Waterproofing of strip foundations of various types. Waterproofing strip foundations Types of waterproofing strip foundations

Moisture penetrating into basements and basements creates unfavorable conditions in residential areas located on these floors. During capillary penetration into the body of a concrete monolith of a strip foundation, moisture in winter time, freezing and expanding at the same time, contributes to the destruction of concrete. Foundation moisture also leads to corrosion of metal reinforcement, which also does not contribute to the strength and reliability of the building’s foundation. For the full and long-term functioning of the underground part of structures, it is necessary to ensure it even when laying the foundation. reliable protection from the destructive influence of moisture, underground groundwater and the effects of moisture penetrating from upper layers soil.

Properly performed waterproofing of a strip foundation is designed to protect it from moisture.

Types of foundation waterproofing

2 waterproofing methods:

  1. Horizontal is used when the groundwater is sufficiently deep and there is no direct contact of the foundation with it. Serves to cut off the capillary rise of moisture from the foundation strip to the foundation wall. Horizontal waterproofing also includes various types of water drainage from a building - the construction of a blind area and drainage.
  2. Vertical ensures waterproofness of the walls of the strip foundation. Non-pressure vertical waterproofing protects against seasonal rise of groundwater and precipitation; capillary - from moisture entering the concrete monolith; anti-pressure is designed to resist the hydrostatic action of groundwater.

Depending on the method of execution they are divided into:

  • coating (mastic) - performed in the form of coating with hot and cold bitumen or polymer compositions;
  • lining - insulation with roll materials (geotextiles, roofing felt, films);
  • spraying - applying coatings using a spray gun;
  • impregnating - used when processing blocks and slabs with various compositions that penetrate the porous structure of concrete and give them the necessary waterproofing qualities.

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Waterproofing the strip foundation during laying

When under construction, waterproofing is carried out in several stages.
On entry level for the waterproofing layer, you need to make a cushion from a sand-crushed stone mixture or a layer of lean concrete.

  1. A mixture of sand and crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the trench dug under the foundation, carefully compacted and leveled. The layer thickness can be up to 20-30 cm.
  2. A concrete screed up to 5-8 cm thick is laid on the sand layer. After the screed has dried (up to 2 weeks), its surface is treated bitumen mastic or molten bitumen and lay a layer of roofing felt, apply bitumen again and then another layer of roofing felt. After this, make another 5-8 cm of concrete screed.
  3. After this, the foundation is erected, its surfaces are isolated using vertical types of waterproofing.

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Waterproofing the foundation after its construction

Vertical insulation is possible both at the stage of foundation construction and after completion of construction. The most common method is to completely treat the entire foundation strip with molten bitumen or ready-made mastic purchased at a hardware store. Bitumen penetrates into gaps concrete structure and, when hardened, creates a layer that protects the foundation from the penetration of moisture into the body of the monolith.

Vertical insulation can be made using roll materials or spraying single- and two-component compositions such as Elastopaz or Elastomix, etc. materials from the “liquid rubber” category.

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Bitumen insulation

In order to insulate with bitumen, you need:

  1. Break the bitumen block into smaller pieces and melt them in a fireproof container (in a bucket over a fire) until liquid. When heating the bitumen, you can add a little used oil (automotive oil).
  2. Hot bitumen is easily applied to all surfaces of the foundation in several layers (2-4 is enough). Bitumen should not harden in the container: when reheated, it loses some of its properties.

Among the disadvantages of bitumen are the fragility (5-10 years of operation) and low water resistance of bitumen insulation. When backfilled with soil, the insulation may be damaged.

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Roll materials

To protect the foundation of a building from moisture, first of all, it is necessary to make so-called blind areas. Diagram of the blind area: 1 - cement mortar; 2 - broken brick, tseben; 3 - clay; 4 - soil; 5 - drainage groove; 6 - foundation.

How to protect the bitumen layer or how independent species waterproofing, you can make adhesive insulation using roll materials glued to the surface of the foundation using mastic or bitumen:

  1. Treat the foundation surfaces with molten bitumen or mastic. Unlike coating type waterproofing, it is not important to carefully apply the bitumen layer, since it serves as a layer that ensures the attachment of the rolled material to the foundation.
  2. The roofing material is heated using a burner and applied to a hot layer of bitumen coating. The joints are overlapped by 10-15 cm and treated with a torch to make the connection. Instead of roofing felt, modern materials are used, which are deposited in several layers on the surface of the foundation. This polymer films and polyester fabric with bitumen-polymer coating such as Technoelast, Izoelast, etc.
  3. If it is not possible to use a burner, special mastics with adhesive properties are used.

The durability of such waterproofing reaches 50 years. Waterproofing using roll materials is considered the most reliable today.

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Liquid rubber is a modern material

The composition is a dispersion of bitumen particles in water, modified by polymers. Among the advantages of modern material: odorless, non-flammable, non-toxic. Liquid rubbers can be applied even to wet surfaces and have good adhesion to all substrates. After drying it forms waterproofing membrane on the treated surface.

The disadvantage of the coating is the same as that of bitumen mastic: the surface can be damaged when. Therefore, it is recommended that after applying the composition with a spray gun or manually, additionally secure geotextiles or other material (for example, polystyrene foam for thermal insulation) to the foundation.

Applying a layer of liquid rubber requires preliminary priming with a special compound or diluted with water (1:1) liquid rubber. After drying for 1 hour, apply 1-2 layers of liquid rubber to the soil layer.

Waterproofing the strip foundation of a residential building is necessary to prevent moisture from sediment and groundwater in the concrete and reinforcing elements included in the foundation structure. Wetting of concrete provokes destruction of the foundation due to the expansion of frozen water in the capillaries of the concrete tape and leads to corrosion of steel reinforcement, reducing the strength properties of the foundation of the house. Owners of individual buildings are able to independently correctly carry out work on waterproofing the foundation of their home, possessing certain knowledge in this area.

The destructive effect of moisture on the foundation of a building occurs when water interacts with the materials of the foundation structure. The porous structure of concrete, saturated with capillaries, contributes to the constant absorption of moisture from concrete environment and groundwater. In order to make the strip foundation of a residential building as protected as possible from a damp environment, it is necessary, in accordance with (previously SNiP 2.03.11-85), to ensure its waterproofing using methods of primary and secondary corrosion protection (clauses 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7). Foundation waterproofing falls into the category of secondary protection based on application. protective coatings or treatment with special compounds.

Scheme of waterproofing strip foundation.

Builders with their own hands or with the involvement of specialized organizations carry out measures to apply waterproofing materials to the foundation, taking into account external factors, affecting the foundation of the house:

  • Atmospheric precipitation and melt water;
  • Groundwater.

For guaranteed protection foundation from the penetration of sedimentary and melt water It is enough to make a high-quality blind area around the perimeter of the entire building. To implement hydraulic protection from ground moisture, it is necessary to take into account a set of initial data, among which the main ones are:

  1. Type of groundwater near the structure;
  2. Depth of groundwater passing near the building;
  3. Heterogeneity of soils in the construction area;
  4. Purpose and planned operation of the house.

Let's consider how these factors influence the choice of foundation waterproofing method.

Type of groundwater

Groundwater has a direct impact on the formation of groundwater level (GWL) in the area construction site and on the degree of soil moisture near the foundation. The diagram below shows the distribution patterns of the two main types of groundwater in soil:

  • Verkhovodkas are local centers of water formation that have a seasonal nature of existence. Verkhovodka lies near earth's surface, is formed and exists only during times of high environmental humidity, disappearing during dry periods;
  • Groundwater that occurs near the surface of the earth and has a territorial regional distribution. Groundwater levels are subject to seasonal fluctuations.

As mentioned above, to protect against perched water it is enough to do good blind area and rain shower. Protection from groundwater will depend on its depth. This dependence is discussed below.

Depth of groundwater

“Recommendations for the design of waterproofing of underground parts of buildings and structures” Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings, M., 1996 (amended in 2009), determined that waterproofing of structures must be carried out above the maximum ground level by at least 0.5 m (p. clauses 1.8 and 1.9). Since the average value of fluctuations in the level of hot water in many regions of the Russian Federation, according to the results of geological surveys, is accepted within 1.0 m, then in order to guarantee protection of the foundation from ground moisture, it is recommended to adhere to this indicator as a basic reference point when choosing waterproofing for the base of a building, depending on the depth of the hot water. . In particular:

  • When the water level is less than 1 m below the base of the foundation, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation;
  • If the groundwater level is located more than 1 m deeper than the foundation, hydraulic protection may not be installed.

It is necessary to take into account the possibility of increasing the water level as a consequence of infrastructure development in the region. As well as the maximum groundwater level for past seasons.

At high level GW exceeding the lower level of the foundation base, in addition to waterproofing, it is necessary to additionally make local drainage to remove moisture from the foundation, as prescribed in “Design and construction of foundations and foundations of buildings and structures” (Chapter 11).

Soil heterogeneity

The heterogeneity of soils with different chemical compositions leads to chemical aggression of groundwater towards concrete in the foundation, up to its destruction (concrete corrosion). The use of special corrosion-resistant concrete grade W4 is required when pouring the foundation and highly reliable hydraulic protection made from materials resistant to aggressive environments.

Purpose and planned operation of the house

If you have self-equipped basements functional purpose such as a gym, workshop, etc. increased demands are placed on the reliability of waterproofing in order to prevent deterioration of the microclimate in these rooms.

Properly arranged waterproofing of the strip foundation of a residential building requires compliance with three basic principles for constructing a waterproofing system for the foundations of buildings of any purpose:

  1. Continuity of each layer of waterproofing along the entire perimeter of the waterproofing;
  2. Installation of a waterproofing layer only on the side exposed to moisture, i.e. waterproofing the foundation should be carried out outside, but in no case inside the basement;
  3. Preliminary special preparation of the outer surface of the foundation for subsequent application waterproofing material.

Types of waterproofing of strip foundations

According to clause 5.1.2 of the set of rules (formerly SNiP 2.03.11-85), waterproofing of a concrete structure is ensured:

  • Paint and varnish and mastic coatings;
  • Coating and plaster coatings;
  • Pasted insulation;
  • Impregnation of the surface layer of the structure or other surface treatment methods.

In relation to strip foundations, taking into account modern technologies for applying waterproofing, vertical waterproofing is divided according to the method of installation into the following types:

  • Coating (painting);
  • Welded;
  • Plastering;
  • Stick-on;
  • Injection;
  • Impregnating;
  • Sprayable.

Coating (painting) waterproofing

Waterproofing using coating technology is based on the use of bitumen and bitumen-polymer emulsions and mastics with the formation of waterproof films on the surface of the foundation.

Coating waterproofing protects the foundation from the penetration of capillary ground moisture in low-moisture soils when groundwater is removed 1.5-2 meters below the basement floor level. In the presence of hydrostatic pressure, it is permissible to use coating technology in the following options:

  • Bitumen mastic is used for pressure no higher than 2 m;
  • Bitumen-polymer mastic - for a pressure of no more than 5 m.

Mastics are applied in 2-4 layers. The thickness of the coating waterproofing depends on the depth of the strip base and is:

  • 2 mm – for a foundation with a laying depth of up to 3 meters;
  • 2-4 mm – for a foundation with a laying depth of 3 to 5 meters.

The advantages of coating bitumen protection are as follows:

  • Relatively low cost;
  • Absence special requirements to the qualifications of performers;
  • High elasticity;
  • Excellent adhesion.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the short service life - after 6 years the insulation loses its elasticity. The waterproofing layer becomes covered with cracks, which reduces the overall level of waterproofing. To increase the shelf life of the insulation, add polymer additives, providing increased performance characteristics waterproofing coating.

The technology for applying mastic is simple. A special primer is applied to the previously prepared surface with a roller or brush, ensuring deep penetration into the foundation material. After the primer has dried, bitumen mastic is applied in layers.

Welded and glued waterproofing

These technologies relate to methods of waterproofing with roll materials. They are used both as independent waterproofing measures and as an addition to the do-it-yourself coating method. When using adhesive waterproofing, traditional roofing felt is used, which is fixed to the foundation surface treated with a bitumen primer.

With glued waterproofing, the thickness of the waterproofing layer reaches 5 mm. The use of 2-3 layers is allowed.

Roofing felt can be fixed with special adhesive mastics in several layers with an overlap of 15-20 cm. If the fixing of roofing felt is carried out by heating with a gas burner, we will obtain fusing technology. From modern materials instead of roofing felt, roll waterproofing materials are used - TechnoNIKOL, Technoelast and other materials for fusing onto polymer based polyester, which increases the wear resistance of the coating. The service life of such waterproofing is 50 years.

Plaster waterproofing

Laying waterproofing using the plaster method is identical to plastering walls using beacons with your own hands. For insulation, mixtures of moisture-resistant components such as polymer concrete and hydroconcrete are used. Minimum thickness the applied layer should be 20 mm.

The advantages of the plastering method include the low cost of materials and ease of implementation.

Among the disadvantages it is necessary to note:

  • Average level of moisture resistance;
  • Short service life, after 5 years cracks appear through which water can leak.

Injection waterproofing

The injection method of waterproofing is based on pumping special polymer injector mixtures under pressure into the pores of the foundation. For injection technology, materials are produced based on mineral or polyurethane based, in density close to ordinary water. If you use polyurethane-based compounds, then waterproofing each square meter you will need at least 1.5 liters, while acrylic-based mixtures will require much less. Perforation for injection is performed using conventional hammer drills or drills; the dimensions of the holes (from 25 to 32 mm) are determined by the diameters of the injection packers and capsules. Upon completion of the injection process, the perforation is sealed cement-sand mixture regular composition.

Impregnation waterproofing

This technique is based on the impregnation of concrete with special organic binders, filling the capillaries of concrete and forming an anti-hygroscopic layer in concrete up to 30-40 mm deep.

The technology of spraying waterproofing material requires the use of a special sprayer. While the cost of materials is high, their use is economically justified for waterproofing foundations of complex configurations that are difficult to process in other ways.

Drainage as an auxiliary measure

The arrangement of drainage systems is intended to remove excess moisture from the foundation system of a building at a high level of groundwater. According to clause 11.1.15 of the set of rules, drainages are divided into general and local. Their use in combination with waterproofing helps protect the foundation from the penetrating effects of ground moisture.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a strip foundation is difficult. technological process, requiring a clear understanding of each stage of the entire event. Only in this case will a long period of trouble-free operation of the house be ensured.

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The strip foundation of your house must be “clad” in waterproofing materials. Correct and reliable waterproofing strip foundation of your house is one of the primary tasks that you must definitely solve.

Tape is a reinforced concrete strip. It runs along all the external dimensions of the structure and along the load-bearing internal walls.

From life experience, we know that in order to maintain our health, we wear warm clothes in cold weather, and put on appropriate shoes in wet weather. We wear special waders when fishing and hunting so as not to get our feet wet and get sick. But many unfortunate builders think that the built house, in particular its foundation, can be located in a fairly damp and cold environment - in the ground - without protection from this aggressive environment.

Therefore, so that the house you build:

  • brought joy to you and more than one generation of your descendants;
  • was a “long-liver”, which is why you need to preserve the “health” of your home;
  • didn't cause any trouble frequent repairs, alterations, reconstructions due to illiterate construction and subsequent operation,

Modern technology for isolation from groundwater is definitely needed.

We must deal with this important issue.

Strip foundations (diagram).

To create waterproofing that lasts long years, it is necessary to use high-quality, specially designed material with certain properties and characteristics.

The material used must be:

Modern materials have these properties and differ only in the greater or lesser degree of their manifestation.

Good drainage

Light soils - sands and sandy loams - can easily allow emerging moisture to pass into lower layers of soil. Water does not stagnate near the constructed foundation, and therefore waterproofing can be a little lighter compared to waterproofing installed on heavy, heaving soils - clay, loam.

As a rule, on heaving soils they arrange drainage system collection and removal of moisture from the concrete foundation. For this purpose, special drainage membranes are used, which are placed under monolithic slab, on which the strip foundation stands.

Scheme of the drainage system.

Under the bottom of the reinforced concrete foundation strip, carried out in a trench (house without a basement) along all external and internal load-bearing walls houses with a foundation base depth of 20-30 cm below the freezing point of the soil must build a sand-gravel or sand-crushed stone cushion. Such drainage is able to remove moisture to lower layers of the earth. The width of the bulk and compacted cushion should be 20 cm greater than the width of the strip foundation. The cushion prevents stagnation of water and silt or clay when the groundwater level rises and damage to the foundation surface vertical waterproofing. A vertically installed drainage membrane helps remove excess water from the building, preventing it from putting pressure on the waterproofing itself and looking for weak points in it.

Horizontal and vertical insulation

Diagram of horizontal waterproofing device

Horizontal waterproofing is carried out under a monolithic slab by laying a drainage membrane on a monolithic layer of lean concrete with a slope into the outlet pipeline, followed by installation reinforced mesh and pouring a monolithic foundation slab onto which a strip foundation is assembled or poured around the perimeter of the house.

Horizontal waterproofing is also done to separate the upper plane of the strip foundation and the starting wall. It is performed by spraying the appropriate material or laying rolled hydro insulating materials.

All vertical planes The strip foundation from top to bottom is covered with modern materials specially developed for this purpose.

Several types of waterproofing

Non-pressure waterproofing protects the strip foundation from external precipitation penetrating into the soil, and from the spring and autumn temporary rise in groundwater levels.

For reliable anti-pressure waterproofing of the basement, it is better to apply three layers of slurry.

After vertical waterproofing is completed, the foundation is backfilled. The best result is achieved by layer-by-layer backfilling with inert materials that conduct water well, such as quartz (river) sand with minimal clay admixtures, gravel mass or earth. Backfill construction waste undesirable, since it is after this operation that damage to the integrity of the waterproofing of the strip foundation is possible. On the surface of the ground along the entire perimeter of the building, a blind area 1 m wide is made of concrete or asphalt.

Anti-pressure insulation, in turn, protects the foundation of the house from contact with permanent nearby groundwater in the foundation area. For such purposes, coating, spraying, and painting materials are used. After applying such insulating materials, a continuous layer of insulation is formed without joints or seams with good repellent properties.

Capillary waterproofing prevents moisture droplets from entering the concrete monolith. top scores it gives when impregnating concrete with compositions with both internal and external outside foundation tape. Impregnating compounds penetrate several centimeters deep into the concrete, filling the smallest pores in the concrete, making the strip foundation practically airtight and able to withstand external moisture.

Connection diagram of horizontal and vertical waterproofing.

Sequence of work

Work to isolate the strip foundation from external influence environments must take place on a surface free of dirt.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the method of application, and at the same time the insulating material itself.

Coating waterproofing is carried out with mastic, bitumen compounds, and liquid glass. In most cases, it is used as the first layer of insulation and as a bonding layer for gluing rolled materials.

After this layer, the foundation is covered with roofing felt or other rolled materials in two layers, gluing the layers onto mastic. The joints are made with an overlap of 20 cm.

Waterproofing is also possible using spraying with special compounds using a spray gun.

After performing any type of waterproofing, it is advisable to install a special rolled profiled membrane, which will protect the waterproofing from damage and help drain excess water from the foundation. The membrane is also rolled out with an overlap of 15-20 cm at the joints.

There is an opinion that concrete is a material that can withstand any conditions, including weather, and can serve for many years without undergoing any changes. However, in reality this is far from the case. Of course, concrete is one of the most durable and durable materials. However, in order to concrete foundation has served as long as possible, it must be protected, primarily from moisture, since it has a detrimental effect.

If you do not provide waterproofing for the foundation, after some time the base will simply collapse, which will lead to changes and destruction of the entire building. In addition, great damage to the foundation of the house can be caused groundwater. Waterproofing – important point When arranging the foundation, you should never forget about it, and you can even carry out concrete insulation work with your own hands. You can also find videos on the Internet on how to do similar work.

Waterproofing using lubricants

Waterproofing a strip foundation with your own hands using coating is one of the most simple ways protect the base from moisture. The method of this type of waterproofing works on the principle of applying paint. You just need to purchase the material, and then use a brush to cover the entire surface of the foundation with coating. To ensure waterproofing in this case, liquid glass, various bitumen mastics and much more can be used.

Using coating for waterproofing strip foundations has its advantages:

  • Low cost of substances, and of the work itself to ensure protection.
  • Good elasticity of the substance, which is ensured due to its consistency.
  • Absence of any joints or seams.
  • High degree of hydrophobicity after concrete coating.
  • Ease of waterproofing work. Coating concrete with coating does not require the use of any complex tools or equipment, nor does it require any special skills.
  • High degree of bonding to the foundation surface.

In addition to the listed qualities, the coating also has some disadvantages. Firstly, it is fragility. The shelf life of such a substance is on average about six years. After this time, the mastic or other substance becomes inelastic and brittle, and, accordingly, unable to provide adequate protection. As a result, the homeowner will have to carry out repairs and re-waterproofing work. You should pay attention to this when choosing a waterproofing method. If cracks appear in the mastic or liquid glass After the time has passed, it is necessary to take measures to carry out repeated work as quickly as possible, since moisture can penetrate through the cracks into the concrete and provoke the process of its destruction.

If we take into account the fact that coating options are characterized by their low cost, waterproofing can be done every 7-8 years without spending large quantity money. However, if this option does not suit you, you can choose substances with the addition of polymers, rubber or latex. Such connections last much longer and are more resistant to external influences.

Technology of coating concrete with coating

Waterproofing a strip foundation with your own hands is not difficult at all.

  1. It is first necessary to thoroughly clean the concrete strips from dirt, dust and various foreign objects.
  2. Then you need to apply a special primer deep penetration. This is necessary for better adhesion of the coating to the surface of the foundation.
  3. After the primer has dried well, you can begin applying the waterproofing agent. This must be done using a special paint brush. The coating should be applied in such a way that there are no gaps or empty areas left on the surface. Additionally, you can watch a video on how to properly waterproof a strip foundation.

Waterproofing using roll materials

Inexpensive waterproofing of strip foundations can be done using rolled materials. The most striking and frequently used representative of this group is roofing felt. Rolls of aquazol and isoplast are also sometimes used for such purposes.

Roll materials are generally quite widely used in the construction of houses and other structures. Moreover, they are used not only to protect the foundation, but also for roofing work, building a swimming pool, making road surfaces and much more. This material can not only protect against external influences of water and moisture, for example, under unfavorable weather conditions, but also against underwater groundwater with strong pressure.

Roll materials from which waterproofing is made are divided into several types:

  • Pasting. Such materials are attached to the surface of the base using special adhesives, for example, bitumen mastic, or using a special adhesive layer provided. The second option is more convenient and does not require much time to complete the work.
  • Floating This type of material is convenient and interesting in that the pre-prepared layer from the roll is heated with a burner and then applied to the surface of the foundation. Influenced high temperatures the material becomes sticky and adheres well to the base.

Roll materials also have some advantages:

  1. Easy to use and install.
  2. Durability.
  3. The ability to repel moisture.
  4. High strength materials.
  5. Reliable protection from external influences.

Roll materials have virtually no disadvantages, and therefore are used for a variety of purposes during construction.

Coating technology with roll materials

To waterproof a strip foundation with rolled materials, you need to follow a simple sequence of actions that anyone can do:

  1. Prepare the base surface, level it, clean it from dirt and dust, remove excess inclusions and foreign particles.
  2. Apply bitumen mastic using a paint brush. In cases where rolls with self-adhesive material or weldable, this step is skipped.
  3. Roofing felt or any other roll material.
  4. When fixing the material to the surface, it is important to overlap the layers at the joints. The overlap width should be at least 15 centimeters. In order for the roofing material to be securely fastened in this place, it must be soldered using gas burner.

The process of applying the material to the surface does not take much time. The installation procedure for roofing felt or other rolled material can be viewed in more detail in the video.

Waterproofing using spray material

Waterproofing with sprayed materials is considered the most modern technology. Its main advantage is that it answers everyone necessary requirements and performs all tasks accurately. In addition, such material can be used not only to provide foundation protection for the first time, but also to repair old insulation. Today, builders also use sprayed waterproofing materials for roofing work.

The main advantages of spraying include:

  • Long service life.
  • Ease of application of the material.
  • Absence of any seams or joints.
  • Fast drying and hardening.
  • It has no toxic properties and does not cause any harm to health.
  • Resistant to ultraviolet rays.
  • Elastic.

The only disadvantages of sprayed materials include the relatively high cost of the work, as well as the need to use special equipment to carry out the coating.

The material application technology involves preparatory work, and then spraying the substance using special device. Geotexy is also applied for fixation. A video of how the spraying procedure is performed can also be seen online.

Features of base waterproofing

When applying waterproofing material, you need to remember some features. Firstly, do not forget that the soil contains moisture, as well as many other substances that lead to destruction. Therefore, it is important to provide protection from the lands located next to the foundation. Materials, especially coating materials, must be applied in different directions, horizontally and vertically.

If you are still wondering whether waterproofing is needed or whether protective work needs to be done, you should think about the fact that due to the destruction of the foundation, the building will gradually begin to tilt, and, therefore, walls and other parts of the structure will begin to collapse. Repairs in this case will be quite expensive, so it is better to prevent such difficulties from occurring.

At the construction stage of a building, many craftsmen make a gross mistake, which subsequently leads to a violation of the building's structure. This mistake lies in the insufficient and poor-quality arrangement of the foundation. This means waterproofing the strip foundation and basement, if any.

It is extremely necessary to complete this stage of work, since the impact of groundwater on outside the grounds are quite destructive. Especially considering that chemical composition groundwater can vary dramatically depending on the location of the house in relation to chemical or metallurgical industry, agricultural activities, etc.

The lack of waterproofing on the external walls of the basement can lead to at least dampness in it

Important: the lack of waterproofing on the outer walls of the basement can at least lead to dampness in it. In the worst case, constant flooding and the resulting destruction of the premises will be its fate.

Waterproofing a strip foundation with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to understand the principles and technologies of performing work, and also to know about all possible types and types of waterproofing. About this in our material.

It is worth knowing that you can choose to perform the work different group materials. They are:

Depending on the type of materials chosen, waterproofing technology is also used.

Coating type insulation

For waterproofing strip foundations and basements, including in this case, bitumen-based materials or bitumen mastic are used. According to the type of materials, it becomes clear that the waterproofing of the strip foundation in this case is carried out by spreading mastic along the entire perimeter of the base.

To carry out work using mastic, it is necessary to perform a number of such actions:

  • Free the foundation (basement walls) from debris, dust and dirt;
  • Coat the surface of the outer and inner walls of the foundation with a deep penetration primer;
  • After the primer has dried, use a special brush (mastic brush) to apply the mastic in an even, continuous layer so that there are no gaps in the waterproofing.

The benefits of waterproofing coating method can be attributed:

  • Low cost of materials;
  • Ease of work;
  • Good elasticity of the finishing coating;
  • Excellent waterproofing properties bitumen;
  • High adhesion of the coating to concrete.

However, such waterproofing also has disadvantages. The main one is the low service life of the material. Thus, the layer of bitumen mastic remains elastic and intact for only 6 years. Then it begins to crack, as a result of which groundwater still penetrates to the walls of the foundation. The problem can be solved by purchasing coating waterproofing materials with the addition of softening polymers.

In addition, the integrity of the coating layer may be damaged during backfilling of the foundation. Small pebbles can scratch the coating and depressurize it. They solve the problem by laying a protective layer of roofing felt or geotextile over the applied layer of bitumen.

Roll type waterproofing (adhesive)

Here, materials in the form of a roll are used to protect the foundation from moisture. It can be roofing felt, geotextiles, Aquaizol, Isoplast with Helastopley. More often similar materials are used if it is planned to build a house without a basement. In this case, both horizontal insulation is used (coating the foundation plane before its contact with the walls) and vertical (applying rolled material to the base walls).

Roll materials are attached to the base of the building in two stages:

  • Adhesive (using bitumen mastic as an adhesive);
  • Floating (using a gas burner to melt the material and make it pliable).

The technology for installing waterproofing is as follows:

  • The foundation walls are cleared of debris and treated with a deep penetration primer;
  • Next, after drying, the walls are coated with bitumen mastic and sections of waterproofing material are applied, pressing them well;
  • The waterproofing joints are overlapped by 15 cm, and to ensure a good fit, a torch is used to fuse the cuts together.

To the benefits roll waterproofing include:

  • Long service life;
  • Excellent waterproofing ability;
  • Easy installation;
  • High resistance to any type of mechanical impact;
  • Reliability of the entire structure.

But it is worth remembering that rolled materials for waterproofing based on fiberglass or fiberglass have less resistance to deformation in contrast to materials based on polyester.

Penetrating waterproofing

This type of waterproofing of foundation and basement walls is considered one of the most effective, but also expensive. Here, the waterproofing material is based on a special mixture of cement, quartz sand and special plasticizing additives. The result is a plastic material that is applied by coating to the walls of the base and penetrates into all pores of the base, forming crystalline solidification in the voids. They will push water away from the underground part of the building.

Penetrating waterproofing is widely used for treating the walls of basements and other underground tanks, and for treating foundations of any kind.

The advantages of this type of waterproofing include:

  • High quality insulation from groundwater exposure;
  • Excellent ductility during application;
  • High wear resistance of the finished coating;
  • Durability of the entire structure;
  • Resistance to aggressive environments.

The technology of waterproofing using penetrating mixtures is as follows:

  • The walls are completely cleaned and treated with a primer;
  • After the primer has dried, the insulating mixture is applied with a special brush or from a spray bottle;
  • The coating is allowed to dry completely.

Spray insulation

This method of waterproofing a strip foundation is one of the most modern. The method of applying insulation by spraying is widely used in roofing works, at repair work old waterproofing coating or to create a new first layer. In comparison with the mass of advantages, the sprayed mixture has one significant drawback- high cost.

The technology for creating a waterproofing layer by spraying is as follows:

  • The walls of the foundation or basement are cleaned of debris, dust and dirt;
  • The moisture protection agent is applied to the finished surface using a construction sprayer, forming a seamless, even coating;
  • For greater reliability, the sprayed mastic is reinforced with a layer of geotextile.

The advantages of this method of waterproofing are:

  • Long service life (50 years or more);
  • High adhesion properties of the material to concrete;
  • Simplicity of work, which saves labor costs and time on the construction site;
  • Absolutely smooth coating without seams or joints, which prevents the slightest ingress of moisture onto the surface of the concrete base;
  • Environmental friendliness and absolute non-toxicity of the material;
  • Excellent elasticity that resists any small inclusions in the soil;
  • High resistance to ultraviolet rays.

If the house is built without waterproofing the foundation

Important: waterproofing the base of a new building should be carried out during the construction stage. However, it happens that a house is purchased, but there is no insulation from moisture. In this case, it is possible and necessary to save the house. In this case, you need to act like this:

  • The house or basement is completely excavated along the entire perimeter of the foundation. Moreover, you need to start from the corners, moving towards the walls of the base, so as not to disturb the strength of the building.
  • Now you should clean all the walls around the perimeter from dirt and dust. This should be done exclusively without the use of moisture. It is important to free all recesses, cracks and pores of the base from soil, earth and dirt.
  • All cleaned cracks should be filled special glue For tiles or cement mortar.
  • After the foundation or basement walls have dried, they should be treated with bitumen mastic.

Important: under such conditions it is better to combine vertical and horizontal insulation.

  • Rolls of roofing felt or other insulation material are cut into pieces the right size and using a special gas burner is applied to the walls of the structure with overlapping joints. The pieces are placed horizontally.
  • Now you need to apply another layer of material in the same way, but with a vertical orientation.

Important: at the corners of the building it is worth wrapping the rolled material and making overlaps. But, under no circumstances should you cut the waterproofing. This installation method will break the tightness of the foundation winding.

  • Lastly, a drainage system and a blind area for water removal are formed.
  • All that remains is to backfill the base with good compaction of the soil.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a strip foundation

Review of types of waterproofing material for strip foundations. Coating, roll, penetrating and other types of waterproofing.