Dichondra silvery - “silver waterfall” in a pot. Dichondra ampel planting and care, watering, growing from seeds

Dichondra (lat. Dichondra) began to be used in floriculture recently. In 2004, the plant received a well-deserved silver medal at an international exhibition held in Moscow. Since then, its popularity has been growing year after year. And this is not surprising, because the dichondra plant is very attractive, with its help you can create magnificent compositions in hanging flowerpots, and not only.

The sonorous name comes from words from Greek language, δίς (dis) - means “two”, χόνδρος (chondros) - “grain”, which is directly related to fruits. The plant is native to New Zealand, although it is found in many parts of Australia. East Asia, America. It grows there like a weed. In Cuba, dichondra is called "bonus" because it begins to bloom at Christmas.

Ampelous dichondra (Dichondra)


Dichondra is a genus of perennial hanging or creeping herbaceous plants of the Convolvulaceae family. The root system is superficial. The height of the shoots reaches only 15 cm, but the average length is 0.95 - 1.55 m. The stems are branched, creeping, quickly rooting in leaf nodules

The leaves are simple, kidney-shaped, alternate on fairly long petioles, entire, often heart-shaped, 0.5 to 2.5 cm long. Dichondra flowers are inconspicuous, tiny, purple, white or yellowish-green, 2-3 mm in diameter. The fruit is a spherical capsule with two capsules of hairy seeds in small quantities.

Dichondra in hanging flowerpots

Types and varieties

Quantity existing species disputed. Some scientists divide the genus into ten individual species, although others distinguish only two types. Members of the genus are known as ponysfoots, and are similar to many plants native to tropical and warm temperate regions around the world.

Dichondra micrantha sometimes used for lawns as a ground cover plant. The leaves are round, horizontal, 8-25 mm in diameter. Height 20-35 mm. A well-groomed lawn consisting entirely of dichondra is difficult to grow and maintain. good condition.

Dichondra in the design of a high border

Dichondra repens or silver (D.repens or D. argentea) - the species on the basis of which 2 were bred popular varieties(others cannot be found on sale yet):

  • Emerald waterfall - with green leaves. Can grow in both sun and partial shade.
  • Silver waterfall - with silver leaves. Shoots can reach 1.5 m. Grows best in the sun with sufficient watering.

During the growing season there may not be any flowering, or small purple flowers may form that do not add decorative value to the plant.

Dichondra brachypoda. The leaves are bright green, almost round or curved.

Photo gallery of species

Growing and care

Before planting, the “seed bed” should be carefully prepared; for this, it is scrupulously treated with pesticides. After the plants grow, weeds are very difficult to remove. Any place for culture is suitable - sunny, shade, but partial shade is better.

Please note! You should not get carried away with the shadow; excessive darkening slows down growth.

Dihonda is not picky about soil. Prefers deep, loose, well-drained soil. Loam with neutral acidity is quite suitable. On fertile lands, the plant grows more intensively and forms larger leaves.

Dichondra planting date open ground or hanging planters depends on climatic features region. IN middle lane seedlings are planted in late May or early June. In the southern regions, the month of May is suitable for planting, in the northern regions - early-mid June.

Please note! Planting is carried out only when consistently warm days arrive, otherwise the immature seedlings will die.

Proper care for dichondra growing - wonderful result

Dichondra is moisture-loving and requires sufficient quantity moisture, and spraying the leaves, but does not like waterlogging or complete drying of the soil.

To achieve the desired decorative effect in the summer, every two weeks you should fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen and potassium. In winter, Dichondra does not need feeding.

To improve branching, pinch the plant after the eighth true leaf appears. And then during the growth process they are regularly pruned to form a dense crown.

Weeds must be removed carefully so as not to damage the roots located shallow in the ground.

Lawn dichondra requires cutting. Mow it to the height required for each area. The procedure is carried out every two weeks during the summer months. But it is not recommended to mow too low, so as not to end up with bare spots.

During wintering, the plant is provided with an additional source of light. Good lighting the main condition for a successful winter.

Remember! After cutting, simply root the cuttings under the film at any time.

Dichondra - an unusual landscape of the park


Royal specimens are stored in winter in a tropical or subtropical greenhouse, or on a glazed balcony, or in extreme cases in room conditions. To do this, separate the light windowsill with film to create cool conditions. In the Southern regions, some types of plants do not need to be brought into the house, but should be sprinkled root system soil and cover the plant with film, and sprinkle leaves from the trees on top.

It is important to know! When moving indoors for the winter, cut off long vines (they are used for cuttings) and reduce watering. But keep in mind that a lack of moisture will cause the leaves to curl and the plant will slowly die.

Dichondra mixed with other plants



To grow dichondra from seeds, they can be sown from the end of January to mid-March. To do this you need:

  • Pour dichondra seeds into a light, damp substrate and sprinkle them thin layer land.
  • Cover with film and place in a warm place where the temperature is not lower than +21˚С.
  • Before germination begins, maintain constant humidity in the greenhouse.
  • In 8-9 days they will sprout. The amount of moisture should then be reduced. The first leaves do not look like ordinary dichondra leaves.
  • After the appearance of 2 true leaves, the seedlings are planted and transplanted into separate containers.
  • With the onset of warm weather, the seedlings are planted in their designated place.

Remember! In apartment conditions, daily spraying of foliage is necessary, but not waterlogging of the soil.

Dichondra seedlings


Propagation of dichondra by cuttings is much faster and easier. The cuttings take root well. You can plant at any time, but it is better to cut in the fall so that in the spring you can plant beautiful rooted plants on the site.

Pests and diseases

Pests that plague dichondra are fleas, aphids and whiteflies. All of them are relatively easy to eliminate with the help of insecticides. But diseases are best prevented. Some tips for disease prevention:

  • Instead of mulching, it is better to pull out weeds by hand;
  • if the plants have formed a dense carpet and the soil surface is not visible, the number of waterings should be reduced;
  • bring in nitrogen fertilizers during the growing season should be in reasonable quantities.

Floral arrangement using dichondra

Use in landscape design

Dichondra is perhaps the best decorative foliage plant used for hanging baskets and plant pots. The silvery type of crop is loved for the unusual color of the foliage, which serves as a wonderful backdrop for any flowering plants and reminiscent of the overflow of flowing water. With its help, you can simply create an imitation of a flowing stream, waterfall or lake.

It effectively decorates high borders, the cascading stems of which, reaching the ground, take root and grow like ground cover. It thrives under trees where lawn grasses do not grow. It is sown between slabs on footpaths. You can move along it, although this is often not possible. It is suitable for a rocky garden. Often planted in tubs with other flowers.

The resulting patchwork “carpet” lawn also looks great co-cultivation several low-growing creeping plants.

Dichondra is an excellent plant for decorating flower beds or for creating green walls, cascades, arches, curtains, screens. Cascades of emerald or silver-green leafy shoots are shaped like a waterfall.

It is widely used in the design of gazebos, terraces, and verandas. It looks most expressive in hanging flowerpots. Some gardeners replace it with lawn grass– dichondra grows excellently in partial shade, hiding unsightly bare areas among trees, quickly forming a thick covering between the stones of a decorative path.

Description of dichondra

Dichondra is a representative of the genus of herbaceous evergreen perennials of the Convolvulaceae family, a relative of which is the well-known morning glory. The name is inspired by Greek words, which translated mean “two grains,” hinting at the similarity of dichondra fruits with a two-chambered capsule. IN natural conditions lives in the humid tropics of Australia, New Zealand, East Asia, and America.

The root system of the plant is superficial, the height of the shoots is no more than 15 cm, and the length of creeping and creeping shoots reaches 1.5, and sometimes 8 m. The stems are branched and quickly take root with the help of roots formed in the internodes. Round coin-shaped leaves abundantly cover the shoots. Leaves with silky pubescence are silver or bright green - it depends on the variety. The unsightly flowers bloom from mid-May to August.

About 10 varieties are known, but the most famous are two varieties of dichondra: “Emerald Falls” and “Silver Falls”. At proper care it gains green mass very quickly - in a month you can put together an imitation of a waterfall or stream in your backyard from several bushes.

How to care for dichondra in open ground

Lighting and soil

Caring for dichondra is not burdensome and is accessible to any gardener. Dichondra loves a lot of light - it is placed in sunny areas, it is tolerant of partial shade. With a lack of lighting, the silvery foliage becomes greenish, the branches become elongated, and the leaves become smaller. Grows in almost any soil, but develops best in well-drained loam.


Dichondra is a representative of swamp flora - the humidity of the surrounding atmosphere is of extraordinary importance for it. The mass of leaf blades increases the more often you spray your plant.

But excess moisture in the soil can be destructive, as can drying out the substrate. When fluid stagnates, the surface roots rot. Water frequently and little by little, avoiding stagnation of water.

Once every two weeks you can feed the plant with a solution liquid fertilizers, this stimulates the formation of new shoots and leaves.

It is better to carry out all operations related to watering and fertilizing in the evening or in cloudy weather, since it is impossible to avoid moisture getting on the leaves. This should be avoided to avoid causing burns.

Dichondra ground cover

If you plant the plant as a ground cover, do not forget to gradually sprinkle it with soil in several places as the vines grow. This allows you to root long shoots: the plant grows stronger, producing additional shoots, the leaves become larger, evenly filling the allotted area.

Dichondra ampelous

Trimming allows you to shape lush crown or give various shapes to falling shoots. In addition, the plant is radically pruned in preparation for winter season, as well as before the onset of the warm season. The resulting cuttings can be used to rejuvenate planting material.

Dichondra as a houseplant Care and replanting of dichondra in an apartment

The flower is often grown as indoor plant. Caring for this beauty is simple: timely, regular watering (without excess) and sufficient lighting. The air temperature in the room is quite comfortable for the plant; you should not allow it to drop below 10 °C. There are no special requirements for air humidity. The plant responds well to feeding in the spring and summer with a frequency of 1-2 times a month. Use complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants according to the manufacturer's instructions. The soil for planting is nutritious, with a slightly acidic reaction.

It perfectly tolerates proximity to other flowers, which is used to create spectacular compositions. Dichondra is usually planted along the edge of a voluminous pot, creating a cascading waterfall of leaves that shades decorative flowering plants.

Over time, the space for the dichondra becomes small, and the need for a larger container arises. If necessary, the flower is replanted using the transshipment method - when the roots tightly entwine the earthen lump in the pot. The signal for this operation is the appearance of roots from drainage holes flowerpot. To do this, select a larger container, on the bottom of which expanded clay is placed, sprinkling it with a small layer of soil on top.

Roots that protrude from the drainage holes are trimmed. With one hand, take the top of the pot and turn it over so that the container is at the top. With the other hand, the flowerpot is removed from the plant like a hat from the head. Then they carefully turn the roots into a new container, pouring fresh soil into the space between the walls of the pot and the roots.

If it is not possible to keep adult plants in an apartment, then many gardeners grow dichondra as an annual, so in the fall they take cuttings, rooting the vines, thereby rejuvenating the flower. Such plantings take up very little space and are much easier to care for.

Dichondra bushes do not lose their attractiveness for 6 years or more with proper, timely care.
In Australia and New Zealand, the plant is considered a malicious weed, mercilessly exterminated by farmers and gardeners, but Europeans recognized dichondra as one of the best plants for designing vertical compositions.

Growing dichondra from seeds to seedlings at home

Most available method If it is impossible to purchase a ready-made plant, grow a flower from seeds. Sowing of seedlings is carried out from the end of January - mid-February. The sooner you do this, the faster the dichondra will gain vegetative mass in the first season.

To guarantee germination, you can pre-treat the seeds with a growth stimulant, for example, epin. Agave juice (squeeze a few drops from a leaf and add water) or a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of liquid) is also suitable for soaking. It is enough to keep the seeds for about an hour in any of the solutions.

If you purchased granulated grains, then they are sown dry. A loose substrate is suitable for sowing. It is better to immediately place 2-3 grains in pots to a depth of no more than a centimeter. Crops are covered with glass, film or placed in plastic bag. They begin to germinate within a week. At first they grow very slowly. To prevent the sprouts from stretching, keep them close to the light - you can organize additional lighting fluorescent lamps or special phytolamps.

If the seedlings have stretched out, they can be saved by carefully adding loose soil between the plants, adding from a spoon using a toothpick. This way the thin legs won’t break and the seedlings won’t die, and over time the trunks will become more powerful.

When 2-3 true leaves are formed, dichondra seedlings can be transplanted one plant at a time into cups, or several at a time into hanging pots. Before planting seedlings in open ground or placing flowerpots on the balcony, be sure to harden the dichondra. In the first season, seedlings do not develop actively enough and do not have time to build up a lush vegetative mass.

The video will tell you about growing dichondra from seeds:

Dichondra propagation by cuttings

They take root well in a moist, loose substrate - sand mixed with peat. The best time for cuttings is the end of February. It’s better to immediately place two or three of them in a pot and cover glass jar, which is removed after the appearance of new kidneys. Thus, you will already have a ready-made flowerpot; all that remains is to care for it as an adult plant. You can plant the cuttings one at a time in pots for rooting or several in a container, so that later, with the arrival of warm days, they can be planted in flower beds.

When growing dichondra as ground cover plant, some of the cut branches can be sprinkled with earth - after a few days, the beginnings of roots will appear in this place. Soon, you will receive specimens ready for independent life.

How to propagate dichondra by layering

Any dichondra lash can be rooted by sprinkling it with earth. After a week or two, rooting occurs and new shoots appear in the place of the powder. After a month, you can carefully cut off a new plant, dig it up by the roots and replant it in a new place.

How to preserve silver dichondra in winter

Where winters are cold, dichondra is grown as annual plant, but she can easily overwinter in a cool room. Before wintering, shoots that are too long are cut off. All care comes down to periodic watering and rare feeding. If possible, it is better to place a flower pot on an entrance window or on a heated loggia - there is enough light there and the temperature is optimal. If the dichondra has to be kept in the room, then after turning on central heating The leaves need to be sprayed with water several times a day. But most of all it suffers from a lack of lighting - take care of organizing the lighting with special lamps.

You can try keeping the dichondra in the basement. To do this, everything is cut off, the rhizome is carefully dug up, with a lump of earth is transferred to the basement, covered with damp peat. In spring, new stems with sprouts form on such a plant. They can be used for cuttings, and the bush itself is planted again in the flowerbed.

Pests and diseases

Dichondra is resistant to various diseases and pests. Being a weed by nature, it copes perfectly with all kinds of misfortunes.

Dichondra in landscape design and as a hanging plant for decorating facades

Growing dichondra in and indoor floriculture Mainly used for vertical decoration of exteriors and interiors. She disembarks at hanging baskets and flowerpots with the ability to grow and fall into waterfalls of picturesque shoots. It is often used for background landscaping, incomparably shading colorful compositions with its foliage. They even create original sculptures from it. A frame is made from wire, and the dichondra braids it, resulting in an incomparable creation.

Dichondra ( Dichondra) is a very sophisticated plant that can be grown both indoors and in the garden, or by creating “waterfalls” (the so-called hanging plant), or using it as a ground cover.

How to grow from seeds?

Growing dichondra from seeds is not a difficult process, but it is long. Seeds begin to be sown in January or February. Before sowing, it is better to soak them overnight in water with a growth stimulator diluted in it. The next day, the seeds are sown several at a time in seedling pots with peat soil. Lightly sprinkle with earth on top. The seed planting depth is no more than 1 cm. Subsequently, before seed germination, greenhouse conditions are required: moisture and heat. Watering should be regular; a delicate amount of growth stimulator can be added to the water. Heat is provided by creating a “home greenhouse”: pots with seedlings must be covered with glass or stretched cling film, leaving a small hole for oxygen to enter. At a temperature of about 25 degrees, it will take approximately 10 days for the seeds to hatch. When the sprouts are visually stronger, the “greenhouse” can be removed. It will take another month and a half or two before the first two main leaves appear on the plant, and it is ready to be planted in open ground or transferred to a pot outside.

Dichondra seedlings

How to plant in open ground?

If planting in open ground is intended, then the planting scheme depends on the goals: since the plant is most often used as a ground cover, but at the same time grows quite slowly, it is better to plant the sprouts closer to each other, at a distance of 10-15 cm. The soil can be any, but ensuring good drainage is vital.

This is how the “carpet” of dichondra grows

How to care?

Further care for dichondra consists of watering, feeding and actual reproduction. Regular and moderately abundant watering is very important for dichondra. The earthen ball around the plants should always be moist. Since watering without getting on the leaves is difficult, best time for him it is evening, when the sun has already set and there is no danger of burns. Feeding for dichondra is mandatory: once every 2 weeks with a growth stimulator. And the third important point in caring for dichondra - “reproduction”. Each new lash of the plant must be sprinkled with soil in the middle of the branch so that it takes root and, in turn, produces even more roots and branches. You can also cut off some of the stems and root the cut material either in greenhouse conditions, or directly next to mother plant. However, covering the branches with soil is more effective and will cause less trouble.

How to prepare for winter?

Wintering often becomes a problem for dichondra. As a rule, the plant cannot survive the Russian winter on its own. Considering that a plant usually takes a long time to grow, it is a shame to lose it due to weather conditions, so you can try saving it for the winter. If dichondra was grown as an ampelous plant in a pot, then it must be moved indoors for the winter. Then worst enemy The air in the house becomes dry, so a “greenhouse” is created for the dichondra for the winter, but with a fairly low temperature. At temperatures below 15 degrees the plant will survive, but will not develop. If dichondra was grown as

The silver dichondra (Dichondra argentea) is also called the creeping dichondra (Dichondra repens). This plant from the genus Convolvulaceae belongs to the hanging perennial decorative deciduous vines. Dichondra is widespread in Australian, American and East Asian countries. It is valued for its decorative creeping branches framed by thick leaves. It is widely used in landscape design for decorating gardens, loggias, gazebos and other buildings.

The name of the plant has Greek origins and is formed by two words: dic and chondros, which translates as two grains and characterizes the structure of the fruit.

Dichondra silver is a perennial decorative foliage creeping plant. Stems in nature can grow up to six to seven meters, and in cultivated species - up to two meters. Shoots can easily take root at leaf nodes. The lashes cascade and form a carpet, braiding the surface.

The peculiarity of the silver dichondra is that it grows more strongly in shaded places.

Rounded small leaves (up to 2.5 cm) can be green, gray, silver, depending on the species. The plant blooms with small yellow-green flowers that do not increase its decorative properties. Silver dichondra can be grown indoors and used to decorate garden compositions.

How many species Dichondra has is a controversial issue. According to some sources there are about ten of them. But it is known for sure that two popular types are most common among florists and flower growers:

  • Dichondra "Silver Falls". This variety is distinguished by its unusual color of rounded, pubescent leaves that resemble a waterfall of silver coins. The roots of the plant are superficial, and the height of the shoots does not exceed 20 cm, and their length reaches one and a half meters. "Silver Falls" blooms with small, inconspicuous purple flowers. This variety is in garden compositions can advantageously shade plants with bright flowers. Pairs well with, . The shoots of Dichondra "Silver Falls" can create the illusion of running water if the plant is planted in the shape of a stream.
  • Dichondra "Emerald Falls". The plant has long lashes and green leaves three millimeters in size. It blooms with small rich yellow flowers that bloom throughout the summer season. In their homeland, dichondra is considered a weed. Residents of some countries use the plant for lawn landscaping, which does not require mowing. Landscape designers They use an emerald waterfall of leaves to decorate sculptures, gazebos and fences. The variety "Emerald Falls" prefers light shade, but can also grow in sunny meadows. If the plant is regularly sprayed, the leaf density will increase and the flower will look fresher. Dichondra "Emerald Falls" is easy to grow from seeds because it does not require special care.

Seeds should be sown in mid-winter or early spring in seedling containers. The main thing here is when the dichondra will be needed for planting. The plant gains full color 4 months after germination.

In order to grow a plant from seeds, you need to follow some rules:

  • The soil should consist of fertile soil and sand in equal proportions.
  • The seed material should be buried no more than half a centimeter into the soil. The top of the container is covered with glass or transparent film. Place in a warm place and moisten periodically. When the first sprouts hatch, the shelter needs to be removed, but not immediately, but gradually. At the same time lowering the temperature of the content.
  • While maintaining temperature regime at 25 degrees, sprouts will appear in 1.5-2 weeks.
  • After one or two pairs of leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted apart from each other. For good growth lashes need a lot of space. The first individual container must be selected with a diameter of at least 10 cm.
  • In the case of garden landscaping, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place two months after picking.

If the plant is needed to decorate a room, balcony or loggia, then the sprouts can be planted in a pot and three seedlings at a time. As the plant grows, it should be bent to the ground. This way the shoots can take root using roots in the internodes of the leaves. The result will be thick silver waterfall. To give the plant correct form Dichondra shoots should be pruned, and cut cuttings are suitable for rooting.

In winter, the plant dies in the open ground, therefore, in order not to bother with the seeds, dichondra can be brought into the warmth: into the house or on closed gazebo, and in the spring prune and plant in the garden.

Propagation by cuttings

In this way, it is much easier and faster to propagate the Silver Falls dichondra, because the plant takes root well and grows rapidly.

To grow a new plant it is enough:

  • cut the stems and place them in water so that they sprout roots. This is usually done in autumn or spring.
  • a week later, when the first roots appear, the seedlings are planted in separate containers
  • after 20-30 days, young plants are planted in a permanent place

Simpler and convenient way reproduction, however, many gardeners still prefer to sow seeds. First, cuttings of Dichondra "Silver Falls" can be difficult to obtain. Secondly, after planting the cuttings, the plant must be kept warm, which is not always convenient.

Dichondra "Silver Falls" is an unpretentious plant and does not require special effort when growing. It grows quickly and has strong immunity to diseases and harmful insects.

In order to get a beautiful and lush plant that will decorate a garden or balcony with silver, it is enough to regularly water it, spray it and guess the location. And in order to give the correct shape, the dichondra should be trimmed annually.

Features of care:

  • Lighting. Dichondra "Silver Falls" prefers well-lit places. Due to light, the plant achieves maximum decorativeness. The flower can also grow in the shade, but the leaves will be smaller and duller.
  • Temperature conditions. Optimal temperature for a plant - within 17-26 degrees. When the temperature drops to 11 degrees and below, it negatively affects the development of silver dichondra.
  • Humidity. "Silver Falls" does not require special moisture, but during periods of high temperatures and hot climates it will appreciate spraying. The foliage will become more elastic and vibrant.
  • Irrigation. The only requirement that must be strictly fulfilled is so that the plant does not lose its decorative effect. The soil in the area must be constantly moistened, so dichondra needs regular and abundant irrigation. But there should be no stagnation of water, otherwise the flower will wither.
  • Fertilizer application. During the growing season, it is worth feeding dichondra for decorative foliage plants twice a month. IN winter time feeding is stopped.
  • . There is often no need to replant the flower. Replant as necessary when the roots tightly entwine the earthen ball. However, many gardeners grow dichondra as an annual, so in the fall they simply take cuttings and root young shoots. To prevent young plants from actively growing, they are placed in a dark, cool room.
  • Susceptibility to diseases and pests. Dichondra is distinguished by its amazing resistance to harmful insects. Although cases of infection are being recorded. If damaged, the damaged lashes should be removed and destroyed. After which you need to carry out additional treatment with insecticides.

Dichondra "Silver Falls" looks great on alpine slides. At proper landing and location, the plant creates the illusion of a stream running through the stones. Upon contact with foliage sunlight, she sends out “bunnies” and seems to sparkle. The plant also favorably emphasizes the colorfulness of bright flowers.

When decorating walls and fences on the site, you should take care correct placement, and we should not forget that dichondra lashes take root well during the growth process.

Therefore, plants should not be allowed on walls made of clay or other materials that can be damaged by the roots. Landscape designers practice decorating balconies, loggias, verandas and gazebos using Silver Waterfall. This approach allows not only to create beautiful view, but also to shade the room.

Spectacular and low-maintenance dichondra "Silver Falls" acts as an elegant decor. With a flowing silvery cascade, it forms a slight contrast against the background of rich greenery and colors in a blooming summer garden.

More information can be found in the video:

To perennial luxury evergreens refers to dichondra ampelous. She likes to grow in moist and marshy soil. The stems spread along the ground and can reach one and a half meters. Often the plant covers the garden area with a continuous carpet. On decorative climbing vines leaves with silky edges of bright green or silver color. To successfully grow dichondra at home, it is important to adhere to some rules for its breeding and care.

Brief description of the plant

On personal plot you can see a dense green carpet - this is the spreading evergreen climbing plant dichondra. The roots of the plant grow superficially. This point must be taken into account when weeding the soil from weeds.

Shoots can reach 15 centimeters in height and 1.5 meters in length.

Dichondra stems are creeping, quickly take root with superficial roots, branch, and form in internodes. In May, small flowers of greenish, purple, and yellowish shades begin to bloom. Flowering lasts until the end of summer. The plant is pollinated by small insects.

The stems of dichondra are abundantly covered with small leaves. The foliage is round, only 1 - 2.5 centimeters in diameter.

The plant can be grown both in the garden and in a flowerpot indoors. In this case, it is necessary to create all the conditions for the successful growth and development of the flower.

Dichondra happens different types, but most often gardeners grow the following plant varieties at home:

  1. The ampelous dichondra can harmoniously decorate any nondescript landscape. Designers and gardeners adore this variety for its rich appearance. The long flowing branches of the plant create a flowing e there is a waterfall.
  2. The plant variety "Emerald Falls" is small herbaceous plant with small leaves and tiny yellow-green flowers. Flowering usually occurs in the summer, but can also occur at other times of the year. Often this variety of dichondra replaces grass or lawn in gardens. Houses are decorated with “Emerald Falls” on the walls, adding sophistication to the interior.
  3. Simple potted plants are often decorated with the Silver Falls dichondra variety. This plant has a charming, sophisticated appearance. They often decorate balconies, terraces, and garden gazebos.

The varieties of dichondra listed above can grow in shady place. But it is important not to deprive the plant of natural sun rays, since constant darkness can lead to loss of decorativeness of the flower.

Read also: Impressive grandiflora delphinium: characteristics, varieties and care features

Nuances of planting and caring for plants

Planting and care ampelous dichondra must be carried out correctly so that the plant develops successfully and constantly decorates the garden area or room with its exquisite appearance.

A plant with green leaves can be planted in sunny places as well as in the shade. Silver dichondra should grow in a well-lit area.

It is recommended to grow the flower at a temperature of 20 - 25 degrees. It should not be allowed to drop below 15 degrees Celsius. In winter, the plant must be covered to protect it from frost and cold wind. If dichondra is a perennial, so that it does not freeze in winter, transplant it into a pot and place it indoors or securely cover it outside.

The plant can be planted in any universal substrate. When planting a flower in open ground, the soil must be disinfected by special means, and also mixed with complex mineral supplements.

Features of watering

Dichondra doesn't need high humidity air. In hot summers it is still recommended to spray it. With proper moisture, the flower will always be lush; with active growth, it will abundant flowering with beautiful leaves.

It is recommended to water the flowerpot abundantly. It is important to ensure that the water does not stagnate near the flower. For this reason, when landing, it is important to do good layer drainage Remainder excess liquid Pallets should be drained.

Dichondra should be watered with warm, settled water. The plant will be grateful for the settled rainwater.

Features of feeding

In spring and summer, the plant needs regular fertilization with complex mineral fertilizers. They are deposited two varas per month.

In regions where winters are warm, dichondra remains to spend the winter outside. It is simply sprinkled with earth, covered with film and fallen leaves.

If winters are harsh, the perennial should be moved to a greenhouse with an air temperature of 11 - 15 degrees Celsius.

In winter, the bush is hardly watered and is not fertilized at all.

If dichondra grows outside in the summer, it is dug up along with the ground and stored in the basement until spring. In the spring, shoots with root shoots are pruned, and the root itself is planted in open ground.

Trimming Features

To ensure proper care, dichondra branches must be pruned. Pruning helps the plant grow both in length and width. Using pruning, you can give the bush the desired density, which is necessary when creating various compositions.

Thanks to pruning evergreen shrub can have its own interesting shape each time.

Protection from diseases and pests

Dichondra withstands pest attacks and hardly gets sick. If signs of illness or insect attack appear, the problems that arise can be eliminated with special means.

Read also: Planting and caring for colchicums

Most often, the ampelous dichondra is attacked by a nematode, which is successfully eliminated with the help of special drugs.

To prevent pest attacks, follow these recommendations:

  • remove weeds only by hand , and also do not mulch the soil where the plant grows;
  • if the flower has formed a dense carpet, slightly reduce the number of waterings;
  • do not overuse nitrogen fertilizers.

Very rarely, but the plant suffers from attack by aphids or fleas. Such pests are usually destroyed with acaricides.

Rules for planting plants in the garden

Dichondra ampelous is planted in open ground two months after emergence. Approximately the planting of young animals occurs in May or mid-June.

The shrub can grow successfully in the sun as well as in the shade. It can be planted on loamy soil With good drainage. When planting, seedlings should be 10 centimeters apart. Place the seedlings together with a ball of earth in small holes, sprinkle them with soil, compact them and water them.

In the future for garden flower It should be properly cared for so that its decorative effect is maintained for 5 to 7 years. Therefore, it is important to regularly water the dichondra and spray it in extreme heat.

During the growing season, fertilize the soil twice a month with complex fertilizers with the addition of nitrogen and potassium.

As soon as 8 leaves are formed on the branches of the plant, they should be pinched. In summer, a heavily overgrown plant must be pruned every 14 days.

When removing weeds, perform all work carefully so as not to damage the roots of the ampelous flower, which may be close to the soil surface.

Features of growing plants from seeds

Dichondra seeds are sown in January - March, and it should be taken into account when it is necessary to obtain a plant for landscaping a room or garden. The branches fully acquire their decorative properties only four months after the formation of the first sprouts. If the loggia will be decorated with dichondra in May, it is recommended to sow the seeds in January.

Ampelous dichondra is grown from seeds according to the following rules:

  1. Sow the seed to a depth of no more than five millimeters.
  2. The soil for the flower should include fertile soil and sand.
  3. After sowing, sprinkle the seeds on top with prepared soil, water and cover with glass. Such conditions will allow the seedlings to sprout well and on time.
  4. If the container with seeds is kept in a room with a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, the first seedlings will germinate within ten days. After the first shoots appear, remove the cover and place the seedlings on a windowsill with good lighting;
  5. The seedlings will grow slowly over three weeks. As soon as three open leaves are formed, it can be said that the plant has successfully taken root.
  6. After three leaves appear on the seedlings, they are picked into different containers.

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Plant three seedlings in one pot at once. As they grow, bend the branches to the ground. They will take root with new shoots. After a couple of months, a dense bush will form. To get a beautiful dichondra shape, carefully trim the shoots from time to time.

Ampelous dichondra reproduces by seeds and stem cuttings. Propagation by seeds is described above.

After pruning the bush, the cut cuttings can be rooted for the purpose of propagating dichondra ampelous. Place the cut branches on top of the moistened soil and press down in several places. After the roots appear, the shoot will need to be divided. In order for the branches to take root successfully, maintain indoors high temperature air. Mature plant can be trimmed and brought indoors for the winter. In winter it will not grow and develop. In the spring, new shoots form at the cut site, which can be used as cuttings for propagation.

Use of plants in landscape design

  • To make a loggia or gazebo look chic and cozy, it can be decorated with greenery or an emerald ampelous dichondra. It is often used to decorate the soil in the garden.
  • Silver dichondra can be used to beautifully decorate an alpine slide. The planted plant will look like a running waterfall among the stones. When the sun hits the silvery surface of the bush, it looks elegant. Therefore, it is planted near brightly flowering plants.
  • The plant will look elegant together with dahlia, petunia, and bindweed. To create an amazing composition, you can plant two types of ampelous dichondra at the same time.
  • Often the plant is used not only to decorate fences, alpine slides, verandas and gazebos, but also to create exquisite interior in the house.

Now you know how dichondra ampelous is grown and propagated. In order for her to grow and develop successfully, it is important to provide her with proper and timely care. In one area, you can sow several types of plants at the same time, and then the garden will become more decorative with an extraordinary twist.