The eyes of a man who killed people. The power of the gaze: the gaze can be extremely dangerous! Remote eye strike

Has it ever occurred to you how a person could survive in a world where force rules, where the most significant, weighty argument in the dispute for the right to exist was a mighty fang and a sharp tooth, but not at all wit? Perhaps some skill once helped people, now completely forgotten?..

An acquaintance of mine once told the story of his then future father’s unsuccessful matchmaking with the daughter of the famous tamer V. Durov at the beginning of the 20th century.
The young people were introduced at some dinner party, and, as was customary then, she invited him to the house. He arrived at the appointed time and sat down to drink tea. The conversation flowed freely about this and that, occasionally interrupted by the animals darting around the trainer’s house. But what annoyed the youth most of all was the crow, which darted around the room with wild cawing.
“And damn you!” - the trainer’s daughter finally couldn’t stand it and threw a special look at the crow.
Ta-clap on the floor with your paws up...

My friend’s father, who witnessed this scene, decided not to stay in the house for long after this. At the first opportunity, I picked up my hat and was like that...
And this is far from the only evidence of the power of a killer female gaze. Back in 1553, the famous European scientist Cornelius Agrippa wrote in his work “Occult Science”: “In Tartary, Illyria and the Tariballs there are women who kill all those whom they look at in anger. Also, the women who inhabit Rhodes change everything for the worse through their gaze.”

Another phenomenon of this kind was observed in Paris during the era of the second empire. In those days, the singer Massol, who was distinguished by a special, unpleasant shine in his eyes, enjoyed great success on stage.

Once, when, as always, he was singing an aria from Halevi’s opera “The Damnation” with his eyes raised to the ceiling, the driver who was moving the scenery above fell right on the stage and died. The next time, during a performance, the singer accidentally glanced at the conductor - and he almost immediately felt ill and died on the third day from an unusual nervous attack. For the third time, Massol was advised to sing while looking at the empty box. But later it turned out that the box was occupied by a visiting merchant from Marseille, who was late for the start of the performance. Needless to say, he died the next day. After this, Massol left the stage.

In the middle of the 19th century, one of the residents of Palermo, Sicily, had a similar gift. All he had to do was look intently at a person, and he began to waste away by leaps and bounds. After a couple of days, death occurred. But the owner of the deadly gaze himself never looked in the mirror.

Desperate heads did not fail to take advantage of this. They waylaid a scary man in an alley, threw a bag over his head and dragged him into a room where they had previously hung mirrors on all the walls. They tore the bag off the man who was caught, and everyone ran out of the room, locking the door. The man saw his reflection, and his own gaze killed him. Thus, the residents of Palermo got rid of the terrible killer.

At the end of the 19th century, an official from England, Karsten, who served in the colonial administration of India, came across local savages while hunting an elephant. They wanted to take someone else's trophy for themselves, but Karsten, despite the warnings of his frightened servants, harshly stopped the savages by beating one of them. The beaten savage had no intention of running away, he remained in place and looked intently into Karsten’s eyes.

This look immediately made him feel sick, a strong disgust washed over him, and he kicked the savage aside. Then this state quickly passed, and in the evening Karsten laughed at the stupid fears of his superstitious servants. However, the next evening, his hand, with which he then beat that savage, began to hurt greatly. And a day later he fell ill altogether: some terrible weakness overcame his whole body. Carsten was examined by doctors, but no illness could be determined. His condition quickly deteriorated: first he lost his appetite, insomnia began, followed by severe pain, and his tongue was lost. A week later he died.

There are people whose gaze is simply impossible to withstand. For example, . His contemporaries noted the amazing quality of his eyes. One got the impression that it was possible to drown in them and lose one’s own self. No one could look into his eyes for a long time. People got confused and looked away.

Joseph Stalin had a similar gift. Those who communicated closely with him described his gaze as snakelike. This is exactly how Stalin looked at people, trying to understand their inner essence. At the same time, the formidable ruler did not tolerate it when his interlocutor averted his eyes. He viewed this as insincerity, which indicated dark thoughts.

There is evidence that the human eye also affects animals. Indian yogis and Tibetan magicians, as a result of long training, acquire a gift called “vasitva,” that is, the ability to tame and even kill wild animals. And experienced trainers assure that an animal can be stopped with just one look, without using verbal commands.

Is it really possible to kill with a glance, or at least to seriously harm - to jinx it, as they said in the old days?
“To reveal the secret of the evil eye, I decided to find the witch and find out her “industrial secrets,” said another friend of mine, researcher of the unknown Sergei Demkin. - In the village of Balmyshevo in the Vladimir region, I found grandmother Tamara, about whom there were rumors that she cast spells on cattle, and sometimes on people. The mechanism for casting the evil eye turned out to be very simple. It is necessary to imagine the “object” as sick or dead as clearly as possible, in all details, and then, upon meeting, look closely at it, mentally sending it all imagined illnesses and misfortunes.

Using the recommendations of the village witch, we wanted to repeat the experiment in laboratory conditions. The role of the “sorcerer” was played by Oleg Dobrovolsky, a healer, bioenergetic therapist, and former physicist who worked at the Kurchatov Institute for thirty years. It affected the water in the sealed ampoule. The result of the experiment was amazing: the mobility of water molecules increased and its electrical conductivity increased.”

The scientist’s technology of “witchcraft” was not much different from the manipulations of a witch. Oleg first tried to “shake up” the oxygen atoms. “I imagined their nuclei in the form of small fireflies,” he said, “around which sparkles—electrons—revolve. Imagining that a silvery stream was flowing from the top of my head along my spine and then to my fingertips, I directed it towards these firefly nuclei. And they themselves, overflowing with energy, began to repel electrons and throw them out of orbit.”

So, it turns out that it is no coincidence that the founder of medical science, Avicenna, wrote about bad gas. And the famous philosopher, Saint Thomas Aquinas, concluded that due to strong mental stress, the eyes emit a special light that seems to charge the air from a distance.

Moreover, recent work by the director of the Institute of Information Wave Technologies V. Hokkanen has shown that some human organs, including the eyes, emit radiation in the millimeter wave range and therefore can affect surrounding objects.

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The young Spanish woman Monica Tejada, from the city of Caceres, has wonderful black hair and blue eyes. However, it is not her appearance that she is famous throughout the country.
Monica picks up a tightly sealed glass flask with a metal tape inside. He glares at her. And she suddenly begins to wriggle slowly, like a sleepy snake, twisting into a spiral. Tejada takes his eyes off the flask for a second, then continues to stare at it again. The spiral comes to life again, the tape returns to its original state.

The Spanish flu was repeatedly studied by doctors, including psychiatrists. She is considered to be completely healthy and highly intelligent. It was noted that during remote exposure to metal, her body temperature increases and blood pressure drops. In this case, the sensor records the pattern of brain currents characteristic of a person who is sleeping.

Monica Tejada considers herself the “spiritual sister” of the famous American Uri Geller, who has paranormal abilities, including the art of telekinesis. Although, unlike the Spanish woman, Uri prefers to “work” with keys to apartments and cars. Once in Miami, he was interviewed by three skeptical reporters at once. The conversation dragged on steadily, and then suddenly Geller rose sharply from his chair.
"Eat! - he exclaimed solemnly. - Look at your keys...”
The journalists, confused, took the keys out of their pockets and made sure that the metal keys were bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

But Uri Geller considered experiments with keys to be nothing more than fun for himself. Somehow, by force of will, he managed to stop the cable car. After this, he began to fear that his abilities could be used by force to harm someone. “Many are afraid of me,” he shared his worries with journalists. “They think: if he can stop the cable car, won’t he or someone else get it into his head to do something worse...” And he categorically added that he would never undertake such experiments.

There are countless examples of telekinesis (or parakinesis) in our country. Some of the most striking were the experiments conducted more than a quarter of a century ago by a major specialist in the field of psychology, a Moscow scientist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor V. Pushkin. He investigated a person of unusual abilities - B. Ermolaev.

...In the middle of the empty room there was a table, on it there was a tennis ball, a matchbox, and pencils. Ermolaev approached the table and, holding out his hand, froze. A minute passed, then another - and then objects began to move on their own.
Ermolaev could hold an object between his palms, and then gradually spread his hands, causing the ball or box to hover in the air.

Professor Pushkin then published a hypothesis about the nature of telekinesis. Or rather, two. At first, he shared the theory that a person's ability to move objects at a distance was associated with static electricity in the human body. But later he moved away from this hypothesis and became interested in the assumption of the scientist A. Dubov that living systems are capable of generating and receiving gravitational waves. The phenomenon was called biogravity.

Of course, this is not the gravity in the Universe that we know about. The main difference between human-generated gravity is its fragility, capriciousness, and sudden fluctuations. A scientific definition of the phenomenon was proposed: autogravity.
Pushkin believed that autogravity materially ensures human mental activity. Here is what he said on this matter: “...Man lives among objects of varying degrees of organization. And in order to perceive these objects, in order to build their models in the head, he must bend space in accordance with the curvature of the cognizable objects. This is how human autogravity arises.”
But Professor Pushkin died, and research gradually curtailed (at least judging by the open press).

Our brain and our eyes have the ability to create a second reality.
More than a century ago, it was discovered that the internal image being represented could be photographed. Sometimes it was enough to glance into the lens of the camera and press the shutter, and “psychographs” and “photographs of thought” appeared in the picture. Such experiments, for example, were carried out at the end of the 19th century by Edison Jr. and the English doctor Rogers. And the Japanese Furukai and the American Ted Serayes made their living with such spectacular performances.

“Try somehow,” says Professor Karnelyukhin, “to peer intently at some object and then abruptly remove it... For some time it will still obsessively stand before your eyes. In fact, it is not immediately erased from the retina and memory. In science this is called "after-image". Using complex geometric optics, it can be captured on film. Modern technology is capable of obtaining a sharp and high-quality image of even your sleep, if the rays reflected from the fundus of the eye ultimately focus on the photo layer.”

I hope that not much time will pass - and we will be able to prove and show people what amazing abilities our “mirrors of the soul” have.
Although, there is another point of view on this problem. “We should not hastily assert the correlation between telekinesis and the phenomenal abilities of the eyes and glances,” its supporters believe. - Suffice it to recall the experiments conducted by the famous French biologist Remy Chauvin. Teenage children, imagining “balls flying out of a jar,” used their will to slow down and speed up the process of radioactive decay. It doesn’t matter whether they influenced the alpha particle itself or the Geiger counter - the fact is that their eyes had nothing to do with it. The entire course of the experiment speaks of some kind of radiation that is not narrowly directed, but, on the contrary, “wide-ranging.”

Ecology of life: A person's perspective has enormous power. His gestures, gait, and facial features can tell a lot about a person and his character, but I think hardly anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather, his gaze. A look can say a lot about a person’s inner world.

Eyes are clearer than words,
Words sometimes only obscure the meaning...
And the look... Well, will it deceive?
Someone who can read it.

A person's gaze has enormous power. His gestures, gait, and facial features can tell a lot about a person and his character, but I think hardly anyone will deny that the main source of information about a person is his eyes, or rather, his gaze. A look can say a lot about a person’s inner world.

It has long been noted that a person can influence those around him with his gaze. A look can convey the whole gamut of feelings - love, hatred, contempt, regret, gratitude..... It is no coincidence that there are such expressions as “caress with a glance”, “a look gives goosebumps”, “admired look”, “arrogant look”.

From all this the conclusion involuntarily suggests itself: the look has energy.

The gaze is a powerful force with which you can blind, charm, control and manipulate people. With a glance you can subjugate yourself, with a glance you can neutralize the hostile intentions of a person or an animal.

If you look at a person closely for a while, he will definitely feel it. Scientists decided to test this ability to feel someone else's gaze on them experimentally.

The experiment, in which 100 people took part, was carried out as follows. A person was seated in the center of the room, and a second person was seated behind him so that the subject could not see him. And this second one had to periodically look intently at the person sitting in front of him. If the subject felt the gaze, he spoke about it. The results were stunning. In 95 cases, people felt another person's gaze directed at them.

History has brought to us the names of famous personalities who possessed a special, magical look that people could not withstand and looked away. Caligula, Ivan the Terrible, Paul I, Hitler, Stalin possessed a heavy, bewitching gaze, which made many feel uneasy.

There are cases in history when people killed with the power of their gaze. In this way, members of the caste of hired killers that existed in Alexandria in the pre-Christian period dealt with undesirables. The look of a man who lived in Sicily in the mid-19th century had a similar feature.

The gaze of a person in a state of extreme emotional excitement, in a state of passion, is extremely dangerous. They knew about this in ancient times. That's why people were blindfolded before execution. By the way, the executioners who carried out the death sentence died very early, as a rule, before reaching the age of 40.

How do representatives of modern science feel about all this?

Research in the field of telepathy and biological radio communication was carried out by the Soviet scientist Kazhinsky (1890-1962). He put forward a hypothesis that the human eye not only sees, but also simultaneously emits electromagnetic waves with certain frequency characteristics.

The Nobel laureate in the field of physiology and medicine, Ronald Ross (1857-1932), shared the same opinion. The scientist conducted a series of experiments during which subjects were asked to use their gaze to influence a tiny magnetic needle suspended on a silk thread. And many managed to turn the needle with their eyes.

In 1989, Soviet scientists conducted a somewhat unusual experiment for those years, the purpose of which was to test the paranormal abilities of Anna Lokhatkina, a well-known healer in those years. She was asked to use her gaze to influence a laser beam passing through a hollow cylinder. A few minutes after the start of the experiment, a gray haze appeared in the cylinder, and a few minutes later the laser beam simply disappeared. It was at this moment that the device used to constantly monitor the healer’s eyes recorded a short-term sharp dilation of the woman’s pupils.

Based on a number of experiments and studies, a version was put forward that the main channel for transmitting eye energy is the pupil.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that the size of the pupils was associated with vitality: A person full of life has larger pupils than an old or seriously ill person. The pupils dilate when a person has a need for information, which is why they are dilated in children.

The pupils dilate at times of danger or stress, when a person needs as much information as possible to make a decision. The pupils narrow in a tired person who has lost interest in life, which also indirectly confirms the version that energy is transmitted through the pupil - the narrowing of the pupil prevents the outflow of energy reserves from the body.

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Today in this area there are more assumptions and hypotheses than proven facts. One we can say with confidence - a person’s gaze, which is one of the main means of communication between people, can have both a beneficial effect and cause enormous and sometimes irreparable harm. published

This is the Gorgon Medusa, capable of turning all living things into stone with her gaze, and the fabulous Basilisk, killing with her gaze, and the well-known Viy, capable of sending death if he lifts his eyelids... However, according to not only esotericists, but also scientists, it is a fact that the gaze has power, there is no doubt. At the beginning of the twentieth century, in 1923, bioenergy scientists put forward a hypothesis: human eyes can not only receive, but also emit electromagnetic radiation. Many experiments were carried out, after which this hypothesis was put forward. And even without any experiments, everyone knows that there is a so-called “evil eye” and the concept of “evil eye”. Holders of such a view are usually feared, considered to be sorcerers. For example, Grigory Rasputin had such a heavy gaze that not everyone could bear; from Stalin’s cold, unblinking gaze, his subordinates and comrades, they say, were covered in cold sweat, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy had the same gaze, the great writer was also known as a man who was quite difficult to communicate... Each of us can remember at least one such person, whose gaze made him tremble. Back in the 11th century, the famous physician Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna, wrote: “Often the soul influences someone else’s business, for example, through the evil eye.”

As evidenced by the facts of history, people who kill with their gaze really existed. Thus, in 1553, the European scientist Cornelius Agrippa wrote that “in Illyria and among the Tari-balls there are women who can kill with their gaze in a fit of great anger. But not only women, but also men had such a deadly look. In India during the British occupation, a strange story happened with a high-ranking official named Carster. One day a man and his friends went hunting. They killed the elephant, but then it turned out that Karsten had forgotten a special knife for cutting tusks. Leaving the servants to guard the loot, they went to get the knife, and when they returned, they saw the following picture. Near their prey, short natives scurried about, busily cutting out elephant tusks, while Indian servants cowardly hid in the bushes. Karsten, flying into a rage, grabbed the leader of the dwarfs by the hair and pulled him away, hitting him several times with a bamboo stick. In vain the servants shouted, warning him that these were “Mullukurumbs, who should not be offended, because they have a “snake eye.” To his surprise, the little savage did not rush to run away like the others, but, on the contrary, stopped and glared at him with his so-called “snake eye”, which made Karsten sick, he felt nauseous, but soon everything went away. However, the next day his hand hurt - the one with which he beat the leader of the savages, in addition, the man, who had previously been completely healthy, suddenly felt terrible fatigue. He went to the hospital, and although the doctors did not find anything wrong with him, they still admitted him to the clinic. And, to the surprise of doctors, his condition quickly deteriorated. He lost his appetite, insomnia and hallucinations began, in four days he turned into a wreck, a week later he lost his speech, and on the thirteenth day this man died.

In the 80s of the 19th century in Sicily, in the city of Messina, there lived one man who could easily kill a person with his gaze, and just like that, without any reason. According to the stories, this man once saw a large mirror in the window of a store, looked into it for a long time, then came home, went to bed and died: the mirror returned his murderous look. At the end of the 19th century, the same inexplicable story happened in Paris with the opera singer Massol. He was a crowd favorite, but had a repulsive appearance. Massol sang the aria “Curse” unusually well. One day he was singing, looking at a stagehand, and as soon as the aria ended, he fell dead. This incident had such a painful impact on the audience that this opera was not shown on the Paris stage for a long time. But after some time, when passions subsided, it was again put into the repertoire. And what do you think? And this time there was death: this time the conductor suffered, on whom the gaze of the singer accidentally fell, who sang the entire aria, looking at the floor. For the third time, one box was specially vacated so that Massol could sing, turning his deathly gaze there. But, unfortunately, due to an oversight by the ticket attendants, a belated spectator sneaked in, glad that such good seats were empty. After the death of the third spectator, Massol left the stage forever. So the version that only sorcerers or followers of Eastern philosophical movements can kill with the help of a glance, and even then in exceptional cases, under the influence of the above facts, collapses. It was not without reason that in the old days, during the execution of a sentence, people sentenced to death were put on a bag or blindfolded.

In the old days, in Yakutia, in the Western Kangalassky ulus, in the Berte area, there lived one person. He, like everyone else, raised cows and horses, hunted and fished, in general, he was an ordinary person. One day he went to the nearest island to make hay. It was a hot summer day. The man, already quite elderly at that time - he was already well over 50, was tired and sat down to rest in the shade under a tree. And suddenly he fell down, as if someone had hit him on the back, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose. So he, unable to even raise his arms, lay for three days. On the fourth I woke up and had difficulty remembering what had happened, and was surprised that, despite everything, I felt strangely rejuvenated and full of strength. He went about his business, not yet knowing that he was no longer the same ordinary person, but a great shaman. When he was returning home, the man passed by the alaas, where a shaman named Sataar lived, and saw horses grazing in the meadow. As soon as he looked at them, the animals immediately fell and died. The man, of course, was terribly surprised. But what to do? – continued on his way. After some time, he met the shaman’s shepherds and two men returning from mowing. And they, to the horror of the newly-made shaman, fell dead from his gaze. It was only then that he realized that something was wrong with him. The man covered his eyes with his hand and ran towards his booth. Entering home, he fell face down on his sleeping bunk and, without taking his hands off his face, told his household about what had happened to him. Early in the morning someone approached his yurt and, standing at a considerable distance, began calling his son Diaanai. It was the shaman Sataar. “Nohoo*,” he said, “a few days ago your father woke up as a great shaman, he himself doesn’t know about it yet, but they will tell him soon. Yesterday, while passing by my house, he caused a terrible misfortune. Thank you for not eating it yourself. You, his son, a man running here and there, make your father an iron visor over his eyes, otherwise soon there will be no one left here. Also tell him that I, the shaman Sataar, have apparently already finished shamanism, so let him take my tambourine. And I kindly ask you to tell my father not to touch me anymore, but to let me live on this earth for at least a few more years!” This is how the great Khangalas shaman appeared - Timir Charapchylaakh (Shaman Iron Visor). And, surprisingly, he did not perform rituals, like other shamans, with the help of a tambourine, but saw and treated everything, sitting at home on his oron, and talked with those who came, turning his back to them. Having listened to the request, he handed the patient a willow twig with three branches, tied with horsehair, which he ordered to place under the patient’s pillow. Then the patient usually recovered.

According to legend, from the time the Iron Visor became a shaman, all the surrounding shamans hid and stopped performing rituals. Sometimes, however, it happened that an old man, while at home, heard the sounds of a tambourine and complained to the old woman: they say they don’t let him sleep, he needs to take off his visor for a while and unwind a little. As soon as he took off his visor, the shaman who was performing rituals at that time, they say, fell to the ground on his face. Among other things, in all the surrounding villages during the period of the Iron Visor’s shamanism, people stopped suffering from diseases such as nervous attacks, carelessness and other mental illnesses, the birth rate increased, cattle multiplied... In places that had previously enjoyed a bad reputation, people began to walk calmly. “It was our great old man Iron Visor who removed small evil spirits from his path, devoured the abaas and other spirits,” the grateful fellow countrymen said in a whisper.

* - Nokhoo – guy (dismissive, rude treatment).

There are people under whose gaze one becomes awkward and uncomfortable. Their gaze literally pierces right through you: decisive and focused, it is so strong that it is barely bearable. Such people can easily influence and even subjugate those around them to their will. It is known that a person receives most of the information from the surrounding world with his eyes, but not everyone knows about the reverse process. But if you can receive information with your eyes, then it can be transmitted with your eyes. And this is a fact. There is colossal power hidden in the eyes, capable of much that goes beyond the standard understanding of the world.

Sometimes it happens that you look at someone, and he immediately notices it and immediately looks back. The feeling of slight pressure in the occipital area is familiar to many. In this case, American scientists even conducted an experiment in which over a hundred people took part. They checked how likely it is that a person is able to sense a view from behind. And 95 percent of the participants, blindfolded, quite clearly felt someone else's gaze on them. Therefore, if you can “touch” a person with your gaze who does not suspect anything about it, it means that through their eyes people can emit certain energies.

Eyes are perhaps one of the most powerful means of influencing both people and animals. People are capable of not only attracting and holding attention with just one glance, but also of charming, bewitching, instilling fear, sending illnesses, and transmitting both negative and positive emotions. Such abilities are usually attributed to magicians and sorcerers, however, as everyday life shows, they are available to almost everyone, only in the latter case they are used unconsciously. If a woman has a magical look, then she always attracts attention from the opposite sex in particular, and if she wants, she can bewitch a man so that he will always be drawn to her. There is a separate area of ​​psychology in which the power of gaze is actively used, this is - hypnosis. A professional hypnotist, like a magician, is capable of instilling in the subject with his gaze a certain program of action, which he will carry out unconditionally. A motionless, hypnotic gaze focused on one point carries indestructible willpower with the eyes, muscles and nerves.

The magic of the hypnotist's gaze extends not only to people: this is also possible among animals. The magical properties of the gaze are attributed to snakes: cases have been recorded when monkeys themselves went into the “embraces” of a boa constrictor, “caught” by its hypnotic gaze. In addition, humans can also affect animals. For example, in the first half of the 20th century, the then famous trainer V.L. Durov showed more than once how, under the influence of his magical gaze, the animals carried out all his commands, but as soon as he looked away, they immediately “returned” to themselves. He carried out many laboratory experiments, successful in most cases. It is important to note that such experiments were carried out not only by the trainer himself, but also by others who knew this technique and achieved success. He explained it this way:

I look through my eyes, as if into the dog’s brain, and imagine, for example, not the word go, but a motor action that the dog must perform...

In principle, this method is within the power of almost anyone who is able to concentrate their thoughts. This way you can program both animals and people.

So, the power of the gaze can be great, and it depends on who owns it where it will be directed: for good or for bad deeds. Some people are capable of causing conscious harm to those whom they look at with evil thoughts: suppressing the psyche, casting the evil eye, causing damage, or even killing.

The dark power of the gaze

About the evil eye, better known as evil eye, probably heard almost everything. Previously, especially in villages, sudden illness of a person or livestock was perceived as the evil eye. But even today the evil eye can be found no less often than in the past. Unfortunately, most people use this ability, but blindly and unconsciously.

According to the beliefs of the ancients, rays of energy emanate from the eyes, the strength of which varies from person to person. The evil eye happens if the eyes emit negative energies charged with negative thoughts and emotions. Such bad energy affects both material and intangible objects. The pumping of energy force through the eyes can also be called the evil eye. Anyone can take away, suppress energy, or send bad energy through their eyes, but most often people, driven by their emotions, do this subconsciously.

Many peoples have such a concept as “ Basilisk's gaze", i.e. a look that can kill. A detailed description of the Basilisk is given by the Roman historian and encyclopedist of the 1st century. n. e. Pliny the Elder in his scientific works on Natural History. He describes him as a mighty snake that has an amazing ability: whoever sees him dies immediately. Thus, the Basilisk, according to his research, killed not only with its poison, but also with its gaze. You can find many eyewitness accounts of this phenomenon. For example, at the end of the 19th century, the English official Carsten, who served in the colonial administration of India, came across local savages while hunting an elephant. They intended to take someone else's trophy for themselves, but Karsten, despite the warnings of his frightened servants, brutally stopped the savages by beating one of them. The beaten savage did not think of running away, he continued to stand in place and looked intently into Karsten’s eyes. From such a look he immediately felt sick, strong disgust washed over him, and he kicked the savage aside. After this, this state quickly passed, and in the evening Karsten ridiculed the stupid fears of his superstitious servants. But by the next evening his hand, with which he had beaten that savage, began to hurt badly. And a day later he fell completely ill: some terrible weakness overcame his whole body. Karsten was shown to doctors, but they did not find any illness. His condition quickly deteriorated: first he lost his appetite, insomnia took hold, then severe pain followed, and his tongue was lost. A week later he died.

The power of a gaze can have a fatal effect not only on people. According to the Canadian newspaper Canadian Tribune, today, a 55-year-old man, Steve McKellan, was attacked by a grizzly bear while hunting. He fell on his back and instinctively put his knife forward, defending himself from the predator. He looked at the bear with a look full of rage and anger, even knowing that looking directly into the pupils could increase the animal’s aggression, he still could not do anything and continued to look at her without taking his eyes off. But then, suddenly, the bear, uttering a loud roar, fell to the ground dead. Later, when this bear was examined, she was not found to have any physical injuries that could cause death. In this case, the researchers suggested that death came due to a powerful bioenergetic impulse from Steve's eyes, which killed all the nerve cells in the beast's brain.

Thus, the gaze of a person who is extremely emotionally excited can become very life-threatening. This fact has long been known, therefore, it is not for nothing that people who were sentenced to death were blindfolded. It turns out that a person on the verge of violent death from excessive overexcitation by fear passes through an incredible energy flow of negative emotions that can harm anyone caught under it.

There is no less interesting information on the pages of Russian publications. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" published an article with a sensational title: "Farmer Toktarov kills with his gaze." The article tells the story of an old farmer V.S. Toktarov from the Samara region, who, with the help of his special gift, protected his property from local bandits. One day, three shaven-headed men came uninvited to his house. One of them, in a businesslike manner, sat down at the table and offered Toktarov “protection” for his business, for which he must first pay a considerable amount. Such a proposal immediately outraged the farmer, but he did not give up, as soon as he began to strengthen his hidden gift. Less than half an hour had passed before the bandits closed their eyes and passed out, and their leader, in general, fell from his chair as if dead. Soon, when the old man “awakened” them, the bandits were as if drunk. Toktarev advised them not to show up on his farm again. After such a strong look, the doctors of the district hospital took a very long time to revive the leader of the bandits. The farmer himself explained his abilities by saying that they do not appear at his will, but in critical situations.

From the point of view of energetic impact, a certain spectrum of frequencies present in the rays of vision, affecting a person, undermines the normal functioning of his energy centers, which disrupts the functioning of adjacent organs and systems. Well, which organ will come under attack depends on the nature of the directed information flow of energy. Thus, the energy streams pouring from the eyes can have great power, directly influencing a person or animal. Therefore, eyes are a powerful tool through which you can influence others in a certain way. But, fortunately, there are few who are capable of exerting such a strong influence: manipulating a hypnotic gaze, sending damage, and moreover, being the owner of the fatal gaze of a Basilisk, piercing the heart with a deadly impulse. This gift is as exceptional as healing.

Simple ways to defend yourself

It is no coincidence that people often cannot withstand the onslaught of a judgmental and reproachful look and often hide their eyes or turn away altogether. This way they avoid receiving the flow of negative energy and, accordingly, protect themselves. Therefore, the easiest way to protect yourself is don't look straight into the eyes a person prone to anger and other negative emotions. As a last resort, it would be safer to look at the bridge of his nose or forehead. Then he most likely will not pay attention, unless he feels something subtly unpleasant and cold due to the fact that real contact with you will not happen, and most of the negativity will remain in him. Thus, the aggressor will harm only himself.

In order not to succumb to suggestion from the outside, do not look at the person continuously during a conversation, but glance to the side from time to time. This will give you the opportunity to maintain your thoughts and mental balance. Of course, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to protect himself from the influence of real hypnotists, so it is better to avoid such people, not allowing the slightest contact with them.

There are special techniques and exercises that will help you protect yourself from third-party energy influences, protect you from other people’s thoughts and dangerous energy. For example: crossed arms or legs- the easiest way to protect yourself. When crossing, the dissipation of the flow of bioenergy of the body is limited, which protects it and prevents harm. Use this technique in a conversation with a potentially dangerous and unpleasant person.

You can also do the following mental exercise: visualization of a mirror shield. To do this, you need to imagine that you are obscured by a large shield with a mirror surface facing the unwanted interlocutor. And every time he tries to influence you, he will always receive a blow reflected by the mirror in response. As a result, all the negativity will return back to the one who sent it, and you won’t even feel anything bad.

Light power of sight

Depending on the person, the power of his gaze can also radiate positive energy, which can lift the mood, bring joy, warmth and light, give activity, and in rare cases, even heal. Thanks to the long gaze, women establish contact with men, attracting and winning them over, as well as with their child, before he learns to speak. Thus, according to telepathy, through gaze one can transmit thought-images at a distance. This feature is evidenced by such a habit in a conversation between a teacher and a student, in which the latter, as a rule, constantly looks into the eyes, due to which he “opens up” to the telepathic transmission of information and receives a more complete understanding of what is being discussed. Therefore, in order to better understand someone or correctly convey your thought, you need eye to eye contact.