If the cellar is crying. How to dry a cellar: tips from homeowners How to dry a damp basement in a private home

Dampness in a room can appear in a number of ways: various reasons: flooding, recent renovations, leaking roof, errors during the construction of the building, or simply the room was without heating for a long time. But in most cases, dampness becomes an undesirable phenomenon, which they try to get rid of as soon as possible. There are many ways to dry a room, but the most effective option The use of electric fan heaters, as well as heat guns, air dryers, recuperators and some other devices is becoming increasingly common. But sometimes so-called folk methods are also used.

Drying the room

To dry the air in the room and no longer encounter this problem, first of all, you need to eliminate the cause of dampness, and only then deal with the consequences. In many ways, the choice of method for drying a room depends on the reasons, and today there are several of them.

So, in order to dry the room, you can use one of the following methods:

Drying out the basement

High humidity in the basement is evidence of mistakes made during construction. But still, no one can guarantee that no one will flood the basement from above, or that a neighbor will not lay storm sewer in close proximity. If dampness appears in the cellar, then it is worth immediately carrying out work to eliminate the cause, and in addition, dry the room itself. Before this, all vegetables, boxes, drawers and other items are taken out of the basement, all garbage is carefully swept away, and left in this state to dry naturally for a couple of days.

The basement, of course, can be dried using a heat gun or dehumidifier, but, as a rule, traditional methods are used in this room, which have been highly effective for a long time.

Most often used to dry the basement brazier- an analogue of a heater or fan heater in an apartment. Place a bucket in the center of the room and light a fire there, using first small wood chips and then firewood. The fire is maintained for several days, and during this time the heat displaces the damp, heavy, stagnant air from the basement. The bonus of this method is that the smoke coming from an open fire can destroy mold spores and “drive out” various insects.

You can even use it to dry out your basement. an ordinary candle. True, to do this, you first need to extend the ventilation pipe almost to the floor, and place a candle under it. To create the initial draft, you should set fire to a sheet of paper in the pipe, and then it will be supported by a candle flame. As a result, humid and damp air will gradually leave the basement - you just need to constantly change the candles until the desired effect is achieved.

You can also take advantage of the property of some substances to absorb moisture: for example, they place calcium chloride powder, and the lower end is placed in some container. This substance is capable of absorbing excess moisture, and absorbing it in an amount twice the weight of the powder itself. The method is suitable for maintaining dry air in the basement, and calcium chloride, after drying in a warm place, can be reused. Potatoes and other vegetables will definitely never bloom or rot in such a basement.

Drying out the garage

In order to dry the air in the garage, it is better to use heat guns : They will get the job done very quickly. Moreover, it is in the garage that you can use not electric devices, which consume a lot of energy, but their gas counterparts, or even diesel heat guns. The latter are considered the most economical, but during operation, as a result of fuel combustion, they produce an unpleasant odor, which is not as critical for a garage as for a living space. Thus, a diesel heat gun with a power of 20 kW consumes about 1 liter of fuel in 1 hour. Depending on the size of the garage and the air humidity in it, the drying time may vary.

If the humidity in the garage is strong, you can try using Air Dryer. By the way, some companies provide not only the sale of such devices, but also their rental, which is very convenient: you can dry the garage space in a few days, remove the cause of dampness, and the dehumidifier will not be unnecessarily stored somewhere in the corner.

If it is not possible to use special devices, you can dry the air using heaters and fan heaters. And, of course, it should be normal ventilation, to remove moist air, and the presence of heating in it, i.e. recuperator is an additional plus.

Drying the warehouse

A warehouse, which has a huge area and volume, requires a very serious approach to solving the problem of air drying. It is for such cases that they are most often used heat guns, which are also used in large stores, offices, construction sites. For warehouses, you can choose a gas or diesel heat gun: they are cheaper to operate than an electric one, and they will provide a lot of heat. A directed flow of warm air leaving the device at enormous speed can very quickly displace all dampness and humidity from the warehouse.

If the warehouse is not very large in area, you can try using a dehumidifier, but when choosing, proceed from the parameters of the room. If the dehumidifier does not correspond to the warehouse in terms of air exchange, then no visible result will be obtained: the air exchange parameter must be several times greater than the volume of the room.

Once again, it is worth noting that along with drying the air in the room, it is not a bad idea to find and eliminate the cause of humidity.

It is common practice to store various products and preserve them in the cellar. An unpleasant fact is the presence of moisture, which can ruin all supplies. To cope with this situation, you need to know how to dry the cellar. To do this, you can use not only specialized, but also improvised means. The article is devoted to the analysis of each of the drying methods, as well as the prevention of moisture.

Preparatory stage

The appearance of moisture in a cellar or basement does not go away without leaving a trace. This usually leads to the formation of mold and its spread throughout the basement. Therefore, before you start drying the basement, you need to go through preparatory stage. The basement or cellar room is carefully inspected and assessed general state. After this, it is necessary to lift all the elements that are in the cellar. This applies not only to food supplies, but also to the various shelves that are also present there. If the frame is made of metal, then it will need high-quality maintenance. It is better to do this during the transition period - in the middle of summer. The air outside is warm, but the cellar is empty, because it is too early for new preparations. Wood flooring it is necessary to remove the sun from the shelves so that ultra-violet rays fulfilled their role.

All mold in the cellar or basement will need to be removed with a brush. After this, the surface is treated with an antiseptic composition and, if desired, painted. Simultaneously with emptying the cellar, it is necessary to open its entrance and leave it in this position for several days. This is done for preliminary ventilation. The procedure should only be carried out if the weather is nice and warm outside. If the basement is equipped with forced ventilation, then the air will remove some of the moisture. It is advisable to inspect the ventilation ducts to make sure that they are not clogged.

Drying options with ventilation

Drying the basement or cellar after preliminary preparation can be done using hot air. It can be obtained using various flammable substances. In this case, it is necessary to follow safety rules so as not to cause a fire.

Bucket of coals

If the basement is equipped with a ventilation system, then drying will be much easier. Too warm weather can be a hindrance. The pressure difference is small, which interferes with the outflow of air from the basement. To start the process, it is necessary to heat up the air in the basement more. It will exit through the ventilation ducts, collecting moisture. To carry out the process you will need:

A bucket or large pan can be used as a metal vessel. Even those with a lot of rust holes are suitable. The main requirement is that the bottom can support the weight of the coal. Using a drill, additional holes are drilled for air flow. A steel cable is tied to the handle of the bucket or the handles of the pan, on which the container can be hung. The bucket is filled with coals and they are lit. To speed up the process, you can use a vacuum cleaner or fan. After achieving uniform combustion, the container can be lowered into the cellar. The cable is fixed at the top and the hatch closes. The bucket should not reach the cellar floor.

During the combustion process, the mass fraction of oxygen will decrease. If there is not enough of it, the coal will go out. To prevent this from happening, you need to open the door every half hour for a fresh portion of air. This can also be done through the supply pipe, if available. A small fan is installed on it and pumping is done. It is prohibited to go down to the basement while the process is in progress. Accumulates quickly in a compact room carbon monoxide and smoke, which can make you lose consciousness in a moment. When it becomes clear that the coal has completely burned, then you need to take out the container and tightly close the basement for several days. The process will still continue.

Note! By-products, which are released during combustion will help destroy the fungus. Therefore, in this way you can kill two birds with one stone.

If charcoal is not available, then you can use peat or regular coal, which can be purchased at the base. In this case, it is possible to achieve a temperature that will exceed 80°. This increases efficiency and speeds up the process. You can make your own charcoal if you have the required wood species available.

Electrical devices

If you don’t particularly want to tinker with the brazier, constantly watching it, then you can dry the cellar using available electrical appliances. Can be used for heating in winter oil radiators, infrared heaters or small blows. An industrial heat fan would be an excellent solution. The device is placed in the middle of the cellar. If the floor in the basement is earthen, then it is necessary to build a wooden panel or use another stand for the heater. An extension cord is lowered into the cellar. The cross-section of its cable must correspond to the expected load so that a short circuit does not occur.

In terms of time, this method of drying the basement will take much longer. In addition, it is worth monitoring overheat sensors that may be in the device. The temperature in the basement may not reach 80 degrees, but it will exceed the heater's limit. An excellent solution for drying a basement or cellar would be an electric industrial fan heater. The power can be selected depending on the area of ​​the cellar. The performance of this option will be ideal for a cellar.

Advice! It is better to connect the heater to an outlet that is located right next to the electric meter or has minimum distance for him. They are usually the most powerful.

Dry alcohol and candle

An interesting solution for drying the cellar and basement can be the use of an ordinary candle. Naturally, one candle will not be able to do anything if it is placed in the middle of the room. Maybe a hundred candles will give the result for the cellar, but it will be completely covered in smoke. Therefore, it needs to be located in a different place. The candle is placed in a container that is not subject to combustion and lit. After this, it is placed directly under the ventilation exhaust pipe. Additionally, it can be lengthened a little to lower it closer to the floor. The candle will heat the air under the pipe and create the required draft. To increase the flow into the basement or cellar, you need to open the hatch or door slightly. Due to the rapid change of air masses in the cellar or basement, drying occurs. It is necessary to change the spark plug periodically. Instead of a candle to dry the basement, you can use dry alcohol, which is placed in a special burner or on a metal base.

Note! In most cases, when using this method in the warm season, the opposite reaction occurs. The basement or cellar is again filled with moisture to an even greater extent. This is explained by the fact that cold air from the basement is replaced by warm air, which subsequently condenses on the walls in the form of water droplets. If such an effect was noticed when drying the basement, it is necessary to stop the procedure and use the heating method or wait until the beginning of autumn.

Forced injection

When the ventilation system is properly organized in the basement, then problems with drying it may not arise. To do this, there are several ways to organize excess pressure inside a basement or cellar. The first of them involves installing a blower fan on the supply pipe. At the same time, its productivity should be as high as possible. The higher the number, the faster the replacement of masses inside the basement will occur. In this case, all ventilation pipes must be cleared of debris and protective grilles removed. The fan can also be placed on the exhaust pipe. In the case where there is only an exhaust pipe, and the air supply occurs through the hatch, then the fan can be mounted directly into the hatch opening. He will cope with his tasks perfectly.

Drying without ventilation

Drying a cellar or basement without ventilation will be a more troublesome task, but it can still be done using improvised or specialized means.

Use of bedding

During construction, not everyone knew about the need for ventilation in the basement or cellar. Therefore, in some cases it is necessary to know how to dry a cellar without ventilation. In any case, it would be desirable to arrange ventilation for the basement or cellar, which is appropriate to do in the warm season. Special substances that perfectly absorb large amounts of moisture can come to help in draining the basement. One of them is sawdust. They can be purchased or obtained for free at any carpentry workshop. You will need a lot of them. A layer of sawdust covers all accessible surfaces in the basement. They will not be able to ensure complete dryness of the cellar, but will reduce the humidity to an acceptable level. In this case, there will be a need to replace the flooring as it gets wet. You should not delay this so that putrefactive processes do not begin, which will aggravate the situation.

One more accessible means is slaked lime. It also needs to be scattered around the entire perimeter of the basement or cellar. It will be able to absorb a certain amount of moisture. At the same time, it will also provide a certain disinfection. Calcium chloride is available in almost every area. It is able to absorb moisture that will be equal to half its weight. You will have to stock up on a fair amount of the substance if the humidity in the basement or cellar is significant. It can be used repeatedly. To do this, you will need to bake it on a metal baking sheet to dry. Cardboard boxes will help collect condensation from the walls and ceiling in the basement or cellar. If there are a large number of them in the bins, then it is enough to place them in the basement for a day. After drying in the sun, they can be used again.

Note! Before going into a basement or cellar where slaked lime or calcium chloride has been laid out, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.


An excellent help that will tell you how to dry the basement is an absorber. They can be of two types:

  • non-volatile;
  • working from the network.

The first are a small plastic container with a special substance that is fixed above it. It collects moisture into this container. Typically, such devices are small in size, so you will need several devices for a cellar or basement. Dehumidifiers that use freon are more effective. Structurally, they resemble air conditioners or refrigerators. They condense moisture in the basement onto tubes, after which it is collected in a tray, which must be emptied periodically. A video about drying the cellar can be seen below.

How to prevent moisture

Performing constant seasonal drying of the basement or cellar is not a solution. In addition, over time, this will lead to the destruction of building materials, which will entail large expenses for the restoration of the basement or cellar. To prevent this from happening, it is important to take preventive measures.


It is often a problem due to high humidity in the basement or cellar. It is very easy to leave an earthen floor without screeding it. But the moisture contained in the ground will certainly rise into the cellar. One of simple ways A solution to the problem would be to use thick polyethylene film. It is laid on the floor with an overlap on the walls. You can place it on top wooden boards or sheet material, which will be convenient to navigate. If after using this method the humidity in the cellar or basement has decreased significantly, then the source is the floor. To consolidate the result, it is necessary to fill the screed with a waterproofing gasket.


If after covering the floor with film the situation has not changed, then the problem may lie in the walls, or more precisely, in their waterproofing. Concrete and brick have pores through which water will inevitably seep. At the construction stage, this point may not have been taken into account and the waterproofing of the cellar or basement was not completed. A lot of effort will have to be made to resolve the issue. The first step is to dig a trench around the building. She must do accessible walls basement for drying. They must be kept until completely dry. And only after that start finishing work.

One of simple solutions Roofing felt will be laid on bitumen mastic. The surface of the walls is carefully inspected. All cracks and potholes that may be present are sealed. After a long stay in a humid environment, the walls of the basement or cellar must be treated with an antiseptic composition. After drying, one or more layers of primer are applied to the basement walls. Next a layer is applied bitumen mastic. After drying, roofing felt can be glued onto the second one. In this case, it is necessary to maintain an overlap between the sheets in order to obtain a sealed structure. Along the way, you can insulate the basement or cellar with penoplex.

Note! In an emergency, it is possible to waterproof the inside of a basement or cellar. But it is worth remembering that this will not prevent moisture from rising up the walls and also destroying the building material outside.


Constructing ventilation for a basement or cellar is not a particular problem. If the basement is located directly under the house, then the influx can be made directly from the house so that warm air, and not cold from the street, which could be a problem in winter. The outflow is done directly from the basement or cellar. In this case, the pipe rises above the roof of the building and a deflector is mounted at its end. In this way it will be possible to achieve natural circulation air flows.


As you can see, flooding of basements or high humidity in cellars is not something out of the ordinary. Most often, it is enough to take simple measures to prevent such actions. Drying the basement is also not difficult if you have patience and put in the required effort.

Dampness in the cellar is a common phenomenon that all residents of the private sector struggle with from season to season. Excess moisture may appear in the form of condensation on the walls and ceiling due to insufficient measures to waterproof the room; water may form on the basement floor due to the proximity of groundwater or due to spring floods. The products themselves can become a source of unwanted moisture if they are collected at the wrong time or not dried enough. In itself, water is not dangerous, but it leads to the destruction of the building and all its parts, in addition, it contributes to the appearance of aggressive mold, mildew and various insects.

This article will be devoted to how to dry the cellar, because it is simply necessary to deal with excess moisture in the basement, otherwise it will not be possible to preserve food.

Rules for pre-drying the basement

Drying cellars and basements is necessary in the summer, when the weather is warm and dry. It is recommended to start this procedure as early as possible, preferably immediately after the rainy season. Activities to dry the cellar can last from a week to a month and a half - depending on how wet all the walls and floor are.

You need to start drying the cellar with natural measures, and if they are insufficient, you will have to move on to the second stage - forced drying.

Here's how to dry out your basement naturally:

Attention! If earthen floors are used in the cellar, it is recommended to replace the top layer annually. To do this, soil contaminated with mold and fungus is cut off and taken outside. Instead of this layer, a layer of dry coarse sand is poured onto the basement floor.

How to dry a cellar without ventilation

Drying the cellar with a candle

This method is very ancient, it was used hundreds of years ago. To make drying using this method possible, the basement must be equipped with an exhaust pipe, which is usually located under the ceiling of the room.

The candle is placed in a tin can and placed directly near the cellar ventilation. It is imperative to extend the main pipe by installing a metal corrugation or tin pipe on it.

A small candle warms up the air at the inlet of the pipe, because of this it begins to circulate faster through the basement, and the draft increases. As a result, the air temperature in the cellar does not increase, but natural ventilation increases - the walls and floors dry much faster.

The cellar doors or hatch must be open when using this method!

Important! Instead of a regular candle, you can use dry fuel tablets. This substance, when burned, releases disinfectant gases, which will not be superfluous in the fight against mold and microbes in the basement. To dry the cellar you will need to burn 10-15 tablets.

Drying the cellar with electrical appliances

This method turns out to be quite expensive, since a lot of electricity is spent during drying the cellar. There are two types of heaters you can use in the basement:

  • Closed heaters, such as oil, infrared, convector. The electrical appliance is placed in the center of the cellar and evenly heats the air in the room. It will take at least ten hours to completely dry out the basement; sometimes basement heaters need to run for several days.
  • The electric gun is designed for drying rooms after flooding, so it is perfect for seasonal drying of basements. This device is very powerful; a heat gun can dry out a cellar in just a few hours, so the whole process will be cheaper than with a household heater.

Attention! If you have dirt floors in your basement, you will need to place a rigid base on them for the electric heater.

Drying the cellar with a fan

Typically, cellars are dried by opening the doors on warm, dry summer days. You can speed up the natural process by installing a fan in the middle of the stairs. A prerequisite for this method is the presence of an exhaust pipe in the basement, because the fan only accelerates the air, accelerating circulation.

Depending on the size of the cellar, complete fan drying may take three to five days.

Advice! Fan blades inserted directly into the duct of a basement ventilation system are very effective.

Using a potbelly stove in the basement

A potbelly stove type stove turns out to be very effective in drying out cellars. However, such a stove is not found in every private household. Those who have a potbelly stove can dry out their cellar very cheaply and quickly.

The potbelly stove is placed inside the basement so that its pipe fits the exhaust vent ventilation system. Whether the stove is heated with wood or coal - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the heat in the basement is sufficient.

Hot smoke coming out of the stove's chimney speeds up air circulation in the basement ventilation duct. Additionally, the hot walls of the oven heat the room, drying out mold and mildew, eliminating condensation and excess moisture from the basement.

The stove method is considered a fire hazard, so there should be no wooden objects or other flammable materials inside the basement at the time of drying. You cannot use a potbelly stove in those cellars where the ventilation is made of plastic - the pipe will simply melt from the heat of the stove.

What to do with the cellar after drying

After ventilation is completed, dried shelves are installed, boxes and bins are brought into the basement, boxes and boxes for vegetables or fruits are placed inside the cellar.

In general, excess moisture in the basement should alert the owner: if condensation appears, the walls or floor become wet, it means that something was done wrong at the stage of building the cellar.

There are several methods to improve the waterproofing of an underground storage facility:

In a dry basement, mold does not spread, fungus does not settle here, there are no bacteria or harmful insects, so the products are perfectly stored, remaining just as tasty and healthy until the next season.

There are several methods for drying a basement; each owner can choose the one that is more convenient and appropriate for him.

In most cases, the appearance of dampness in the garage basement is caused by mistakes made during the construction stage. And the most interesting thing: it is almost impossible to take into account all the nuances and provide for every possibility of moisture entering the cellar. And it’s good if there is no groundwater around, and none of the neighbors equip a storm drain in the immediate vicinity. But a huge number of owners of garages with a basement still have to face a significant problem in the spring and autumn - how to dry the cellar. In our article we will not only look at the main methods of drying a room, but also provide some tips on how to proper waterproofing basement

You need to think about preventing the appearance of dampness in the cellar at the construction planning stage. When constructing a basement, under no circumstances should you use porous materials such as expanded clay or foam blocks. It is also not recommended to use any type of brick, since in practice it is very problematic to ensure proper water resistance of this material. The best option is concrete, not only for the bottom of the cellar, but also for all the walls.

Tip: it is best to carry out an external drainage system simultaneously with the construction of the garage basement.

After washing and drying, chests, drawers, shelves and other parts exposed to air can be covered with a layer of whitewash with the addition of a solution of copper sulfate (about 100 g per bucket of ready-made lime).

  • It would be useful to fumigate the room with sulfur - it leads to the death of microorganisms, insects, and prevents the invasion of rodents. To do this, use special smoke bombs, which can be purchased at agricultural equipment stores. It is clear that when carrying out such fumigation, all precautions must be strictly observed, since the smoke from these bombs is very harmful to the human respiratory system.
  • After initial ventilation, it is necessary to clean the walls and floor of the cellar from plaque and debris. All surfaces should be treated with a “strong” solution of potassium permanganate. If the cellar room has an earthen floor, then it makes sense to cut off the top layer of soil, since it is often affected by putrefactive bacteria or mold. Instead, you can backfill with clean, dry sand.

If the measures taken are not enough, and the humidity in the cellar remains high, then you can proceed to final drying of the room, which can be done in several ways.

Methods for forced drying of the cellar

Using a Dutch oven

For a long time, we have been using the method of drying the cellar using a brazier, which you can make yourself from an old metal bucket or other container.

A fire can be lit directly in it by first making several holes in its lower part to create draft. You can install a cast-iron or home-made grate from a metal rod, and completely cut off the bottom. Legs with a height of approximately 100 ÷ 150 mm are required. In addition, a hook with a cable or wire is prepared, on which the brazier will be lowered into the cellar.

There should be no flammable materials at the site where this fryer will be installed. If the floor in the cellar is wooden and cannot be removed, then using this method is prohibited.

Charcoal or firewood can be loaded into the prepared brazier, and the fire is ignited using splinters or fireplace liquid. Then, the brazier is lowered down on a rope. All that remains is to monitor the combustion and the need to add fuel. Thanks to the blowing from below, a strong draft will be created in the fryer. The fire must burn continuously for 10 ÷ 12 hours.

Hot air will quickly fill the room, warming it up and removing unpleasant musty odors, as well as disinfecting surfaces with smoke. In a well-dried room that smells of smoke, colonies of microorganisms should not develop or harmful insects should appear.

It is best to install the brazier, if possible, in the middle of the cellar, then the smoke will evenly cover the entire room and go into the ventilation pipe. For this drying method, it would be optimal to use dry birch or linden logs, since this wood has disinfectant properties and is easily removed. unpleasant odors.

It is strictly forbidden to go down into the cellar during such fumigation - it is mortally dangerous. All actions with the brazier are performed only outside, after raising it to the surface on cable

Drying the cellar using a candle

Another fairly popular method is to dry the cellar using a regular candle. It is installed in an iron can and placed near the exhaust ventilation pipe, and the front door or hatch is kept open for the duration of drying.

It is advisable to place the candle as close to the floor surface as possible. The exhaust pipe is expanded with an additional tin link.

It would seem that a very small flame of a candle creates intense draft, therefore accelerating the air circulation inside the room. The faster the accumulated musty air of the cellar comes out, the faster fresh warm air from the street will get there. In this case, the drying of the entire room is not due to its heating, but rather due to the rapid replacement of air, that is, intensive ventilation.

The candle, if desired, can be replaced with an alcohol burner.

This ventilation process can last for several days, depending on the humidity of the cellar. A burnt-out candle is replaced as many times as needed until all surfaces of the cellar are dried.

Using dry alcohol

This method is practically no different in technology from the one described above - instead of a candle, dry sleep tablets are used. However, it also has its own advantage.

Using electrical appliances

Drying the cellar using various electric heating devices can be classified as the fourth method. For this, a closed type heater can be used, for example, oil, infrared or convector. It is installed in the middle of the cellar with the expectation that thermal radiation will spread evenly over the entire area of ​​the room.

Naturally, if the cellar has an earthen floor, then a rigid base needs to be prepared for the heater.

If you decide to carry out drying with an electric heater, you need to be patient, as this process may take a long time. You also need to remember that heaters, as a rule, always have high power consumption, and this activity will not be cheap. Therefore, if it is possible to use another drying method, it is better to abandon this method.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the heat generator (it is often called a heat gun), which is very often used for drying various rooms. Moreover, it is used not only for drying rooms with high humidity, but also for rooms that were located in flooded houses. Thanks to the power of thermal radiation and the fan built into such a gun, drying the cellar occurs quite quickly. Although such a heater also consumes a lot of electricity, the drying process can be even cheaper than weeks using conventional heating devices, due to the fact that the procedure will take much less time.

Application of forced ventilation

Some owners of private houses with cellars do not rack their brains much over the question of how to dry out their pantry. They several times summer period open the entrance door leading to the basement and install a fan in the middle of the opening or on the stairs, which will increase air movement. Drying of surfaces in this case will not take place under the influence of heat, but by ventilating excess moisture.

This drying method is best suited for cellars where an exhaust hole is installed and the process will take from three to five days, depending on the volume of the room.

Folk craftsmen come up with and own designs with large and small fans, for example, by temporarily or even permanently integrating them into the exhaust ventilation pipe. An example of such a design can be found by watching the attached video:

Video: homemade duct fan for drying the cellar

Using a portable stove

Many people are accustomed to drying their pantries using small stoves heated with wood. The pipe from the stove is led to the exhaust vent and the front door or hatch opens. To achieve the desired success, this event is carried out over 3-4 days. The draft created promotes good air circulation. In addition, direct thermal radiation from the walls of the potbelly stove also plays a role.

This drying method is quite fire hazardous. In addition, it cannot be used if the exhaust ventilation duct is made of a plastic pipe, which will simply begin to melt from the high temperature of the exhaust smoke. You can, of course, use a flexible fireproof hose or a prefabricated metal structure to organize a temporary chimney, but this looks too complicated and costly.

Treatment of the cellar after drying

After drying, before bringing in and installing all treated wooden structures, you should carefully check the condition of the floor and walls. Perhaps the reason high humidity lies in the fact that they have not received sufficient waterproofing, and ground moisture freely penetrates into the cellar. If this is the case, then appropriate measures should be taken.

If concrete surfaces have dried, it is recommended to treat them waterproofing compounds, which in the future will not allow excessive moisture to reappear in the cellar.

  • Today, a lot of materials are produced for waterproofing, but for concrete surfaces, an impregnating option is perfect, which is capable of penetrating deeply into the concrete structure.

Impregnation is applied in several layers, each of which must penetrate to a certain depth and dry well. The composition closes all microscopic pores of concrete and crystallizes inside. It creates a reliable barrier to moisture, and at the same time allows the material to “breathe”.

You need to work with impregnating waterproofing compounds very carefully, wearing a protective suit, gloves and a mask that covers the respiratory system, otherwise you can get burns to the skin and mucous membranes. After absorption and polymerization, such a composition poses absolutely no danger to human health or to the safety of products.

  • Another option that is suitable for waterproofing a cellar is the familiar roofing material. But this material can also only be laid on concrete surface, which is pre-coated with mastic. Then the mastic is heated with a burner, roofing material is glued to it and pressed well to the surface. Separate sheets are laid overlapping each other and form a solid surface, which also protects well from the appearance of moisture from the ground.

If it is not possible to use modern technologies for arranging a cellar, or preference is given exclusively to natural materials, then you need to secure at least the floor of the room. To do this you will need a natural material- clay . This method of waterproofing a floor is called padding, and for it it is necessary to choose clay with the highest possible percentage of fat content. In addition, you will need stones or broken bricks, which will become a strengthening link in creating a clay coating.

  • Stones are poured over the entire surface of the floor, and a solution of rubbed clay is laid on top of them and not large quantity sand, 120 ÷ 150 mm thick. The consistency of the solution should be quite thick.
  • The clay is spread over the surface and then compacted between the stones using a tamper, adding mortar until it completely covers the stone mound.
  • After the floor becomes smooth and dense due to the stones and tamping, coarse sand is poured onto the still wet surface in a layer of 50 ÷ 70 cm. It is compacted as much as possible into the clay surface until it becomes dense. The remaining sand that could not be driven into the clay is swept away from the surface. If you need a perfectly smooth surface

    Grouting a clay floor

    • This is followed by a long drying of the clay floor with the hatch or door to the cellar open. This process can take from 15 to 40 days, so it is better to start working on it in early or mid-summer so that the surface is completely ready for use by autumn.

    The walls of the cellar can also be coated with clay. But first you need to make a wire mesh on the walls, which is fixed to the earthen surfaces using wire staples.

    Then, a thick clay solution is poured onto the reinforced base and left to dry. There is no need to level this layer. Next, the following is superimposed layer clay mortar, which usually leveled manually, in a circular motion, or in the same way as the floor - using wooden grout.

    In addition to these types of waterproofing, there are others, for example, liquid rubber or glass. You can choose any of them that seems more affordable, but waterproofing is a must. It will help protect the room from the penetration of ground dampness, and therefore from the occurrence of fungal colonies and mold stains, the presence of which negatively affects the safety of vegetables and fruits.

    After drying and waterproofing work is completely completed, you can bring in and install all the “interior” items of the cellar. After competently and fully carried out preventive measures, the degree of safety of products placed for the winter will be much higher.

    Video: how to defeat dampness in the cellar - theory and practice

The cellar always maintains a low temperature, which ensures the safety of food. However, low temperatures and insufficient air access lead to dampness and, as a result, mold. In addition, in spring there is a risk of flooding the cellar with melt water. And even if you forcibly pump out all the liquid, the room will still remain damp. Therefore, the owners are faced with the question: how to dry the cellar? Let's look at all the main methods and determine how effective they are.

How to dry a cellar outside

So, we have a cellar on the street, for example, in the country. How does this structure differ from the underground floor in the house? As a rule, such a cellar is a single structure or pit connected to non-residential premises. This means that drying and disinfection can be carried out here using fire and smoke.

How to dry a cellar using a roasting pan? First, the racks and shelves are taken out of storage - they can be dried in the sun and treated with a solution of copper sulfate, which will prevent the development of mold. We light a brazier (it’s easy to make from a bucket) and lower it on a hook into the hole. The heat will promote drying and the smoke will disinfect the room.

You can also dry out the storage by creating additional traction. To do this, we extend the supply ventilation pipe using tin cans almost to the floor and place a candle near it.

Both methods are not fast, and drying may take several days.

How to dry the cellar in the house

The easiest way to dry out vegetable storage in your home is with a regular heater. You need to take an extension cord, lower it into the cellar and connect any closed type heater (without an open spiral). The type of device is chosen for safety reasons, since a person cannot stay in the cellar all the time. It is also necessary that the heater has a fuse that will turn off the device if it overheats. Drying time will depend on the power of the device and the area of ​​the room, but, as a rule, it happens quite quickly.

How to dry a cellar using a heat gun? This method is rarely used in private homes, but these devices are used to get rid of dampness in industrial premises. Heat guns are highly efficient fan heaters. They are used both for heating large rooms and for drying. The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to buy special equipment, and, most likely, this explains the rare use of the method when drying private cellars. However, recently it has become possible to rent heat guns, or, as an option, order dehumidification of the room from a specialized company.

So, now you know how to dry out the cellar. However, it must be remembered that it is best to foresee the possibility of this problem occurring during the construction stage. Analysis of the groundwater level at the selected location and installation of supply and exhaust ventilation will reduce the appearance of dampness and mold during operation of the cellar.

Garage owners sometimes face the problem of high humidity in the cellar built there. This affects the properties of the metal and the storage conditions of the products. Sometimes such situations arise at certain times of the year. But it also happens that the appearance of water is associated with omissions during construction work. Regardless of the reason for the appearance of condensation, the question arises - how to dry the cellar by removing condensation and dampness.

Prevention Methods

In order not to encounter moisture in the cellar, it is worth considering the following conditions when designing the room:

  • When choosing wall materials, preference should be given to hydrophobic materials characterized by poor properties conducting water. Such materials include concrete grade M 400 and higher. You can also use additives in plain concrete to increase its water-repellent qualities.
  • The use of external waterproofing prevents the penetration of groundwater from the outside.
  • Installing a blind area around the garage will drain water resulting from rain or melting snow.
  • Ventilation pipes should be located in the cellar. The channel for air flow should be almost at the height of the floor (more than 10 cm). The exhaust pipe is located under the ceiling surface (10 cm below). Equipping the outside of the pipes with an umbrella will prevent precipitation from getting inside the cellar. For creating great strength exhaust air ducts should be made in a straight shape. If it is not possible to install pipes in a straight position, the side outlet is located at an angle of at least 60° with respect to the horizon. The slope should have a length of no more than 100 cm.
  • Having a vapor barrier between the basement and the room above will prevent moisture from entering.
  • If there is an earthen floor, the penetration of moisture into the cellar increases. When compacting and covering the floor plastic film Humidity levels are decreasing. Installing a concrete floor with waterproofing will protect against condensation.
  • The presence of waterproofing and vapor barrier of the walls will reduce the hygroscopicity of the material. External insulation is carried out by coating the outer sides with mastic. For internal insulation Cement-based compositions are used.

Drying a ventilated basement

Before draining your basement, you should do some preparation. To do this you will need lime and copper sulfate. After removing all the shelves and drawers, you need to check for the presence of mold deposits. If they are available, then wooden surfaces are treated with copper sulfate dissolved in water. The concentration of the solution is 5-10%.

The area inside the cellar is whitewashed with lime. Take a thick mixture of limestone with an admixture of copper sulfate (5-10%). The corners should be coated well. Spray the surfaces in the room with a brush with a thick solution of whitewash. After the lime has dried, reapply another layer. When the walls are dry, you can dry them.

How to dry a cellar in a garage if at first there was no condensation, but then it appeared. The cause may be clogged air ducts. When cleaning pipes, moisture disappears. But it happens that moisture remains. Then, it is necessary to carry out the process of activating the movement of air masses in the following ways:

  • Install a high power fan on the draft pipe. Open existing hatches and windows. The drying period lasts 3-10 days.
  • Apply heat using a candle. To do this, the air duct for the outflow in the cellar is extended and a burning candle is placed under it. It is possible to use dry alcohol. Under the influence of heat, the pipes dry out and good traction appears.
  • Heating the room using a “brazier”. It can be a bucket with holes or another metal container. Smoldering coals, coke, coal. Then the bucket is placed in the cellar, the door and windows are closed. Sometimes doors should be opened slightly to allow fresh air to enter. After the coals go out, you need to re-ignite them. After all the coals have burned out, the bucket is removed. The usual one of these buckets is enough to dry the cellar.

In hot weather, there are situations where increased air movement leads to increased condensation. This is due to the temperature difference between inside and outside the room. In this case, ventilation is not carried out. On the contrary, you need to close all the hatches and windows. After the air temperature drops to +10°, carry out ventilation actions using one of the methods.

You can dry the cellar in winter by using other heaters:

  • Heat gun 3-5 kW;
  • Kirogas;
  • Potbelly stoves;
  • Propane burners.

When using such methods, you need another person for backup.

The process of drying a cellar in the absence of ventilation

In the absence of a ventilation system, some kind of pipes should be installed. You can run the pipe into the wall or ceiling. Another option is to purchase a fan with a supply and exhaust mechanism. A cellar without ventilation is dried using hydrophilic materials:

  • Dry sawdust, the scattering of which helps to reduce humidity levels.
  • Slaked lime, laid out on shelves and along walls, removes moisture and helps destroy fungus.
  • Calcium chloride, which has moisture absorption properties. For 1.5 liters of water, 1 kg of substance is required. After calcination of the wet composition, you can use it again.
  • Dry cardboard boxes used to eliminate condensation on the ceiling.

You can also purchase special equipment - household dehumidifier air.

After flooding, the cellar should first be pumped out. And then take it all out. After drying, with doors and hatches open, whitewash with lime. After this, apply the described methods.

Isolation from moisture using drainage

When insulation is installed during construction, moisture problems disappear. But it happens that moisture still appears. Then external and internal drainage methods are used.

External drainage involves draining water into sewer outlets. External drainage stages:

  • Digging a trench 40-50 cm below the cellar floor level;
  • Wells are made at separate two-meter distances into which the tubes are inserted.
  • Geotextiles are placed in the trench to prevent flooding.
  • Fill the trench with gravel or sand and lay geotextiles on top.
  • Compacting soil over the trench.

Internal drainage is used when draining a large cellar. Drainage stages:

  • Digging trenches indoors about half a meter deep.
  • Geoseptic material is placed at the bottom of the trench.
  • Sprinkling gravel into the trench at a distance of 15-20 cm.
  • Laying drainage pipes maintaining a slope of 3 mm per meter of pipe.
  • Coating pipes with gravel mixture.
  • Laying geotextile material.
  • Filling trenches with sand or earth.
  • Install the block at the lowest point of the floor. You can buy it or make it yourself, providing a hose for draining water.
  • Equip the well with a pump to pump out water.

It is better to equip drainage systems during the construction of the cellar.

Different methods are suitable for different cellars when removing moisture. You can use a home-made dehumidifier for the basement or think about removing excess moisture during the construction stage.

Dampness in the cellar is a huge problem for most summer residents and country residents. As a rule, humidity increases due to poor-quality thermal or waterproofing, as well as due to the large number of vegetables and fruits stored indoors. In some cases, condensation forms due to the lack of a ventilation system. Whatever the reason, a wet cellar is in no way suitable for storing food in it, which will quickly deteriorate if constantly exposed to moisture. That is why moisture needs to be removed and completely get rid of such a phenomenon as condensation. Today we will talk about how to dry the cellar and properly prepare it for planting the harvest.

Carrying out preparatory work

The humidity in the cellar is usually at a fairly high high level, so condensation forms on the walls and ceiling. Preparatory work include complete liberation premises from vegetables stored there since last year (they are no longer suitable for consumption, so it is best to remove them from storage).

In addition, it is recommended to temporarily get rid of wooden elements premises (racks, pallets, various bins, boxes, shelves, etc.). All wooden structures must be taken outside and then washed hot water and soap solution. They must be completely dry before further use.

Before dehumidifying the air in the storage room, all supplies and products should be removed from there.

Quite common and effective method disinfection of wooden storage elements - applying a layer of whitewash with the addition of ordinary copper sulfate. As a rule, ordinary lime is used as whitewash, which can be found for sale in any store. Air humidity and condensation in this case will not affect the wood.

In addition, to protect wooden elements from mold and mildew, it is necessary to apply antiseptic impregnation to them. You can use any composition sold in the store.

The walls and ceiling of the storage facility can also then be whitewashed and dried. Otherwise, due to increased dampness in the room, it will not be possible to preserve the crop in proper form. In the fall, when it rains continuously, it will not be possible to properly dry the cellar, so all work must be carried out in the summer.

How does the storage dry out?

In order to get rid of excess moisture in the cellar, it is not enough to simply open everything ventilation holes and a manhole cover. In the cellar, the air will systematically cool down, and the moisture from it will condense, so it will not be possible to dry the underground room with ordinary ventilation. Air humidity and condensation will not go away even after several days of keeping the storage facility with the hatch open. To dry the cellar before the seasonal crop planting, more radical methods should be used.

There are several most common ways to dry a room. Air humidity and condensation are a big problem, but with forced drying they are quite easy to get rid of.

So, you can remove excess dampness, humidity and condensation in the following ways:

  • Drying the cellar or vegetable storage using iron stove.
  • Drying the basement using a broiler.
  • Using the most ordinary candles that will improve natural cravings air.
  • Use of special dehumidifiers.

It should be noted that heating the storage using an iron stove is an extremely labor-intensive and troublesome task, so it is recommended to abandon this method immediately. And not everyone has the opportunity to install such a stove in storage. It is better to use the remaining three methods, since it is important to dry the cellar quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

Quick drying using a broiler

You can remove excess air humidity and condensation from the cellar using the simplest fryer. This small (portable) device can be found in almost any country farm. In any case, you can ask your neighbors.

The fryer quickly heats the air in the room.

Before drying the cellar using a roasting pan, it is necessary to partially get rid of excess dampness by natural drying for several days. In this case, the fryer will only “finish off” the remaining dampness, humidity and condensation.

If you haven’t found a suitable device for drying or a roasting pan, then you can make it yourself from the simplest old bucket.

The drying process itself is as follows:

  • Before starting drying, open all the openings that go into the cellar (manhole, ventilation pipes).
  • Next, we lower our brazier (bucket) to the bottom of the storage. You can do this yourself or use a rope and hook.
  • Light a fire in the brazier. It needs to be maintained for some time until the damp air completely leaves the room.
  • According to the laws of physics, warm and dry air from the bottom of the cellar will begin to gradually rise, displacing damp air into open holes. After some time, the cellar will dry completely.

The principle of drying a basement using a roasting pan from an ordinary bucket.

Before drying the cellar using this method, it is necessary to consider some nuances:

  1. It is recommended to use sawdust and wood chips to light the Dutch oven. Once the fire is hot, you can add larger wood to the roasting pan. It is important that the ignition of the brazier occurs before you lower it to the bottom of the cellar.
  2. The heat from the fire will quickly warm up the room, removing the damp air outside. In turn, dry air will quickly spread throughout the cellar. It is necessary that the entire room is saturated with smoke. This will get rid of any biological activity in the storage, which also negatively affects the storage of vegetables and fruits. The effect of warming the air in this case will last for a long time.

However, condensation in the cellar does not always disappear immediately after drying, so you need to wait a little and, if necessary, repeat the action, and also check the quality of the ventilation system.

Drying the cellar with a candle

If you don't want to bother with a Dutch oven, there is an easier way to keep your cellar dry and free of moisture. For this you will need a very ordinary candle.

The candle must be placed under the exhaust pipe.

A lit candle placed under the exhaust duct will increase air draft and also help get rid of dampness. Drying the cellar with a candle will take much longer than with a brazier, but if you have nowhere to rush, then you can use this method without any problems.

When using the candle drying method, it is necessary to increase the length of the ventilation pipe (supply pipe if two pipes are used). This should definitely be done. Next, a lit candle is installed directly under the inlet of the exhaust pipe. It is best to place the candle in a small container (for example, a jar).

To give a certain impulse, which will become the beginning of air draft, it is necessary to set fire to a paper sheet in the exhaust pipe. Further, the draft will be supported by the candle flame.

It was already noted above that this is a slow drying method and can be used if you have enough time. All work on drying the cellar is best done a few days before harvesting, so that the room has time to warm up, dry out and get rid of all biological activity. Using a lit candle, you can dry the cellar in 3-4 days. During this time you will have to change several spark plugs.

If the cellar is large, then it will not be possible to get rid of dampness and humidity with a candle.

Air dryers

Since it is difficult to dry a large cellar using improvised means, for effective disposal special dehumidifiers are used to remove moisture. These devices allow you to efficiently dry the room, and then maintain the humidity level at a normal level. It is advisable to periodically dry the air in the cellar.

Appearance and operation diagram of the air dryer.

Dehumidifiers are especially relevant for the commercial operation of basements and vegetable stores. Modern dehumidifiers are sold in large construction stores, as well as in specialized departments, so there will be no problems with their purchase. About how to dry a cellar using a dehumidifier, it is best to ask a sales consultant who can recommend a model suitable for your room.

The principle of drying stagnant and damp air in a basement is that moisture always condenses on cold surfaces. The air passing through a conventional dehumidifier is cooled, and the moisture settles in a special receiver, after which it drips into the pan. Dehumidifiers work on the principle of cooling the air rather than heating it (unlike a broiler or candle), so the device will cool the cellar to some extent. However, you can find devices on sale that will heat the air at the outlet to the original temperature.

Modern dehumidifiers operate on the basis of freon (as do refrigerators and air conditioners). Air will be drawn into the dehumidifier using a fan. If your home also has humid air, then a basement dehumidifier is quite suitable for use in other areas of the building.

Which method should you choose?

You can make the cellar absolutely dry and suitable for storing fruits and vegetables using any of the proposed methods. The choice of one method or another should be based on total area your cellar. For example, there is no need to buy an expensive dehumidifier if your cellar area does not exceed 2 square meters. m. In this case, the problem of humidity can be easily solved with the help of a brazier or a candle.

You can put fruits and vegetables into the cellar immediately after all work on drying the room has been completed. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to dry the cellar additionally during operation. This approach will negatively affect the quality of stored vegetables.

To avoid the need to frequently dry the cellar, it is necessary to provide in advance for the presence of a high-quality ventilation system. For small cellars, a design consisting of two pipes (supply and exhaust) located on different heights. They will ensure continuous air replacement. If the cellar has large area, then the device is recommended forced ventilation. In addition, if it is the floor of a living space, you will need to do high-quality thermal insulation ceilings Cold air from the storage facility should not be allowed to affect the microclimate in the house.

How to dry the cellar if the basement is made with poor hydro- or thermal insulation? This is a pressing issue for most summer residents and residents country houses. A wet cellar is unsuitable for proper storage vegetables and preparations for the winter, so today we are talking about ways to remove condensation and improve the functioning of the room.

How to find the source of moisture

It is necessary to drain the basement if:

  • Moisture drips onto the walls and ceiling. To determine the reason why water appears in the basement, you can conduct a simple experiment. Glue a 30x30cm piece of polyethylene onto the previously dried area of ​​the surface, strengthening the edges with sealant. Check the piece after a couple of days. If droplets appear under the polyethylene, then the water comes from the foundation, and if from above (and the place under the polyethylene is dry), then the reason is improper drying of the walls or poor insulation from the outside.
  • The walls become flooded if the blind area is external walls the basement is made without a slope, or the concrete is cracked. That is why, in rainy or snowy weather, liquid accumulates there, seeps down the wall and forms damp spots inside the walls, and water can cover the floor.

  • Liquid can seep into the cellar if the house has no or faulty roof drainage system. Flowing close to the walls, rainwater enters the storage facility.
  • Dense bushes and shady trees growing in close proximity to basement, prevent normal soil ventilation and stagnation of moisture.
  • Water in the cellar may appear due to a malfunction of the water supply system if the pipes are located under the floor.
  • Dampness can intensify when waterproofing in an underground room is destroyed.

Important! It is better to focus on eliminating not the consequences, but the causes of flooding.

Preparatory work before autumn

To begin the drying process, you need:

  • Clear all shelves of stored vegetables and preparations.
  • Dismantle all wooden elements: racks, shelves, stands, barrels. Take them outside, wash them with hot water and soapy water, and dry them.

Important! To protect wooden elements from mold, apply a layer of whitewash (lime) with copper sulfate.

  • To prevent the formation of mold, apply an antiseptic impregnation to the wood, which can be purchased at the store.
  • Whitewash the ceiling and walls, and open the hatch door to dry.

Forced drying methods

If all the work does not give the expected result, then you will have to force dry the room. There are main ways to drain a cellar:

  • fryer operation;
  • candles that increase air draft;
  • action of desiccant.

Important! A pump for pumping water out of the basement will help periodically drain a wet cellar when groundwater is high or for cleaning after flooding. We recommend that you definitely purchase such a device; it will become an assistant in many other everyday problems.

Accelerated drying using a broiler

You can get rid of dampness in storage using a regular portable fryer. Before doing this, dry the room naturally, and the fryer will only “finish off” the remaining condensation. The drying process looks like this:

  1. Open all ventilation passages. Light a fire in the brazier.
  2. Lower the fixture to the bottom. This can be done manually or using a rope and hook.
  3. Maintain it only as long as needed to remove the dampness.
  4. According to all the laws of physics, dry and warm air gradually rises, thereby displacing damp air.

Before you get started, there are some things to consider:

  • For ignition, use wood chips and sawdust. Once the fire is established, add larger wood.
  • Do not extinguish the drug until the entire room is filled with smoke and hot air. This kills all biological activity indoors.

Important! It does not always happen that condensation will disappear immediately after the procedure; if necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Drying the basement with a candle

This method is not suitable for all rooms, since you can only get rid of water in the cellar with a candle in small areas.

  1. Place a regular candle in a jar.
  2. Place it directly under the ventilation pipe.
  3. Place burning paper in the pipe, which will give a boost to the draft.
  4. A burning fire increases draft, so moist air is drawn out, giving way to dry air.

Important! This method will be applicable for those who have 3-4 days left to dry. Stock up on a few candles or replace them with an alcohol burner.

Air dryers

To quickly dry a room with a large perimeter, special dehumidifiers will come to the rescue. These devices will allow you to dry and maintain the storage in good condition.

Important! Dehumidifiers are most relevant for large-sized vegetable stores or large cellars. You can purchase them at any hardware store. It is better to ask a consultant, explaining the pressing problems of your storage facility.

The principle of operation is that the air passing through the dehumidifier is cooled, and the liquid settles in a special receiver, after which it settles in droplets into the pan. The peculiarity lies not in heating, but in cooling the air. Modern devices They operate on the basis of freon, just like refrigerators or air conditioners.

Interesting! These devices are suitable not only for the cellar, but also for other rooms.

How to insulate a cellar from moisture

Proper waterproofing of the cellar from groundwater guarantees protection against moisture penetration inside through the foundation of the room. There are several types of insulation.

  • Coating. Treatment of internal and external foundation walls with hard bitumen or mastic using a brush.
  • Pasting. Performed in rolls insulating materials according to the type of roofing material. The main disadvantage of operation is the presence of joints.

  • Plastering. Treatment of all foundation surfaces with polymer-cement compounds, which seals all cracks and holes in the blocks.
  • Bulk. Flooring with two-component compositions based on cement and sand (screenings, crushed stone). Filling involves completely filling the floor area so that there are no gaps or untreated areas.

Groundwater in the cellar may periodically appear in small quantities, even if the foundation is isolated. This depends on the location of the room, precipitation and other weather conditions.

  • The heater can be lowered into the cellar if the moisture level does not exceed 60%. You need to monitor its position and not leave the device turned on without your presence at home.
  • A fan heater works on the same principle, but it not only warms the air, but also moves it.

  • It is easy to use silica gel in a small room. Place it in bags indoors. The granules will gradually absorb moisture.
  • Calcium chloride powder is capable of absorbing moisture in a volume that is twice the volume of the powder itself. Place the preparation on an inclined board. Place one end of the board in any container. Once dried, the powder can be easily reused.

  • High groundwater can be redirected using an external drainage system, which will allow them to be diverted away from the foundation.
  • Mold is washed off with boric, acetic or citric acid.

Eliminating moisture in the basement is a rather labor-intensive process, so it is better to take care of dryness with waterproofing in advance during construction. If a problem occurs, use the proposed methods and extend the life of the cellar.

Video: How to dry a cellar with a fan