phosphate intake is recommended - called a diet.

All these diets require a lot of sacrifice on the part of the child and increased responsibility on the part of the parents. They can also be a source of conflict. Therefore, it is necessary in each specific case to take into account that the costs of introducing a nutritional regimen are commensurate with the profits.

The second group of diets used in the treatment of ADHD involves replenishing the deficiency of certain nutrients. Among the substances taken that improve the functioning of the nervous system are vitamins, microelements, protein supplements and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Any changes in diet should, however, be carried out with caution and always after consultation with a doctor. And, above all, we must remember that they are not a panacea.

Supporting a child with ADHD at home

Effectiveness of treatment for children with ADHD depends enormously on their parents. Therefore, it is very important that they are knowledgeable about this disorder from the very beginning, and also have training in caring for a child with this problem.

There are some general rules that parents must follow:

  • Show understanding and acceptance of the child: negative emotions may further worsen symptoms;
  • underlining correct behavior child;
  • strict adherence to rules and regulations;
  • establishing the child’s responsibilities commensurate with his capabilities.

Supporting a child with ADHD at school

School is the second environment in which a child spends the most time, so teachers should be trained in caring for children with ADHD. General rules Behaviors with a child at school are similar to those listed in the family topic.

However, there are additional conditions, the implementation of which can help cope with the problem:

  • creating appropriate conditions during lessons - it is important that in the hall where classes are held, the number of objects and colors that may be distracting is reduced;
  • the child should sit next to the teacher, so it is much easier for him to focus the student’s attention on himself;
  • division of labor - the actions that the child must do should not be too long;
  • it is necessary to divide the work into several stages;
  • presentation of the lesson plan at the beginning of the lesson;
  • introducing children to didactic methods that help them absorb information;
  • interesting lessons, including work in groups, etc.

To say for sure what it means for a child important, contact your pediatrician or ask for an opinion school psychologist. After a lengthy conversation about the child's behavior and the situation at home and at school, it may turn out that the symptoms are caused by factors other than the disease.

Sometimes it is problems at home (divorce, frequent quarrels among parents, death in the family) or at school that are responsible for such child behavior.

If, after visiting the doctor, you discover that your child suffers from attention deficit disorder, do not panic. Remember that children with ADHD often feel like they are a disappointment to their parents and environment. Lack of self-control is not a reason to reject a child. Rather, on the contrary - we need even more love and support.

  • Doesn't want to study
  • Doesn't want to play sports
  • Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very common problem in childhood. It is especially often diagnosed in schoolchildren, since learning objectives and various household tasks over the age of 7 require the child to be attentive, self-organized, persevering, and able to complete tasks. And if a child has hyperactivity syndrome, it is precisely these qualities that he lacks, which causes problems with learning and in everyday life.

    In addition, ADHD prevents schoolchildren from communicating with their classmates, so correcting this problem is important for the child’s social adaptation.

    Very often, hyperactivity manifests itself precisely at school age, when the child needs to be diligent and attentive.

    Causes of hyperactivity

    Research has shown that many children develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder due to genetic factors. Other provoking factors for ADHD include:

    • Problems with pregnancy. If the mother was in danger of miscarriage, she did not eat well, was stressed, smoked, and the fetus experienced hypoxia or developed developmental defects, this contributes to the child developing problems with nervous activity, including ADHD.
    • Problems with childbirth. The appearance of hyperactivity in children is promoted by both rapid and protracted labor, as well as too early onset of labor and stimulation of labor.
    • Disadvantages of education. If parents treat the child too strictly or the child witnesses constant conflicts in the family, this affects his nervous system.
    • Nutritional deficiencies or poisoning, such as heavy metals. Such factors impair the functioning of the central nervous system.

    Research has proven that hyperactivity is most often caused by a genetic factor.

    Symptoms of ADHD at school age

    The first signs of hyperactivity in many children appear in infancy. Babies with ADHD sleep poorly, move a lot, react too violently to any changes, are very attached to their mother and quickly lose interest in toys and games. IN preschool age Such children cannot sit through classes in kindergarten, often show aggression towards other children, run around a lot, and deny any prohibitions.

    In schoolchildren, ADHD manifests itself with the following symptoms:

    • During lessons, the child is inattentive and easily distracted.
    • He has restless movements. Such a student often fidgets in class, cannot sit still in a chair, and in a situation that requires staying in one place, he can get up and leave.
    • The child runs and jumps in situations where this is not necessary.
    • He cannot do anything calmly and quietly for a long time.
    • The child often does not finish homework or homework.
    • He finds it difficult to wait in line.
    • He cannot organize himself independently.
    • The child tries to avoid any tasks that require attention.
    • He often loses his own things and forgets something important.
    • The child has increased talkativeness. He often interrupts others and does not allow people to finish their sentences or questions.
    • The child can't find mutual language with classmates and often conflicts with them. He tries to interfere in other people's games and does not adhere to the rules.
    • The student often behaves impulsively and does not evaluate the consequences of his own actions. He can break something and then deny his own involvement.
    • The child sleeps restlessly, constantly turning over, crumpling bedding and throwing off the blanket.
    • When a teacher talks to a child, it seems as if he doesn’t hear him at all.

    Which doctor treats

    If you suspect a student has hyperactivity syndrome, you should go for a consultation with:

    • Pediatric neurologist.
    • Child psychiatrist.
    • Child psychologist.

    Any of these specialists will examine the child, have him perform test tasks, and also talk with the parents and prescribe additional examinations of the nervous system. Based on the results, the child will be diagnosed with ADHD and the correct treatment will be prescribed.

    At what age does ADHD most often go away?

    The most pronounced signs of hyperactivity appear in preschoolers attending kindergarten, as well as junior schoolchildren at the age of 8-10 years. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the central nervous system in such age periods and the need to perform tasks in which it is important to be attentive.

    The next peak of ADHD manifestations is noted during the period of sexual transition in 12-14 year old children. Over the age of 14 years, in many adolescents, the symptoms of hyperactivity are smoothed out and may disappear on their own, which is associated with compensation for the missing functions of the central nervous system. However, in some children, ADHD persists, which leads to the formation of “difficult teenager” behavior and antisocial tendencies.

    After 14 years, symptoms of hyperactivity may smooth out or disappear completely

    How and with what to treat

    The approach to treating hyperactivity in a schoolchild should be comprehensive and include both medications and non-drug therapy. For ADHD you need:

    1. Work with a psychologist. The doctor will use techniques to reduce anxiety and improve the child’s communication skills, and give exercises for attention and memory. If there are speech disorders, sessions with a speech therapist are also indicated. In addition, it is worth visiting a psychologist not only for a hyperactive child, but also for his parents, since they often develop irritability, depression, intolerance, and impulsiveness. During visits to the doctor, parents will understand why prohibitions are contraindicated for children with hyperactivity and how to build relationships with a hyperactive student.
    2. Provide the child with proper physical activity. For a student you should choose sports section, in which there will be no competitive activity, since it can aggravate hyperactivity. Also, static loads and sports that involve demonstrations are not suitable for a child with ADHD. Best choice This includes swimming, cycling, skiing and other aerobic activities.
    3. Give your child medications and medicines prescribed by your doctor. Abroad, children with hyperactivity are prescribed psychostimulants, but here we give preference to nootropic drugs, and also prescribe sedatives. The specific drug and its dosage should be selected by a doctor.
    4. Use folk remedies. Since drug treatment for ADHD is prescribed for a long period, from time to time synthetic drugs are replaced with herbal teas, for example, from mint, valerian, lemon balm and other plants with a positive effect on the nervous system.

    For a hyperactive child prescribed medications and sessions with a psychologist

    • Try to build a relationship with the student, the basis of which will be trust and mutual understanding.
    • Help your son or daughter organize their daily routine, as well as a place to play and do homework.
    • Pay attention to your child's sleep schedule. Let him go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
    • Provide your child with a balanced, tasty diet that limits refined and synthetic foods.
    • Forbid your child only things that really harm him or pose a danger to him.
    • Show your love for your child more often.
    • Avoid orders in communication, use requests more often.
    • Avoid physical punishment.
    • Praise your child often, noting everything positive sides and actions.
    • Don't quarrel in front of your child.
    • Try to organize joint leisure activities, for example, family outings.
    • Give your child feasible daily tasks around the house and do not do them for him.
    • Keep a notebook in which you and your child write down all the successes in the evening and positive points per day.
    • Try not to visit very crowded places with your child, such as a market or shopping center.
    • Make sure your child is not overtired. Monitor your TV or computer time.
    • Remain calm and unperturbed, because you are an example for your child.