The following provisions are characteristic of a democratic management style. Leadership styles in the organization - types, characteristics, management features

Leadership style- the demeanor of the leader in relation to subordinates, in order to influence them and induce them to achieve the goals of the organization.

According to Likert's theory, four leadership styles are distinguished:

    Exploitative-authoritarian: the leader has clear characteristics of an autocrat, does not trust subordinates, rarely attracts them to decision making, and the tasks are formed by himself. The main incentive is fear and the threat of punishment, rewards are random, interaction is based on mutual distrust. Formal and informal organization are in confrontation.

    Paternalistic-authoritarian: The leader favorably allows subordinates to have limited participation in decision-making. The reward is real and the punishment is potential, both are used to motivate workers. The informal organization is in part opposed to the formal structure.

    Advisory: the leader makes strategic decisions and, showing trust, delegates tactical decisions to subordinates. The limited involvement of workers in the decision-making process is used for motivation. The informal organization does not coincide with the formal structure only partially.

    Democratic the management style is characterized by complete trust, based on the wide involvement of personnel in the management of the organization. The decision-making process is dispersed across all levels, although it is integrated. The flow of communications goes not only in vertical directions, but also horizontally. Formal and informal organizations interact constructively.

50 Democratic management style (collegial)

Democratic style management is characterized by the distribution of powers, initiative and responsibility between the head and deputies, the head and subordinates. The leader of the democratic style always finds out the opinion of the team on important production issues, makes collegial decisions. The members of the team are regularly and timely informed on issues of importance to them. Communication with subordinates takes place in the form of requests, wishes, recommendations, advice, rewards for high-quality and efficient work, kindly and politely; orders are applied as needed. The leader stimulates a favorable psychological climate in the team, defends the interests of subordinates.

Democratic management style - a leadership style in which the leader develops directives, commands and orders based on proposals developed by a general meeting of employees or a circle of authorized persons.


Organizations dominated by the principle of democratic leadership are characterized by a high degree of decentralization of powers, active participation of employees in decision-making, and the creation of such conditions in which the performance of official duties is attractive to them and success is a reward.

A true democratic leader tries to make the responsibilities of subordinates more attractive, avoids imposing his will on them, involves in decision-making, and provides the freedom to formulate his own goals based on the ideas of the organization.

Within the framework of "Advisory" the leader is interested in the opinion of subordinates, consults with them, seeks to use all the best that they offer. Among the stimulating measures, encouragement prevails; punishment is used only in exceptional cases. Employees are generally satisfied with this management system, despite the fact that most decisions are actually prompted to them from above, and usually try to provide their boss with all possible assistance and support morally when necessary.

"Participatory" the form of democratic management assumes that the manager fully trusts his subordinates in all matters (and then they answer in the same way), always listens to them and uses all constructive suggestions, involves employees in setting goals and monitoring their implementation. At the same time, responsibility for the consequences of decisions made is not shifted to subordinates. All this brings the team together.

Usually, a democratic management style is used when the performers are good, sometimes better than the leader, understand the intricacies of the work and can bring a lot of novelty and creativity into it. A democrat leader, if necessary, can compromise or reject the decision altogether if the subordinate's logic is convincing. Where an autocrat would act by order and pressure, a democrat tries to convince, to prove the expediency of solving the problem, the benefits that employees can receive.

At the same time, the inner satisfaction received by subordinates from the opportunity to realize their creative abilities is of paramount importance. Subordinates can independently make decisions and look for ways to implement them within the framework of the powers granted, without paying special attention to trifles.

As a rule, the environment created by a democrat leader is also educational in nature and allows you to achieve goals at low cost. There is a positive resonance of the authorities: the authority of the position is supported by personal authority. Management takes place without harsh pressure, relying on the abilities of employees, respecting their dignity, experience and skills. This creates a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

Research has shown that an authoritarian style can do about twice as much work as a democratic one. But its quality, originality, novelty, the presence of elements of creativity will be by the same order of magnitude lower. From this we can conclude that the authoritarian style is preferable for simpler types of activity, focused on quantitative results, and the democratic style is preferable for complex ones, where quality comes first.

Subsequent developments led to the substantiation of two new styles, in many respects close to authoritarian and democratic.

The style in which the manager focuses on solving the task assigned to him (distributes tasks among subordinates, plans, draws up work schedules, develops approaches to their implementation, provides everything necessary, etc.) was called task-oriented(instrumental). The style when the leader creates a favorable moral and psychological climate, organizes joint work, focuses on mutual assistance, allows performers to participate in decision-making as much as possible, encourages professional growth, etc. got the name focused onsubordinates (human relations).

Subordinate-oriented a leadership style close to democratic, promotes productivity growth, as it gives room to creativity of people, increases their satisfaction. Its use reduces absenteeism, creates a higher morale, improves team relationships and the attitude of subordinates to leadership.

Potential Benefits task-oriented leadership style, in many ways similar to the authoritarian. They consist in the speed of making decisions and actions, strict control over the work of subordinates. However, it puts the performers in a position of dependence, gives rise to their passivity, which ultimately leads to a decrease in work efficiency.

The leader here basically informs the subordinates about their duties, tasks, determines how they need to be solved, distributes responsibilities, approves plans, sets norms, and controls.

Typically, leaders use either a democratic, people-centered style, or an authoritarian, work-oriented style.


Liberal style management is characterized by the lack of active participation of the leader in the management of the team. Such a leader "goes with the flow", waits or demands instructions from above, or falls under the influence of the collective. He prefers not to take risks, "not stick his head out", dodges the resolution of urgent conflicts, seeks to reduce his personal responsibility. He lets the work take its course, rarely supervises it. This leadership style is preferable in creative teams, where employees are distinguished by independence and creative individuality.

Liberal management style is a leadership style in which the leader develops directives, commands and orders that are subject to strict execution by the persons subordinate to the leader on the basis of their own opinion, taking into account the opinions of subordinates.


In the same place where it is a question of the need to stimulate the creative approach of performers to their work, it is most preferable liberal stylemanagement. Its essence lies in the fact that the manager sets a task for subordinates, creates the necessary organizational conditions for work, defines its rules and sets the boundaries of the decision, while he himself fades into the background, leaving behind himself the functions of a consultant, arbitrator, expert evaluating the results obtained and in case of doubts and disagreements, the executors make the final decision. He also provides employees with information, encourages, trains.

Subordinates, freed from annoying control, independently make the necessary decisions and seek, within the framework of the powers granted, ways to implement them. Such work allows them to express themselves, brings satisfaction and forms a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, generates trust between people, contributes to the voluntary acceptance of increased obligations.

The use of this style is becoming more widespread due to the growing scale scientific research and research and development activities carried out by highly qualified specialists. They do not accept command, pressure, petty tutelage, etc.

In advanced firms, coercion gives way to persuasion, and strict control gives way to trust, obedience to cooperation, cooperation. This kind of soft governance, aimed at creating “manageable autonomy” of the units, facilitates the natural application of new management methods, which is especially important when creating innovations.

At the same time, this style can easily transform into bureaucratic, when the leader completely removes himself from affairs, handing them over to the hands of "promoted". The latter manage the collective on his behalf, using more and more authoritarian methods. At the same time, he pretends that the power is in his hands, but in fact he becomes more and more dependent on his volunteer assistants. A sad example of this is the army hazing.

In real life, there is no “pure” leadership style, therefore, each of the above, to one degree or another, contains elements of the others.

One can understand why both the autocratic approach and the approach from the standpoint of human relations have won many supporters. But now it is already clear that both those and other supporters sinned by exaggeration, drawing conclusions that are not fully supported by facts. There are many well-documented situations where the supportive autocratic style has proven to be highly effective.

The democratic style has its strengths, successes and weaknesses. Certainly, many organizational problems could be solved if improved human relations and worker participation in decision-making always lead to greater satisfaction and higher productivity. Unfortunately, this does not happen. Scientists have encountered situations where workers were involved in decision making, but, nevertheless, the level of satisfaction was low, as well as situations where satisfaction was high and productivity low.

It is clear that the relationship between leadership style, satisfaction, and performance can only be determined through lengthy and extensive empirical research.

There are no “bad” or “good” management styles. The specific situation, type of activity, personal characteristics of subordinates and other factors determine optimal ratio of each style and the prevailing leadership style. The study of the practice of managing organizations shows that in the work of an effective leader, to one degree or another, each of the three leadership styles is present.

Contrary to popular stereotypes, the prevailing leadership style is virtually gender-independent. There is a misconception that women leaders are softer and more focused on maintaining good relationship with business partners, while male executives are more aggressive and result-oriented. The reasons for the separation of leadership styles may be more likely to be personal characteristics and temperament, rather than gender characteristics. Successful top managers - both men and women - are not adherents of just one style. As a rule, they intuitively or quite deliberately combine different leadership strategies.

an adaptive style, that is, a style focused on a specific reality, determined by the external environment, the capabilities of subordinates, the characteristics of the problem being solved, the resources and capabilities of the organization.

Four adaptive control schemes

Project Scope Management... Solutions evolve from custom specifications, and custom specifications evolve from proposed solutions (anti-schema: requirements are precisely and completely defined in advance).

The regulation of the process. The regulation of the process and controls changes from weak to strong (antischeme: throughout the project, the degree of regulation remains unchanged).

Quality factor of progress... Successful projects are characterized by an alternation of progress and retreats (anti-scheme: as the plan is blindly executed without noticeable deviations, 90% of the allocated funds are used).

Quality control... Throughout the work on the project, intermediate versions are thoroughly tested (anti-schema: testing is considered as something secondary and is postponed until the final stages).

54 ... The difference between a leader and a leader

Usually a manager is a formal position, in which a person simply exercises control over the process. He makes sure that subordinates do not make mistakes that would disrupt the debugged process.

Leadership is psychological phenomenon... Leadership is technology. Formally, it is impossible to be a leader. Leaders are not appointed. But a leader can become a leader.

Managers / managers

Get their job

Take the lead

Accept and maintain the status quo

Challenge the status quo

Strive for predictability and order

Strive for change

Realize goals

Shape Vision

Organize cases for the implementation of the event

Create events

Operate within the framework of the organizing rules, regulations, strategies, procedures

They act outside the rules, regulations, strategies, procedures adopted in the organization

Motivate staff

Inspire people

Avoid risks

Take risks

They develop the order, stage-by-stage of actions and the timing of their implementation

Develop concepts and strategies

Monitor compliance with criteria

Develop criteria, set a framework

Emphasis on tactics, structure

Emphasis on fundamental values, shared goals

Organized by staff

Unite like-minded people

Interested in performance

Interested in efficiency

Blake-Moughton management grid(eng. Blake and Mouton leadership grid) - A concept developed at Ohio State University was modified and popularized by Blake and Moughton, who built a grid (diagram) that included 5 main styles of leadership (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Blake-Moughton management grid (matrix of leadership styles)

The vertical axis of this diagram ranks “care for people” on a scale from 1 to 9. The horizontal axis ranks “care for production” also on a scale from 1 to 9. Leadership style is determined by both of these criteria. In total, we get 81 positions (9x9), i.e. 81 options for the management style. Each of the options for managing a company can be compared with any other in this matrix. Of course, it is impossible to clearly define which quadrant of the matrix a given type of leadership belongs to. In fact, it is not necessary to do this, since there is no specific meaning to be derived from the quadrant number. Blake and Moughton described five extreme and most characteristic matrix positions.

1.1 - fear of poverty (primitive leadership). On the part of the manager, only minimal effort is required to achieve the quality of work that will avoid dismissal.

This position characterizes a type of leader who is rather cold about both his subordinates and the production process itself. He believes that a manager can always resort to the help of an outside expert or specialist. Such business management will help to avoid conflicts, troubles, create favorable conditions for the work of the manager himself, and, in addition, expand the range of new ideas implemented in production. As a rule, such a manager cannot be called a leader, a beacon. Rather, he is simply “the keeper of his portfolio and chair”. But this state of affairs cannot last long. Sooner or later, the most serious difficulties will force either to reconsider the leadership style, or to change the leader himself.

1.9 - Holiday House (social leadership). The leader focuses on good, warm human relationships, but cares little about the effectiveness of assignments. This position characterizes leaders who devote Special attention the needs and requirements of their subordinates, which cannot be said about the production process. Managers of this type believe that the basis for success is in maintaining an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding in the team. Such a leader, as a rule, is loved by his subordinates, they are ready to support their leader in difficult times. Employee turnover in enterprises with this management style is very low, as is the number of absenteeism, and the level of job satisfaction is very high. Unfortunately, excessive gullibility towards subordinates often leads to the adoption of half-hearted ill-considered decisions, due to this, production suffers. Agile subordinates very often abuse their confidence or even try to replace the soft leader.

9.1 - authority - subordination... The leader cares very much about the efficiency of the work performed, but pays little attention to the morale of subordinates. This position is typical for managers who prioritize concern for production and practically do not carry out any social activities. They believe that such activity is a manifestation of softness and leads to mediocre results. In addition, they believe that the quality of management decisions does not depend on the degree of participation of subordinates in its adoption. The positive traits of this type of manager are high level responsibility, ability to work, organizational talent, intelligence. However, a distance is constantly maintained between such a leader and his subordinates, there is often no direct connection and mutual understanding, only a satisfactory level of group discipline remains.

5.5 - organization (production and social management). The manager achieves acceptable performance on assignments by balancing efficiency and good morale. This position characterizes the type of leader who skillfully combines concern for people with concern for production. Such a manager believes that the compromise in all cases - the best solution, it is the basis for effective management. Decisions must be made by the manager, but must be discussed and corrected with subordinates. Control over the decision-making process is, as it were, compensation for workers for exercising control over their activities in the production process. Positive traits of this type of leaders are constancy, interest in the success of undertakings, non-standard thinking, progressive views. However, unfortunately, the progressiveness of views does not extend directly to the management style itself, which does not contribute to the development and forward movement of all production. The competitiveness of firms with this management style sometimes leaves much to be desired. As, however, and some aspects of the inner life of the team.

9.9 - team... Through increased attention to subordinates and efficiency, the leader ensures that the subordinates are consciously involved in the goals of the organization. This ensures both high morale and high productivity. This position characterizes a type of leader who treats both people and the production he heads with equal care. Unlike the position manager (5.5), who believes that compromise is the key to success, this type of manager does not stop halfway. He seeks to make every effort both in the field of social policy and in production itself. Moreover, they consider the active involvement of subordinates in the decision-making process the best way to increase productivity, improve the quality of products and services. This makes it possible to increase the job satisfaction of all employees and to take into account the slightest nuances that affect the efficiency of the production process.

Blake and Mouton proceeded from the assumption that the most effective leadership style - the optimal style - was the leader's behavior in position 9.9. In their opinion, such a leader combines high degree attention to their subordinates and the same attention to productivity. They also realized that there are many activities where it is difficult to clearly and unambiguously identify the leadership style, but they believed that training and a sense of purpose allows all leaders to approach the 9.9 style, thereby increasing their effectiveness.

The Leadership Style Matrix is ​​by far the most popular approach to learning leadership styles. It is not only a successful combination of other research on this topic, but it also gives leaders a special opportunity to assess their position and try to start moving towards improving their management style.

Leadership style- the way, the system of methods of influence of the head on subordinates. One of critical factors effective work organization, the full realization of the potential of people and the team. Most researchers identify the following leadership styles:

  • Directive style (authoritarian);
  • Democratic style(collegial);
  • Liberal style (conniving or anarchic).

Directive management style characterized by high centralization of leadership, dominance of one-man management. The manager requires that all cases be reported to him, individually makes decisions or cancels them. He does not listen to the opinion of the team, he decides everything for the team himself. The predominant management methods are orders, punishments, remarks, reprimands, deprivation of various benefits. Control is very strict, detailed, depriving subordinates of initiative. The interests of the case are put much higher than the interests of people; harshness and rudeness prevail in communication.

Democratic management style characterized by the distribution of powers, initiative and responsibility between the head and deputies, the head and subordinates. The leader of the democratic style always finds out the opinion of the team on important production issues, makes collegial decisions. The members of the team are regularly and timely informed on issues of importance to them. Communication with subordinates takes place in the form of requests, wishes, recommendations, advice, rewards for high-quality and efficient work, kindly and politely; orders are applied as needed. The leader stimulates a favorable psychological climate in the team, defends the interests of subordinates.

Liberal management style characterized by the lack of active participation of the leader in the management of the team. Such a leader "goes with the flow", waits or demands instructions from above, or falls under the influence of the collective. He prefers not to take risks, "not stick his head out", dodges the resolution of urgent conflicts, seeks to reduce his personal responsibility. He lets the work take its course, rarely supervises it. This leadership style is preferable in creative teams, where employees are distinguished by independence and creative individuality.

There are no “bad” or “good” management styles. The specific situation, type of activity, personal characteristics of subordinates, and other factors determine the optimal ratio of each style and the prevailing style of leadership. The study of the practice of managing organizations shows that in the work of an effective leader, to one degree or another, each of the three leadership styles is present.

Contrary to popular stereotypes, the prevailing leadership style is virtually gender-independent. (There is a misconception that female leaders are softer and more focused on maintaining good relationships with business partners, while male leaders are more aggressive and focused on the final result). The reasons for the separation of leadership styles may be more likely to be personal characteristics and temperament, rather than gender characteristics.

Successful top managers - both men and women - are not adherents of just one style. As a rule, they intuitively or quite deliberately combine different leadership strategies.

The art of management implies the solution of specific tasks with the use of all available resources (human, industrial, time). Personnel management is a special type of activity that implements and summarizes a huge array of issues that take into account the personal factor of administration. There are several styles of personnel coordination. Among them, one of the most interesting is the democratic management style. It has certain characteristics, pluses, minuses that need to be considered in detail.


A democratic management style is characterized by the fact that various powers, initiatives and even responsibility are distributed between the leader and his subordinates. Its main component is the manager's interest in the opinion of employees. In difficult situations related to production, a collegial decision is made. A democratic management style implies that in the course of constant communication and discussion, timely information is provided on all major issues, one way or another concerning the functioning of the company. Awareness among employees (within their qualifications) fosters a sense of ownership and self-worth all members of the company's team, without exception.

Features and characteristics of a democratic management style

Particular attention should be paid to the form of communication. It is in the nature of recommendations, requests, incentives. And if necessary, the order is applied. A polite and benevolent leader ensures a favorable psychological climate at work. This type of manager prefers team play... The leader does not see himself as a puppeteer pulling the strings of power. The main motivation for such actions is that when favorable conditions employees themselves strive for responsibility, participating in the solution of some organizational issues. There is a space for maneuvers in which self-control and self-control can be organized.

Within the framework of a democratic management style, two forms should be distinguished: consultative and participatory.

Each of the forms has its own characteristics and characteristics.


As the name suggests, this type of democratic management style assumes that the interaction between management and employees is in the nature of a free exchange of views, expressed in the form of various consultations and meetings. The manager selects all the best practices that have been formed during such a brainstorming session.


There are situations when the performers understand the situation better than the boss, taking into account all the subtleties and specifics of the process. This gives them the opportunity to be creative in solving various assigned tasks. But their implementation takes place in agreement with the head and his full responsibility for the final result. This is possible in a team where relationships are built on the principle of trust in professional literacy and the competence of specialists.

This type of democratic management style presupposes the nature of interaction according to the principle of coordinating activity of a leader who is ready to trust the opinion of the team. In the functions of the leader, the general coordination of all chains is visible production process... The literal translation of the word "participatory" means involvement in any business, as well as in decision-making and implementation of work processes.

Comparison of species

The history of management has no examples of a pure form of any management style. It all depends on the goals set for the organization and the psychological climate prevailing in the team. When novelty and uniqueness are required, product quality is best suited to a democratic management style. Authority and tight control will work well in the context of simple quantity-oriented activities.

In a consultative form of management, the leader, holding meetings, selects the most suitable proposals, coordinating the actions of the team. Key decisions are made collectively, but control over the quality of execution and compliance with deadlines remains with the administration.

The main differences between the consultative and participatory form lie in the degree of ownership labor collective to all chains of the production process. With a participatory leadership style, employees not only consult with the boss, but are also involved in setting goals with subsequent monitoring of their implementation within the competence of employees. Differs from the liberal management style in that the leader accepts Active participation in the process, while a liberal, evading the solution of the most pressing issues, trying to reduce personal responsibility. This happens for two reasons:

  1. The management falls under the full influence of its own team.
  2. All members of the team are distinguished by independence and creative individuality.

Typically, such processes occur against the background of high qualifications of workers.

The pros and cons of a democratic management style push the leader to dosed it. The reason for this will be a lot of circumstances.


Like any other, democratic governance is characterized by its merits and demerits. The first group includes the following parameters:

  • the accuracy of the formulation of the company's goals and employee responsibilities;
  • the general psychological climate in the team contributes to the formation of corporate and active position employees;
  • involvement in a common cause pushes for the formation of friendly relations between the leader and subordinates;
  • employees, within the framework of their competence, are able to independently make decisions for the professional performance of their duties;
  • the leader mostly resorts to persuasive leadership strategies, rather than coercive ones;
  • a democratic management style in management is the ability to solve rare, exclusive problems in the least amount of time using non-standard methods.


The main disadvantages of using a democratic governance model are the following:

  • discussion and decision-making by the team, as usual, takes a large number of time, that in a situation of stress of the organization's management is an unaffordable luxury;
  • incorrect application of the strategy by the leader, leads to disorganization and indiscipline of the team;
  • in some situations, adoption correct decision becomes problematic due to the difficulties that have arisen.

Examples from life

Knowledge of the basics and rules of leadership styles is not a guarantor successful management company, since they require reasonable application in the current situation, taking into account all the factors of internal and external space. In this regard, the thoughtless hope that a democratic management style contributes to the resolution of controversial (mainly critical) situations leads, as a rule, to an apocalypse, and not an apogee. Practice shows that only a skillful, timely change of the leadership style to the most suitable one for the current situation allows one to emerge from any "storms" of the business sphere. Examples of successful application of the democratic style of management testify to its great potential in the field of innovation and development.

Thus, during the stagnation of the BMW military campaign, it was not decided to close it due to the cohesion and enthusiasm of the work collective. Employees pledged to release new brand passenger car(instead of aircraft engines), having developed lines of different classes. This is how the world saw the cars of the famous BMW brand.

According to Philips CEO Albert van Greed, his company's core principle of self-interest is only possible with a democratic management style.

As you can see from the examples, this type of leadership is successfully applied in creative and creative fields of activity. However, there are many more examples of mixed style.

Correlation between management style and team productivity

A correctly chosen company management strategy, taking into account the personal potential of both employees and the manager, allows "work miracles" in all areas of business. The main role in choosing a management style is always assigned to the subjective attitude of the manager to the team, the ability to adequately assess the impact on employees using the chosen methods. But even in conditions of complete stability, mistakes are possible, which, as a rule, affect primarily labor productivity. In this regard, it can be emphasized that the issue of choosing a management style for a leader is a task that requires a primary solution.

Typical head mistakes

There are cases when, for example, a democratic management style is desirable, moreover, it is the only strategy for the development of the team, and the enterprise as a whole, but the personal characteristics of the responsible person do not fit into the specified framework. In this case, annoying errors appear that stop the case and badly affect the reputation:

  • adherence to the principle “if you want to do well, do it yourself” is the first mistake of managers at different levels;
  • in contrast to the first, the principle “whatever is done is for the best” also leads to the collapse of the management system;
  • bias based on personal hostility - something that a reasonable leader will never allow himself, because an employee is needed in order to help the company develop with the help of its potential;
  • "Mental traps" of management can rightfully be considered the most annoying mistake;
  • painful perception of dissent that misses its potential and benefits;
  • partial or selective ignoring of employees' suggestions;
  • disrespect for the employee's personality, manifested in public censure of his opinion;
  • illogism of actions of a manager always works in the direction of decline, not development.

Collegiality is the basis for the successful development and functioning of companies.


It is worth remembering that the leadership style is not a fixed list of the methods and characteristics of the leader. In order for the organization to develop and function successfully, the manager must, taking into account the external and internal situation, apply those methods of solving problems that are most effective and productive in the current situation.

There are variouscompanies. Traditionally, they are divided into authoritarian, democratic and liberal. Each has its own system of methods of interaction with subordinates, their motivation and control.

It is wrong to think that a leader who adheres to a democratic or liberal style is "good" and those who govern in an authoritarian regime are "bad." The choice of the manager's behavioral line is determined, first of all, by the specifics of the company and the psychological characteristics of the team. Well, what to doif the boss is a tyrant, read our article.

In this article, we will talk about the principles of a democratic regime of government, recall its advantages and disadvantages, and compare with other styles.

What characterizes a democratic regime?

This style is based on the principles of collegiality. The manager shares information with subordinates, regularly informing them about the current affairs of the company, development prospects and upcoming tasks. Employees are actively involved in decision-making and take on a significant share of responsibility. The bosses delegate some of the powers to subordinates, including independent decision small tasks without approval from above.

Employees are motivatedwith the help of prizes, encouragement and praise, and only with rare exceptions are punishments and fines applied. If the team cannot achieve a result, the leader looks not to blame, but to find the reason for the failure. Such reasons may be: overestimated requirements, vague setting of tasks, lack of necessary knowledge among subordinates.

This tactic helps to create in the teamatmosphere of trust, equality and support, removes a significant share of the burden from the leader, expands the possibilities of finding new strategic paths.

It is interesting to know why this style is effective, what psychological background makes it so effective?

Psychological Foundations: Why Does It Work?

Democratic management stylepresupposes a high degree of self-control and self-discipline of subordinates. But how can this be achieved?

There is an interesting pattern: if you assign a serious responsibility to a person, in most cases he will make every effort to meet expectations. But in order for this strategy to work, you need to adhere to a few rules:

  • the employee needs to see the entire scope of work and at least superficially understand the process, even if he is involved in only one of its stages;
  • management takes place not through orders, but with the help of requests, wishes, advice;
  • the employee must know that no one will do the work for him, and that failure to fulfill obligations will lead to a halt in the process (such a motivating factor as the fear of letting other people down is included);
  • each participant in the process must understand who is responsible for what - then no one can transfer responsibility for their failure to another;
  • to see the end result of the process, to be involved in the joy and pride in its implementation (this ismotivates even more than salary);
  • each project participant should receive praise and reward proportional to the complexity of the work performed and the effort made (fairness in the distribution of "carrots" demonstrates to team members that everyone will be rewarded for real achievements).

In a democratic management style, workers andpersonal qualities of a leader... He must be respected, considered a professional in his field and an example to follow. A leader who is not respected by the team will not be able to build a democratic line of communication.

A democrat manager usually gets ahead of the team and pulls more than anybody else. individual member collective. Seeing the dedication and high level of responsibility of the leader, subordinates try to keep up with him.

There is a saying: a good boss is not the one who is feared, but the one whom they are afraid to disappoint.

Another psychological factor is involvement in decision-making, which in a sense can already be considered a reward. Feeling their role in the management of the company, the employee receives an additional incentive.

People have a need to feel needed and important. The leader-democrat realizes this need, receiving in return self-organizing proactive employees who are ready to answer for the consequences of their actions.

Democratic management style: pros and cons

The democratic regime is gaining more and more popularity among managers, because it has a number of indisputable advantages.


  • The team has a spirit of friendly support, respect and understanding, which is significantincreases efficiency and motivation.
  • If an employee has any questions or problems, he can not hesitate to contact the manager. This helps you troubleshoot and avoid mistakes in time.
  • When there isnew tasks or problemsthe leader can use the knowledge and ingenuity of the whole team - good specialists will suggest many solutions and extraordinary creative approaches.
  • Employees feel responsible for decisions taken and try to do their job well.

Does not exist perfect style governance, and even democratic leadership will have to face some shortcomings.


  • The democratic management style is characterized by slow decision-making. It is necessary to discuss the problem with the team, take into account opinions, find the best way... This is not suitable for enterprises where unforeseen situations occur that require immediate action and lightning-fast decision-making.
  • Necessary clearly distinguish between trustdemocratic relations in the team and lack of control, looseness and lack of a solid core in the boss. This line is easy to cross, and it is extremely difficult to restore discipline.
  • Despite the collegiality, the final decision is still made by the manager and bears most of the responsibility for him. For example, if an employee took on an impossible task and failed it, the manager is guilty of not being able to distinguishdesired from valid... When the boss shifts all the blame to the subordinate, he gets a feeling of frustration and unwillingness to work further.

These flaws are rather style features, they need to be understood and properly worked out so that they do not become stumbling blocks and do not grow into problems.

How does a democratic style differ from an authoritarian one?

With total control and distrust, employees do only what they are told, without going into details. They don't know how the whole system works and only see the consequences of their punctures when they are fined or punished.

V modern society such a phenomenon may seem like a relic of the past. But in some cases, such an approach is permissible and sometimes necessary: ​​when a deviation from the algorithms threatens with serious problems, in a crisis situation or when performing a simple linear problem... For example, shop floor workers who manufacture parts may not even understand what these parts are used for.

But it is not effective in a creative and intellectual environment. The intelligentsia feels the need to get to the bottom of everything and develop freely, therefore the authoritarian style is alien to it.

How does a democratic regime differ from a liberal one?

Sometimes the democratic style is confused with the liberal one, since both are characterized by freedom of action anddelegation of responsibilityemployees. But they are still significantly different. If we compare them with each other, then the liberal "freer", control is minimized, there is no vertical hierarchy of management.

If in a democratic collective the boss makes decisions together with his subordinates, in a liberal one the subordinates make them independently.

The leader acts rather as a coordinator, helping all participants in the process move in the same direction and pursue a common goal.

This style works the field of creativity... Strong pressure from above leads creative people to stupor and resistance, and freedom of expression, on the contrary, helps to find new ideas.

Now you see that each of these styles has a right to life - you just need to determine where and which one to apply. Even in one company, you can use all three when it comes to production workshops, the management team and the creative department.

The democratic management style is relevant in modern business, since it fulfills the tasks assigned to it: it improves the atmosphere of communication, increases discipline and motivation, and enriches the company with fresh thoughts. It is wrong to think that freedom breeds anarchy. Loosening control and trust, on the other hand, can open up many new opportunities for both the leader and his subordinates.

Now that you know both sides of the democratic management style, you can find your universal management style!

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The effective formation of market relations in Russia is largely determined by the formation of modern management relations, increasing the manageability of the economy. It is management, management that provides connectivity, integration of economic processes in the organization.

Management is the most important concept in market economy... It is studied by economists, entrepreneurs, financiers, bankers and everyone related to business.

"To manage is to lead an enterprise towards its goal, making the most of the available resources." Specialists of the new era need deep knowledge of management, and for this it is necessary to clearly understand the essence and concept of management.

Personnel management at an enterprise is a type of activity that allows you to implement, summarize a wide range of issues of adaptation of an individual to external conditions, taking into account a personal factor in building a personnel management system of an enterprise.


In the literature, there are many definitions of the concept of "management style", which are similar to each other in their main features. It can be viewed as a set of decision-making methods that are systematically used by a manager, influencing subordinates and communicating with them.

Management style it is a stable complex of traits of the leader, manifested in his relationship with subordinates.

In other words, it is the way in which the boss manages the subordinates and in which the model of his behavior, independent of specific situations, is expressed.

The management style does not characterize the leader's behavior in general, but rather stable, invariant in him. Constantly manifested in different situations... Finding and using the best management styles is designed to enhance employee achievement and satisfaction.

The concept of management styles was intensively developed after the Second World War. However, even now its developments are faced with a number of unsolved problems. The main problems are:

· Difficulty determining the effectiveness of a management style. The results to be achieved with a particular style involve many components and are not easy to boil down to one value and compare with other styles.

· Difficulty in establishing causal relationships between management style and the effectiveness of its use. Typically, management style is seen as the cause of achieving a certain consequence - employee productivity. However, this causal relationship does not always correspond to reality. Often it is the nature of the employees' achievements (minor or high achievements) that prompts the manager to use a certain style.

· Variability of the situation, primarily within the organization itself. Management styles show their effectiveness only under certain conditions, but these conditions do not remain unchanged. Over time, both the manager and the employees can change their expectations and attitudes towards each other, which can make the style ineffective, and the assessment of its use - unreliable.

Despite these and some other difficulties, management styles are an important guideline in solving the problems of improving the effectiveness of leadership.

There are 2 ways to define the management style:

· By clarifying the characteristics of the individual management style that the boss uses in relation to subordinates.

· Via theoretical development a set of typical requirements for the behavior of a leader, aimed at integrating employees and their use in the process of achieving the goals of the organization.

You can also consider the style of leadership as "stably manifested features of the interaction of the leader with the team, formed under the influence of both objective and subjective conditions of management, and the individual psychological characteristics of the personality of the leader."

Objective external conditions, which forms the management style at a particular management level, can be attributed to the nature of the team (production, research, etc.), the specifics of the tasks at hand (regular, habitual or urgent, unusual), the conditions for the implementation of these tasks (favorable, unfavorable or extreme), methods and means of activity (individual, pair or group). Along with the above, such a factor as the level of development of the team stands out. Individually psychological characteristics one or another leader bring originality to his management activities... Based on the corresponding transformation of external influences, each leader exhibits his own individual management style.

The study of leadership style has been conducted by psychologists for over half a century. So researchers have accumulated by now considerable empirical material on this problem.

Management style - the way, the system of methods of influence of the head on subordinates. One of the most important factors in the effective work of the organization, the full realization of the potential capabilities of people and team. Most researchers identify the following management styles:

Democratic style (collegiate);

Liberal style (anarchist).

Management style - it habitual demeanor of the leader in relation to subordinates, in order to influence them and induce them to achieve the goals of the organization. The extent to which a manager delegates authority, the types of authority he uses, and his concern primarily for human relationships or, above all, for the performance of a task all reflect the leadership style that characterizes a given leader.

Each organization is a unique combination of individuals, goals and objectives. Each manager is a unique person with a number of abilities. Therefore, management styles do not always fit into a specific category.

Authoritarian (directive) style management is characterized by high centralization of leadership, dominance of one-man management. The manager requires that all cases be reported to him, alone makes decisions or cancels them. He does not listen to the opinion of the team, he decides everything for the team himself. The predominant management methods are orders, punishments, remarks, reprimands, deprivation of various benefits. Control is very strict, detailed, depriving subordinates of initiative.

The interests of the case are put much higher than the interests of people; harshness and rudeness prevail in communication.

The manager who applies it gives preference to the official nature of the relationship, maintains a distance between himself and his subordinates, which they have no right to violate.

This style of leadership has a negative impact on the moral and psychological climate, leads to a significant decrease in initiative, self-control and responsibility of employees.

Authoritarian management style - a leadership style in which the leader sets goals and the entire policy as a whole, distributes responsibilities, and for the most part specifies the appropriate procedures, manages, checks, evaluates and corrects the work performed.

1) in extreme conditions (crisis, extraordinary circumstances, etc.), when quick and decisive actions are required, when the lack of time does not allow holding meetings and discussions;

2) when, due to previous conditions and reasons, anarchist sentiments prevail in a given organization, the level of performing and labor discipline is extremely low

Historically, the first and until now the most widespread in practice is the authoritarian style, which is considered universal.

Experts distinguish two types authoritarian style. "Exploitative" assumes that the leader completely concentrates in his hands the solution of all issues, does not trust his subordinates, is not interested in their opinion, takes responsibility for everything, giving the executors only instructions. As the main form of stimulation, he uses punishment, threats, pressure.

If a leader makes a decision alone, and then simply communicates it to his subordinates, then they perceive this decision as imposed from the outside and critically discuss it, even when it is really successful. Such a decision is carried out with reservations and is indifferent. Employees, as a rule, rejoice at any manager's mistake, finding in it confirmation of their negative opinion about him. As a result, subordinates get used to being executors of someone else's will, reinforcing the stereotype “our business is small” in their minds.

For the leader, all this also does not pass without loss, since he finds himself in the position of the culprit responsible for all the mistakes, not seeing and not knowing where and how they were made. Subordinates, although they know a lot and notice, but keep quiet, either, receiving moral satisfaction from this, or believing that he still cannot be re-educated. The leader understands the current situation, but is powerless to blame others for the mistakes they made, since the subordinates did not participate in working out the decision. This is how a kind of vicious circle is formed, which sooner or later leads to the development in an organization or unit of an unfavorable moral and psychological climate and the creation of grounds for conflicts.