Children's room for a girl: stylish design, modern design and the best solutions for children (150 photos). Children's room design for a girl

A children's room is the personal space of the little housewife. When decorating a room, adults need to follow not only their own ideas about the interior, but also take into account the interests of the child. That is why it is better to design together with your child.

Having organized an atmosphere that is interesting for the child, parents do not have to worry about the child’s free time: in the nursery there is always something to do for games and entertainment. Functional and bright interior items will contribute to the development of the child, and a cozy and comfortable environment will preserve health and ensure the joy of existence.

Zoning a children's room

A functional approach to organizing space will help create a high-quality interior in which the child will be interested. When arranging it, it is necessary to provide a work area, a place to relax (bedroom), a dressing room, and a play space. To differentiate, you can use a variety of partitions or simply limit yourself to the arrangement of furniture. You can also divide a children's room into zones using temporary elements.

Yellow and orange shades are suitable for the workplace - these are the colors of creativity. Take care of the lighting and functionality of all elements.

The playing space should allow complete freedom of action. You will need cabinets and drawers to store toys. Pink and red tones will help in decoration.

Design of a children's room for a girl from 1 to 3 years old, combined with a balcony

Design by Perspective studio

The presence of a glazed balcony allows you to expand the playing space area, saving space in the room. It is on the balcony that the child will be able to comfortably practice drawing, perform gymnastic exercises and lay out toys. To maintain illumination in the evening, it is necessary to install light on the balcony.

Pay attention to the interior design: it is not overloaded with elements. Only the colors of the main palette are used in the design. The patterns on the wallpaper and on the cabinet are in harmony with each other. The main thing here is that one wall is covered with white wallpaper, on which the child can easily learn to draw.

Design of a children's room for a 3 year old girl. Photo

Design of a children's room for a girl from 3 to 5 years old with access to a balcony

This room is decorated exclusively in pastel colors. Pink is the main color, the rest are auxiliary. All furniture is extremely functional, its lines are simple and straight. The drawings on the walls are stylized in natural style and allow the child to learn to draw representatives of fauna and flora. Several small tables allow you to study various types creativity.
Many drawers in the cabinets will allow you to organize any toys according to arbitrary criteria.

The dressing area is located separately. The room has a lot of free space for relaxation and creativity.

Interior design of a children's room for a 4-5 year old girl with access to a balcony. Photo

Design of a children's room 12 sq. m. for a 4 year old girl

The article uses works:Anna Teklyuk

This room resembles a real modern office, adapted to children's needs. The main color of the room is white. This visually expands the space and improves lighting. Stylized cartoon elements and fairy-tale decorations are used for decoration.

The furniture is grouped into main zones, the boundaries of which are clearly visible. Simplicity and functionality are the main principles of organizing a nursery. There is not a single superfluous element here, and the entire composition looks thoughtful and harmonious.

Design of a children's room for a girl 12 sq.m. Photo

Children's room for a girl with division into zones by a partition. Photo of the project

The article uses works:design by Heshi Design studio

This room allows you to delimit the personal spaces of two children of different ages. The Art Nouveau style is intended for an older girl; the design of the area for a younger girl is more classic. Warm brown-sand tones with shades of dark greenish were chosen for decoration. In fact, the room represents two completely different spaces.

The design of a stylish children's room for two girls is made in the interests of their development: the older one's workplace looks solid, and the younger one has an expanded play space. The decorative translucent partition fits organically into the overall picture.

Photo of a children's bedroom divided into zones

Design of a stylish children's room for two girls. Photo of a successful project

The article uses works:Neli Zalyaeva

The room is a creative workshop, adapted for painting and handicrafts. Bright and contrasting colors (yellow on blue) provoke a burst of creative energy and stimulate the development of imagination. In such an interior it is impossible to think in patterns. Housewives only have to make non-standard decisions.

Transformable chairs allow you to use them as a play element. Many horizontal surfaces seem designed to lay out creative elements. A sliding partition can be used for temporary zoning.

Photo of a children's room for two girls from the School of Repair

Bright children's room for a girl in a Scandinavian style

There are two main colors in this room - white and blue. Their shades add severity to the room and create the effect of expanding the space. Closed cabinets are used to store clothes, and an open bookcase is designed for a variety of toys. The place for doing handicrafts is located in a separate area.

A classic chandelier above a wide bed adds solidity and maturity to the interior. The only thing that breaks the strictness is a multi-colored rug made of warm materials: it can move freely around the room, creating a play area. All toys are safely hidden in closed cabinets, which creates an additional illusion of orderliness.

Children's room design for a creative girl. Photo of the project

The article uses works:Pavel Vetrova

In adolescence, everyone strives for originality and unusualness. Introducing unusual interior, in which a teenage girl will feel comfortable and at ease. The originality of the composition is extremely attractive to a teenage girl who wants to stand out from her peers.

Only 3 colors are used: yellow, white and black. Their composition allows you to find original motives for decorating the space and creates an energetic atmosphere. Mirrored lights add an element of transformation to straight lines and make the setting really interesting.

Stylish and modern idea for a children's room. Photo

Children's room for a girl with a custom design

The interior is designed in muted gray tones, creating a calm and peaceful environment. The creative nature of the housewife is evidenced by the images on the walls and unusual floor objects. The teenage girl is clearly calm and comfortable in this room. This is a place for solitude and reflection on the eternal; maybe even about love.

The wooden parquet is in amazing harmony with the ceiling, which seems to be covered with boards. The lounge bed resembles an oriental canopy and is designed for quality rest. Warm shades are used to decorate the sleeping area.

Design of a children's room for a teenage girl. Photo of the design project

Even in a classic style, you can add zest that speaks about the character of the individual. Decorative abstract panels on the walls are made in contrast with office desk. Pillowcases and curtains harmonize ornamentally. There are many in the room lighting elements diverse different forms-factors: from modern floor lamps before stylizing it as old lanterns.

An unusual place for work and relaxation is located on the balcony: a hanging hammock chair allows you to engage in a variety of activities. The balcony is an organic continuation of the nursery.

Children's room for girls from 12 years old. Photo

Room for a teenage girl over 16 years old. High-tech room

This room is unusual in color design: the main tone here is set by a rich gray color. The only exception to the tone is the yellow wall near the bed. Images from the movie “Avatar” placed on the walls reveal the extraordinary personality traits of the owner. A room for a teenage girl is unusual and unique. Its own unique world has been created here, reliably protecting the owner from the influence of external factors.

Heavy dark curtains reliably protect the space from natural rays. Artificial lighting is distributed unevenly, emphasizing the atmosphere of mystery and enigma.

Room design for a girl over 16 years old. Photo

At the age of 10, girls begin adolescence. From that moment on, she strives to become an adult and independent, declares her interests and stubbornly defends them in a dispute with her parents.

As you grow older, your tastes also change. This means that the environment must also change. If it's time to redecorate a room for your older daughter, be sure to invite her to participate in choosing the style and decor. In most cases, the interior will contain features of femininity and romance.


The interior should correspond to the spirit and lifestyle of the child. If your daughter has an unusual and interesting hobby, you can use it character traits in decor.

For an active girl who strives for independence and autonomy, high-tech, minimalism, and other unusual styles are well suited. For the calm person who prefers to spend time free time people at home reading books are suitable classic design, or modern with simple, discreet decor.

One of the obstacles in implementing a particular style is a small area. But even small space You can make it more spacious if you choose the right colors, furniture and accessories. Our tips will help you avoid some mistakes in decorating a small room.

The room is visually expanded by light shades of the walls and ceiling, small patterns or vertical stripes on the wallpaper. There should be a lot of lighting. It is better to choose functional furniture.

The main rule is not to clutter up an already small space. A large mirror is perfect for decoration. Moderation in the amount of decorations in this case is the main rule.

The selection of photos presents options for decorating a nursery in various styles.

Color selection

For a young girl’s bedroom, you should not choose very bright colors. This negatively affects the unformed and unstable child’s psyche. Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice of psychologists on choosing color palette and shades of finishing materials and decorative elements.

Traditionally, it is believed that the most suitable color for a girl’s nursery is pink. But, as a rule, girls 10 years old, on the contrary, strive to get rid of the signs of a “little princess.” You can go from pink to peach, salmon, light pink, pastel, coral, lilac, lilac or raspberry tones. Soft pink and its shades give a feeling of carefree and calm, relieve aggression.

For slow, inactive girls, yellow-green colors are suitable. Yellow invigorates and encourages activity, tones and compensates for the lack of sunlight in the room. And it will be balanced by green, which relieves tension and fatigue. But since the predominance of one bright color is undesirable for the interior of a young girl, it is better to dilute it with harmoniously combined colors: green, beige, white.

It is believed that blue and light blue are used to decorate only boys' rooms. But that's not true. Perhaps these are your daughter's favorite colors. Blue, like green, has a relaxing and calming effect. But at the same time, spending a long time in a room with a predominance of blue is depressing, takes away energy and can cause depression. Blue – good option for hot-tempered, very active children, but is completely unsuitable for work and study areas, as it interferes with concentration.

It is better to combine these colors with light, pastel shades: gray, beige, white, light turquoise, light yellow. You can perform zoning using these colors. For example, paint the wall adjacent to the place of rest and sleep blue or light blue, and the wall next to the desk – light yellow or beige. You will find tips and photo ideas for painting walls in a nursery.

A universal option The design will be in light colors: cream, powder, beige, caramel. This will not only make the room spacious, but will also give you more options in choosing accessories. If you don’t know how to combine colors, then feel free to choose these shades. They go with any furniture and decor, and the room seems “grown up”.

A few examples different ideas color design.

Selection of materials

The choice of materials for finishing and decoration should be approached from the point of view of their environmental friendliness and safety.
There are several types of wallpaper:

  • Paper. The most harmless and optimal type for a child's room. They do not contain chemical additives. It is better to choose dense ones with a quality certificate.
  • Non-woven. This wallpaper is more durable than the first option. But their price is also higher. If they are of proper quality, they are absolutely safe for health.
  • Vinyl. They have good aesthetic qualities, are durable, hide uneven walls, but are more expensive than non-woven ones.
  • Liquid. The most practical and safe from an environmental point of view. This decorative plaster based on natural cellulose fiber. They are easy to work with: no need to cut the rolls and measure the height of the walls. They don't create greenhouse effect. If they are damaged, the situation can be easily corrected - repaint the walls. But today this type remains the most expensive. Another drawback is the poor color palette.

When purchasing any wallpaper, you must request a quality certificate from the seller.

It is better to choose parquet or laminate for finishing the floor. These are the safest materials. It is better to avoid carpeting, as the constant accumulation of dust can cause allergies.

When choosing furniture, it is also important to consider the age of the child.

The bed with sides needs to be replaced with an adult, high berth.

It is better to choose a table and chair for the study area with the ability to adjust the height, so that there are no problems with posture in the future. The closet should be low so that the girl can easily get the necessary things.

10 more design options

During such a difficult period, it is important to take into account the interests and preferences of your daughter. Otherwise, you may lose her trust. Try to find a compromise in the design of the nursery. In the environment that the child himself chose, he will be much more comfortable than in the one that his parents chose against his will. Among the variety of designs and styles of children's rooms for girls, there is sure to be an option that both parties will like. And your daughter will be proud of such modern and understanding parents.

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Children grow very quickly, their interests and needs are constantly changing. To arrange the interior of a children's room for a girl, you need to take into account her character, age and favorite activities. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the financial side of the issue. Let's look at photos of interesting options for renovating a room for a girl.

What design should I make for a girl's room?

Every age period The development of a girl has its own characteristics, when she is very small, in principle, a separate room is not really needed, it is enough to buy a comfortable one and put a changing pad. But after a year, or even earlier, It’s better to give the baby her place in the house.

The size of the room does not matter; it all depends on the total area of ​​the house or apartment. But the room must be WARM and SUNNY. Next I will give recommendations on choosing a design for girls of different age groups.

For a girl 2-3 years old

Children under 3 years of age are the most interesting. The child quickly learns new actions, actively explores the outside world and begins to talk. They have a lot to do, and any failure is acutely experienced, even if they simply couldn’t put their favorite toy back in its place. Therefore, the task of the parents of the little princess is to make the room as comfortable as possible and always beautiful. The girl should easily get and put away her toys, sit on a chair herself, climb stairs, and so on. We'll talk about furniture a little later, but for now I'll try to help you choose an interior for your baby.

Any mother strives to make the room for her beloved daughter the most beautiful. Most often pink and purple A. But these are not the only colors in the world that are suitable for a baby. You can take any color from pastel shades as a basis, and use more saturated shades as accents. Or choose peach, gold, yellow or the versatile olive color.

The main thing that the color scheme in the baby's room was not too bright, otherwise it will be difficult to calm her down before bed. Decoration Materials you need to choose environmentally friendly ones, be it wallpaper or paint. A nursery for a 2-3 year old girl needs to be zoned so that the baby understands where to put her things and where to put away her toys. It is advisable to illuminate each zone. Hang a night light above the bed, and play area make bright lighting. If the child has his own table in the room, then you need to hang a lamp above this area. It will be more convenient to draw scribbles.

It is better to paint the ceiling in the room White color , or order a hanging canvas. The child will not pay attention to it, but due to the white color there will be more light in the baby’s room. It’s not a sin to decorate the playing area. Self-adhesive stickers with your favorite cartoon characters are perfect for this (any other fun and colorful drawings are also suitable), or you can make patterns using paint and a stencil. A little girl will definitely love this.

On the floor in a children's bedroom you can lay a carpet from natural fibers, it is easy to clean and made entirely from natural ingredients. The only drawback is flooring It's not cheap. Laminate looks good in a child's room, it's better to choose bright hues. You can put a small rug on top of it, on which the child will sit warmly and play comfortably.

For a girl 6-7 years old

There is only one correct way to decorate a room for a 6-7 year old girl; all children at this age are different. They all have one thing in common: school starts at the age of 6-7! Therefore, the design of the room should already support this focus - it is imperative to install a full-fledged one in the room, drawers for storing stationery items, notebooks, copybooks and others educational materials. We still keep toys, but only our favorite ones.

A girl needs to be taught to do something she loves; this could be drawing, modeling, or learning a foreign language. The baby should like a hobby, and for this it is simply necessary to create an atmosphere of happiness, kindness and joy in the room!!!

It is better to leave the choice of color to the girl; she herself will decide what she likes. And, based on this, you can select furniture, curtains and accessories. The design of a nursery for a first-grader girl should be more practical, the furniture should be functional, and the room should be well lit.

It is only the parents’ task to delimit the space into zones. The girl will need a new and comfortable bed, next to which she should hang a lamp. It is better to place the desk by the window, combining natural light with artificial light. And set up a play area together with the child: if your daughter likes to play with dolls, make a house for them, put several shelves for toys or a box so that she can put them away herself. The play corner will need additional lighting and the installation of beautiful furniture (an armchair or a small sofa). Her new girlfriends will probably come to see her daughter, so not only the hostess, but also her guests should feel comfortable.

For girls 10-12 years old

Teenage girls are independent in everything; they definitely need a secluded corner in which only they can control. From the age of 10, a girl’s age is called transitional; the body actively produces hormones and prepares for growing up. Therefore, character, often, in this and later periods, becomes “not sugar”. Parents, of course, are obliged to control their daughter, but they also need to leave her some freedom. Often teenage girls begin to put forward their conditions to their parents; they may not like their room, but they themselves want to take part in its design. Under no circumstances should this be prevented.

A distinctive feature of apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings is the small size of the rooms. Setting up a nursery in such a house is no more difficult than making one. main feature design of a nursery in a small room is an abundance of light (we need to install a lot of lamps and lamps) and the use of light shades in the interior of the nursery.

Typically, rooms in Khrushchev buildings are narrow and long; the window and door in them are often located opposite each other. But the doorway can always be moved if the layout requires it. But the location of the window can be considered successful. The only thing is that you will have to work hard to make the room visually wider. You can use the following techniques:

  1. Cover the wall near the window with wallpaper in horizontal stripes, preferably narrow, then the height will not be lost much.
  2. You can make a niche on a long wall and install additional lighting in it, and put a narrow cabinet with a mirror opposite, or simply hang a mirror, at least a small one.
  3. There should be many light sources, and this will greatly simplify zoning. Ceiling lamps do not have to be small; you can buy rotating lamps that will clearly delimit the room.
  4. In a small room you can use wallpaper with abstraction or photo wallpaper with perspective; they should also be pasted on long wall, but on the contrary put some kind of mirror surface, or just bright lamps.

The floors in the room can be made darker in contrast than the main color of the interior. Or light, then the room will become more airy and spacious. In general, for small rooms it is good to use white. At the same time, through decor and textiles, you can diversify the interior and make it child-friendly. Various mirrored photo frames, bright stickers with children's drawings in the play area, beautiful curtains and furniture - all this will create a childish atmosphere in the room, while the design will be complete and the room will become more spacious.

By the age of 10, girls get tired of playing with Barbies, they have idols, and they begin to copy their parents. This means that the toys need to be put away in a separate place (a special closet or a separate shelf). You can install a computer table or trellis in the gaming area.

It is advisable to replace the cozy crib with an interesting sofa or a more formal bed that will last until adolescence. The beds look interesting round shape, covered with contrasting bed linen.

Choose furniture for a children's room for a 10-year-old girl that is comfortable and roomy. You can choose a set of a pouf, a dressing table with a mirror and a wardrobe. A growing fashionista will enjoy spinning around the mirror and sorting through her favorite outfits in her closet.

The bed can be chosen to match the furniture or some elements in the room (this will make the interior look more harmonious). Refuse variegated colors in favor of natural shades (beige, light brown, yellow, powder).

Children's room options for girls. Do you want your child to feel comfortable in a private room? Opt for a stylized interior:

  1. Little Princess. Decorate your bedroom in a gentle way pink color. A bright bedroom set and a huge mirror will delight your child. The bed can be decorated with an airy canopy, and a soft long-pile rug can be placed on the floor.
  2. Activist. Is your girl active and athletic? Choose an American style room. Wallpaper for a children's room for a 10-year-old girl should be plain, but not pale. Pistachio, lavender, light green color. Let your child decorate the walls with posters of their favorite characters.
  3. Intellectual. Are books your child’s main hobby? Great. Make them a key feature in your interior design. Decorate the wall with long shelves on which to place the girl’s favorite fairy tales. Designate a special place for reading. This could be a converted window sill or a cozy easy chair in the corner of the room.

A teenage room can hardly be called a child's room - it should have stylish and comfortable furniture, design taking into account the interests of the younger generation, and a convenient location for the computer. Our article will help you create a beautiful and comfortable design for a teenage room.


Many people believe that the design of a nursery for a girl should be bright, with elegant cabinets and frills. But in fact, psychologists recommend making the interior simpler and more comfortable. You are probably now thinking: “How can this be, gentle and romantic girls should be surrounded by beauty and charm!”, but in reality, the child needs to be left room for imagination.

In what style is it better to design the interior of a children's room for a girl? We are not talking about newfangled solutions at all, but about modern approach to the organization of space. It turns out that these criteria best apply to functionalism.

The style is as simple, comfortable and ergonomic as possible - without unnecessary decorations or bright design solutions. The main elements are space and natural light. Also, do not forget about safety, because this is one of the main factors in the nursery.

Wall color and decoration

It is best to leave the walls light. This will make the room look spacious and sunny. When choosing a color, you should not rely on stereotypes - not everyone likes pink. Especially if your renovation is designed to grow. When the background color is neutral, you can easily add a few bright elements and accessories and get a beautiful interior. It’s convenient that if you get tired of one color, you can change it to any other. Of course, they also use colored wallpaper with drawings from cartoons, but a girl can quickly get bored with her favorite characters.

Video on the topic: Children's room design for girls


It is advisable to make the windows as open as possible so that light penetrates well into the room. When choosing curtains for a girl’s children’s room, you should not buy thick materials. The best option– Roman or translucent curtains that can be easily opened completely. If the interior turns out to be monochromatic, then you can choose bright curtains, diluting the boring look.

Let's move on to artificial lighting. In the center of the room you can place a chandelier for the nursery. In addition, be sure to make additional lamps or sconces above the bed, near the table, mirrors and inside the closet. Many children are afraid of the dark and will feel more comfortable in a room with good lighting.

When designing lighting for a desk, it is necessary to take into account which hand the child writes with. The lamp should not cast a shadow on the workplace. To avoid this, the tabletop llama is mounted opposite the working hand (that is, for right-handers - on the left, for left-handers - on the right). The mounting height is selected individually.


Any girl needs to have a bed or sofa, a desk, a chair, and a closet for storing toys and things in her room. It is better to choose eco-friendly furniture from natural materials, which is harmless to health.

An ordinary bed with a good mattress is more comfortable for sleeping, but on the sofa the child will be able to play and receive guests, which is important for the development of communication. The color of the furniture is matched to the wallpaper.

The desk and chair should be height adjustable to suit the child's height. It will be convenient if there are several drawers in the table for the most necessary things, and on the wall there are shelves for books and notebooks. The desk is placed near the window, where there is more daylight.

Children's room for girls from 6 to 10 years old.

At the age of 6-10 years, you can already decorate a children's room with a girl. This is one way to instill a sense of style and communicate with her almost as equals. At this age, the child is extremely inquisitive and enthusiastically absorbs everything new.

It's also time to consider comfortable spot to complete lessons. The interior should no longer be too childish. Bright designs are replaced with neutral ones geometric shapes, or abandon them altogether. We will replace the children's bed with a more spacious one or install a sofa. A mandatory element in the interior of a room for a teenage girl is a mirror.

Room for a girl from 10 to 13 years old

Now children stop playing with dolls and begin to copy adults, their own idols appear. This means that the place for toys can be replaced with a shelf for books, clothes or a computer. The decoration of the walls becomes more strict, monochromatic, so that posters of idols can be pasted. In small rooms practical solution there will be a built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors. It takes up little space and is very roomy.


Ideal children's room for a girl

For the interior decoration of a child’s room, you need to choose hypoallergenic and absolutely environmentally friendly materials. Demand quality certificates from manufacturers of paints, wallpaper, linoleum, trust well-known brands. Make repairs keeping in mind that design is not at all important for a newborn, but after a year the baby will begin to take an active interest in the surrounding space. Therefore, it makes sense to immediately choose a design style that is not universal, but specifically for a girl. You can paint the walls in pastel colors:

  • peach,
  • soft lilac,
  • pink (but not too bright!),
  • beige,
  • baked milk.

An appropriate option is to highlight one wall with a different color, which in the future will be a platform for design experiments. Some bright elements can be added at any time; they will allow you to place the necessary accents.

Video on the topic: Bedroom for a girl 10 - 12 years old - nursery interior design ideas
A very common style of decorating a nursery today is classic. If your entire apartment complies with these canons, you can logically continue it in the baby’s room. Moreover, if you want to introduce your child to art and literature in the future, you will raise him in an aristocratic manner, like a real lady. Children's furniture for girls from natural wood with carved legs, better in brown tones. At the head of the bed you can hang a satin curtain with a lambrequin or even make a romantic canopy. Use as accessories:

  • large photos from a family album in gilded frames,
  • massive chandelier,
  • small night lights of regular shapes,
  • Roman curtains.

Children's rooms for girls decorated in this style - perfect option for little fidgets. Choose bright wallpaper with a simple geometric print, add light furniture (bed, wardrobe and table). This idea is good to implement in a spacious room with large window, because we will need a lot of natural light. Light curtains made of cotton or silk will enhance it.

Video on the topic: Children's room design for girls.
To arrange a “girl’s” room in modern style bright colors are used, as well as various design developments. For example, structures made of plasterboard: (a tall shelving in the shape of a tree, an imitation of a starry sky with lighting on the ceiling, the roof of a fairy-tale hut over a table for classes), artistic painting of one of the walls with a fairy-tale plot.

Competent design is an investment in the future. The design of a children's room for a teenager, a princess girl, should be filled with romanticism. This is where ruffles on the curtains, bright coral pillows, vinyl hearts on the walls, a huge mirror with stucco around the rim, ottomans of different shapes and sizes, table lamps with fringe on soft lampshades, panels with anime or computer game characters will come into play.


How to decorate a room for a 10 year old girl?

When choosing a room style for a 10-year-old child, parents face some difficulties. You should not chase fashion: the home should be comfortable, organized in accordance with modern trends in the design of a children's room and taking into account technical advances. Psychologists say that style should be extremely simple. The abundance of bows, ruffles, and soft toys is not very suitable for the room of a 10-year-old girl.

The room should be functional, without designer pretentiousness, special decor or decorations. There should be as much natural light as possible, and the room should be ventilated as efficiently as possible.

Wall decoration, lighting

Often parents choose wallpaper with a bright pattern to decorate their children's room. It doesn’t matter how old the child is. This is not entirely correct. Experts say that a light, neutral wall covering is best for perception. This will emphasize the spaciousness and enhance the warmth of the sun penetrating through the window. Windows should not be tightly curtained or blocked by furniture: choose Roman curtains in a pleasant light color.

Artificial lighting in the room of a 10-year-old girl requires a careful approach. There should be enough light sources:

  • arrange a lamp above the bed,
  • You definitely need a good lamp on your desk,
  • place one or more lamps in the closet.

Game of colors

A teenage girl's room in pink is an established stereotype that does not need to be followed. Neutral tones will look good here: pale yellow, baked milk, pale apricot, pale blue. You can decorate the room with bright, stylish elements.

A common design solution is to decorate one of the walls in a bright color or apply a pattern to it. Attention will be concentrated on this wall, where the girl can place her toys.


Furniture for a 10-year-old girl should be chosen based on considerations of functionality, beauty, and convenience. It is important that the child himself likes it. A child at this age already has a lot of clothes, because a young lady always wants to look perfect. Therefore, one of the main pieces of furniture is a spacious closet where you can hide your things from prying eyes.

Video on the topic: Design of a room for a girl. Interior, furniture and decoration No. 1

The room should also have small cabinets, shelves, drawers, where the child can hide his numerous little things and make room for games, developmental activities or lessons.

The physical development of a 10-year-old girl is very important, so if possible, try to install a wall bars in the room or install a fitness machine there. She will be able to alternate mental stress with physical exercise, relieve stress from school lessons and relax.

The sofa in a girl’s room can be replaced with an ottoman or a bed. The sleeping area should be spacious enough and provide healthy physiological sleep. Psychologists recommend placing the bed so that the door is visible from it. This way the child will feel more comfortable and see who comes into the room.

School worries

The work area is very important element, without which a children's room cannot do. After all, the child has a long period of learning ahead of him. The table should be roomy, comfortable, with a large number of drawers. Place shelves for books next to the table. You need to choose a comfortable, anatomical chair so that your back does not strain and problems with the spine do not arise over the years of study.

For numerous toys, you need to provide a rack or cabinet so that they do not distract from your main work.

A 10-year-old girl, as a rule, already has many friends who often come to visit. Especially for such meetings, you can put a small sofa and organize a TV so that the company can watch cartoons and educational videos.

Video on the topic:

Child with early years it is necessary to explain what looks beautiful and what doesn’t, thereby shaping his good taste. A beautiful, high-quality decorated room teaches a child about beauty and develops a girl’s sense of style.

When decorating your home, try to attract the child and give her freedom of choice. Let the girl accept Active participation, because this is her room in which she will spend her youth.


Room design for a teenage girl - interior examples

It is better to make the walls for a teenage girl in light colors; the wallpaper can be either patterned or textured, so you will give the room a feeling of spaciousness and sunlight. Another interesting solution would be to use color to delimit a teenager’s room.

For example, the recreation area can be transformed into soothing colors such as soft blue, beige or soft pink. IN work area Shades of green should predominate. For that part of the room where the girl will have a get-together with her friends, you can choose a rainbow coloring, and the use of stencils and decorative stickers will make the corner extraordinary.

Don't forget about artificial lighting. It must be above the bed, above the desk and near the mirror. This way you will protect your child’s vision. Also, using the color of the wallpaper, you can create zoning of the room, which is necessary for a teenage girl. Zones into which the room should be divided:

- Bedroom
— A place to study
— A place to relax or meet friends
- Beauty Studio
— Dressing room

The main task of parents when refurbishing a room is to highlight each zone, create an atmosphere for each activity, and at the same time not spoil the overall style of the room. To differentiate a room, it is best to use different shades of wallpaper.

Video on the topic: Design of a room for a girl. Interior, furniture and decoration No. 3

What furniture to choose?

If you are choosing furniture for a teenage girl, then you should first of all pay attention to its functionality. For a teenager of this age, furniture is just a place where the child can put all his things, for example, books, magazines, CDs, so that they do not interfere while relaxing or hanging out with friends.

The furniture should be dominated by light colors that will not highlight the furniture too much and thus will not clutter up the room.

Furniture must also be safe to use, despite the fact that a child at this age is considered old enough, he still remains a child. The furniture should be durable and able to withstand all the girls’ pranks, since we all know how teenagers love to play pranks and play around at this age. If the room in which the girl has settled is not large, then the corners of the furniture should not be sharp and in no case stick out. Because this is fraught with injury.

In a girl’s room, everything should be in moderation; there should not be too much furniture. Choose multifunctional, mobile and modular furniture, which, if necessary, you can rearrange or take out of the room. It is best for this age to buy a comfortable one instead of a bed folding sofa. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the sofa and its comfort, since at this age the child’s spine is still developing.

Do not clutter a small room with furniture, as space is very important for a teenager. Under no circumstances should you place a large wardrobe in a small room; it is better to place it in the hallway or in the living room. So that the girl can easily get the things she needs, place shelving and a small closet in her room.

To avoid crowding the room with chairs for friends, buy soft and colorful pillows. If you have nowhere to put winter clothes, try to choose special drawers for her that will fit under the bed. If you have two children, then a roll-out bed would be an excellent solution. This way you can save space and create more space for children.

How to organize a room for two teenage girls

In fact, creating a room for two teenage girls is not a difficult task. The main thing before renovation is to find out the preferences of the children, and only then try to combine their wishes. The main thing is that each girl has her own personal space, as well as a place to study and sleep, so that the child does not feel discriminated against. In our article you will find interesting design solutions that will help you decorate a room for two teenage girls.

If you want to use bright colors in the interior, then it is better to listen to your intuition and the advice of psychologists. For example, the color red encourages a child to be more active and strive to win in all things. A room in pink colors symbolizes femininity and tenderness. Yellow has a positive effect on mood, warms you up in difficult moments and improves intelligence and intuition. Green color will motivate a child to study and new beginnings, but in excess this color can evoke boredom and melancholy.

How to decorate a room with your own hands?

Adolescence is not an easy time in the life of a young lady. It is very difficult for a parent to find a common language with his daughter due to his unstable temperament. Therefore, when decorating a room, the main task of parents is to make the child’s room become his fortress, where he will feel cozy and comfortable.

Therefore, parents should carefully consider design ideas that will help update and decorate a teenage girl’s room. First of all, you can use your child’s crafts to decorate the room.

Video on the topic: Children's room design. Interior, furniture and decoration No. 6
If your child is talented at drawing, then let him draw a picture, which you will frame and hang in his room. You can also decorate curtains with your daughter using decorative ornaments. To give the bed a feminine touch, take your child to the store and choose interesting pillows.

An excellent solution would be stickers made of vinyl or other materials. You can buy them and stick them yourself. Finding something suitable for the topic will not be difficult, since there are a lot of online stores on the Internet that offer a large assortment such stickers.

You can also place beautiful framed photographs around the room. Just don’t do it yourself, let the girl choose the photos herself and suggest the place where they should be.

Interior in Paris style

A room for a teenage girl in Paris style is very easy to make. First of all, you should pay attention to the color of the walls; light wallpaper with a pictographic design that will display the sights of Paris.

In addition to the wallpaper, choose light-colored furniture on which you can stick bright stickers with inscriptions on French. To emphasize the theme of the interior, place small little things around the room that are reminiscent of French flavor, for example, a statue Eiffel Tower, framed photographs with Parisian landscapes, antique clocks on the wall, bottles of French perfume.

The room should intertwine black and hot pink colors. For example, place pink pillows on a white bedspread, and place pink folders on the shelves in which the girl will store her documents.

Decoration in Art Nouveau style

A room in the Art Nouveau style for a teenage girl implies modernity, versatility and comfort. The main task in creating this interior is to create an atmosphere for relaxation and study.

The room should be able to withstand minimalism, which is diluted with bright decor and accessories. The room should be dominated by neutral tones such as brown, beige, sand, dark gray and pearl. Bright accessories, such as paintings, colorful pillows, photographs with bright frames, will help to enliven the room.


Interior design for a girl's children's room

The general style of a children's room depends on the hobbies and interests of the girl living in it. If your daughter is interested in sports, and she especially likes swimming, then the interior of her room can be done in aquatic style.

First of all, decide on the color of the wallpaper. The color range of which can be from soft blue to dark blue. In early preschool age, blue color scheme preferred for decorating boys' rooms. However color solutions do not depend on the gender and age of the child.

The blue color calms the child's hot-tempered temperament and sets him up for a calm wave. Blue color has a beneficial effect on the child’s creative abilities, trains perseverance and determination, which is most important for children school age.

Wallpaper for the children's room of a 10-year-old girl in a water-sea style can be chosen with a picture of a mermaid, goldfish, sea pearls and seafood, as well as with an image of a beach resort town that the girl dreams of visiting. Additional decor can be an aquarium with roars, an impromptu pond, the seabed, lamps and night lamps with an aquatic theme.

Wallpaper for a children's room for a 10 year old girl in the style of the fashion industry

If your girl is into fashion, you can create a runway-inspired room for her. In this case, wallpaper for a 10-year-old girl’s children’s room can be chosen with looks from famous Russian and world fashion models.

This will be an incentive and desire for her to always look good and neat, like her idols. Wallpaper can be with photo printing, made to order or in a huge selection of modern building materials, you can find something ready-made that suits you.

Additional accessories can include photographs. famous designers clothes, posters with new products of the season and fashion trends, as well as mannequins on which a girl can try on her outfits and see from the outside how she will look in them. Create a small podium for her and hang a full-length mirror.

Your daughter will have a desire to spend more time at home and invite her friends to visit her, which is very important for children of this age group. Having hobbies and interests will help your children spend less time on social networks and playing computer games.

Showing an interest in fashion is good basis to realize the child’s creative abilities, for example, to design clothes. Perhaps a future famous fashion designer is growing up in your home.

Video on the topic: Interior of a children's room for a girl

Many school-age girls have hobbies and interests. This could be drawing, playing music, singing, writing poetry, creating gifts. with my own hands, weaving baubles, cross stitching, knitting and crocheting. Many people are interested in hairstyles, braiding dolls' hair and making wicker baskets for their girlfriends.

If your child has creative abilities, then to develop them he needs privacy and a calm, harmonious environment. You can create it using color.

Violet– this is the main color responsible for the development of creative abilities; it calms, pacifies and harmonizes the atmosphere. You can buy wallpaper for a girl’s nursery in purple tones, which will have a positive effect on your girl’s mood and inspiration.

These can be flowers; callas and orchids are considered the most popular in 2017. Roses will always be in fashion as they are considered a classic.

The trending print in the fashion industry in 2017 are large designs depicting flowers, as well as exotic birds. In order for the purple color not to inspire despondency and melancholy, you should add yellow or orange decorative items to the interior.

Yellow- This is a symbol of optimism and joy, this color is well suited for children, they love bright colors and feel confident in them.

Orange- saves from bad mood and melancholy, it perfectly complements purple. But black in combination with shades of lilac is not recommended for children. It is better to use wallpaper for a girl’s children’s room in gray tones - they are neutral and do not have a psychological impact.

School-age children tend to fall in love, this is facilitated by the pink color in the interior, moreover, it is the most feminine and romantic, capable of making a princess out of any girl. It softens character traits and cultivates femininity.

Physical education classes for many girls aged 10 years and older do not leave them indifferent. They begin to pay more attention to their own figure and appearance. They run in the morning, play sports, and work out their abs. Some do yoga, Pilates, dancing and hula hoop.

In order for girls to be able to safely play sports at home or rehearse dance routines with classmates, they will need a lot of space. A minimalist interior will help expand your study space. There shouldn't be anything superfluous in it.

The schoolgirl is growing up quickly, and the furnishings of the room have to be changed to suit the interests of the growing girl. If the room does not require renovation, there is no point in radically transforming it; it is enough to think about a spectacular decor. Parents thinking about how to decorate a teenage girl’s room are advised to use the recommendations of professionals so that when minimum costs get a stylish and aesthetic design.

Bedroom for a real little lady

Chandeliers in the shape of butterflies will look beautiful in a girl’s room

Light pink color would be appropriate in a girl's room

Where to start transforming a teenager's room?

You don’t need a special reason to decorate your personal space, but it’s better to give it some justification. Great way Make your daughter feel that she is perceived in the family as an independent adult by making decor for a teenager’s room with her own hands for her next birthday. It’s time to remove furniture that has become small from the room, remove pictures and accessories that do not correspond to age.

Preparing to start school year- Same good way inspect the children's room. The main goal is to reorganize the workplace and expand sleeping area, if your legs are already resting on the headboard of the bed or sofa. At the same time, it’s worth discussing at a family council how to decorate a teenage girl’s room with your own hands. All family members can be involved in the exciting creative process, and there is something for everyone.

The bedroom of a real little princess

Photo wallpaper will perfectly complement the interior of a children's room

The most difficult thing is to come to a common decision regarding the design concept, since parents are conservative, children are radical. But one cannot help but take into account the teenager’s opinion; ultimately, everything is done for the children, and better yet, with the involvement of the children themselves in the decoration.

If a teenager is interested in graffiti, fencing painting, or Murak painting on a serious level, it makes sense to allocate one prepared wall for the author’s “masterpiece.” Teenagers will certainly appreciate their parents' affection for them; this is the best way to improve relationships. But one condition can be set - to approve a sketch of an inscription or wall drawing that will carry a positive content. For example, a hand-drawn dream of a trip to Paris to buy clothes or a bicycle trip to the mountains with a group of extreme sports enthusiasts.

Teenagers love to have something exclusive, and a wall with an original drawing will be a source of pride for the daughter. She will willingly show off wall paintings to her guests and friends. But such wall decoration should not be self-sufficient; it should resonate with other DIY room decor for a teenage girl. If the time has come to change curtains, lamps, furniture, old bookshelves, it is advisable that an original idea be visible in this newness.

Under the bed you can organize a place for reading and gaming

Children's room in pink with a large bright panel

An example of a room design for a girl

What is the best way to decorate the walls, floor and ceiling?

The design concept should be such that it is easy to implement with your own hands. If you plan to repair the ceiling, you should not make it expensive, but have no aesthetic value.

Before you transform and decorate a teenage girl’s room, it’s worth discussing interesting options. For example, the ceiling and walls can be designed as open space. Another option is dark suspended ceiling with diodes will wink stars at a dreamy child. A “floating” ceiling with a glow around the perimeter is something fantastic in a futuristic teenager’s room.

Purple color in the interior of a children's room looks very beautiful

Not the wall you can hang cartoon characters

For a small room on the north side, this approach will not be acceptable; you need to increase the amount of light and free space. Furniture is a minimum; floors, walls and ceilings should be light. Decor and textiles choose cheerful shades in warm colors.

On the south side, it is better to dim the light with thick curtains of a cold palette. It’s easy to do all the decor for the room with your own hands, when it’s a pleasure for a girl to decorate it to her liking. Effect open sky will create matte ceiling light blue, and you can make voluminous clouds with your own hands.

This room design is perfect for a girl.

Functional bedroom for a little girl

For the development of the child, you can hang a drawing board

Collages, inscriptions and wall panels

The main decor is usually placed on the walls. There is a lot of scope for implementing ideas for decorating a teenager’s room with your own hands - all this can be hung on vertical plane. Inscriptions, extravagant drawings and homemade accessories are most often dispelled:

  • at the head of the bed;
  • near the entrance (door);
  • opposite the sleeping plane;
  • on a solid wall without furniture;
  • at work surface or countertops.

Romantic teenagers like to decorate the room with the word “LOVE”, which can be done using any technique. Letters made of plywood, coated with golden spray paint or covered with large sparkles look creative.

You can hang pictures with cartoon characters on the wall

Butterflies will look harmonious in such an interior

The inscriptions “LOVE” can also decorate the space at the head of the bed, written on the wall or wallpaper in different fonts and colors. Your daughter will certainly appreciate this kind of DIY room decor. The names of different cities and fashion brands look no less interesting.

Walls can be decorated in different ways:

  • collage of selfies and family photos;
  • a silhouette drawing of your favorite artist or singer on the wall;
  • mosaic canvas on a favorite theme;
  • decorating mirror frames using improvised means;
  • homemade flowers from fabric and paper in hanging planters from plastic bottles;
  • flower pots in knitted “outfits” on glass shelves etc.

Homemade decor can be a lot and modestly, in moderation, but it is important that it is in harmony with the furniture, textiles and lighting.

A girl's room should be bright and functional

Wood in the form of shelves for books

Bright room design for a girl with drawings

Room color scheme

Too bright colors in the decor of a girl’s room are not always appropriate. If your daughter’s every day is full of emotions, events and varied activities, then there should be a relaxing environment at home. Teenage girls often complain about bad dream, cannot fall asleep in the evening and have difficulty waking up in the morning, feel lethargic all day, and after communicating with peers they cannot concentrate on doing the simplest activities. In this case, you should not look for the problem in the fact that the type of sleep and wakefulness is “night owl”.

On the other hand, owls are a fashionable motif for decor; they can decorate a daughter’s bedroom in any way:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • sofa cushions;
  • wall pictures.

Owls can be a silent reminder to go to bed earlier.

It is better to decorate a young girl’s personal space in pastel colors or blurred shades of her favorite color. Usually teenage girls like pink and purple colour, but some people prefer red and black, white and turquoise.

There should not be an excess of your favorite shade in the bedroom. It is recommended to maintain a color balance with a predominance of a light background, some bright emotional accents and graphic linear contrasts. Any DIY decor for a teenager’s room will fit well into this color harmony.

Beautiful bedroom design for a girl

You can put a bed near the window

How to transform furniture?

Children's furniture, no matter how attractive or functional it may be, gradually becomes irrelevant. The time comes to replace it or reorganize it in some way. Teenagers most like “transformers” or multifunctional modules that can be rearranged around the room.

But if we talk about sofas, teenage girls don’t like to lay them out every night before bed and put them back together in the morning. If parents do this for a small child, then as they grow older these responsibilities are transferred to the teenager. Most often, they prefer to huddle on a compact sofa with their legs tucked up on top of the bedspread, rather than using the transformation mechanism and making the bed.

If the length of the mattress is quite suitable, and the bed or sofa is outdated, it is easy to transform them into a pull-out module under the podium for computer desk. Such furniture is complemented by many drawers and shelves, on which many objects and original decor in the form of colored hearts are placed.

Built-in furniture with children's themed facades does not require complete replacement, if you are satisfied with the functionality, just change the doors. Vinyl stickers do not require a lot of expense and effort to produce images. These can be the same motifs or entire scenes in pictures for decorating a girl’s bedroom.

Children's room for a real princess

Chic room design for a little girl

Making a canopy over the bed

One of the simplest ways to decorate a sleeping place is to make a canopy from light transparent fabric. This tradition came from the east, but has taken root in many interior styles. There is something romantic in such an accessory, and this is one of the answers - how to decorate a room with your own hands in an original and quick way for a girl.

The canopy is made and attached in different ways, depending on the shape of the ceiling. If the children's bedroom is located in attic room, then in this way they drape part of the surface of the sloping ceiling above the bed. It may resemble clouds or the sails of a ship.

A simple garland or LED Strip Light, fixed along the edges of the canopy.

The almost weightless fabric can be gathered over the headboard or cover the entire area of ​​the bed. The choice of canopy shape should also be dictated by the style of the room and its general content.

TABLE for canopy design

The room design can be done in bright blue color

A small room with striped walls looks very beautiful

You can stick butterflies on the walls

Focus on lighting a teenager's room

Modern lighting is the best way to beat interesting ideas for decorating a teenager's room. Simple objects will sparkle in a new way with original lighting. If you are tired of the old lampshades or they look too childish, there is an opportunity to make a lamp with your own hands.

It is better to leave the socket and electrical wiring unchanged, but make the chandelier in a new way. A large lampshade casts beautiful shadows on the ceiling, crocheted like openwork napkins.

There are many creative ideas on how to decorate a girl’s room with unusual lampshades using improvised materials. We offer a master class on making a lamp from disposable cups fastened with a stapler.

Video: DIY organization and decor