Interesting design of a living room 18 sq. m. Decorating the living room in a classic style

Since ancient times, man began to decorate his home. For his family he created a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, which gave a feeling home warmth. These skills have been passed on to us. But, when arranging an apartment today, it is worth considering that time does not stand still and every year many fashionable innovations appear. Therefore, residents of large cities are faced with the question: how to decorate an apartment so that it looks harmonious, beautiful, stylish and modern. Today Dekorin will tell you about what the design of a hall in an 18 sq. m apartment can be. m and will show 45 photos interesting options registration Remember that if you approach the matter with imagination, your apartment will become a masterpiece of design!

We create a beautiful design for a hall of 18 square meters. m: various design styles

Where to start designing the design of a hall in an 18 sq.m. apartment? m? It is not uncommon for owners small apartments ask themselves this question. Experts recommend first deciding on the interior style. In this matter, it is worth considering not only the area and features of the room, but also personal preferences. Remember that the hall is the “heart” of the house, where the whole family gathers and important guests are often received. Therefore, it is only natural that the design of the living room evokes a feeling of comfort, calm and tranquility.

Please note that for arrangement small rooms can be used as timeless classics as well as modern styles. Next, we will take a closer look at several designs of an 18 sq.m. hall. m in different designs.

Ah, this delightful classic!

It’s worth immediately taking into account that today’s classics differ from the traditional “palace” ones. In a limited space, it is unlikely that you will be able to install a large fireplace, hang a pompous chandelier and bulky curtains. The basis of such an interior should be antiquity, in which it is important to adhere to symmetry and not overload the decoration with unnecessary decor. Therefore, Rococo and Baroque should be left for spacious houses.

The colors in which a classic small room is decorated are white, beige, light brown, gold or silver. You can also use wood shades, which will give the interior a touch of coziness and relaxation.

For those who keep up with the times - modern styles

Modern styles can safely include such styles as high-tech, art deco, modern, country, Provence, various ethnic styles, loft, etc. Their main task is to make the room beautiful, cozy and as functional as possible, as well as help free him from the presence of unnecessary items. After all, having decided on a style, you will select only those furniture and decorative elements that correspond to it, without cluttering the room with unnecessary junk.

Given the wide range modern styles, you should approach the choice of the one that will decorate your room with all responsibility, based on your preferences and lifestyle. Note that designers sometimes mix several styles together. This simple technique allows you to create an exclusive design.

Successful design of the hall in an apartment of 18 sq. m: photo examples

If you take a good look at the photo of the 18 sq. m in apartment design, we can highlight the tricks that designers use to create successful projects:

    Monotony is tiring, so feel free to combine shades with bright accessories and decorative elements;

    Use high-quality materials for finishing walls, ceilings and floors - it is better to save on decorative elements, but not on repairs;

    For small rooms, use transformable furniture that will take up minimal space and save space;

    If there are niches in the hall, try to use them;

    Achieve the correct distribution of light fluxes, for which, in the lighting process, use the principle of zoning the room.

The most important advice is when choosing an apartment design, use your imagination and listen to your inner feelings. And then your home will become cozy and beautiful!

Updated: July 18, 2017 by: dekomin

Living room design 18 sq. m in many apartments it is typical and standard. This is due small the size of the room in which the monotonous furniture . As a result, the created interior is unremarkable and boring. Modern fashion trends offer their own options for arranging such housing. They allow even the smallest room transform, make comfortable, stylish and unique.

The living room is rightfully considered the main room in any home, because it is where residents spend most time.

Room size determines its shape. If we talk about 18 sq. m, it is basically rectangular. This must be taken into account when arranging. In a narrow long room zoning is appropriate. It will allow you to highlight several functional parts premises.

It is important to maintain the golden mean: not to overload the interior with unnecessary details, but at the same time to place all functional elements in it.

Furniture installed near long walls At the same time, it is as narrow as possible. It is appropriate to use a carpet with stripes parallel to short walls . This allows you to visually enlarge space.

The interior in light colors looks very spacious.

Room 18 sq. m can have square shape. It is much easier to arrange its interior, as it is ideal for renovation and selection design. In such a room You can implement many interesting ideas. Furniture installed in the center of the room or along walls It is appropriate to use voluminous and luxurious items here.

If you need to zone a room, then furniture will help with this perfectly.

Living room interior 18 sq. m can be designed in various styles. Many modern options design fits perfectly into these sizes premises. They will make it fashionable and interesting.

Most people prefer to decorate their living room in classic style.

Decorate a room possible in the following styles.

Style Design features
Provence The premises in this style filled with lightness and freshness. Everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail, which gives room feeling of peace. This direction came from France, so it has characteristics of this country. Country landscapes, rustic elements, and light fabrics are used.
British It is distinguished by rigor and sophistication of combinations, arrogance, which is characteristic of the British. Furniture and lines in such a room must be symmetrical. Drawings that are on various objects are used as decoration. Do it living room interesting and original. The color scheme is blue or brown. They will emphasize the aristocratic character rooms. There are paintings, photographs, mirrors on the walls.
Ethnos Here you can show a flight of fancy. The direction does not require adherence certain rules. It allows you to combine several styles into one. This emphasizes the individuality of the owners. Room issued in herbaceous, nutty, berry or chocolate shades Used as decoration textile products that imitate animals.

To transform a standard living room into a stylish room in the spirit of Provence, you need to fill it with light, pastel shades as much as possible.

Living room in english style can be described in two words: restrained, rich.

Oriental pomp, Japanese laconicism and African diversity - all these notes can become part of your home if you decorate the interior of the living room in an ethnic style.

Furniture selection, ideas

It is necessary to choose furniture based on the tastes and preferences of the owners. It is worth remembering that its dimensions should not be large. It is better to give preference to soft, light-colored sets colors.

To make the walls appear higher, the ceiling should also be in light colors.

The design of the room is 18 sq. m A sofa and two armchairs will fit perfectly. They can be supplemented with a coffee table and a TV. Also looks good in small living room corner sofa. These items furniture quite enough to create a cozy home atmosphere.

Very cozy living room in a modern style

Eco-style: principles of arrangement

Looks great room design 18 sq. m in eco style. And this is not surprising. This direction does not require a large space. It's great for decorating a small room.

When decorating a living room in eco-style, it is advisable to use only natural materials.

Decorating a room in this style, You will need to follow some rules. The central part should remain spacious. It will fit perfectly flooring green colors. It will look like a natural lawn. This design looks luxurious and colorful.

Natural colors and shades, natural materials used in decoration, simple and functional furniture– all this is a living room in eco style.

Eco style is opposed to the use of artificial materials. They can only be present if they imitate natural ones. Moreover, this should be done on high level. If laminate is laid on the floor, then in appearance it should be similar to parquet.

Fresh flowers are perfect for interior decoration.

Bedroom and living room - two in one

In small apartments often have to use living room as a bedroom. Think over design of such a room I'm more complicated, but possible. The good taste of the owners and rich imagination will help with this. A little time and effort will allow you to bring to life an original and non-standard solution.

When decorating the living room and bedroom together, give preference to a minimalist style in the interior.

  • There is no need to install a bed. You can replace it with a sofa that can fold out.
  • Use only what is needed furniture transformer type.
  • The sleeping place should be away from front door V living room
  • Zoning in progress living room using glass partitions or shelving.
  • Lighting needs to be carefully considered. It should be unobtrusive and divide the room into functional parts.
  • The sleeping place can be located on the podium or in a niche. This will give the interior comfort and intimacy.

Bedroom interior 18 sq. m is not difficult to complete; there are many options for zoning and redevelopment.

Exit to the balcony from the living room: advantage or disadvantage?

Modern designers have a way out living room the balcony is considered an important advantage. Increase the area of ​​such premises won't be difficult. The completed redevelopment will help with this. If it is not possible to carry it out, then arrangement of the loggia and rooms must take place according to one chosen style. Thus, the perimeter will visually expand, useful the area will increase.

Hall design 18 sq. m, with access to the balcony, made in light colors.

The window facing the balcony should be decorated in light colors. Dark shades are inappropriate in this case, so they should be avoided. The approach to the balcony must be free. This will fill living room light and air.

If it seems to you that your room is extremely small, you can combine the area with a balcony.

Rules for choosing lighting

Lighting plays important role in creating an interior living room . Before selecting it, it is necessary to analyze the room. It is important to determine how much daylight gets into it, whether there are zones and their functional significance.

You should take into account the area and shape of the room, the height of the ceilings and the level of natural light.

Correctly placed lamps will highlight the advantages of the room, hide its disadvantages, and help create the appropriate mood. Such types of lighting as general and laconic are perfect for this case. They can be implemented in several ways.

Lighting design for living room 18 sq. m often relies on a combination of lighting devices of different types.

The first involves placing one lamp in the center of the ceiling living room. It should be small in size minimum height and simple in geometry. The absence of decorations on it will allow light to diffuse well around the entire perimeter. The interior will be calm and romantic.

When choosing a chandelier, consider the height of the ceiling - the higher it is, the more massive the chandelier can be.

Another way is spot lighting. It will allow you to separate room to zones, create the necessary effects. Visibility levels will be high in all parts. This lighting option is great for decoration of small living rooms . Since light bulbs are built into suspended structure the ceiling and do not protrude.

An important advantage of spot lighting is the ability to regulate it, creating the necessary mood.

Additionally, you can install a floor lamp, sconce, etc. They increase functionality rooms and are good option its decor. Especially if they differ in size and maintain a single style direction. The interior looks laconic and original.

Consider color temperature lamps – in the living room it is recommended to use lamps that give warm light.

How to combine with other rooms?

As a rule, in apartments with a living room of 18 square meters. m kitchen is no different area . Post in this indoors the necessary furniture becomes an overwhelming task. Designers offer an excellent solution to the problem - combining the kitchen and living room.

Combining a kitchen with a living room is a popular way to “ennoble” a Khrushchev apartment.

This interior looks stylish and original. Dinner Zone Mainly located in the living room. The kitchen is equipped with furniture, household equipment and everything that is needed during the cooking process.

The advantages of this solution: a significant increase in space and an increase in the level of comfort of housing.

Make a living room 18 sq. m functional and comfortable is not difficult. The main thing is to first determine its purpose and carry it out accordingly. decor. Decoration and lighting should highlight the dignity of the room. It is necessary to rationally use the area and leave free space.

As a result, the living room will be stylish and cozy.

Living room interior 18 sq. m. in most cases is quite monotonous. This standard version layouts modern apartments, and it is usually designed without much imagination. Such a room cannot be called very small, but few people can boast that the available space is enough for them.

In fact, there is room to expand in the interior, making it beautiful, unique and functional at the same time. Reading simple rules And useful tips. And we use them at home!

The color basis of a small living room of 18 sq. m. there should be a filling white light (milky, cream, lavender, pearl, beige, peach). Thoughts on patterned dark or bright wallpaper, discard immediately. They will clearly outline the boundaries of the living room, but we need them to blur and the volume to become deeper. In almost all the illustrations presented, the designers used exactly this solution. If you really want to use contrast, highlight only one wall or part of it.

If possible, the color of upholstered furniture should also be chosen in shades that are not too dark and colorful - preferably white, beige, light pink, pale green, and soft gray tones. But accessories can be of any bright colors.

How to arrange furniture correctly?

The arrangement of furniture depends on the shape of the room. Any designer will say that a square living room is best option from a geometry point of view. The center is occupied by the main furniture composition, and other items are located along the walls. But in typical Russian apartments, rectangular interiors are more common. This type requires special attention and thoughtful planning.

Firstly, it is not recommended to arrange furniture along long wall. Many Soviet apartments are decorated according to this principle: a sofa and armchairs on one side, and a TV and cabinets on the other. This will further emphasize the disproportion of the room and create a disharmonious image. It is better to divide the space into visible zones: on one side workplace, and in the center is the main composition. You can zone along, across or locally - the area is quite enough for this.

Secondly, in the narrow living room of 18 sq.m. It is better to avoid direct symmetry - it will only emphasize the rectangular geometry. For example, arrange the chairs diagonally or fit an L-shaped sofa into the interior.

Thirdly, do not create “corridors” in the room. This effect occurs when large furniture is located far from each other, and too much free space is formed between it. Try not to let objects overwhelm the space.

Having divided the interior of the living room of 18 sq. m into zones, you can achieve not only an increase in space, but also increase its functionality.

Rest zone. The name of the zone speaks for itself; this zone is intended for relaxation of the whole family and should combine comfortable upholstered furniture with a coffee table. In the recreation area you can relax while watching TV or reading books.

Holidays are celebrated with friends and relatives in this corner of the living room. This zone must have big table and plenty of chairs to accommodate all guests.

Living room design 18 sq. m. may include a work area in which to stand computer desk with equipment and a cabinet with literature. This area is especially relevant if the area of ​​the apartment does not allow for a separate office.

Carrying out the design of a living room of 18 sq. m, do not make mistakes regarding room lighting. This factor is very important in the integrity of the perception of your living room.

Do not hang too dark or massive curtains or curtains on the windows. They will load the atmosphere. If the living room is located in such a way that the bright sun shines most of the day and you would like to hide from it, then use a system of blinds and light curtains in pastel colors. As for chandeliers, they should also be chosen not too heavy.

Use Spotlights. Place them around the entire perimeter of the ceiling. This way, your living room will become cozy and beautiful.

If you haven’t been able to settle on any style or room design option, then you can easily choose the design of a living room of 18 square meters. m. in magazines or on the Internet.

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Room of 18 sq. m is considered typical when it comes to an apartment building. Designers offer many options for the interior of such a home: from classic to minimalism and hi-tech. Using unusual solutions will help make the interior fashionable and interesting.

Room type

The criterion that determines the features of interior design is often the type of room. A room of 18 square meters. m can be found in “Khrushchev” buildings, since such footage is considered traditional for living rooms in old houses. A studio apartment and an ordinary room in a small apartment have a similar square footage. All rooms are different, and they try to visually enlarge each of them and make them as functional and comfortable as possible.


A square or elongated room in a Khrushchev building is most often a passageway. It is also the largest in apartments of this type.

The passage room in the “Khrushchev” comes in two types:

  • living room with balcony (in multi-room apartments);
  • a room with a balcony and a door to the kitchen (in one-room Khrushchev apartments).

The design of the passage room implies convenience and a minimum of details. As in the case of the living room, the interior of a room in a “one-room apartment” involves combining different types of spaces: a recreation area, a workplace, a bedroom. Partitions, podiums, and niches can serve as zoning elements. You can do without additional structures, dividing the space with color, light, various types of materials and fabric.

In the interior of the room small size Every centimeter of space is important. So, a balcony is often used to increase space. It can be insulated and equipped as a study, dining room or bedroom.

In some cases, designers advise combining a balcony with a room by dismantling the adjacent wall, thereby making the area of ​​the room much larger. This solution allows you to implement many interesting ideas.


A design feature of a studio apartment is that there is no partition separating the kitchen from other living spaces. In a studio of 18 sq. m in the available area, you need to organize a kitchen, a bedroom, a living room, and in most cases, also a place to work and study.

It is worth mentioning that this type of housing is chosen by young men, bachelors under 40, young couples and families. Studio apartments are common in Europe, where both wealthy older men and young people choose them as a home.

In Russia this type apartments are just gaining popularity. The age of the residents largely determines the appearance of the interior of a studio apartment. The design involves the use of laconic furniture, a minimum of details, lightness of structures and simplicity of ceiling and floor decor.

To separate the kitchen and living room areas, you can use a bar counter, a wardrobe, or a corner sofa. It is quite possible to zone a space using different materials: for example, use tiles for the flooring in the kitchen, and laminate or linoleum in the living room. You can also separate spaces from each other using light and color.

It won’t be difficult to organize a full-fledged sleeping area with a bed. The recreation area is separated from the rest of the territory glass partitions, plasterboard or foam block structures, blind curtains.


An ordinary apartment in a Soviet-built building does not have a significant area. Often the most a large room it does not exceed 18 square meters. meters. Small room It is not striking in the height of the ceilings and its scale, but it is still possible to make a decent renovation that visually increases its proportions.

To “stretch” a room, you can use wallpaper with vertical stripes, and to increase its width, choose wallpaper with horizontal stripes. A glossy stretch ceiling is preferable for such a room.

The main thing is to use the rules of minimalism, maintaining smooth lines and uniform decor. Even a small room ordinary apartment you can make it a real work of art, and the interior will not look too pretentious.

How to visually enlarge?

This question is asked by all owners of rooms with an area of ​​18 square meters. m. Expanding space and improving functionality is the main task of the designer.

The main techniques for increasing space are:

  • usage light colors in the interior;
  • “whitening” the ceiling - deliberately lightening its middle with darker edges;
  • dismantling the doors and replacing them with spacious arches;
  • expansion of window spaces;
  • dismantling the wall adjacent to the balcony and expanding the room due to the area of ​​the loggia. It is worth noting that such a repair project requires written approval from the BTI;
  • use of zoning in the interior.

Some techniques need to be discussed in more detail. To create the visual effect of expanding the area, designers use bright hues. To make the room look more spacious, choose laminate and linoleum in light shades: golden or light walnut, oak, beech, maple, natural pine.

For walls, it is better to choose wallpaper in pastel shades, such as champagne, beige, gray, milky, sand. You should beware of large ornaments and complex geometric patterns. You can select wallpaper in small flower. Be careful when decorating your walls. Abundance white often turns cozy rooms to hospital wards. It is better to opt for pastel colors.

When choosing furniture, you should avoid multi-layered draperies, dark colors and bulky structures.

The sofa, which often also serves as a sleeping place, should be light and compact. Great option there will be transformable furniture that can be hidden in a closet or niche in the wall. The technique of zoning space is well suited for both rectangular and square rooms.

Using a partition, you can separate the recreation area, dining room, and workplace from each other. Partitions can be either solid or transparent, made of plastic or glass. Various kinds plasterboard structures can also be functional: inside there are shelves for small items and books, as well as full compartments for storing things. Partitions can be made in the form of a window or a forged metal grill. A closet, a sofa, a wall will also serve as a kind of dividers.

Main features of interior design small room with an area of ​​18 m2 can be given in the form of the following theses:

  • minimalism in everything: in appearance furniture, decor, interior details;
  • use of light shades;
  • spot lighting instead of a multi-tiered chandelier;
  • lack of multi-stage ceilings:
  • furniture of simple and laconic design, made mainly in light shades;
  • zoning of space.

Beautiful examples

You should focus on popular design options for a small room.

Classic style

The living room in the “Khrushchev” can be arranged in a classic style, using its modern version. Will help you achieve the desired effect textured wallpaper and fabrics on the windows. According to tradition, in such a living room there is a round table. The finishing touches will be wooden furniture, paintings, antiques. For decoration it is better to use soft pastel colors. You can visually expand the room with the help of mirrors framed in ornate wooden frames.

Classics are always in fashion, so this style will look homely and at the same time luxurious.


This style is very popular among young people. It is ideal for a young guy. The loft direction assumes the absence of any finishing, which means that repairs will be very inexpensive. You can leave brickwork or plastered walls. The design of the ceiling assumes the presence of wires leading outside. Window openings need to be expanded, since the interior involves a large number of Sveta.


A room decorated in this direction will always look fashionable and fresh. It is the minimalist style that is best suited for the interior small apartments. When designing, it is necessary to emphasize the severity of forms and conciseness of details.

The interior suggests the use natural materials, painting walls in pastel colors. The surface texture chosen is predominantly matte, without gloss.


This style will come in handy when decorating a bedroom or living room. The interior of a French village suggests the presence warm colors in decor, abundance of light. Wallpaper with small flowers or lightly plastered walls will create a light mood.

Living rooms of 18 sq m are very common in apartment buildings"Khrushchev" construction. And if you consider that such houses make up about ten percent of the total housing stock Russian Federation, then we can make a reasonable conclusion that the topic related to the design of such rooms will not lose popularity for a long time. The interior of a living room of 18 sq. m needs to be decorated, having thought through everything to the smallest detail. Especially if the room needs to be zoned and separated work area, recreation area and others.

Because, as a rule, in “Khrushchev” apartments, highly specialized rooms are a luxury. In our article we will look at the design features of a living room of 18 square meters. We will give examples of design styles suitable for rooms of this size. Let's talk about the choice and relationship of color shades in the design of the living room. And we’ll tell you about the selection and arrangement of interior items in the room for receiving guests.

What to pay attention to when decorating a living room of 18 square meters?

Before giving any advice on choosing an interior design style for a living room of 18 meters, we decided to focus on the main nuances. They matter anyway. No matter what design you choose.

Decorating the living room in a classic style

Of course, the classic style of living room interior design is unlikely to ever completely lose popularity, this is not in dispute. But classics prefer space - this is also a well-known fact, is it possible to accommodate classic interior in a living room of 18 sq m? It turns out that it is quite possible, you just need to take into account a number of features.

There are quite a lot of options for decorating a living room in a classic style, and therefore when you choose one of them and try to implement it, remember our tips, they will definitely help you.

Living room 18 sq m and ethno style

The living room of 18 sq m can be decorated wonderful interior in ethno style. Any variation that does not require scope, for example African style, is suitable. Small living rooms in African style look so elegant, and they are so cozy that you don’t want to leave this place at all. paradise. An imitation fireplace or its electric version looks especially cozy, with a fluffy rug laid in front of it, stylized as an animal skin, and a rattan chair. You just want to settle down in it with a newspaper and a cup of strong coffee.

A living room in ethno style will not require a large number of large interior items. She does not need cabinet furniture, a huge corner sofa and a massive oak table. It is quite possible to limit yourself to wicker furniture, a small discreet sofa and a large number of decorative elements: masks on the walls, wooden figurines on the shelves, amulets and so on.

Eco style in the reception room

Eco design, does not require much space. It can fit very well into a living room with an area of ​​18 sq. m, while being better central part leave the room free and lay out a large green carpet there, imitating a natural lawn - this variation looks simply chic and lush. An eco-style living room should have as few artificial

materials, or rather, they certainly must be present in order to imitate natural ones. For example, laminate flooring should be very good quality and look like parquet, and the furniture, even if it is made of synthetic materials, should look like wood. As decorative elements, it is imperative to use a large number of living plants or, in extreme cases, artificial ones of very good quality.

To summarize, we note that almost anyone can create a living room design of 18 sq m. If you show patience, ingenuity, and want to understand the features of the style you like, then decorating the living room will bring only joy and certainly will not be a burden to you.

Photos of the interior