Gas floor-standing boilers made in Russia. Floor-standing gas boilers - an economical heating method

Floor-standing gas boilers heating

Now many people use natural or liquefied gas for cooking and heating their homes. No one will argue that gas is much better than wood or coal. However, for this type of fuel to become our friend and not our enemy, we need to know what it is and how to use it without fear for our lives. Those who purchase gas heating appliances floor standing boilers imported or Russian production, they often don’t think about what exactly comes into their house through the pipes, why at one time or another a gas flame can have yellow, red or blue.

Natural gas – what is it?

Real natural gas is a product of the decomposition of organic residues in the mass earth's crust, thanks to the work of anaerobic bacteria. It can be found in the ground in gaseous form, dissolved in oil, water, or as a cap of gas in oil fields.

Natural gas itself is odorless and colorless. It is more than one and a half times lighter than air, so it collects at the top and not at the bottom.

The composition of natural gas is heterogeneous; it may contain many hydrocarbons:

  • ethane;
  • butane;
  • methane and non-hydrocarbon compounds.

Many may argue that if natural gas is odorless, then where does it come from? bad smell rotten eggs or sauerkraut? The fact is that a little odorant is added to the gas, a substance that has an odor. This is necessary in order to detect a gas leak in time. This was first practiced in the United States after a gas leak caused an explosion at a London school in 1937, killing about 300 people - children and teachers. Odorants are not toxic to humans because they are added in small quantities.

Types of natural gas

The very concept of natural gas includes all combustible mixtures obtained:

  • from natural deposits;
  • in oil production - associated natural gas;
  • during coking coal– coke oven gas;
  • as a result of ore smelting in steel smelting furnaces - blast furnace gas;
  • from coal mines - firedamp;
  • swamp gas - methane;
  • gas from sewers.

Moreover, for use in national economy Only three types of natural gas are suitable - natural, associated and coke oven gas, which are sources of inexpensive energy. It is with the help of gas that all premises for residential, civil and industrial purposes are heated, obtaining hot water, the ability to quickly prepare food.

Natural gas can be delivered to consumers through main pipelines laid directly from the production site through a system of gas distribution stations, as well as in liquefied form in tanks and cylinders. Through pipelines with a diameter of about 1.5 meters, natural gas under pressure is supplied to distribution stations, from where it is sent to consumers through pipes of smaller diameter.

Naturally, natural gas supplied through pipes will be the cheapest, since this does not require additional costs for its liquefaction. However, the safety of transporting compressed gas through pipes is much lower than transporting liquefied gas in tanks and cylinders.

Benefits of using natural gas

How to choose a floor-standing boiler.

Where it is possible to connect to the main gas pipelines of cities and other populated areas, gas is used as the main means of obtaining inexpensive energy for space heating, hot water and other purposes. The advantages of using gas include:

  • environmental friendliness, when gas burns, few toxic harmful substances are released into the atmosphere;
  • the need for a device disappears storage facilities, as in the case of firewood or coal;
  • relatively low cost;
  • cleanliness in kitchens and boiler rooms;
  • the ability to create autonomous heating systems in private country houses;
  • absence of solid combustion products, which excludes their disposal;
  • increase in efficiency;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature in the room, which creates conditions for increased comfort;
  • almost complete independence from power supply, unless electricity is needed to use electric ignition and operate electronic heating process control systems;
  • ease of operation and maintenance gas stoves and boilers;
  • control of gas appliances is fully automated;
  • absence of noise when operating gas boilers.

However, despite everything positive sides when using natural or liquefied gas, it is necessary to observe safety measures regulated by GOST 12.1.011, GOST 12.1.007, because gas is an explosive and toxic substance. And when installing an autonomous heating system using natural gas, permission is required, according to the conditions of the above standards, from the regional gas service departments.

If you plan to install domestic or imported production, first of all you need to contact the company that has a license for project development and installation gas boiler and other equipment operating on natural gas. You should not resort to the services of local self-taught people, as they will not be able to guarantee a reliable and secure connection gas equipment.

Individual heating of the house

Individual heating of the house

The autonomous heating system of the house includes:

  1. presence of a gas boiler;
  2. pipeline through which hot water is supplied;
  3. radiators;
  4. circulation pump (at the request of the homeowner);
  5. expansion tank;
  6. a tank where air that periodically accumulates in the heating system is discharged.

Currently, not only owners resort to such a system individual houses, but also the owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings. They are driven to this by the ever-increasing prices for public utilities, while the quality of these services remains low. In addition, many homeowners are not satisfied established rules enable or disable centralized system heating, lack of hot water during periodic repair, maintenance or emergency work. Having installed an autonomous heating system, everyone is free to choose temperature regime heating the room, adjusting the heating of the home regardless of the time of year.

But at the same time, the use of an autonomous heating system based on gas boilers entails a great responsibility to other residents apartment building. After all, incorrect installation or careless attitude towards gas equipment during operation can result in big troubles not only for the owner of this equipment, but also for his neighbors.

Therefore, you should know that the installation of such a heating system should only be carried out by persons who have permission to install and further service gas equipment. In addition, owners of apartments connected to central heating, must agree with specialized organizations on the transfer of the apartment to the category of autonomous heating systems so as not to pay for services in the future central heating and gas.
Despite some positive aspects of autonomous heating, it also has negative points, which consists of increased attention and control over gas equipment. In case of prolonged absence from a house where natural gas heating is installed, it must be turned off, despite the fact that modern gas boilers have an emergency shutdown system.

Domestic gas boilers

Modern people's demands for comfort have created conditions for the development of autonomous heating systems, and as a result, the appearance on the market of a large selection of devices with which it is possible to create individual heating systems. Gas boilers are by far the most economical and profitable option when solving the issue of heating a house or apartment. And the presence of a main gas pipeline in the region completely reduces the relevance of electric boilers. Almost all of Europe and half of Russia are heated with natural gas, so there is big choice gas boilers - foreign and domestic.

Gas equipment for heating a home varies depending on the installation location:

  • wall-mounted boilers.
  • Floor-standing gas equipment, as a rule, has large dimensions and takes up quite a lot of space in the room. Wall-mounted boilers are compact, small in size and can even be placed among kitchen equipment.

Floor-standing ones, in turn, are divided into those equipped with:

Gas floor-standing boiler Viessmann

Regarding burners, it should be said that atmospheric burners are simpler in design and maintenance, therefore they are inexpensive. Positive quality gas boilers with an atmospheric burner is their silent operation.

Inflatable burners can be used for both gas and liquid fuel. They are quite often called mounted or replaceable. Boilers with such burners have high efficiency. therefore they cost much more than with an atmospheric burner. If gas installations with a conventional burner they have a power from 10 to 80 kW (although some manufacturers can produce boilers with higher power), then with an inflatable burner the boiler power can reach several thousand kilowatts.

The atmospheric burner is included in the overall boiler package, while the mounted burner is sold separately, which also affects the cost of all heating equipment.

Gas boilers can be:

  • single-circuit;
  • double-circuit.

A single-circuit boiler involves heating water only for heating or only hot water supply. Typically, boilers of this design are used to install a heating system.

Dual-circuit units imply the operation of two systems simultaneously - heating and hot water supply. Moreover, such boilers are available with built-in boilers with a volume of up to 200 liters, where hot water is accumulated, and flow-type boilers, where water is heated in flow-through (current) mode.

According to the method of exhaust gas removal heating boilers can be divided into:

  • combustion chamber is open;
  • The gas combustion chamber is closed.

In the first case, combustion products are discharged into a built-in chimney, and oxygen generated during gas combustion is discharged into the room. To install boilers of this type, you need a room with excellent ventilation.

Boiler design with closed camera involves the removal of waste combustion products and the intake of oxygen through a chimney specially designed for these purposes. In this case, the boiler is connected directly to the chimney, which has access to the street.

There is currently a wide selection on the market heating equipment domestic producers, which is undoubtedly facilitated by the expansion of gas pipelines, an increase in general housing construction share of private development.

Now the consumer has the opportunity to choose exactly the heating equipment that is most suitable, both in functionality and cost.

Floor standing gas boilers

Domestic manufacturers are represented by the following brands of gas boilers:

  • Borinskoe;
  • Conord;
  • Lemax;
  • Mimax;
  • Rostovgazoapparat;
  • Signal;
  • Trading House "Zvezda-Strela".

Of all the above, the oldest enterprise producing gas equipment is Rostovgazoapparat, which has specialized in the manufacture of gas boilers since 1959. The products of this company are represented by single- and double-circuit units, with heat exchangers made of steel and cast iron, floor and wall-mounted boilers. Some models use automation from foreign manufacturers EuroSit and HoneyWell. There is no need to say that the company is located in Rostov, this is already clear from the name.

The next oldest brand of boilers is “Conord”, which have been produced since 1976. Naturally, modern boilers of this plant are significantly different from previous analogues. Nowadays, heating equipment is produced in several types, capable of operating on different fuels, both gaseous and solid or liquid. The heat exchangers in boilers of this brand are made of steel or cast iron; the automation is used by HoneyWell. Very popular universal boilers"Don".

Borinsky gas boilers are produced in the very center of Russia - the village of Borinskoye in the Lipetsk region, where the name of the boilers comes from. The company has been producing these products since 1992 and has already gained popularity among residents of the private sector. The company's product range consists of 30 models of floor-standing boilers, among which there are models with built-in automation from EuroSit and HoneyWell.

Gas boiler

The Lemax and Mimax brands of heating equipment have been produced in Taganrog since 1992. Boilers are produced as single-circuit and double-circuit. Partially they are equipped with foreign parts, such famous company like Sit. In addition to the boilers themselves, the company produces gas water heaters, solid fuel boilers and other heating equipment.

The products of the Mimax plant are represented on the market by the KSGV and KSG series. The difference between these boilers is the presence of a water heating circuit. In addition, the design of boilers of this type allows the replacement of burners, which makes it possible to use liquefied gas. And this factor is relevant for those regions where it is not possible to connect to a centralized gas supply.

Electric boilers "EVAN" luxury class

The EPO Signal company began to produce heating devices based on aerospace production in the nineties of the last century. Now this company is engaged in the production of gas equipment, in particular – floor-standing boilers KOV-STPV, AOGV, KOV, as well as wall-mounted NK Angels. In addition, automatic safety control systems, thermogenerators, and gas burners are produced here.

"Trading House Zvezda-Strela" was formed in 2005, its production is similar to the products of "EPO Signal".

Gas boilers floor ross are produced in Kharkov. In addition to this type of heating equipment, the company produces wall-mounted and parapet boilers. Floor analogues are produced in the Premium and Luxury classes, each of which has its own characteristics. For example, a Premium class boiler allows you to create autonomous systems heating, as well as hot water supply, independent of electricity. The coolant temperature is maintained by automatic equipment from foreign manufacturers.

Luxury class boilers are highly reliable, which is ensured by the installed gas automatics produced by SIT (Italy), which allows you to maintain stable operation of the equipment even with minimal pressure and gas fluctuations in the gas pipeline.

All ROSS products include components from foreign manufacturers: Polidoro burners; expansion tanks ELBI; Compini Corel thermostats and other elements.

Interesting ones that can be installed anywhere in a house or apartment and do not require the presence of a chimney as a special structure. The dimensions of this device, as well as the method of connection to the heating and hot water supply system, allow its installation anywhere. Except unique method connections - on the left, on the right or on both sides at the same time, this boiler can operate on natural gas or liquefied gas.

How to choose a gas boiler

Choose a gas boiler

As you can see, the existing market offers a huge selection of gas equipment, where even a specialist can get confused. What criteria must be met when choosing gas equipment if you need to make a heating and hot water supply system in a private home? Let's try to figure it out based on the brands of heating boilers from domestic manufacturers.

  1. First of all, the choice of boiler should be made taking into account the expected volume of the apartment, house or other premises. And here you need to understand that the larger the volume, the higher the boiler power should be, and accordingly, the cost will be higher. Approximate calculation - with the usual height of ceilings in a house for heating ten square meters area requires one kilowatt of boiler power. If the boiler is double-circuit (heats water), then a quarter of the boiler’s power is still consumed.
  2. In terms of power, boilers can be single-stage, two-stage or with a power regulator. Therefore, taking into account that the boiler will operate at full power only in the coldest months (and this is a fifth of the heating season), you should give preference to a boiler with a power regulator or a two-stage one.
  3. Based on the type of heat exchanger, boilers are divided into types:
    • with two heat exchangers - for heating and for heating water. Such designs are reliable, especially where the water is hard. But such boilers are more expensive;
    • with a biothermal design, it is reliable and inexpensive, but hard water contributes to rapid failure;
    • with coil design. They are characterized by durability reaching up to 50 years, but have significant drawback, which consists in the fact that if necessary, heat the water you need to turn on heating circuit, which is not entirely necessary in the summer.
  4. We pay attention to the material from which the boiler is made. Cast iron is heavier than steel, which is natural. Steel structure Can be hung on the wall, cast iron is unlikely. On the other hand, steel corrodes faster than cast iron. In addition, the service life of a steel boiler is only 10-15 years, while a cast iron boiler is 50.
  5. By gas burners we can say that the best option There will be a choice of fan type burner. They are more resistant to pressure fluctuations in gas pipeline networks, which is not uncommon in our country, when the flame can either disappear completely or go inside the burner. Boilers produced using ignition using piezoelectric elements are significantly inferior in terms of gas savings to boilers using electric ignition. If the boiler depends on electricity, then there is a need to purchase a voltage stabilizer or surge protector that monitors safe work boiler, protect it from sudden voltage changes, thereby extending its service life.
  6. The presence of a minimum set of automation, where there is a thermostatic regulator that sets the desired water temperature manually, flame control, automatic ignition, overheating protection. There are automation devices where the functions are more expanded, and accordingly, the price of such devices will be significantly higher.


Undoubtedly, a heating system using a gas boiler is the most profitable from an economic point of view and ease of use. Given the existing variety of heating equipment, we tried to talk only about boilers from domestic manufacturers, since they are better adapted to Russian conditions. In the event of a breakdown of individual components, there is always a chance of a quick replacement, since all production is located in Russia. And the cost of Russian gas boilers is significantly less than foreign ones.

Twenty years ago, houses were heated with coal or wood, but even now there are still villages and towns where there is no provision for gas heating. In addition, knowing the specifics of the operation of modern urban heating systems, not only suburban residents, but also city dwellers are switching to heating system. It is much easier to install a floor- or wall-mounted gas boiler and not depend on city systems.

How does a gas boiler work? The principle of operation is simple - for the operation of the boiler, natural or liquefied gas (ballooned) is used, which, when burned, transfers heat to the built-in heat exchanger. The latter “passes” water through itself, heating it and feeding it into the heating system.

The heat exchanger is responsible for the reliability and quality of work in the boiler, so when choosing equipment, pay attention to this detail.

The heat exchanger can be made of:

  1. Cast iron– this material is considered the most durable, since cast iron is resistant to burnout and does not corrode. Floor-standing cast iron gas boilers can last up to 50 years. Flaw of this material consists of fragility. The housing of the device may be damaged swipe or temperature change.
  2. Become– such a heat exchanger has high mechanical strength, resistant to cracks and deformations. Also, the steel body is lightweight (compared to cast iron). The disadvantage is that steel burns out faster and corrodes, due to which the equipment will last up to 10-15 years.

Types of floor standing boilers

Before choosing a gas floor-standing boiler, decide not only on the heat exchanger, but also on the type of equipment. Floor-standing gas boilers come in two types: double- and single-circuit.

  • Single-circuit boilers– such models are intended only for heating the heating system. Their single-circuit design does not allow supplying a home hot water. So, if you need to buy a floor-standing gas boiler, decide on its load. If you choose a single-circuit model, then to obtain hot water you will need to purchase additional equipment.
  • Dual-circuit– such a boiler will both heat the house and provide it with hot water. Such equipment consists of two circuits, one of which is responsible for supplying the house with hot water, and the second for heating the house. The only drawback of the dual-circuit model is that during the process of heating the water, the circuit responsible for heating will be turned off, due to which the heating system will cool down.
  • Condensing boiler– this type of equipment differs from a typical gas boiler in that combustion products are not discharged outside (as in standard boilers), but are “re-selected” in a special chamber. The combustion products “enter” this chamber at a temperature of 100-150 degrees, cool down to 50-55 ° C - it is at this temperature that water condensation begins. A condensing floor-standing gas boiler is highly efficient and “throws” out a minimal amount of combustion products.

Floor-standing gas boilers for private homes operate efficiently on any type of fuel. Most models can operate autonomously and do not require electricity. Non-volatile floor-standing gas boilers have several advantages:

  1. They can be installed for heating country houses, houses where there is no constant power supply.
  2. Non-volatile floor-mounted gas heating boilers will provide heat to small houses in rural areas where there are frequent power outages.

Also, a floor-standing energy-independent gas boiler will become practical solution to provide hot water and heating to homes where the power supply is insufficient.

Well-known boiler manufacturers - from Russia to Italy

Many companies are engaged in the production of heating equipment - both famous brands and manufacturers that specialize exclusively in gas equipment.

The market offers both domestic floor-standing gas heating boilers and foreign “guests” - German, Czech and Italian floor-standing gas boilers.

1. Ariston boilers – this famous Italian brand produces both wall-mounted, floor-mounted and condensation models. The Ariston floor-standing gas boiler will be equipped with a cast-iron heat exchanger and have a wide power range - from 20 to 64 kW.

The most popular floor-standing boilers are the Ariston Unobloc series - they operate on both natural and bottled gas and have mechanical control, electronic ignition and average power 45 kW. The price of a model from Ariston will be about 1100-1300 USD.

Why Italian floor-standing gas heating boilers are good - reviews of the Unobloc G 45 model will tell you everything:

Svetlana, 35 years old:

« We bought a gas floor-standing boiler with copper pipes V Vacation home six months ago. When choosing, we focused on many parameters and chose from a variety of models. What was decisive for us was that we already have Ariston equipment at home and we are very happy with the work - this is the first thing.

And secondly, this boiler can run on liquefied gas (we are just planning to restart the branch), so for some time we will have to use only cylinders.”

2. Lemax boilers – domestic equipment, the components of which are ordered in Europe. Floor-standing boilers are available with both steel and cast iron heat exchangers. Steel models of the KSGV, KSG series are equipped with protection against traction interruption and overheating, and automatic ignition.

Cast iron boilers of the Leader series are also not afraid of interruption of draft and overheating and have high class fire safety. You can buy a floor-standing gas boiler from Lemax for 315-595 USD. What is good about the Lemax floor-standing gas boiler - reviews note a couple of advantages.

Elena, 40 years old:

“I bought a gas boiler a year ago and did not regret choosing Lemax. My 65 sq. meters it heats wonderfully and looks beautiful.

The main advantage of the boiler is that it works well even with poor quality gas; in general, it is adapted to harsh conditions. I didn’t find any shortcomings, except that I would like a brighter design.”

3. AOGV boilers – Russian floor-standing gas heating boilers. AOGV models can operate on any gas, and the model range is represented by 30 boilers with a power from 10 to 68 kW. The AOGV floor-standing gas boiler has a steel heat exchanger; in some double-circuit models, the heat exchanger is made of copper.

Also, floor-standing gas heating boilers are equipped with automatic modulation of gas combustion in the burner. The price of the simplest single-circuit boiler with a power of 12 kW will be about 250 cu, and a steel double-circuit model will cost $420-800.

Anton, 31 years old:

“We bought an AOGV boiler with a capacity of 11.6 kW. After installing the equipment, all our heating problems ended. At the right time I turn on the boiler, adjust the temperature depending on the weather, and it heats perfectly.

Another plus is the presence of piezo ignition, that is, the device automatically controls gas burner devices. I haven’t found any shortcomings in six months.”

4. Thermon boilers – Czech equipment, which is equipped with a cast iron heat exchanger, an automatic control system (the ability to adjust power and soft start) and the ability to connect a thermostat.

Termona floor-standing gas boilers are available with a capacity of both 18 and 85 kW. Also among the line of models there are representatives of non-volatile boilers. The price of floor-standing gas heating boilers will be about 1000-1350 USD, the most powerful boiler of 77-120 kW will cost 3200-4000 USD.

Andrey, 34 years old:

“My Thermon boiler has been serving me for more than a year, and I am very pleased with it - it doesn’t require a lot of gas, the water heats up perfectly. The boiler worked all winter without interruption and silently, and the heat “spreads” evenly throughout the house. Honestly, in a year I haven’t found any flaws at all, I’m just surprised at his quality work.”

What else should you pay attention to when choosing a boiler?

The first thing you will choose is the size of the equipment and the heat exchanger material. Also pay attention to:

  • Boiler power - 1000 W will be enough to heat 10 square meters. meters of a “warm” house (wooden and insulated). If the boiler will also provide hot water, the power should be increased by 30-50%
  • Availability of a security system – automatic systems ignition and shutdown in case of an accident will make the equipment safe.

A boiler is a technique that saves your home in providing warmth and comfort. The choice of this technique is not the same difficult task, which may seem at first glance.

In order for you to fully understand this issue, we suggest studying in detail the model range, its representatives and familiarizing yourself with the basic tips for choosing.

From our material you will learn which are the best Russian floor-mounted gas heating boilers that are relevant in this moment, their cost and rating. We will give ratings on a scale from 0 to 5+.


Representative of the average price segment, is an experienced brand in the market. You can turn your attention to even the most budget model lines, since the manufacturer has paid due attention to safety issues.

Atmo 8E

In order to use such models, one of the main conditions is the availability of main gas. This is the most best option. Atmo 8E shows excellent parameters regarding efficiency - here it is at the level of 90%. It also has 8 kW of rated power, which is quite enough to carry out efficient heating average private house.

There is a dependence on the supply of electricity, while the protective mechanisms are automated and there are flexible adjustment settings. The heat exchanger is made of steel - whether this is a plus or not, we will discuss at the end of our article.

Atmo 12.5E

Compared to the previous model, this one costs more. This factor affects primarily the rated power, which here is equal to 12 kW. This is a more preferable option if the house area is large or more resources are required to heat it efficiently.

On the other hand, there is also a security system, and the heat exchanger material is still steel. Suitable exclusively for heating purposes.

Mobility and ease of installation are ensured by compactness; the small dimensions of the model are equal to 770x390x610, while the weight is 50 kg.

Although they are also equal in terms of efficiency, higher fuel consumption is observed due to increased power. This product consumes natural or liquefied gas with an index of 1.39.

This - the best choice, if a more powerful device is required, and the characteristics of the previous model are not enough.

Atmo 16E

Intended exclusively for heating, Atmo 16E, like the entire model line of this brand, is distinguished by advanced hydraulic resistance indicators and will also ensure high-quality water circulation without the use of a pump.

It becomes a real salvation for country and private houses with an average area. It is also successfully used in office premises, for this, 16 kW of rated power will work for you. At the same time, compared to the 12.5E model, there is a slight increase in the indicators of natural or liquefied gas consumed - here this mark is 1.8.

This great option when it is important to maintain the perfect balance between pricing policy, final quality and service life. Capable of effectively providing heat to an area of ​​up to 120 m2. A noticeable difference in dimensions is 960x324x695 with a weight of 74 kg.

Atmo 20E

Atmo 20E, like the further model under consideration in our review, is classified as a more advanced device. This is mainly noticeable in terms of power indicators and the size of the recommended room. Suitable for larger houses, since the maximum heated area should be no more than 200 m2 in size.

Nominal thermal power is 20 kW, while respecting the developer’s idea regarding the efficiency of devices. Here, fuel is also consumed optimally, since the consumption value is 2.4.

Traditionally, when designing a heat exchanger, the designer used steel. Higher power affected the dimensions; such a device weighs almost 100 kg. Security settings and automated systems in terms of protection they are at the same decent level.

Atmo 25E

Maintains the traditions of a stable middle peasant of the market. Atmo 25E is the best choice if the dimensions of the heated room do not exceed 250 m2. It differs significantly in price from the first model from our review. We recommend making your choice solely based on power indicators, since a noticeable increase in price mainly affects this parameter.

Suitable for those who require more powerful heating for their home. It copes with this task efficiently and economically, for which it receives a rating slightly higher than its previous analogues.

The rated thermal power is 25 kW, while the dimensions are almost on the same level as 20E. This becomes an additional advantage, since the developers took additional care of the compactness and comfort of this product.

It maintains already established levels of efficiency and a reliable level of safety. Our rating of Russian-made gas floor-standing boilers will tell you about alternative brands, but for now we propose to summarize the results of this model range.


Due to good combination prices of the average category and an advanced security system, this model range can be safely included in our rating of Russian gas boilers in terms of reliability and quality. This model range will be represented by four models, from which you can choose the optimal combination for your living space.


KSts-G-10S like him alternative options from our review, it has a minimalist design and can fit succinctly into any interior. By affordable price you can get a truly reliable and safe product. This characteristic can also be given to the two subsequent models. This lies primarily in the advanced chimney design, the design of which complies with all modern standards.

In automatic mode, the fuel supply will be turned off if any interruptions in traction occur. A special sensor is responsible for this. In terms of rated thermal power, it is at the level of 10 kW. This will be enough to heat an area of ​​100 m2.

According to modern quality standards, it is not inferior to the previous brand, the efficiency is at the same stable level of 90%, and the heat exchanger was developed from the same steel.


The long warranty that the KSts-G-10S has goes well with its characteristics. Almost imperceptible difference in pricing policy unlike the first representative of this brand in our review. As with other models, the type of ignition is piezo-ignition, and the security systems are exactly the same as even the most expensive models. The main difference from which is noticeable in terms of rated power and maximum size premises that will be heated by the product.

The heat exchanger material has traditionally been steel, which has both its advantages and disadvantages. We'll talk about this after the review.

The efficiency indicators are stable - 90%, with a rated power of 10 kW. Ideal for your private or country house, if its total area does not exceed the recommended maximum of 100 m2.


KSts-G-12S is capable of ensuring stable operation of the system due to advanced security systems. This option has become business card brand. Compared to the previous model, the pricing policy is not too noticeably different. This small difference mainly affects the power indicators; here the nominal thermal power values ​​are 12 kW.

At the same time, the maximum heating area is 20 m2 larger, here it is 120 m2. In general, it is worth making a choice in favor of this model based on considerations of the required power. In other respects, the products are almost identical. Floor system and optimal dimensions will help make installation convenient and quick. This product weighs only 37 kg, while its dimensions are 414/304/925.


KSts-G-25S with piezo ignition is equipped with more advanced technologies and is intended for rooms with large area, which affects not only the pricing policy, but also the size indicators. Compared to the first model of this brand from our review, there is a noticeable difference in weight - the KSts-G-25S weighs 64 kg. The dimensions of this product are 581/454/925.

This is compensated by the system, which is much more powerful. The rated thermal power indicators are at around 25 kW. Ideal for houses with a large area, since the developer recommends a maximum use area of ​​250 m2.

In addition to reliability, cost-effectiveness is a significant factor. In terms of this indicator, the proposed model is not inferior to most similar options on the market - the developer claims an efficiency of 90%.


Compared to previous brands presented in the review, it has greater flexibility in its model range. When choosing a device, it is recommended to pay attention to this brand in particular. Here you will find a wide variety of devices by price and power. Distinctive feature What such products have is ease of use and high efficiency.

AOGV-6 series Gazovik

A budget option, which at the same time does not lag behind other similar models from a higher price segment in terms of innovative ideas. We recommend paying attention to this model if the total area of ​​your premises does not exceed 60 m2. The first difference from the models already discussed is the efficiency indicators.

Since Premium-10N belongs to the popular series of this brand, your choice will be many systems that are completely identical. Their power ratings differ, so choosing from this series is the most comfortable.

A distinctive feature of such products is an increased level of efficiency, but this model line also costs more than the AOGV-6 Gazovik series. One of its obvious advantages, compared to it, lies in efficiency indicators. Here they are equal to the advanced 90%.

The maximum area that can be effectively heated with this product is 100 m2. At the same time, there is no noticeable difference in dimensions - 747.5x330x499 with a weight of 39 kg.

The design solution is also worth highlighting. Premium 10N is designed with modern, stylish design solutions. The beauty of the case hides advanced security systems, which are classified as automated. It is also ignited by piezo ignition, the automation familiar to this brand - EuroSit.

This series deserves a separate place in our review. Like the Premium series, it has a wide selection. This brand is represented here by three models, but among them you will have a wide choice.

The first difference from all top models is the heat exchanger design. There are two factors worth highlighting here. Firstly, the material used is high quality cast iron with a thickness of 4 mm. Secondly, this heat exchanger belongs to the Italian VIADRUS technology, which can be found on the most advanced models of this European manufacturer.

The security system virtually eliminates the occurrence of any kind of malfunction and makes operation stable for many years. For example, it has automatic protection against overheating, soot, and flames.

Another advantage that everyone will feel is independence and practicality. In order for the product to function, it does not require a connection to the electrical network. The already mentioned SIT technology will allow fuel savings of up to 30%.

Increased efficiency of 91% is combined with rated thermal power of 16 kW. This product is suitable for rooms with a maximum area of ​​160 m2.

Comparison of models

Let's summarize. We discussed the model lines of such brands:

  • ATON;
  • Conord;
  • Lemax.

You will find a more flexible and advanced offer in the third position. This will be especially beneficial for those who are willing to spend a price that exceeds the market average. This will play a role in durability and efficiency.

The first and second options are large players in the mid-price segment. They are similar in terms of safety indicators; the choice should be made primarily based on the allocated budget.

Leading models

We have selected three models that, in our opinion, became favorites:

  • Leader-16 with GGU-19h from Lemax - rating 5, estimated cost 33,000 rubles;
  • Premium-10N from Lemax - rating 4, estimated cost 17,300 rubles;
  • KSts-G-25S from Conord - rating 3+, estimated cost 21,000 rubles.

The obvious leader is the first option, if the budget allocated for the purchase allows you to use this product - we recommend paying attention to this model range. The second representative of Lemax belongs to more budget option, but also effective. KSts-G-25S is a representative of a confident middle peasant, but at the same time it is safe and reliable.

Brand rating

Calculating the average ratings by adding 0.5 points per plus, we have the following rating:

Despite the results, we do not recommend writing off ATON. The lineup brand consistently received confident C grades, having great combination low cost, reliability and power. If you are looking for the most flexible offer, pay attention to Lemax.

Subtleties of choice

First of all, focus on power indicators. On average, 1 kW of power covers 10 m2 of space. When the recommended area is smaller than the actual one, heating will not be effective, otherwise the device will overheat and reliability will decrease.

When choosing between steel and cast iron, keep in mind that cast iron can last longer. Its design implies minimal possibility of damage during operation (at the same time, it can be easily damaged during transportation and installation if you are careless). Check with your dealer to see what fuses are required. Using them, you can protect yourself as much as possible from breakdowns.

Steel is more flexible and less easily damaged. At the same time, they are subject to the critical influence of corrosion processes and are observed to be more low level reliability, which affects the service life.

The rating of Russian solid fuel heating boilers for a private home will help you find out more. Now you are aware of current brands and models. You can use them to explore other offers. The presented options have one of best levels combination of price and quality.

We wish you productive and successful searches!

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