Wooden houses from inside. All available options for interior finishing of a wooden house

More and more people are thinking about the environmental friendliness of their homes, so decorating the inside of the house with wood is gaining mass popularity. Indeed, this solution can be considered one of the best. It should be taken into account that the material has many excellent qualities, but is not without some significant disadvantages. Working with wood is not always easy, but the results are worth it.

Currently, the construction market is quite extensive and allows you to choose the most suitable option for a specific situation. There are even several types of wood products for finishing work. The following products are especially popular:

  • lining;
  • block house;
  • wood based wallpaper;
  • panels.

Each variety has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing.


This option consists of thin boards made of various types of wood, which are connected using the tongue-and-groove principle. This technology makes it possible to carry out installation in a short time. Due to hidden fastening The coating turns out to be very harmonious.

Advantages of the material:

  1. Strength. Allows you to withstand various mechanical impacts.
  2. Long service life. This figure can last for decades. But to achieve such a result, the lamellas require pre-treatment and certain care.
  3. Decorative properties. The resulting surface creates an excellent atmosphere in the room. If necessary, the coating can be painted multiple times.

On a note! Most often, the lining is laid on a pre-built frame, which creates some difficulties, but allows for an additional layer of sound and heat insulation.

The lining is laid on the frame, which allows for additional insulation of the room

We must not forget that there are also negative sides:

  • If humidity and temperature indicators are not observed, the lamellas gradually dry out, which leads to the formation of numerous deformations.
  • If impregnation with special compounds has not been carried out, then the boards become an excellent place for the growth of fungus and insects.
  • Expensive. The cost depends on the class of the product, but in any case it is significant part budget.

Despite the presence of negative factors, this option is successfully used for covering all rooms in a house or apartment, as well as baths and saunas.

Block house

This material for interior decoration of a house with wood is relatively new, but already loved. Particularly popular due to the fact that the details allow you to imitate log house.

This product has a number of advantages:

  1. Excellent aesthetic properties. The surface takes on a very impressive and extremely natural appearance.
  2. Additional heat and sound insulation of the room. Indeed, wood has the ability to neutralize noise pollution and maintain a special microclimate in the room.
  3. Ease of installation. Even a beginner can cope with this task House master, the main thing is to correctly complete a number of preparatory steps.

In principle, such material in its characteristics is not very different from lining. The significant difference lies in appearance and price; a block house costs much more.

Wallpaper based on natural wood

Natural wallpapers are similar in appearance to traditional varieties. The difference lies in the production technology: for the manufacture of the product it is used solid foundation, onto which a thin veneer is glued (see photo).

Product characteristics:

  • Wide decorative range. Many are used in production different varieties wood But it is necessary to take into account that each type has its own characteristics. For example, cherry veneer changes color over time.
  • Almost all rooms can be covered with wallpaper, but the coating is susceptible to moisture. Veneer and base absorb water, which leads to deterioration appearance.
  • Potential for mold and insect damage.

In fact, the material is quite specific, so it requires special conditions installation and operation.


The decorative panels that are most often used are a base of MDF or inexpensive wood, covered various types veneer There are so-called elite panels; they can be made entirely from valuable wood, but this is unreasonably expensive.

The material has the following advantages:

  1. Exquisite decorative effect. The resulting surface is distinguished by respectability and a high level of comfort.
  2. Durability. Many of the tree varieties used themselves have good strength, and due to special processing, their service life is estimated at many tens of years.
  3. Creation of a special microclimate. To do this, the external finishing of the panels should only be carried out natural ingredients: varnish and wax.

This way, each option is suitable for a specific situation, making the choice easier.

Using wood to decorate rooms

Application of material for working inside wooden and brick house does not have significant differences, but in the first option this solution would be more preferable. In any case, careful preparation of the base is carried out. The product can be laid on the following surfaces:

  • Floor. For this purpose, simple processed boards or slab materials are used. Due to the high mechanical load, the floor covering must have excellent strength. To give decorative look Various compositions are used. A high-quality finished floor can become an indispensable part of the interior.

  • Walls. They are lined with various options. Great importance given careful preparation, the surface should not have significant unevenness or defects.
  • Ceiling. Wooden ceilings are a rather labor-intensive task, because you will first need to create a lathing. But when correct execution the effect is amazing. This method is more suitable for high rooms.

Interior decoration wood can be done in almost any room, but in order to achieve a more practical result, you should take into account the peculiarities of using the material for different rooms.

Kitchen area

For the kitchen, the product is selected based on the following nuances:

On a note! If the kitchen is small, then it is better to use the combination method various materials.

Decorating kitchen walls with wood

Living room

Rules for decorating the living room:

These tips should also be followed when decorating your bedroom. The main thing is to maintain harmony.

The final stage of construction is finishing the inside of a wooden house, and in this case, photos can help the owners decide on the style of their future home, but they will have to choose the materials themselves, as well as carry out a series of preparatory work. Wood presents special requirements for subsequent finishing, therefore, when carrying out interior work its properties and characteristics should be taken into account. In addition, do not forget that a house made of wood is not only beautiful and warm, but also has a special energy. Its interior design can either emphasize unity and harmony with nature, creating an atmosphere of unique comfort, or be ultra-modern, but no less comfortable.

When should interior finishing work be carried out?

The interior decoration of a wood house should be carried out only after the main shrinkage has passed (this only applies to “fresh” log houses). At this stage, active shrinkage of the tree occurs, the beams or logs change their dimensions downward, and the insulation is pressed. If the interior finishing is done before the shrinkage is completed, the result can be a curved coating, which may also fall off and you will have to start all over again.

The duration of shrinkage is affected by:

  • Type of house construction.
  • Material (timber, log, etc.), its initial moisture content.
  • Climatic zone of construction.
  • Construction time.

In particular, a house made of laminated veneer lumber shows the main shrinkage 3-4 weeks after construction, this is the fastest time. Other types of wooden houses require several months or even years to shrink. On average, finishing inside a house can begin only 10-12 months after the completion of construction itself.

A private house built of wood cannot always be considered a finished structure, since in many cases it requires external and internal finishing of the walls. There are many various options, but not all of them are suitable for cladding this kind of building. In this article we will look at how you can cover a wooden house inside and outside and how best to do it yourself.

When to sheathe a wooden house

To begin with, it is worth highlighting those buildings that initially it does not make sense to sheathe the outside in any way, much less insulate them. Whatever finishing option you choose, it will not be cheap, and therefore is not practical for wooden houses for summer or periodic use. As for decorating the inside of a home, this is more a matter of design and the wishes of the homeowner than a necessity. After all wooden walls made from timber or rounded logs always look attractive.

Now let's look at cases where wooden houses are sheathed from the outside:

  • there is a good-quality and strong frame available, but it is quite old, which is why the appearance of the building leaves much to be desired;
  • frame buildings made of wood must be clad in any case on both sides, this is their design;
  • if a wooden house built from timber or logs needs additional protection and insulation of the walls.

It is not uncommon to find log houses that have stood for more than 50 years and are ready to serve for the same amount of time. Additional cladding from the street will not only change the appearance of the home for the better, but also protect the wood from precipitation and thus extend its service life. The same protection will not interfere with walls that need insulation. Since thermal insulation is usually carried out outside, and not inside, a wooden house, the insulation needs to be hidden behind a water barrier and covered, which will be discussed later.

Advice. Exterior finishing of a wooden house that has just been erected is carried out after 1 year. Shrinkage of buildings similar type is quite significant, as a result of which the external design of the finished walls may suffer and everything will have to be redone again.

Materials for external and internal finishing

Despite the wide selection of cladding materials, their list for wooden houses is somewhat limited due to various reasons. For example, it is relatively inexpensive to decorate a house using plaster, but this method is only suitable for frame buildings sheathed from the outside OSB sheets, as shown in the diagram below. Plastering a log house or a dwelling made of timber will be problematic.

As can be seen in the diagram, the basic mineral wool insulation located inside the wall is supplemented with a layer of polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene, attached to sheets of sheathing made of OSB plywood. And only after that the tinted one is applied decorative plaster. But such facade decoration is rare for a wooden house; it is more common following materials for external cladding:

  • vinyl siding;
  • wood siding, the so-called block house;
  • lining;
  • complex system “ventilated facade”.

For reference. The cheapest and fastest way to cover the walls of a house is with painted corrugated sheets; this practice also takes place. But at the same time, the design of the building looks completely cheap and resembles manufacture building. In addition, corrugated sheets quickly fade in the sun and lose color. Unless you buy expensive material coated with a pattern, as in the photo:

Vinyl siding is a very popular material, it is relatively inexpensive and retains its appearance for a long time, and with its help it is quite possible to sheathe a wooden house yourself. It will be more expensive to decorate the walls with other siding - imitation timber and rounded logs called “block house”.

This is a very attractive and pretty material, but it requires maintenance, just like regular wood paneling.

If we talk about what is the best way to cover a wooden house without reference to the cost of materials, then the “ventilated facade” system is beyond competition. It is a frame made of galvanized profiles, inside of which insulation is attached, and on the outside – finishing elements. Moreover, the latter may look like siding, brick or natural stone– to choose from. True, the system can hardly be called cheap, and not every homeowner can handle the installation.

It is easier to solve the problem than to decorate the walls of a wooden house from the inside. For this purpose the following are most often used:

  • regular and moisture-resistant drywall;
  • OSB chip sheets;
  • ordinary cladding boards - lining.

Drywall and OSB are an excellent basis for installing any finishing layer - various wallpapers, tiles and other materials. Moisture-resistant gypsum boards are perfect for internal lining bathroom, and the lining is for a bathhouse built inside the house. OSB boards are not used as often inside buildings, since plasterboard is much more environmentally friendly.

A few words about the insulation materials used. It is well known that houses built of wood must “breathe”. This means that the wall material is transparent to vapor, due to which moisture from inside the premises is removed to the outside, passing through the wood. If a vapor-tight barrier is placed in their path, then moisture will begin to condense in front of it, which will lead to the gradual destruction of the fence. Therefore, the use of water-repellent polymers such as penoplex or penofol is not recommended.

The best solution for insulation when finishing a wooden house is mineral or basalt wool. It is vapor permeable and absolutely not subject to combustion.

An exception to the rule is a frame building, where a layer of mineral wool is part of the enclosing structure, but there is no main wall. Here the insulation is protected from the penetration of vapors by a film on one side and waterproofing on the other, as shown in the diagram:

Covering a wooden house with siding

This exterior finishing of the house can be done with or without insulation, as necessary. But in any case, it is necessary to provide an air gap between the vinyl siding and the wall for ventilation. Its task is to remove moisture entering from the outside onto the diffusion membrane, which plays the role of a hydro- and wind barrier. That's why canvases vinyl siding are not attached directly to the walls, no matter how smooth they may be. First you need to assemble the sheathing from wooden beams, less often - from galvanized profiles.

Advice. Before covering the old log house you should thoroughly caulk the cracks between the logs, using natural materials– felt, tow or moss.

Width of bars for sheathing during installation exterior finishing without insulation it should be from 3 to 5 cm to provide an air gap. The interval between the slats is 40-50 cm. But first of all it is laid diffusion membrane, it is capable of allowing vapor to pass through, but reflecting water. The membrane sheets are laid horizontally, starting from the bottom, with an overlap of 10 cm and taped at the joints. After this, it is pressed with bars or sheathing profiles installed vertically.

Note. If you plan to install vertical siding, then the beams should be mounted horizontally. They should first be treated with an antiseptic composition.

Also, all openings – windows and entrance doors. In this case, it is better to nail wooden elements to the wall rather than screw them with self-tapping screws. The latter do not allow structures to move during shrinkage or thermal expansion. Important point: the surfaces of all bars must be strictly vertical and aligned in one plane. Now you can begin installing the siding, using the starting and other types of planks shown in the figure:

When adjusting the siding, it is important to take into account its thermal elongation, so the ends of the vinyl strips should not rest against the nests of the corner strips standing on the sides (meaning horizontal installation). The strips must be cut and inserted between the planks with a gap of 3-5 mm, and the nails must not be driven in all the way. This is why oval holes are made in the siding so that the strip can move a little. By the way, installation is carried out from the starting bar - from bottom to top.

When the length of 1 strip is not enough to cover the entire wall of a wooden house, then you need to install one or more connecting strips, placing them as aesthetically as possible. Although siding can be laid with an overlap (without a strip), such a connection looks unpleasant, and therefore it should be used as a last resort. Well, there are special vinyl planks for framing windows and doors.

If it is decided to combine the finishing process with insulation, then the work procedure also includes laying thermal insulation material. Considering its thickness (at least 100 mm, and in the northern regions up to 150 mm), it is necessary to take lathing bars of the appropriate width. Moreover, the membrane is not applied directly to the wall, but already on top of the insulation. It is secured by nailing 30 mm thick counter-lattice strips on top. Further work is carried out in the same way as described above.

Decorating a wooden house with a block house

In essence, a block house for cladding a house is the same siding, only made of wood, and the algorithm for carrying out the work is the same.

True, there are a number of differences that we will focus your attention on:

  • There are no starting, corner or connecting strips here. All joints will have to be faced from the outside with shaped wooden elements;
  • block house strips are cut strictly to size, and when forming the internal and external corners the material is cut at an angle of 45° for joining;
  • The panels are fastened from bottom to top using nails or special clamps. True, the latter tend to unbend and the stripes may fall out over time;
  • at horizontal orientation It is better to install the boards with the tenon up and the groove down.

One of the most complex units is the adjoining of the cladding in the form internal corner. Of course, you can ignore the resulting gap and sheathe the corner with a shaped element. But in order for the cladding of a wooden house with a block house, made by yourself, to be of high quality, it is worth cutting out an arched cutout in the adjacent part, as shown in the photo:

At the end, an antiseptic primer is applied to the finished surface, after which it is finished with several layers of varnish or paint.

Interior finishing with clapboard

This is one of the most popular methods of cladding the inside of private wooden houses, used in almost all rooms, and especially in the steam room. On this moment There are several types of lining available for sale:

  • classical;
  • block house;
  • softline;
  • landhouse;
  • American.

The technology for covering walls inside the house is the same for all types, and work begins with installing a vapor-proof layer of film and installing the sheathing. The film is laid out with an overlap of 10 to 15 cm, after which the joints should be carefully taped with double-sided or regular tape. From above it is pressed against the wall with sheathing slats, whose thickness is 20 mm. The slats are nailed to the wall vertically (with horizontal installation cladding) with an interval of 40-50 cm.

Important. All sheathing slats must be placed in one vertical plane using various shims or mounting wedges.

The first board is secured with self-tapping screws at a distance of 40-50 mm from the floor, taking into account the subsequent installation of the plinth. It is best to secure all subsequent planks using metal elements- clamps, put on the previous board and nailed to the sheathing bars with nails. It is not recommended to fasten the sheathing by driving nails into the grooves of the lining.

As with the outer cladding of a house with a block house, all joints and corners should be lined with shaped parts or wooden baseboard. After this, all that remains is to treat the wood with an antiseptic and cover it with several layers of varnish. The finishing technology is shown in more detail in the video:

Interior finishing with plasterboard

Drywall is an excellent material for rough finishing of any internal surfaces of a wooden house, including the ceiling. Also, moisture-resistant plasterboard is indispensable in rooms with high humidity - in bathrooms and dressing rooms. Subsequently, you can put on it tiles or apply liquid wallpaper. The technology here is simple: first, galvanized profiles are attached to the wall or ceiling so that their shelves are in the same plane. To strengthen the structure, jumpers made of the same profiles are placed between the vertical profiles.

Sheets of drywall are screwed to the shelves of the profiles with self-tapping screws so that their caps are flush with the surface of the plasterboard. The step between adjacent screws is 10-15 cm. Where it is impossible to screw a whole sheet, you need to accurately measure and cut off part of it. This is done with a sharpened knife or a specialized tool. When the wall is completely sewn up, the joints and heads of the screws need to be leveled with putty, which should be rubbed down after drying sandpaper. At this point, the surface is ready for further cladding.


Thanks to the existing facing materials you can give any wooden house a presentable appearance, and even “turn” it into stone using external cladding. In addition, finishing will allow you to preserve the wood longer and increase the service life of the building as a whole. It will not be superfluous to take measures to insulate the house from the outside, which will result in lower heating costs.

Interior decoration is an important part and the final stage of construction country house. Many people do not think about this during the construction of the foundation and installation of the log house, installation of communication systems. But when the house is already under the roof, the utility networks have been installed, the question arises of how to decorate the inside of a wooden house. Finishing “to zero” is not suitable for everyone, and it also requires special treatment of the walls paint and varnish compositions. In addition, a house with such decoration looks empty and uncomfortable.

I want the materials to be durable, reliable, but at the same time inexpensive. And the resulting interior turned out to be cozy, comfortable and attractive. In addition, when arranging a wooden house, it is important that the products are environmentally friendly, preserve the naturalness of the structure and maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate. Today the market offers a lot of finishing materials. In this article we will look at how to cover the interior walls of a wooden house inexpensively and beautifully.

Features of the choice of finishing materials

  • Pay attention to the markings. The designation E1 says that the building materials are intended for residential premises, E2 - for the hallway, kitchen, toilet, utility rooms, E3 - for public and industrial premises;
  • If you are using Decoration Materials made of wood, you can choose a class and quality that is worse than required. After this, modify the products and bring them into an aesthetic appearance yourself. For example, sand and sand, varnish and/or paint, impregnate protective compounds, trim if necessary. Thus, you will spend less financial resources than when purchasing high-end materials;
  • For rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, balconies, basements, cellars, etc.), choose moisture-resistant materials. If you use wooden crafts, be sure to process the products protective equipment from negative impact moisture, rot and mold;
  • Choose eco-friendly ones for decorating a wooden house natural materials. They would look inappropriate in such a structure plastic double glazed windows or panels. They will disrupt the environmental friendliness of the house, introduce disharmony and only spoil the interior;
  • Choose durable, reliable materials and do not forget about the quality of finishing work. Remember that a wooden frame gradually shrinks, which can lead to cracks. Think over this point in advance so as not to make repairs every 3-5 years and not replace damaged cladding.

Can not use

Before determining how to sheathe the inside of a wooden house, let’s look at what materials are not suitable. When finishing you need to refuse plastic panels and linoleum. Such products are characterized by availability and cost-effectiveness, high resistance to moisture, a wide selection of colors, and easy installation. However, the advantages of PVC outweigh its artificiality and lack of environmental friendliness. They emit a sharp toxic odor when heated, collect dust, and allow air and steam to pass through.

Linoleum is a popular affordable flooring, but is not recommended for wooden floors. It is not environmentally friendly and requires careful preparation of the base, since the material can only be laid on a flat surface. Besides, in wooden house it doesn't look very appropriate. In rare cases, linoleum can be laid in utility rooms or the basement. However, even there it is better to lay the usual wooden boards.

OSB, fiberboard or chipboard panels are also not suitable, since harmful industrial glue is used in the manufacture of materials. In addition, these are the most environmentally friendly products that are made from wood waste. They do not have a very aesthetic appearance, so such materials are often used for rough finishing. It is also not recommended to use laminate flooring. It is not resistant to moisture, slippery and cold.

MDF wall panels are a foreign analogue of fiberboard, which is more environmentally friendly, since toxic resins and enzymes are not used when gluing individual elements. Such panels are easy to attach directly to walls. They differ various designs And color scheme. However, they are not at all resistant to high humidity and wear.

The panels listed above are not strong enough and are not resistant to moisture. In addition, they are fire hazardous and not very attractive in appearance. When covered with such panels, the room looks more like an office or study than a living room.

But what to choose then and what is the best way to sheathe the walls inside a wooden house? A suitable option would be natural materials made of wood with protective impregnation. These can be planed and sanded boards, lining, veneer and other similar products. Let's take a closer look at what materials are best for finishing. Vacation home from timber or logs.

Wooden finishing materials

Let us immediately note that the most suitable option would be wooden lining. This available material with an attractive appearance, environmentally friendly and natural, easy to install and maintain. Thin slats are used for both ceilings and walls. If you want to create the effect of a log house, choose a block house that imitates a rounded log. One surface of the block house is semicircular, and the other is flat.

Lining is the best combination of price, quality, appearance and environmental friendliness. But if you are willing to pay, choose luxury natural wood materials. This cork panels and solid wood panels.

Cork covering - modern materials, which are environmentally friendly, high quality, strength and durability, luxurious appearance. They tolerate high humidity well and are suitable for every type of room. The only but significant disadvantage is the very high cost.

Solid board or solid wood panels are also an expensive option, but at the same time very reliable and high quality, as they are made entirely of natural wood elite breed. This coating looks expensive, luxurious and prestigious. A solid array, even under heavy loads and high humidity, will easily last 30-50 years without repair.

Parquet boards are a suitable option for finishing the floor in a wooden house. This is an affordable material that is characterized by easy and quick installation. A decorative painting or varnish coating will make the appearance of the parquet refined and aesthetic.

Veneer panels - beautiful budget material, with which the walls are sheathed. It represents a thin cut of solid wood that preserves the wood grain, color, texture and structure. For finishing, choose only natural veneer, as it is more durable and reliable.

Veneer has an attractive appearance, is characterized by ease of installation and practicality, good sound and heat insulation, and low price. But at the same time, the basis of the material is fiberboard boards or chipboard, so the material is not 100% environmentally friendly and cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.

Other types of budget materials

Plaster is a traditional ceiling finishing option, which is sometimes used for walls. This is an inexpensive and accessible material, easy to use and install. It will give a smooth white surface, but white color is not always appropriate in a wooden house. This material is used if it suits the style of room decoration. For example, it could be classic or French Provence.

Drywall is an affordable and quick finishing option. These are sheets of cellulose and compressed gypsum that are easy to install and secure. Modern manufacturers produce material with special processing, which increases resistance to moisture and fire. Drywall allows you to create complex design projects, install two-level ceilings. However, this is a fragile and not very aesthetic material, so it requires some work after installation (painting or wallpapering).

Ceramic or tiled tiles are suitable for finishing a bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. If you are laying tiles on the bathroom floor, choose products with rough surface to avoid slipping and ensure safety. This material is characterized by strength, durability and increased resistance to moisture and dampness. Today you can find a lot of designer tile options, including those designed to look like wood.

But when laying tiles on wooden walls, keep in mind that you need to make a reinforced base for the material, otherwise the product will not last long! It is not necessary to completely tile the bathroom. You can sheathe only certain areas or use mosaics. By the way, the combination of mosaic and wooden materials looks very impressive and harmonious.

Lining is the best option

Wooden lining is characterized high strength, reliability, aesthetics and 100% environmental friendliness. Such products are used for covering walls and ceilings in a wooden cottage, country house, bathhouse and sauna, balcony and loggia, in the apartment. This universal material, which is easy to install, so even a non-professional can handle the installation.

Narrow thin slats fit tightly together, form good sound and heat insulation, and level the surface of the walls and ceiling. Wooden materials look aesthetically pleasing and elegant. If you want to save money, buy grade B. After installation, defects can be hidden by coating with varnish or paint. Class A is more expensive and elite, it does not need any modification, and grade C is only suitable for rough work or finishing utility rooms.

Don't forget about protective treatment linings. You can buy materials from finished processing or process the wood yourself. The second option will be cheaper. The lining is installed on a sheathing made of bars. It is convenient to install hydro- and thermal insulation materials. The slats can be laid vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

Today you will find a wide range of linings, varying in type of wood, width and length, profile and class. Best combination quality and price of pine. This variety wood will do for home, cottage or gazebo. For a bath, choose linden or alder, as they tolerate moisture well and high temperature, do not heat up. After installation, you can paint the material in any color, achieve the desired shade or shine.

Is it possible to use drywall to finish a wooden house?

Drywall is the most popular finishing material, which is used both in apartments and in private houses. These are flexible sheets with a fire-resistant surface and increased moisture resistance. They create a smooth surface and hide imperfections in walls or ceilings and are easy to install.

Drywall hides pipes, wires and other communications. But the main advantage of this material is its availability and low cost. In addition, today on the market you can find slabs different sizes, shapes and colors, which allows you to create any room design.

But drywall finishing often looks unfinished and requires final painting or wallpapering. In addition, it is a rather fragile and fragile material that may not cope with serious loads. Therefore, it is better to use drywall for creating partitions or shelving, but not for finishing a wooden house.

If you decide to use drywall, choose only high-quality products from a reliable manufacturer. Often harmful toxic substances are added to the material, which is harmful to human health and violates the environmental friendliness of a wooden house. High-quality real drywall is safe, as it is made from natural gypsum.

In the company “MariSrub” you can order the construction of a turnkey house from logs or timber! The company's craftsmen will perform all finishing work efficiently and reliably, including installation and connection of utility networks, cladding of walls, ceilings and floors, installation of windows and doors. Order complex turnkey construction and you won’t have to worry about anything!

Abundance of composite building materials does not reduce the popularity of using natural wood for construction country houses permanent residence. Eco-friendly and aesthetic, this material will give its owners a comfortable microclimate, and professional processing and original design interior decoration of a country house will create an unusual and cozy living space.

The new wooden frame looks aesthetically pleasing and does not require facing materials

Finishing work in houses made of natural wood is carried out strictly after the completion of the shrinkage process of the structure, which can take from 2 to 5 years depending on the type and quality of the wood. The appearance of the finishing of such a home depends on the density, humidity and selected type of material, as well as the taste preferences of the owners.

Features of finishing work in a wooden house

Before finishing interior spaces you need to make sure that the wooden frame is completely dried and its shrinkage is completed. New wooden houses “shrink” especially intensively during the first year; this process can be accelerated by regularly heating the building.

Dilapidated houses must be inspected for various defects in the walls that need to be removed before finishing the wooden house.

The main feature of repairing a wooden log house is the need to impregnate the walls with an antiseptic before installation finishing. The quality and durability of the antiseptic determine the safety and durability of the finished log house. In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the wood to avoid its destruction under the influence of moisture or temperature changes.

Antiseptics with the addition of color give the wood an original shade

Depending on the chosen project design, the interior decoration for a wooden house can be made with various lightweight materials that allow air and moisture to pass through well, so that the structures are not overloaded and a pleasant microclimate is maintained indoors.

The choice of a specific material is also determined by the level of insulation of the living space, which affects the humidity and average temperature in each room. For example, finishing materials for an uninsulated wooden country house must have greater thermal insulation than for a full-fledged winter log house.

Decorating the top floor of a wooden house with decorative panels

An important factor when decorating the walls of a wooden house from the inside is the tastes of the owners of the room. For example, connoisseurs of “natural” interiors prefer to limit themselves to covering the walls of the house with paint or varnish. Fans of classic interiors and plain walls prefer installing panels from various materials. The high-quality wood from which the living space is built is best complemented by plain panels made of plastic, wood, chipboard and even artificial stone in neutral or light shades.

Video description

Options for various style solutions in the video:

When to start finishing work in a wooden house

Before starting repairs, you must make sure that the wood is completely dry and the shrinkage of the house is completed. When finishing an old wooden dwelling, you can begin repairs immediately; a house made of laminated veneer lumber should “shrink” for at least 3 months; dwellings made of rounded logs or timber are best repaired after a year (in a warm climate) or two (if the site is located in the middle zone Russia).

A wooden house made of rounded logs can begin to be finished a year or two after completion of construction

The degree of shrinkage depends on the chosen material: a wooden frame shrinks from 7% to 10%, timber - 3-5%, and rounded log - 5-6%.

Factors influencing the degree of shrinkage of a house

The time required for the wood to dry completely depends on the material of the building, the quality of the felling, and the season in which the material was harvested.

The rate of shrinkage of the finished home is also determined by changes in humidity environment. For example, frequent precipitation in the cold season significantly slows down the process, and regular heating can speed it up.

Under the influence of changes in the level of humidity in wood, it can dry out or, conversely, swell. The amount of change in the final dimensions of the material depends on the direction of the fibers in the wood. As a rule, side walls shrink more slowly than front walls.

The process of preparing a log house for finishing work

After completing the construction of a wooden house, as well as the expiration of the period allotted for its shrinkage, you can prepare the log house for finishing work. The process consists of several stages.

The process of processing a log house in a new house is often limited to covering the wood with transparent varnish

Wooden walls must be carefully caulked with insulating material: jute, tow or pre-dried moss. The process starts from the bottom, moving towards the ridge of the roof. The walls must be treated on both sides; in order to avoid distortion, insulation should be carried out promptly, treating load-bearing walls in the same day.

After insulation, the house may “rise” a little, but later the jute (or other insulation) will “clog” between the logs or beams as tightly as possible, which will protect the building from drafts and ensure high level thermal insulation.

Regardless of visual characteristics, climatic conditions and other external factors, before finishing, the wood should be treated with antiseptic compounds. The active use of such chemicals will not only extend the life of the home, but will also protect the surface of the material from unsightly external defects and prevent the appearance of mold or insects.

Materials for interior finishing work

Before choosing a specific material, you need to pay attention to the strength of the foundation, the quality of the log house and the density of the wood. As a rule, the best option for a wooden house is lightweight, “breathable” materials that maintain a comfortable microclimate in living spaces. It is not recommended to get carried away with cladding made of plastic panels, as this will disrupt gas exchange and negatively affect the “atmosphere” in the premises.

The finishing of a new wooden frame is limited to flooring ceramic tiles on the floor

The most common option for finishing a wooden house inside is to coat it with transparent varnish in order to give the walls an intense shade and protect them from external influences. Varnish treatment is used in new houses with a pleasant appearance, when the purpose of finishing is to emphasize natural beauty wood.

Individual elements of a wooden house (fireplaces, stoves, parts of walls) are finished with natural or artificial stone. Before choosing this material, you need to take into account its heavy weight, which may require additional strengthening of the foundation.

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Interior options for modern wooden houses on video:

Ceramic tiles are one of the most affordable and aesthetic options for interior work, optimally combined with various types of wood.

A budget finishing option, most often used in old houses, is decoration using sheets of plasterboard. As a rule, gypsum board is designed to mask caulked seams, minor cosmetic defects in walls, and also give the living space a more modern look.

White wall when finishing a wooden house inside, finished with plasterboard visually expands the space

Regardless of the material chosen, installation will be carried out on wooden frames fixed to the walls. This method will allow you to quickly level the base, leave a technological gap between the wall and the finish, conduct “hidden” wiring, and also lay additional layers of heat-insulating material.

Gaps between frames and wall surfaces are necessary to maintain a comfortable microclimate, creating a unique atmosphere in a wooden house. In addition, they provide active gas exchange, which prevents wood deformation. The disadvantage of gaps is their susceptibility to mold formation, so the process of treating wood with antiseptic compounds should be carefully monitored.

Finishing work in an old wooden house

In general, dilapidated wooden houses are divided into two types depending on the condition of the supporting structures. So, dwellings from quality wood, dilapidated under the influence of time - the best option to “refresh” them new finishing. The disadvantages of the building in this case are cosmetic; they can be easily eliminated without carrying out large-scale work.

In most cases, dilapidated wooden houses can be restored by replacing individual elements and building a solid foundation

Old houses made of low quality wood are characterized by severe damage to supporting structures, high humidity or excessive dryness of the wood, as well as noticeable deformation. Unfortunately, such houses need major renovation, rather than updating the appearance. Redecorating in this case, it is a waste of money without long-term prospects for useful use.

The walls of a wooden house should be sanded and then tinted so that the shade of the wood is more “juicy” and the entire building looks neater and newer.

Before finishing, it is necessary to treat the surfaces of the walls with an antiseptic, and it is advisable to use a coloring pigment to give the wood a more saturated shade.

If the wood itself is aesthetically pleasing, painting or impregnating it with clear varnish will be enough to achieve a pleasant appearance. Most often, wood finishing inside a house is done for walls made of heavily damaged wood of heterogeneous shades. In this case, the main task of repair is to disguise cosmetic defects.

Photo of finishing the second floor of a wooden house with light clapboard, which is varnished to disguise unsightly dilapidated wood

The frame (or sheathing), which is the boards on which the finishing is attached, in this case will allow you to visually align the walls and “hide” electrical wiring and unaesthetic details of an old house.

Stages of finishing work

The first stage of finishing is ensuring the tightness of the room using caulking from the outside and inside. If the insulation looks unsightly, it must be trimmed and, if necessary, decorative materials must be applied on top.

Insulated walls are finished decorative material made of wood, stone, gypsum board, plastic or ceramics. The decoration is based on a frame that visually aligns the walls.

At the final stage, the ceiling is decorated, leaving technological gaps to maintain air circulation and ensure the unique microclimate created by wood.

Flooring laid after finishing the ceiling.

Finished materials are treated with stain - a composition to give the material the desired shade. If used in finishing valuable species wood, you can use clear varnish.

A photo of finishing a wooden house inside with mahogany is a way to show your well-being and give your home a unique flavor

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Despite the abundance of modern technological materials, wooden houses remain the best option for those who want to create not only aesthetic, but also comfortable living space. Smart construction and comfortable finish private house inside in compliance with all technological requirements - guarantee long service finished construction.