Do-it-yourself country decor from scrap materials. Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

There is no need to talk for a long time about the advantages of owning a beautiful and equipped dacha: you can get out here for barbecue at any time, and take a break from the city during the summer months. But all this is really true only in the case when your site is really equipped and beautiful. Today we will look at design options for a summer cottage that anyone can implement.

It is worth remembering that creating a landscape for your own site is not just a whim dictated by the desire to make your surroundings more beautiful. Since ancient times, people have been creating incredibly beautiful gardens, often spending enormous resources on it. The main task being pursued these days is not so monumental. Designers and gardeners are trying to create an environment in which nature and buildings will harmoniously combine. Of course, it is much easier for a professional landscape designer to do this, but even a simple summer resident can cope with the task.

Initial stages

Before you start, it's a good idea to make a plan of what you want to do and how you want to do it. It is very important to virtually divide the site into zones and determine where and what materials you intend to use. This will allow you to more or less accurately determine the budget for further work. So what does planning involve? It's simple: in this case you divide your plot into several functional zones and indicate what should be in each of them. In general, everything here depends solely on your imagination, but we will look at some ideas for decorating a summer cottage.


This is a real “hit” of recent years. Water has always attracted people, and few people will probably refuse the idea of ​​having a small pond right on their property. But first you have to think about what you want from this body of water. There is a big difference between a pond that will simply please the eye, and a real pond in which you can keep crucian carp and take water for watering your garden. Of course, in some cases you can combine these two varieties, but it’s easier and cheaper to choose one.

So, if you decide to create a pond on your site, you will need the appropriate materials. If this is a small decorative lake, then it can be made by simply burying a decent-sized barrel in the ground. But if you decide to create something more monumental, you will have to buy cement, steel mesh and other materials. By the way, the design of a summer cottage is not limited to ponds alone. Consider the following ideas:

  • Small fountains.
  • Models of water mills.
  • Small streams.
  • Artificial waterfalls and cascades.

Floral design

Professional flower growing is not as simple as it seems to some summer residents. But beautiful flower beds - the best option in the case when other design ideas are not applicable for some reason. The task is made easier by the fact that in addition to ordinary asters and phloxes, today there are thousands of plant species at your service: you can decorate your plot with a grapevine, but decorative pine is equally suitable for this purpose. If you prefer classic flowers, do not rush to plant them only in beds: a simple alpine hill or even a flower bed made of building blocks (we’ll talk about it below) would look much better.


What is the purpose of designing a summer cottage? Create a beautiful and comfortable landscape. In this matter, you cannot do without nice and functional paths, with the help of which you can get to any corner of your dacha without getting your feet dirty.

Their creation needs to be given Special attention. It is important that they are not only beautiful, but also extremely functional, so that with their help you can get to the gazebo, rock garden or garage even in the rain and in the dark. It is important that the surface of the paths be finished with such material that you can walk on it without danger to health even in winter (it should not be too thick). Therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention even to small details that at first glance may seem insignificant.

The buildings

Landscaping dacha plot implies taking into account buildings. They usually have high functionality, as they serve as a place for relaxation and entertainment. Their most popular varieties are:

  • Gazebos, including a place for barbecue and barbecue.
  • Open areas for cooking.
  • Structures for storing tools and agricultural supplies.
  • Playgrounds.

What to remember when building various kinds buildings? All of them should be in harmony not only with each other, but also with the general style of the site. Different styles should not be mixed. How harmonious do you think a piece of an Asian village will look in a large metropolis? So it is in this case. If brick prevails on your site, then the new gazebo should be built from it. Of course, some designers deliberately mix design options, but without relevant experience this is not worth doing. So, we continue to decorate the summer cottage with our own hands. What else can’t you do without?

Decorative fencing and fences

These design elements also serve not only an aesthetic, but also a practical function, allowing you to isolate yourself from the street and overly annoying neighbors. But there are others important roles, which fences can successfully perform.

For example, they can separate zones with various functions Location on. Suppose that at your dacha there is (even if tiny) a garden, a vegetable garden, a recreation area and a place for domestic animals. Grilling shish kebab while fighting off chickens scurrying under your feet is not the best idea, and therefore you should fence off the areas with decorative fences. As in the case of buildings, they must be in harmony with the overall style, and otherwise the design of country houses land plots it simply loses its meaning. You should also not follow in Tsereteli’s footsteps: light, “airy” fences with minimum quantity steel and brick.

Decorative elements

Garden gnomes, miniature castles and other surroundings that are dear to the hearts of many - all this is included in the concept of “ decorative elements" As a rule, they do not carry any functional load, but they allow you to make the site truly unique. However, professional designers still warn against having too many “dwarven livestock”: it’s so easy to go overboard and show everyone a complete lack of taste.

So how can you create a design for your summer cottage without becoming known among your neighbors as an “expert” in bad taste? Just try to focus on the following elements:

  • Decorative flowerpots.
  • Beautiful lighting fixtures.
  • Fountains.
  • Various patios.
  • Sculptural compositions.

The main advantage of all of the above is that all of this is perfect for almost all styles of site design, without causing a feeling of heterogeneity.

Idea with built-in flower beds

Let's assume that you have a small courtyard in your country house that you would like to decorate with flowers. What's the best way to do this? Of course, you can simply arrange flowerpots and pots, but we are considering original design dacha plot with your own hands. Landscape ideas in this case should be more interesting. Eg, excellent option there will be built-in flower beds. Of course, we do not suggest building beds into the wall of the house: it’s simply better to create places for growing flowers in the manner of terraces. It is also advisable to design them so that the edges of the structures can serve as benches. Of course, it’s much easier to arrange flower pots. But creating built-in flower beds will save you from having to bring plants into the house every year. And in the spring you won’t have to place them around the yard again.

Such flower beds ideally combine beauty and practicality: you can not only admire the flowers, but also relax for a very comfortable bench. In addition, these same structures are successfully used by professional designers to delimit a garden plot into zones (as we have already discussed above). What other ideas are there? Decor summer cottages with your own hands can involve the creation of beautiful vertical flower beds that look very fresh and original at any dacha.

How to make an original vertical flowerbed with your own hands?

These designs have become especially popular among domestic gardeners in recent years. If you are interested in decorating a summer cottage with your own hands from scrap materials, then such flower beds seem to have been created specifically for your creativity! They can be made from pipes, old barrels and hollow building blocks or bricks. Let’s focus on the last method, since a brick flowerbed looks more aesthetically pleasing, and nowadays it’s much easier to find a few bricks than an unnecessary barrel or pipe. Such a structure will not only not take up much space on a compact summer cottage, but will also certainly surprise all your neighbors. Can be used old brick, slag or foam block. Choosing a material is simple: if there is a cavity inside the block sufficient for planting flowers, then it is ideal.

Such a flower bed provides the greatest opportunities for creativity, since you can make almost any changes to the design. In addition, no one forbids combining bricks and the same pipes, which will make it possible to achieve a completely extraordinary effect. To make a vertical flower bed, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • Building blocks. Preliminarily estimate on paper what the finished structure will look like, and, based on this, independently determine the amount of material you need.
  • Tin plates. You don't have to buy them from a hardware store, as these pieces can be cut from coffee cans and baby food.
  • Good construction adhesive or liquid nails, as well as a gun for applying them. Of course, you can do without the latter, but applying such compositions manually is difficult, and accuracy will not be the best.
  • Assistant(or two at once, depending on the size and height of the flower bed).
  • Actually, the plants themselves in the form of seedlings or seeds.

Let's get started

First, glue the tin plates to the lower edges of the blocks from which the future flowerbed will be formed. Please note that if the cavities in the blocks are not through, then you can do without it. Then you can start applying glue or nails. It should be remembered that there is no need to be particularly fanatical about this issue: complete sealing of the cavity is not required. On the contrary, you need to leave gaps that will serve as drainage holes through which excess water will be discharged.

Important Notes

Are you afraid that the glue will not be able to securely grip the plates? Simply turn the blocks over and place them on something like old newspapers. Under pressure, the glue will hold all the elements together much better. After this, look at the instructions and find out how long it will take for the composition to completely harden. After waiting, carefully cut off any excess glue that has come out from under the plates. And now it’s time to call the assistant you found earlier and start assembling. Take another look at your diagram and decide on the order in which the blocks will be installed. Apply glue to the bottom edge of the sides, and then place them on top of each other. An assistant is needed to hold the structure, ensuring its stability. It is necessary to assemble the flowerbed so that the blocks balance each other well and there is no need to erect supports.

This is how you can decorate your summer cottage with your own hands. Simple ideas from this article will certainly help you make your “hacienda” special and unique.

Psychologists say that a person’s well-being, his psyche and mood are strongly influenced by the smell and color that he perceives through the appropriate analyzers. In this regard, to solve the problem of color design of a summer cottage, you can be guided by your individual psycho-emotional sphere. But we should not forget that there is also artistic and design taste. Beautiful design summer cottage plot 45 photo ideas.

Almost all colors are characterized by saturation, hue and lightness. The exceptions are grey, black and white. They are devoid of color tone and are characterized exclusively by lightness. The most difficult task when choosing color scheme plot is to maintain harmony when choosing options for combining different colors.

There is a scientifically based system for combining colors. It was developed by the French physiologist E. Delacroix. The main supporting colors are blue, yellow and red. Additional (secondary) colors here are purple, green and orange. There are three types color combinations: characteristic, contrasting and disharmonious, landscape design of a summer cottage photo:

Beautiful design of a summer cottage

Let's consider the color wheel formed by the primary colors of the optical spectrum. In such a circle, contrasting colors are opposite each other in diametrically opposed positions. Based on this combination, the effect of maximum color saturation is achieved. Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands - for combinations of a characteristic type, colors that are located in the color wheel through one zone are included.

A disharmonious type is formed by combining colors of an adjacent type. It must be remembered that if you place colors that are tonally similar next to each other, their saturation is lost.
By choosing a color you can adjust the degree of perspective visualization. The space visually appears closer and wider if light colors are used. On the contrary, dark tones narrow and lengthen the space. Beautiful design of a summer cottage from scrap materials photo:

If we are forming a flower garden, then the choice of shape and color is crucial. Of the entire variety of plants, the basis should be formed by plants of black, gray and white shades (for example, basil, wormwood, edelweiss). The use of a dark background improves the color perception of light and warm tones - it is easy to choose a beautiful design for a summer cottage. A light background emphasizes dark and cool colors. It should be noted that from the point of view of color psychology, an excessive number of plants painted in bright colors cause irritation. If the flower garden has a small area, it should be planted with brightly colored plants.

Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

When there is a small area in the yard that is not used at all, you want to find a use for it and, at a minimum, make it “pleasant to the eye,” but at the same time you don’t want to spend a lot of effort and time - you can make a front garden. Either these are flower beds with paths between them, or install a gazebo, decorating it with fresh flowers or climbing plants; decorating a summer cottage with your own hands is within the power of everyone.

Planting and caring for flowers takes a lot of time, but not always and not for all flowers. In this case, the most labor-intensive task will be to prepare the soil by removing weeds and loosening the soil. Next, you can choose perennial flowers: lilies, dahlias. Roses are very beautiful, but also whimsical. If they are not handled properly, they will begin to fade, produce little joy with flowers, and eventually either die completely or transform into rose hips, which is not very good. Whereas lilies and dahlias, reproducing by tubers, will gradually grow and are not picky about growing conditions. Decoration of a summer cottage photo:

The only thing that is mandatory for them, as for all plants, is watering. Under normal circumstances, they need to be dug up after they have flowered and withered, but for those who cannot afford to devote so much free time this is not a problem. This procedure can be done every few years, despite the fact that they grow so much that there is practically no room for weeds, and this issue does not arise throughout the entire warm season. Decorating a summer cottage from scrap materials photo:

Watch the video: Decorating a summer cottage from scrap materials

You can also plant other perennial or annual self-sown plants. Among the perennials, the most suitable are aquilegia, aster, periwinkle, speedwell, rosemary, lily of the valley, mountain cornflower, daylily, dicentra, hosta, goldenrod, monarda, sedum, meadowsweet, polypetalled, lupine, etc. For landscape design of a summer cottage, see photos below. Among the annuals: marigolds, calendula, eschscholzia, Snapdragon Iberis, anhuza, cosmea, poppy, verbena, etc. They are extremely beautiful and easy to care for. In the fall, you need to remove the wilted remains, but this can be done over many days and even done in the winter, which does not oblige you to allocate time for urgent cleaning.

A much better option, if possible, is to install a gazebo and plant climbing plants within its boundaries. They will provide shelter from the sun during the hot season and will delight you with flowers. The only thing you should do when growing them is to set the direction of their growth. Among these plants: clematis, hydrangea, nasturtium, sweet pea, wood pliers, honeysuckle, ivy, actinidia, wisteria, etc. These plants will decorate the yard throughout the season and will be happy with a small amount of fertilizer, thanking for this with greater splendor. Beautiful design of a summer cottage photo:

I never thought that a dacha or garden plot is just a garden and a vegetable garden, that is, only a place for fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetables. But it’s very interesting to create a garden plot design with your own hands. The photo gallery of photographs of fellow gardeners, which you will see below, was collected gradually. First, I saved the design ideas I liked most on my computer. And then the idea came to arrange all this as a separate page on the website - in case it would be useful to others. See examples landscape design summer cottages in the photo.

But, nevertheless, I still haven’t thought much about the design of my dacha. I kept putting off decorating the garden plot “for later.” I planted potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, there were a few flowers...

But then I saw this photo (below) in one of our group’s albums on Odnoklassniki and gasped - how beautiful! I realized that garden design with my own hands is quite an achievable task. Moreover, garden design or country house design for the poor can be simple, but very beautiful, even sophisticated.

With the advent of my granddaughter, I realized that the dacha should also be a place for shared recreation. The first steps towards this were refreshment appearance country house, laying a new concrete garden path and installing a mini sports complex -. But I’m not yet “ripe” to present to your court a photo of my summer cottage. There is no system - after all, there was no design plan as such either... But the dream of having a beautiful garden plot remains... Photo more experienced gardeners- a great help on the way to your dream...

Successful layout of a garden plot (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory):

What can be done when there are no special skills of a landscape designer? Special literature suggests that the design of a garden plot, any one, should begin with a plan. First it matures in the head, and then it begins to come to life.

Of course, perfect option. But, if you already have a ready-made plot, this is not a reason to abandon the design of the garden plot.

In general, of course, a garden, a vegetable garden, their design should be associated with something pleasant. I always wanted to have my own house, to have a courtyard around the house, so that I could admire flowers and plants while relaxing, that is, to have an aesthetically designed area next to the house. And in the back of the yard let there be dill, parsley and other garden delights.

But... I don’t have a house, I only have a dacha. It is located 10-15 minutes walk from my house, so I go there almost every day. The dacha for me is an outlet, a place where I relax, even working in the garden. I think that any summer resident acquires a plot not only to fulfill the family food program, but also for recreation.

Local area in early spring

I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants to have own home, the cottage was a place where you would want to sit comfortably, relax, and experience the pleasure of what you see. So that you can say “the eye is resting.”

A house, a vegetable garden, a garden... On their acres, everyone is free to place everything that will help them have fun. Here, everyone is their own boss, choosing the design and style of decorating their dacha or plot of land near their home. Everything you place or plant will in one way or another reflect your inner world, whether you like it or not.

Successful design artificial reservoir

For example, I really liked the ideas of my fellow Internet friends on the design of the garden part of the site and the flower bed. Now I’ll introduce you to what they came up with! Perhaps you will take something into your piggy bank...

One of them arrived in Kuban relatively recently. But I liked her garden design.

Photo by Anna Pasechnik from the station. Settlements of the Krasnodar Territory)

What do you think of this option for raised beds?

Everything is ready - planting soon!

In Kuban, the indigenous people had not made raised beds before. At least, they didn’t do it during my childhood and youth. And in the middle zone, northern regions- this is common practice. Sometimes this is due to poor soil or a cold climate, when a raised bed helps to hold good, nutritious soil in one place, accumulate and conserve heat. It is physically easier to process, plant, and sow, since you don’t have to bend so low to such a bed when planting seedlings or pulling out weeds.

By the way, a high bed is easier to keep without weeds. If it is done according to all the rules, there will be few or even none at all.

I can’t unequivocally advise everyone who lives in Kuban to make raised beds, because, firstly, I myself don’t have such experience, and, secondly, something tells me that it’s not for nothing that they didn’t make raised beds in Kuban before .

Our land is fertile - there is no need to import soil from afar. And then, it’s hot here. The soil in high beds, if it is not watered regularly, will dry out faster and it will be easier to gain high temperature from the sun, that is, we raised beds, if they are in an open area, they need to be shaded with something. This should be a shadow from an artificial “shade” (curtains, canopies, awnings, fences) or natural - shadow from trees, shadow from several rows of tall corn or sunflowers.

For example, like in the picture below. There is a canopy stretched over the tomato bed. And although there are no raised beds in this photo, all Kuban gardeners now have a need to shelter plants from the scorching sun.

The beauty of garden beds

But this is my opinion - the opinion of a person who has not experienced in practice what raised beds are, and my theoretical conclusions “cannot be applied to the case.” If you have experience, please share it in the comments.

In any case, high beds are no longer uncommon in Kuban. You can’t brush aside this experience; on the contrary, you need to take a closer look - what if there is a rational grain in all this.

Subject to certain conditions, raised beds can exist and make life easier for gardeners in the Kuban. And what these conditions are, I think we will all decide collectively - by trial and error. Time will show!…

I came across this idea - to plant raspberries in a bed insulated with slate, it is also raised.

High bed for raspberries (photo by Elena Polovnikova from the village of Pavlovskaya, Krasnodar Territory)

What could it be? Good idea! Raspberries have a feature that owners of small plots may not like - they grow in all directions, where they should and shouldn’t. And such a fence will not allow her to act without permission!

The fact that raised beds can decorate, organize a vegetable garden, and add their own touch to the design of a garden or vegetable garden, I think, does not raise any doubts in anyone’s mind.

And this is what traditional garden beds look like! I think it's beautiful too! This is also design - everyone has their own personality.

Tomato heaven
Beautiful pea beds
Garden classics - carrots and onions
Elegant lettuce bed Salad geometry

And the flower beds! There is generally room for imagination! This is not only a place for flowers - it is a state of mind, it is, perhaps, the main decoration of a house or site.

Do-it-yourself garden beds - there’s nothing complicated about it. Look what good layout another online friend of mine has a flower garden!

Beauty is in the clarity of the lines of a flower garden - good at any time of the year (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)

But, really, nothing complicated! But that's the beauty of it! The flower garden pleases the eye in different seasons! Have you noticed that I only have exclamation marks?... Admire! But don’t forget to “wind it up” either!

Lush beginning of summer (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)
“Young” alpine slide - it will be beautiful!
Successful design alpine slide
Shady corner garden (photo by Valery))) - KUBAN RUS)
Yucca in the center of an alpine hill And the fence doesn’t seem so boring anymore...
Triangular flowerbed
Designing a path in the garden
“Gvozdichny” stream (photo by Elena Nadtochiy from Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory)
Flowerbed in the center of a shady courtyard (photo by Lidia Martynova from Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory) Hostas and heucheras decorated the area behind the house, where the sun rarely hits (photo by Nadezhda Abramovich, Krasnodar region)
Roses are the main decoration of the fence (photo by Olga Shestakova from Temryuk, Krasnodar Territory)

Good luck to you! We are waiting for new gardeners and gardeners to join our VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Google+ groups! We are waiting for new photos! Your garden design ideas are interesting not only to you! The photo gallery needs to be updated!

Every person should have a cozy place where he would like to come and spend time with pleasure. And usually such a place is a dacha. After all, this is where you can relax and unwind from all the worries and bustle of the city.

There are many options for how to beautifully decorate a summer cottage with flowers, so that later you can enjoy its natural beauty. A landscaped garden and the scent of flowers in it will create a pleasant and rainbow atmosphere. To do this, you need to come up with original flower beds and unusual flower beds that will transform any garden plot.

We decorate the summer cottage with flowers. Choice of colors

When choosing flowers for your summer cottage, you should pay attention to those flowers that do not require special care and don't need frequent watering. They should be bright and beautiful.

If one decides to plant perennial flowers, they usually disperse on their own and may appear in a different place from year to year. It is advisable to set aside a special place for such flowers. If you plan to plant annual flowers, then they can be planted as desired.

Original flower beds always look beautiful and sometimes take up a lot of space on the site. But, if you want to beautifully decorate your territory, you will have to dream up your imagination on this topic. The area can be decorated in a special way using scrap materials. You can use: plastic bottles, ceramics, stones or the remains of unnecessary furniture. You can transform the area at your dacha in such a way that it will simply become delightful and beautiful beyond recognition.

We decorate the summer cottage with flowers. Flower bed options

If a person cannot come up with an excellent idea for a flower garden and the design of the site as a whole, then he can use a printout of ready-made options. When you have successful photographs of landscaped areas before your eyes, it will be much easier to decide on the design of your site. You can roughly draw a plan that will display all the flower arrangements with unique flower beds and flower beds. And based on this plan, it will be possible to move what was planned on paper to the prepared site.

We decorate the summer cottage with flowers. Unnecessary chandelier

Most people renovate and get rid of old things in their home by purchasing new ones. Surely everyone has an old unnecessary chandelier that can ideally be used as an outdoor planter.

This is how the chandelier plays a completely different role in an original way. If earlier there were light bulbs screwed into the chandelier, now soil has been poured in and the flowers are blooming, as if in pots. This flower bed can be placed on the ground or hung somewhere. The flowers themselves should be of low grades.

Regular basket

Flower beds made from old baskets look very interesting. And if they also have handles, this allows them to be moved sometimes when necessary. The cottage looks both cozy and unusual.

Flowers in a boat

If you have an old boat, it can be a wonderful decoration for your garden plot. The boat is a ready-made flowerbed. All that remains is to bring soil and plant flowers. If the territory of the dacha plot has large area, then you can arrange several boats. Flowers can be absolutely any: both tall and short.

A flowerbed made from a boat promotes wonderful relaxation and a romantic mood, because it is the personification of romance and helps a person remember his childhood and the ancient past.

Stream of flowers

Streams of flowers that seem to flow out of a jug look interesting. To do this, you need to find any suitable vessel or there may be several of them. You can take a can, lay it slightly on its side and plant flowers white, then it will look like milk is flowing from it. This is how unusually flowery streams can decorate a summer cottage. It is better to choose low-growing flowers so that they do not cover the can itself and really look like a stream.

Flower waterfall

If you have a large tub or pan, then you can garden plot arrange a whole flower waterfall. Flowers can be planted both in the pan itself and near it. It will look like a waterfall is flowing.

Large flower bed effect

Flowers that are planted in old cart, especially if a person definitely wants to see a large flower bed on his site. This flowerbed can be complemented with an original donkey. Densely planted flowers of low varieties will look best. If the cart is tilted, then the flower continuation is seated on the ground. The shape is given according to at will: Either in a zigzag or a circle. Flowers can be of the same variety, but preferably different color range. There must be at least three flowers in such a flowerbed. This way the flowerbed will look most noble and rich.


Tires have long been an indispensable material for home design and what they don’t come up with from them. Tires have long been used to make beautiful flower beds and flowerpots that delight the human eye for many years. You can plant a wide variety of flowers, and decorate the flower bed beautifully. Some people just paint them, others cut them off top part tires and use it instead of a stand. Tires can also be interestingly folded into a pyramid if they different sizes and color it in different colors.

The tire can even be cut in the shape of a swan, and this is also not uncommon; many people already use this popular option. You can get creative with tires in different ways, the main thing is to stock up on colorful paints.

The main thing that a person should remember is not to throw away old furniture. It can be very useful for the decoration and design of a garden plot. Creative people will definitely find a use for it, because unnecessary furniture can turn out to be a ready-made flower bed.

Even from an old piano you can create a beautiful and unique flower bed. And how cozy a shabby wardrobe or chest of drawers will look? outdoors, if you also give it some elegance by painting it in a bright color. Such a chest of drawers can become unusual flower garden and act as a stand for flowerpots. An unnecessary desk can also serve as a stand. And to make the atmosphere more cozy, you can put an old lamp on the table, decorative stones and flower pots. If this table has drawers, then you can pour soil into one of them and plant flowers. Then you will get a table with an extended drawer, in which flower arrangements are fragrant.

Old furniture fits perfectly into the garden interior and looks very harmonious on the site. Old beds and chairs are also used for these purposes. On chairs, instead of sitting, contents with flower arrangement. If there are benches on the site, then you can also put baskets of flowers on them. Only flowers should be artificial, as an addition to the floral decoration. The furniture looks very harmonious and cozy on the site.

Old dishes fit perfectly into any interior: pots, teapots, basins. Watering cans and old shoes are also used: shoes, shoes. Shoes, for example, can be placed near a flower bed, and a teapot on a desk.

Flower arch

If you decide to build flower arch, then of course any flowers will not be suitable, these should be climbing plants, which over time will completely cover the arch itself with greenery and flowers. For the arch, it is enough to use metal wire, but it must be secured at a right angle. This can be done before entering the garden. It looks very cute and festive.


An ordinary bicycle can serve as a stand, which can be beautifully decorated with flower baskets or flowers in boxes.

Watermelon and pumpkin bark pot

Watermelon and pumpkin bark make excellent flower pots. And there are no costs. I ate a watermelon - that’s the container.

Plastic and glass bottles

They fence the flower bed very well with bottles, both plastic and glass, digging their necks into the ground. It turns out very beautiful. And there is a large field for creativity, since the flowerbed can be given any shape and interesting contour.

If you use plastic bottles, you first need to fill them with earth or sand to weigh them down. If a person does not plan to paint the bottles, then it is advisable to choose the same color. For example, brown bottles filled with sand will look like forest stumps. Glass bottles They are heavy on their own, so there is no need to fill them.

Stones are often used for flower beds and simply serve as decoration for any area. They decorate homemade fountains and rivers, and also lay out flower beds from stone.

What flowers are best suited for a summer cottage?

First of all, the site must contain those flowers that bloom long time and do not require special care, since no one will go to the dacha to water the flowers. Therefore, before planting flowers, you need to give preference to non-capricious and simple plants. Usually sit medicinal plants(calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort), as they easily tolerate drought and have a long flowering period.

Every summer resident is interested in the durability and beauty of his plot, so he will most likely choose flowers such as marigolds, bells, because they bloom very profusely and delight for a long time. Calendula and St. John's wort - unpretentious plants, so they grow and bloom in any soil all summer long. Peonies, asters, irises, and lilies can become a real decoration for a summer cottage. They are distinguished by their brightness. Poppies and cornflowers are best suited for a flowering patterned fabric. Tansy and sage are suitable for those summer residents who do not have time to care for flowers.

This is how unusual it can be decorate your summer cottage with flower beds, flower beds, flower pots and baskets. Thanks to creative ideas you can create a very cozy and holistic look for the area you want to decorate. The main thing is not to overdo it, since you still need to have a sense of proportion. So that the dacha plot can produce good impression on others, flower beds and flower beds should look very harmonious.

Every person probably dreams of always being surrounded by beauty. Beauty should surround us not only in the house, but also on the street. Today it is customary to decorate not only the interior space of the home, but also garden areas. A professional designer can do everything to the highest standard. But you will have to pay a lot of money for his services. And if you don’t have huge sums of money, then you can do it on your own. Indeed, in order to make your yard attractive you do not need to spend a lot of money. In this case, you can get by on a limited budget. Remember that garden design for the poor with your own hands can make absolutely any summer cottage attractive.

Planning an economical garden design

It is important to say at the beginning that it will not be possible to improve the area without spending any money. Therefore, you should first calculate the amount of finance that you can allocate for improvement. Below we will describe the sequence of actions with which your garden will become more attractive.

We are looking for materials for the arrangement.

There is probably old trash at your dacha. As a rule, it is stored in sheds or storage rooms. You will use items suitable for garden design. In this case, the following may be used in decorating the garden: boards, logs, old car tires, holey barrels and buckets, pieces of reinforcement. You can even use holey shoes to arrange small mini-flower beds. And an old bathtub and a broken stroller can be used as a flower garden.

We are assessing the site and future work.

If you are interested in designing garden plots with your own hands, then you can look at some photos for inspiration. Thanks to them you can find for yourself perfect solution. Before you start decorating your garden, it is important to evaluate your plot and draw it up. rough plan. In this case you can use computer program, and if you don’t know how to use a computer, then you don’t need to despair. Arm yourself with a pen and notebook and go to your yard. You need to sketch out a rough plan of your site on a piece of paper. In your notebook, designate the house and those buildings that are involved as outbuildings. The plan should indicate the location of the cardinal directions. It is also necessary to assess the configuration of the site. Write about your soil and note any unevenness it has.

If the house was recently built and there are no plantings next to it, then this is a good situation. But in practice it is completely different. And that’s why we all want to change the situation and produce inexpensive landscape design for a summer cottage. As a rule, cheap materials or those materials that are at hand can be used here. You need to think about the layout of your garden plot. What changes will you make in this case? If you intend to move your garden, then think in advance about the work that will be carried out.

Those plants that are already growing in the country are written out on a separate sheet. In a separate column, indicate those trees and plants that do not make sense to replant. You can change the look of your garden quickly and cheaply with perennials. There is no need to buy plants. Just ask your friends who can give you their shoots.

Planning details.

Out of hand experienced designer may come out beautiful drawing and a plan for describing actions to improve the garden plot. But even without any skills, you can do just as well. On the plan in a regular notebook, you should draw with a pen the details that you want to obtain. In this case, it is necessary to place explanatory notes on the side.

On the plan, flower beds are indicated by an oval or a square. It all depends on the form they will have in the future. Straight or winding lines indicate paths in the garden. Large circles are large trees. Small circles are bushes. A number is placed in the center of the circle. And then on a separate piece of paper opposite each one we put the name of the plant.

In general, you need to develop your own notation system for design elements. This system should be convenient and understandable for you. At the same time, you can change your plan taking into account your capabilities and desires.

When planning garden design There are a few tips to keep in mind. In this case, you can make the right decision and make your garden very beautiful.

We take into account the location of the cardinal points.

  • In the garden plot, everything must be located correctly relative to the cardinal directions.
  • The north side will always be in the shade. Therefore, it is better to place a place to relax in this area.
  • On the east side Sun rays stay from sunrise until noon. In such an area, it is most pleasant to drink a cup of tea early in the morning and listen to the birds singing. Therefore, it is recommended to place a table or bench here.
  • The western side is well illuminated by the sun's rays. This usually happens from midday until sunset.
  • The south side is considered the best in the garden. The sun is located in this part throughout the daylight hours. Therefore, it is recommended to place all design elements, as well as flower beds, in this area.

We divide the area into zones.

Even the smallest can be divided into certain zones land plot. In this case, you won’t have to build huge walls or plant expensive shrubs. Here you can get by budget option. To divide the area, just drive a couple of stakes and pull the string. A climbing perennial or annual plant. The effect will be amazing. You can also string string between two trees.

On a strong support that can last for more than one year, you can use: various varieties grapes, clematis, honeysuckle. You can divide the area using: arches with looping plants, trellises or some kind of decorative walls.

Paths and paths.

Ordinary paths and paths in the country are not the best solution. As a rule, walking on them is not very convenient due to dirt and weeds. The solution to the situation is simple. The paths are tiled. It's convenient and beautiful. You can also fill them with crushed stone or gravel. Naturally, the second option is cheaper, but if you have the opportunity, then choose tiles.

An excellent solution for the garden would be a grass path called “bird knotweed.” This weed easily colonizes any surface. He is not afraid of trampling, and in the summer it is a pleasure to walk along such a path. This grass grows at a fast pace. Therefore, its growth can be reduced by trimming with trimmer scissors.

A wonderful and very comfortable path can be made from birch logs. These logs are simply sawn into circles, which should not be too thin. After which, the path is laid out in circles. The result will be very beautiful, and the path will last you a long time.

On a note! A path of birch circles should not be laid out in the place where children play. They may trip over the mugs and get hurt.

And some more tips on arranging paths and paths.

  • For a solo hike, a path 60-80 cm wide is suitable.
  • For paired paths, a path 1.2 meters wide is constructed.
  • To approach the house, a path is built, 1.2-1.4 meters wide. What does it have to do with garden path on approaching the house it should gradually expand.
  • The shape of the path must be chosen taking into account the landscape features of your summer cottage.
  • If the path has sharp bends, then they are masked. As a rule, in this case they use ornamental trees or shrubs.
  • There should be a flat and wide road from the front exit to the gate.

Let's talk about curbs

Borders are an integral part of any summer cottage. They can be built from different materials. Suitable in this case: tiles and border tape. But sometimes such materials are not available at the dacha. The way out of the situation is very simple. Take disks and planks of wood. But they should first be soaked with waste machine oil. This action will prevent the material from rotting. Such borders may not last long. But during this time you will be able to find those materials that will become a replacement and form a beautiful border.

Lawn at the dacha.

In this article, we list DIY garden design ideas. In addition to tips, you can also see photos here. Lawns are quite common in landscape design. But this element is considered the most difficult to care for. And if you don’t have the money to buy seeds, but really want to have a plot of land with a lawn, then you can get by with a budget option. In this situation, select an area with grass that is regularly mowed. Remember that when you constantly mow the grass, weeds lose their ability to grow and also reproduce. In a couple of years of such actions, the weed will completely disappear from the site, and it will be replaced beautiful herbs, which usually grow in the meadow.

Lawn from meadow grass won't be very pretty. However, caring for such an area is extremely simple. They mow it once a month, but do not remove the grass; it will act as fertilizer. In addition, it will be difficult for weeds to grow through it. This type of lawn has several other advantages. For example, it is not afraid of trampling and it is so pleasant to walk on it barefoot in the summer to harden the body.

Small forms of architecture.

MAFs are auxiliary elements in the decoration of a garden plot. MAFs are small architectural forms. They can be: benches, gazebos, arches, pergolas and other elements. Some similar elements easy to make yourself. At the same time, you won’t have to spend enormous amounts of money. For example, it’s very easy to make benches. And to add beauty or to protect against strong winds, a trellis is installed behind the bench, which is made of slats or slats. Also, for beauty, you can plant vines that will beautifully entwine this support.

Quite often you can see gazebos in the garden area. But it’s not so easy to build it with your own hands. Yes, and this event is costly. You can do it differently. Take reinforcement or high poles from which to form a hut. Climbing plants are planted next to such a structure. Naturally, such a gazebo is not capable of protecting from rain and precipitation. But it is quite possible to hide from the sun. In addition, such a product will be an excellent decorative element.

Flower beds and flower beds.

Just digging up the area and planting flowers on it is half the battle. It is worth remembering that even the most expensive plant varieties will look ridiculous in poorly maintained beds or flower beds. Best used in composition fewer plants. However, it is worth thinking about combining them.

At the dacha, flower beds and flower beds can be of completely different shapes. Moreover, the size can also be different. Construction beautiful flower garden is not an easy task. But, if you take into account some rules, you will succeed.

First of all, the selected location and environmental conditions are assessed. The area for planting flowers must be consecrated and have fertile soil. Plants are planted only in suitable place. They are grouped according to watering requirements. In this case, it is highly not recommended to plant a moisture-loving plant with a plant that likes moderate watering. In such a situation, one of the plants will definitely suffer.

When planting flowers, you should pay attention to the tiers. In the foreground are low flowers. But plant the larger ones in the back. Small plants should frame the entire flower garden if it is clearly visible from all sides. But large flowers are planted in the center.

Throughout the season, the flower garden should play a decorative role. Before you plan your flowerbed, you need to know the flowering dates of the plants you plan to plant. Pay attention to decorative foliage plants. They are quite diverse. Therefore, you can easily find everything you need.

Everything in the flower garden flowering plants must match in color. A flowerbed with flowers must be carefully selected. A good option The flowers are white. They can be combined with flowers of any color. But the 50:50 color ratio is not particularly beautiful. The correct combination is 1/3 and 2/3.

Flower beds made from handy materials

Do you think that decorating your garden with flowers is an expensive undertaking? Then it’s worth saying that you are seriously mistaken. Cash you only have to spend on planting material, but to create flower beds you will need handy materials. Old bath, an unnecessary log and even a leaky bucket - all this can serve you to create an original flower bed.

Old shoes and bags can be used in landscaping. These items are filled with earth and hung throughout the area. Such interesting flower beds Lobelia and petunia grow well.

If you first paint old car tires, you can plant flowers in them.


In this article we have listed for readers just a few options for arranging a summer cottage. Of course, we offer you inexpensive ideas that will help your garden sparkle with new colors.