House with two square bay windows to the front. Houses with a bay window and attic: the best projects

Modern architects and builders realize various projects of apartment and private buildings, which are built in compliance with all norms and requirements. IN Lately Architectural elements such as the bay window and attic are popular.

This is due to the fact that buildings equipped with decorative projections and having an originally designed residential attic look both elegant and restrained. Houses with an attic and a bay window have their own characteristics that should be taken into account when developing a project.

An attic is an attic that has been converted into a living space.. The facade of the attic floor is the surface of the roof (broken, curved or inclined). The building noticeably revitalizes appearance the entire building and significantly increases the living space.

The attic can have a symmetrical or asymmetrical shape, have a broken or triangular silhouette, occupy the entire roof of a building or a certain part. The structure can protrude beyond the façade. In this case, you should consider creating supports: consoles or columns.

It is important to know: if the roof has a broken shape, then the lower part of the attic is erected at an angle of 65°, the angle of inclination of the upper part should be about 20°.

Attic floor It is recommended to build using lightweight materials that will not heavily load the base, for example: wood, plastic, foam concrete. Also, when selecting, it is important to take into account the degree of fire resistance of the building. Attic floors can be fully or partially insulated, it depends on the nuances of the operation of the room.

Evaluate the advantage architectural structures Photos of houses with an attic and a bay window will help with a mixed type.

Description of the bay window

Find out how to design a living room with a bay window.

How to arrange additional space?

The bay window is the compositional center of any room, so it You can always turn it into a cozy and functional corner.

Glazed ledge located in the living room, is often decorated into a relaxation area with a soft sofa, beautiful curtains and a fluffy rug. Here you can chat with friends and read a book. The ledge in the kitchen is equipped with dining area using a table and chairs. The area can be divided by a bar counter.

In the bedroom, a niche serves as a sofa or bed. In this case, you should hang thick curtains or blinds on the windows. Sometimes exercise equipment is installed in the protruding part or a place for relaxation is created.

Panoramic windows allow you to create indoors winter Garden. Good lighting and ventilation contributes to the comfortable stay of plants in this area. At the same time, the room itself becomes very cozy and beautiful without any special interior decorations.

In the bay window area you can arrange a study, a place for needlework, play area for a child. When arranging a niche, it is important to take into account the interior of the entire room. It is undesirable for the discrepancies to be dramatic.

So, a house with a bay window and an attic is a compact and economical type of housing, allowing owners to use additional meters usable space, arranging them as you wish.

Two glazed projections on the façade of a residential building will help make the project spectacular and stylish. These projections are called bay windows. The word itself came to us from German language. A bay window has two meanings - 1. A protrusion in the wall, 2. A lantern. A bay window resembles a lantern when lit from the inside.

Project and layout of a cottage with two bay windows and an attic

If the masters are interested various options architectural solutions for his home, he will be able to choose the most suitable project as a result of his searches. The bay window has many functions:

  1. Increase usable area. This option is considered relevant not only for small private buildings, but also for apartments.
  2. Savings on consumption electrical energy. Big square glazing allows you to maximize daylight hours indoors. The room is filled with natural light.
  3. Aesthetic appeal. Beautiful home will stand out from other houses on the street.
  4. Spectacular. Separate the rest area from the work area.
  5. Opportunity to contemplate beautiful view. From here you can admire the picturesque surroundings.

    Project of a two-story house with two bay windows

  6. Uniqueness. acquires originality. Above the bay windows the roof looks different. It gives the building aristocracy and restraint.
  7. What are the types of residential building projects with two bay windows?

    The owner of a house with bay windows should be prepared that his creation made of timber will always be the center of attention. This element can transform the appearance of a building. It is often used to decorate country houses.

    The bay window goes well with other elements on the facade of the building:

    1. With a balcony. A bay window is being built on the ground floor of the building. On he goes into the balcony. It is recommended to build the ledge from the foundation. The balcony can be fenced, glazed or covered.
    2. With an attic. This optimal choice For land plots With small in size. The use of a bay window is organic. This element can be located on the ground floor and in the attic.

      Project of a log house with an attic

      The first placement option is considered traditional. In the second case, a room with such decorative element allocated for the bedroom. Effective elements better . with two protrusions is designed with special care. Bay windows located on the different heights. At the same time, it is important to maintain overall reliability. Such projects are suitable for large country cottages. Externally, the houses look like medieval castles. must be strong and durable.

    3. The popular bay window remains square or rectangular. It is easy to build. The cost of the building increases slightly, but the exterior of the building is in an advantageous position. Houses made of timber with a square or bay window rectangular shape differ in practicality and convenience.

      Layout of a cottage with two bay windows

    4. A round bay window made of timber represents modern solution. It is called Venetian. The location for the dominant element may vary. If the design project is drawn up correctly, then the bay window fits perfectly into the overall architectural ensemble, being located in the center or on the corner. The roof over the bay window should also not differ much from the style of the building's roof.
    5. A multifaceted bay window makes interesting additions to the design. A complex project will require accurate calculations.

Driving through the outskirts of large cities, many of us had to admire amazingly beautiful houses with original design And bizarre shapes: domes, towers, sloping roof, glazed projections of triangular, semicircular or polyhedral shape. These are houses with a bay window and an attic. Bay window designs add romance and elegance to the house. Exquisite general form buildings, increase in usable area, increased level of insolation and illumination - characteristics modern houses with a bay window.

Dream House

The proximity of large windows to the attic is considered the most successful architectural tandem. Regarding aesthetics, beauty, level of lighting, bay windows have a big advantage. However, not everyone can afford a house with a bay window and an attic. Considering bay windows from an economical perspective, one can note their complexity and high cost. Therefore, for those owners who have long dreamed of having beautiful house with a winter garden, but were never able to implement the project, we can advise you to turn your attention to options for small layouts, for example, to designs of houses with an attic 6x8, 5x7, 5x5, etc.

Features of the construction of houses with an attic and a bay window

Projects of houses with a 6x8 attic and their layout

In such houses, the main rooms, kitchen and bathroom are located on the ground floor on 48 square meters. The hallway can be spacious 3x3 meters, but most often it is limited to 2x2 or 2x1.5 meters. For a bathroom, 2x2, 3x2, 3x3 m will be enough. The living room is usually not limited in size (20-32 sq.m). The kitchen also varies from 9 to 18 sq.m. Many owners prefer to organize a dining area in the kitchen. In this case, the kitchen should be larger. On the second, attic floor, bedrooms, an office or a “winter garden” are most often equipped. The size of the bedrooms depends on the wishes of the owners and the possibilities of architectural execution.


A house with an attic floor and bay windows is a good option compact and economical type of housing. This structure provides the owners with a ready-made type of housing right under the roof. Thanks to the cantilever extension of the bay window, the area of ​​the room above expands. This house is beautiful and modern building, which will become your “brainchild”

The bay window and attic are successful architectural solutions with which ordinary house can be made original and spacious. Most often, this technique is used when the area allocated for construction is small. As for the material, a bay window with an attic perfectly complements a house made of wood, brick, or aerated concrete.

From timber


This project involves the construction of a spacious and big house with a balcony, bay window and attic on the second floor. He has classic design and design. For construction, profiled or laminated timber 150 is used, so the frame of the house is 3 times lighter than a brick structure.

During the construction of the house it was laid strip foundation. The dimensions of the walls are 9x9 m, and the thickness of the timber is 200x150 mm. Due to these parameters, it is possible to build a strong and rigid structure of the house. On the ground floor there is a terrace, the roof of which is combined with a balcony in the attic. Thus, it is possible to simplify the design and evenly distribute the load of the first floor floor.

House made of timber with a bay window and attic

Almost all of the service additional rooms located on the first level. These are the kitchen, bathroom and guest room. According to the project, the kitchen with a bay window and the guest room have a common location, as they are united by a hall. Thanks to this scheme, the second floor can be used without going through the most important rooms on the first floor.

Read also our article “Varieties and types of structures.”

On the attic floor there are living quarters. There is a spacious bedroom with access to a balcony. The second room can be used for receiving guests or equipped as a nursery.

This project involves the construction of a house in which you can live in the summer. But if you take care of insulation and interior decoration at home, then it can be an excellent solution for year-round residence.

A distinctive feature of this project remains the simplified design of the attic. This is indicated by a simple gable roof, which will reduce construction costs. But this will help you understand what frame panel houses look like in the photo, and how they are built.


This house has an attic, bay window and corner location rooms. This option is perfect for country house from timber. The total area of ​​the building is 126 m2, with the attic area occupying 56 m2. You can enter the house from the central part, thanks to which excellent protection from wind and sun is achieved. When designing the building, we adhered to classical solutions.

Size 126 m-2

The arrangement of the rooms largely coincides with the previous version, but only the kitchen is moved away from front door. There is also one additional bedroom and a utility room. The attic floor is fully equipped with lounges. IN similar projects details load-bearing frame roofs, partitions and ceiling are not hidden under the finishing, highlighting the naturalism of the structure. And this is what it looks like wooden house in the chalet style, and how to build it correctly, you can learn from this


This house has dimensions of 6x8 m. Perfect for relaxing in the country. For its construction, timber with a cross section of 150 mm is used. A family of 2-3 people can live in the house.

And this is what a modular house looks like for permanent residence, can be seen in the photo in this

Frame house

Project No. 1

This project involves a two-story small house, area 100 m2. It has 5 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Materials such as metal, ceramic and bitumen shingles. The base is presented in the form of a monolithic tape. Here's what it looks like and how to build it. can be found in this article.

Frame house with bay window and attic for 100 m-2


This project frame house with an attic and a bay window, perfect for year-round living. Features original and stylish facades. The total area is 122 m2. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Size 122 m-2

Brick house

Project No. 1


This is a classic two-story mansion with a bay window and an attic. Its total area is 183 m2, and the living area is 110 m2. The roof was erected at an angle of 32 degrees. The house has 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Size 110 m-2

For the construction of walls, ordinary clay bricks are used. Solid floor type. Metal tiles are used for the roofing, and solid tape is used for the foundation.


This is a classic country house with attic and bay window. But it has one feature - the presence of a sauna. The total area of ​​the building is 107 m2. The project assumes the presence of 2 bedrooms and a sauna on the second floor, and on the first floor there is a dining room, kitchen, hall, hallway, bathroom and utility room.

Size 107 m-2

Brick is used to construct the building. Solid floor type. Used for roofing ceramic tiles, and the foundation is presented in the form of a continuous strip.

House with bay window and garage – right choice for connoisseurs of comfort, practicality and non-standard solutions.

However, such projects require a special approach to development, taking into account the characteristics of the site and compliance construction technologies.

The part of the room that extends beyond the plane is called façade wall building. The term comes from the German erker (lantern): a protrusion on the facade with large windows looks like medieval Street light, especially when the lights are turned on in the house.

Nowadays the following structures are considered bay windows:

  • With load-bearing walls on the foundation (they are also called risalits);
  • with cantilever bases.

In form, these architectural elements are:

  • multifaceted;
  • rectangular;
  • rounded;
  • triangular;
  • trapezoidal.

Niches vary in size:

  • a slight protrusion, which is a window protruding beyond the wall;
  • a small niche is part of the main room;
  • a separate part of the house, a separate room.

They can be an element of the first or any other floor of the building. They occupy one or two or three floors, are two- or three-light (according to the number of windows). There may be several bay windows in one house and even in one room.

The top of the ledge is arranged:

  • multifaceted;
  • domed;
  • as a base for a balcony or part of the upper floor.

A distinctive feature is the large glass area, windows are placed on each wall of a niche, made panoramic, often “floor-length”.

Bay windows become a spectacular architectural element of any home, giving a respectable appearance and distinguishing it from other buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing house designs with a garage and a bay window, you should take into account some significant features.

Bay windows are valued for the properties they add to a home.

  • The room receives more natural light by increasing the number and area of ​​windows. Here you can create a bright, cozy corner for reading, socializing or working.
  • The area of ​​the room increases.
  • The interior becomes more interesting, especially if there are beautiful panoramic views outside the window.
  • New opportunities for decoration and zoning are emerging.
  • The exterior of the house acquires individuality and style.

The following two are considered the main disadvantages.

  1. Increased project development and construction costs because such a protrusion is a complex structure.
  2. Extending part of the building and increasing the glazed surface entails heat loss and additional heating costs.

The garage in the house is also convenient.

  • you can move from living quarters to the garage and back without going outside, this is especially important in bad weather;
  • significant savings on the installation and maintenance of plumbing, electricity, and heating.

The disadvantages include an increase in the construction area and an increase in the cost of the project if the garage is located in the basement.

One-story house with a bay window and a garage often built with an attic. When choosing a house project with an attic, a bay window and a garage, you need to take into account the features of the attic space.

The attic adds advantages:

  • with minimal additional costs - an increase in living space, the attic occupies all or part of the area above the first floor, sometimes it is expanded due to cantilever extensions;
  • reducing heat loss from the main structure.

The disadvantages include:

  • sloping and low ceiling height in the attic;
  • complexity of the thermal circuit design;
  • lighting difficulties;
  • difficulty of maintenance in winter.

The project of a two-story house with a garage and a bay window assumes the presence of a full second floor of the building, as well as taking into account all weak and strengths comprehensive solution. Bay window in two-story house can be located on any floor, or occupy both (two-light bay window).

It is useful to get acquainted with information on how to build a two-story brick house with a bay window and a garage, the video can be viewed below.

Features of design and construction

The garage and bay window are designed simultaneously with the main house.

When designing a garage, unified communications, a ventilation system, foundation and roof construction are provided. The advantage is savings Money, time, reduction of heat loss during operation. For external walls cheaper materials can be provided for the garage.

It is convenient to place a garage in a house if the plot is wide. If the front part of the plot is narrow, combining a garage and a house can become problematic due to the complexity of organizing access roads.

If the project did not initially include a garage, you should not rush to add one to avoid risks:

  • violation of the thermal contour of the building;
  • poor ventilation, when exhaust gases can enter living spaces;
  • improper roofing;
  • change in load on the foundation.

When designing a bay window, the following is provided:

  • a single foundation with the main building or remote cantilever structures;
  • calculate the heating and heat conservation system;
  • plan lighting and ventilation.

Errors in the installation of bay windows lead to divergence of seams, heat loss, and destruction of elements.

How can you use a bay window?

Better than others, the bright space of a bay window is suitable for arranging a workplace or reading corner. To do this, a work desk, cozy armchairs and a tea table are placed here. If the niche is just a wide window sill, you can put it on soft pillows and get a small sofa on which it’s nice to dream while looking out the window.

Armchairs facing the windows create a place for private conversation. They place indoor flowers and trees in tubs here and get a real winter garden.

In the kitchen bay window, depending on the size, they place work area, a dining group with a table and chairs, a comfortable sofa or tea table.

A pleasant place to relax with a sofa is organized in the bay window of the bedroom or living room.

Leave bay windows free and decorate them beautiful curtains and curtains. They use this space as a stage for children's performances and install christmas tree, organize home exhibitions.

Among the projects of houses with a garage and a bay window, photos of which are presented here and on other specialized resources, everyone will find their own, one that will make life comfortable, joyful, and beautiful.