Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “does not like people smarter than himself.” Berdimuhammedov Gurbanguly Myalikkulievich

Berdimuhamedov Gurbangulu Berdumuhamedov Career: Rulers
President of Turkmenistan. Since 1997, he headed the Ministry of Health. In 2001, he became Deputy Prime Minister in charge of healthcare, education and science, and since 2004 - culture and media. In December 2006, he became the acting president of Turkmenistan, and in February 2007 he was elected president of the country. Head of the government. Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, Army General, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Gurbanguly Myalikkulievich Berdimuhamedov was born in 1957 in the village of Babarap, Geok-Tepinsky district, Ashgabat region, Turkmen SSR. In 1979 he graduated from the dental faculty of the Turkmen State medical institute. Since 1979, Berdimuhamedov worked as a dentist in Ashgabat. In 1987 he went to Moscow for graduate school, graduated in 1990 and received the level of candidate of medical sciences. In 1990-1995, Berdimuhamedov held the positions of assistant at the department of therapeutic dentistry, associate professor and dean of the dental faculty of the Turkmen State Medical Institute.

In 1995, Berdimuhamedov became director of the dental center of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. On May 28, 1997, he was appointed Minister of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. In addition, in 1998 he became the head of the International medical center named after Saparmurat Niyazov. On April 3, 2001, Berdimuhamedov, in addition to his ministerial position, became Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Turkmenistan, responsible for health care, education and science, and since August 2004, he also began to oversee culture and the media.

Berdimuhamedov's activities as minister and vice president were not covered in the media, as was the service of other high-ranking Turkmen officials. It is known that in November 2002, he ordered to expand the experience of renaming the days of the week and months of the year, and in addition, replacing the traditional greeting “Salam Aleikum” in favor of Niyazov’s “Rukhnama” and “Shamchirag”. In July 2003, Berdimuhamedov headed state commission for admission to higher education educational establishments, in which it became possible to enter only after this two-year work in the chosen specialty, and not immediately after graduating from school. It was planned to enroll 3,920 students in 16 Turkmen universities from July 9 to August 9, 2003. In November 2003, Berdymukhamedov received a reprimand from Turkmenistan President Niyazov for the low qualifications of Turkmen doctors, but retained his post. In April 2004, Niyazov fined Berdymukhamedov an amount equal to three months' salary for the fact that about half of the wage arrears in Turkmenistan were in the education and health sectors. According to some reports, Berdymukhamedov was at one time Niyazov’s personal physician.

On the one hand, Berdymukhamedov owed his government posts to the president of Turkmenistan, who personally periodically dismissed high-ranking officials, preventing them from gaining connections and strengthening their position in power. On the other hand, some experts named Berdymukhamedov among those officials who influenced such decisions of Niyazov, thereby eliminating competitors. Thus, in November 2002, Berdimuhamedov and the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the oil and gas industry, Elly Gurbanmuradov, allegedly managed to dismiss Rejep Saparov, who had been appointed head of the office of the President of Turkmenistan, from his post as Deputy Prime Minister. Experts then spoke about an inevitable clash of interests between Berdimuhamedov and Gurbanmuradov and placed their bets on the latter. On May 20, 2005, Gurbanmuradov was arrested on charges of corruption and collaboration with foreign intelligence services with the aim of political destabilization in the country. July 2, 2005 Saparov, elected in August 2003 as deputy chairman People's Council(Khalk Maslahaty), was arrested for bribery, illegal acquisition and storage of weapons, abuse and abuse of power. At the end of July 2005, Saparov and Gurbanmuradov were sentenced to 20 and 25 years in prison respectively. Soon, unofficial reports appeared that the finalist committed suicide.

According to some reports, in September 2004, Berdymukhamedov took part in a closed meeting of the President of Turkmenistan, held in a narrow circle. Niyazov was allegedly very frightened by the speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who declared on September 13, 2004 (following the Beslan events) that the heads of regions and republics would henceforth be appointed by the president of the country. According to experts, it seemed to Niyazov that the questioning motive about the leader of Turkmenistan would be boldly ventured again in Moscow. To discuss the feasibility of holding an all-Turkmen referendum on the issue of “reunification with Russia,” he convened an emergency meeting, in which, to the surprise of experts, the heads of the presidential administration Saparov, his deputy Alexander Zhadan and Berdymukhamedov took part. It is reliably known that from September 13 to 15, 2004, the German heart surgeon Hans Meissner conducted another examination of Niyazov.

On November 28, 2006, Berdymukhamedov took part in a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS instead of Niyazov. A year earlier, Niyazov appealed to the leaders of the CIS with a request to consider Turkmenistan not a permanent, but an associated member of this organization. In the fall of 2006, Berdymukhamedov, who is allegedly Niyazov’s illegitimate son, was called a possible successor to the president. True, according to experts, the same rumors circulated about the former head of the Committee national security Muhammad Nazarov, the one who was sentenced to 25 years in April 2004.

IN dark time days from December 20 to December 21, 2006, Niyazov died of sudden cardiac arrest. On December 21, 2006, Berdimuhamedov became the acting president of Turkmenistan. In accordance with the constitution of Turkmenistan, the powers of the president of the country were to be transferred to the chairman of the parliament (Majlis), and he had no right to participate in new elections, which were to take place no later than in two months. However, the chairman of the parliament, Ovezgeldy Atayev, was taken into custody, and the Security Council of Turkmenistan appointed Berdimuhamedov, who was also appointed head of the commission for organizing Niyazov’s funeral, as acting president. According to some experts, there has essentially been a revolution in the country. On December 23, 2006, Berdymukhamedov relieved himself of the post of Minister of Health and Medical Industry, appointing Byashim Sopyev as acting minister. On December 24, 2006, Niyazov was buried, and an emergency congress of the People's Council was scheduled for December 26, 2006 to determine his likely successors.

On December 26, 2006, Berdimuhamedov was elected chairman of the Congress of the People's Council, who on that day changed the constitution of Turkmenistan, adopted the law on presidential elections, and set the date presidential elections and approved six candidates. The congress delegates, at the suggestion of the second secretary of the ruling Democratic Party Ondzhik Musaev, who allegedly remembered Niyazov’s posthumous will, introduced amendments to the main law of the country, allowing the deputy prime minister to serve as the president of the republic. The head of the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan announced that the elections would take place on February 11, 2007. Then representatives of all five velayats (regions) and the capital of Turkmenistan, which has the status of a region, nominated ten candidates. The last - eleventh - was Berdymukhamedov, whose candidacy was proposed by Musaev. Each of the nominated candidates had to be approved as a presidential candidate by two-thirds of the votes of the members of the People's Council: only five out of ten passed that same selection, while Berdymukhamedov was voted unanimously.

On February 11, 2007, Berdimuhamedov was elected president of Turkmenistan. More than 2 million 677 thousand inhabitants of the country (98.65 percent of voters) took part in the elections, of which 89.23 percent cast their votes for Berdimuhamedov. Already on election day, the date for the inauguration of the new president was announced, despite the theoretical likelihood of a second round of elections. On February 14, 2007, at a meeting of the People's Council, the final voting results were announced, Berdimuhamedov took the oath of office on the constitution of Turkmenistan and received the presidential certificate from the hands of the chairman of the Central Election Commission. In accordance with the constitution of Turkmenistan, the president of the country is the head of the government - the cabinet of ministers.

On May 4, 2007, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan awarded President Berdimuhamedov, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic, the rank of army general. Before him this military rank in Turkmenistan, only Niyazov and two defense ministers wore them - the former Danatar Kopekov and the current Agageldy Mammetgeldyev.

In the summer of 2007, President Berdimuhamedov received the academic level of Doctor of Medical Sciences and the title of professor in the specialty “Social Hygiene and Healthcare Organization.” This conclusion was adopted by the expert commission on medical sciences of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology of Turkmenistan based on Berdimuhamedov’s many years of scientific and practical activity. In August 2007, Berdymukhamedov was elected chairman of the National Movement "Galkynysh" ("Renaissance") and the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.

In September 2007, during a visit to the United States, timed to coincide with a meeting of the UN General Assembly, Berdimuhamedov announced the impending reform of the economy and democratization of the country. Soon after this, Berdymukhamedov began to renew his administration. Already in October, he made a series of reshuffles in the law enforcement agencies, replacing the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of National Security. In March 2008, Berdymukhamedov also replaced the prosecutor general and management Supreme Court and in April - the leadership of the Central Bank.

At the same time, in the second half of 2007, Turkmenistan, on the initiative of Berdimuhamedov, began to abandon a number of restrictions introduced during Niyazov’s reign. In December 2007, the ban on foreign periodicals was lifted; in January 2008, on opera and circus. On July 1, 2008, Turkmenistan returned to Gregorian calendar, canceled by Niyazov back in 2002.

Berdymukhamedov's economic policy at this time was characterized by a desire to get closer to the West. Thus, according to some reports, one of the topics of negotiations between Berdymukhamedov in the United States and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was supposed to be the opening of the gas sector of Turkmenistan to American investors. In October 2007, Turkmenistan, together with Georgia, refused to sign the CIS Development Concept, which envisaged, in particular, the creation of an “integrated economic and political association of interested states.” In November, it was reported that Berdymukhamedov supported the idea of ​​​​building a Trans-Caspian gas pipeline, one that would allow Europe to acquire Turkmen gas bypassing Russia. Along with this, in December of the same year, a final agreement was reached between Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Russia on the start of construction of the Caspian gas pipeline, which should increase the volume of Turkmen gas supplies to Russia.

On April 18, 2008, Berdymukhamedov announced the creation of a special commission whose task was to create a new version of the Turkmen constitution. Her plan, published in July 2008, included, among other things, the abolition supreme body state power- The People's Council, whose powers were divided between the president and parliament. September 26, 2008 at the last meeting of the People's Council new edition The constitution was adopted, according to some experts, it significantly increased the powers of the president.

In October 2008, the Izvestia newspaper talked about the published book “Teacher, fighter, citizen. The life-feat of Berdymukhamed Annayev”, dedicated to the story of life path Berdymukhamedov's paternal grandfather. The pedigree of the head of state and the history of his ancestral village of Yzgant were also given there. “It seems that the republic is smoothly entering the new era of Turkmenbashi-2,” the article noted. That same month, the World Karate Federation awarded President Berdymukhamedov the 6th dan black belt "for his outstanding contribution to the formation of the national sport." As Turkmen TV reported, the President of Turkmenistan received a black belt in karate in connection with the 17th anniversary of the country's independence.

Berdimuhamedov is the author of two books published in 2007 - a collection of articles “Scientific foundations for the development of healthcare in Turkmenistan” and “Turkmenistan - a country of healthy and highly spiritual people.” In October 2008, a presentation of a new book by the President of Turkmenistan took place in Ashgabat; it is dedicated to horses and is called “Akhal-Teke - Our Pride and Glory.”

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“He doesn’t like people smarter than himself.” This is said about the president of one of the most closed states in the world, Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The source (the publishers did not make his name public) told American diplomats in Ashgabat about this, and Wikileaks told the whole world. With the help of Julian Assange, he looked behind the Turkmen “iron curtain” The New Times

US Embassy in Ashgabat
Expand no earlier than 12/17/2019

1. (C) SUMMARY: President of Turkmenistan Berdimuhamedov is a vain, fastidious, vindictive person, prone to micromanagement and, moreover, an Akhal-Teke “nationalist” /.../

2. (C) President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov makes decisions on all government issues. Since his word is often actually law, it is necessary to understand the motives of his actions and have information about his immediate family circle. According to XXXXXXXXXXXX, Berdymukhamedov is a suspicious, distrustful, narrow-minded, very conservative, deceitful, “good actor,” and vindictive person. XXXXXXXXXXXX said that while people tend to forget things after a few months or a year, Berdymukhamedov never forgets anything. /.../ Berdimuhamedov even personally approves the work schedules of experienced doctors.

3. (C) Our source claims that Berdymukhamedov is very clean and tidy and expects the same from those around him... When Berdymukhamedov became the head of a dental clinic, he insisted that all men come to work in carefully pressed trousers. About 30 years ago, when Berdymukhamedov had an old Soviet-made car, in the rain he preferred to drive a taxi rather than his own car.

4. (C) Berdymukhamedov clearly does not consider all Turkmens equal. He once told one of our sources that the real original Turkmens come only from the area between the cities of Kaka and Baharly in the Ahal province. The rest are not real Turkmens.

5. (C) Berdymukhamedov does not like people smarter than himself. Since he himself is not particularly intelligent, our source noted that he is suspicious of many people. Our source claimed that Berdymukhamedov does not like the US, Iran and Turkey, but he likes China. (COMMENT: Berdymukhamedov appears to view other countries from the point of view of personal gain, rather than from a “like or dislike” perspective. END OF COMMENT.) The source also noted that he does not like Uzbek President Karimov and Kazakh President Nazarbayev.

Child from a good family

6. (SBU) Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov's father, Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov, worked as a senior officer in the penitentiary system. He retired with the rank of colonel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/.../ Many in Turkmenistan believe that the father is more intellectually developed than his son./.../ The president’s mother was a housewife. The parents now live with their son in his residence in the Firuza Valley, 19 km from Ashgabat. The president's grandfather was the director of a school in his native village of Izgant.

Wife, mistress and children

7. (C) Berdymukhamedov is married and has two daughters and a son, Serdar. The eldest daughter is married to Ilasgeldy Amanov, a representative of the Turkmen State Agency for the Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources in London. The second daughter lives in Paris with her husband, who works at the Turkmenistan embassy. One Turkmen businessman claims that this daughter has a villa on the Cote d'Azur in the south of France. There are rumors in Ashgabat that, in addition to his very conservative Turkmen wife, Berdymukhamedov has a mistress, presumably a Russian woman named Marina. They say she was a nurse in dental clinic, where Berdymukhamedov previously worked, and that they have a common 14-year-old daughter. According to some reports, Berdymukhamedov’s wife has been living in London since 2007.

Sisters: housewife, teacher, entrepreneur

8. (SBU) Berdymukhamedov was the only boy in a large (8 children) family. One of his younger sisters teaches at the Turkmen National Economic University, and his youngest sister is a housewife. She is married to an employee of the country's Central Bank. His second (oldest) older sister Ainabat actively uses her brother’s official position./.../

10. (SBU) COMMENT: Berdymukhamedov makes significant efforts to hide information about his family and personal life. For a public leader who wants to be seen as a man of the “Turkmen Renaissance”, a writer, a doctor, a pilot, an athlete and statesman, the inability to also project a positive image of the “father of the family” leaves room for speculation. END OF COMMENT.

Changes without changes. Daniil Kislov, country expert Central Asia, editor of the international news agency "Fergana"

In Turkmenistan, since Berdymukhamedov came to power after the mysterious death of Saparmurat Niyazov at the end of 2006, no changes have occurred - the country remains as closed as under Turkmenbashi. Its population remains politically powerless. Oppositionists and opponents of the first president are still in prison (some of them died there); there was no amnesty for them and is not expected. Under Berdymukhamedov, free access to the Internet has not appeared in the country, although at the very beginning of his presidency he promised to do so. In Ashgabat, of course, a tourist can use an Internet cafe, where he will have to pay up to $10 for an hour of Internet access. But locals, if they come to an Internet cafe, must present a passport. At the same time, all their correspondence and movements on sites are reflected and saved somewhere. Undesirable sites are blocked. Several newspapers are published in Ashgabat, but in reality this is one publication, the founder of which is the government. A good half of the materials are congratulations to Berdymukhamedov on various holidays, sent by his foreign colleagues. Turkmenistan is still the only country in Central Asia where international foreign publications do not have their own correspondents: sending a journalist there is impossible and simply life-threatening, while locals are terrified of collaborating with foreign media.

Under President Niyazov, the Turkmen authorities were subject to constant pressure on human rights issues, especially from the West. With the arrival of the new president, this topic faded into the shadows, and oil and gas relations came to the fore. Berdimuhamedov is very proud of this. Behind recent months a lot of publications appeared in the official Turkmen media: Turkmenistan, they say, has become “open to the world” - for Last year the country received about 300 foreign delegations. In fact, the country is open only to a certain segment of business, and to the extent that this state can be open at all. There are persistent rumors that those working here foreign companies They paid bribes to local authorities: both the president personally and his immediate circle. By the way, the same people who were under Niyazov remained the “gray cardinals” under Berdymukhamedov. Their names are not widely known, but it is known that among them are several Russians, among whom is a certain Zhadov. These people make the real politics and economy of the country, receiving dividends from the gas business, which is the main source of income for the Turkmen budget.

Ethnic Russians, of whom there are now about 80 thousand in the country, have not had any less problems since Niyazov, who abolished the possibility of having dual citizenship in 2003. It is still very difficult for them to obtain visas to the Russian Federation, leave the republic and return back. These problems persist. I don’t think that the Russians are more powerless here than the Turkmens, but the fact that they are powerless is a fact.

Level information average salary in Turkmenistan there are no open sources: Ashgabat still does not publish such data. Capital state employees receive from $100 to $200 a month, which is enough for them to minimally support their lives. There are, of course, rich people who live in expensive mansions. There are also those who do not receive any money at all and survive as best they can. In the regions, people catch wild animals in the sand - hares, for example. That's how they exist...

With huge revenues from gas sales to Russia, China and Iran, the standard of living in the republic could be five orders of magnitude higher. Today, the authorities take credit for free electricity, salt and gas for the population, but if at least half of the profits from sold gas went to the country’s budget, the residents of this country, of whom there are only 5 million, would live better than anyone in the CIS.

The most serious problem Turkmenistan - complete degradation of education and social sphere. There are virtually no teachers left in the republic's schools and universities: specialists in the humanities and technical sciences have long since left the country. As a result, the level of education is now much lower than even in Tajikistan. As for medical care, it virtually disappeared under Niyazov, and under Berdymukhamedov the situation has hardly changed. The new president, of course, opened district clinics that had been liquidated by his predecessor. But people with a very low professional level work there. Huge “gas” money does not reach ordinary citizens; it is not visible anywhere except the center of Ashgabat. The long process of social and cultural degradation has practically deprived the Turkmens of their chances for the future.

“We have little interest in such things”

The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Moscow could neither confirm nor deny the information from the dispatches of US diplomats. Alexander Sankov, represented by the embassy secretariat as a press attaché, knew nothing about the publications on the Wikileaks website. “In general, to be honest, we are of little interest in such things,” said Mr. Sankov, immediately admitting, however, that he is not a press attaché at all, but only performs purely duties at the embassy. technical functions. Mr. Sankov suggested that the editors write a letter addressed to the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Russia Khalnazar Agakhanov, who, however, “is currently in Ashgabat.” Nevertheless, we followed the advice of Mr. Sankov - the letter was sent. At the time of signing this issue, no response had been received.

Ksenia Stepanova, translation from English by Sergei Afonin

"He is the heart, conscience and soul of the people... and how can you not be filled with a nightingale!”

"Song of joy in honor of the conferment of the esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov high rank"Person of the Year - 2010"

President - always and everywhere! (The picture shows a stand with bakery products at the exhibition of agricultural producers of the CIS countries in Ashgabat.)

Mainly printed edition Turkmenistan - the daily newspaper "Neutral Turkmenistan" - published a "Song of Joy in honor of awarding the esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the high title of "Person of the Year - 2010". The author of this ode is the people's writer of the republic Gozel Shagulyeva.

Let us recall that the title of “Person of the Year” was awarded to the head of Turkmenistan in September 2010 by the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania. According to Romanian professors, G. Berdimuhamedov is an example of a “leader of the 21st century” and “a worthy example to follow for all humanity.”

The scientific and political circles of Romania, which this institute represents, justified their decision by the fact that Turkmenistan has high rates of socio-economic development, which allowed Turkmenistan to achieve comprehensive development; in the country, according to Romanian experts, a market economy with a clearly defined social character; the development and strengthening of social security of the Turkmen people occurs through huge investments in the areas of healthcare and education; the cultural and historical heritage of Turkmenistan is carefully preserved, and Ashgabat is generally the center modern civilization to build bridges of friendship between Europe and Asia, and a beacon for regional cooperation.

It should be noted that other authoritative experts on Central Asia, including Russian ones, are still at a loss in search of reasons for such open flattery towards the President of Turkmenistan. At the same time, in Turkmenistan itself, the cult of personality of the country’s leader, already “bronzing” like the first president, Turkmenbashi Niyazov, is steadily growing.

A song of joy in honor of awarding the respected President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the high title “Person of the Year - 2010”

Source - Neutral Turkmenistan, December 20, 2010

“First of all, I want to say the main thing: I am happy because I am an eyewitness to the great deeds of the great era of the Great Son.

I am happy because I consider it my duty to glorify the days of the Renaissance of my country, filled with great deeds, the glory of which spread throughout the world.

The internationally recognized Arkadag, our stronghold, support, hope, reviving with its responsive heart the ancient Silk Road of the Turkmen people, today has turned its Fatherland into a peacekeeping center. Every day of our Fatherland, which has established friendly relations with many countries of the world, positively addressing the most important issues of our time, is marked by great celebrations.

And here's what's surprising. When I see how the grandiose plans of our esteemed President are being implemented, when I listen to his historical speeches, I cannot hold back tears of happiness and pride from excitement. And bright tears roll down my cheeks - like droplets of my inspiration. When great words merge with great deeds, a real miracle occurs that can amaze our consciousness.

He says: “High recognition is given to the Fatherland, not to me.” Serving the people is his calling. He thinks about people, about the country.

From the day He was elected President of the country until the present day, I have been reliving exciting moments again and again, and a feeling of pride for Him fills my heart.

There is nothing higher and more beautiful when warmth and warmth are transmitted from person to person. The bright road leading to the inviolability and eternity of the world is woven from the tenderness of mothers. For under their hearts they carry the whole world and rock its cradle.

I am sure that it is not I alone who experience such a joyful, enthusiastic state, but thousands of Turkmen mothers. Their joyful eyes are a talisman, their speeches are prayers, their words are from the depths of a loving soul.

Renaissance days are like bouquets of beautiful flowers. They are a prayer for sending down to the respected President for long years life and prosperity.

In the flow historical events
Everything is important, everything is significant for us.
Walk the path of achievements and discoveries
He calls every day and hour.
He is the heart, conscience and soul of the people,
Miracles don't just happen that way -
They fly like birds after their dreams.
And new dawns come to us,
Winged, sparkling we live.
Words shine with an unspeakable light
And how can you not be filled with a nightingale!
Ring, my syllable that does not know tiredness,
He restored the greatness of the country.
The native land is being transformed,
And in it are the sources of unprecedented powers.
The Great Renaissance
Receive with your inspired soul!
After all, every day gives us inspiration -
Meet the long-awaited happiness!
All His concern is for man,
Blessed are these days forever.
Leading Him to unprecedented heights,
O Heaven, protect Him always!
Walks through the life of the chosen ones,
And gives warmth to the heart of the world.
Give Him new strength, I ask God
And strengthen the golden oar.

Gozel Shagulyeva, people's writer of Turkmenistan.

Before becoming president of Turkmenistan, almost nothing was known about Berdimuhamedov, but now his biography has been supplemented with many facts.

In the presidential elections held on February 12, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov won 97.69% of the votes, the country's Central Election Commission reported the day before. And 97.27% of voters took part in the elections.

Berdimuhamedov was first elected head of state ten years ago - on February 11, 2007, a month and a half after the death of the former permanent leader, Saparmurat Niyazov (Turkmenbashi).

Over the past ten years, the biography of the president has been replenished with many new facts. Here are nine of the most interesting ones.

1. There is a family - the spouse is not visible

59-year-old Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has never appeared in public with his wife. Almost nothing is known about her. At the elections on Sunday, he appeared at the polling station with his closest relatives, but his wife was again absent.

The government website reports that the president was accompanied by his father Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov, mother Ogulabat Berdimuhamedova, son, two daughters and grandchildren. No photo of the president's family was published.

2. Became a successor in a short time

Berdymukhamedov began governing the country as deputy prime minister on December 21, 2006, the morning after the death of the country's first president, Saparmurat Niyazov.

Although, according to the Constitution, the chairman of the parliament, Ovezgeldy Atayev, was supposed to temporarily act as president for two months - without the right to participate in presidential elections.

But he was suddenly arrested, charged with abuse of office and later sent to prison for five years.

On December 26, an emergency congress of the People's Council was held, during which presidential elections were called and amendments were made to the Constitution, allowing the deputy prime minister to serve as president and participate in elections.

In his first presidential election in 2007, Berdymukhamedov received 89.23% of the popular vote. In 2012, he improved the result to 97.14% - it would seem that there is nowhere better.

But in 2017 it turned out even more. Now, according to amendments to the Constitution of Turkmenistan introduced in September 2016, next elections will take place in seven years.

4. Worst of the worst

In 2010, the President of Turkmenistan was included in the top five worst dictators in the world according to Foreign Policy magazine.

Human rights activists from Human Rights Watch and others international organizations regularly about the persecution of civil activists and oppositionists, whose traces were lost in the prisons of Turkmenistan.

Today Turkmenistan is one of the most closed and totalitarian countries in the world. In the Freedom House ranking at the end of 2016, the country was in the top ten worst along with North Korea, Syria, Somalia and Sudan.

5. Took control of 80% of the country’s oil and gas revenues

“The Personal Pocket of the President (Berdimuhamedov): Oil, Gas and the Law” was the title of a report by the American research organization Crude Accountability on the situation in Turkmenistan, published in October 2011.

The document stated that Berdymukhamedov personally controlled the country's rich energy reserves.

The report's authors concluded that over four years, the country's new leader gradually empowered exclusive powers State Agency for the Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources under the President of Turkmenistan, which is responsible for all activities related to the sale of oil and gas.

The precedent for “manual control” of the most profitable sector of the country’s economy was created by Niyazov, who, according to, in 1997 personally approved all tenders and licenses in the energy sector.

What surprised researchers from Crude Accountability most was the fact that, according to Turkmen laws, only 20% of revenues from oil and gas exports went to the state budget. The other 80% was managed by the same agency, which was not even obliged to report on them.

6. Created the cult of Arkadag instead of the cult of Turkmenbashi

In July 2008, Berdymukhamedov returned the country to normal names for months and days of the week.

His predecessor tried to write himself into history by renaming the names of the months: January - to Turkmenbashi, April - to Gurbansoltan (Niyazov’s mother - Ed.), September - to Rukhnama (his philosophical work).

The new names were used only in documents and office work; with the return to the usual Gregorian calendar, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, they rejoiced early: the debunking of one cult turned into the creation of another - the cult of Arkadag (patron of the nation). This is how Berdymukhamedov began to be called in 2010, and since then the unofficial title has firmly been assigned to him.

7. Helped cut out a tumor, wrote a book

The second president of Turkmenistan is a dentist by profession, graduated from graduate school in Moscow, and in the 20 years after graduation he made an enviable career in this field.

By the time he was appointed Minister of Health in 1997, he was the director of the dental center of the Ministry of Health of Turkmenistan.

Later he became Deputy Prime Minister, responsible for education, science, culture and media. Already as president in 2007, he received academic degree Doctor of Medical Sciences and the title of professor.

In 2009, the leader of the nation assisted in an operation to remove a benign tumor behind the ear. This happened during the grand opening of the cancer center in Ashgabat.

And the book he wrote about medicinal plants Turkmenistan was recommended as a benefit to all healthcare workers.

8. Chief horse breeder

Among other titles of the current president is “People's Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan.” One of his books, entitled “The Akhal-Teke Horse – Our Pride and Glory,” is dedicated to his passion for horses.

In April 2013, the leader of the nation, a skilled horseman, fell from his horse during a race. Later, the security forces made a lot of efforts to prevent the dissemination of information about the emergency, but this video is still available on YouTube.

It was reported that the presidential horse stumbled immediately after crossing the finish line, so despite the fall, Berdymukhamedov still won that race.

The President of Turkmenistan generally loves to win competitions. For example, one day I came to the opening of a car race, suddenly decided to take part - and finished first.

9. Writes songs and sings

During a meeting with voters in the Ahal region on January 30, the president, answering a question about what he was doing, replied that he was working on songs for women that he wanted to present to them on March 8, International Women’s Day.

Then the head of Turkmenistan was captured with a guitar, cheerfully and with feeling he sang the song to his own accompaniment, thus responding to the musical greeting of young voters.

President of Turkmenistan. Since 1997, he headed the Ministry of Health. In 2001, he became Deputy Prime Minister in charge of healthcare, education and science, and since 2004 - culture and media. In December 2006, he became the acting president of Turkmenistan, and in February 2007 he was elected president of the country. Head of the government. Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, Army General, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Gurbanguly Myalikkulievich Berdimuhamedov was born in 1957 in the village of Babarap, Geok-Tepinsky district, Ashgabat region, Turkmen SSR. In 1979 he graduated from the dental faculty of the Turkmen State Medical Institute. Since 1979, Berdimuhamedov worked as a dentist in Ashgabat. In 1987 he went to Moscow for graduate school, graduated in 1990 and received a Ph.D. in medical sciences. In 1990-1995, Berdimuhamedov held the positions of assistant at the department of therapeutic dentistry, associate professor and dean of the dental faculty of the Turkmen State Medical Institute.

In 1995, Berdimuhamedov became director of the dental center of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. On May 28, 1997, he was appointed Minister of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. In addition, in 1998, he became the head of the Saparmurat Niyazov International Medical Center. On April 3, 2001, Berdimuhamedov, in addition to his ministerial position, became Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Turkmenistan, responsible for healthcare, education and science, and from August 2004, he also began to oversee culture and the media.

Berdymukhamedov's activities as minister and vice president were practically not covered in the media, as was the work of other high-ranking Turkmen officials. It is known that in November 2002, he ordered to expand the experiment of renaming the days of the week and months of the year, as well as replacing the traditional greeting “Salam Aleikum” in favor of Niyazov’s “Rukhnama” and “Shamchirag”. In July 2003, Berdymukhamedov headed the state commission for admission to higher educational institutions, which became possible to enter only after two years of work in the chosen specialty, and not immediately after graduation. It was planned to enroll 3,920 students in 16 Turkmen universities from July 9 to August 9, 2003. In November 2003, Berdymukhamedov received a reprimand from Turkmenistan President Niyazov for low level qualifications of Turkmen doctors, but retained his post. In April 2004, Niyazov fined Berdymukhamedov an amount equal to three months' salary for the fact that about half of the wage arrears in Turkmenistan were in the education and health sectors. According to some reports, Berdymukhamedov was at one time Niyazov’s personal physician.

On the one hand, Berdymukhamedov owed his government posts to the President of Turkmenistan, who personally periodically dismissed high-ranking officials, preventing them from gaining connections and strengthening their position in power. On the other hand, some experts named Berdimuhamedov among those officials who influenced such decisions of Niyazov, thereby eliminating competitors. Thus, in November 2002, Berdimuhamedov and the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the oil and gas industry, Elly Gurbanmuradov, allegedly managed to dismiss Rejep Saparov, who had been appointed manager of the office of the President of Turkmenistan, from his post as Deputy Prime Minister. Experts then spoke about an inevitable clash of interests between Berdimuhamedov and Gurbanmuradov and placed their bets on the latter. On May 20, 2005, Gurbanmuradov was arrested on charges of corruption and collaboration with foreign intelligence services with the aim of political destabilization in the country. On July 2, 2005, Saparov, elected in August 2003 as deputy chairman of the People's Council (Khalk Maslakhaty), was arrested for bribery, illegal acquisition and storage of weapons, abuse and abuse of power. At the end of July 2005, Saparov and Gurbanmuradov were sentenced to 20 and 25 years in prison, respectively. Soon, unofficial reports appeared that the latter had committed suicide.

According to some reports, in September 2004, Berdymukhamedov took part in a closed meeting of the President of Turkmenistan, held in a narrow circle. Niyazov was allegedly greatly frightened by the speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who declared on September 13, 2004 (after the Beslan events) that the heads of regions and republics would henceforth be appointed by the president of the country. According to experts, it seemed to Niyazov that the issue of the leader of Turkmenistan would soon be decided again in Moscow. To discuss the feasibility of holding an all-Turkmen referendum on the issue of “reunification with Russia,” he convened an emergency meeting, in which, to the surprise of experts, the heads of the presidential administration Saparov, his deputy Alexander Zhadan and Berdymukhamedov took part. It is reliably known that from September 13 to 15, 2004, German heart surgeon Hans Meissner conducted another examination of Niyazov.

On November 28, 2006, Berdymukhamedov took part in a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS instead of Niyazov. A year earlier, Niyazov appealed to the leaders of the CIS with a request to consider Turkmenistan not a permanent, but an associated member of this organization. In the fall of 2006, Berdymukhamedov, who is allegedly Niyazov’s illegitimate son, was called a possible successor to the president. True, according to experts, the same rumors circulated about the former head of the National Security Committee, Muhammad Nazarov, who was sentenced to 25 years in April 2004.

On the night of December 20-21, 2006, Niyazov died of sudden cardiac arrest. On December 21, 2006, Berdimuhamedov became the acting president of Turkmenistan. In accordance with the constitution of Turkmenistan, the powers of the country's president were to be transferred to the chairman of the parliament (Majlis), and he had no right to participate in new elections, which were to be held no later than two months later. However, the chairman of the parliament, Ovezgeldy Atayev, was taken into custody, and the Security Council of Turkmenistan appointed Berdimuhamedov, who was also appointed head of the commission for organizing Niyazov’s funeral, as acting president. According to some experts, a coup has actually occurred in the country. On December 23, 2006, Berdymukhamedov relieved himself of the post of Minister of Health and Medical Industry, appointing Byashim Sopyev as acting minister. On December 24, 2006, Niyazov was buried, and an emergency congress of the People's Council was scheduled for December 26, 2006 to determine his likely successors.

On December 26, 2006, Berdymukhamedov was elected chairman of the congress of the People's Council, which on that day changed the constitution of Turkmenistan, adopted the law on presidential elections, set the date for presidential elections and approved six candidates. The congress delegates, at the proposal of the second secretary of the ruling Democratic Party Ondzhik Musayev, who allegedly remembered Niyazov’s posthumous will, amended the country’s basic law, allowing the deputy prime minister to serve as the president of the republic. The head of the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan announced that the elections would take place on February 11, 2007. Then representatives of all five velayats (regions) and the capital of Turkmenistan, which has the status of a region, nominated ten candidates. The last - eleventh - was Berdymukhamedov, whose candidacy was proposed by Musaev. Each of the nominated candidates had to be approved as a presidential candidate by two-thirds of the votes of the members of the People's Council: only five out of ten passed this selection, while Berdymukhamedov was voted unanimously.

On February 11, 2007, Berdimuhamedov was elected president of Turkmenistan. More than 2 million 677 thousand residents of the country (98.65 percent of voters) took part in the elections, of which 89.23 percent cast their votes for Berdimuhamedov. Already on election day, the date for the inauguration of the new president was announced, despite the theoretical possibility of a second round of elections. On February 14, 2007, at a meeting of the People's Council, the final voting results were announced, Berdimuhamedov took the oath of office on the constitution of Turkmenistan and received the presidential certificate from the hands of the chairman of the Central Election Commission. In accordance with the constitution of Turkmenistan, the president of the country is the head of the government - the cabinet of ministers.

On May 4, 2007, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan awarded President Berdimuhamedov, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic, the rank of army general. Before him, this military rank in Turkmenistan was held only by Niyazov and two defense ministers - former Danatar Kopekov and current Agageldy Mammetgeldyev.

In the summer of 2007, President Berdimuhamedov received the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and the title of professor in the specialty “Social Hygiene and Healthcare Organization.” This decision was made by the expert commission on medical sciences of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology of Turkmenistan based on Berdimuhamedov’s many years of scientific and practical activity. In August 2007, Berdymukhamedov was elected chairman of the National Movement "Galkynysh" ("Renaissance") and the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.

In September 2007, during a visit to the United States, timed to coincide with a meeting of the UN General Assembly, Berdimuhamedov announced the impending reform of the economy and democratization of the country. Shortly thereafter, Berdymukhamedov began revamping his administration. Already in October, he made a number of reshuffles in the law enforcement agencies, replacing the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of National Security. In March 2008, Berdymukhamedov also replaced the prosecutor general and the leadership of the Supreme Court, and in April - the leadership of the Central Bank.

At the same time, in the second half of 2007, Turkmenistan, on the initiative of Berdimuhamedov, began to abandon a number of restrictions introduced during the reign of Niyazov. In December 2007, the ban on foreign periodicals was lifted; in January 2008, on opera and circus. On July 1, 2008, Turkmenistan returned to the Gregorian calendar, abolished by Niyazov back in 2002.

Berdymukhamedov's economic policy at this time was characterized by a desire to get closer to the West. Thus, according to some reports, one of the topics of negotiations between Berdymukhamedov in the United States and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was supposed to be the opening of the gas sector of Turkmenistan to American investors. In October 2007, Turkmenistan, together with Georgia, refused to sign the CIS Development Concept, which envisaged, in particular, the formation of an “integrated economic and political union of interested states.” In November, it was reported that Berdymukhamedov supported the idea of ​​​​building a Trans-Caspian gas pipeline, which would allow Europe to receive Turkmen gas bypassing Russia. Along with this, in December of the same year, a final agreement was reached between Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Russia to begin construction of the Caspian gas pipeline, which should increase the volume of Turkmen gas supplies to Russia.

On April 18, 2008, Berdymukhamedov announced the creation of a special commission whose task was to create a new version of the Turkmen constitution. Its project, published in July 2008, implied, in particular, the abolition of the highest body of state power - the People's Council, whose powers were divided between the president and parliament. On September 26, 2008, at the last meeting of the People's Council, a new version of the constitution was adopted, according to some experts, it significantly increased the powers of the president.

In October 2008, the Izvestia newspaper talked about the published book “Teacher, warrior, citizen. The life-feat of Berdymukhamed Annayev,” dedicated to the story of the life of Berdymukhamedov’s paternal grandfather. The pedigree of the head of state and the history of his ancestral village of Yzgant were also given there. “It seems that the republic is smoothly entering the new era of Turkmenbashi-2,” the article noted. That same month, the World Karate Federation awarded President Berdymukhamedov with a 6th dan black belt "for his outstanding contribution to the development of the national sport." As Turkmen television reported, the President of Turkmenistan received a black belt in karate in connection with the 17th anniversary of the country's independence.

Berdimuhamedov is the author of two books published in 2007 - a collection of articles “Scientific foundations for the development of healthcare in Turkmenistan” and “Turkmenistan is a country of healthy and highly spiritual people.” In October 2008, a presentation of a new book by the President of Turkmenistan took place in Ashgabat; it is dedicated to horses and is called “The Akhal-Teke Horse - Our Pride and Glory.”

Original of this material
© The New Times, 12/20/2010

"Doesn't like people smarter than himself"

Ksenia Stepanova, translation from English by Sergei Afonin

“He doesn’t like people smarter than himself.” This is said about the president of one of the most closed states in the world, Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The source (the publishers did not make his name public) told American diplomats in Ashgabat about this, and Wikileaks told the whole world. With the help of Julian Assange, The New Times looked behind the Turkmen “iron curtain”

US Embassy in Ashgabat
Expand no earlier than 12/17/2019

1. (C) SUMMARY: President of Turkmenistan Berdimuhamedov is a vain, fastidious, vindictive person, prone to micromanagement and, moreover, an Akhal-Teke “nationalist” /.../

2. (C) President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov makes decisions on all government issues. Since his word is often actually law, it is necessary to understand the motives of his actions and have information about his immediate family circle. According to XXXXXXXXXXXX, Berdimuhamedov is a suspicious, distrustful, narrow-minded, very conservative, deceitful, “good actor,” and vindictive person. XXXXXXXXXXXX said that while people tend to forget things after a few months or a year, Berdymukhamedov never forgets anything. /.../ Berdimuhamedov even personally approves the work schedules of experienced doctors.

3. (C) Our source claims that Berdymukhamedov is very clean and tidy and expects the same from those around him... When Berdymukhamedov became the head of a dental clinic, he insisted that all men come to work in carefully pressed trousers. About 30 years ago, when Berdymukhamedov had an old Soviet-made car, in the rain he preferred to drive a taxi rather than his own car.

4. (C) Berdymukhamedov clearly does not consider all Turkmens equal. He once told one of our sources that the real original Turkmens come only from the area between the cities of Kaka and Baharly in the Ahal province. The rest are not real Turkmens.

5. (C) Berdymukhamedov does not like people smarter than himself. Since he himself is not particularly intelligent, our source noted that he is suspicious of many people. Our source claimed that Berdymukhamedov does not like the US, Iran and Turkey, but he likes China. (COMMENT: Berdymukhamedov appears to view other countries from the point of view of personal gain, rather than from a “like or dislike” perspective. END OF COMMENT.) The source also noted that he does not like Uzbek President Karimov and Kazakh President Nazarbayev.

Child from a good family

6. (SBU) Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov's father, Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov, worked as a senior officer in the penitentiary system. He retired with the rank of colonel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/.../ Many in Turkmenistan believe that the father is more intellectually developed than his son./.../ The president’s mother was a housewife. The parents now live with their son in his residence in the Firuza Valley, 19 km from Ashgabat. The president's grandfather was the director of a school in his native village of Izgant.

Wife, mistress and children

7. (C) Berdymukhamedov is married and has two daughters and a son, Serdar. The eldest daughter is married to Ilasgeldy Amanov, a representative of the Turkmen State Agency for the Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources in London. The second daughter lives in Paris with her husband, who works at the Turkmenistan embassy. One Turkmen businessman claims that this daughter has a villa on the Cote d'Azur in the south of France. There are rumors in Ashgabat that, in addition to his very conservative Turkmen wife, Berdymukhamedov has a mistress, presumably a Russian woman named Marina. They say she was a nurse at a dental clinic where Berdymukhamedov previously worked, and that they have a 14-year-old daughter together. According to some reports, Berdymukhamedov’s wife has been living in London since 2007.

Sisters: housewife, teacher, entrepreneur

8. (SBU) Berdymukhamedov was the only boy in a large (8 children) family. One of his younger sisters teaches at the Turkmen National Economic University, and his youngest sister is a housewife. She is married to an employee of the country's Central Bank. His second (oldest) older sister Ainabat actively uses her brother’s official position./.../

10. (SBU) COMMENT: Berdymukhamedov makes significant efforts to conceal information about his family and personal life. For a public leader who wants to be seen as a man of the “Turkmen Renaissance”, a writer, doctor, pilot, athlete and statesman, the failure to also project a positive image of the “father of the family” leaves room for speculation. END OF COMMENT.

Changes without changes. Daniil Kislov, expert on Central Asian countries, editor of the Fergana international news agency

In Turkmenistan, since Berdimuhamedov came to power after the mysterious death of Saparmurat Niyazov at the end of 2006, no changes have occurred - the country remains as closed as under Turkmenbashi. Its population remains politically powerless. Oppositionists and opponents of the first president are still in prison (some of them died there); there was no amnesty for them and is not expected. Under Berdymukhamedov, free access to the Internet has not appeared in the country, although at the very beginning of his presidency he promised to do so. In Ashgabat, of course, a tourist can use an Internet cafe, where he will have to pay up to $10 for an hour of Internet access. But locals, if they come to an Internet cafe, must present a passport. At the same time, all their correspondence and movements on sites are reflected and saved somewhere. Undesirable sites are blocked. Several newspapers are published in Ashgabat, but in reality this is one publication, the founder of which is the government. A good half of the materials are congratulations to Berdymukhamedov on various holidays sent by his foreign colleagues. Turkmenistan is still the only country in Central Asia where international foreign publications do not have their own correspondents: sending a journalist there is impossible and simply life-threatening, while locals are terrified of collaborating with foreign media.

Under President Niyazov, the Turkmen authorities were subject to constant pressure on human rights issues, especially from the West. With the arrival of the new president, this topic faded into the shadows, and oil and gas relations came to the fore. Berdimuhamedov is very proud of this. In recent months, a lot of publications have appeared in the official Turkmen media: Turkmenistan, they say, has become “open to the world” - over the past year the country has received about 300 foreign delegations. In fact, the country is open only to a certain segment of business, and to the extent that this state can be open at all. There are persistent rumors that foreign companies operating here paid bribes to local authorities: both the president personally and his immediate circle. By the way, the same people who were under Niyazov remained the “gray cardinals” under Berdymukhamedov. Their names are not widely known, but it is known that among them are several Russians, among whom is a certain Zhadov. These people make the real politics and economy of the country, receiving dividends from the gas business, which is the main source of income for the Turkmen budget.

Ethnic Russians, of whom there are now about 80 thousand in the country, have not had any less problems since Niyazov, who abolished the possibility of having dual citizenship in 2003. It is still very difficult for them to obtain visas to the Russian Federation, leave the republic and return back. These problems persist. I don’t think that the Russians are more powerless here than the Turkmens, but the fact that they are powerless is a fact.

There is no information on the level of average wages in Turkmenistan in open sources: Ashgabat still does not publish such data. Capital state employees receive from $100 to $200 a month, which is enough for them to minimally support their lives. There are, of course, rich people who live in expensive mansions. There are also those who do not receive any money at all and survive as best they can. In the regions, people catch wild animals in the sand - hares, for example. That's how they exist...

With huge revenues from gas sales to Russia, China and Iran, the standard of living in the republic could be five orders of magnitude higher. Today, the authorities take credit for free electricity, salt and gas for the population, but if at least half of the profits from sold gas went to the country’s budget, the residents of this country, of whom there are only 5 million, would live better than anyone in the CIS.

The most serious problem in Turkmenistan is the complete degradation of education and the social sphere. There are virtually no teachers left in the republic's schools and universities: specialists in the humanities and technical sciences have long since left the country. As a result, the level of education is now much lower than even in Tajikistan. As for medical care, it virtually disappeared under Niyazov, and under Berdymukhamedov the situation has hardly changed. The new president, of course, opened district clinics that had been liquidated by his predecessor. But people with a very low professional level work there. Huge “gas” money does not reach ordinary citizens; it is not visible anywhere except the center of Ashgabat. The long process of social and cultural degradation has practically deprived the Turkmens of their chances for the future.

“We have little interest in such things”

The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Moscow could neither confirm nor deny the information from the dispatches of US diplomats. Alexander Sankov, represented by the embassy secretariat as a press attaché, knew nothing about the publications on the Wikileaks website. “To be honest, we are of little interest in such things in general,” said Mr. Sankov, immediately admitting, however, that he is not a press attaché at all, but performs purely technical functions at the embassy. Mr. Sankov suggested that the editors write a letter addressed to the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Russia Khalnazar Agakhanov, who, however, “is currently in Ashgabat.” Nevertheless, we followed the advice of Mr. Sankov - the letter was sent. At the time of signing this issue, no response had been received.

“He is the heart, conscience and soul of the people... and how can one not become a nightingale!”

"Song of joy in honor of awarding the respected President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the high title of "Person of the Year - 2010"

Original of this material
© MAN "Fergana", 12/22/2010, New cult of personality in Turkmenistan: People's writers are already singing “songs of joy” to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Photo: The New Times

The main printed publication of Turkmenistan - the daily newspaper "Neutral Turkmenistan" - published the "Song of Joy in honor of awarding the esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the high title of "Person of the Year - 2010". The author of this ode is the people's writer of the republic Gozel Shagulyeva.

Let us recall that the title of “Person of the Year” was awarded to the head of Turkmenistan in September 2010 by the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania. According to Romanian professors, G. Berdimuhamedov is an example of a “leader of the 21st century” and “a worthy example to follow for all humanity.”

The scientific and political circles of Romania, which this institute represents, justified their decision by the fact that Turkmenistan has high rates of socio-economic development, which allowed Turkmenistan to achieve comprehensive development; in the country, according to Romanian experts, a market economy with a clearly defined social character has been created; the development and strengthening of social security of the Turkmen people occurs through huge investments in the areas of healthcare and education; the cultural and historical heritage of Turkmenistan is carefully preserved, and Ashgabat is generally the center of modern civilization for building bridges of friendship between Europe and Asia, as well as a beacon for regional cooperation.

It should be noted that other authoritative experts on Central Asia, including Russian ones, are still at a loss in search of reasons for such open flattery towards the President of Turkmenistan. At the same time, in Turkmenistan itself, the cult of personality of the country’s leader, already “bronzing” like the first president, Turkmenbashi Niyazov, is steadily growing.

A song of joy in honor of awarding the respected President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the high title “Person of the Year - 2010”
Source - Neutral Turkmenistan, December 20, 2010

“First of all, I want to say the main thing: I am happy because I am an eyewitness to the great deeds of the great era of the Great Son.

I am happy because I consider it my duty to glorify the days of the Renaissance of my country, filled with great deeds, the glory of which spread throughout the world.

The internationally recognized Arkadag, our stronghold, support, hope, reviving with its responsive heart the ancient Silk Road of the Turkmen people, today has turned its Fatherland into a peacekeeping center. Every day of our Fatherland, which has established friendly relations with many countries of the world, positively addressing the most important issues of our time, is marked by great celebrations.

And here's what's surprising. When I see how the grandiose plans of our esteemed President are being implemented, when I listen to his historical speeches, I cannot hold back tears of happiness and pride from excitement. And bright tears roll down my cheeks - like droplets of my inspiration. When great words merge with great deeds, a real miracle occurs that can amaze our consciousness.

He says: “High recognition is given to the Fatherland, not to me.” Serving the people is his calling. He thinks about people, about the country.

From the day He was elected President of the country until the present day, I have been reliving exciting moments again and again, and a feeling of pride for Him fills my heart.

There is nothing higher and more beautiful when warmth and warmth are transmitted from person to person. The bright road leading to the inviolability and eternity of the world is woven from the tenderness of mothers. For under their hearts they carry the whole world and rock its cradle.

I am sure that it is not I alone who experience such a joyful, enthusiastic state, but thousands of Turkmen mothers. Their joyful eyes are a talisman, their speeches are prayers, their words are from the depths of a loving soul.

Renaissance days are like bouquets of beautiful flowers. They are a prayer for granting long life and prosperity to the respected President.

In the stream of historical events
Everything is important, everything is significant for us.
Walk the path of achievements and discoveries
He calls every day and hour.
He is the heart, conscience and soul of the people,
Miracles don't just happen that way -
They fly like birds after their dreams.
And new dawns come to us,
Winged, sparkling we live.
Words shine with an unspeakable light
And how can you not be filled with a nightingale!
Ring, my syllable that does not know tiredness,
He restored the greatness of the country.
The native land is being transformed,
And in it are the sources of unprecedented powers.
The Great Renaissance
Receive with your inspired soul!
After all, every day gives us inspiration -
Meet the long-awaited happiness!
All His concern is for man,
Blessed are these days forever.
Leading Him to unprecedented heights,
O Heaven, protect Him always!
Walks through the life of the chosen ones,
And gives warmth to the heart of the world.
Give Him new strength, I ask God
And strengthen the golden oar.

Gozel Shagulyeva, people's writer of Turkmenistan.